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* Subset of es6-shim typings.
* Angular should not require use of ES6 runtime but some API usages are already present.
* See https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/5242
* TODO(alexeagle): remove methods below which may not be present in targeted browser
declare type PromiseConstructor = typeof Promise;
interface String {
* Returns true if the sequence of elements of searchString converted to a String is the
* same as the corresponding elements of this object (converted to a String) starting at
* position. Otherwise returns false.
startsWith(searchString: string, position?: number): boolean;
* Returns true if the sequence of elements of searchString converted to a String is the
* same as the corresponding elements of this object (converted to a String) starting at
* endPosition length(this). Otherwise returns false.
endsWith(searchString: string, endPosition?: number): boolean;
interface Array<T> {
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: Array<T>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): T;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: T, start?: number, end?: number): T[];
interface NumberConstructor {
* Returns true if the value passed is an integer, false otherwise.
* @param number A numeric value.
isInteger(number: number): boolean;