a bit more translation for d-i.jade

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Rex 2016-04-28 16:40:09 +01:00
parent e03faf373d
commit 338490a776

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@ -690,43 +690,61 @@ a(id='useclass')
class to be created (`HeroService`) is also the provider's injection token.
We wrote it in this long form to de-mystify the preferred short form.
The second provider substitutes the `DateLoggerService` for the `LoggerService`.
The `LoggerService` is already registered at the `AppComponent` level.
When _this component_ requests the `LoggerService`, it receives the `DateLoggerService` instead.
This component and its tree of child components receive the `DateLoggerService` instance.
Components outside the tree continue to receive the original `LoggerService` instance.
The `DateLoggerService` inherits from `LoggerService`; it appends the current date/time to each message:
#### useExisting - the *alias provider*
#### useExisting - *别名provider*
The `useExisting` provider maps one token to another.
In effect, the first token is an ***alias*** for the service associated with second token,
creating ***two ways to access the same service object***.
使用`useExisting` provider来把一个令牌映射到另一个。实际上第一个令牌是第二个令牌所对应的服务的一个***别名***,构成***对一个服务对象的两种访问方法***。
Narrowing an API through an aliasing interface is _one_ important use case for this technique.
We're aliasing for that very purpose here.
Imagine that the `LoggerService` had a large API (it's actually only three methods and a property).
We want to shrink that API surface to just the two members exposed by the `MinimalLogger` [*class-interface*](#class-interface):
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/date-logger.service.ts','minimal-logger','app/date-logger.service.ts (MinimalLogger)')(format='.')
The constructor's `logger` parameter is typed as `MinimalLogger` so only its two members are visible in TypeScript:
img(src="/resources/images/cookbooks/dependency-injection/minimal-logger-intellisense.png" alt="MinimalLogger restricted API")
Angular actually sets the `logger` parameter to the injector's full version of the `LoggerService`
which happens to be the `DateLoggerService` thanks to the override provider registered previously via `useClass`.
The following image, which displays the logging date, confirms the point:
img(src="/resources/images/cookbooks/dependency-injection/date-logger-entry.png" alt="DateLoggerService entry" width="300px")
@ -734,60 +752,86 @@ figure.image-display
#### useFactory - the *factory provider*
#### useFactory - *factory provider*
The `useFactory` provider creates a dependency object by calling a factory function
as seen in this example.
`useFactory` provider通过调用一个在下例看到的factory函数来新建一个依赖对象。
Use this technique to ***create a dependency object***
with a factory function whose inputs are some ***combination of injected services and local state***.
The *dependency object* doesn't have to be a class instance. It could be anything.
In this example, the *dependency object* is a string of the names of the runners-up
to the "Hero of the Month" contest.
The local state is the number `2`, the number of runners-up this component should show.
We execute `runnersUpFactory` immediately with `2`.
The `runnersUpFactory` itself isn't the provider factory function.
The true provider factory function is the function that `runnersUpFactory` returns.
`runnersUpFactory`自己provider factory函数。真正的provider factory函数是一个`runnersUpFactory`返回的函数。
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/runners-up.ts','factory-synopsis','runners-up.ts (excerpt)')(format='.')
That returned function takes a winning `Hero` and a `HeroService` as arguments.
Angular supplies these arguments from injected values identified by
the two *tokens* in the `deps` array.
The two `deps` values are *tokens* that the injector uses
to provide these factory function dependencies.
After some undisclosed work, the function returns the string of names
and Angular injects it into the `runnersUp` parameter of the `HeroOfTheMonthComponent`.
The function retrieves candidate heroes from the `HeroService`,
takes `2` of them to be the runners-up, and returns their concatenated names.
Look at the [live example](/resources/live-examples/cb-dependency-injection/ts/plnkr.html)
for the full source code.
## Provider token alternatives: the *class-interface* and *OpaqueToken*
## 可选Provider令牌**类-接口*和*OpaqueToken*
Angular dependency injection is easiest when the provider *token* is a class
that is also the type of the returned dependency object (what we usually call the *service*).
But the token doesn't have to be a class and even when it is a class,
it doesn't have to be the same type as the returned object.
That's the subject of our next section.
<a id="class-interface"></a>
### class-interface
### 类-接口
In the previous *Hero of the Month* example, we used the `MinimalLogger` class
as the token for a provider of a `LoggerService`.
The `MinimalLogger` is an abstract class.