|`zone.js`| The default bundle. Contains the most used APIs such as `setTimeout/Promise/EventTarget...`, it also supports differential loading by importing this bundle using `import zone.js`. In legacy browsers it includes some additional patches such as `registerElement` and `EventTarget` like APIs.|
|`zone-testing.js`| The bundle for zone testing support of `jasmine` / `mocha` / `jest`. Also includes test utility functions `async` / `fakeAsync` / `sync`.|
|`zone-node.js`|The NodeJS support bundle.|
|`zone-mix.js`|A mixed bundle which supports both browser and NodeJS. Useful for mixed environment such as Electron.|
|`zone-externs.js`|the API definitions for `closure compiler`.|
Additional optional patches not included in the `zone.js` bundles which extend functionality.
The additional bundles can be found under `zone.js/plugins` folder.
To use these bundles, add the following code after importing zone.js bundle.
|`webapis-media-query.js`|patch for `MediaQuery APIs`|
|`webapis-notification.js`|patch for `Notification APIs`|
|`webapis-rtc-peer-connection.js`|patch for `RTCPeerConnection APIs`|
|`webapis-shadydom.js`|patch for `Shady DOM APIs`|
|`zone-bluebird.js`|patch for `Bluebird APIs`|
|`zone-error.js`|patch for `Error Global Object`, supports adding zone information to stack frame, and also removing unrelated stack frames from `zone.js` internally|
|`zone-patch-canvas.js`|patch for `Canvas API`|
|`zone-patch-cordova.js`|patch for `Cordova API`|
|`zone-patch-electron.js`|patch for `Electron API`|
|`zone-patch-fetch.js`|patch for `Fetch API`|
|`zone-patch-jsonp.js`|helper utility for `jsonp API`|
|`zone-patch-resize-observer.js`|patch for `ResizeObserver API`|
|`zone-patch-rxjs.js`|patch for `rxjs API`|
|`zone-patch-rxjs-fake-async.js`|patch for `rxjs fakeasync test`|
|`zone-patch-socket-io.js`|patch for `socket-io`|
|`zone-patch-user-media.js`|patch for `UserMedia API`|
|`zone-patch-message-port.js`|patch for `MessagePort API`|