refactor(dart/transform): Remove index_static from hello_world

index_static.js & index_static.html are unnecessary in Js and are now
essentially generated via the Dart transformer. The angular
transformer is specified in examples/pubspec.yaml; use pub build to
create a transformed application that does not use dart:mirrors.

Create index_dynamic.js & index_dynamic.html, which are used to test
that the app runs equally well with mirrors and without.

This commit is contained in:
Tim Blasi 2015-04-17 15:07:31 -07:00
parent e52d71060f
commit 00e2d70f05
8 changed files with 35 additions and 349 deletions

@ -355,24 +355,6 @@ gulp.task('serve/benchmarks_external.dart', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks_external'
gulp.task('serve/examples.dart.static', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
command: DART_SDK.PUB,
mode: 'ngstatic',
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/examples'
gulp.task('serve/benchmarks.dart.static', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
command: DART_SDK.PUB,
mode: 'ngstatic',
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks'
gulp.task('serve/benchmarks_external.dart.static', pubserve(gulp, gulpPlugins, {
command: DART_SDK.PUB,
mode: 'ngstatic',
path: CONFIG.dest.dart + '/benchmarks_external'
// --------------
// doc generation
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ describe('hello world', function () {
describe('static reflection', function() {
var URL = 'examples/src/hello_world/index_static.html';
var URL = 'examples/src/hello_world/index.html';
it('should greet', function() {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe('hello world', function () {
describe('dynamic reflection', function() {
var URL = 'examples/src/hello_world/index.html';
var URL = 'examples/src/hello_world/index_dynamic.html';
it('should greet', function() {

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>Hello Angular 2.0 (Reflection)</title>
<title>Hello Angular 2.0</title>

@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
import * as app from './index_common';
import {HelloCmp} from './index_common';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
import {ReflectionCapabilities} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities';
export function main() {
// Initializing the reflector is only required for the Dart version of the application.
// When using Dart, the reflection information is not embedded by default in the source code
// to keep the size of the generated file small. Importing ReflectionCapabilities and initializing
// the reflector is required to use the reflection information from Dart mirrors.
// Dart mirrors are not intended to be use in production code where the transformers generate a
// more optimal static configuration, see index_static.js for an example.
// For Dart users: Initializing the reflector is only required for the Dart version of the
// application. When using Dart, the reflection information is not embedded by default in the
// source code to keep the size of the generated file small. Importing ReflectionCapabilities and
// initializing the reflector is required to use the reflection information from Dart mirrors.
// Dart mirrors are not intended to be use in production code.
// Angular 2 provides a transformer which generates static code rather than rely on reflection.
// For an example, run `pub serve` on the Dart application and inspect this file in your browser.
reflector.reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();
// Bootstrapping only requires specifying a root component.
// The boundary between the Angular application and the rest of the page is
// the shadowDom of this root component.
// The selector of the component passed in is used to find where to insert the
// application.
// You can use the light dom of the <hello-app> tag as temporary content (for
// example 'Loading...') before the application is ready.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {bootstrap, Component, Decorator, View, NgElement} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {Component, Decorator, View, NgElement} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
// Angular 2.0 supports 3 basic types of directives:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
// misspelled).
directives: [RedDec]
class HelloCmp {
export class HelloCmp {
greeting: string;
constructor(service: GreetingService) {
this.greeting = service.greeting;
@ -61,14 +61,3 @@ class GreetingService {
this.greeting = 'hello';
export function main() {
// Bootstrapping only requires specifying a root component.
// The boundary between the Angular application and the rest of the page is
// the shadowDom of this root component.
// The selector of the component passed in is used to find where to insert the
// application.
// You can use the light dom of the <hello-app> tag as temporary content (for
// example 'Loading...') before the application is ready.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>Hello Angular 2.0 (Static)</title>
<title>Hello Angular 2.0 (Reflection)</title>

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import {HelloCmp} from './index_common';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
import {ReflectionCapabilities} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities';
export function main() {
// This entry point is not transformed and exists for testing purposes.
// See index.js for an explanation.
reflector.reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();

@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
import * as app from './index_common';
import {Component, Decorator, View, NgElement} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {Lexer, Parser, ChangeDetection, ChangeDetector, PipeRegistry, DynamicChangeDetection} from 'angular2/change_detection';
import {ExceptionHandler} from 'angular2/src/core/exception_handler';
import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
import {Compiler, CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr';
import {XHRImpl} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr_impl';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
import {ComponentUrlMapper} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/component_url_mapper';
import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_inliner';
import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
import {DynamicComponentLoader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/dynamic_component_loader';
import {TestabilityRegistry, Testability} from 'angular2/src/core/testability/testability';
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
import {AppViewHydrator} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_hydrator';
import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
import * as rvh from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_hydrator';
import {Inject} from 'angular2/di';
function setup() {
reflector.registerType(app.HelloCmp, {
"factory": (service) => new app.HelloCmp(service),
"parameters": [[app.GreetingService]],
"annotations" : [
new Component({
selector: 'hello-app',
injectables: [app.GreetingService]
new View({
directives: [app.RedDec],
template: `<div class="greeting">{{greeting}} <span red>world</span>!</div>
<button class="changeButton" (click)="changeGreeting()">change greeting</button>`
reflector.registerType(app.RedDec, {
"factory": (el) => new app.RedDec(el),
"parameters": [[NgElement]],
"annotations" : [new Decorator({selector: '[red]'})]
reflector.registerType(app.GreetingService, {
"factory": () => new app.GreetingService(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(Compiler, {
"factory": (reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
protoViewFactory) =>
new Compiler(reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
"parameters": [[DirectiveMetadataReader], [CompilerCache], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
[UrlResolver], [Renderer], [ProtoViewFactory]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(CompilerCache, {
"factory": () => new CompilerCache(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(Parser, {
"factory": (lexer) => new Parser(lexer),
"parameters": [[Lexer]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(TemplateLoader, {
"factory": (xhr, urlResolver) => new TemplateLoader(xhr, urlResolver),
"parameters": [[XHR], [UrlResolver]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(TemplateResolver, {
"factory": () => new TemplateResolver(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(XHR, {
"factory": () => new XHRImpl(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(DirectiveMetadataReader, {
"factory": () => new DirectiveMetadataReader(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(Lexer, {
"factory": () => new Lexer(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(ExceptionHandler, {
"factory": () => new ExceptionHandler(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(LifeCycle, {
"factory": (exHandler, cd) => new LifeCycle(exHandler, cd),
"parameters": [[ExceptionHandler], [ChangeDetector]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(ShadowDomStrategy, {
"factory": (strategy) => strategy,
"parameters": [[NativeShadowDomStrategy]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(NativeShadowDomStrategy, {
"factory": (styleUrlResolver) => new NativeShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver),
"parameters": [[StyleUrlResolver]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy, {
"factory": (styleUrlResolver) => new EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver, null),
"parameters": [[StyleUrlResolver]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(StyleUrlResolver, {
"factory": (urlResolver) => new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver),
"parameters": [[UrlResolver]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(UrlResolver, {
"factory": () => new UrlResolver(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(ComponentUrlMapper, {
"factory": () => new ComponentUrlMapper(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(StyleInliner, {
"factory": (xhr, styleUrlResolver, urlResolver) =>
new StyleInliner(xhr, styleUrlResolver, urlResolver),
"parameters": [[XHR], [StyleUrlResolver], [UrlResolver]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(EventManager, {
"factory": () => new EventManager([], null),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(DynamicComponentLoader, {
"factory": (compiler, reader, viewFactory, appViewHydrator) =>
new DynamicComponentLoader(compiler, reader, viewFactory, appViewHydrator),
"parameters": [[Compiler], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [ViewFactory], [AppViewHydrator]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rc.DefaultCompiler, {
"factory": (parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader) =>
new rc.DefaultCompiler(parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader),
"parameters": [[Parser], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateLoader]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rvf.ViewFactory, {
"factory": (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) =>
new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
"parameters": [[new Inject(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)], [EventManager], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
"factory": () => 10000,
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rvh.RenderViewHydrator, {
"factory": (eventManager, viewFactory) =>
new rvh.RenderViewHydrator(eventManager, viewFactory),
"parameters": [[rvf.ViewFactory], [EventManager]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(ProtoViewFactory, {
"factory": (changeDetection) =>
new ProtoViewFactory(changeDetection),
"parameters": [[ChangeDetection]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(ViewFactory, {
"factory": (capacity, renderer, appViewHydrator) =>
new ViewFactory(capacity, renderer, appViewHydrator),
"parameters": [[new Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)],[Renderer],[AppViewHydrator]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(AppViewHydrator, {
"factory": (renderer) =>
new AppViewHydrator(renderer),
"parameters": [[Renderer]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
"factory": () => 10000,
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(TestabilityRegistry, {
"factory": () => new TestabilityRegistry(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(Testability, {
"factory": () => new Testability(),
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(DynamicChangeDetection, {
"factory": (registry) => new DynamicChangeDetection(registry),
"parameters": [[PipeRegistry]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(DirectDomRenderer, {
"factory": (renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, renderViewHydrator, shadowDomStrategy) =>
new DirectDomRenderer(renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, renderViewHydrator, shadowDomStrategy),
"parameters": [[rc.Compiler], [rvf.ViewFactory], [rvh.RenderViewHydrator], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rc.DefaultCompiler, {
"factory": (parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader) =>
new rc.DefaultCompiler(parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader),
"parameters": [[Parser], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateLoader]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rvf.ViewFactory, {
"factory": (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) =>
new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
"parameters": [[new Inject(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)], [EventManager], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
"factory": () => 10000,
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
reflector.registerType(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
"factory": () => 10000,
"parameters": [],
"annotations": []
"greeting": (a) => a.greeting
"greeting": (a,v) => a.greeting = v
"changeGreeting": (obj, args) => obj.changeGreeting()
export function main() {