开发指南-从1.x升级 初译完毕
This commit is contained in:
@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ code-example(format="").
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/typescript-conversion/test/karma_test_shim.js', null, 'test/karma_test_shim.js')
.alert.is-important The shim is likely to be replaced by improved tooling, but is currently needed.
.alert.is-important 垫片(shim)最终将会被改进过的工具所取代,但现在我们还需要它。
.alert.is-important 垫片(shim)可能会被改进过的工具所取代,但目前我们还需要它。
We'll then update the Karma configuration file, so that it loads SystemJS and the
@ -1989,6 +1989,9 @@ code-example(format="").
need to register the new service into the application, so that our Angular 1
controllers will be able to use it.
现在只要把这个新服务注册进应用程序,我们的Angular 1控制器就能使用它了。
`UpgradeAdapter` has a `downgradeNg2Provider` method for the purpose of making
Angular 2 services available to Angular 1 code. The problem is that we don't have
our `UpgradeAdapter` available in `core.module.ts` where the `Phones` service should
@ -1996,41 +1999,65 @@ code-example(format="").
`UpgradeAdapter` in an application, so we need to find a way to share our
instance between the two code modules.
`UpgradeAdapter`有个`downgradeNg2Provider`就是用于让Angular 2的服务在Angular 1的代码中可用的。
What we'll do is create a new module that instantiates `UpgradeAdapter`
and exports the instance. We can then just pull it in wherever we need it,
so that we're using the same object everywhere. Let's put this new file
under `core`:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/app/js/core/upgrade_adapter.ts', 'full', 'app/js/core/upgrade_adapter.ts')
In `app.module.ts` we should now just import this adapter instead of making a separate one:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/app/js/app.module.ts', 'adapter-state-import')
Also remove the line from `app.module.ts` that is instantiating `UpgradeAdapter`. It's no
longer needed since we import the instance from elsewhere.
We'll then do the same in `core.module.ts` as well. Then we can register the `Phones` service into it.
While doing that, we can remove the module's dependency to `ngResource`, which
we're no longer using.
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/app/js/core/core.module.ts', null, 'app/js/core/core.module.ts')
Note that we actually needed to do two registrations here:
1. Register `Phones` as an **Angular 2 provider** with the `addProvider`
method. That's the same method that we used earlier for `HTTP_PROVIDERS`.
1. 用`addProvider`方法注册了一个名叫`Phones`的**Angular 2供应商**。这和我们以前使用`HTTP_PROVIDERS`的方法一样。
2. Register an **Angular 1 factory** called `phones`, which will be a *downgraded*
version of the `Phones` service.
2. 注册了一个名叫`phones`的**Angular 1工厂**,它是一个`Phones`服务的*降级*版。
At this point we can switch our two controllers to use the new service
instead of the old one. We `$inject` it as the downgraded `phones` factory,
but it's really an instance of the `Phones` class and we can annotate its type
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.controller.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.controller.ts')
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.controller.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.controller.ts')
@ -2042,21 +2069,30 @@ code-example(format="").
In any case, what we've achieved is a migration of a service to Angular 2
without having to yet migrate the controllers that use it.
这里的两个Angular 1控制器在使用Angular 2的服务!控制器不需要关心这一点,尽管实际上该服务返回的是可观察对象(Observable),而不是承诺(Promise)。
无论如何,我们达到的效果都是把服务移植到Angular 2,而不用被迫移植控制器来使用它。
You could use the `toPromise` method of `Observable` to turn those Observables
into Promises in the service to further reduce the amount of changes
needed in controller code.
To bring our test suite up to speed with the changes, we should update the Karma
test shim. It'll make some of Angular 2 providers available before starting
to load any of the spec files:
要让我们的测试套件跟上修改的速度,我们得更新Karma的测试垫片。它将在开始加载这些规约(`spec`)文件时,让Angular 2中的供应商可用。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/test/karma_test_shim.js', null, 'test/karma_test_shim.js')
.alert.is-important The shim is likely to be replaced by improved tooling, but is needed right now.
.alert.is-important 垫片(shim)可能会被改进过的工具所取代,但目前我们还需要它。
Now, let's look at the tests for the service itself. What we used to have in
`phones_factory_spec.js` was a fairly simple test that simply checks if
@ -2064,6 +2100,9 @@ code-example(format="").
test in Angular 2. Rename `phones.factory.spec.ts` to `phones.service.spec.ts` and
set the contents as follows:
我们现在就能在Angular 2中做同样的测试。把`phones.factory.spec.ts`改名为`phones.service.spec.ts`,并写入如下代码:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/test/unit/phones.service.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/phones.service.spec.ts')
@ -2071,12 +2110,19 @@ code-example(format="").
`Phones` can in fact be injected. We also need to load `HTTP_PROVIDERS` since
it is a dependency of `Phones`.
For the controller tests, we can first of all at this point get rid of the
custom `toEqualData` custom matcher. It was added because `ngResource` attaches
attributes to the data that we don't want to compare in tests. We're no longer
using `ngResource`, so we can simply use the built-in `toEqual` for comparisons.
This means we can remove the `test/jasmine_matchers.d.ts` file at this point.
Now, in the phone detail controller we have been testing that the phone details
with the id given in the route params are fetched over HTTP and put on the
scope. We can continue doing that, but we'll need to change the structure of the
@ -2085,6 +2131,11 @@ code-example(format="").
using to load what it needs. As the mocked value, we're returning an Observable
that will emit a single value - the mock phone data:
我们可以继续这样做,不过我们需要改动一点点该测试的结构。我们不再使用Angular 1模拟HTTP后端,
我们返回一个会发出单一值的可观察对象(Observable) —— 模拟的电话数据:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/test/unit/phone_detail.controller.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/phone_detail.controller.spec.ts')
@ -2093,27 +2144,41 @@ code-example(format="").
bootstrapped for unit tests at the moment, which means that Angular 2
dependencies can't be made available. This is likely to change.
我们手工实例化了`Phones`,因为目前混合式应用还不能用于在单元测试中引导,这意味着Angular 2的依赖将不可用。
In the phone list controller we'll do something very similar: We mock out the `query`
method of the `Phones` service, and check that the controller makes the resulting
value available:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_initial/test/unit/phone_list.controller.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/phone_list.controller.spec.ts')
## Upgrading Controllers to Components
## 把控制器升级成组件
Next, let's upgrade our Angular 1 controllers to Angular 2 components. We'll
do it one at a time, while still keeping the application in hybrid mode.
As we make these conversions, we'll also be defining our first Angular 2 *pipes*.
接下来,我们把Angular 1的控制器升级成Angular 2的组件。我们每次升级一个,同时仍然保持应用运行在混合模式下。
在做转换的同时,我们还将自定义首个Angular 2*管道*。
Let's look at the phone list controller first. Right now it is a TypeScript class,
which is paired with an HTML template by the route configuration in `app.ts`.
We'll be turning it into an Angular 2 component.
我们将把它转变成Angular 2组件。
Rename `phone_list.controller.ts` to `phone_list.component.ts`. Then rename the controller class
inside to just `PhoneList` and decorate it as a `@Component`:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list_without_pipes.component.ts', 'top', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.component.ts')
@ -2122,17 +2187,26 @@ code-example(format="").
to always use application-specific prefixes in selectors so that they never clash with
built-in ones, and here we're using `pc-`, which is short for "PhoneCat".
The `templateUrl` defines the location of the component template. It points to our existing
template file
Both of these attributes are things that were defined *externally* for the controller,
but for the component are things that it defines *itself*. This will affect how we use
the component in the router.
We now also need to convert the template of this component into Angular 2 syntax.
In the search controls we need to use Angular 2 syntax for the two `ngModel`s
现在,我们得把组件的模板转换成Angular 2的语法。在搜索控件中,我们要对两个`ngModel`改用Angular 2的语法:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list_without_pipes.html', 'controls', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html')
@ -2140,10 +2214,16 @@ code-example(format="").
`#var of iterable` syntax, which is [described in our
Template Syntax guide](../guide/template-syntax.html#directives).
在列表中,我们需要把`ng-repeat`替换为`*ngFor`以及它的`let var of iterable`语法,
For the images, we can replace `ng-src` with the standard `src`, but will use a
property binding. Note that we're also adding a `name` CSS class for the phone name.
This is something we'll need for our Protractor tests:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list_without_pipes.html', 'list', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html')
@ -2152,6 +2232,9 @@ code-example(format="").
The directive is a downgraded version of our component, and the `UpgradeAdapter`
handles the bridging between the two:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.module.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.module.ts')
@ -2159,11 +2242,16 @@ code-example(format="").
know that the return value of the downgrade method call will be something that can be
used as a directive factory.
To complete the switch, we should change our route configuration in `app.module.ts`.
Instead of using the controller and template, it can just instantiate our component.
We can do that by using a simple template that uses the directive
we just registered:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/app.module.ts', 'list-route')
@ -2171,6 +2259,8 @@ code-example(format="").
the element in the template to the `pcPhoneList` directive, which is actually
an Angular 2 component!
当应用程序运行起来时,Angular 1.x的指令编译器将匹配到模板中适用于`pcPhoneList`指令的元素,它实际上是个Angular 2组件!
The remaining issue with the phone list is the use of filters in its
template: It is referring to the `filter` filter and the `orderBy` filter,
and relying on them to filter and sort the phone list, respectively.
@ -2178,12 +2268,18 @@ code-example(format="").
the filtering and sorting ourselves. Let's define a couple of pipes that
get the job done.
并依靠它们来对电话列表进行过滤和排序。这些管道在Angualr 2中不存在,所以我们得自己实现过滤和排序功能。
If you want to learn more about how pipes in Angular 2
work, we have [a whole guide on the subject](../guide/pipes.html)
如果你想学习关于Angular 2中管道的更多知识,我们在开发指南中有[一个完整的主题](../guide/pipes.html)讲它们。
For filtering, we'll have a pipe called `PhoneFilterPipe`. It works like
the `filter` filter in Angular 1 in that it filters a collection of objects,
@ -2191,12 +2287,18 @@ code-example(format="").
this pipe is specialized to filter `Phone` objects and we can use
type annotations to make this explicit:
要想过滤,我们得有一个名叫`PhoneFilterPipe`的管道。它工作起来就像Angular 1中的`filter`过滤器,它会过滤一组对象,并匹配对象中的属性。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_filter.pipe.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_list/phone_filter.pipe.ts')
Since we're adding new code, it's a good idea to add some unit tests for
it too. Here are a few tests for `PhoneFilterPipe`:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/test/unit/phone_filter.pipe.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/phone_filter.pipe.spec.ts')
@ -2205,23 +2307,33 @@ code-example(format="").
an array of the same type of thing it was given. In the implementation we
copy the input array, sort the copy, and return it.
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/order_by.pipe.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_list/order_by.pipe.ts')
Here's a unit test for `OrderByPipe` as well:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/test/unit/order_by.pipe.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/order_by.pipe.spec.ts')
We can now integrate these new pipes with our component. Before the pipes
are available there, we need to declare them in the `@Component` decorator.
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.component.ts', 'top', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.component.ts')
In the template we need to use the `phoneFilter` pipe instead of `filter`.
No changes are needed for the `orderBy`
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list_without_async.html', 'list', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html')
@ -2232,18 +2344,27 @@ code-example(format="").
With Angular 2, we can instead just put the Observable itself on the
component, and can skip the subscription callback:
现在,电话列表变成了一个Angular 2组件,还有一个小把戏能让它更整洁:我们可以让它的代码更简单一点。
在Angular 2中,我们可以改为直接把这个可观察对象(Observable)本身放进组件中,而不再使用订阅回调:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.component.ts', 'full', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.component.ts')
This is made possible by the `async` pipe, which we can apply in the template.
It knows how to turn an Observable to the (latest) value it has emitted:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html', 'list', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html')
That takes care of the phone list. Here's the updated unit test file for
that component to complete the migration:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/test/unit/phone_list.component.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/phone_list.component.spec.ts')
@ -2252,6 +2373,9 @@ code-example(format="").
before when we were testing the controller in isolation, but our new test
exercises the component as a whole, which includes the template.
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/test/karma.conf.1.js', 'html', 'test/karma.conf.js')
@ -2259,6 +2383,8 @@ code-example(format="").
the phone details. Rename `phone_detail.controller.ts` to `phone_detail.component.ts`,
and set the contents as follows:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail_without_pipes.component.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.component.ts')
@ -2270,9 +2396,16 @@ code-example(format="").
The things is though, Angular 1 dependencies are not made automatically available to
Angular 2 components, so if we were to run this now, it would not work.
这跟我们对电话列表所做的很像。新的修改是使用`@Inject`来注入`$routeParams`依赖。它告诉Angular 2的注入器,这个依赖应该被映射到哪里。
我们在Angular 1注入器中有一个叫做`$routeParams`的依赖,那是由Angular 1路由器提供的。
这就是当`PhoneDetails`还是Angular 1控制器时我们已经做过的。
问题在于,Angular 1的依赖不会自动对Angular 2的组件可用,所以如果我们现在就想运行它,它是不会工作的。
We explicitly need to tell the `UpgradeAdapter` to upgrade `$routeParams` so that
it is available for injection in Angular 2. We can do it in `app.module.ts`:
我们需要明确的告诉`UpgradeAdapter`要升级`$routeParams`,以便它能用于Angular 2的依赖注入系统。我们在`app.module.ts`中做到这一点:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/app.module.ts', 'upgrade-route-params', 'app/js/app.module.ts')
@ -2281,21 +2414,44 @@ code-example(format="").
We now also need to convert the template of this component into Angular 2 syntax.
Here is the new template in its entirety:
我们现在也要把该组件的模板转变成Angular 2的语法。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.html', null, 'app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.html')
There are several notable changes here:
* We've removed the `vm.` prefix from all expressions.
* 我们从所有表达式中移除了`vm.`前缀。
* Just like we did in the phone list, we've replaced `ng-src` with property
bindings for the standard `src`.
* 正如我们在电话列表中做过的那样,我们把`ng-src`替换成了标准的`src`属性绑定。
* We're using the property binding syntax around `ng-class`. Though Angular 2
does have [a very similar `ngClass`](../guide/template-syntax.html#directives)
as Angular 1 does, its value is not magically evaluated as an expression.
In Angular 2 we always specify in the template when an attribute's value is
a property expression, as opposed to a literal string.
* 我们在`ng-class`周围使用了属性绑定语法。虽然Angular 2中有一个
和Angular 1中[非常相似的`ngClass`](../guide/template-syntax.html#directives)指令,
但是它的值不会神奇的作为表达式进行计算。在Angular 2中,模板中的属性(Attribute)值总是被作为
* We've replaced `ng-repeat`s with `*ngFor`s.
* 我们把`ng-repeat`替换成了`*ngFor`。
* We've replaced `ng-click` with an event binding for the standard `click`.
* 我们把`ng-click`替换成了一个到标准`click`事件的绑定。
* In all references to `phone`, we're using the safe navigation operator `?.` for
safe property navigation. We need it because when the component first loads,
we don't have `phone` yet and the expressions will refer to a non-existing
@ -2303,16 +2459,25 @@ code-example(format="").
we try to refer to properties on undefined objects. We need to be explicit
about cases where this is expected.
* 在所有涉及`phone`的引用中,我们使用了安全导航操作符`?.`来实现安全的属性导航。我们必须这么做,
和Angular 1不同,当我们尝试引用未定义对象上的属性时,Angular 2中的表达式不会默默失败。
In the module file we'll now register a `pcPhoneDetail` directive instead of a
controller. The directive is a downgraded version of the `PhoneDetail` component.
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.module.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.module.ts')
In the router configuration in `app.module.ts`, we'll switch the details route to
instantiate a component as well:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/app.module.ts', 'detail-route')
@ -2320,18 +2485,25 @@ code-example(format="").
`checkmark` filter that the template is using. We need an Angular 2
pipe instead of an Angular 1 filter.
我们还有一个额外的步骤要做,那就是升级模板中用到的那个`checkmark`过滤器。我们需要用一个Angular 2管道替换Angular 1过滤器。
While there is no upgrade method in the upgrade adapter for filters, we
can just turn the filter function into a class that fulfills
the contract for Angular 2 Pipes. The implementation is the same as before.
It just comes in a different kind of package. While changing it, also
rename the file to `checkmark.pipe.ts`:
在升级适配器中并没有哪个方法可用于升级过滤器,但我们只要把过滤器函数转变成一个能满足Angular 2管道契约的类就可以了。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/core/checkmark.pipe.ts', null, 'app/js/core/checkmark.pipe.ts')
As we apply this change, we should also remove the registration of the filter
from the core module file. The module's content becomes:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/core/core.module.ts', null, 'app/js/core/core.module.ts')
@ -2339,17 +2511,23 @@ code-example(format="").
for the pipe. While we're still testing the same thing, we need to change
how we set things up:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/test/unit/checkmark.pipe.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/checkmark.pipe.spec.ts')
In the component we should now import and declare our newly created pipe:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.component.ts', 'top', 'app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.component.ts')
With the phone detail component now migrated as well, we can go and migrate
its unit tests too.
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_components/test/unit/phone_detail.component.spec.ts', null, 'test/unit/phone_detail.component.spec.ts')
@ -2359,11 +2537,21 @@ code-example(format="").
their templates, however, there are a few changes we need to make. Apply
the following replacements to `scenarios.js`:
th Previous code
th New code
th Notes
p Previous code
p 原有代码
p New code
p 新代码
p Notes
p 说明
@ -2374,6 +2562,8 @@ table
The repeater matcher relies on Angular 1 `ng-repeat`
repeater匹配器依赖于Angular 1中的`ng-repeat`
@ -2384,6 +2574,8 @@ table
The repeater matcher relies on Angular 1 `ng-repeat`
repeater匹配器依赖于Angular 1中的`ng-repeat`
@ -2394,6 +2586,8 @@ table
The model matcher relies on Angular 1 `ng-model`
model匹配器依赖于Angular 1中的`ng-model`
@ -2404,6 +2598,8 @@ table
The model matcher relies on Angular 1 `ng-model`
model匹配器依赖于Angular 1中的`ng-model`
@ -2414,6 +2610,8 @@ table
The binding matcher relies on Angular 1 data binding
binding匹配器依赖于Angular 1的数据绑定
@ -2425,26 +2623,40 @@ table
Angular 2 may inject empty `<script>` tags to the page for its internal purposes so we should not rely on the number of siblings being predictable.
Angular 2可能在页面中注入一个空白的`<script>`标签供内部使用,所以我们不能假设兄弟节点的数量是可预计的。
## Switching To The Angular 2 Router And Bootstrap
## 切换到Angular 2路由器和引导程序
At this point we've replaced all our Angular 1 application components with
their Angular 2 counterparts. The application is still bootstrapped as a hybrid,
but there isn't really any need for that anymore, and we can begin to
pull out the last remnants of Angular 1.
此时,我们已经把所有的Angular 1程序代码替换成了它们在Angular 2中的对应物。该应用仍然是作为混合应用进行引导的,
但实际上我们已经不需要它了,我们这就彻底移除Angular 1的残余势力。
There are just two more things to do: We need to switch the router to
the Angular 2 one, and then bootstrap the app as a pure Angular 2 app.
接下来只有两件事要做:我们要把路由器切换成Angular 2的,然后把该程序作为纯粹的Angular 2应用进行引导。
Let's do the routing part first. Angular 2 comes with a [shiny new router](router.html)
that we can use for this.
我们先来处理路由部分。Angular 2自带了一个[全新的路由](router.html)可以用来做这件事。
Angular 2 applications all have a *root component*, which, among other
things, is where we should plug in the router. We don't yet have such a root
component, because our app is still managed as an Angular 1 app.
Let's change this now and add an `AppComponent` class into a new file
Angular 2应用全都有一个*根组件*,除具有其它功能外,它还是我们插入路由器的地方。
我们现在还不需要根组件,因为我们的程序还是被当做Angular 1的应用进行管理的。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/app.component.ts', null, 'app/js/app.component.ts')
@ -2455,9 +2667,15 @@ table
the Angular 2 counterparts of our two routes. They refer directly to the
two components.
这个组件将被插入到页面中一个`<pc-app>`元素中,并且其模板是只包含一个“路由器出口(router outlet)”组件。
这意味着该组件将只会渲染当前路由的内容,没别的。`@RouteConfig`装饰器定义了两个原有路由在Angular 2中的对应物。
We should put this `<pc-app>` element in the HTML so that the root component
has something to attach to. It replaces the old Angular 1 `ng-view` directive:
我们还要把这个`<pc-app>`元素放进HTML中,以便这个根组件可以附加上去。它代替了Angular 1中原来的`ng-view`指令:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/index.html', 'body', 'app/index.html')
@ -2467,12 +2685,17 @@ table
object provided by the Angular 2 router. We use it to obtain the `phoneId` from
the params:
因为它来自Angular 1路由器。Angular 2路由器提供了一个`RouteParams`对象。我们使用它来从参数中获得`phoneId`。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.component.ts', null, 'app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.component.ts')
We should also make the corresponding change in the unit test. We provide
an instance of the `RouteParams` class instead of the `$routeParams` object:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/test/unit/phone_detail.component.spec.ts', 'routeparams', 'test/unit/phone_detail.component.spec.ts')
@ -2480,6 +2703,9 @@ table
of the `UpgradeAdapter` to the main Angular 2 `bootstrap`. Let's import it together
with the router and the new app component in `app.module.ts`
使用它,我们就可以把来自`UpgradeAdapter`中的`bootstrap`方法切换到Angular 2自己的`bootstrap`了。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/main.ts', 'importbootstrap')
@ -2491,28 +2717,43 @@ table
with `upgradeAdapter.addProvider` until now, as well as the providers and
directives of the router:
我们现在就改用Angular 2中标准的`bootstrap`函数来引导本应用,而不再用`UpgradeAdapter`。
`bootstrap`的第一个参数是应用程序的根组件`AppComponent`,第二个参数是一个由Angular 2中希望被注入的
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/main.ts', 'bootstrap')
We are now running a pure Angular 2 application!
我们已经在运行一个纯正的Angular 2应用了!
But there's actually one more cool thing we can do with the new router.
We no longer have to hardcode the links to phone details from the phone
list, because the Angular 2 router is able to generate them for us with
its `routerLink` directive. We just need to refer to the route names we
used in the `@RouteConfig`:
在电话列表页中,我们不需要再把到电话详情页的链接硬编码进去,因为Angular 2可以通过`routerLink`指令帮我们生成它。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html', 'list', 'app/js/phone_list/phone_list.html')
For this to work the directive just needs to be declared in the component:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/phone_list/phone_list.component.ts', 'top')
Also, the unit tests for `PhoneList` now need to set up some router providers
so that the `RouterLink` directive can be injected in the tests:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/test/unit/phone_list.component.spec.ts', null)
@ -2522,6 +2763,10 @@ table
should not be looking for one but instead find *Angular 2 apps* from
the page. Add the following configuration option to `protractor-conf.js`:
要让Protractor测试套件能跟上最新的更改,我们还有一些事情要做。首先,我们完全不用运行Angular 1了,
我们得让Protractor知道它现在不用再找Angular 1了,而是从页面中找*Angular 2应用*。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/test/protractor-conf.js', 'ng2')
@ -2531,24 +2776,35 @@ table
that use WebDriver's generic URL APIs instead. The first of these is
the redirection spec:
同样,我们的测试代码中有两个Protractor API调用内部使用了`$location`。该服务没有了,
我们就得把这些调用用一个WebDriver的通用URL API代替。第一个API是“重定向(redirect)”规约:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/test/e2e/scenarios.js', 'redirect')
And the second is the phone links spec:
第二个是“电话链接(phone links)”规约:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/test/e2e/scenarios.js', 'links')
Now our E2E test suite is passing too, and we're ready to remove
Angular 1 from the project!
现在,我们的E2E测试套件也全都通过了,准备从项目中彻底移除Angular 1吧!
## Saying Goodbye to Angular 1
## 再见,Angular
It is time to take off the training wheels and let our application begin
its new life as a pure, shiny Angular 2 app. The remaining tasks all have to
do with removing code - which of course is every programmer's favorite task!
是时候把辅助训练的轮子摘下来了!让我们的应用作为一个纯粹、势均力敌的Angular 2程序开始它的新生命吧。
剩下的所有任务就是移除代码 —— 这当然是每个程序员最喜欢的任务!
First, rename `app.module.ts` to `main.ts`. It will no longer be setting up
an Angular 1 module, so it doesn't really make sense to call it a module.
Then remove all references to the `UpgradeAdapter` from `main.ts`. Also remove
@ -2556,8 +2812,14 @@ table
`phoneDetail` modules. Instead import the `PhoneList` and `PhoneDetail`
components directly - they are needed in the route configuration.
首先,把`app.module.ts`改名为`main.ts`。它不会再设置一个Angular 1模块,把它叫做模块(module)也没有实际意义了。
然后从`main.ts`中移除所有到`UpgradeAdapter`的引用。同样移除Angular 1的引导代码,以及到`core`、`phoneList`
和`phoneDetail`模块的引用。改为直接导入`PhoneList`和`PhoneDetail`组件 —— 它们在路由配置中需要。
When you're done, this is what `main.ts` should look like:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/js/main.ts', null, 'app/js/main.ts')
@ -2565,6 +2827,8 @@ table
module configuration files and type definition files, and not required
in Angular 2:
我们还完全移除了下列文件。他们是Angular 1的模块配置文件和类型定义文件,在Angular 2中不需要了:
* `app/js/core/core.module.ts`
* `app/js/core/upgrade_adapter.ts`
* `app/js/phone_detail/phone_detail.module.ts`
@ -2573,6 +2837,8 @@ table
The external typings for Angular 1 may be uninstalled as well. The only ones
we still need are for Jasmine.
Angular 1的外部类型定义文件还需要被反安装。我们现在只需要Jasmine的那些。
npm run typings uninstall jquery -- --save --global
npm run typings uninstall angular -- --save --global
@ -2586,13 +2852,20 @@ code-example(format="").
with SystemJS, import `js/main`. When you're done, this is what `index.html`
should look like:
最后,从`index.html`和`karma.conf.js`中,移除所有到Angular 1脚本的引用,比如jQuery。
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/app/index.html', null, 'app/index.html')
And this is what `karma.conf.js` should look like:
+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/ng2_final/test/karma.conf.1.js', null, 'test/karma.conf.js')
That is the last we'll see of Angular 1! It has served us well but now
it's time to say goodbye.
这是我们最后一次看到Angular 1了!它帮过我们很多忙,不过,是时候说再见了!
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