revert: fix(ivy): remove query results from destroyed embedded views (#28445)

This reverts commit 5ebc0da640f9e654b3111a0e33ce7844fe884605.
This commit is contained in:
Matias Niemelä 2019-02-05 21:07:03 -08:00
parent 5ebc0da640
commit 22d3226491
3 changed files with 18 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -242,17 +242,14 @@ export function destroyViewTree(rootView: LView): void {
while (viewOrContainer) {
let next: LView|LContainer|null = null;
if (isLContainer(viewOrContainer)) {
// If container, traverse down to its first LView.
const container = viewOrContainer as LContainer;
const viewsInContainer = container[VIEWS];
if (viewsInContainer.length) {
next = viewsInContainer[0];
} else {
if (viewOrContainer.length >= HEADER_OFFSET) {
// If LView, traverse down to child.
const view = viewOrContainer as LView;
if (view[TVIEW].childIndex > -1) next = getLViewChild(view);
} else {
// If container, traverse down to its first LView.
const container = viewOrContainer as LContainer;
if (container[VIEWS].length) next = container[VIEWS][0];
if (next == null) {
@ -261,15 +258,6 @@ export function destroyViewTree(rootView: LView): void {
while (viewOrContainer && !viewOrContainer ![NEXT] && viewOrContainer !== rootView) {
viewOrContainer = getParentState(viewOrContainer, rootView);
if (isLContainer(viewOrContainer)) {
// this view will be destroyed so we need to notify queries that a view is detached
const viewsInContainer = (viewOrContainer as LContainer)[VIEWS];
for (let viewToDetach of viewsInContainer) {
if (viewToDetach[QUERIES]) {
viewToDetach[QUERIES] !.removeView();
cleanUpView(viewOrContainer || rootView);
next = viewOrContainer && viewOrContainer ![NEXT];

View File

@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ export function isComponentDef<T>(def: DirectiveDef<T>): def is ComponentDef<T>
return (def as ComponentDef<T>).template !== null;
export function isLContainer(
value: RElement | RComment | LContainer | LView | StylingContext | null): boolean {
export function isLContainer(value: RElement | RComment | LContainer | StylingContext): boolean {
// Styling contexts are also arrays, but their first index contains an element node
return Array.isArray(value) && value.length === LCONTAINER_LENGTH;

View File

@ -633,24 +633,25 @@ describe('Query API', () => {
expect( TextDirective) => d.text)).toEqual(['2', '1']);
it('should remove manually projected templates if their parent view is destroyed', () => {
const template = `
fixmeIvy('FW-920: Queries in nested views are not destroyed properly')
.it('should remove manually projected templates if their parent view is destroyed', () => {
const template = `
<manual-projecting #q><ng-template #tpl><div text="1"></div></ng-template></manual-projecting>
<div *ngIf="shouldShow">
<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="tpl"></ng-container>
const view = createTestCmp(MyComp0, template);
const q = view.debugElement.children[0].references !['q'];
view.componentInstance.shouldShow = true;
const view = createTestCmp(MyComp0, template);
const q = view.debugElement.children[0].references !['q'];
view.componentInstance.shouldShow = true;
view.componentInstance.shouldShow = false;
view.componentInstance.shouldShow = false;
modifiedInIvy(' fixed in ivy')
.it('should not throw if a content template is queried and created in the view during change detection',