refactor: dart
This commit is contained in:
@ -83,10 +83,7 @@ export class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
var path = this._platformLocation.hash;
if (!isPresent(path)) path = '#';
// Dart will complain if a call to substring is
// executed with a position value that extends the
// length of string.
return (path.length > 0 ? path.substring(1) : path);
return path.length > 0 ? path.substring(1) : path;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string {
@ -215,8 +215,6 @@ class TemplatePreparseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
// DDC reports this as error. See:
if (preparsedElement.nonBindable) {
@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ export abstract class AbstractEmitterVisitor implements o.StatementVisitor, o.Ex
name = this.getBuiltinMethodName(expr.builtin);
if (isBlank(name)) {
// some builtins just mean to skip the call.
// e.g. `bind` in Dart.
return null;
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import {ListWrapper} from '../facade/collection';
import {BaseException, unimplemented} from '../facade/exceptions';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {debugOutputAstAsDart} from './dart_emitter';
import * as o from './output_ast';
import {debugOutputAstAsTypeScript} from './ts_emitter';
@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ import {RegExpMatcherWrapper, RegExpWrapper, StringWrapper, isBlank, isPresent}
const _EMPTY_ATTR_VALUE = '';
// TODO: Can't use `const` here as
// in Dart this is not transpiled into `final` yet...
var _SELECTOR_REGEXP = RegExpWrapper.create(
const _SELECTOR_REGEXP = RegExpWrapper.create(
'(\\:not\\()|' + //":not("
'([-\\w]+)|' + // "tag"
'(?:\\.([-\\w]+))|' + // ".class"
@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xit,} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {isBlank} from '../../src/facade/lang';
import {DartEmitter} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/dart_emitter';
import {CompileIdentifierMetadata} from '@angular/compiler/src/compile_metadata';
import * as o from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast';
import {DartImportGenerator} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/dart_imports';
var someModuleUrl = 'asset:somePackage/lib/somePath';
var anotherModuleUrl = 'asset:somePackage/lib/someOtherPath';
var sameModuleIdentifier =
new CompileIdentifierMetadata({name: 'someLocalId', moduleUrl: someModuleUrl});
var externalModuleIdentifier =
new CompileIdentifierMetadata({name: 'someExternalId', moduleUrl: anotherModuleUrl});
export function main() {
// Not supported features of our OutputAst in Dart:
// - declaring what should be exported via a special statement like `export`.
// Dart exports everything that has no `_` in its name.
// - declaring private fields via a statement like `private`.
// Dart exports everything that has no `_` in its name.
// - return types for function expressions
describe('DartEmitter', () => {
var emitter: DartEmitter;
var someVar: o.ReadVarExpr;
beforeEach(() => {
emitter = new DartEmitter(new DartImportGenerator());
someVar = o.variable('someVar');
function emitStmt(stmt: o.Statement, exportedVars: string[] = null): string {
if (isBlank(exportedVars)) {
exportedVars = [];
return emitter.emitStatements(someModuleUrl, [stmt], exportedVars);
it('should declare variables', () => {
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt())).toEqual(`var someVar = 1;`);
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Final])))
.toEqual(`final someVar = 1;`);
1, new o.BuiltinType(o.BuiltinTypeName.Int, [o.TypeModifier.Const])))
.toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Final])))
.toEqual(`const int someVar = 1;`);
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(), ['someVar']))
.toEqual(`var someVar = 1;`);
.toEqual(`int someVar = 1;`);
it('should read and write variables', () => {
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toStmt())).toEqual(`someVar = 1;`);
.toEqual(`someVar = (someOtherVar = 1);`);
it('should read and write keys', () => {
.toEqual(`someMap[someKey] = 1;`);
it('should read and write properties', () => {
.toEqual(`someObj.someProp = 1;`);
it('should invoke functions and methods and constructors', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').callMethod('someMethod', [o.literal(1)]).toStmt()))
.toEqual('new SomeClass(1);');
it('should support builtin methods', () => {
.callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.ConcatArray, [o.variable('arr2')])
.callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.SubscribeObservable, [o.variable('listener')])
o.variable('fn').callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.bind, [o.variable('someObj')]).toStmt()))
it('should support literals', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.literalMap([['someKey', o.literal(1)]]).toStmt()))
.toEqual(`{'someKey': 1};`);
o.literalMap([['someKey', o.literal(1)]], new o.MapType(o.NUMBER_TYPE)).toStmt()))
.toEqual(`<String, num>{'someKey': 1};`);
it('should support external identifiers', () => {
`import 'someOtherPath' as import0;`, `import0.someExternalId;`
it('should support operators', () => {
var lhs = o.variable('lhs');
var rhs = o.variable('rhs');
expect(emitStmt(someVar.cast(o.INT_TYPE).toStmt())).toEqual('(someVar as int);');
emitStmt(someVar.conditional(o.variable('trueCase'), o.variable('falseCase')).toStmt()))
.toEqual('(someVar? trueCase: falseCase);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.equals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs == rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.notEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs != rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.identical(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('identical(lhs, rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.notIdentical(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('!identical(lhs, rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.minus(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs - rhs);');
expect(emitStmt('(lhs + rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.divide(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs / rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.multiply(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs * rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.modulo(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs % rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.and(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs && rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.or(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs || rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.lower(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs < rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.lowerEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs <= rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.bigger(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs > rhs);');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.biggerEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('(lhs >= rhs);');
it('should support function expressions', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.fn([], []).toStmt())).toEqual(['() {', '};'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(o.fn([new o.FnParam('param1', o.INT_TYPE)], []).toStmt())).toEqual([
'(int param1) {', '};'
it('should support function statements', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [], [
]))).toEqual(['void someFn() {', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt(
'someFn', [], [new o.ReturnStatement(o.literal(1))], o.INT_TYPE)))
.toEqual(['int someFn() {', ' return 1;', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [new o.FnParam('param1', o.INT_TYPE)], [
]))).toEqual(['void someFn(int param1) {', '}'].join('\n'));
it('should support comments', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.CommentStmt('a\nb'))).toEqual(['// a', '// b'].join('\n'));
it('should support if stmt', () => {
var trueCase = o.variable('trueCase').callFn([]).toStmt();
var falseCase = o.variable('falseCase').callFn([]).toStmt();
expect(emitStmt(new o.IfStmt(o.variable('cond'), [trueCase]))).toEqual([
'if (cond) { trueCase(); }'
expect(emitStmt(new o.IfStmt(o.variable('cond'), [trueCase], [falseCase]))).toEqual([
'if (cond) {', ' trueCase();', '} else {', ' falseCase();', '}'
it('should support try/catch', () => {
var bodyStmt = o.variable('body').callFn([]).toStmt();
var catchStmt = o.variable('catchFn').callFn([o.CATCH_ERROR_VAR, o.CATCH_STACK_VAR]).toStmt();
expect(emitStmt(new o.TryCatchStmt([bodyStmt], [catchStmt]))).toEqual([
'try {', ' body();', '} catch (error, stack) {', ' catchFn(error,stack);', '}'
it('should support support throwing',
() => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ThrowStmt(someVar))).toEqual('throw someVar;'); });
describe('classes', () => {
var callSomeMethod: o.Statement;
beforeEach(() => { callSomeMethod = o.THIS_EXPR.callMethod('someMethod', []).toStmt(); });
it('should support declaring classes', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null, [], [], null, [
]))).toEqual(['class SomeClass {', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', o.variable('SomeSuperClass'), [], [], null, [
]))).toEqual(['class SomeClass extends SomeSuperClass {', '}'].join('\n'));
it('should support declaring constructors', () => {
var superCall = o.SUPER_EXPR.callFn([o.variable('someParam')]).toStmt();
new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null, [], []), [])))
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' SomeClass() {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [],
new o.ClassMethod(null, [new o.FnParam('someParam', o.INT_TYPE)], []), [])))
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' SomeClass(int someParam) {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null, [], [superCall]), [])))
['class SomeClass {', ' SomeClass(): super(someParam) {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null, [], [callSomeMethod]), [])))
'class SomeClass {', ' SomeClass() {', ' this.someMethod();', ' }', '}'
it('should support declaring fields', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [new o.ClassField('someField')], [], null, [])))
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' var someField;', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [new o.ClassField('someField', o.INT_TYPE)], [], null, [])))
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' int someField;', '}'].join('\n'));
emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null,
[new o.ClassField('someField', o.INT_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Final])], [], null, [])))
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' final int someField;', '}'].join('\n'));
it('should support declaring getters', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [])], null, [])))
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' get someGetter {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [], o.INT_TYPE)], null,
.toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' int get someGetter {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [callSomeMethod])], null,
'class SomeClass {', ' get someGetter {', ' this.someMethod();', ' }', '}'
it('should support methods', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null, [], [], null, [
new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [])
]))).toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' void someMethod() {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null, [], [], null, [
new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [], o.INT_TYPE)
]))).toEqual(['class SomeClass {', ' int someMethod() {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [], null,
[new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [new o.FnParam('someParam', o.INT_TYPE)], [])])))
['class SomeClass {', ' void someMethod(int someParam) {', ' }', '}'].join('\n'));
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null, [], [], null,
[new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [callSomeMethod])])))
'class SomeClass {', ' void someMethod() {', ' this.someMethod();', ' }', '}'
it('should support builtin types', () => {
var writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR);
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.DYNAMIC_TYPE))).toEqual('dynamic a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.BOOL_TYPE))).toEqual('bool a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.INT_TYPE))).toEqual('int a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.NUMBER_TYPE))).toEqual('num a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.STRING_TYPE))).toEqual('String a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.FUNCTION_TYPE))).toEqual('Function a = null;');
it('should support external types', () => {
var writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR);
.toEqual('someLocalId a = null;');
`import 'someOtherPath' as import0;`, `import0.someExternalId a = null;`
it('should support combined types', () => {
var writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR);
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.ArrayType(null))))
.toEqual('List<dynamic> a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.ArrayType(o.INT_TYPE))))
.toEqual('List<int> a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.MapType(null))))
.toEqual('Map<String, dynamic> a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.MapType(o.INT_TYPE))))
.toEqual('Map<String, int> a = null;');
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xit,} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {DartImportGenerator} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/dart_imports';
export function main() {
describe('DartImportGenerator', () => {
describe('getImportPath', () => {
var generator: DartImportGenerator;
beforeEach(() => { generator = new DartImportGenerator(); });
it('should calculate relative paths Dart', () => {
expect(generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/lib/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/lib/impPath'))
it('should calculate relative paths for different constellations', () => {
expect(generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/test/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/test/impPath'))
generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/lib/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/lib/dir2/impPath'))
generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/lib/dir1/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/lib/impPath'))
'asset:somePkg/lib/dir1/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/lib/dir2/impPath'))
it('should calculate absolute paths', () => {
generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/lib/modPath', 'asset:someOtherPkg/lib/impPath'))
it('should not allow absolute imports of non lib modules', () => {
() =>
generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/lib/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/test/impPath'))
`Can't import url asset:somePkg/test/impPath from asset:somePkg/lib/modPath`);
it('should not allow non asset urls as base url', () => {
() => generator.getImportPath('http:somePkg/lib/modPath', 'asset:somePkg/test/impPath'))
.toThrowError(`Url http:somePkg/lib/modPath is not a valid asset: url`);
it('should allow non asset urls as import urls and pass them through', () => {
expect(generator.getImportPath('asset:somePkg/lib/modPath', 'dart:html'))
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
// ATTENTION: This file will be overwritten with generated code by main()
import {DartEmitter} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/dart_emitter';
import {DartImportGenerator} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/dart_imports';
import * as o from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast';
import {TypeScriptEmitter} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/ts_emitter';
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export function main() {
// Our generator only works on node.js
outputDefs.push({'getExpressions': () => typed.getExpressions, 'name': 'typed'});
} else {
// Our generator only works on node.js and Dart...
// Our generator only works on node.js
if (!getDOM().supportsDOMEvents()) {
outputDefs.push({'getExpressions': () => untyped.getExpressions, 'name': 'untyped'});
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ var externalModuleIdentifier =
new CompileIdentifierMetadata({name: 'someExternalId', moduleUrl: anotherModuleUrl});
export function main() {
// Note supported features of our OutputAstin TS:
// Note supported features of our OutputAsti n TS:
// - real `const` like in Dart
// - final fields
@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ export function main() {
/// The real thing behaves differently between Dart and JS for package URIs.
class FakeUrlResolver extends UrlResolver {
constructor() { super(); }
@ -9,14 +9,9 @@
import {Injectable} from './di/decorators';
import {print, warn} from './facade/lang';
// Note: Need to rename warn as in Dart
// class members and imports can't use the same name.
let _warnImpl = warn;
export class Console {
log(message: string): void { print(message); }
// Note: for reporting errors use `DOM.logError()` as it is platform specific
warn(message: string): void { _warnImpl(message); }
warn(message: string): void { warn(message); }
@ -884,8 +884,6 @@ export class ComponentMetadata extends DirectiveMetadata implements ComponentMet
* In CommonJS, this can always be set to ``, similarly SystemJS exposes `__moduleName`
* variable within each module.
* In Dart, this can be determined automatically and does not need to be set.
* ## Simple Example
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ function _reflector(): Reflector {
return reflector;
var __unused: Type; // prevent missing use Dart warning.
const _CORE_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS: Array<any|Type|Provider|any[]> = [
PlatformRef_, {provide: PlatformRef, useExisting: PlatformRef_},
{provide: Reflector, useFactory: _reflector, deps: []},
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# API Examples
This folder contains small example apps that get in-lined into our API docs.
These examples are written with idiomatic TypeScript, and are not transpiled to Dart.
Each example contains tests for application behavior (as opposed to testing Angular's
behavior) just like an Angular application developer would write.
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export abstract class MessageBus implements MessageBusSource, MessageBusSink {
* Returns an {@link EventEmitter} for the given channel
* To publish methods to that channel just call next (or add in dart) on the returned emitter
* To publish methods to that channel just call next on the returned emitter
abstract to(channel: string): EventEmitter<any>;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export interface MessageBusSink {
* Returns an {@link EventEmitter} for the given channel
* To publish methods to that channel just call next (or add in dart) on the returned emitter
* To publish methods to that channel just call next on the returned emitter
to(channel: string): EventEmitter<any>;
@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ export function main() {
if (getDOM().supportsDOMEvents()) {
it('should forward the error to promise when bootstrap fails',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
// Skip for dart since it causes a confusing error message in console when test passes.
var logger = new _ArrayLogger();
var exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(logger, false);
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import {createConnectedMessageBus} from './message_bus_util';
export function main() {
* Tests the PostMessageBus in TypeScript and the IsolateMessageBus in Dart
* Tests the PostMessageBus
describe('MessageBus', () => {
var bus: MessageBus;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user