feat(router): add createUrlTree
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
import { UrlTree, UrlSegment, equalUrlSegments } from './url_tree';
import { TreeNode, rootNode } from './utils/tree';
import { forEach, shallowEqual } from './utils/collection';
import { RouterState, ActivatedRoute } from './router_state';
import { Params, PRIMARY_OUTLET } from './shared';
export function createUrlTree(route: ActivatedRoute, urlTree: UrlTree, commands: any[],
queryParameters: Params | undefined, fragment: string | undefined): UrlTree {
if (commands.length === 0) {
return tree(rootNode(urlTree), urlTree, queryParameters, fragment);
const normalizedCommands = normalizeCommands(commands);
if (navigateToRoot(normalizedCommands)) {
return tree(new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlTree.root, []), urlTree, queryParameters, fragment);
const startingNode = findStartingNode(normalizedCommands, urlTree, route);
const updated = normalizedCommands.commands.length > 0 ?
updateMany(startingNode.children.slice(0), normalizedCommands.commands) :
const newRoot = constructNewTree(rootNode(urlTree), startingNode, updated);
return tree(newRoot, urlTree, queryParameters, fragment);
function tree(root: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, urlTree: UrlTree, queryParameters: Params | undefined, fragment: string | undefined): UrlTree {
const q = queryParameters ? stringify(queryParameters) : urlTree.queryParameters;
const f = fragment ? fragment : urlTree.fragment;
return new UrlTree(root, q, f);
function navigateToRoot(normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands): boolean {
return normalizedChange.isAbsolute && normalizedChange.commands.length === 1 &&
normalizedChange.commands[0] == "/";
class NormalizedNavigationCommands {
constructor(public isAbsolute: boolean, public numberOfDoubleDots: number,
public commands: any[]) {}
function normalizeCommands(commands: any[]): NormalizedNavigationCommands {
if ((typeof commands[0] === "string") && commands.length === 1 && commands[0] == "/") {
return new NormalizedNavigationCommands(true, 0, commands);
let numberOfDoubleDots = 0;
let isAbsolute = false;
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; ++i) {
const c = commands[i];
if (!(typeof c === "string")) {
const parts = c.split('/');
for (let j = 0; j < parts.length; ++j) {
let cc = parts[j];
// first exp is treated in a special way
if (i == 0) {
if (j == 0 && cc == ".") { // './a'
// skip it
} else if (j == 0 && cc == "") { // '/a'
isAbsolute = true;
} else if (cc == "..") { // '../a'
} else if (cc != '') {
} else {
if (cc != '') {
return new NormalizedNavigationCommands(isAbsolute, numberOfDoubleDots, res);
function findStartingNode(normalizedChange: NormalizedNavigationCommands, urlTree: UrlTree,
route: ActivatedRoute): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (normalizedChange.isAbsolute) {
return rootNode(urlTree);
} else {
const urlSegment =
findUrlSegment(route, urlTree, normalizedChange.numberOfDoubleDots);
return findMatchingNode(urlSegment, rootNode(urlTree));
function findUrlSegment(route: ActivatedRoute, urlTree: UrlTree, numberOfDoubleDots: number): UrlSegment {
const segments = (<any>route.urlSegments).value;
const urlSegment = segments[segments.length - 1];
const path = urlTree.pathFromRoot(urlSegment);
if (path.length <= numberOfDoubleDots) {
throw new Error("Invalid number of '../'");
return path[path.length - 1 - numberOfDoubleDots];
function findMatchingNode(segment: UrlSegment, node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (node.value === segment) return node;
for (let c of node.children) {
const r = findMatchingNode(segment, c);
if (r) return r;
throw new Error(`Cannot find url segment '${segment}'`);
function constructNewTree(node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>, original: TreeNode<UrlSegment>,
updated: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (node === original) {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(node.value, updated);
} else {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(
node.value, node.children.map(c => constructNewTree(c, original, updated)));
function updateMany(nodes: TreeNode<UrlSegment>[], commands: any[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment>[] {
const outlet = getOutlet(commands);
const nodesInRightOutlet = nodes.filter(c => c.value.outlet === outlet);
if (nodesInRightOutlet.length > 0) {
const nodeRightOutlet = nodesInRightOutlet[0]; // there can be only one
nodes[nodes.indexOf(nodeRightOutlet)] = update(nodeRightOutlet, commands);
} else {
nodes.push(update(null, commands));
return nodes;
function getPath(commands: any[]): any {
if (!(typeof commands[0] === "string")) return commands[0];
const parts = commands[0].toString().split(":");
return parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : commands[0];
function getOutlet(commands: any[]): string {
if (!(typeof commands[0] === "string")) return PRIMARY_OUTLET;
const parts = commands[0].toString().split(":");
return parts.length > 1 ? parts[0] : PRIMARY_OUTLET;
function update(node: TreeNode<UrlSegment>|null, commands: any[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
const rest = commands.slice(1);
const next = rest.length === 0 ? null : rest[0];
const outlet = getOutlet(commands);
const path = getPath(commands);
// reach the end of the tree => create new tree nodes.
if (!node && !(typeof next === 'object')) {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, {}, outlet);
const children = rest.length === 0 ? [] : [update(null, rest)];
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlSegment, children);
} else if (!node && typeof next === 'object') {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, stringify(next), outlet);
return recurse(urlSegment, node, rest.slice(1));
// different outlet => preserve the subtree
} else if (node && outlet !== node.value.outlet) {
return node;
// params command
} else if (node && typeof path === 'object') {
const newSegment = new UrlSegment(node.value.path, stringify(path), node.value.outlet);
return recurse(newSegment, node, rest);
// next one is a params command && can reuse the node
} else if (node && typeof next === 'object' && compare(path, stringify(next), node.value)) {
return recurse(node.value, node, rest.slice(1));
// next one is a params command && cannot reuse the node
} else if (node && typeof next === 'object') {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, stringify(next), outlet);
return recurse(urlSegment, node, rest.slice(1));
// next one is not a params command && can reuse the node
} else if (node && compare(path, {}, node.value)) {
return recurse(node.value, node, rest);
// next one is not a params command && cannot reuse the node
} else {
const urlSegment = new UrlSegment(path, {}, outlet);
return recurse(urlSegment, node, rest);
function stringify(params: {[key: string]: any}): {[key: string]: string} {
const res = {};
forEach(params, (v, k) => res[k] = v.toString());
return res;
function compare(path: string, params: {[key: string]: any}, segment: UrlSegment): boolean {
return path == segment.path && shallowEqual(params, segment.parameters);
function recurse(urlSegment: UrlSegment, node: TreeNode<UrlSegment> | null,
rest: any[]): TreeNode<UrlSegment> {
if (rest.length === 0) {
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlSegment, []);
const children = node ? node.children.slice(0) : [];
return new TreeNode<UrlSegment>(urlSegment, updateMany(children, rest));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
import {DefaultUrlSerializer} from '../src/url_serializer';
import {UrlTree, UrlSegment} from '../src/url_tree';
import {ActivatedRoute} from '../src/router_state';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from '../src/shared';
import {createUrlTree} from '../src/create_url_tree';
import {BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
describe('createUrlTree', () => {
const serializer = new DefaultUrlSerializer();
it("should navigate to the root", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/"]);
it("should support nested segments", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/b");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/one", 11, "two", 22]);
it("should preserve secondary segments", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/11/b(right:c)");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", 11, 'd']);
it('should update matrix parameters', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a;aa=11");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
it('should create matrix parameters', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
it('should create matrix parameters together with other segments', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a");
const t = create(p.root, p, ["/a", "/b", {aa: 22, bb: 33}]);
describe("node reuse", () => {
it('should reuse nodes when path is the same', () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/b");
const t = create(p.root, p, ['/a/c']);
it("should create new node when params are the same", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a;x=1");
const t = create(p.root, p, ['/a', {'x': 1}]);
it("should create new node when params are different", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a;x=1");
const t = create(p.root, p, ['/a', {'x': 2}]);
describe("relative navigation", () => {
it("should work", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["c2"]);
it("should work when the first command starts with a ./", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["./c2"]);
it("should work when the first command is ./)", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["./", "c2"]);
it("should work when given params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, [{'x': 99}]);
it("should support going to a parent", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["../a2"]);
it("should support going to a parent (nested case)", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const c = p.firstChild(<any>p.firstChild(p.root));
const t = create(c, p, ["../c2"]);
it("should work when given ../", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const c = p.firstChild(<any>p.firstChild(p.root));
const t = create(c, p, ["../"]);
it("should navigate to the root", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a/c");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["../"]);
it("should support setting matrix params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
const t = create(c, p, ["../", {'x': 5}]);
it("should throw when too many ..", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/a(left:ap)/c(left:cp)");
const c = p.firstChild(p.root);
expect(() => create(c, p, ["../../"])).toThrowError("Invalid number of '../'");
it("should set query params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], {a: 'hey'});
expect(t.queryParameters).toEqual({a: 'hey'});
it("should stringify query params", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], <any>{a: 1});
expect(t.queryParameters).toEqual({a: '1'});
it("should reuse old query params when given undefined", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/?a=1");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], undefined);
expect(t.queryParameters).toEqual({a: '1'});
it("should set fragment", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], {}, "fragment");
it("should reused old fragment when given undefined", () => {
const p = serializer.parse("/#fragment");
const t = create(p.root, p, [], undefined, undefined);
function create(start: UrlSegment | null, tree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParameters?: Params, fragment?: string) {
if (!start) {
const a = new ActivatedRoute(new BehaviorSubject([start]), <any>null, PRIMARY_OUTLET, "someComponent");
return createUrlTree(a, tree, commands, queryParameters, fragment);
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