tests(toh-1/e2e): cleanup and updates incl. use of async/await

This commit is contained in:
Patrice Chalin 2016-07-20 08:35:30 -07:00
parent eafd7db119
commit 248eeac6b2

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@ -1,27 +1,70 @@
/// <reference path='../_protractor/e2e.d.ts' />
'use strict';
type WPromise<T> = webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
const expectedH1 = 'Tour of Heroes';
const expectedTitle = `Angular 2 ${expectedH1}`;
class Hero {
id: number;
name: string;
// Factory method
// Get hero id and name from the given detail element.
static async fromDetail(detail: protractor.ElementFinder): Promise<Hero> {
// Get hero id from the first <div>
let _id = await detail.all(by.css('div')).first().getText();
// Get name from the h2
let _name = await detail.element(by.css('h2')).getText();
return {
id: +_id.substr(_id.indexOf(' ') + 1),
name: _name.substr(0, _name.indexOf(' '))
const nameSuffix = 'X';
function addToHeroName(text: string): WPromise<void> {
let input = element(by.css('input'));
return sendKeys(input, text);
describe('Tutorial part 1', () => {
let expectedH1 = 'Tour of Heroes';
let expectedTitle = `Angular 2 ${expectedH1}`;
let hero = { id: 1, name: 'Windstorm' };
let expectedH2 = `${hero.name} details!`;
const expectedHero = { id: 1, name: 'Windstorm' };
beforeEach(() => {
return browser.get('');
beforeAll(() => browser.get(''));
it(`should have title '${expectedTitle}'`, () => {
it(`has title '${expectedTitle}'`, () => {
it(`should have '${expectedH2}'`, () => {
let text = element(by.css('h2')).getText();
it(`has h1 '${expectedH1}'`, () => {
let hText = element(by.css('h1')).getText();
expect(hText).toEqual(expectedH1, 'h1');
it(`should have input name '${hero.name}'`, () => {
let name = element(by.css('input')).getAttribute('value');
it(`shows initial hero details`, async () => {
let page = getPageElts();
let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail);
it(`shows updated hero name`, async () => {
let page = getPageElts();
let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail);
let newName = expectedHero.name + nameSuffix;
function getPageElts() {
return {
heroDetail: element(by.css('my-app'))