To generate a coverage report run the following command in the root of your project.
ng test --no-watch --code-coverage
When the tests are complete, the command creates a new `/coverage` folder in the project. Open the `index.html` file to see a report with your source code and code coverage values.
If you want to create code-coverage reports every time you test, you can set the following option in the CLI configuration file, `angular.json`:
"test": {
"options": {
"codeCoverage": true
## Code coverage enforcement
The code coverage percentages let you estimate how much of your code is tested.
If your team decides on a set minimum amount to be unit tested, you can enforce this minimum with the Angular CLI.
For example, suppose you want the code base to have a minimum of 80% code coverage.
To enable this, open the [Karma]( test platform configuration file, `karma.conf.js`, and add the following in the `coverageIstanbulReporter:` key.
coverageIstanbulReporter: {
reports: [ 'html', 'lcovonly' ],
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true,
thresholds: {
statements: 80,
lines: 80,
branches: 80,
functions: 80
The `thresholds` property causes the tool to enforce a minimum of 80% code coverage when the unit tests are run in the project.