refactor(ivy): simplify walkTNodeTree method for readability (#31182)

PR Close #31182
This commit is contained in:
Misko Hevery 2019-06-07 20:46:11 -07:00 committed by Kara Erickson
parent 7186f9c016
commit 29a9909232
7 changed files with 342 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ export interface TNode {
* - This would return the first head node to project:
* `getHost(currentTNode).projection[currentTNode.projection]`.
* - When projecting nodes the parent node retrieved may be a `<ng-content>` node, in which case
* the process is recursive in nature (not implementation).
* the process is recursive in nature.
* If `projection` is of type `RNode[][]` than we have a collection of native nodes passed as
* projectable nodes during dynamic component creation.

View File

@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ export interface TView {
viewQuery: ViewQueriesFunction<{}>|null;
* Pointer to the `TNode` that represents the root of the view.
* Pointer to the host `TNode` (not part of this TView).
* If this is a `TViewNode` for an `LViewNode`, this is an embedded view of a container.
* We need this pointer to be able to efficiently find this node when inserting the view

View File

@ -7,19 +7,23 @@
import {ViewEncapsulation} from '../metadata/view';
import {assertDefined, assertDomNode} from '../util/assert';
import {assertLContainer, assertLView} from './assert';
import {attachPatchData} from './context_discovery';
import {CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET, LContainer, NATIVE, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused1} from './interfaces/container';
import {ComponentDef} from './interfaces/definition';
import {NodeInjectorFactory} from './interfaces/injector';
import {TElementNode, TNode, TNodeFlags, TNodeType, TProjectionNode, TViewNode, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused2} from './interfaces/node';
import {TElementContainerNode, TElementNode, TNode, TNodeFlags, TNodeType, TProjectionNode, TViewNode, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused2} from './interfaces/node';
import {unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused3} from './interfaces/projection';
import {ProceduralRenderer3, RElement, RNode, RText, Renderer3, isProceduralRenderer, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused4} from './interfaces/renderer';
import {CHILD_HEAD, CLEANUP, FLAGS, HookData, LView, LViewFlags, NEXT, PARENT, QUERIES, RENDERER, TVIEW, T_HOST, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused5} from './interfaces/view';
import {assertNodeType} from './node_assert';
import {StylingContext} from './interfaces/styling';
import {CHILD_HEAD, CLEANUP, FLAGS, HOST, HookData, LView, LViewFlags, NEXT, PARENT, QUERIES, RENDERER, TVIEW, T_HOST, unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd as unused5} from './interfaces/view';
import {assertNodeOfPossibleTypes, assertNodeType} from './node_assert';
import {renderStringify} from './util/misc_utils';
import {findComponentView, getLViewParent} from './util/view_traversal_utils';
import {getNativeByTNode, isComponent, isLContainer, isLView, isRootView, unwrapRNode, viewAttachedToContainer} from './util/view_utils';
import {getNativeByTNode, isLContainer, isLView, isRootView, unwrapRNode, viewAttachedToContainer} from './util/view_utils';
const unusedValueToPlacateAjd = unused1 + unused2 + unused3 + unused4 + unused5;
@ -59,176 +63,40 @@ const enum WalkTNodeTreeAction {
* Stack used to keep track of projection nodes in walkTNodeTree.
* This is deliberately created outside of walkTNodeTree to avoid allocating
* a new array each time the function is called. Instead the array will be
* re-used by each invocation. This works because the function is not reentrant.
const projectionNodeStack: (LView | TNode)[] = [];
* Walks a tree of TNodes, applying a transformation on the element nodes, either only on the first
* one found, or on all of them.
* @param viewToWalk the view to walk
* @param action identifies the action to be performed on the elements
* @param renderer the current renderer.
* @param renderParent Optional the render parent node to be set in all LContainers found,
* required for action modes Insert and Destroy.
* @param beforeNode Optional the node before which elements should be added, required for action
* Insert.
function walkTNodeTree(
viewToWalk: LView, action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, renderer: Renderer3,
renderParent: RElement | null, beforeNode?: RNode | null): void {
const rootTNode = viewToWalk[TVIEW].node as TViewNode;
let projectionNodeIndex = -1;
let currentView = viewToWalk;
let tNode: TNode|null = rootTNode.child as TNode;
while (tNode) {
let nextTNode: TNode|null = null;
if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Element || tNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
action, renderer, renderParent, getNativeByTNode(tNode, currentView), tNode, beforeNode);
const nodeOrContainer = currentView[tNode.index];
if (isLContainer(nodeOrContainer)) {
// This element has an LContainer, and its comment needs to be handled
action, renderer, renderParent, nodeOrContainer[NATIVE], tNode, beforeNode);
const firstView = nodeOrContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET];
if (firstView) {
currentView = firstView;
nextTNode = currentView[TVIEW].node;
// When the walker enters a container, then the beforeNode has to become the local native
// comment node.
beforeNode = nodeOrContainer[NATIVE];
} else if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Container) {
const lContainer = currentView ![tNode.index] as LContainer;
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, lContainer[NATIVE], tNode, beforeNode);
const firstView = lContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET];
if (firstView) {
currentView = firstView;
nextTNode = currentView[TVIEW].node;
// When the walker enters a container, then the beforeNode has to become the local native
// comment node.
beforeNode = lContainer[NATIVE];
} else if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Projection) {
const componentView = findComponentView(currentView !);
const componentHost = componentView[T_HOST] as TElementNode;
const head: TNode|null =
(componentHost.projection as(TNode | null)[])[tNode.projection as number];
if (Array.isArray(head)) {
for (let nativeNode of head) {
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, nativeNode, tNode, beforeNode);
} else {
// Must store both the TNode and the view because this projection node could be nested
// deeply inside embedded views, and we need to get back down to this particular nested
// view.
projectionNodeStack[++projectionNodeIndex] = tNode;
projectionNodeStack[++projectionNodeIndex] = currentView !;
if (head) {
currentView = componentView[PARENT] !as LView;
nextTNode = currentView[TVIEW].data[head.index] as TNode;
} else {
// Otherwise, this is a View
nextTNode = tNode.child;
if (nextTNode === null) {
// this last node was projected, we need to get back down to its projection node
if (tNode.projectionNext === null && (tNode.flags & TNodeFlags.isProjected)) {
currentView = projectionNodeStack[projectionNodeIndex--] as LView;
tNode = projectionNodeStack[projectionNodeIndex--] as TNode;
if (tNode.flags & TNodeFlags.isProjected) {
nextTNode = tNode.projectionNext;
} else if (tNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
nextTNode = tNode.child ||;
} else {
nextTNode =;
* Find the next node in the TNode tree, taking into account the place where a node is
* projected (in the shadow DOM) rather than where it comes from (in the light DOM).
* If there is no sibling node, then it goes to the next sibling of the parent node...
* until it reaches rootNode (at which point null is returned).
while (!nextTNode) {
// If parent is null, we're crossing the view boundary, so we should get the host TNode.
tNode = tNode.parent || currentView[T_HOST];
if (tNode === null || tNode === rootTNode) return;
// When exiting a container, the beforeNode must be restored to the previous value
if (tNode.type === TNodeType.Container) {
currentView = getLViewParent(currentView) !;
beforeNode = currentView[tNode.index][NATIVE];
if (tNode.type === TNodeType.View) {
* If current lView doesn't have next pointer, we try to find it by going up parents
* chain until:
* - we find an lView with a next pointer
* - or find a tNode with a parent that has a next pointer
* - or find a lContainer
* - or reach root TNode (in which case we exit, since we traversed all nodes)
while (!currentView[NEXT] && currentView[PARENT] &&
!(tNode.parent && {
if (tNode === rootTNode) return;
currentView = currentView[PARENT] as LView;
if (isLContainer(currentView)) {
tNode = currentView[T_HOST] !;
currentView = currentView[PARENT];
beforeNode = currentView[tNode.index][NATIVE];
tNode = currentView[T_HOST] !;
if (currentView[NEXT]) {
currentView = currentView[NEXT] as LView;
nextTNode = currentView[T_HOST];
} else {
nextTNode = tNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer && tNode.child ||;
} else {
nextTNode =;
tNode = nextTNode;
* NOTE: for performance reasons, the possible actions are inlined within the function instead of
* being passed as an argument.
function executeNodeAction(
action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement | null, node: RNode,
tNode: TNode, beforeNode?: RNode | null) {
action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement | null,
lNodeToHandle: RNode | LContainer | LView | StylingContext, beforeNode?: RNode | null) {
ngDevMode && assertDefined(lNodeToHandle, '\'lNodeToHandle\' is undefined');
let lContainer: LContainer|undefined;
let isComponent = false;
// We are expecting an RNode, but in the case of a component or LContainer the `RNode` is wrapped
// in an array which needs to be unwrapped. We need to know if it is a component and if
// it has LContainer so that we can process all of those cases appropriately.
if (isLContainer(lNodeToHandle)) {
lContainer = lNodeToHandle;
} else if (isLView(lNodeToHandle)) {
isComponent = true;
ngDevMode && assertDefined(lNodeToHandle[HOST], 'HOST must be defined for a component LView');
lNodeToHandle = lNodeToHandle[HOST] !;
const rNode: RNode = unwrapRNode(lNodeToHandle);
ngDevMode && assertDomNode(rNode);
if (action === WalkTNodeTreeAction.Insert) {
nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent !, node, beforeNode || null);
nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent !, rNode, beforeNode || null);
} else if (action === WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach) {
nativeRemoveNode(renderer, node, isComponent(tNode));
nativeRemoveNode(renderer, rNode, isComponent);
} else if (action === WalkTNodeTreeAction.Destroy) {
ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererDestroyNode++;
(renderer as ProceduralRenderer3).destroyNode !(node);
(renderer as ProceduralRenderer3).destroyNode !(rNode);
if (lContainer != null) {
applyContainer(renderer, action, lContainer, parent, beforeNode);
@ -244,22 +112,21 @@ export function createTextNode(value: any, renderer: Renderer3): RText {
* to propagate deeply into the nested containers to remove all elements in the
* views beneath it.
* @param viewToWalk The view from which elements should be added or removed
* @param lView The view from which elements should be added or removed
* @param insertMode Whether or not elements should be added (if false, removing)
* @param beforeNode The node before which elements should be added, if insert mode
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(
viewToWalk: LView, insertMode: true, beforeNode: RNode | null): void;
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(viewToWalk: LView, insertMode: false): void;
lView: LView, insertMode: true, beforeNode: RNode | null): void;
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(lView: LView, insertMode: false): void;
export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(
viewToWalk: LView, insertMode: boolean, beforeNode?: RNode | null): void {
const renderParent = getContainerRenderParent(viewToWalk[TVIEW].node as TViewNode, viewToWalk);
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(viewToWalk[TVIEW].node as TNode, TNodeType.View);
lView: LView, insertMode: boolean, beforeNode?: RNode | null): void {
const renderParent = getContainerRenderParent(lView[TVIEW].node as TViewNode, lView);
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(lView[TVIEW].node as TNode, TNodeType.View);
if (renderParent) {
const renderer = viewToWalk[RENDERER];
viewToWalk, insertMode ? WalkTNodeTreeAction.Insert : WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach, renderer,
renderParent, beforeNode);
const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
const action = insertMode ? WalkTNodeTreeAction.Insert : WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach;
applyView(renderer, action, lView, renderParent, beforeNode);
@ -269,7 +136,7 @@ export function addRemoveViewFromContainer(
* @param lView the `LView` to be detached.
export function renderDetachView(lView: LView) {
walkTNodeTree(lView, WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach, lView[RENDERER], null);
applyView(lView[RENDERER], WalkTNodeTreeAction.Detach, lView, null, null);
@ -409,16 +276,16 @@ export function removeView(lContainer: LContainer, removeIndex: number) {
* A standalone function which destroys an LView,
* conducting cleanup (e.g. removing listeners, calling onDestroys).
* @param view The view to be destroyed.
* @param lView The view to be destroyed.
export function destroyLView(view: LView) {
if (!(view[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.Destroyed)) {
const renderer = view[RENDERER];
export function destroyLView(lView: LView) {
if (!(lView[FLAGS] & LViewFlags.Destroyed)) {
const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer) && renderer.destroyNode) {
walkTNodeTree(view, WalkTNodeTreeAction.Destroy, renderer, null);
applyView(renderer, WalkTNodeTreeAction.Destroy, lView, null, null);
@ -485,8 +352,8 @@ function cleanUpView(view: LView | LContainer): void {
/** Removes listeners and unsubscribes from output subscriptions */
function removeListeners(lView: LView): void {
const tCleanup = lView[TVIEW].cleanup !;
if (tCleanup != null) {
const tCleanup = lView[TVIEW].cleanup;
if (tCleanup !== null) {
const lCleanup = lView[CLEANUP] !;
for (let i = 0; i < tCleanup.length - 1; i += 2) {
if (typeof tCleanup[i] === 'string') {
@ -646,7 +513,7 @@ function nativeAppendChild(renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement, child: RNode):
function nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(
renderer: Renderer3, parent: RElement, child: RNode, beforeNode: RNode | null) {
if (beforeNode) {
if (beforeNode !== null) {
nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent, child, beforeNode);
} else {
nativeAppendChild(renderer, parent, child);
@ -740,6 +607,7 @@ export function getBeforeNodeForView(viewIndexInContainer: number, lContainer: L
const nextViewIndex = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + viewIndexInContainer + 1;
if (nextViewIndex < lContainer.length) {
const lView = lContainer[nextViewIndex] as LView;
ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView[T_HOST], 'Missing Host TNode');
const tViewNodeChild = (lView[T_HOST] as TViewNode).child;
return tViewNodeChild !== null ? getNativeByTNode(tViewNodeChild, lView) : lContainer[NATIVE];
} else {
@ -766,7 +634,7 @@ export function nativeRemoveNode(renderer: Renderer3, rNode: RNode, isHostElemen
* Appends nodes to a target projection place. Nodes to insert were previously re-distribution and
* stored on a component host level.
* @param lView A LView where nodes are inserted (target VLview)
* @param lView A LView where nodes are inserted (target LView)
* @param tProjectionNode A projection node where previously re-distribution should be appended
* (target insertion place)
* @param selectorIndex A bucket from where nodes to project should be taken
@ -863,3 +731,174 @@ function appendProjectedNode(
* `applyView` performs operation on the view as specified in `action` (insert, detach, destroy)
* Inserting a view without projection or containers at top level is simple. Just iterate over the
* root nodes of the View, and for each node perform the `action`.
* Things get more complicated with containers and projections. That is because coming across:
* - Container: implies that we have to insert/remove/destroy the views of that container as well
* which in turn can have their own Containers at the View roots.
* - Projection: implies that we have to insert/remove/destroy the nodes of the projection. The
* complication is that the nodes we are projecting can themselves have Containers
* or other Projections.
* As you can see this is a very recursive problem. While the recursive implementation is not the
* most efficient one, trying to unroll recursion results in very complex code that is very hard (to
* maintain). We are sacrificing a bit of performance for readability using recursive
* implementation.
* @param renderer Renderer to use
* @param action action to perform (insert, detach, destroy)
* @param lView The LView which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
* @param renderParent parent DOM element for insertion/removal.
* @param beforeNode Before which node the insertions should happen.
function applyView(
renderer: Renderer3, action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, lView: LView, renderParent: RElement | null,
beforeNode: RNode | null | undefined) {
const tView = lView[TVIEW];
ngDevMode && assertNodeType(tView.node !, TNodeType.View);
let viewRootTNode: TNode|null = tView.node !.child;
while (viewRootTNode !== null) {
const viewRootTNodeType = viewRootTNode.type;
if (viewRootTNodeType === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
renderer, action, lView, viewRootTNode as TElementContainerNode, renderParent,
} else if (viewRootTNodeType === TNodeType.Projection) {
renderer, action, lView, viewRootTNode as TProjectionNode, renderParent, beforeNode);
} else {
ngDevMode && assertNodeOfPossibleTypes(viewRootTNode, TNodeType.Element, TNodeType.Container);
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, lView[viewRootTNode.index], beforeNode);
viewRootTNode =;
* `applyProjection` performs operation on the projection specified by `action` (insert, detach,
* destroy)
* Inserting a projection requires us to locate the projected nodes from the parent component. The
* complication is that those nodes themselves could be re-projected from its parent component.
* @param renderer Renderer to use
* @param action action to perform (insert, detach, destroy)
* @param lView The LView which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
* @param renderParent parent DOM element for insertion/removal.
* @param beforeNode Before which node the insertions should happen.
function applyProjection(
renderer: Renderer3, action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, lView: LView,
tProjectionNode: TProjectionNode, renderParent: RElement | null,
beforeNode: RNode | null | undefined) {
const componentLView = findComponentView(lView);
const componentNode = componentLView[T_HOST] as TElementNode;
const nodeToProject = componentNode.projection ![tProjectionNode.projection] !;
if (Array.isArray(nodeToProject)) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodeToProject.length; i++) {
const rNode = nodeToProject[i];
ngDevMode && assertDomNode(rNode);
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, rNode, beforeNode);
} else {
let projectionTNode: TNode|null = nodeToProject;
const projectedComponentLView = componentLView[PARENT] as LView;
while (projectionTNode !== null) {
if (projectionTNode.type === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
renderer, action, projectedComponentLView, projectionTNode as TElementContainerNode,
renderParent, beforeNode);
} else if (projectionTNode.type === TNodeType.Projection) {
renderer, action, projectedComponentLView, projectionTNode as TProjectionNode,
renderParent, beforeNode);
} else {
const rNode = projectedComponentLView[projectionTNode.index];
ngDevMode &&
assertNodeOfPossibleTypes(projectionTNode, TNodeType.Element, TNodeType.Container);
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, rNode, beforeNode);
projectionTNode = projectionTNode.projectionNext;
* `applyContainer` performs operation on the container and its views as specified by `action`
* (insert, detach, destroy)
* Inserting a Container is complicated by the fact that the container may have Views which
* themselves have containers or projections.
* @param renderer Renderer to use
* @param action action to perform (insert, detach, destroy)
* @param lContainer The LContainer which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
* @param renderParent parent DOM element for insertion/removal.
* @param beforeNode Before which node the insertions should happen.
function applyContainer(
renderer: Renderer3, action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, lContainer: LContainer,
renderParent: RElement | null, beforeNode: RNode | null | undefined) {
ngDevMode && assertLContainer(lContainer);
const anchor = lContainer[NATIVE]; // LContainer has its own before node.
const native = unwrapRNode(lContainer);
// A LContainer can be created dynamically on any node by injecting ViewContainerRef.
// Asking for a ViewContainerRef on an element will result in a creation of a separate anchor node
// (comment in the DOM) that will be different from the LContainer's host node. In this particular
// case we need to execute action on 2 nodes:
// - container's host node (this is done in the executeNodeAction)
// - container's host node (this is done here)
if (anchor !== native) {
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, anchor, beforeNode);
for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
const lView = lContainer[i] as LView;
applyView(renderer, action, lView, renderParent, anchor);
* `applyElementContainer` performs operation on the ng-container node and its child nodes as
* specified by the `action` (insert, detach, destroy)
* @param renderer Renderer to use
* @param action action to perform (insert, detach, destroy)
* @param lView The LView which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
* @param tElementContainerNode The TNode associated with the ElementContainer.
* @param renderParent parent DOM element for insertion/removal.
* @param beforeNode Before which node the insertions should happen.
function applyElementContainer(
renderer: Renderer3, action: WalkTNodeTreeAction, lView: LView,
tElementContainerNode: TElementContainerNode, renderParent: RElement | null,
beforeNode: RNode | null | undefined) {
const node = lView[tElementContainerNode.index];
executeNodeAction(action, renderer, renderParent, node, beforeNode);
let elementContainerRootTNode: TNode|null = tElementContainerNode.child;
while (elementContainerRootTNode) {
const elementContainerRootTNodeType = elementContainerRootTNode.type;
if (elementContainerRootTNodeType === TNodeType.ElementContainer) {
renderer, action, lView, elementContainerRootTNode as TElementContainerNode, renderParent,
} else if (elementContainerRootTNodeType === TNodeType.Projection) {
renderer, action, lView, elementContainerRootTNode as TProjectionNode, renderParent,
} else {
ngDevMode && assertNodeOfPossibleTypes(
elementContainerRootTNode, TNodeType.Element, TNodeType.Container);
action, renderer, renderParent, lView[elementContainerRootTNode.index], beforeNode);
elementContainerRootTNode =;

View File

@ -42,7 +42,12 @@ export function getRootView(componentOrLView: LView | {}): LView {
* Given a current view, finds the nearest component's host (LElement).
* Given an `LView`, find the closest declaration view which is not an embedded view.
* This method searches for the `LView` associated with the component which declared the `LView`.
* This function may return itself if the `LView` passed in is not an embedded `LView`. Otherwise
* it walks the declaration parents until it finds a component view (non-embedded-view.)
* @param lView LView for which we want a host element node
* @returns The host node

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
// about state in an instruction are correct before implementing any logic.
// They are meant only to be called in dev mode as sanity checks.
import {stringify} from './stringify';
export function assertNumber(actual: any, msg: string) {
if (typeof actual != 'number') {
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ export function assertDomNode(node: any) {
(typeof Node !== 'undefined' && node instanceof Node) ||
(typeof node === 'object' && === 'WebWorkerRenderNode'),
true, 'The provided value must be an instance of a DOM Node');
true, `The provided value must be an instance of a DOM Node but got ${stringify(node)}`);

View File

@ -346,6 +346,101 @@ describe('projection', () => {
it('should handle projection into element containers at the view root', () => {
selector: 'root-comp',
template: `
<ng-template [ngIf]="show">
class RootComp {
@Input() show: boolean = true;
selector: 'my-app',
template: `<root-comp [show]="show"><div></div></root-comp>
class MyApp {
show = true;
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, RootComp]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp);
expect(fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div').length).toBe(1); = false;
it('should handle projection of views with element containers at the root', () => {
selector: 'root-comp',
template: `<ng-template [ngIf]="show"><ng-content></ng-content></ng-template>`,
class RootComp {
@Input() show: boolean = true;
selector: 'my-app',
template: `<root-comp [show]="show"><ng-container><div></div></ng-container></root-comp>`
class MyApp {
show = true;
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, RootComp]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp);
expect(fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div').length).toBe(1); = false;
it('should handle re-projection at the root of an embedded view', () => {
selector: 'child-comp',
template: `<ng-template [ngIf]="show"><ng-content></ng-content></ng-template>`,
class ChildComp {
@Input() show: boolean = true;
selector: 'parent-comp',
template: `<child-comp [show]="show"><ng-content></ng-content></child-comp>`
class ParentComp {
@Input() show: boolean = true;
{selector: 'my-app', template: `<parent-comp [show]="show"><div></div></parent-comp>`})
class MyApp {
show = true;
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyApp, ParentComp, ChildComp]});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyApp);
expect(fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('div').length).toBe(1); = false;
describe('with selectors', () => {
it('should project nodes where attribute selector matches a binding', () => {

View File

@ -485,15 +485,27 @@
"name": "applyClasses"
"name": "applyContainer"
"name": "applyElementContainer"
"name": "applyOnCreateInstructions"
"name": "applyProjection"
"name": "applyStyles"
"name": "applyStyling"
"name": "applyView"
"name": "assertTemplate"
@ -1280,9 +1292,6 @@
"name": "prepareInitialFlag"
"name": "projectionNodeStack"
"name": "queueComponentIndexForCheck"
@ -1571,9 +1580,6 @@
"name": "viewAttachedToContainer"
"name": "walkTNodeTree"
"name": "walkUpViews"