2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
"currentEnvironment" : "TypeScript" ,
"version" : {
"raw" : "2.0.0-rc.1" ,
"major" : 2 ,
"minor" : 0 ,
"patch" : 0 ,
"prerelease" : [
] ,
"build" : "sha.48e03ae" ,
"version" : "2.0.0-local" ,
"codeName" : "snapshot" ,
"isSnapshot" : true ,
"full" : "2.0.0-local+sha.48e03ae" ,
"branch" : "master" ,
"commitSHA" : "48e03ae748c0d68292380c4af2361faab5f6b497"
} ,
"sections" : [
"name" : "引导" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "bootstrap (MyAppComponent, [MyService, provide(...)]);" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-14 22:23:18 +08:00
"description" : "<p>以MyAppComponent作为根组件引导应用, 并且配置DI的各种供应商。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
] ,
"index" : 0
} ,
"name" : "模板语法" ,
"description" : "" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "<input [value]=\"firstName\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把属性<code>value</code>绑定到表达式<code>firstName</code>的结果。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<div [attr.role]=\"myAriaRole\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把<code>role</code>这个Attribute绑定到表达式 <code>myAriaRole</code>的结果。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "<div [class.extra-sparkle]=\"isDelightful\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把元素是否出现CSS类<code>extra-sparkle</code>,绑定到一个表达式<code>isDelightful</code>的结果是否为真。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<div [style.width.px]=\"mySize\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把样式的<code>width</code>属性绑定到表达式<code>mySize</code>的结果, 以px为单位。这个单位是可选的。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<button (click)=\"readRainbow($event)\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>当按钮( 及其子元素) 上的click事件被触发时, 调用<code>readRainbow</code>方法,并把事件对象作为参数传入。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<div title=\"Hello {{ponyName}}\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把属性绑定到一个插值表达式字符串,比如 "Hello Seabiscuit"。它等价于:\n<code><div [title]="'Hello' + ponyName"></code></p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "<p>Hello {{ponyName}}</p>" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把文本内容绑定到一个插值表达式,比如 "Hello Seabiscuit".</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<my-cmp [(title)]=\"name\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>设置双向数据绑定。等价于:<code><my-cmp [title]="name" (titleChange)="name=$event"></code></p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<video #movieplayer ...>\n <button (click)=\"movieplayer.play()\">\n</video>" ,
"bold" : [
"#movieplayer" ,
] ,
"description" : "<p>创建一个局部变量 <code>movieplayer</code> ,它提供到<code>video</code>元素实例的访问,可用于当前模板中的数据绑定和事件绑定表达式中。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<p *myUnless=\"myExpression\">...</p>" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p><code>*</code>符号表示当前元素将被转变成一个内嵌模板。等价于:\n<code><template [myUnless]="myExpression"><p>...</p></template></code></p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<p>Card No.: {{cardNumber | myCreditCardNumberFormatter}}</p>" ,
"bold" : [
"{{cardNumber | myCreditCardNumberFormatter}}"
] ,
"description" : "<p>通过名叫<code>myCreditCardNumberFormatter</code>的管道,转换表达式的当前值<code>cardNumber</code>。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<p>Employer: {{employer?.companyName}}</p>" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>安全导航运算符(<code>?.</code>)表示<code>employer</code>字段是可选的,如果它是<code>undefined</code>,表达式剩下的部分将被忽略</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
] ,
"index" : 1
} ,
"name" : "内建指令" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {NgIf, ...} from 'angular2/common';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "<section *ngIf=\"showSection\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>基于showSection表达式的值移除或重新创建部分DOM树。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<li *ngFor=\"let item of list\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把li元素及其内容转化成一个模板, 并用它来为列表中的每个条目初始化视图。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<div [ngSwitch]=\"conditionExpression\">\n <template [ngSwitchWhen]=\"case1Exp\">...</template>\n <template ngSwitchWhen=\"case2LiteralString\">...</template>\n <template ngSwitchDefault>...</template>\n</div>" ,
"bold" : [
"[ngSwitch]" ,
"[ngSwitchWhen]" ,
"ngSwitchWhen" ,
] ,
"description" : "<p>基于conditionExpression的当前值, 从内嵌模板中选取一个, 有条件的切换div的内容。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<div [ngClass]=\"{active: isActive, disabled: isDisabled}\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把一个元素上CSS类的出现与否, 绑定到一个真值映射表上。右侧的表达式应该返回类似{class-name: true/false}的映射表。</p>\n"
] ,
"index" : 2
} ,
"name" : "表单" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {FORM_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/common';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "<input [(ngModel)]=\"userName\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>提供双向绑定,为表单控件提供解析和验证。</p>\n"
] ,
"index" : 3
} ,
"name" : "类装饰器" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {Directive, ...} from 'angular2/core';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "@Component({...})\nclass MyComponent() {}" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>声明当前类是一个组件,并提供关于该组件的元数据。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@Directive({...})\nclass MyDirective() {}" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>声明当前类是一个指令,并提供关于该指令的元数据。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@Pipe({...})\nclass MyPipe() {}" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>声明当前类是一个管道,并且提供关于该管道的元数据。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "@Injectable()\nclass MyService() {}" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>声明当前类有一些依赖,当依赖注入器创建该类的实例时,这些依赖应该被注入到构造函数中。\n\n</p>\n"
] ,
"index" : 4
} ,
"name" : "指令配置" ,
"description" : "<p><code>@Directive({ property1: value1, ... })</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "selector: '.cool-button:not(a)'" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>指定一个CSS选择器, 以便在模板中找出该指令。支持的选择器包括<code>element</code>,\n<code>[attribute]</code>, <code>.class</code>, 和 <code>:not()</code>。</p>\n<p>不支持父子关系选择器。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "providers: [MyService, provide(...)]" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>为当前指令及其子指令提供依赖注入的providers数组。</p>\n"
] ,
"index" : 5
} ,
"name" : "组件配置" ,
"description" : "<p>\n<code>@Component</code> extends <code>@Directive</code>,\nso the <code>@Directive</code> configuration applies to components as well</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "viewProviders: [MyService, provide(...)]" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>依赖注入provider的数组, 局限于当前组件的视图中。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "template: 'Hello {{name}}'\ntemplateUrl: 'my-component.html'" ,
"bold" : [
"template:" ,
] ,
"description" : "<p>当前组件视图的内联模板或外部模板地址</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "styles: ['.primary {color: red}']\nstyleUrls: ['my-component.css']" ,
"bold" : [
"styles:" ,
] ,
"description" : "<p>内联CSS样式或外部样式表URL的列表, 用于给组件的视图添加样式。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "directives: [MyDirective, MyComponent]" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>组件模板中用到的指令列表。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "pipes: [MyPipe, OtherPipe]" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>组件模板中用到的管道列表。</p>\n"
] ,
"index" : 6
} ,
"name" : "供指令类或组件类用的字段装饰器。" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {Input, ...} from 'angular2/core';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "@Input() myProperty;" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>声明一个输入属性,以便我们可以通过属性绑定更新它。(比如:\n<code><my-cmp [my-property]="someExpression"></code>).</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@Output() myEvent = new EventEmitter();" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>声明一个输出属性,以便我们可以通过事件绑定进行订阅。(比如:<code><my-cmp (my-event)="doSomething()"></code>)</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@HostBinding('[class.valid]') isValid;" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把宿主元素的属性( 比如CSS类: valid) 绑定到指令/组件的属性( 比如: isValid) 。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@HostListener('click', ['$event']) onClick(e) {...}" ,
"bold" : [
"@HostListener('click', ['$event'])"
] ,
"description" : "<p>通过指令/组件的方法( 例如onClick) 订阅宿主元素的事件( 例如click) , 可选传入一个参数( $event) 。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@ContentChild(myPredicate) myChildComponent;" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把组件内容查询(myPredicate)的第一个结果绑定到类的myChildComponent属性。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@ContentChildren(myPredicate) myChildComponents;" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把组件内容查询(myPredicate)的全部结果, 绑定到类的myChildComponents属性。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "@ViewChild(myPredicate) myChildComponent;" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>把组件视图查询(myPredicate)的第一个结果绑定到类的myChildComponent属性。对指令无效。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@ViewChildren(myPredicate) myChildComponents;" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把组件视图查询(myPredicate)的全部结果绑定到类的myChildComponents属性。对指令无效。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
] ,
"index" : 7
} ,
"name" : "指令和组件的变更检测与生命周期钩子" ,
"description" : "<p>(作为类方法实现)\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "constructor(myService: MyService, ...) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
"constructor(myService: MyService, ...)"
] ,
2016-05-09 21:50:33 +08:00
"description" : "<p>类的构造函数会在所有其它生命周期钩子之前调用。使用它来注入依赖,但是要避免用它做较重的工作。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "ngOnChanges(changeRecord) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>在输入属性每次变化了之后、开始处理内容或子视图之前被调用。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "ngOnInit() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>在执行构造函数、初始化输入属性、第一次调用完ngOnChanges之后调用。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "ngDoCheck() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>每当检查组件或指令的输入属性是否变化时调用。通过它,可以用自定义的检查方式来扩展变更检测逻辑。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "ngAfterContentInit() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>当组件或指令的内容已经初始化、ngOnInit完成之后调用。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "ngAfterContentChecked() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>在每次检查完组件或指令的内容之后调用。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "ngAfterViewInit() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>当组件的视图已经初始化完毕, 每次ngAfterContentInit之后被调用。只适用于组件。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "ngAfterViewChecked() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>每次检查完组件的视图之后调用。只适用于组件。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "ngOnDestroy() { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>在所属实例被销毁前,只调用一次。</p>\n"
] ,
"index" : 8
} ,
"name" : "依赖注入配置" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {provide} from 'angular2/core';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "provide(MyService, {useClass: MyMockService})" ,
"bold" : [
"provide" ,
] ,
2016-05-14 22:23:18 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把MyService类的供应商设置或改写为MyMockService。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "provide(MyService, {useFactory: myFactory})" ,
"bold" : [
"provide" ,
] ,
2016-05-14 22:23:18 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把MyService的供应商设置或改写为myFactory工厂函数。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "provide(MyValue, {useValue: 41})" ,
"bold" : [
"provide" ,
] ,
2016-05-14 22:23:18 +08:00
"description" : "<p>把MyValue的供应商设置或改写为值41。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
] ,
"index" : 9
} ,
"name" : "路由与导航" ,
"description" : "<p><code>import {RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS, ...} from 'angular2/router';</code>\n\n</p>\n" ,
"items" : [
"syntax" : "@RouteConfig([\n { path: '/:myParam', component: MyComponent, name: 'MyCmp' },\n { path: '/staticPath', component: ..., name: ...},\n { path: '/*wildCardParam', component: ..., name: ...}\n])\nclass MyComponent() {}" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>为所装饰的组件配置路由。支持静态、参数化、带通配符的路由。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<router-outlet></router-outlet>" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>标记一个位置,用于加载当前激活路由的组件。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "<a [routerLink]=\"[ '/MyCmp', {myParam: 'value' } ]\">" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>基于路由指令创建指向不同视图的链接, 由路由名和可选参数组成。路由名匹配一个已配置路由的name属性。添加“/”前缀可以导航到根路由。添加“./”前缀可以导航到子路由。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "@CanActivate(() => { ... })class MyComponent() {}" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>用函数定义的一个组件装饰器, 路由器会先调用它来检测是否应该激活该组件。应该返回布尔值或承诺( Promise) 。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "routerOnActivate(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>导航到一个组件之后, 路由器调用该组件的routerOnActivate方法( 如已定义) 。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "routerCanReuse(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
"description" : "<p>路由器调用组件的routerCanReuse方法( 如已定义) 来检测是复用本实例还是销毁它并创建一个新的。应该返回布尔值或承诺( Promise) 。</p>\n"
} ,
"syntax" : "routerOnReuse(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>当路由器发现可以复用一个组件实例时, 它调用组件的routerOnReuse方法( 如已定义) 。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "routerCanDeactivate(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>路由器会调用如果要完成导航就得移除的每个组件的routerCanDeactivate方法( 如已定义) 。当且仅当所有的该方法都返回true或者承诺( Promise) 被解决时, 导航才会继续。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
} ,
"syntax" : "routerOnDeactivate(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) { ... }" ,
"bold" : [
] ,
2016-05-16 21:48:34 +08:00
"description" : "<p>在每个指令因为路由变更而被移除之前调用。可以返回一个承诺,来阻止移除本指令 —— 直到承诺( Promise) 被解决。</p>\n"
2016-05-09 18:45:50 +08:00
] ,
"index" : 10