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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
// #docplaster
import {Component, Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Inject, Injectable, Injector, Input, NgModule, Output, StaticProvider} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
// #docregion basic-how-to
// Alternatively, we could import and use an `NgModuleFactory` instead:
// import {MyLazyAngularModuleNgFactory} from './my-lazy-angular-module.ngfactory';
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
// #enddocregion
/* tslint:disable: no-duplicate-imports */
import {UpgradeComponent} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import {downgradeComponent} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
// #docregion basic-how-to
import {downgradeModule} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
// #enddocregion
/* tslint:enable: no-duplicate-imports */
declare var angular: ng.IAngularStatic;
interface Hero {
name: string;
description: string;
// This Angular service will use an "upgraded" AngularJS service.
class HeroesService {
heroes: Hero[] = [
{name: 'superman', description: 'The man of steel'},
{name: 'wonder woman', description: 'Princess of the Amazons'},
{name: 'thor', description: 'The hammer-wielding god'}
constructor(@Inject('titleCase') titleCase: (v: string) => string) {
// Change all the hero names to title case, using the "upgraded" AngularJS service.
this.heroes.forEach((hero: Hero) => = titleCase(;
addHero() {
const newHero: Hero = {name: 'Kamala Khan', description: 'Epic shape-shifting healer'};
this.heroes = this.heroes.concat([newHero]);
return newHero;
removeHero(hero: Hero) {
this.heroes = this.heroes.filter((item: Hero) => item !== hero);
// This Angular component will be "downgraded" to be used in AngularJS.
selector: 'ng2-heroes',
// This template uses the "upgraded" `ng1-hero` component
// (Note that because its element is compiled by Angular we must use camelCased attribute names.)
template: `
<div class="ng2-heroes">
<header><ng-content selector="h1"></ng-content></header>
<ng-content selector=".extra"></ng-content>
<div *ngFor="let hero of this.heroesService.heroes">
<ng1-hero [hero]="hero" (onRemove)="onRemoveHero(hero)">
<strong>Super Hero</strong>
<button (click)="onAddHero()">Add Hero</button>
class Ng2HeroesComponent {
@Output() private addHero = new EventEmitter<Hero>();
@Output() private removeHero = new EventEmitter<Hero>();
@Inject('$rootScope') private $rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService,
public heroesService: HeroesService) {}
onAddHero() {
const newHero = this.heroesService.addHero();
// When a new instance of an "upgraded" component - such as `ng1Hero` - is created, we want to
// run a `$digest` to initialize its bindings. Here, the component will be created by `ngFor`
// asynchronously, thus we have to schedule the `$digest` to also happen asynchronously.
onRemoveHero(hero: Hero) {
// This Angular directive will act as an interface to the "upgraded" AngularJS component.
@Directive({selector: 'ng1-hero'})
class Ng1HeroComponentWrapper extends UpgradeComponent {
// The names of the input and output properties here must match the names of the
// `<` and `&` bindings in the AngularJS component that is being wrapped.
@Input() hero!: Hero;
@Output() onRemove!: EventEmitter<void>;
constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
// We must pass the name of the directive as used by AngularJS to the super.
super('ng1Hero', elementRef, injector);
// This Angular module represents the Angular pieces of the application.
imports: [BrowserModule],
declarations: [Ng2HeroesComponent, Ng1HeroComponentWrapper],
providers: [
// Register an Angular provider whose value is the "upgraded" AngularJS service.
{provide: 'titleCase', useFactory: (i: any) => i.get('titleCase'), deps: ['$injector']}
// All components that are to be "downgraded" must be declared as `entryComponents`.
entryComponents: [Ng2HeroesComponent]
// Note that there are no `bootstrap` components, since the "downgraded" component
// will be instantiated by ngUpgrade.
class MyLazyAngularModule {
// Empty placeholder method to prevent the `Compiler` from complaining.
ngDoBootstrap() {}
// #docregion basic-how-to
// The function that will bootstrap the Angular module (when/if necessary).
// (This would be omitted if we provided an `NgModuleFactory` directly.)
const ng2BootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
// #enddocregion
// (We are using the dynamic browser platform, as this example has not been compiled AOT.)
// #docregion basic-how-to
// This AngularJS module represents the AngularJS pieces of the application.
const myMainAngularJsModule = angular.module('myMainAngularJsModule', [
// We declare a dependency on the "downgraded" Angular module.
// or
// downgradeModule(MyLazyAngularModuleFactory)
// #enddocregion
// This AngularJS component will be "upgraded" to be used in Angular.
myMainAngularJsModule.component('ng1Hero', {
bindings: {hero: '<', onRemove: '&'},
transclude: true,
template: `
<div class="ng1-hero">
<div class="title" ng-transclude></div>
<h2>{{ $ }}</h2>
<p>{{ $ctrl.hero.description }}</p>
<button ng-click="$ctrl.onRemove()">Remove</button>
// This AngularJS service will be "upgraded" to be used in Angular.
'titleCase', () => (value: string) => value.replace(/(^|\s)[a-z]/g, m => m.toUpperCase()));
// This directive will act as the interface to the "downgraded" Angular component.
'ng2Heroes', downgradeComponent({
component: Ng2HeroesComponent,
// Optionally, disable `$digest` propagation to avoid unnecessary change detection.
// (Change detection is still run when the inputs of a "downgraded" component change.)
propagateDigest: false
// This is our top level application component.
myMainAngularJsModule.component('exampleApp', {
// This template makes use of the "downgraded" `ng2-heroes` component,
// but loads it lazily only when/if the user clicks the button.
// (Note that because its element is compiled by AngularJS,
// we must use kebab-case attributes for inputs and outputs.)
template: `
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css">
<button ng-click="$ctrl.toggleHeroes()">{{ $ctrl.toggleBtnText() }}</button>
(add-hero)="$ctrl.setStatusMessage('Added hero ' + $"
(remove-hero)="$ctrl.setStatusMessage('Removed hero ' + $">
<p class="extra">Status: {{ $ctrl.statusMessage }}</p>
controller: function() {
this.showHeroes = false;
this.statusMessage = 'Ready';
this.setStatusMessage = (msg: string) => this.statusMessage = msg;
this.toggleHeroes = () => this.showHeroes = !this.showHeroes;
this.toggleBtnText = () => `${this.showHeroes ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} heroes`;
// We bootstrap the Angular module as we would do in a normal Angular app.
angular.bootstrap(document.body, []);