@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('canonical-path');
var _ = require('lodash');
exports.config = {
@ -33,14 +34,14 @@ exports.config = {
// resultJsonOutputFile: "foo.json",
onPrepare: function() {
// SpecReporter
//// SpecReporter
//var SpecReporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter');
//// add jasmine spec reporter
//jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({displayStacktrace: 'none'}));
// jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({displayStacktrace: 'all'}));
//// jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({displayStacktrace: 'all'}));
// debugging
console.log('browser.params:' + JSON.stringify(browser.params));
// console.log('browser.params:' + JSON.stringify(browser.params));
var appDir = browser.params.appDir;
if (appDir) {
if (appDir.match('/ts') != null) {
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ function describeIf(cond, name, func) {
if (cond) {
describe(name, func);
} else {
xdescribe('*** Skipped *** - ' + name, func);
xdescribe(name, func);
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ function itIf(cond, name, func) {
if (cond) {
it(name, func);
} else {
xit('*** Skipped *** - ' + name, func);
xit(name, func);
@ -97,75 +98,93 @@ function sendKeys(element, str) {
function Reporter(options) {
this.defaultOutputFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "../../", 'protractor-results.txt');
var _output = [];
var _logDepth = 0;
var __pad = ' ';
var _defaultOutputFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "../../", 'protractor-results.txt');
options.outputFile = options.outputFile || _defaultOutputFile;
var _root = { appDir: options.appDir, suites: [] };
log('AppDir: ' + options.appDir, +1);
var _currentSuite;
options.outputFile = options.outputFile || this.defaultOutputFile;
log('AppDir: ' + options.appDir);
this.suiteStarted = function(suite) {
log('Suite: ' + suite.description);
// debugging info
// log('Suite stringify:' + JSON.stringify(suite));
// log('argv stringify:' + JSON.stringify(process.argv));
_currentSuite = suite;
_currentSuite.ok = true;
_currentSuite = { description: suite.description, status: null, specs: [] };
log('Suite: ' + suite.description, +1);
this.suiteDone = function(suite) {
var status = _currentSuite.ok ? 'Suite passed: ' : 'Suite failed: ';
log(status + suite.description);
var statuses = {
return spec.status;
statuses = _.uniq(statuses);
var status = statuses.indexOf('failed') >= 0 ? 'failed' : statuses.join(', ');
_currentSuite.status = status;
log('Suite ' + _currentSuite.status + ': ' + suite.description, -1);
this.specStarted = function(spec) {
this.specDone = function(spec) {
log(spec.status + ": " + spec.description);
var currentSpec = {
description: spec.description,
status: spec.status
if (spec.failedExpectations.length > 0) {
currentSpec.failedExpectations = spec.failedExpectations;
log(spec.status + ' - ' + spec.description);
this.jasmineDone = function() {
outputFile = options.outputFile;
// console.log('Completed - appending output to: ' + outputFile);
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, _output.join('\n')+ '\n\n');
//// Alternate approach - just stringify the _root - not as pretty
//// but might be more useful for automation.
// var output = JSON.stringify(_root, null, 2);
var output = formatOutput(_root);
fs.appendFileSync(outputFile, output);
function logFailedSpec(spec) {
if (spec.failedExpectations.length == 0) return;
spec.failedExpectations.forEach(function(exp) {
log('detail: ' + exp.message);
_currentSuite.ok = false;
// for output file output
function formatOutput(output) {
var indent = ' ';
var pad = ' ';
var results = [];
results.push('AppDir:' + output.appDir);
output.suites.forEach(function(suite) {
results.push(pad + 'Suite: ' + suite.description + ' -- ' + suite.status);
suite.specs.forEach(function(spec) {
results.push(pad + spec.status + ' - ' + spec.description);
if (spec.failedExpectations) {
spec.failedExpectations.forEach(function (fe) {
results.push(pad + 'message: ' + fe.message);
pad = pad.substr(2);
return results.join('\n');
function log(msg) {
msg = lpad(msg, 3 * _logDepth);
// for console output
var _pad;
function log(str, indent) {
_pad = _pad || '';
if (indent == -1) {
_pad = _pad.substr(2);
console.log(_pad + str);
if (indent == 1) {
_pad = _pad + ' ';
function lpad(value, length) {
return __pad.substr(0,length) + value;
// To be copied into e2e-tests experiencing sendKeys bug.
//// Hack - because of bug with send keys
//function sendKeys(element, str) {
// return str.split('').reduce(function (promise, char) {
// return promise.then(function () {
// return element.sendKeys(char);
// });
// }, element.getAttribute('value'));
// // better to create a resolved promise here but ... don't know how with protractor;
Reference in New Issue