feat(compiler-cli): lower metadata useValue and data literal fields ()

With this commit the compiler will "lower" expressions into exported
variables for values the compiler does not need to know statically
in order to be able to generate a factory. For example:

  providers: [{provider: 'token', useValue: calculated()}]

produced an error as the expression `calculated()` is not supported
by the compiler because `calculated` is not a
[known function](https://angular.io/guide/metadata#annotationsdecorators)

With this commit this is rewritten, during emit of the .js file, into
something like:

export var ɵ0 = calculated();


  provdiers: [{provider: 'token', useValue: ɵ0}]

The compiler then will now generate a reference to the exported `ɵ0`
instead of failing to evaluate `calculated()`.

PR Close 
This commit is contained in:
Chuck Jazdzewski 2017-08-23 10:22:17 -07:00 committed by Jason Aden
parent c7e1bda32f
commit 0e64261f26
8 changed files with 324 additions and 28 deletions

@ -166,9 +166,13 @@ function diagnosticMessageToString(message: ts.DiagnosticMessageChain | string):
return ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(message, '\n');
const REWRITE_PREFIX = /^\u0275[0-9]+$/;
function createFactoryInfo(emitter: TypeScriptEmitter, file: GeneratedFile): FactoryInfo {
const {sourceText, context} =
emitter.emitStatementsAndContext(file.srcFileUrl, file.genFileUrl, file.stmts !);
const {sourceText, context} = emitter.emitStatementsAndContext(
file.srcFileUrl, file.genFileUrl, file.stmts !,
/* preamble */ undefined, /* emitSourceMaps */ undefined,
/* referenceFilter */ reference => !!(reference.name && REWRITE_PREFIX.test(reference.name)));
const source = ts.createSourceFile(
file.genFileUrl, sourceText, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /* setParentNodes */ true);
return {source, context};

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {CollectorOptions, MetadataCollector, MetadataValue, ModuleMetadata} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import {CollectorOptions, MetadataCollector, MetadataValue, ModuleMetadata, isMetadataGlobalReferenceExpression} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
export interface LoweringRequest {
@ -181,6 +181,30 @@ function shouldLower(node: ts.Node | undefined): boolean {
return true;
const REWRITE_PREFIX = '\u0275';
function isPrimitive(value: any): boolean {
return Object(value) !== value;
function isRewritten(value: any): boolean {
return isMetadataGlobalReferenceExpression(value) && value.name.startsWith(REWRITE_PREFIX);
function isLiteralFieldNamed(node: ts.Node, names: Set<string>): boolean {
if (node.parent && node.parent.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment) {
const property = node.parent as ts.PropertyAssignment;
if (property.parent && property.parent.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression &&
property.name && property.name.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
const propertyName = property.name as ts.Identifier;
return names.has(propertyName.text);
return false;
const LOWERABLE_FIELD_NAMES = new Set(['useValue', 'useFactory', 'data']);
export class LowerMetadataCache implements RequestsMap {
private collector: MetadataCollector;
private metadataCache = new Map<string, MetadataAndLoweringRequests>();
@ -208,8 +232,24 @@ export class LowerMetadataCache implements RequestsMap {
private getMetadataAndRequests(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): MetadataAndLoweringRequests {
let identNumber = 0;
const freshIdent = () => '\u0275' + identNumber++;
const freshIdent = () => REWRITE_PREFIX + identNumber++;
const requests = new Map<number, LoweringRequest>();
const isExportedSymbol = (() => {
let exportTable: Set<string>;
return (node: ts.Node) => {
if (node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
const ident = node as ts.Identifier;
if (!exportTable) {
exportTable = createExportTableFor(sourceFile);
return exportTable.has(ident.text);
return false;
const replaceNode = (node: ts.Node) => {
const name = freshIdent();
requests.set(node.pos, {name, kind: node.kind, location: node.pos, end: node.end});
@ -217,10 +257,16 @@ export class LowerMetadataCache implements RequestsMap {
const substituteExpression = (value: MetadataValue, node: ts.Node): MetadataValue => {
if ((node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction ||
node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression) &&
shouldLower(node)) {
return replaceNode(node);
if (!isPrimitive(value) && !isRewritten(value)) {
if ((node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction ||
node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression) &&
shouldLower(node)) {
return replaceNode(node);
if (isLiteralFieldNamed(node, LOWERABLE_FIELD_NAMES) && shouldLower(node) &&
!isExportedSymbol(node)) {
return replaceNode(node);
return value;
@ -229,4 +275,44 @@ export class LowerMetadataCache implements RequestsMap {
return {metadata, requests};
function createExportTableFor(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Set<string> {
const exportTable = new Set<string>();
// Lazily collect all the exports from the source file
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, function scan(node) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
if ((ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node) & ts.ModifierFlags.Export) != 0) {
const classDeclaration =
node as(ts.ClassDeclaration | ts.FunctionDeclaration | ts.InterfaceDeclaration);
const name = classDeclaration.name;
if (name) exportTable.add(name.text);
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
const variableStatement = node as ts.VariableStatement;
for (const declaration of variableStatement.declarationList.declarations) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
const variableDeclaration = node as ts.VariableDeclaration;
if ((ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node) & ts.ModifierFlags.Export) != 0 &&
variableDeclaration.name.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
const name = variableDeclaration.name as ts.Identifier;
case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration:
const exportDeclaration = node as ts.ExportDeclaration;
const {moduleSpecifier, exportClause} = exportDeclaration;
if (!moduleSpecifier && exportClause) {
exportClause.elements.forEach(spec => { exportTable.add(spec.name.text); });
return exportTable;

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {TypeChecker} from '../../src/diagnostics/check_types';
import {Diagnostic} from '../../src/transformers/api';
import {LowerMetadataCache} from '../../src/transformers/lower_expressions';
function compile(
rootDirs: MockData, options: AotCompilerOptions = {},
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ function compile(
const rootDirArr = toMockFileArray(rootDirs);
const scriptNames = rootDirArr.map(entry => entry.fileName).filter(isSource);
const host = new MockCompilerHost(scriptNames, arrayToMockDir(rootDirArr));
const aotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(host);
const aotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(host, new LowerMetadataCache({}));
const tsSettings = {...settings, ...tsOptions};
const program = ts.createProgram(host.scriptNames.slice(0), tsSettings, host);
const ngChecker = new TypeChecker(program, tsSettings, host, aotHost, options);
@ -80,6 +81,12 @@ describe('ng type checker', () => {
it('should accept a safe property access of a nullable field reference of a method result',
() => { a('{{getMaybePerson()?.name}}'); });
describe('with lowered expressions', () => {
it('should not report lowered expressions as errors', () => {
expectNoDiagnostics(compile([angularFiles, LOWERING_QUICKSTART]));
function appComponentSource(template: string): string {
@ -134,8 +141,38 @@ const QUICKSTART: MockDirectory = {
const LOWERING_QUICKSTART: MockDirectory = {
quickstart: {
app: {
'app.component.ts': appComponentSource('<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>'),
'app.module.ts': `
import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core';
import { toString } from './utils';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
class Foo {}
template: '',
providers: [
{provide: 'someToken', useFactory: () => new Foo()}
export class Bar {}
declarations: [ AppComponent, Bar ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
function expectNoDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) {
if (diagnostics && diagnostics.length) {
throw new Error(diagnostics.map(d => `${d.span}: ${d.message}`).join('\n'));

@ -848,4 +848,78 @@ describe('ngc transformer command-line', () => {
describe('expression lowering', () => {
const shouldExist = (fileName: string) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(basePath, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Expected ${fileName} to be emitted (basePath: ${basePath})`);
it('should be able to lower supported expressions', () => {
"extends": "./tsconfig-base.json",
"files": ["module.ts"]
write('module.ts', `
import {NgModule, InjectionToken} from '@angular/core';
import {AppComponent} from './app';
export interface Info {
route: string;
data: string;
export const T1 = new InjectionToken<string>('t1');
export const T2 = new InjectionToken<string>('t2');
export const T3 = new InjectionToken<number>('t3');
export const T4 = new InjectionToken<Info[]>('t4');
enum SomeEnum {
function calculateString() {
return 'someValue';
const routeLikeData = [{
route: '/home',
data: calculateString()
declarations: [AppComponent],
providers: [
{ provide: T1, useValue: calculateString() },
{ provide: T2, useFactory: () => 'someValue' },
{ provide: T3, useValue: SomeEnum.OK },
{ provide: T4, useValue: routeLikeData }
export class MyModule {}
write('app.ts', `
import {Component, Inject} from '@angular/core';
import * as m from './module';
selector: 'my-app',
template: ''
export class AppComponent {
@Inject(m.T1) private t1: string,
@Inject(m.T2) private t2: string,
@Inject(m.T3) private t3: number,
@Inject(m.T4) private t4: m.Info[],
) {}
expect(mainSync(['-p', basePath], s => {})).toBe(0);

@ -6,29 +6,92 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {ModuleMetadata} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {LoweringRequest, RequestLocationMap, getExpressionLoweringTransformFactory} from '../../src/transformers/lower_expressions';
import {LowerMetadataCache, LoweringRequest, RequestLocationMap, getExpressionLoweringTransformFactory} from '../../src/transformers/lower_expressions';
import {Directory, MockAotContext, MockCompilerHost} from '../mocks';
describe('Expression lowering', () => {
it('should be able to lower a simple expression', () => {
expect(convert('const a = 1 +◊b: 2◊;')).toBe('const b = 2; const a = 1 + b; export { b };');
describe('transform', () => {
it('should be able to lower a simple expression', () => {
expect(convert('const a = 1 +◊b: 2◊;')).toBe('const b = 2; const a = 1 + b; export { b };');
it('should be able to lower an expression in a decorator', () => {
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
provider: [{provide: 'someToken', useFactory:l: () => null}]
class MyClass {}
`)).toContain('const l = () => null; exports.l = l;');
it('should be able to lower an expression in a decorator', () => {
describe('collector', () => {
it('should request a lowering for useValue', () => {
const collected = collect(`
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
enum SomeEnum {
provider: [{provide: 'someToken', useFactory:l: () => null}]
provider: [{provide: 'someToken', useValue:enum: SomeEnum.OK}]
class MyClass {}
`)).toContain('const l = () => null; exports.l = l;');
export class MyClass {}
.toBeTruthy('did not find the useValue');
it('should request a lowering for useFactory', () => {
const collected = collect(`
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
provider: [{provide: 'someToken', useFactory:lambda: () => null}]
export class MyClass {}
.toBeTruthy('did not find the useFactory');
it('should request a lowering for data', () => {
const collected = collect(`
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
enum SomeEnum {
provider: [{provide: 'someToken', data:enum: SomeEnum.OK}]
export class MyClass {}
.toBeTruthy('did not find the data field');
function convert(annotatedSource: string) {
// Helpers
interface Annotation {
start: number;
length: number;
name: string;
function getAnnotations(annotatedSource: string):
{unannotatedSource: string, annotations: Annotation[]} {
const annotations: {start: number, length: number, name: string}[] = [];
let adjustment = 0;
const unannotatedSource = annotatedSource.replace(
@ -38,6 +101,13 @@ function convert(annotatedSource: string) {
adjustment -= text.length - source.length;
return source;
return {unannotatedSource, annotations};
// Transform helpers
function convert(annotatedSource: string) {
const {annotations, unannotatedSource} = getAnnotations(annotatedSource);
const baseFileName = 'someFile';
const moduleName = '/' + baseFileName;
@ -103,3 +173,16 @@ function normalizeResult(result: string): string {
.replace(/^ /g, '')
.replace(/ $/g, '');
// Collector helpers
function collect(annotatedSource: string) {
const {annotations, unannotatedSource} = getAnnotations(annotatedSource);
const cache = new LowerMetadataCache({});
const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
'someName.ts', unannotatedSource, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /* setParentNodes */ true);
return {
metadata: cache.getMetadata(sourceFile),
requests: cache.getRequests(sourceFile), annotations

@ -35,12 +35,14 @@ export function debugOutputAstAsTypeScript(ast: o.Statement | o.Expression | o.T
return ctx.toSource();
export type ReferenceFilter = (reference: o.ExternalReference) => boolean;
export class TypeScriptEmitter implements OutputEmitter {
srcFilePath: string, genFilePath: string, stmts: o.Statement[], preamble: string = '',
emitSourceMaps: boolean = true): {sourceText: string, context: EmitterVisitorContext} {
const converter = new _TsEmitterVisitor();
emitSourceMaps: boolean = true,
referenceFilter?: ReferenceFilter): {sourceText: string, context: EmitterVisitorContext} {
const converter = new _TsEmitterVisitor(referenceFilter);
const ctx = EmitterVisitorContext.createRoot();
@ -78,10 +80,11 @@ export class TypeScriptEmitter implements OutputEmitter {
class _TsEmitterVisitor extends AbstractEmitterVisitor implements o.TypeVisitor {
private typeExpression = 0;
constructor() { super(false); }
constructor(private referenceFilter?: ReferenceFilter) { super(false); }
importsWithPrefixes = new Map<string, string>();
reexports = new Map<string, {name: string, as: string}[]>();
@ -377,6 +380,10 @@ class _TsEmitterVisitor extends AbstractEmitterVisitor implements o.TypeVisitor
private _visitIdentifier(
value: o.ExternalReference, typeParams: o.Type[]|null, ctx: EmitterVisitorContext): void {
const {name, moduleName} = value;
if (this.referenceFilter && this.referenceFilter(value)) {
ctx.print(null, '(null as any)');
if (moduleName) {
let prefix = this.importsWithPrefixes.get(moduleName);
if (prefix == null) {

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
export interface MetadataProvider { getMetadata(source: ts.SourceFile): ModuleMetadata|undefined; }
let nodeModulesPath: string;
let angularSourcePath: string;
let rootPath: string;
@ -327,12 +329,13 @@ const DTS = /\.d\.ts$/;
const GENERATED_FILES = /\.ngfactory\.ts$|\.ngstyle\.ts$/;
export class MockAotCompilerHost implements AotCompilerHost {
private metadataCollector = new MetadataCollector();
private metadataVisible: boolean = true;
private dtsAreSource: boolean = true;
private resolveModuleNameHost: ts.ModuleResolutionHost;
constructor(private tsHost: MockCompilerHost) {
private tsHost: MockCompilerHost,
private metadataProvider: MetadataProvider = new MetadataCollector()) {
this.resolveModuleNameHost = Object.create(tsHost);
this.resolveModuleNameHost.fileExists = (fileName) => {
fileName = stripNgResourceSuffix(fileName);
@ -359,7 +362,7 @@ export class MockAotCompilerHost implements AotCompilerHost {
} else {
const sf = this.tsHost.getSourceFile(modulePath, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest);
const metadata = this.metadataCollector.getMetadata(sf);
const metadata = this.metadataProvider.getMetadata(sf);
return metadata ? [metadata] : [];
return undefined;

@ -284,7 +284,9 @@ export class Evaluator {
error = propertyValue;
return true; // Stop the forEachChild.
} else {
obj[<string>propertyName] = propertyValue;
obj[<string>propertyName] = isPropertyAssignment(assignment) ?
recordEntry(propertyValue, assignment.initializer) :