refactor(ivy): assertion (#22189)
Encourage the use of message to explain the assertion PR Close #22189
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,58 +10,48 @@
// about state in an instruction are correct before implementing any logic.
// They are meant only to be called in dev mode as sanity checks.
* Stringifies values such that strings are wrapped in explicit quotation marks and
* other types are stringified normally. Used in error messages (e.g. assertThrow)
* to make it clear that certain values are of the string type when comparing.
* e.g. `expected "3" to be 3` is easier to understand than `expected 3 to be 3`.
* @param value The value to be stringified
* @returns The stringified value
function stringifyValueForError(value: any): string {
if (value && value.native && value.native.outerHTML) {
return value.native.outerHTML;
export function assertNumber(actual: any, msg: string) {
if (typeof actual != 'number') {
return typeof value === 'string' ? `"${value}"` : value;
export function assertNumber(actual: any, name: string) {
(typeof actual != 'number') && assertThrow(actual, 'number', name, 'typeof ==');
export function assertEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, msg: string) {
if (actual != expected) {
export function assertEqual<T>(
actual: T, expected: T, name: string, serializer?: ((v: T) => string)) {
(actual != expected) && assertThrow(actual, expected, name, '==', serializer);
export function assertNotEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, msg: string) {
if (actual == expected) {
export function assertLessThan<T>(actual: T, expected: T, name: string) {
(actual >= expected) && assertThrow(actual, expected, name, '<');
export function assertSame<T>(actual: T, expected: T, msg: string) {
if (actual !== expected) {
export function assertNotNull<T>(actual: T, name: string) {
assertNotEqual(actual, null, name);
export function assertLessThan<T>(actual: T, expected: T, msg: string) {
if (actual >= expected) {
export function assertNotEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, name: string) {
(actual == expected) && assertThrow(actual, expected, name, '!=');
export function assertNull<T>(actual: T, msg: string) {
if (actual != null) {
* Throws an error with a message constructed from the arguments.
* @param actual The actual value (e.g. 3)
* @param expected The expected value (e.g. 5)
* @param name The name of the value being checked (e.g. attrs.length)
* @param operator The comparison operator (e.g. <, >, ==)
* @param serializer Function that maps a value to its display value
export function assertThrow<T>(
actual: T, expected: T, name: string, operator: string,
serializer: ((v: T) => string) = stringifyValueForError): never {
const error =
`ASSERT: expected ${name} ${operator} ${serializer(expected)} but was ${serializer(actual)}!`;
debugger; // leave `debugger` here to aid in debugging.
throw new Error(error);
export function assertNotNull<T>(actual: T, msg: string) {
if (actual == null) {
function throwError(msg: string): never {
throw new Error(`ASSERTION ERROR: ${msg}`);
@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ export function renderComponent<T>(
export function detectChanges<T>(component: T) {
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(component, 'component');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(component, 'detectChanges should be called with a component');
const hostNode = (component as any)[NG_HOST_SYMBOL] as LElementNode;
if (ngDevMode && !hostNode) {
createError('Not a directive instance', component);
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(, '');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(, 'Component host node should be attached to an LView');
renderComponentOrTemplate(hostNode, hostNode.view, component);
isDirty = false;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ export function detectChanges<T>(component: T) {
let isDirty = false;
export function markDirty<T>(
component: T, scheduler: (fn: () => void) => void = requestAnimationFrame) {
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(component, 'component');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(component, 'markDirty should be called with a component');
if (!isDirty) {
isDirty = true;
scheduler(() => detectChanges(component));
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import './ng_dev_mode';
import {assertEqual, assertLessThan, assertNotEqual, assertNotNull} from './assert';
import {assertEqual, assertLessThan, assertNotEqual, assertNotNull, assertNull, assertSame} from './assert';
import {LContainer, TContainer} from './interfaces/container';
import {CssSelector, LProjection} from './interfaces/projection';
import {LQueries} from './interfaces/query';
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ export function createLNode(
if ((type & LNodeFlags.ViewOrElement) === LNodeFlags.ViewOrElement && isState) {
// Bit of a hack to bust through the readonly because there is a circular dep between
// LView and LNode.
ngDevMode && assertEqual((state as LView).node, null, 'lView.node');
ngDevMode && assertNull((state as LView).node, 'LView.node should not have been initialized');
(state as LView as{node: LNode}).node = node;
if (index != null) {
@ -254,13 +254,17 @@ export function createLNode(
if (previousOrParentNode.view === currentView ||
(previousOrParentNode.flags & LNodeFlags.TYPE_MASK) === LNodeFlags.View) {
// We are in the same view, which means we are adding content node to the parent View.
ngDevMode && assertEqual(previousOrParentNode.child, null, 'previousNode.child');
ngDevMode && assertNull(
`previousOrParentNode's child should not have been set.`);
previousOrParentNode.child = node;
} else {
// We are adding component view, so we don't link parent node child to this node.
} else if (previousOrParentNode) {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(, null, '');
ngDevMode && assertNull(
`previousOrParentNode's next property should not have been set.`);
|||| = node;
@ -300,7 +304,7 @@ export function renderTemplate<T>(
-1, providedRendererFactory.createRenderer(null, null), getOrCreateTView(template)));
const hostView = !;
ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(hostView, null, 'hostView');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(hostView, 'Host node should have an LView defined in');
renderComponentOrTemplate(host, hostView, context, template);
return host;
@ -381,7 +385,8 @@ export function elementStart(
const node = data[index] !;
native = node && (node as LElementNode).native;
} else {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(currentView.bindingStartIndex, null, 'bindingStartIndex');
ngDevMode &&
assertNull(currentView.bindingStartIndex, 'elements should be created before any bindings');
const isHostElement = typeof nameOrComponentType !== 'string';
// MEGAMORPHIC: `ngComponentDef` is a megamorphic property access here.
// This is OK, since we will refactor this code and store the result in ``
@ -504,7 +509,7 @@ export function createTView(): TView {
function setUpAttributes(native: RElement, attrs: string[]): void {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(attrs.length % 2, 0, 'attrs.length % 2');
ngDevMode && assertEqual(attrs.length % 2, 0, 'each attribute should have a key and a value');
const isProc = isProceduralRenderer(renderer);
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i += 2) {
@ -809,7 +814,8 @@ export function elementStyle<T>(
* If value is not provided than the actual creation of the text node is delayed.
export function text(index: number, value?: any): void {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(currentView.bindingStartIndex, null, 'bindingStartIndex');
ngDevMode &&
assertNull(currentView.bindingStartIndex, 'text nodes should be created before bindings');
const textNode = value != null ?
(isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.createText(stringify(value)) :
renderer.createTextNode(stringify(value))) :
@ -865,7 +871,8 @@ export function textBinding<T>(index: number, value: T | NO_CHANGE): void {
export function directiveCreate<T>(
index: number, directive: T, directiveDef: DirectiveDef<T>, queryName?: string | null): T {
let instance;
ngDevMode && assertEqual(currentView.bindingStartIndex, null, 'bindingStartIndex');
ngDevMode &&
assertNull(currentView.bindingStartIndex, 'directives should be created before any bindings');
ngDevMode && assertPreviousIsParent();
let flags = previousOrParentNode !.flags;
let size = flags & LNodeFlags.SIZE_MASK;
@ -984,10 +991,12 @@ function generateInitialInputs(
export function container(
index: number, directiveTypes?: DirectiveType<any>[], template?: ComponentTemplate<any>,
tagName?: string, attrs?: string[], localRefs?: string[] | null): void {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(currentView.bindingStartIndex, null, 'bindingStartIndex');
ngDevMode &&
currentView.bindingStartIndex, 'container nodes should be created before any bindings');
const currentParent = isParent ? previousOrParentNode : previousOrParentNode.parent !;
ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(currentParent, null, 'currentParent');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(currentParent, 'containers should have a parent');
const lContainer = <LContainer>{
views: [],
@ -1037,9 +1046,9 @@ export function containerRefreshStart(index: number): void {
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(previousOrParentNode, LNodeFlags.Container);
isParent = true;
(previousOrParentNode as LContainerNode).data.nextIndex = 0;
ngDevMode && assertEqual(
(previousOrParentNode as LContainerNode).native === undefined, true,
'previousOrParentNode.native === undefined');
ngDevMode && assertSame(
(previousOrParentNode as LContainerNode).native, undefined,
`the container's native element should not have been set yet.`);
// We need to execute init hooks here so ngOnInit hooks are called in top level views
// before they are called in embedded views (for backwards compatibility).
@ -1181,11 +1190,11 @@ export function componentRefresh<T>(directiveIndex: number, elementIndex: number
ngDevMode && assertDataInRange(elementIndex);
const element = data ![elementIndex] as LElementNode;
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(element, LNodeFlags.Element);
ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(, null, 'isComponent');
ngDevMode &&
assertNotNull(, `Component's host node should have an LView attached.`);
ngDevMode && assertDataInRange(directiveIndex);
const directive = getDirectiveInstance<T>(data[directiveIndex]);
const hostView = !;
ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(hostView, null, 'hostView');
const oldView = enterView(hostView, element);
try {
template(directive, creationMode);
@ -1243,9 +1252,9 @@ function appendToProjectionNode(
projectionNode: LProjectionNode,
appendedFirst: LElementNode | LTextNode | LContainerNode | null,
appendedLast: LElementNode | LTextNode | LContainerNode | null) {
// appendedFirst can be null if and only if appendedLast is also null
ngDevMode &&
assertEqual(!appendedFirst === !appendedLast, true, '!appendedFirst === !appendedLast');
ngDevMode && assertEqual(
!!appendedFirst, !!appendedLast,
'appendedFirst can be null if and only if appendedLast is also null');
if (!appendedLast) {
// nothing to append
@ -1760,18 +1769,18 @@ export function getDirectiveInstance<T>(instanceOrArray: T | [T]): T {
export function assertPreviousIsParent() {
assertEqual(isParent, true, 'isParent');
assertEqual(isParent, true, 'previousOrParentNode should be a parent');
function assertHasParent() {
assertNotEqual(previousOrParentNode.parent, null, 'isParent');
assertNotNull(previousOrParentNode.parent, 'previousOrParentNode should have a parent');
function assertDataInRange(index: number, arr?: any[]) {
if (arr == null) arr = data;
assertLessThan(index, arr ? arr.length : 0, 'data.length');
assertLessThan(index, arr ? arr.length : 0, 'index expected to be a valid data index');
function assertDataNext(index: number) {
assertEqual(data.length, index, 'data.length not in sequence');
assertEqual(data.length, index, 'index expected to be at the end of data');
@ -6,30 +6,25 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {assertEqual, assertNotEqual} from './assert';
import {assertEqual, assertNotNull} from './assert';
import {LNode, LNodeFlags} from './interfaces/node';
export function assertNodeType(node: LNode, type: LNodeFlags) {
assertNotEqual(node, null, 'node');
assertEqual(node.flags & LNodeFlags.TYPE_MASK, type, 'Node.type', typeSerializer);
assertNotNull(node, 'should be called with a node');
assertEqual(node.flags & LNodeFlags.TYPE_MASK, type, `should be a ${typeName(type)}`);
export function assertNodeOfPossibleTypes(node: LNode, ...types: LNodeFlags[]) {
assertNotEqual(node, null, 'node');
const nodeType = (node.flags & LNodeFlags.TYPE_MASK);
for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (nodeType === types[i]) {
throw new Error(
`Expected node of possible types: ${', ')} but got ${typeSerializer(nodeType)}`);
assertNotNull(node, 'should be called with a node');
const nodeType = node.flags & LNodeFlags.TYPE_MASK;
const found = types.some(type => nodeType === type);
assertEqual(found, true, `Should be one of ${', ')}`);
function typeSerializer(type: LNodeFlags): string {
function typeName(type: LNodeFlags): string {
if (type == LNodeFlags.Projection) return 'Projection';
if (type == LNodeFlags.Container) return 'Container';
if (type == LNodeFlags.View) return 'View';
if (type == LNodeFlags.Element) return 'Element';
return '??? ' + type + ' ???';
return '<unknown>';
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function isCssClassMatching(nodeClassAttrVal: string, cssClassToMatch: string):
export function isNodeMatchingSimpleSelector(tNode: TNode, selector: SimpleCssSelector): boolean {
const noOfSelectorParts = selector.length;
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(selector[0], 'selector[0]');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(selector[0], 'the selector should have a tag name');
const tagNameInSelector = selector[0];
// check tag tame
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ function add(query: LQuery<any>| null, node: LNode) {
if (directiveIdx !== null) {
// a node is matching a predicate - determine what to read
// note that queries using name selector must specify read strategy
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(, '');
ngDevMode && assertNotNull(, 'the node should have a predicate');
const result = readFromNodeInjector(nodeInjector, node, !, directiveIdx);
if (result !== null) {
addMatch(query, result);
Reference in New Issue
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