refactor(compiler): move `findDeclaration` into the `StaticReflector`
Previously, this was part of the `AotCompilerHost`. The `AotCompilerHost` is now also greatly simplified.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
export {StaticReflector, StaticReflectorHost, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
export {AotCompilerHost, AotCompilerHost as StaticReflectorHost, StaticReflector, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
export {CodeGenerator} from './src/codegen';
export {Extractor} from './src/extractor';
export {NodeReflectorHostContext, ReflectorHost, ReflectorHostContext} from './src/reflector_host';
export {NgHost, NgHostContext, NodeNgHostContext} from './src/ng_host';
export * from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ import {readFileSync} from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {PathMappedReflectorHost} from './path_mapped_reflector_host';
import {NgHost, NgHostContext} from './ng_host';
import {PathMappedNgHost} from './path_mapped_ng_host';
import {Console} from './private_import_core';
import {ReflectorHost, ReflectorHostContext} from './reflector_host';
const GENERATED_FILES = /\.ngfactory\.ts$|\.css\.ts$|\.css\.shim\.ts$/;
const GENERATED_OR_DTS_FILES = /\.d\.ts$|\.ngfactory\.ts$|\.css\.ts$|\.css\.shim\.ts$/;
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ export class CodeGenerator {
private options: AngularCompilerOptions, private program: ts.Program,
public host: ts.CompilerHost, private staticReflector: compiler.StaticReflector,
private compiler: compiler.AotCompiler, private reflectorHost: compiler.StaticReflectorHost) {
private compiler: compiler.AotCompiler, private ngHost: NgHost) {}
// Write codegen in a directory structure matching the sources.
private calculateEmitPath(filePath: string): string {
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ export class CodeGenerator {
codegen(options: {transitiveModules: boolean}): Promise<any> {
const staticSymbols =
extractProgramSymbols(this.program, this.staticReflector, this.reflectorHost, this.options);
extractProgramSymbols(this.program, this.staticReflector, this.ngHost, this.options);
return this.compiler.compileModules(staticSymbols, options).then(generatedModules => {
generatedModules.forEach(generatedModule => {
@ -79,8 +78,8 @@ export class CodeGenerator {
static create(
options: AngularCompilerOptions, cliOptions: NgcCliOptions, program: ts.Program,
compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost, reflectorHostContext?: ReflectorHostContext,
resourceLoader?: compiler.ResourceLoader, reflectorHost?: ReflectorHost): CodeGenerator {
compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost, ngHostContext?: NgHostContext,
resourceLoader?: compiler.ResourceLoader, ngHost?: NgHost): CodeGenerator {
resourceLoader = resourceLoader || {
get: (s: string) => {
if (!compilerHost.fileExists(s)) {
@ -102,13 +101,13 @@ export class CodeGenerator {
const urlResolver: compiler.UrlResolver = compiler.createOfflineCompileUrlResolver();
if (!reflectorHost) {
if (!ngHost) {
const usePathMapping = !!options.rootDirs && options.rootDirs.length > 0;
reflectorHost = usePathMapping ?
new PathMappedReflectorHost(program, compilerHost, options, reflectorHostContext) :
new ReflectorHost(program, compilerHost, options, reflectorHostContext);
ngHost = usePathMapping ?
new PathMappedNgHost(program, compilerHost, options, ngHostContext) :
new NgHost(program, compilerHost, options, ngHostContext);
const staticReflector = new compiler.StaticReflector(reflectorHost);
const staticReflector = new compiler.StaticReflector(ngHost);
const htmlParser =
new compiler.I18NHtmlParser(new compiler.HtmlParser(), transContent, cliOptions.i18nFormat);
@ -135,18 +134,15 @@ export class CodeGenerator {
new compiler.ViewCompiler(config, elementSchemaRegistry),
new compiler.DirectiveWrapperCompiler(
config, expressionParser, elementSchemaRegistry, console),
new compiler.NgModuleCompiler(), new compiler.TypeScriptEmitter(reflectorHost),
cliOptions.locale, cliOptions.i18nFormat,
new compiler.AnimationParser(elementSchemaRegistry));
new compiler.NgModuleCompiler(), new compiler.TypeScriptEmitter(ngHost), cliOptions.locale,
cliOptions.i18nFormat, new compiler.AnimationParser(elementSchemaRegistry));
return new CodeGenerator(
options, program, compilerHost, staticReflector, aotCompiler, reflectorHost);
return new CodeGenerator(options, program, compilerHost, staticReflector, aotCompiler, ngHost);
export function extractProgramSymbols(
program: ts.Program, staticReflector: compiler.StaticReflector,
reflectorHost: compiler.StaticReflectorHost,
program: ts.Program, staticReflector: compiler.StaticReflector, ngHost: NgHost,
options: AngularCompilerOptions): compiler.StaticSymbol[] {
// Compare with false since the default should be true
const skipFileNames =
@ -157,7 +153,7 @@ export function extractProgramSymbols(
.filter(sourceFile => !skipFileNames.test(sourceFile.fileName))
.forEach(sourceFile => {
const absSrcPath = reflectorHost.getCanonicalFileName(sourceFile.fileName);
const absSrcPath = ngHost.getCanonicalFileName(sourceFile.fileName);
const moduleMetadata = staticReflector.getModuleMetadata(absSrcPath);
if (!moduleMetadata) {
@ -176,7 +172,7 @@ export function extractProgramSymbols(
// Ignore symbols that are only included to record error information.
staticSymbols.push(reflectorHost.findDeclaration(absSrcPath, symbol, absSrcPath));
staticSymbols.push(staticReflector.findDeclaration(absSrcPath, symbol, absSrcPath));
@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ import * as tsc from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {extractProgramSymbols} from './codegen';
import {ReflectorHost} from './reflector_host';
import {NgHost} from './ng_host';
export class Extractor {
private options: tsc.AngularCompilerOptions, private program: ts.Program,
public host: ts.CompilerHost, private staticReflector: compiler.StaticReflector,
private messageBundle: compiler.MessageBundle, private reflectorHost: ReflectorHost,
private messageBundle: compiler.MessageBundle, private ngHost: NgHost,
private metadataResolver: compiler.CompileMetadataResolver) {}
extract(): Promise<compiler.MessageBundle> {
const programSymbols: compiler.StaticSymbol[] =
extractProgramSymbols(this.program, this.staticReflector, this.reflectorHost, this.options);
extractProgramSymbols(this.program, this.staticReflector, this.ngHost, this.options);
const {ngModules, files} = compiler.analyzeAndValidateNgModules(
programSymbols, {transitiveModules: true}, this.metadataResolver);
@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ export class Extractor {
static create(
options: tsc.AngularCompilerOptions, translationsFormat: string, program: ts.Program,
compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost, resourceLoader: compiler.ResourceLoader,
reflectorHost?: ReflectorHost): Extractor {
ngHost?: NgHost): Extractor {
const htmlParser = new compiler.I18NHtmlParser(new compiler.HtmlParser());
const urlResolver: compiler.UrlResolver = compiler.createOfflineCompileUrlResolver();
if (!reflectorHost) reflectorHost = new ReflectorHost(program, compilerHost, options);
const staticReflector = new compiler.StaticReflector(reflectorHost);
if (!ngHost) ngHost = new NgHost(program, compilerHost, options);
const staticReflector = new compiler.StaticReflector(ngHost);
const config = new compiler.CompilerConfig({
@ -92,6 +92,6 @@ export class Extractor {
const messageBundle = new compiler.MessageBundle(htmlParser, [], {});
return new Extractor(
options, program, compilerHost, staticReflector, messageBundle, reflectorHost, resolver);
options, program, compilerHost, staticReflector, messageBundle, ngHost, resolver);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AssetUrl, ImportGenerator, StaticReflectorHost, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AotCompilerHost, AssetUrl, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AngularCompilerOptions, MetadataCollector, ModuleMetadata} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
@ -17,46 +17,42 @@ const DTS = /\.d\.ts$/;
const NODE_MODULES = '/node_modules/';
const IS_GENERATED = /\.(ngfactory|css(\.shim)?)$/;
export interface ReflectorHostContext {
export interface NgHostContext {
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
directoryExists(directoryName: string): boolean;
readFile(fileName: string): string;
assumeFileExists(fileName: string): void;
export class ReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost, ImportGenerator {
export class NgHost implements AotCompilerHost {
protected metadataCollector = new MetadataCollector();
protected context: ReflectorHostContext;
protected context: NgHostContext;
private isGenDirChildOfRootDir: boolean;
protected basePath: string;
private genDir: string;
protected program: ts.Program, protected compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost,
protected options: AngularCompilerOptions, context?: ReflectorHostContext) {
protected options: AngularCompilerOptions, context?: NgHostContext) {
// normalize the path so that it never ends with '/'.
this.basePath = path.normalize(path.join(this.options.basePath, '.')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
this.genDir = path.normalize(path.join(this.options.genDir, '.')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
this.context = context || new NodeReflectorHostContext(compilerHost);
this.context = context || new NodeNgHostContext(compilerHost);
const genPath: string = path.relative(this.basePath, this.genDir);
this.isGenDirChildOfRootDir = genPath === '' || !genPath.startsWith('..');
angularImportLocations() {
return {
coreDecorators: '@angular/core/src/metadata',
diDecorators: '@angular/core/src/di/metadata',
diMetadata: '@angular/core/src/di/metadata',
diOpaqueToken: '@angular/core/src/di/opaque_token',
animationMetadata: '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata',
provider: '@angular/core/src/di/provider'
// We use absolute paths on disk as canonical.
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return fileName; }
protected resolve(m: string, containingFile: string) {
resolveImportToFile(m: string, containingFile: string) {
if (!containingFile || !containingFile.length) {
if (m.indexOf('.') === 0) {
throw new Error('Resolution of relative paths requires a containing file.');
// Any containing file gives the same result for absolute imports
containingFile = path.join(this.basePath, 'index.ts');
m = m.replace(EXT, '');
const resolved =
ts.resolveModuleName(m, containingFile.replace(/\\/g, '/'), this.options, this.context)
@ -73,7 +69,7 @@ export class ReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost, ImportGenerator {
protected resolveAssetUrl(url: string, containingFile: string): string {
const assetUrl = this.normalizeAssetUrl(url);
if (assetUrl) {
return this.getCanonicalFileName(this.resolve(assetUrl, containingFile));
return this.getCanonicalFileName(this.resolveImportToFile(assetUrl, containingFile));
return url;
@ -158,80 +154,8 @@ export class ReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost, ImportGenerator {
module: string, symbolName: string, containingFile: string,
containingModule?: string): StaticSymbol {
if (!containingFile || !containingFile.length) {
if (module.indexOf('.') === 0) {
throw new Error('Resolution of relative paths requires a containing file.');
// Any containing file gives the same result for absolute imports
containingFile = path.join(this.basePath, 'index.ts');
try {
const assetUrl = this.normalizeAssetUrl(module);
if (assetUrl) {
module = assetUrl;
const filePath = this.resolve(module, containingFile);
if (!filePath) {
// If the file cannot be found the module is probably referencing a declared module
// for which there is no disambiguating file and we also don't need to track
// re-exports. Just use the module name.
return this.getStaticSymbol(module, symbolName);
const tc = this.program.getTypeChecker();
const sf = this.program.getSourceFile(filePath);
if (!sf || !(<any>sf).symbol) {
// The source file was not needed in the compile but we do need the values from
// the corresponding .ts files stored in the .metadata.json file. Check the file
// for exports to see if the file is exported.
return this.resolveExportedSymbol(filePath, symbolName) ||
this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, symbolName);
let symbol = tc.getExportsOfModule((<any>sf).symbol).find(m => === symbolName);
if (!symbol) {
throw new Error(`can't find symbol ${symbolName} exported from module ${filePath}`);
if (symbol &&
symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Alias) { // This is an alias, follow what it aliases
symbol = tc.getAliasedSymbol(symbol);
const declaration = symbol.getDeclarations()[0];
const declarationFile = this.getCanonicalFileName(declaration.getSourceFile().fileName);
return this.getStaticSymbol(declarationFile, symbol.getName());
} catch (e) {
console.error(`can't resolve module ${module} from ${containingFile}`);
throw e;
private typeCache = new Map<string, StaticSymbol>();
private resolverCache = new Map<string, ModuleMetadata>();
* getStaticSymbol produces a Type whose metadata is known but whose implementation is not loaded.
* All types passed to the StaticResolver should be pseudo-types returned by this method.
* @param declarationFile the absolute path of the file where the symbol is declared
* @param name the name of the type.
getStaticSymbol(declarationFile: string, name: string, members?: string[]): StaticSymbol {
const memberSuffix = members ? `.${ members.join('.')}` : '';
const key = `"${declarationFile}".${name}${memberSuffix}`;
let result = this.typeCache.get(key);
if (!result) {
result = new StaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members);
this.typeCache.set(key, result);
return result;
getMetadataFor(filePath: string): ModuleMetadata {
if (!this.context.fileExists(filePath)) {
// If the file doesn't exists then we cannot return metadata for the file.
@ -277,59 +201,9 @@ export class ReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost, ImportGenerator {
return metadata;
protected resolveExportedSymbol(filePath: string, symbolName: string): StaticSymbol {
const resolveModule = (moduleName: string): string => {
const resolvedModulePath = this.getCanonicalFileName(this.resolve(moduleName, filePath));
if (!resolvedModulePath) {
throw new Error(`Could not resolve module '${moduleName}' relative to file ${filePath}`);
return resolvedModulePath;
const metadata = this.getResolverMetadata(filePath);
if (metadata) {
// If we have metadata for the symbol, this is the original exporting location.
if (metadata.metadata[symbolName]) {
return this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, symbolName);
// If no, try to find the symbol in one of the re-export location
if (metadata.exports) {
// Try and find the symbol in the list of explicitly re-exported symbols.
for (const moduleExport of metadata.exports) {
if (moduleExport.export) {
const exportSymbol = moduleExport.export.find(symbol => {
if (typeof symbol === 'string') {
return symbol == symbolName;
} else {
return == symbolName;
if (exportSymbol) {
let symName = symbolName;
if (typeof exportSymbol !== 'string') {
symName =;
return this.resolveExportedSymbol(resolveModule(moduleExport.from), symName);
// Try to find the symbol via export * directives.
for (const moduleExport of metadata.exports) {
if (!moduleExport.export) {
const resolvedModule = resolveModule(moduleExport.from);
const candidateSymbol = this.resolveExportedSymbol(resolvedModule, symbolName);
if (candidateSymbol) return candidateSymbol;
return null;
export class NodeReflectorHostContext implements ReflectorHostContext {
export class NodeNgHostContext implements NgHostContext {
constructor(private host: ts.CompilerHost) {}
private assumedExists: {[fileName: string]: boolean} = {};
@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {ReflectorHost, ReflectorHostContext} from './reflector_host';
import {NgHost, NgHostContext} from './ng_host';
const EXT = /(\.ts|\.d\.ts|\.js|\.jsx|\.tsx)$/;
const DTS = /\.d\.ts$/;
* This version of the reflector host expects that the program will be compiled
* This version of the AotCompilerHost expects that the program will be compiled
* and executed with a "path mapped" directory structure, where generated files
* are in a parallel tree with the sources, and imported using a `./` relative
* import. This requires using TS `rootDirs` option and also teaching the module
* loader what to do.
export class PathMappedReflectorHost extends ReflectorHost {
export class PathMappedNgHost extends NgHost {
program: ts.Program, compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost, options: AngularCompilerOptions,
context?: ReflectorHostContext) {
context?: NgHostContext) {
super(program, compilerHost, options, context);
@ -42,7 +42,14 @@ export class PathMappedReflectorHost extends ReflectorHost {
return fileName;
protected resolve(m: string, containingFile: string) {
resolveImportToFile(m: string, containingFile: string) {
if (!containingFile || !containingFile.length) {
if (m.indexOf('.') === 0) {
throw new Error('Resolution of relative paths requires a containing file.');
// Any containing file gives the same result for absolute imports
containingFile = path.join(this.basePath, 'index.ts');
for (const root of this.options.rootDirs || ['']) {
const rootedContainingFile = path.join(root, containingFile);
const resolved =
@ -82,7 +89,7 @@ export class PathMappedReflectorHost extends ReflectorHost {
const resolvable = (candidate: string) => {
const resolved = this.getCanonicalFileName(this.resolve(candidate, importedFile));
const resolved = this.getCanonicalFileName(this.resolveImportToFile(candidate, importedFile));
return resolved && resolved.replace(EXT, '') === importedFile.replace(EXT, '');
@ -16,9 +16,3 @@ export var ReflectionCapabilities: typeof r.ReflectionCapabilities = r.Reflectio
export type Console = typeof r._Console;
export var Console: typeof r.Console = r.Console;
export var reflector: typeof r.reflector = r.reflector;
export type SetterFn = typeof r._SetterFn;
export type GetterFn = typeof r._GetterFn;
export type MethodFn = typeof r._MethodFn;
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ReflectorHostContext} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/reflector_host';
import {NgHostContext} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ng_host';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
export type Entry = string | Directory;
export interface Directory { [name: string]: Entry; }
export class MockContext implements ReflectorHostContext {
export class MockContext implements NgHostContext {
constructor(public currentDirectory: string, private files: Entry) {}
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean { return typeof this.getEntry(fileName) === 'string'; }
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {beforeEach, describe, expect, it} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {NgHost} from '../src/ng_host';
import {Directory, Entry, MockCompilerHost, MockContext} from './mocks';
describe('NgHost', () => {
let context: MockContext;
let host: ts.CompilerHost;
let program: ts.Program;
let hostNestedGenDir: NgHost;
let hostSiblingGenDir: NgHost;
beforeEach(() => {
context = new MockContext('/tmp/src', clone(FILES));
host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
program = ts.createProgram(
['main.ts'], {
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
// Force a typecheck
const errors = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
if (errors && errors.length) {
throw new Error('Expected no errors');
hostNestedGenDir = new NgHost(
program, host, {
genDir: '/tmp/project/src/gen/',
basePath: '/tmp/project/src',
skipMetadataEmit: false,
strictMetadataEmit: false,
skipTemplateCodegen: false,
trace: false
hostSiblingGenDir = new NgHost(
program, host, {
genDir: '/tmp/project/gen',
basePath: '/tmp/project/src/',
skipMetadataEmit: false,
strictMetadataEmit: false,
skipTemplateCodegen: false,
trace: false
describe('nestedGenDir', () => {
it('should import node_module from factory', () => {
it('should import factory from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ngfactory.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.css.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.css.shim.ts'))
it('should import application from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.ts'))
describe('nestedGenDir', () => {
it('should import node_module from factory', () => {
it('should import factory from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ngfactory.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.css.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.css.shim.ts'))
it('should import application from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.ts'))
it('should be able to produce an import from main @angular/core', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/main.ts', '/tmp/project/node_modules/@angular/core.d.ts'))
it('should be able to produce an import from main to a sub-directory', () => {
expect(hostNestedGenDir.getImportPath('main.ts', 'lib/utils.ts')).toEqual('./lib/utils');
it('should be able to produce an import from to a peer file', () => {
expect(hostNestedGenDir.getImportPath('lib/utils.ts', 'lib/collections.ts'))
it('should be able to produce an import from to a sibling directory', () => {
expect(hostNestedGenDir.getImportPath('lib2/utils2.ts', 'lib/utils.ts'))
it('should be able to read a metadata file', () => {
.toEqual({__symbolic: 'module', version: 1, metadata: {foo: {__symbolic: 'class'}}});
it('should be able to read metadata from an otherwise unused .d.ts file ', () => {
it('should be able to read empty metadata ', () => {
it('should return undefined for missing modules', () => {
const dummyModule = 'export let foo: any[];';
const FILES: Entry = {
'tmp': {
'src': {
'main.ts': `
import * as c from '@angular/core';
import * as r from '@angular/router';
import * as u from './lib/utils';
import * as cs from './lib/collections';
import * as u2 from './lib2/utils2';
'lib': {
'utils.ts': dummyModule,
'collections.ts': dummyModule,
'lib2': {'utils2.ts': dummyModule},
'node_modules': {
'@angular': {
'core.d.ts': dummyModule,
`{"__symbolic":"module", "version": 1, "metadata": {"foo": {"__symbolic": "class"}}}`,
'router': {'index.d.ts': dummyModule, 'src': {'providers.d.ts': dummyModule}},
'unused.d.ts': dummyModule,
'empty.d.ts': 'export declare var a: string;',
'empty.metadata.json': '[]',
function clone(entry: Entry): Entry {
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
return entry;
} else {
const result: Directory = {};
for (const name in entry) {
result[name] = clone(entry[name]);
return result;
@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {beforeEach, describe, expect, it} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {ReflectorHost} from '../src/reflector_host';
import {Directory, Entry, MockCompilerHost, MockContext} from './mocks';
describe('reflector_host', () => {
let context: MockContext;
let host: ts.CompilerHost;
let program: ts.Program;
let reflectorNestedGenDir: ReflectorHost;
let reflectorSiblingGenDir: ReflectorHost;
beforeEach(() => {
context = new MockContext('/tmp/src', clone(FILES));
host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
program = ts.createProgram(
['main.ts'], {
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
// Force a typecheck
const errors = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
if (errors && errors.length) {
throw new Error('Expected no errors');
reflectorNestedGenDir = new ReflectorHost(
program, host, {
genDir: '/tmp/project/src/gen/',
basePath: '/tmp/project/src',
skipMetadataEmit: false,
strictMetadataEmit: false,
skipTemplateCodegen: false,
trace: false
reflectorSiblingGenDir = new ReflectorHost(
program, host, {
genDir: '/tmp/project/gen',
basePath: '/tmp/project/src/',
skipMetadataEmit: false,
strictMetadataEmit: false,
skipTemplateCodegen: false,
trace: false
describe('nestedGenDir', () => {
it('should import node_module from factory', () => {
it('should import factory from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ngfactory.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.css.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.css.shim.ts'))
it('should import application from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.ts'))
describe('nestedGenDir', () => {
it('should import node_module from factory', () => {
it('should import factory from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ngfactory.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.css.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.css.shim.ts'))
it('should import application from factory', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/a/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/my.other.ts'))
'/tmp/project/src/my.ngfactory.ts', '/tmp/project/src/a/my.other.ts'))
it('should provide the import locations for angular', () => {
const {coreDecorators, diDecorators, diMetadata, animationMetadata, provider} =
it('should be able to produce an import from main @angular/core', () => {
'/tmp/project/src/main.ts', '/tmp/project/node_modules/@angular/core.d.ts'))
it('should be able to produce an import from main to a sub-directory', () => {
expect(reflectorNestedGenDir.getImportPath('main.ts', 'lib/utils.ts')).toEqual('./lib/utils');
it('should be able to produce an import from to a peer file', () => {
expect(reflectorNestedGenDir.getImportPath('lib/utils.ts', 'lib/collections.ts'))
it('should be able to produce an import from to a sibling directory', () => {
expect(reflectorNestedGenDir.getImportPath('lib2/utils2.ts', 'lib/utils.ts'))
it('should be able to produce a symbol for an exported symbol', () => {
expect(reflectorNestedGenDir.findDeclaration('@angular/router', 'foo', 'main.ts'))
it('should be able to produce a symbol for values space only reference', () => {
expect(reflectorNestedGenDir.findDeclaration('@angular/router/src/providers', 'foo', 'main.ts'))
it('should be produce the same symbol if asked twice', () => {
const foo1 = reflectorNestedGenDir.getStaticSymbol('main.ts', 'foo');
const foo2 = reflectorNestedGenDir.getStaticSymbol('main.ts', 'foo');
it('should be able to produce a symbol for a module with no file', () => {
expect(reflectorNestedGenDir.getStaticSymbol('angularjs', 'SomeAngularSymbol')).toBeDefined();
it('should be able to read a metadata file', () => {
.toEqual({__symbolic: 'module', version: 1, metadata: {foo: {__symbolic: 'class'}}});
it('should be able to read metadata from an otherwise unused .d.ts file ', () => {
it('should be able to read empty metadata ', () => {
it('should return undefined for missing modules', () => {
it('should be able to trace a named export', () => {
const symbol = reflectorNestedGenDir.findDeclaration(
'./reexport/reexport.d.ts', 'One', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
it('should be able to trace a renamed export', () => {
const symbol = reflectorNestedGenDir.findDeclaration(
'./reexport/reexport.d.ts', 'Four', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
it('should be able to trace an export * export', () => {
const symbol = reflectorNestedGenDir.findDeclaration(
'./reexport/reexport.d.ts', 'Five', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
it('should be able to trace a multi-level re-export', () => {
const symbol = reflectorNestedGenDir.findDeclaration(
'./reexport/reexport.d.ts', 'Thirty', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
const dummyModule = 'export let foo: any[];';
const FILES: Entry = {
'tmp': {
'src': {
'main.ts': `
import * as c from '@angular/core';
import * as r from '@angular/router';
import * as u from './lib/utils';
import * as cs from './lib/collections';
import * as u2 from './lib2/utils2';
'lib': {
'utils.ts': dummyModule,
'collections.ts': dummyModule,
'lib2': {'utils2.ts': dummyModule},
'reexport': {
'reexport.d.ts': `
import * as c from '@angular/core';
'reexport.metadata.json': JSON.stringify({
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {},
exports: [
{from: './src/origin1', export: ['One', 'Two', {name: 'Three', as: 'Four'}]},
{from: './src/origin5'}, {from: './src/reexport2'}
'src': {
'origin1.d.ts': `
export class One {}
export class Two {}
export class Three {}
'origin1.metadata.json': JSON.stringify({
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
One: {__symbolic: 'class'},
Two: {__symbolic: 'class'},
Three: {__symbolic: 'class'},
'origin5.d.ts': `
export class Five {}
'origin5.metadata.json': JSON.stringify({
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
Five: {__symbolic: 'class'},
'origin30.d.ts': `
export class Thirty {}
'origin30.metadata.json': JSON.stringify({
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
Thirty: {__symbolic: 'class'},
'originNone.d.ts': dummyModule,
'originNone.metadata.json': JSON.stringify({
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {},
'reexport2.d.ts': dummyModule,
'reexport2.metadata.json': JSON.stringify({
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {},
exports: [{from: './originNone'}, {from: './origin30'}]
'node_modules': {
'@angular': {
'core.d.ts': dummyModule,
`{"__symbolic":"module", "version": 1, "metadata": {"foo": {"__symbolic": "class"}}}`,
'router': {'index.d.ts': dummyModule, 'src': {'providers.d.ts': dummyModule}},
'unused.d.ts': dummyModule,
'empty.d.ts': 'export declare var a: string;',
'empty.metadata.json': '[]',
function clone(entry: Entry): Entry {
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
return entry;
} else {
const result: Directory = {};
for (const name in entry) {
result[name] = clone(entry[name]);
return result;
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export {TEMPLATE_TRANSFORMS} from './src/template_parser/template_parser';
export {CompilerConfig, RenderTypes} from './src/config';
export * from './src/compile_metadata';
export * from './src/aot/compiler';
export * from './src/aot/compiler_host';
export * from './src/aot/static_reflector';
export * from './src/aot/static_reflection_capabilities';
export * from './src/aot/static_symbol';
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StaticSymbol} from './static_symbol';
* The host of the AotCompiler disconnects the implementation from TypeScript / other language
* services and from underlying file systems.
export interface AotCompilerHost {
* Return a ModuleMetadata for the given module.
* Angular 2 CLI will produce this metadata for a module whenever a .d.ts files is
* produced and the module has exported variables or classes with decorators. Module metadata can
* also be produced directly from TypeScript sources by using MetadataCollector in tools/metadata.
* @param modulePath is a string identifier for a module as an absolute path.
* @returns the metadata for the given module.
getMetadataFor(modulePath: string): {[key: string]: any}|{[key: string]: any}[];
* Converts a module name into a file path.
resolveImportToFile(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): string;
@ -7,75 +7,49 @@
import {Attribute, Component, ContentChild, ContentChildren, Directive, Host, HostBinding, HostListener, Inject, Injectable, Input, NgModule, Optional, Output, Pipe, Self, SkipSelf, ViewChild, ViewChildren, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/core';
import {AssetUrl} from '../output/path_util';
import {ReflectorReader} from '../private_import_core';
import {AotCompilerHost} from './compiler_host';
import {StaticSymbol} from './static_symbol';
* The host of the static resolver is expected to be able to provide module metadata in the form of
* ModuleMetadata. Angular 2 CLI will produce this metadata for a module whenever a .d.ts files is
* produced and the module has exported variables or classes with decorators. Module metadata can
* also be produced directly from TypeScript sources by using MetadataCollector in tools/metadata.
export interface StaticReflectorHost {
* Return a ModuleMetadata for the given module.
* @param modulePath is a string identifier for a module as an absolute path.
* @returns the metadata for the given module.
getMetadataFor(modulePath: string): {[key: string]: any}|{[key: string]: any}[];
* Resolve a symbol from an import statement form, to the file where it is declared.
* @param module the location imported from
* @param containingFile for relative imports, the path of the file containing the import
findDeclaration(modulePath: string, symbolName: string, containingFile?: string): StaticSymbol;
getStaticSymbol(declarationFile: string, name: string, members?: string[]): StaticSymbol;
angularImportLocations(): {
coreDecorators: string,
diDecorators: string,
diMetadata: string,
diOpaqueToken: string,
animationMetadata: string,
provider: string
coreDecorators: '@angular/core/src/metadata',
diDecorators: '@angular/core/src/di/metadata',
diMetadata: '@angular/core/src/di/metadata',
diOpaqueToken: '@angular/core/src/di/opaque_token',
animationMetadata: '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata',
provider: '@angular/core/src/di/provider'
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
* A static reflector implements enough of the Reflector API that is necessary to compile
* templates statically.
export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
private typeCache = new Map<string, StaticSymbol>();
private annotationCache = new Map<StaticSymbol, any[]>();
private propertyCache = new Map<StaticSymbol, {[key: string]: any}>();
private parameterCache = new Map<StaticSymbol, any[]>();
private metadataCache = new Map<string, {[key: string]: any}>();
private conversionMap = new Map<StaticSymbol, (context: StaticSymbol, args: any[]) => any>();
private declarationMap = new Map<string, StaticSymbol>();
private opaqueToken: StaticSymbol;
constructor(private host: StaticReflectorHost) { this.initializeConversionMap(); }
constructor(private host: AotCompilerHost) { this.initializeConversionMap(); }
importUri(typeOrFunc: StaticSymbol): string {
const staticSymbol =,, '');
const staticSymbol = this.findDeclaration(typeOrFunc.filePath,, '');
return staticSymbol ? staticSymbol.filePath : null;
resolveIdentifier(name: string, moduleUrl: string, runtime: any): any {
return, name, '');
return this.findDeclaration(moduleUrl, name, '');
resolveEnum(enumIdentifier: any, name: string): any {
const staticSymbol: StaticSymbol = enumIdentifier;
return,, [name]);
return this.getStaticSymbol(staticSymbol.filePath,, [name]);
public annotations(type: StaticSymbol): any[] {
@ -172,59 +146,156 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
private initializeConversionMap(): void {
const {coreDecorators, diDecorators, diMetadata, diOpaqueToken, animationMetadata, provider} =
this.opaqueToken =, 'OpaqueToken');
this.opaqueToken = this.findDeclaration(diOpaqueToken, 'OpaqueToken');
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Host'), Host);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diDecorators, 'Host'), Host);
||||, 'Injectable'), Injectable);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Self'), Self);
this.findDeclaration(diDecorators, 'Injectable'), Injectable);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diDecorators, 'Self'), Self);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diDecorators, 'SkipSelf'), SkipSelf);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diDecorators, 'Inject'), Inject);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diDecorators, 'Optional'), Optional);
||||, 'SkipSelf'), SkipSelf);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Inject'), Inject);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'Attribute'), Attribute);
||||, 'Optional'), Optional);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'ContentChild'), ContentChild);
||||, 'Attribute'), Attribute);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'ContentChildren'), ContentChildren);
||||, 'ContentChild'), ContentChild);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'ViewChild'), ViewChild);
||||, 'ContentChildren'), ContentChildren);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'ViewChildren'), ViewChildren);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'Input'), Input);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'Output'), Output);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'Pipe'), Pipe);
||||, 'ViewChild'), ViewChild);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'HostBinding'), HostBinding);
||||, 'ViewChildren'), ViewChildren);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Input'), Input);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'HostListener'), HostListener);
||||, 'Output'), Output);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Pipe'), Pipe);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'Directive'), Directive);
||||, 'HostBinding'), HostBinding);
||||, 'HostListener'), HostListener);
||||, 'Directive'), Directive);
||||, 'Component'), Component);
||||, 'NgModule'), NgModule);
this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'Component'), Component);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(coreDecorators, 'NgModule'), NgModule);
// Note: Some metadata classes can be used directly with Provider.deps.
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Host'), Host);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(, 'Self'), Self);
||||, 'SkipSelf'), SkipSelf);
||||, 'Optional'), Optional);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diMetadata, 'Host'), Host);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diMetadata, 'Self'), Self);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diMetadata, 'SkipSelf'), SkipSelf);
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(diMetadata, 'Optional'), Optional);
this.registerFunction(, 'trigger'), trigger);
this.registerFunction(, 'state'), state);
this.registerFunction(, 'transition'), transition);
this.registerFunction(, 'style'), style);
this.registerFunction(, 'animate'), animate);
this.registerFunction(, 'keyframes'), keyframes);
this.registerFunction(, 'sequence'), sequence);
this.registerFunction(, 'group'), group);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'trigger'), trigger);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'state'), state);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'transition'), transition);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'style'), style);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'animate'), animate);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'keyframes'), keyframes);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'sequence'), sequence);
this.registerFunction(this.findDeclaration(animationMetadata, 'group'), group);
* getStaticSymbol produces a Type whose metadata is known but whose implementation is not loaded.
* All types passed to the StaticResolver should be pseudo-types returned by this method.
* @param declarationFile the absolute path of the file where the symbol is declared
* @param name the name of the type.
getStaticSymbol(declarationFile: string, name: string, members?: string[]): StaticSymbol {
const memberSuffix = members ? `.${ members.join('.')}` : '';
const key = `"${declarationFile}".${name}${memberSuffix}`;
let result = this.typeCache.get(key);
if (!result) {
result = new StaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members);
this.typeCache.set(key, result);
return result;
private normalizeAssetUrl(url: string): string {
const assetUrl = AssetUrl.parse(url);
return assetUrl ? `${assetUrl.packageName}@${assetUrl.modulePath}` : null;
private resolveExportedSymbol(filePath: string, symbolName: string): StaticSymbol {
const resolveModule = (moduleName: string): string => {
const resolvedModulePath =, filePath);
if (!resolvedModulePath) {
throw new Error(`Could not resolve module '${moduleName}' relative to file ${filePath}`);
return resolvedModulePath;
const metadata = this.getModuleMetadata(filePath);
if (metadata) {
// If we have metadata for the symbol, this is the original exporting location.
if (metadata['metadata'][symbolName]) {
return this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, symbolName);
// If no, try to find the symbol in one of the re-export location
if (metadata['exports']) {
// Try and find the symbol in the list of explicitly re-exported symbols.
for (const moduleExport of metadata['exports']) {
if (moduleExport.export) {
const exportSymbol = moduleExport.export.find((symbol: any) => {
if (typeof symbol === 'string') {
return symbol == symbolName;
} else {
return == symbolName;
if (exportSymbol) {
let symName = symbolName;
if (typeof exportSymbol !== 'string') {
symName =;
return this.resolveExportedSymbol(resolveModule(moduleExport.from), symName);
// Try to find the symbol via export * directives.
for (const moduleExport of metadata['exports']) {
if (!moduleExport.export) {
const resolvedModule = resolveModule(moduleExport.from);
const candidateSymbol = this.resolveExportedSymbol(resolvedModule, symbolName);
if (candidateSymbol) return candidateSymbol;
return null;
findDeclaration(module: string, symbolName: string, containingFile?: string): StaticSymbol {
const cacheKey = `${module}|${symbolName}|${containingFile}`;
let symbol = this.declarationMap.get(cacheKey);
if (symbol) {
return symbol;
try {
const assetUrl = this.normalizeAssetUrl(module);
if (assetUrl) {
module = assetUrl;
const filePath =, containingFile);
if (!filePath) {
// If the file cannot be found the module is probably referencing a declared module
// for which there is no disambiguating file and we also don't need to track
// re-exports. Just use the module name.
return this.getStaticSymbol(module, symbolName);
let symbol = this.resolveExportedSymbol(filePath, symbolName) ||
this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, symbolName);
this.declarationMap.set(cacheKey, symbol);
return symbol;
} catch (e) {
console.error(`can't resolve module ${module} from ${containingFile}`);
throw e;
/** @internal */
@ -237,10 +308,10 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
function resolveReference(context: StaticSymbol, expression: any): StaticSymbol {
let staticSymbol: StaticSymbol;
if (expression['module']) {
staticSymbol =
expression['module'], expression['name'], context.filePath);
staticSymbol =
_this.findDeclaration(expression['module'], expression['name'], context.filePath);
} else {
staticSymbol =, expression['name']);
staticSymbol = _this.getStaticSymbol(context.filePath, expression['name']);
return staticSymbol;
@ -449,8 +520,7 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
const members = selectTarget.members ?
(selectTarget.members as string[]).concat(member) :
selectTarget.filePath,, members);
return _this.getStaticSymbol(selectTarget.filePath,, members);
const member = simplify(expression['member']);
@ -485,10 +555,10 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
// Determine if the function is a built-in conversion
let target = expression['expression'];
if (target['module']) {
staticSymbol =
target['module'], target['name'], context.filePath);
staticSymbol =
_this.findDeclaration(target['module'], target['name'], context.filePath);
} else {
staticSymbol =, target['name']);
staticSymbol = _this.getStaticSymbol(context.filePath, target['name']);
let converter = _this.conversionMap.get(staticSymbol);
if (converter) {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StaticReflector, StaticReflectorHost, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AotCompilerHost, StaticReflector, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {HostListener, Inject, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/core';
import {MetadataCollector} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ const TS_EXT = /(^.|(?!\.d)..)\.ts$/;
describe('StaticReflector', () => {
const noContext = new StaticSymbol('', '');
let host: StaticReflectorHost;
let host: AotCompilerHost;
let reflector: StaticReflector;
beforeEach(() => {
host = new MockReflectorHost();
host = new MockAotCompilerHost();
reflector = new StaticReflector(host);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should get annotations for NgFor', () => {
const NgFor = host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
const NgFor = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(NgFor);
const annotation = annotations[0];
@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should get constructor for NgFor', () => {
const NgFor = host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
const ViewContainerRef =
host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/core/linker/view_container_ref', 'ViewContainerRef');
const NgFor = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor');
const ViewContainerRef = reflector.findDeclaration(
'@angular/core/src/linker/view_container_ref', 'ViewContainerRef');
const TemplateRef =
host.findDeclaration('angular2/src/core/linker/template_ref', 'TemplateRef');
const IterableDiffers = host.findDeclaration(
'angular2/src/core/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs', 'IterableDiffers');
const ChangeDetectorRef = host.findDeclaration(
'angular2/src/core/change_detection/change_detector_ref', 'ChangeDetectorRef');
reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core/src/linker/template_ref', 'TemplateRef');
const IterableDiffers = reflector.findDeclaration(
'@angular/core/src/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs', 'IterableDiffers');
const ChangeDetectorRef = reflector.findDeclaration(
'@angular/core/src/change_detection/change_detector_ref', 'ChangeDetectorRef');
const parameters = reflector.parameters(NgFor);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should get annotations for HeroDetailComponent', () => {
const HeroDetailComponent =
host.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(HeroDetailComponent);
const annotation = annotations[0];
@ -74,40 +74,39 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should throw and exception for unsupported metadata versions', () => {
const e = host.findDeclaration('src/version-error', 'e');
expect(() => reflector.annotations(e))
expect(() => reflector.findDeclaration('src/version-error', 'e'))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Metadata version mismatch for module /tmp/src/version-error.d.ts, found version 100, expected 1'));
it('should get and empty annotation list for an unknown class', () => {
const UnknownClass = host.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const annotations = reflector.annotations(UnknownClass);
it('should get propMetadata for HeroDetailComponent', () => {
const HeroDetailComponent =
host.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent');
const props = reflector.propMetadata(HeroDetailComponent);
expect(props['onMouseOver']).toEqual([new HostListener('mouseover', ['$event'])]);
it('should get an empty object from propMetadata for an unknown class', () => {
const UnknownClass = host.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const properties = reflector.propMetadata(UnknownClass);
it('should get empty parameters list for an unknown class ', () => {
const UnknownClass = host.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass');
const parameters = reflector.parameters(UnknownClass);
it('should provide context for errors reported by the collector', () => {
const SomeClass = host.findDeclaration('src/error-reporting', 'SomeClass');
const SomeClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/error-reporting', 'SomeClass');
expect(() => reflector.annotations(SomeClass))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. A reasonable error message (position 13:34 in the original .ts file), resolving symbol ErrorSym in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol Link2 in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol Link1 in /tmp/src/error-references.d.ts, resolving symbol SomeClass in /tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts, resolving symbol SomeClass in /tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts'));
@ -308,14 +307,14 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
new StaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''),
({__symbolic: 'reference', module: './extern', name: 'nonExisting'})))
.toEqual(host.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting'));
.toEqual(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting'));
it('should simplify a function reference as a static symbol', () => {
new StaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction'),
({__symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: []})))
.toEqual(host.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction'));
.toEqual(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction'));
it('should simplify values initialized with a function call', () => {
@ -406,35 +405,35 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a custom decorator', () => {
const props = reflector.propMetadata(
host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/custom-decorator-reference.ts', 'Foo'));
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/custom-decorator-reference.ts', 'Foo'));
expect(props).toEqual({foo: []});
it('should read ctor parameters with forwardRef', () => {
const src = '/tmp/src/forward-ref.ts';
const dep = host.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Dep');
const props = reflector.parameters(host.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Forward'));
const dep = reflector.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Dep');
const props = reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Forward'));
expect(props).toEqual([[dep, new Inject(dep)]]);
it('should report an error for invalid function calls', () => {
() =>
reflector.annotations(host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts', 'MyComponent')))
() => reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts', 'MyComponent')))
.toThrow(new Error(
`Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Calling function 'someFunction', function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exported function, resolving symbol MyComponent in /tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts, resolving symbol MyComponent in /tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts`));
it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a static method call', () => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyComponent'));
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyComponent'));
expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual({provider: 'a', useValue: 100});
it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a static field reference', () => {
const annotations =
reflector.annotations(host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts', 'Foo'));
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts', 'Foo'));
expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([{provider: 'a', useValue: 'Some string'}]);
@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should be able to get the metadata for a class calling a method with a conditional expression',
() => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyCondComponent'));
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyCondComponent'));
[{provider: 'a', useValue: '1'}], [{provider: 'a', useValue: '2'}]
@ -452,50 +451,68 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
it('should be able to get the metadata for a class calling a method with default parameters',
() => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyDefaultsComponent'));
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyDefaultsComponent'));
expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([['a', true, false]]);
it('should be able to get metadata with a reference to a static method', () => {
const annotations = reflector.annotations(
host.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts', 'MethodReference'));
reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts', 'MethodReference'));
it('should be able to produce a symbol for an exported symbol', () => {
expect(reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/router', 'foo', 'main.ts')).toBeDefined();
class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
private staticTypeCache = new Map<string, StaticSymbol>();
it('should be able to produce a symbol for values space only reference', () => {
expect(reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/router/src/providers', 'foo', 'main.ts'))
it('should be produce the same symbol if asked twice', () => {
const foo1 = reflector.getStaticSymbol('main.ts', 'foo');
const foo2 = reflector.getStaticSymbol('main.ts', 'foo');
it('should be able to produce a symbol for a module with no file',
() => { expect(reflector.getStaticSymbol('angularjs', 'SomeAngularSymbol')).toBeDefined(); });
it('should be able to trace a named export', () => {
const symbol = reflector.findDeclaration('./reexport/reexport', 'One', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
it('should be able to trace a renamed export', () => {
const symbol = reflector.findDeclaration('./reexport/reexport', 'Four', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
it('should be able to trace an export * export', () => {
const symbol = reflector.findDeclaration('./reexport/reexport', 'Five', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
it('should be able to trace a multi-level re-export', () => {
const symbol = reflector.findDeclaration('./reexport/reexport', 'Thirty', '/tmp/src/main.ts');
class MockAotCompilerHost implements AotCompilerHost {
private collector = new MetadataCollector();
constructor() {}
angularImportLocations() {
return {
coreDecorators: 'angular2/src/core/metadata',
diDecorators: 'angular2/src/core/di/metadata',
diMetadata: 'angular2/src/core/di/metadata',
diOpaqueToken: 'angular2/src/core/di/opaque_token',
animationMetadata: 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata',
provider: 'angular2/src/core/di/provider'
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return fileName; }
getStaticSymbol(declarationFile: string, name: string, members?: string[]): StaticSymbol {
const cacheKey = `${declarationFile}:${name}${members?'.'+members.join('.'):''}`;
let result = this.staticTypeCache.get(cacheKey);
if (!result) {
result = new StaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members);
this.staticTypeCache.set(cacheKey, result);
return result;
// In tests, assume that symbols are not re-exported
findDeclaration(modulePath: string, symbolName: string, containingFile?: string): StaticSymbol {
resolveImportToFile(modulePath: string, containingFile?: string): string {
function splitPath(path: string): string[] { return path.split(/\/|\\/g); }
function resolvePath(pathParts: string[]): string {
@ -530,16 +547,16 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
const baseName = pathTo(containingFile, modulePath);
const tsName = baseName + '.ts';
if (this.getMetadataFor(tsName)) {
return this.getStaticSymbol(tsName, symbolName);
return tsName;
return this.getStaticSymbol(baseName + '.d.ts', symbolName);
return baseName + '.d.ts';
return this.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/' + modulePath + '.d.ts', symbolName);
return '/tmp/' + modulePath + '.d.ts';
getMetadataFor(moduleId: string): any {
const data: {[key: string]: any} = {
'/tmp/angular2/src/common/forms-deprecated/directives.d.ts': [{
'/tmp/@angular/common/src/forms-deprecated/directives.d.ts': [{
'__symbolic': 'module',
'version': 1,
'metadata': {
@ -547,12 +564,12 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'NgFor',
'module': 'angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for'
'module': '@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for'
'/tmp/angular2/src/common/directives/ng_for.d.ts': {
'/tmp/@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for.d.ts': {
'__symbolic': 'module',
'version': 1,
'metadata': {
@ -564,7 +581,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'Directive',
'module': '../../core/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/metadata'
'arguments': [
@ -581,22 +598,22 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'parameters': [
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '../../core/linker/view_container_ref',
'module': '@angular/core/src/linker/view_container_ref',
'name': 'ViewContainerRef'
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '../../core/linker/template_ref',
'module': '@angular/core/src/linker/template_ref',
'name': 'TemplateRef'
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '../../core/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs',
'module': '@angular/core/src/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs',
'name': 'IterableDiffers'
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': '../../core/change_detection/change_detector_ref',
'module': '@angular/core/src/change_detection/change_detector_ref',
'name': 'ChangeDetectorRef'
@ -606,13 +623,13 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
{version: 1, 'metadata': {'ViewContainerRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
{version: 1, 'module': './template_ref', 'metadata': {'TemplateRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
{version: 1, 'metadata': {'IterableDiffers': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
{version: 1, 'metadata': {'ChangeDetectorRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}},
'/tmp/src/app/hero-detail.component.d.ts': {
'__symbolic': 'module',
@ -626,7 +643,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'Component',
'module': 'angular2/src/core/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/metadata'
'arguments': [
@ -638,7 +655,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'trigger',
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments': [
@ -646,7 +663,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'state',
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments': [
@ -654,7 +671,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'style',
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments': [
{ 'background':'white' }
@ -666,7 +683,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments': [
'* => *',
@ -675,20 +692,20 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments':[[{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'1s 0.5s',
@ -696,13 +713,13 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments':[[{ '__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments':[ { 'background': 'blue'} ]
}, {
@ -710,7 +727,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'module': 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata'
'arguments':[ { 'background': 'red'} ]
@ -736,7 +753,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'name': 'Input',
'module': 'angular2/src/core/metadata'
'module': '@angular/core/src/metadata'
@ -750,7 +767,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'__symbolic': 'call',
'expression': {
'__symbolic': 'reference',
'module': 'angular2/src/core/metadata',
'module': '@angular/core/src/metadata',
'name': 'HostListener'
'arguments': [
@ -781,7 +798,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'Component',
module: 'angular2/src/core/metadata'
module: '@angular/core/src/metadata'
arguments: [
@ -982,8 +999,8 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts': `
import {someFunction} from './nvalid-calll-definitions.ts';
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {NgIf} from 'angular2/common';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
import {NgIf} from '@angular/common';
selector: 'my-component',
@ -999,7 +1016,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
export class MyOtherComponent { }
'/tmp/src/static-method.ts': `
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
selector: 'stub'
@ -1017,7 +1034,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts': `
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
import {MyModule} from './static-method';
@ -1036,7 +1053,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
export class MyDefaultsComponent { }
'/tmp/src/static-field.ts': `
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class MyModule {
@ -1044,7 +1061,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts': `
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
import {MyModule} from './static-field';
@ -1058,7 +1075,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts': `
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
import {ClassWithStatics} from './static-method-def';
@ -1069,7 +1086,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
'/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts': `
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: (() => 1)() }]
@ -1077,9 +1094,9 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
export class InvalidMetadata {}
'/tmp/src/forward-ref.ts': `
import {forwardRef} from 'angular2/core';
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata';
import {Inject} from 'angular2/src/core/di/metadata';
import {forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata';
import {Inject} from '@angular/core/src/di/metadata';
export class Forward {
constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => Dep)) d: Dep) {}
@ -1087,7 +1104,50 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
export class Dep {
@Input f: Forward;
'/tmp/src/reexport/reexport.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {},
exports: [
{from: './src/origin1', export: ['One', 'Two', {name: 'Three', as: 'Four'}]},
{from: './src/origin5'}, {from: './src/reexport2'}
'/tmp/src/reexport/src/origin1.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
One: {__symbolic: 'class'},
Two: {__symbolic: 'class'},
Three: {__symbolic: 'class'},
'/tmp/src/reexport/src/origin5.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
Five: {__symbolic: 'class'},
'/tmp/src/reexport/src/origin30.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
Thirty: {__symbolic: 'class'},
'/tmp/src/reexport/src/originNone.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {},
'/tmp/src/reexport/src/reexport2.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {},
exports: [{from: './originNone'}, {from: './origin30'}]
Reference in New Issue