feat(bootstraping): application bootstrapping implementation.
Entry-point to bootstrapping is a rootComponent. The bootstrapping method, uses the component's selector to find the insertion element in the DOM, and attaches the component in its ShadowRoot.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import {Injector, bind} from 'di/di';
import {Type, FIELD, isBlank, isPresent, BaseException} from 'facade/lang';
import {DOM, Element} from 'facade/dom';
import {Compiler} from './compiler/compiler';
import {ProtoView} from './compiler/view';
import {ClosureMap} from 'change_detection/parser/closure_map';
import {Parser} from 'change_detection/parser/parser';
import {Lexer} from 'change_detection/parser/lexer';
import {ChangeDetector} from 'change_detection/change_detector';
import {WatchGroup} from 'change_detection/watch_group';
import {TemplateLoader} from './compiler/template_loader';
import {Reflector} from './compiler/reflector';
import {AnnotatedType} from './compiler/annotated_type';
import {ListWrapper} from 'facade/collection';
var _rootInjector: Injector;
// Contains everything that is safe to share between applications.
var _rootBindings = [Compiler, TemplateLoader, Reflector, Parser, Lexer, ClosureMap];
export var appViewToken = new Object();
export var appWatchGroupToken = new Object();
export var appElementToken = new Object();
export var appComponentAnnotatedTypeToken = new Object();
export var appDocumentToken = new Object();
// Exported only for tests that need to overwrite default document binding.
export function documentDependentBindings(appComponentType) {
return [
bind(appComponentAnnotatedTypeToken).toFactory((reflector) => {
// TODO(rado): inspect annotation here and warn if there are bindings,
// lightDomServices, and other component annotations that are skipped
// for bootstrapping components.
return reflector.annotatedType(appComponentType);
}, [Reflector]),
bind(appElementToken).toFactory((appComponentAnnotatedType, appDocument) => {
var selector = appComponentAnnotatedType.annotation.selector;
var element = DOM.querySelector(appDocument, selector);
if (isBlank(element)) {
throw new BaseException(`The app selector "${selector}" did not match any elements`);
return element;
}, [appComponentAnnotatedTypeToken, appDocumentToken]),
bind(appViewToken).toAsyncFactory((compiler, injector, appElement,
appComponentAnnotatedType) => {
return compiler.compile(appComponentAnnotatedType.type, null).then(
(protoView) => {
var appProtoView = ProtoView.createRootProtoView(protoView,
appElement, appComponentAnnotatedType);
// The light Dom of the app element is not considered part of
// the angular application. Thus the context and lightDomInjector are
// empty.
return appProtoView.instantiate(new Object(), injector, null, true);
}, [Compiler, Injector, appElementToken, appComponentAnnotatedTypeToken]),
bind(appWatchGroupToken).toFactory((rootView) => rootView.watchGroup,
bind(ChangeDetector).toFactory((appWatchGroup) =>
new ChangeDetector(appWatchGroup), [appWatchGroupToken])
function _injectorBindings(appComponentType) {
return ListWrapper.concat([bind(appDocumentToken).toValue(DOM.defaultDoc())],
// Multiple calls to this method are allowed. Each application would only share
// _rootInjector, which is not user-configurable by design, thus safe to share.
export function bootstrap(appComponentType: Type, bindings=null) {
// TODO(rado): prepopulate template cache, so applications with only
// index.html and main.js are possible.
if (isBlank(_rootInjector)) _rootInjector = new Injector(_rootBindings);
var appInjector = _rootInjector.createChild(_injectorBindings(
if (isPresent(bindings)) appInjector = appInjector.createChild(bindings);
return appInjector.asyncGet(ChangeDetector).then((cd) => {
// TODO(rado): replace with zone.
return appInjector;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import {CompileElement} from './pipeline/compile_element';
import {createDefaultSteps} from './pipeline/default_steps';
import {TemplateLoader} from './template_loader';
import {AnnotatedType} from './annotated_type';
import {Component} from '../annotations/component';
* The compiler loads and translates the html templates of components into
@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ export class Compiler {
createSteps(component:AnnotatedType):List<CompileStep> {
var directives = component.annotation.template.directives;
var annotation: Component = component.annotation;
var directives = annotation.template.directives;
var annotatedDirectives = ListWrapper.create();
for (var i=0; i<directives.length; i++) {
ListWrapper.push(annotatedDirectives, this._reflector.annotatedType(directives[i]));
@ -51,7 +53,8 @@ export class Compiler {
// - templateRoot string
// - precompiled template
// - ProtoView
templateRoot = DOM.createTemplate(component.annotation.template.inline);
var annotation: Component = component.annotation;
templateRoot = DOM.createTemplate(annotation.template.inline);
var pipeline = new CompilePipeline(this.createSteps(component));
var compileElements = pipeline.process(templateRoot);
@ -83,8 +83,9 @@ export class ProtoView {
this.elementsWithBindingCount = 0;
instantiate(context, lightDomAppInjector:Injector, hostElementInjector: ElementInjector):View {
var clone = DOM.clone(this.element);
instantiate(context, lightDomAppInjector:Injector,
hostElementInjector: ElementInjector, inPlace:boolean = false):View {
var clone = inPlace ? this.element : DOM.clone(this.element);
var elements;
if (clone instanceof TemplateElement) {
elements = ListWrapper.clone(DOM.querySelectorAll(clone.content, `.${NG_BINDING_CLASS}`));
@ -260,6 +261,20 @@ export class ProtoView {
return injectors;
// Create a rootView as if the compiler encountered <rootcmp></rootcmp>,
// and the component template is already compiled into protoView.
// Used for bootstrapping.
static createRootProtoView(protoView: ProtoView,
insertionElement, rootComponentAnnotatedType: AnnotatedType): ProtoView {
var rootProtoView = new ProtoView(insertionElement, new ProtoWatchGroup());
var binder = rootProtoView.bindElement(
new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [rootComponentAnnotatedType.type], true));
binder.componentDirective = rootComponentAnnotatedType;
binder.nestedProtoView = protoView;
DOM.addClass(insertionElement, 'ng-binding');
return rootProtoView;
export class ElementPropertyMemento {
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ export * from './annotations/directive';
export * from './annotations/component';
export * from './annotations/template_config';
export * from './application';
export * from 'change_detection/change_detector';
export * from 'change_detection/watch_group';
export * from 'change_detection/record';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import {describe, ddescribe, it, iit, xit, xdescribe, expect, beforeEach} from 'test_lib/test_lib';
import {bootstrap, appDocumentToken, appElementToken, documentDependentBindings}
from 'core/application';
import {Component} from 'core/annotations/component';
import {DOM} from 'facade/dom';
import {ListWrapper} from 'facade/collection';
import {PromiseWrapper} from 'facade/async';
import {bind} from 'di/di';
import {TemplateConfig} from 'core/annotations/template_config';
selector: 'hello-app',
template: new TemplateConfig({
inline: '{{greeting}} world!',
directives: []
class HelloRootCmp {
constructor() {
this.greeting = 'hello';
selector: 'hello-app-2',
template: new TemplateConfig({
inline: '{{greeting}} world, again!',
directives: []
class HelloRootCmp2 {
constructor() {
this.greeting = 'hello';
export function main() {
var fakeDoc, el, el2;
beforeEach(() => {
fakeDoc = DOM.createHtmlDocument();
el = DOM.createElement('hello-app', fakeDoc);
el2 = DOM.createElement('hello-app-2', fakeDoc);
DOM.appendChild(fakeDoc.body, el);
DOM.appendChild(fakeDoc.body, el2);
function testBindings(appComponentType) {
return ListWrapper.concat([bind(appDocumentToken).toValue(fakeDoc),
], documentDependentBindings(appComponentType));
describe('bootstrap factory method', () => {
it('should throw if no element is found', (done) => {
var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp);
PromiseWrapper.then(injectorPromise, null, (reason) => {
'The app selector "hello-app" did not match any elements');
it('should create an injector promise', () => {
var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings(HelloRootCmp));
it('should resolve an injector promise and contain bindings', (done) => {
var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings(HelloRootCmp));
injectorPromise.then((injector) => {
it('should display hello world', (done) => {
var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings(HelloRootCmp));
injectorPromise.then((injector) => {
.shadowRoot.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello world!');
it('should support multiple calls to bootstrap', (done) => {
var injectorPromise1 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings(HelloRootCmp));
var injectorPromise2 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp2, testBindings(HelloRootCmp2));
PromiseWrapper.all([injectorPromise1, injectorPromise2]).then((injectors) => {
.shadowRoot.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello world!');
.shadowRoot.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello world, again!');
@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ import {View} from 'core/compiler/view';
export function main() {
describe('view', function() {
var parser, closureMap;
var parser, closureMap, someComponentDirective;
beforeEach( () => {
beforeEach(() => {
closureMap = new ClosureMap();
parser = new Parser(new Lexer(), closureMap);
someComponentDirective = new Reflector().annotatedType(SomeComponent);
describe('ProtoView.instantiate', function() {
function createCollectDomNodesTestCases(useTemplateElement:boolean) {
@ -92,6 +94,22 @@ export function main() {
describe('inplace instantiation', () => {
it('should be supported.', () => {
var template = createElement('<div></div>')
var view = new ProtoView(template, new ProtoWatchGroup())
.instantiate(null, null, null, true);
it('should be off by default.', () => {
var template = createElement('<div></div>')
var view = new ProtoView(template, new ProtoWatchGroup())
.instantiate(null, null, null);
describe('collect dom nodes with a regular element as root', () => {
@ -158,7 +176,7 @@ export function main() {
function createComponentWithSubPV(subProtoView) {
var pv = new ProtoView(createElement('<cmp class="ng-binding"></cmp>'), new ProtoWatchGroup());
var binder = pv.bindElement(new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeComponent], true));
binder.componentDirective = new Reflector().annotatedType(SomeComponent);
binder.componentDirective = someComponentDirective;
binder.nestedProtoView = subProtoView;
return pv;
@ -253,7 +271,26 @@ export function main() {
describe('protoView createRootProtoView', () => {
var el, pv;
beforeEach(() => {
el = DOM.createElement('div');
pv = new ProtoView(createElement('<div>hi</div>'), new ProtoWatchGroup());
it('should create the root component when instantiated', () => {
var rootProtoView = ProtoView.createRootProtoView(pv, el, someComponentDirective);
var view = rootProtoView.instantiate(null, new Injector([]), null, true);
it('should inject the protoView into the shadowDom', () => {
var rootProtoView = ProtoView.createRootProtoView(pv, el, someComponentDirective);
var view = rootProtoView.instantiate(null, new Injector([]), null, true);
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ class DOM {
static query(selector) {
return document.querySelector(selector);
static Element querySelector(el, String selector) {
return el.querySelector(selector);
static ElementList querySelectorAll(el, String selector) {
return el.querySelectorAll(selector);
@ -52,6 +55,10 @@ class DOM {
t.setInnerHtml(html, treeSanitizer:identitySanitizer);
return t;
static createElement(tagName, [doc=null]) {
if (doc == null) doc = document;
return doc.createElement(tagName);
static clone(Node node) {
return node.clone(true);
@ -82,4 +89,10 @@ class DOM {
static Node templateAwareRoot(Element el) {
return el is TemplateElement ? el.content : el;
static HtmlDocument createHtmlDocument() {
return document.implementation.createHtmlDocument('fakeTitle');
static HtmlDocument defaultDoc() {
return document;
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export class DOM {
static query(selector) {
return document.querySelector(selector);
static querySelector(el, selector:string):Node {
return el.querySelector(selector);
static querySelectorAll(el, selector:string):NodeList {
return el.querySelectorAll(selector);
@ -48,6 +51,9 @@ export class DOM {
t.innerHTML = html;
return t;
static createElement(tagName, doc=document) {
return doc.createElement(tagName);
static clone(node:Node) {
return node.cloneNode(true);
@ -84,4 +90,10 @@ export class DOM {
static templateAwareRoot(el:Element):Node {
return el instanceof TemplateElement ? el.content : el;
static createHtmlDocument() {
return document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
static defaultDoc() {
return document;
Reference in New Issue
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