Attribute binding syntax resembles [property binding](guide/property-binding), but instead of an element property between brackets, you precede the name of the attribute with the prefix `attr`, followed by a dot.
Then, you set the attribute value with an expression that resolves to a string.
`colspan` is an attribute of `<tr>`, while `colSpan` with a capital "S" is a property.
When using attribute binding, use `colspan` with a lowercase "s".
For more information on how to bind to the `colSpan` property, see the [`colspan` and `colSpan`](guide/property-binding#colspan) section of [Property Binding](guide/property-binding).
To create a single class binding, use the prefix `class` followed by a dot and the name of the CSS class—for example, `[]="onSale"`.
Angular adds the class when the bound expression, `onSale` is truthy, and it removes the class when the expression is falsy—with the exception of `undefined`.
See [styling delegation](guide/style-precedence#styling-delegation) for more information.
To bind to multiple classes, use `[class]` set to an expression—for example, `[class]="classExpression"`.
The expression can be a space-delimited string of class names, or an object with class names as the keys and truthy or falsy expressions as the values.
With an object format, Angular adds a class only if its associated value is truthy.
With any object-like expression—such as `object`, `Array`, `Map`, or `Set`—the identity of the object must change for Angular to update the class list.
Updating the property without changing object identity has no effect.
To create a single style binding, use the prefix `style` followed by a dot and the name of the CSS style property—for example, `[style.width]="width"`.
Angular sets the property to the value of the bound expression, which is usually a string.
The expression is often a string list of styles such as `"width: 100px; height: 100px;"`.
You can also format the expression as an object with style names as the keys and style values as the values, such as `{width: '100px', height: '100px'}`.
<divclass="alert is-important">
With any object-like expression—such as `object`, `Array`, `Map`, or `Set`—the identity of the object must change for Angular to update the class list.
Updating the property without changing object identity has no effect.
If there are multiple bindings to the same style attribute, Angular uses [styling precedence](guide/style-precedence) to determine which binding to use.