feat(router): implement terminal
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,158 +3,202 @@ import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {Route, RouterConfig} from './config';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from './shared';
import {UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {first} from './utils/collection';
import {TreeNode} from './utils/tree';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree, mapChildren} from './url_tree';
class NoMatch {}
class NoMatch {
constructor(public segment: UrlSegment = null) {}
class GlobalRedirect {
constructor(public segments: UrlSegment[]) {}
constructor(public paths: UrlPathWithParams[]) {}
export function applyRedirects(urlTree: UrlTree, config: RouterConfig): Observable<UrlTree> {
try {
const transformedChildren = urlTree._root.children.map(c => applyNode(config, c));
return createUrlTree(urlTree, transformedChildren);
return createUrlTree(urlTree, expandSegment(config, urlTree.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof GlobalRedirect) {
return createUrlTree(urlTree, [constructNodes(e.segments, [], [])]);
return createUrlTree(
urlTree, new UrlSegment([], {[PRIMARY_OUTLET]: new UrlSegment(e.paths, {})}));
} else if (e instanceof NoMatch) {
return new Observable<UrlTree>(obs => obs.error(new Error('Cannot match any routes')));
return new Observable<UrlTree>(
obs => obs.error(new Error(`Cannot match any routes: '${e.segment}'`)));
} else {
return new Observable<UrlTree>(obs => obs.error(e));
function createUrlTree(urlTree: UrlTree, children: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[]): Observable<UrlTree> {
const transformedRoot = new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlTree.root, children);
return of (new UrlTree(transformedRoot, urlTree.queryParams, urlTree.fragment));
function createUrlTree(urlTree: UrlTree, root: UrlSegment): Observable<UrlTree> {
return of (new UrlTree(root, urlTree.queryParams, urlTree.fragment));
function applyNode(config: Route[], url: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
for (let r of config) {
function expandSegment(routes: Route[], segment: UrlSegment, outlet: string): UrlSegment {
if (segment.pathsWithParams.length === 0 && Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0) {
return new UrlSegment([], expandSegmentChildren(routes, segment));
} else {
return expandPathsWithParams(segment, routes, segment.pathsWithParams, outlet, true);
function expandSegmentChildren(routes: Route[], segment: UrlSegment): {[name: string]: UrlSegment} {
return mapChildren(segment, (child, childOutlet) => expandSegment(routes, child, childOutlet));
function expandPathsWithParams(
segment: UrlSegment, routes: Route[], paths: UrlPathWithParams[], outlet: string,
allowRedirects: boolean): UrlSegment {
for (let r of routes) {
try {
return matchNode(config, r, url);
return expandPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(segment, routes, r, paths, outlet, allowRedirects);
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof NoMatch)) throw e;
throw new NoMatch();
throw new NoMatch(segment);
function matchNode(config: Route[], route: Route, url: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (!route.path) throw new NoMatch();
if ((route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET) !== url.value.outlet) {
throw new NoMatch();
function expandPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
segment: UrlSegment, routes: Route[], route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[], outlet: string,
allowRedirects: boolean): UrlSegment {
if ((route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET) !== outlet) throw new NoMatch();
if (route.redirectTo && !allowRedirects) throw new NoMatch();
if (route.redirectTo) {
return expandPathsWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(segment, routes, route, paths, outlet);
} else {
return matchPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(segment, route, paths);
function expandPathsWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(
segment: UrlSegment, routes: Route[], route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
outlet: string): UrlSegment {
if (route.path === '**') {
const newSegments = applyRedirectCommands([], route.redirectTo, {});
return constructNodes(newSegments, [], []);
return expandWildCardWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(route);
} else {
return expandRegularPathWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(
segment, routes, route, paths, outlet);
const m = match(route, url);
if (!m) throw new NoMatch();
const {consumedUrlSegments, lastSegment, lastParent, positionalParamSegments} = m;
const newSegments =
applyRedirectCommands(consumedUrlSegments, route.redirectTo, positionalParamSegments);
const childConfig = route.children ? route.children : [];
const transformedChildren = lastSegment.children.map(c => applyNode(childConfig, c));
const secondarySubtrees = lastParent ? lastParent.children.slice(1) : [];
const transformedSecondarySubtrees = secondarySubtrees.map(c => applyNode(config, c));
return constructNodes(newSegments, transformedChildren, transformedSecondarySubtrees);
export function match(route: Route, url: TreeNode<UrlSegment>) {
function expandWildCardWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(route: Route): UrlSegment {
const newPaths = applyRedirectCommands([], route.redirectTo, {});
if (route.redirectTo.startsWith('/')) {
throw new GlobalRedirect(newPaths);
} else {
return new UrlSegment(newPaths, {});
function expandRegularPathWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(
segment: UrlSegment, routes: Route[], route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
outlet: string): UrlSegment {
const {consumedPaths, lastChild, positionalParamSegments} = match(segment, route, paths);
const newPaths = applyRedirectCommands(consumedPaths, route.redirectTo, positionalParamSegments);
if (route.redirectTo.startsWith('/')) {
throw new GlobalRedirect(newPaths);
} else {
return expandPathsWithParams(
segment, routes, newPaths.concat(paths.slice(lastChild)), outlet, false);
function matchPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
segment: UrlSegment, route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]): UrlSegment {
if (route.path === '**') {
return new UrlSegment(paths, {});
} else {
const {consumedPaths, lastChild} = match(segment, route, paths);
const childConfig = route.children ? route.children : [];
const slicedPath = paths.slice(lastChild);
if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedPath.length === 0) {
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths, {});
// TODO: check that the right segment is present
} else if (slicedPath.length === 0 && Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0) {
const children = expandSegmentChildren(childConfig, segment);
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths, children);
} else {
const cs = expandPathsWithParams(segment, childConfig, slicedPath, PRIMARY_OUTLET, true);
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths.concat(cs.pathsWithParams), cs.children);
function match(segment: UrlSegment, route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]) {
if (route.index || route.path === '' || route.path === '/') {
if (route.terminal && (Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0 || paths.length > 0)) {
throw new NoMatch();
} else {
return {consumedPaths: [], lastChild: 0, positionalParamSegments: {}};
const path = route.path.startsWith('/') ? route.path.substring(1) : route.path;
const parts = path.split('/');
const positionalParamSegments = {};
const consumedUrlSegments = [];
const consumedPaths = [];
let lastParent: TreeNode<UrlSegment>|null = null;
let lastSegment: TreeNode<UrlSegment>|null = null;
let currentIndex = 0;
let current: TreeNode<UrlSegment>|null = url;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (!current) return null;
if (currentIndex >= paths.length) throw new NoMatch();
const current = paths[currentIndex];
const p = parts[i];
const isLastSegment = i === parts.length - 1;
const isLastParent = i === parts.length - 2;
const isPosParam = p.startsWith(':');
if (!isPosParam && p != current.value.path) return null;
if (isLastSegment) {
lastSegment = current;
if (isLastParent) {
lastParent = current;
if (!isPosParam && p !== current.path) throw new NoMatch();
if (isPosParam) {
positionalParamSegments[p.substring(1)] = current.value;
positionalParamSegments[p.substring(1)] = current;
current = first(current.children);
if (!lastSegment) throw 'Cannot be reached';
return {consumedUrlSegments, lastSegment, lastParent, positionalParamSegments};
function constructNodes(
segments: UrlSegment[], children: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[],
secondary: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
let prevChildren = children;
for (let i = segments.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (i === segments.length - 2) {
prevChildren = [new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(segments[i], prevChildren.concat(secondary))];
} else {
prevChildren = [new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(segments[i], prevChildren)];
if (route.terminal && (Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0 || currentIndex < paths.length)) {
throw new NoMatch();
return prevChildren[0];
return {consumedPaths, lastChild: currentIndex, positionalParamSegments};
function applyRedirectCommands(
segments: UrlSegment[], redirectTo: string,
posParams: {[k: string]: UrlSegment}): UrlSegment[] {
if (!redirectTo) return segments;
paths: UrlPathWithParams[], redirectTo: string,
posParams: {[k: string]: UrlPathWithParams}): UrlPathWithParams[] {
if (redirectTo.startsWith('/')) {
const parts = redirectTo.substring(1).split('/');
throw new GlobalRedirect(createSegments(redirectTo, parts, segments, posParams));
throw new GlobalRedirect(createPaths(redirectTo, parts, paths, posParams));
} else {
return createSegments(redirectTo, redirectTo.split('/'), segments, posParams);
return createPaths(redirectTo, redirectTo.split('/'), paths, posParams);
function createSegments(
redirectTo: string, parts: string[], segments: UrlSegment[],
posParams: {[k: string]: UrlSegment}): UrlSegment[] {
function createPaths(
redirectTo: string, parts: string[], segments: UrlPathWithParams[],
posParams: {[k: string]: UrlPathWithParams}): UrlPathWithParams[] {
return parts.map(
p => p.startsWith(':') ? findPosParamSegment(p, posParams, redirectTo) :
findOrCreateSegment(p, segments));
p => p.startsWith(':') ? findPosParam(p, posParams, redirectTo) :
findOrCreatePath(p, segments));
function findPosParamSegment(
part: string, posParams: {[k: string]: UrlSegment}, redirectTo: string): UrlSegment {
function findPosParam(
part: string, posParams: {[k: string]: UrlPathWithParams},
redirectTo: string): UrlPathWithParams {
const paramName = part.substring(1);
const pos = posParams[paramName];
if (!pos) throw new Error(`Cannot redirect to '${redirectTo}'. Cannot find '${part}'.`);
return pos;
function findOrCreateSegment(part: string, segments: UrlSegment[]): UrlSegment {
const matchingIndex = segments.findIndex(s => s.path === part);
function findOrCreatePath(part: string, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]): UrlPathWithParams {
const matchingIndex = paths.findIndex(s => s.path === part);
if (matchingIndex > -1) {
const r = segments[matchingIndex];
const r = paths[matchingIndex];
return r;
} else {
return new UrlSegment(part, {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
return new UrlPathWithParams(part, {});
@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ export function provideRouter(config: RouterConfig, opts: ExtraOptions): any[] {
setTimeout(_ => {
const appRef = injector.get(ApplicationRef);
if (appRef.componentTypes.length == 0) {
appRef.registerBootstrapListener((_) => {
appRef.registerBootstrapListener((_) => { injector.get(Router).initialNavigation(); });
} else {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export type RouterConfig = Route[];
export interface Route {
index?: boolean;
path?: string;
terminal?: boolean;
component?: Type|string;
outlet?: string;
canActivate?: any[];
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function createOrReuseChildren(
function createActivatedRoute(c: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {
return new ActivatedRoute(
new BehaviorSubject(c.urlSegments), new BehaviorSubject(c.params), c.outlet, c.component, c);
new BehaviorSubject(c.url), new BehaviorSubject(c.params), c.outlet, c.component, c);
function equalRouteSnapshots(a: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, b: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {
@ -1,36 +1,52 @@
import {ActivatedRoute} from './router_state';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from './shared';
import {UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {forEach, shallowEqual} from './utils/collection';
import {TreeNode} from './utils/tree';
export function createUrlTree(
route: ActivatedRoute, urlTree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams: Params | undefined,
fragment: string | undefined): UrlTree {
if (commands.length === 0) {
return tree(urlTree._root, urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
return tree(urlTree.root, urlTree.root, urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
const normalizedCommands = normalizeCommands(commands);
if (navigateToRoot(normalizedCommands)) {
return tree(new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlTree.root, []), urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
return tree(urlTree.root, new UrlSegment([], {}), urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
const startingNode = findStartingNode(normalizedCommands, urlTree, route);
const updated = normalizedCommands.commands.length > 0 ?
updateMany(startingNode.children.slice(0), normalizedCommands.commands) :
const newRoot = constructNewTree(urlTree._root, startingNode, updated);
return tree(newRoot, urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
const startingPosition = findStartingPosition(normalizedCommands, urlTree, route);
const segment = startingPosition.processChildren ?
startingPosition.segment, startingPosition.index, normalizedCommands.commands) :
updateSegment(startingPosition.segment, startingPosition.index, normalizedCommands.commands);
return tree(startingPosition.segment, segment, urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
function tree(
root: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, urlTree: UrlTree, queryParams: Params | undefined,
fragment: string | undefined): UrlTree {
oldSegment: UrlSegment, newSegment: UrlSegment, urlTree: UrlTree,
queryParams: Params | undefined, fragment: string | undefined): UrlTree {
const q = queryParams ? stringify(queryParams) : urlTree.queryParams;
const f = fragment ? fragment : urlTree.fragment;
return new UrlTree(root, q, f);
if (urlTree.root === oldSegment) {
return new UrlTree(newSegment, q, f);
} else {
return new UrlTree(replaceSegment(urlTree.root, oldSegment, newSegment), q, f);
function replaceSegment(
current: UrlSegment, oldSegment: UrlSegment, newSegment: UrlSegment): UrlSegment {
const children = {};
forEach(current.children, (c, k) => {
if (c === oldSegment) {
children[k] = newSegment;
} else {
children[k] = replaceSegment(c, oldSegment, newSegment);
return new UrlSegment(current.pathsWithParams, children);
function navigateToRoot(normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands): boolean {
@ -87,63 +103,30 @@ function normalizeCommands(commands: any[]): NormalizedNavigationCommands {
return new NormalizedNavigationCommands(isAbsolute, numberOfDoubleDots, res);
function findStartingNode(
normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands, urlTree: UrlTree,
route: ActivatedRoute): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (normalizedChange.isAbsolute) {
return urlTree._root;
} else {
const urlSegment = findUrlSegment(route, urlTree, normalizedChange.numberOfDoubleDots);
return findMatchingNode(urlSegment, urlTree._root);
class Position {
constructor(public segment: UrlSegment, public processChildren: boolean, public index: number) {}
function findUrlSegment(
route: ActivatedRoute, urlTree: UrlTree, numberOfDoubleDots: number): UrlSegment {
const urlSegment = route.snapshot._lastUrlSegment;
const path = urlTree.pathFromRoot(urlSegment);
if (path.length <= numberOfDoubleDots) {
function findStartingPosition(
normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands, urlTree: UrlTree,
route: ActivatedRoute): Position {
if (normalizedChange.isAbsolute) {
return new Position(urlTree.root, true, 0);
} else if (route.snapshot._lastPathIndex === -1) {
return new Position(route.snapshot._urlSegment, true, 0);
} else if (route.snapshot._lastPathIndex + 1 - normalizedChange.numberOfDoubleDots >= 0) {
return new Position(
route.snapshot._urlSegment, false,
route.snapshot._lastPathIndex + 1 - normalizedChange.numberOfDoubleDots);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid number of \'../\'');
return path[path.length - 1 - numberOfDoubleDots];
function findMatchingNode(segment: UrlSegment, node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (node.value === segment) return node;
for (let c of node.children) {
const r = findMatchingNode(segment, c);
if (r) return r;
throw new Error(`Cannot find url segment '${segment}'`);
function constructNewTree(
node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, original: TreeNode<UrlSegment>,
updated: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (node === original) {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(node.value, updated);
} else {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(
node.value, node.children.map(c => constructNewTree(c, original, updated)));
function updateMany(nodes: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[], commands: any[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment>[] {
const outlet = getOutlet(commands);
const nodesInRightOutlet = nodes.filter(c => c.value.outlet === outlet);
if (nodesInRightOutlet.length > 0) {
const nodeRightOutlet = nodesInRightOutlet[0]; // there can be only one
nodes[nodes.indexOf(nodeRightOutlet)] = update(nodeRightOutlet, commands);
} else {
nodes.push(update(null, commands));
return nodes;
function getPath(commands: any[]): any {
if (!(typeof commands[0] === 'string')) return commands[0];
const parts = commands[0].toString().split(':');
return parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : commands[0];
function getPath(command: any): any {
if (!(typeof command === 'string')) return command;
const parts = command.toString().split(':');
return parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : command;
function getOutlet(commands: any[]): string {
@ -152,49 +135,91 @@ function getOutlet(commands: any[]): string {
return parts.length > 1 ? parts[0] : PRIMARY_OUTLET;
function update(node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>| null, commands: any[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
const rest = commands.slice(1);
const next = rest.length === 0 ? null : rest[0];
const outlet = getOutlet(commands);
const path = getPath(commands);
// reach the end of the tree => create new tree nodes.
if (!node && !(typeof next === 'object')) {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, {}, outlet);
const children = rest.length === 0 ? [] : [update(null, rest)];
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlSegment, children);
} else if (!node && typeof next === 'object') {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, stringify(next), outlet);
return recurse(urlSegment, node, rest.slice(1));
// different outlet => preserve the subtree
} else if (node && outlet !== node.value.outlet) {
return node;
// params command
} else if (node && typeof path === 'object') {
const newSegment = new UrlSegment(node.value.path, stringify(path), node.value.outlet);
return recurse(newSegment, node, rest);
// next one is a params command && can reuse the node
} else if (node && typeof next === 'object' && compare(path, stringify(next), node.value)) {
return recurse(node.value, node, rest.slice(1));
// next one is a params command && cannot reuse the node
} else if (node && typeof next === 'object') {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, stringify(next), outlet);
return recurse(urlSegment, node, rest.slice(1));
// next one is not a params command && can reuse the node
} else if (node && compare(path, {}, node.value)) {
return recurse(node.value, node, rest);
// next one is not a params command && cannot reuse the node
} else {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, {}, outlet);
return recurse(urlSegment, node, rest);
function updateSegment(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]): UrlSegment {
if (!segment) {
segment = new UrlSegment([], {});
if (segment.pathsWithParams.length === 0 && Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0) {
return updateSegmentChildren(segment, startIndex, commands);
const m = prefixedWith(segment, startIndex, commands);
const slicedCommands = commands.slice(m.lastIndex);
if (m.match && slicedCommands.length === 0) {
return new UrlSegment(segment.pathsWithParams, {});
} else if (m.match && Object.keys(segment.children).length === 0) {
return createNewSegment(segment, startIndex, commands);
} else if (m.match) {
return updateSegmentChildren(segment, 0, slicedCommands);
} else {
return createNewSegment(segment, startIndex, commands);
function updateSegmentChildren(
segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]): UrlSegment {
if (commands.length === 0) {
return new UrlSegment(segment.pathsWithParams, {});
} else {
const outlet = getOutlet(commands);
const children = {};
children[outlet] = updateSegment(segment.children[outlet], startIndex, commands);
forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
if (childOutlet !== outlet) {
children[childOutlet] = child;
return new UrlSegment(segment.pathsWithParams, children);
function prefixedWith(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]) {
let currentCommandIndex = 0;
let currentPathIndex = startIndex;
const noMatch = {match: false, lastIndex: 0};
while (currentPathIndex < segment.pathsWithParams.length) {
if (currentCommandIndex >= commands.length) return noMatch;
const path = segment.pathsWithParams[currentPathIndex];
const curr = getPath(commands[currentCommandIndex]);
const next =
currentCommandIndex < commands.length - 1 ? commands[currentCommandIndex + 1] : null;
if (curr && next && (typeof next === 'object')) {
if (!compare(curr, next, path)) return noMatch;
currentCommandIndex += 2;
} else {
if (!compare(curr, {}, path)) return noMatch;
return { match: true, lastIndex: currentCommandIndex };
function createNewSegment(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, commands: any[]): UrlSegment {
const paths = segment.pathsWithParams.slice(0, startIndex);
let i = 0;
while (i < commands.length) {
if (i === 0 && (typeof commands[0] === 'object')) {
const p = segment.pathsWithParams[startIndex];
paths.push(new UrlPathWithParams(p.path, commands[0]));
const curr = getPath(commands[i]);
const next = (i < commands.length - 1) ? commands[i + 1] : null;
if (curr && next && (typeof next === 'object')) {
paths.push(new UrlPathWithParams(curr, stringify(next)));
i += 2;
} else {
paths.push(new UrlPathWithParams(curr, {}));
return new UrlSegment(paths, {});
function stringify(params: {[key: string]: any}): {[key: string]: string} {
@ -203,15 +228,7 @@ function stringify(params: {[key: string]: any}): {[key: string]: string} {
return res;
function compare(path: string, params: {[key: string]: any}, segment: UrlSegment): boolean {
return path == segment.path && shallowEqual(params, segment.parameters);
function recurse(
urlSegment: UrlSegment, node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>| null, rest: any[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (rest.length === 0) {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlSegment, []);
const children = node ? node.children.slice(0) : [];
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlSegment, updateMany(children, rest));
function compare(
path: string, params: {[key: string]: any}, pathWithParams: UrlPathWithParams): boolean {
return path == pathWithParams.path && shallowEqual(params, pathWithParams.parameters);
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ export {provideRouter} from './router_providers';
export {ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterState, RouterStateSnapshot} from './router_state';
export {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from './shared';
export {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlSerializer} from './url_serializer';
export {UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
export {UrlPathWithParams, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
export const ROUTER_DIRECTIVES = [RouterOutlet, RouterLink];
@ -2,171 +2,159 @@ import {Type} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {match} from './apply_redirects';
import {Route, RouterConfig} from './config';
import {ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot} from './router_state';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from './shared';
import {UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {first, flatten, forEach, merge} from './utils/collection';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree, mapChildrenIntoArray} from './url_tree';
import {last, merge} from './utils/collection';
import {TreeNode} from './utils/tree';
class CannotRecognize {}
class NoMatch {
constructor(public segment: UrlSegment = null) {}
export function recognize(
rootComponentType: Type, config: RouterConfig, url: UrlTree): Observable<RouterStateSnapshot> {
rootComponentType: Type, config: RouterConfig, urlTree: UrlTree,
url: string): Observable<RouterStateSnapshot> {
try {
const match = new MatchResult(
rootComponentType, config, [url.root], {}, url._root.children, [], PRIMARY_OUTLET, null,
const roots = constructActivatedRoute(match);
return of (new RouterStateSnapshot(roots[0], url.queryParams, url.fragment));
const children = processSegment(config, urlTree.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
const root = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
[], {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, rootComponentType, null, urlTree.root, -1);
const rootNode = new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(root, children);
return of (new RouterStateSnapshot(url, rootNode, urlTree.queryParams, urlTree.fragment));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof CannotRecognize) {
if (e instanceof NoMatch) {
return new Observable<RouterStateSnapshot>(
obs => obs.error(new Error('Cannot match any routes')));
obs => obs.error(new Error(`Cannot match any routes: '${e.segment}'`)));
} else {
return new Observable<RouterStateSnapshot>(obs => obs.error(e));
function constructActivatedRoute(match: MatchResult): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
const activatedRoute = createActivatedRouteSnapshot(match);
const children = match.leftOverUrl.length > 0 ?
recognizeMany(match.children, match.leftOverUrl) :
recognizeLeftOvers(match.children, match.lastUrlSegment);
function processSegment(
config: Route[], segment: UrlSegment, outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
if (segment.pathsWithParams.length === 0 && Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0) {
return processSegmentChildren(config, segment);
} else {
return [processPathsWithParams(config, segment, 0, segment.pathsWithParams, outlet)];
function processSegmentChildren(
config: Route[], segment: UrlSegment): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
const children = mapChildrenIntoArray(
segment, (child, childOutlet) => processSegment(config, child, childOutlet));
children.sort((a, b) => {
return children;
function sortActivatedRouteSnapshots(nodes: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[]): void {
nodes.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.value.outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET) return -1;
if (b.value.outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET) return 1;
return a.value.outlet.localeCompare(b.value.outlet);
return [new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(activatedRoute, children)];
function recognizeLeftOvers(
config: Route[], lastUrlSegment: UrlSegment): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
if (!config) return [];
const mIndex = matchIndex(config, [], lastUrlSegment);
return mIndex ? constructActivatedRoute(mIndex) : [];
function recognizeMany(
config: Route[], urls: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[]): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
return flatten(urls.map(url => recognizeOne(config, url)));
function createActivatedRouteSnapshot(match: MatchResult): ActivatedRouteSnapshot {
return new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
match.consumedUrlSegments, match.parameters, match.outlet, match.component, match.route,
function recognizeOne(
config: Route[], url: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
const matches = matchNode(config, url);
for (let match of matches) {
function processPathsWithParams(
config: Route[], segment: UrlSegment, pathIndex: number, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
for (let r of config) {
try {
const primary = constructActivatedRoute(match);
const secondary = recognizeMany(config, match.secondary);
const res = primary.concat(secondary);
return res;
return processPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(r, segment, pathIndex, paths, outlet);
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof CannotRecognize)) {
throw e;
if (!(e instanceof NoMatch)) throw e;
throw new CannotRecognize();
throw new NoMatch(segment);
function checkOutletNameUniqueness(nodes: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[]):
TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
let names = {};
function processPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
route: Route, segment: UrlSegment, pathIndex: number, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
if (route.redirectTo) throw new NoMatch();
if ((route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET) !== outlet) throw new NoMatch();
if (route.path === '**') {
const params = paths.length > 0 ? last(paths).parameters : {};
const snapshot =
new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(paths, params, outlet, route.component, route, segment, -1);
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, []);
const {consumedPaths, parameters, lastChild} = match(segment, route, paths);
const snapshot = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
consumedPaths, parameters, outlet, route.component, route, segment,
pathIndex + lastChild - 1);
const slicedPath = paths.slice(lastChild);
const childConfig = route.children ? route.children : [];
if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedPath.length === 0) {
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, []);
// TODO: check that the right segment is present
} else if (slicedPath.length === 0 && Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0) {
const children = processSegmentChildren(childConfig, segment);
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, children);
} else {
const child = processPathsWithParams(
childConfig, segment, pathIndex + lastChild, slicedPath, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, [child]);
function match(segment: UrlSegment, route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]) {
if (route.index || route.path === '' || route.path === '/') {
if (route.terminal && (Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0 || paths.length > 0)) {
throw new NoMatch();
} else {
return {consumedPaths: [], lastChild: 0, parameters: {}};
const path = route.path.startsWith('/') ? route.path.substring(1) : route.path;
const parts = path.split('/');
const posParameters = {};
const consumedPaths = [];
let currentIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (currentIndex >= paths.length) throw new NoMatch();
const current = paths[currentIndex];
const p = parts[i];
const isPosParam = p.startsWith(':');
if (!isPosParam && p !== current.path) throw new NoMatch();
if (isPosParam) {
posParameters[p.substring(1)] = current.path;
if (route.terminal && (Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0 || currentIndex < paths.length)) {
throw new NoMatch();
const parameters = <any>merge(posParameters, consumedPaths[consumedPaths.length - 1].parameters);
return {consumedPaths, lastChild: currentIndex, parameters};
function checkOutletNameUniqueness(nodes: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[]): void {
const names = {};
nodes.forEach(n => {
let routeWithSameOutletName = names[n.value.outlet];
if (routeWithSameOutletName) {
const p = routeWithSameOutletName.urlSegments.map(s => s.toString()).join('/');
const c = n.value.urlSegments.map(s => s.toString()).join('/');
const c = n.value.url.map(s => s.toString()).join('/');
throw new Error(`Two segments cannot have the same outlet name: '${p}' and '${c}'.`);
names[n.value.outlet] = n.value;
return nodes;
function matchNode(config: Route[], url: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): MatchResult[] {
const res = [];
for (let r of config) {
const m = matchWithParts(r, url);
if (m) {
} else if (r.index) {
res.push(createIndexMatch(r, [url], url.value));
return res;
function createIndexMatch(
r: Route, leftOverUrls: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[], lastUrlSegment: UrlSegment): MatchResult {
const outlet = r.outlet ? r.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET;
const children = r.children ? r.children : [];
return new MatchResult(
r.component, children, [], lastUrlSegment.parameters, leftOverUrls, [], outlet, r,
function matchIndex(
config: Route[], leftOverUrls: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[], lastUrlSegment: UrlSegment): MatchResult|
null {
for (let r of config) {
if (r.index) {
return createIndexMatch(r, leftOverUrls, lastUrlSegment);
return null;
function matchWithParts(route: Route, url: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): MatchResult|null {
if (!route.path) return null;
if ((route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET) !== url.value.outlet) return null;
const path = route.path.startsWith('/') ? route.path.substring(1) : route.path;
if (path === '**') {
const consumedUrl = [];
let u: TreeNode<UrlSegment>|null = url;
while (u) {
u = first(u.children);
const last = consumedUrl[consumedUrl.length - 1];
return new MatchResult(
route.component, [], consumedUrl, last.parameters, [], [], PRIMARY_OUTLET, route, last);
const m = match(route, url);
if (!m) return null;
const {consumedUrlSegments, lastSegment, lastParent, positionalParamSegments} = m;
const p = lastSegment.value.parameters;
const posParams = {};
forEach(positionalParamSegments, (v, k) => { posParams[k] = v.path; });
const parameters = <{[key: string]: string}>merge(p, posParams);
const secondarySubtrees = lastParent ? lastParent.children.slice(1) : [];
const children = route.children ? route.children : [];
const outlet = route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET;
return new MatchResult(
route.component, children, consumedUrlSegments, parameters, lastSegment.children,
secondarySubtrees, outlet, route, lastSegment.value);
class MatchResult {
public component: Type|string, public children: Route[],
public consumedUrlSegments: UrlSegment[], public parameters: {[key: string]: string},
public leftOverUrl: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[], public secondary: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[],
public outlet: string, public route: Route|null, public lastUrlSegment: UrlSegment) {}
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export interface NavigationExtras {
* An event triggered when a navigation starts
export class NavigationStart {
constructor(public id: number, public url: UrlTree) {}
constructor(public id: number, public url: string) {}
toString(): string { return `NavigationStart(id: ${this.id}, url: '${this.url}')`; }
@ -48,16 +48,18 @@ export class NavigationStart {
* An event triggered when a navigation ends successfully
export class NavigationEnd {
constructor(public id: number, public url: UrlTree) {}
constructor(public id: number, public url: string, public urlAfterRedirects: string) {}
toString(): string { return `NavigationEnd(id: ${this.id}, url: '${this.url}')`; }
toString(): string {
return `NavigationEnd(id: ${this.id}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}')`;
* An event triggered when a navigation is canceled
export class NavigationCancel {
constructor(public id: number, public url: UrlTree) {}
constructor(public id: number, public url: string) {}
toString(): string { return `NavigationCancel(id: ${this.id}, url: '${this.url}')`; }
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ export class NavigationCancel {
* An event triggered when a navigation fails due to unexpected error
export class NavigationError {
constructor(public id: number, public url: UrlTree, public error: any) {}
constructor(public id: number, public url: string, public error: any) {}
toString(): string {
return `NavigationError(id: ${this.id}, url: '${this.url}', error: ${this.error})`;
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ export class NavigationError {
export class RoutesRecognized {
public id: number, public url: UrlTree, public urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree,
public id: number, public url: string, public urlAfterRedirects: string,
public state: RouterStateSnapshot) {}
toString(): string {
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ export class Router {
private location: Location, private injector: Injector, private config: RouterConfig) {
this.routerEvents = new Subject<Event>();
this.currentUrlTree = createEmptyUrlTree();
this.currentRouterState = createEmptyState(this.rootComponentType);
this.currentRouterState = createEmptyState(this.currentUrlTree, this.rootComponentType);
@ -124,9 +126,9 @@ export class Router {
get routerState(): RouterState { return this.currentRouterState; }
* Returns the current url tree.
* Returns the current url.
get urlTree(): UrlTree { return this.currentUrlTree; }
get url(): string { return this.serializeUrl(this.currentUrlTree); }
* Returns an observable of route events
@ -210,7 +212,6 @@ export class Router {
return createUrlTree(a, this.currentUrlTree, commands, queryParams, fragment);
* Navigate based on the provided array of commands and a starting point.
* If no starting route is provided, the navigation is absolute.
@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ export class Router {
private scheduleNavigation(url: UrlTree, pop: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
const id = ++this.navigationId;
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationStart(id, url));
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationStart(id, this.serializeUrl(url)));
return Promise.resolve().then((_) => this.runNavigate(url, false, id));
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ export class Router {
private runNavigate(url: UrlTree, pop: boolean, id: number): Promise<boolean> {
if (id !== this.navigationId) {
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationCancel(id, url));
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationCancel(id, this.serializeUrl(url)));
return Promise.resolve(false);
@ -265,12 +266,13 @@ export class Router {
applyRedirects(url, this.config)
.mergeMap(u => {
updatedUrl = u;
return recognize(this.rootComponentType, this.config, updatedUrl);
return recognize(
this.rootComponentType, this.config, updatedUrl, this.serializeUrl(updatedUrl));
.mergeMap((newRouterStateSnapshot) => {
new RoutesRecognized(id, url, updatedUrl, newRouterStateSnapshot));
this.routerEvents.next(new RoutesRecognized(
id, this.serializeUrl(url), this.serializeUrl(updatedUrl), newRouterStateSnapshot));
return resolve(this.resolver, newRouterStateSnapshot);
@ -290,13 +292,13 @@ export class Router {
.forEach((shouldActivate) => {
if (!shouldActivate || id !== this.navigationId) {
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationCancel(id, url));
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationCancel(id, this.serializeUrl(url)));
return Promise.resolve(false);
new ActivateRoutes(state, this.currentRouterState).activate(this.outletMap);
this.currentUrlTree = url;
this.currentUrlTree = updatedUrl;
this.currentRouterState = state;
if (!pop) {
@ -304,12 +306,13 @@ export class Router {
() => {
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationEnd(id, url));
new NavigationEnd(id, this.serializeUrl(url), this.serializeUrl(updatedUrl)));
e => {
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationError(id, url, e));
this.routerEvents.next(new NavigationError(id, this.serializeUrl(url), e));
@ -380,9 +383,11 @@ class GuardChecks {
private deactivateOutletAndItChildren(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, outlet: RouterOutlet): void {
if (outlet && outlet.isActivated) {
(v, k) => this.deactivateOutletAndItChildren(v.activatedRoute.snapshot, v));
forEach(outlet.outletMap._outlets, (v, k) => {
if (v.isActivated) {
this.deactivateOutletAndItChildren(v.activatedRoute.snapshot, v);
this.checks.push(new CanDeactivate(outlet.component, route));
@ -455,6 +460,7 @@ class ActivateRoutes {
parentOutletMap: RouterOutletMap): void {
const future = futureNode.value;
const curr = currNode ? currNode.value : null;
const outlet = getOutlet(parentOutletMap, futureNode.value);
if (future === curr) {
@ -506,10 +512,11 @@ function nodeChildrenAsMap(node: TreeNode<any>| null) {
function getOutlet(outletMap: RouterOutletMap, route: ActivatedRoute): RouterOutlet {
let outlet = outletMap._outlets[route.outlet];
if (!outlet) {
const componentName = (<any>route.component).name;
if (route.outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
throw new Error(`Cannot find primary outlet`);
throw new Error(`Cannot find primary outlet to load '${componentName}'`);
} else {
throw new Error(`Cannot find the outlet ${route.outlet}`);
throw new Error(`Cannot find the outlet ${route.outlet} to load '${componentName}'`);
return outlet;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {Route} from './config';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from './shared';
import {UrlSegment} from './url_tree';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {shallowEqual} from './utils/collection';
import {Tree, TreeNode} from './utils/tree';
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ export class RouterState extends Tree<ActivatedRoute> {
toString(): string { return this.snapshot.toString(); }
export function createEmptyState(rootComponent: Type): RouterState {
const snapshot = createEmptyStateSnapshot(rootComponent);
const emptyUrl = new BehaviorSubject([new UrlSegment('', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET)]);
export function createEmptyState(urlTree: UrlTree, rootComponent: Type): RouterState {
const snapshot = createEmptyStateSnapshot(urlTree, rootComponent);
const emptyUrl = new BehaviorSubject([new UrlPathWithParams('', {})]);
const emptyParams = new BehaviorSubject({});
const emptyQueryParams = new BehaviorSubject({});
const fragment = new BehaviorSubject('');
@ -50,16 +50,14 @@ export function createEmptyState(rootComponent: Type): RouterState {
new TreeNode<ActivatedRoute>(activated, []), emptyQueryParams, fragment, snapshot);
function createEmptyStateSnapshot(rootComponent: Type): RouterStateSnapshot {
const rootUrlSegment = new UrlSegment('', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
const emptyUrl = [rootUrlSegment];
function createEmptyStateSnapshot(urlTree: UrlTree, rootComponent: Type): RouterStateSnapshot {
const emptyParams = {};
const emptyQueryParams = {};
const fragment = '';
const activated = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
emptyUrl, emptyParams, PRIMARY_OUTLET, rootComponent, null, rootUrlSegment);
[], emptyParams, PRIMARY_OUTLET, rootComponent, null, urlTree.root, -1);
return new RouterStateSnapshot(
new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(activated, []), emptyQueryParams, fragment);
'', new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(activated, []), emptyQueryParams, fragment);
@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ export class ActivatedRoute {
* @internal
public urlSegments: Observable<UrlSegment[]>, public params: Observable<Params>,
public url: Observable<UrlPathWithParams[]>, public params: Observable<Params>,
public outlet: string, public component: Type|string,
futureSnapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {
this._futureSnapshot = futureSnapshot;
@ -120,20 +118,24 @@ export class ActivatedRouteSnapshot {
_routeConfig: Route|null;
/** @internal **/
_lastUrlSegment: UrlSegment;
_urlSegment: UrlSegment;
_lastPathIndex: number;
* @internal
public urlSegments: UrlSegment[], public params: Params, public outlet: string,
public component: Type|string, routeConfig: Route|null, lastUrlSegment: UrlSegment) {
public url: UrlPathWithParams[], public params: Params, public outlet: string,
public component: Type|string, routeConfig: Route|null, urlSegment: UrlSegment,
lastPathIndex: number) {
this._routeConfig = routeConfig;
this._lastUrlSegment = lastUrlSegment;
this._urlSegment = urlSegment;
this._lastPathIndex = lastPathIndex;
toString(): string {
const url = this.urlSegments.map(s => s.toString()).join('/');
const url = this.url.map(s => s.toString()).join('/');
const matched = this._routeConfig ? this._routeConfig.path : '';
return `Route(url:'${url}', path:'${matched}')`;
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ export class RouterStateSnapshot extends Tree<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
* @internal
root: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, public queryParams: Params,
public url: string, root: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, public queryParams: Params,
public fragment: string|null) {
@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ function serializeNode(node: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>): string {
export function advanceActivatedRoute(route: ActivatedRoute): void {
if (route.snapshot && !shallowEqual(route.snapshot.params, route._futureSnapshot.params)) {
route.snapshot = route._futureSnapshot;
} else {
route.snapshot = route._futureSnapshot;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from './shared';
import {UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {TreeNode} from './utils/tree';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
import {forEach} from './utils/collection';
@ -28,37 +29,65 @@ export class DefaultUrlSerializer implements UrlSerializer {
serialize(tree: UrlTree): string {
const node = serializeUrlTreeNode(tree._root);
const segment = `/${serializeSegment(tree.root, true)}`;
const query = serializeQueryParams(tree.queryParams);
const fragment = tree.fragment !== null ? `#${tree.fragment}` : '';
return `${node}${query}${fragment}`;
return `${segment}${query}${fragment}`;
function serializeUrlTreeNode(node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): string {
return `${serializeSegment(node.value)}${serializeChildren(node)}`;
export function serializePaths(segment: UrlSegment): string {
return segment.pathsWithParams.map(p => serializePath(p)).join('/');
function serializeUrlTreeNodes(nodes: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[]): string {
const primary = serializeSegment(nodes[0].value);
const secondaryNodes = nodes.slice(1);
const secondary =
secondaryNodes.length > 0 ? `(${secondaryNodes.map(serializeUrlTreeNode).join("//")})` : '';
const children = serializeChildren(nodes[0]);
return `${primary}${secondary}${children}`;
function serializeSegment(segment: UrlSegment, root: boolean): string {
if (segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] && root) {
const primary = serializeSegment(segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], false);
const children = [];
forEach(segment.children, (v, k) => {
if (k !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
children.push(`${k}:${serializeSegment(v, false)}`);
if (children.length > 0) {
return `${primary}(${children.join('//')})`;
} else {
return `${primary}`;
} else if (segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] && !root) {
const children = [serializeSegment(segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], false)];
forEach(segment.children, (v, k) => {
if (k !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
children.push(`${k}:${serializeSegment(v, false)}`);
return `${serializePaths(segment)}/(${children.join('//')})`;
} else {
return serializePaths(segment);
function serializeChildren(node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): string {
if (node.children.length > 0) {
return `/${serializeUrlTreeNodes(node.children)}`;
function serializeChildren(segment: UrlSegment) {
if (segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET]) {
const primary = serializePaths(segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET]);
const secondary = [];
forEach(segment.children, (v, k) => {
if (k !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
const secondaryStr = secondary.length > 0 ? `(${secondary.join('//')})` : '';
const primaryChildren = serializeChildren(segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET]);
const primaryChildrenStr = primaryChildren ? `/${primaryChildren}` : '';
return `${primary}${secondaryStr}${primaryChildrenStr}`;
} else {
return '';
export function serializeSegment(segment: UrlSegment): string {
const outlet = segment.outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET ? '' : `${segment.outlet}:`;
return `${outlet}${segment.path}${serializeParams(segment.parameters)}`;
export function serializePath(path: UrlPathWithParams): string {
return `${path.path}${serializeParams(path.parameters)}`;
function serializeParams(params: {[key: string]: string}): string {
@ -84,7 +113,7 @@ function pairs<T>(obj: {[key: string]: T}): Pair<string, T>[] {
const SEGMENT_RE = /^[^\/\(\)\?;=&#]+/;
function matchUrlSegment(str: string): string {
function matchPathWithParams(str: string): string {
SEGMENT_RE.lastIndex = 0;
var match = SEGMENT_RE.exec(str);
return match ? match[0] : '';
@ -109,61 +138,53 @@ class UrlParser {
this.remaining = this.remaining.substring(str.length);
parseRootSegment(): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (this.remaining == '' || this.remaining == '/') {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(new UrlSegment('', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET), []);
parseRootSegment(): UrlSegment {
if (this.remaining === '' || this.remaining === '/') {
return new UrlSegment([], {});
} else {
const segments = this.parseSegments(false);
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(new UrlSegment('', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET), segments);
return new UrlSegment([], this.parseSegmentChildren());
parseSegments(hasOutletName: boolean): TreeNode<UrlSegment>[] {
parseSegmentChildren(): {[key: string]: UrlSegment} {
if (this.remaining.length == 0) {
return [];
return {};
if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) {
let path = matchUrlSegment(this.remaining);
let outletName;
if (hasOutletName) {
if (path.indexOf(':') === -1) {
throw new Error('Not outlet name is provided');
if (path.indexOf(':') > -1 && hasOutletName) {
let parts = path.split(':');
outletName = parts[0];
path = parts[1];
} else {
if (path.indexOf(':') > -1) {
throw new Error('Not outlet name is allowed');
outletName = PRIMARY_OUTLET;
const paths = [this.parsePathWithParams()];
while (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//') && !this.peekStartsWith('/(')) {
let children = {};
if (this.peekStartsWith('/(')) {
children = this.parseParens(true);
let res: {[key: string]: UrlSegment} = {};
if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
res = this.parseParens(false);
res[PRIMARY_OUTLET] = new UrlSegment(paths, children);
return res;
parsePathWithParams(): UrlPathWithParams {
let path = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
let matrixParams: {[key: string]: any} = {};
if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
matrixParams = this.parseMatrixParams();
let secondary = [];
if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
secondary = this.parseSecondarySegments();
let children: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[] = [];
if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
children = this.parseSegments(false);
const segment = new UrlSegment(path, matrixParams, outletName);
const node = new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(segment, children);
return [node].concat(secondary);
return new UrlPathWithParams(path, matrixParams);
parseQueryParams(): {[key: string]: any} {
@ -197,7 +218,7 @@ class UrlParser {
parseParam(params: {[key: string]: any}): void {
var key = matchUrlSegment(this.remaining);
var key = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
if (!key) {
@ -205,7 +226,7 @@ class UrlParser {
var value: any = 'true';
if (this.peekStartsWith('=')) {
var valueMatch = matchUrlSegment(this.remaining);
var valueMatch = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
if (valueMatch) {
value = valueMatch;
@ -216,7 +237,7 @@ class UrlParser {
parseQueryParam(params: {[key: string]: any}): void {
var key = matchUrlSegment(this.remaining);
var key = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
if (!key) {
@ -233,12 +254,25 @@ class UrlParser {
params[key] = value;
parseSecondarySegments(): TreeNode<UrlSegment>[] {
var segments = [];
parseParens(allowPrimary: boolean): {[key: string]: UrlSegment} {
const segments = {};
while (!this.peekStartsWith(')') && this.remaining.length > 0) {
segments = segments.concat(this.parseSegments(true));
let path = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
let outletName;
if (path.indexOf(':') > -1) {
outletName = path.substr(0, path.indexOf(':'));
} else if (allowPrimary) {
outletName = PRIMARY_OUTLET;
const children = this.parseSegmentChildren();
segments[outletName] = Object.keys(children).length === 1 ? children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] :
new UrlSegment([], children);
if (this.peekStartsWith('//')) {
@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from './shared';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, serializeSegment} from './url_serializer';
import {shallowEqual} from './utils/collection';
import {Tree, TreeNode} from './utils/tree';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, serializePath, serializePaths} from './url_serializer';
import {forEach, shallowEqual} from './utils/collection';
export function createEmptyUrlTree() {
return new UrlTree(
new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(new UrlSegment('', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET), []), {}, null);
return new UrlTree(new UrlSegment([], {}), {}, null);
* A URL in the tree form.
export class UrlTree extends Tree<UrlSegment> {
export class UrlTree {
* @internal
root: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, public queryParams: {[key: string]: string},
public fragment: string|null) {
public root: UrlSegment, public queryParams: {[key: string]: string},
public fragment: string|null) {}
toString(): string { return new DefaultUrlSerializer().serialize(this); }
export class UrlSegment {
* @internal
public parent: UrlSegment|null = null;
public path: string, public parameters: {[key: string]: string}, public outlet: string) {}
public pathsWithParams: UrlPathWithParams[], public children: {[key: string]: UrlSegment}) {
forEach(children, (v, k) => v.parent = this);
toString(): string { return serializeSegment(this); }
toString(): string { return serializePaths(this); }
export function equalUrlSegments(a: UrlSegment[], b: UrlSegment[]): boolean {
export class UrlPathWithParams {
constructor(public path: string, public parameters: {[key: string]: string}) {}
toString(): string { return serializePath(this); }
export function equalPathsWithParams(a: UrlPathWithParams[], b: UrlPathWithParams[]): boolean {
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (a[i].path !== b[i].path) return false;
@ -42,3 +43,35 @@ export function equalUrlSegments(a: UrlSegment[], b: UrlSegment[]): boolean {
return true;
export function mapChildren(segment: UrlSegment, fn: (v: UrlSegment, k: string) => UrlSegment):
{[name: string]: UrlSegment} {
const newChildren = {};
forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
if (childOutlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
newChildren[childOutlet] = fn(child, childOutlet);
forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
if (childOutlet !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
newChildren[childOutlet] = fn(child, childOutlet);
return newChildren;
export function mapChildrenIntoArray<T>(
segment: UrlSegment, fn: (v: UrlSegment, k: string) => T[]): T[] {
let res = [];
forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
if (childOutlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
res = res.concat(fn(child, childOutlet));
forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
if (childOutlet !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
res = res.concat(fn(child, childOutlet));
return res;
@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
import {DefaultUrlSerializer} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {TreeNode} from '../src/utils/tree';
import {UrlTree, UrlSegment, equalUrlSegments} from '../src/url_tree';
import {Params, PRIMARY_OUTLET} from '../src/shared';
import {UrlTree, UrlSegment, equalPathsWithParams} from '../src/url_tree';
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
import {applyRedirects} from '../src/apply_redirects';
describe('applyRedirects', () => {
it("should return the same url tree when no redirects", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/b"), [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}]}
]).forEach(t => {
], "/a/b", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/a/b'));
it("should add new segments when needed", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/b"), [
{path: 'a/b', redirectTo: 'a/b/c'}
]).forEach(t => {
{path: 'a/b', redirectTo: 'a/b/c'},
{path: '**', component: ComponentC}
], "/a/b", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/a/b/c'));
it("should handle positional parameters", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/1/b/2"), [
{path: 'a/:aid/b/:bid', redirectTo: 'newa/:aid/newb/:bid'}
]).forEach(t => {
{path: 'a/:aid/b/:bid', redirectTo: 'newa/:aid/newb/:bid'},
{path: '**', component: ComponentC}
], "/a/1/b/2", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/newa/1/newb/2'));
@ -38,50 +40,122 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
it("should pass matrix parameters", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a;p1=1/1;p2=2"), [
{path: 'a/:id', redirectTo: 'd/a/:id/e'}
]).forEach(t => {
{path: 'a/:id', redirectTo: 'd/a/:id/e'},
{path: '**', component: ComponentC}
], "/a;p1=1/1;p2=2", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/d/a;p1=1/1;p2=2/e'));
it("should handle preserve secondary routes", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/1(aux:c/d)"), [
{path: 'a/:id', redirectTo: 'd/a/:id/e'},
{path: 'c/d', component: ComponentA, outlet: 'aux'}
]).forEach(t => {
{path: 'c/d', component: ComponentA, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '**', component: ComponentC}
], "/a/1(aux:c/d)", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/d/a/1/e(aux:c/d)'));
it("should redirect secondary routes", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/1(aux:c/d)"), [
{path: 'a/:id', component: ComponentA},
{path: 'c/d', redirectTo: 'f/c/d/e', outlet: 'aux'}
]).forEach(t => {
{path: 'c/d', redirectTo: 'f/c/d/e', outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '**', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'}
], "/a/1(aux:c/d)", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/a/1(aux:f/c/d/e)'));
it("should use the configuration of the route redirected to", () => {
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: 'c', redirectTo: 'a'}
], "c/b", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('a/b'));
it("should redirect empty path", () => {
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a'}
], "b", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('a/b'));
xit("should support nested redirects", () => {
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a'}
], "", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('a/b'));
xit("should support nested redirects (when redirected to an empty path)", () => {
{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}
{path: 'a', redirectTo: ''}
], "a", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('b'));
it("should redirect empty path route only when terminal", () => {
const config = [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a', terminal: true}
applyRedirects(tree("b"), config).subscribe((_) => {
throw "Should not be reached";
}, e => {
expect(e.message).toEqual("Cannot match any routes: 'b'");
it("should redirect wild cards", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/1(aux:c/d)"), [
{path: '404', component: ComponentA},
{path: '**', redirectTo: '/404'},
]).forEach(t => {
], "/a/1(aux:c/d)", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/404'));
it("should support global redirects", () => {
applyRedirects(tree("/a/b/1"), [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'b/:id', redirectTo: '/global/:id'}
]).forEach(t => {
{path: '**', component: ComponentC}
], "/a/b/1", t => {
compareTrees(t, tree('/global/1'));
function checkRedirect(config: RouterConfig, url: string, callback: any): void {
applyRedirects(tree(url), config).subscribe(callback, e => {
throw e;
function tree(url: string): UrlTree {
return new DefaultUrlSerializer().parse(url);
@ -89,19 +163,18 @@ function tree(url: string): UrlTree {
function compareTrees(actual: UrlTree, expected: UrlTree): void{
const serializer = new DefaultUrlSerializer();
const error = `"${serializer.serialize(actual)}" is not equal to "${serializer.serialize(expected)}"`;
compareNode(actual._root, expected._root, error);
compareSegments(actual.root, expected.root, error);
function compareNode(actual: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, expected: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, error: string): void{
expect(equalUrlSegments([actual.value], [expected.value])).toEqual(true, error);
function compareSegments(actual: UrlSegment, expected: UrlSegment, error: string): void{
expect(equalPathsWithParams(actual.pathsWithParams, expected.pathsWithParams)).toEqual(true, error);
expect(actual.children.length).toEqual(expected.children.length, error);
expect(Object.keys(actual.children).length).toEqual(Object.keys(expected.children).length, error);
if (actual.children.length === expected.children.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < actual.children.length; ++i) {
compareNode(actual.children[i], expected.children[i], error);
Object.keys(expected.children).forEach(key => {
compareSegments(actual.children[key], expected.children[key], error);
class ComponentA {}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {DefaultUrlSerializer} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {UrlTree} from '../src/url_tree';
import {UrlTree, UrlSegment} from '../src/url_tree';
import {TreeNode} from '../src/utils/tree';
import {Params, PRIMARY_OUTLET} from '../src/shared';
import {ActivatedRoute, RouterState, RouterStateSnapshot, createEmptyState, advanceActivatedRoute} from '../src/router_state';
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {recognize} from '../src/recognize';
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
describe('create router state', () => {
const emptyState = () => createEmptyState(RootComponent);
const emptyState = () => createEmptyState(new UrlTree(new UrlSegment([], {}), {}, null), RootComponent);
it('should work create new state', () => {
const state = createRouterState(createState([
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function advanceNode(node: TreeNode<ActivatedRoute>): void {
function createState(config: RouterConfig, url: string): RouterStateSnapshot {
let res;
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree(url)).forEach(s => res = s);
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree(url), url).forEach(s => res = s);
return res;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {DefaultUrlSerializer} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {UrlTree, UrlSegment} from '../src/url_tree';
import {UrlTree, UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment} from '../src/url_tree';
import {ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, advanceActivatedRoute} from '../src/router_state';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from '../src/shared';
import {createUrlTree} from '../src/create_url_tree';
@ -10,185 +10,163 @@ describe('createUrlTree', () => {
it("should navigate to the root", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/"]);
const t = createRoot(p, ["/"]);
it("should support nested segments", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/b");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/one", 11, "two", 22]);
const t = createRoot(p, ["/one", 11, "two", 22]);
it("should preserve secondary segments", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/11/b(right:c)");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", 11, 'd']);
const t = createRoot(p, ["/a", 11, 'd']);
it("should support updating secondary segments", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(right:b)");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["right:c", 11, 'd']);
const t = createRoot(p, ["right:c", 11, 'd']);
it("should support updating secondary segments (nested case)", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/b(right:c)");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["a", "right:d", 11, 'e']);
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(b//right:c)");
const t = createRoot(p, ["a", "right:d", 11, 'e']);
it('should update matrix parameters', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a;aa=11");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
const p = serializer.parse("/a;pp=11");
const t = createRoot(p, ["/a", {pp: 22, dd: 33}]);
it('should create matrix parameters', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
const t = createRoot(p, ["/a", {pp: 22, dd: 33}]);
it('should create matrix parameters together with other segments', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", "/b", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
const t = createRoot(p, ["/a", "/b", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
describe("node reuse", () => {
it('should reuse nodes when path is the same', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/b");
const t = create(p.root, p, ['/a/c']);
it("should create new node when params are the same", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a;x=1");
const t = create(p.root, p, ['/a', {'x': 1}]);
it("should create new node when params are different", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a;x=1");
const t = create(p.root, p, ['/a', {'x': 2}]);
describe("relative navigation", () => {
it("should work", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["c2"]);
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ["c2"]);
it("should work when the first command starts with a ./", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["./c2"]);
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ["./c2"]);
it("should work when the first command is ./)", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["./", "c2"]);
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ["./", "c2"]);
it("should work when given params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, [{'x': 99}]);
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, [{'x': 99}]);
it("should support going to a parent", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["../a2"]);
it("should support going to a parent (nested case)", () => {
it("should work when index > 0", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const c = p.firstChild(<any>p.firstChild(p.root));
const t = create(c, p, ["../c2"]);
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, ["c2"]);
it("should support going to a parent (within a segment)", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, ["../c2"]);
it("should work when given ../", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const c = p.firstChild(<any>p.firstChild(p.root));
const t = create(c, p, ["../"]);
it("should navigate to the root", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["../"]);
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, ["../", "c2"]);
it("should support setting matrix params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["../", {'x': 5}]);
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../', {x: 5}]);
xit("should support going to a parent (across segments)", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/q/(a/(c//left:cp)//left:qp)(left:ap)");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../../q2']);
xit("should navigate to the root", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../']);
it("should throw when too many ..", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
expect(() => create(c, p, ["../../"])).toThrowError("Invalid number of '../'");
const p = serializer.parse("/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)");
expect(() => create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../../'])).toThrowError("Invalid number of '../'");
it("should set query params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], {a: 'hey'});
const t = createRoot(p, [], {a: 'hey'});
expect(t.queryParams).toEqual({a: 'hey'});
it("should stringify query params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], <any>{a: 1});
const t = createRoot(p, [], <any>{a: 1});
expect(t.queryParams).toEqual({a: '1'});
it("should reuse old query params when given undefined", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/?a=1");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], undefined);
const t = createRoot(p, [], undefined);
expect(t.queryParams).toEqual({a: '1'});
it("should set fragment", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], {}, "fragment");
const t = createRoot(p, [], {}, "fragment");
it("should reused old fragment when given undefined", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/#fragment");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], undefined, undefined);
const t = createRoot(p, [], undefined, undefined);
function create(start: UrlSegment | null, tree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams?: Params, fragment?: string) {
if (!start) {
function createRoot(tree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams?: Params, fragment?: string) {
const s = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot([], <any>{}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, "someComponent", null, tree.root, -1);
const a = new ActivatedRoute(new BehaviorSubject(null), new BehaviorSubject(null), PRIMARY_OUTLET, "someComponent", s);
return createUrlTree(a, tree, commands, queryParams, fragment);
function create(segment: UrlSegment, startIndex: number, tree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams?: Params, fragment?: string) {
if (!segment) {
const s = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot([], <any>{}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, "someComponent", null, <any>start);
const s = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot([], <any>{}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, "someComponent", null, <any>segment, startIndex);
const a = new ActivatedRoute(new BehaviorSubject(null), new BehaviorSubject(null), PRIMARY_OUTLET, "someComponent", s);
return createUrlTree(a, tree, commands, queryParams, fragment);
@ -2,28 +2,27 @@ import {DefaultUrlSerializer} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {UrlTree} from '../src/url_tree';
import {Params, PRIMARY_OUTLET} from '../src/shared';
import {ActivatedRouteSnapshot} from '../src/router_state';
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
import {recognize} from '../src/recognize';
describe('recognize', () => {
it('should work', (done) => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
it('should work', () => {
path: 'a', component: ComponentA
], tree("a")).forEach(s => {
], "a", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.root, "", {}, RootComponent);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {}, ComponentA);
it('should support secondary routes', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'left' },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'right' }
], tree("a(left:b//right:c)")).forEach(s => {
], "a(left:b//right:c)", s => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], "b", {}, ComponentB, 'left');
@ -31,43 +30,85 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it('should match routes in the depth first order', () => {
it('should set url segment and index properly', () => {
const url = tree("a(left:b//right:c)");
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'left' },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'right' }
], url, "a(left:b//right:c)").subscribe((s) => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
it('should set url segment and index properly (nested case)', () => {
const url = tree("a/b/c");
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: '/a/b', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC}
] },
], url, "a/b/c").subscribe(s => {
const compA = s.firstChild(s.root);
const compC = s.firstChild(<any>compA);
it('should match routes in the depth first order', () => {
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: ':id', component: ComponentB}]},
{path: 'a/:id', component: ComponentC}
], tree("a/paramA")).forEach(s => {
], "a/paramA", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.root, "", {}, RootComponent);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "paramA", {id: 'paramA'}, ComponentB);
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA},
{path: 'a/:id', component: ComponentC}
], tree("a/paramA")).forEach(s => {
], "a/paramA", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.root, "", {}, RootComponent);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a/paramA", {id: 'paramA'}, ComponentC);
it('should use outlet name when matching secondary routes', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'left' },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'right' }
], tree("a(right:b)")).forEach(s => {
], "a(right:b)", s => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], "b", {}, ComponentC, 'right');
it('should handle nested secondary routes', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
xit('should handle nested secondary routes', () => {
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'left' },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'right' }
], tree("a(left:b(right:c))")).forEach(s => {
], "a(left:b(right:c))", s => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], "b", {}, ComponentB, 'left');
@ -76,12 +117,12 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it('should handle non top-level secondary routes', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'left' }
] },
], tree("a/b(left:c))")).forEach(s => {
], "a/(b//left:c)", s => {
const c = s.children(<any>s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "b", {}, ComponentB, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], "c", {}, ComponentC, 'left');
@ -89,11 +130,11 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it('should sort routes by outlet name', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'c' },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'b' }
], tree("a(c:c//b:b)")).forEach(s => {
], "a(c:c//b:b)", s => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], "b", {}, ComponentB, 'b');
@ -102,52 +143,52 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it('should support matrix parameters', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'left' }
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB }
], tree("a;a1=11;a2=22/b;b1=111;b2=222(left:c;c1=1111;c2=2222)")).forEach(s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {a1: '11', a2: '22'}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(<any>s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "b", {b1: '111', b2: '222'}, ComponentB);
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'left' }
], "a;a1=11;a2=22/b;b1=111;b2=222(left:c;c1=1111;c2=2222)", s => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], "a", {a1: '11', a2: '22'}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>c[0]), "b", {b1: '111', b2: '222'}, ComponentB);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], "c", {c1: '1111', c2: '2222'}, ComponentC, 'left');
describe("index", () => {
it("should support root index routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{index: true, component: ComponentA}
], tree("")).forEach(s => {
], "", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "", {}, ComponentA);
it("should support nested root index routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{index: true, component: ComponentA, children: [{index: true, component: ComponentB}]}
], tree("")).forEach(s => {
], "", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {}, ComponentB);
it("should support index routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{index: true, component: ComponentB}
], tree("a")).forEach(s => {
], "a", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {}, ComponentB);
it("should support index routes with children", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
index: true, component: ComponentA, children: [
{ index: true, component: ComponentB, children: [
@ -156,7 +197,7 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
], tree("c/10")).forEach(s => {
], "c/10", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {}, ComponentB);
@ -164,21 +205,96 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it("should pass parameters to every nested index route (case with non-index route)", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
xit("should pass parameters to every nested index route (case with non-index route)", () => {
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [{index: true, component: ComponentB}]}
], tree("/a;a=1")).forEach(s => {
], "/a;a=1", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {a: '1'}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {a: '1'}, ComponentB);
describe("matching empty url", () => {
it("should support root index routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: '', component: ComponentA}
], tree(""), "").forEach(s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "", {}, ComponentA);
it("should support nested root index routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}
], tree(""), "").forEach(s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {}, ComponentB);
it('should set url segment and index properly', () => {
const url = tree("");
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}
], url, "").forEach(s => {
const c = s.firstChild(s.root);
const c2 = s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root));
it("should support index routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentB}
], tree("a"), "a").forEach(s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {}, ComponentB);
it("should support index routes with children", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [
{ path: '', component: ComponentB, children: [
{path: 'c/:id', component: ComponentC}
], tree("c/10"), "c/10").forEach(s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "", {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {}, ComponentB);
s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root))), "c/10", {id: '10'}, ComponentC);
xit("should pass parameters to every nested index route (case with non-index route)", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}
], tree("/a;a=1"), "/a;a=1").forEach(s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a", {a: '1'}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), "", {a: '1'}, ComponentB);
describe("wildcards", () => {
it("should support simple wildcards", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{path: '**', component: ComponentA}
], tree("a/b/c/d;a1=11")).forEach(s => {
], "a/b/c/d;a1=11", s => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), "a/b/c/d", {a1:'11'}, ComponentA);
@ -187,7 +303,7 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
describe("query parameters", () => {
it("should support query params", () => {
const config = [{path: 'a', component: ComponentA}];
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree("a?q=11")).forEach(s => {
checkRecognize(config, "a?q=11", s => {
expect(s.queryParams).toEqual({q: '11'});
@ -196,7 +312,7 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
describe("fragment", () => {
it("should support fragment", () => {
const config = [{path: 'a', component: ComponentA}];
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree("a#f1")).forEach(s => {
checkRecognize(config, "a#f1", s => {
@ -208,7 +324,7 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA },
{ path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'aux' },
{ path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux' }
], tree("a(aux:b//aux:c)")).subscribe((_) => {}, s => {
], tree("a(aux:b//aux:c)"), "a(aux:b//aux:c)").subscribe((_) => {}, s => {
expect(s.toString()).toContain("Two segments cannot have the same outlet name: 'aux:b' and 'aux:c'.");
@ -216,7 +332,7 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it("should error when no matching routes", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a', component: ComponentA }
], tree("invalid")).subscribe((_) => {}, s => {
], tree("invalid"), "invalid").subscribe((_) => {}, s => {
expect(s.toString()).toContain("Cannot match any routes");
@ -224,18 +340,24 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
it("should error when no matching routes (too short)", () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [
{ path: 'a/:id', component: ComponentA }
], tree("a")).subscribe((_) => {}, s => {
], tree("a"), "a").subscribe((_) => {}, s => {
expect(s.toString()).toContain("Cannot match any routes");
function checkRecognize(config: RouterConfig, url: string, callback: any): void {
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree(url), url).subscribe(callback, e => {
throw e;
function checkActivatedRoute(actual: ActivatedRouteSnapshot | null, url: string, params: Params, cmp: Function, outlet: string = PRIMARY_OUTLET):void {
if (actual === null) {
} else {
expect(actual.urlSegments.map(s => s.path).join("/")).toEqual(url);
expect(actual.url.map(s => s.path).join("/")).toEqual(url);
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
beforeEachProviders(() => {
let config: RouterConfig = [
{ path: '', component: BlankCmp },
{ path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp }
@ -54,19 +55,20 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should update location when navigating',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -79,6 +81,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
xit('should navigate back and forward',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp },
@ -86,7 +91,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -106,14 +110,15 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should navigate when locations changes',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -125,6 +130,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should support secondary routes',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp },
@ -132,9 +140,7 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -143,6 +149,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should deactivate outlets',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp },
@ -150,9 +159,7 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -163,16 +170,18 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should deactivate nested outlets',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp },
{ path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp, outlet: 'right' }
] }
] },
{ path: '', component: BlankCmp}
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -183,12 +192,13 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should set query params and fragment',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'query', component: QueryParamsAndFragmentCmp }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('query: 1 fragment: fragment1');
@ -200,14 +210,15 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should push params only when they change',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb:TestComponentBuilder) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
const team = fixture.debugElement.children[1].componentInstance;
@ -225,13 +236,14 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it('should work when navigating to /',
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb:TestComponentBuilder) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ index: true, component: SimpleCmp },
{ path: '/user/:name', component: UserCmp }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -245,6 +257,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it("should cancel in-flight navigations",
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb:TestComponentBuilder) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: '/user/:name', component: UserCmp }
@ -252,7 +267,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
const recordedEvents = [];
router.events.forEach(e => recordedEvents.push(e));
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -269,7 +283,7 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('user fedor');
expect(user.recordedParams).toEqual([{name: 'init'}, {name: 'fedor'}]);
expectEvents(router, recordedEvents.slice(2), [
expectEvents(recordedEvents, [
[NavigationStart, '/user/init'],
[RoutesRecognized, '/user/init'],
[NavigationEnd, '/user/init'],
@ -285,6 +299,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it("should handle failed navigations gracefully",
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb:TestComponentBuilder) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: '/user/:name', component: UserCmp }
@ -292,9 +309,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
const recordedEvents = [];
router.events.forEach(e => recordedEvents.push(e));
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
let e;
router.navigateByUrl('/invalid').catch(_ => e = _);
@ -305,7 +319,7 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('user fedor');
expectEvents(router, recordedEvents.slice(2), [
expectEvents(recordedEvents, [
[NavigationStart, '/invalid'],
[NavigationError, '/invalid'],
@ -318,6 +332,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
describe("router links", () => {
it("should support string router links",
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'link', component: StringLinkCmp },
@ -325,9 +342,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('team 22 { link, right: }');
@ -342,6 +356,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it("should support absolute router links",
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'link', component: AbsoluteLinkCmp },
@ -349,9 +366,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('team 22 { link, right: }');
@ -366,6 +380,9 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
it("should support relative router links",
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'link', component: RelativeLinkCmp },
@ -373,9 +390,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -394,11 +408,15 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder], (router, tcb) => {
let fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(AbsoluteLinkCmp);
it("should support query params and fragments",
fakeAsync(inject([Router, Location, TestComponentBuilder], (router, location, tcb) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'link', component: LinkWithQueryParamsAndFragment },
@ -406,9 +424,6 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -426,14 +441,14 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
describe("redirects", () => {
it("should work", fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: '/old/team/:id', redirectTo: 'team/:id' },
{ path: '/team/:id', component: TeamCmp }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -450,17 +465,17 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canActivate: ["alwaysFalse"] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -471,13 +486,13 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canActivate: ["alwaysTrue"] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -496,13 +511,13 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canActivate: [AlwaysTrue] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -519,16 +534,16 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canActivate: ['CanActivate'] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -544,13 +559,13 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canDeactivate: ["CanDeactivate"] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -579,13 +594,13 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canDeactivate: [AlwaysTrue] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -606,13 +621,13 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
fakeAsync(inject([Router, TestComponentBuilder, Location], (router, tcb, location) => {
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, canDeactivate: ['CanDeactivate'] }
const fixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(RootCmp);
@ -625,10 +640,10 @@ describe("Integration", () => {
function expectEvents(router: Router, events:Event[], pairs: any[]) {
function expectEvents(events:Event[], pairs: any[]) {
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) {
@ -641,7 +656,7 @@ class StringLinkCmp {}
selector: 'link-cmp',
template: `<a [routerLink]="['/team/33/simple']">link</a>`,
template: `<router-outlet></router-outlet><a [routerLink]="['/team/33/simple']">link</a>`,
class AbsoluteLinkCmp {}
@ -668,6 +683,14 @@ class LinkWithQueryParamsAndFragment {}
class SimpleCmp {
selector: 'blank-cmp',
template: ``,
class BlankCmp {
selector: 'team-cmp',
template: `team {{id | async}} { <router-outlet></router-outlet>, right: <router-outlet name="right"></router-outlet> }`,
@ -1,76 +1,80 @@
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, serializeSegment} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, serializePath} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {UrlSegment} from '../src/url_tree';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from '../src/shared';
describe('url serializer', () => {
const url = new DefaultUrlSerializer();
it('should parse the root url', () => {
const tree = url.parse("/");
expectSegment(tree.root, "");
it('should parse non-empty urls', () => {
const tree = url.parse("one/two");
const one = tree.firstChild(tree.root);
expectSegment(one, "one");
expectSegment(tree.firstChild(<any>one), "two");
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "one/two");
it("should parse multiple secondary segments", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one/two(left:three//right:four)/five");
const c = tree.children(<any>tree.firstChild(tree.root));
const tree = url.parse("/one/two(left:three//right:four)");
expectSegment(c[0], "two");
expectSegment(c[1], "left:three");
expectSegment(c[2], "right:four");
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "one/two");
expectSegment(tree.root.children['left'], "three");
expectSegment(tree.root.children['right'], "four");
expectSegment(tree.firstChild(c[0]), "five");
it("should parse secondary segments that have secondary segments", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one(left:two(right:three))");
const c = tree.children(tree.root);
it("should parse scoped secondary segments", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one/(two//left:three)");
expectSegment(c[0], "one");
expectSegment(c[1], "left:two");
expectSegment(c[2], "right:three");
const primary = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
expectSegment(primary, "one", true);
expectSegment(primary.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "two");
expectSegment(primary.children["left"], "three");
it("should parse scoped secondary segments with unscoped ones", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one/(two//left:three)(right:four)");
const primary = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
expectSegment(primary, "one", true);
expectSegment(primary.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "two");
expectSegment(primary.children["left"], "three");
expectSegment(tree.root.children["right"], "four");
it("should parse secondary segments that have children", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one(left:two/three)");
const c = tree.children(tree.root);
expectSegment(c[0], "one");
expectSegment(c[1], "left:two");
expectSegment(tree.firstChild(c[1]), "three");
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "one");
expectSegment(tree.root.children['left'], "two/three");
it("should parse an empty secondary segment group", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one()");
const c = tree.children(tree.root);
expectSegment(c[0], "one");
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "one");
it("should parse key-value matrix params", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one;a=11a;b=11b(left:two;c=22//right:three;d=33)");
const c = tree.children(tree.root);
expectSegment(c[0], "one;a=11a;b=11b");
expectSegment(c[1], "left:two;c=22");
expectSegment(c[2], "right:three;d=33");
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "one;a=11a;b=11b");
expectSegment(tree.root.children["left"], "two;c=22");
expectSegment(tree.root.children["right"], "three;d=33");
@ -78,8 +82,7 @@ describe('url serializer', () => {
it("should parse key only matrix params", () => {
const tree = url.parse("/one;a");
const c = tree.firstChild(tree.root);
expectSegment(c, "one;a=true");
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], "one;a=true");
@ -112,6 +115,8 @@ describe('url serializer', () => {
function expectSegment(segment:UrlSegment | null, expected:string):void {
expect(segment ? serializeSegment(segment) : null).toEqual(expected);
function expectSegment(segment:UrlSegment, expected:string, hasChildren: boolean = false):void {
const p = segment.pathsWithParams.map(p => serializePath(p)).join("/");
expect(Object.keys(segment.children).length > 0).toEqual(hasChildren);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user