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'is-visible' : ''") + if current.path[2] + for page, slug in[current.path[1]][current.path[2]]._data + + name = page.menuTitle || page.title + selected = current.path[3] == slug ? 'is-selected':'' + pathSuffix =[current.path[1]][current.path[2]][slug] ? "/" : ".html" + + li(class="#{selected}") #{name} + + + // SECONDARY NAVIGATION + if selected + != partial("_secondary") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/docs/_includes/sidenav/_secondary.jade b/public/docs/_includes/sidenav/_secondary.jade new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4b50dd26f --- /dev/null +++ b/public/docs/_includes/sidenav/_secondary.jade @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +secondaryPath =[current.path[1]][current.path[2]][current.path[3]] + +if secondaryPath + data = secondaryPath._data + listType = data._listtype + ordered = listType == "ordered" ? "is-ordered" : "" + items = listType == 'api' ? secondaryPath : data + number = 1 + + + //SECONDARY NAVIGATION + ul(class="side-nav-secondary #{ordered}") + + for page, slug in items + + // DEFAULT LIST VALUES + selected = current.path[4] == slug ? 'is-selected':'' + name = page.title; + path = "/docs/" + current.path[1] + "/" + current.path[2] + "/" + current.path[3] + "/" + slug + ".html" + + + if slug != "_listtype" && slug != 'index' && slug != '_contents' && slug != '_data' + // API LIST VALUES + if listType == 'api' + name =[current.path[1]][current.path[2]][current.path[3]][slug]._data["index"]["title"] + path = "/docs/" + current.path[1] + "/" + current.path[2] + "/" + current.path[3] + "/" + slug + + // ORDERED LIST VALUES + if listType == 'ordered' + num = number++ + name = (listType == "ordered") ? num + '. ' + page.title : page.title; + + + li(class="#{selected}") #{name} + + + + // TERTIARY NAVIGATION + if selected + != partial("_tertiary") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/docs/_includes/sidenav/_tertiary.jade b/public/docs/_includes/sidenav/_tertiary.jade new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0905ff8d05 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/docs/_includes/sidenav/_tertiary.jade @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +// TERTIARY NAVIGATION +tertiaryPath =[current.path[1]][current.path[2]][current.path[3]][current.path[4]] + +if tertiaryPath + data = tertiaryPath._data + + ul.side-nav-tertiary + for page, slug in data + name = page.title + selected = current.path[5] == slug ? 'is-selected':'' + + li(class="#{selected}")#{name} + diff --git a/public/docs/_layout.jade b/public/docs/_layout.jade index 99b5312cd2..9d907fe3e6 100644 --- a/public/docs/_layout.jade +++ b/public/docs/_layout.jade @@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ html(lang="en" ng-app="angularIOApp") body(class="l-offset-nav l-offset-side-nav" ng-controller="AppCtrl") != partial("../_includes/_main-nav") - != partial("../_includes/_docs-nav") + != partial("_includes/sidenav/_primary") != partial("../_includes/_hero") - - if banner - != partial("../_includes/_banner") + != partial("../_includes/_banner") != yield diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/_data.json b/public/docs/js/latest/api/_data.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2ba2064dfa..0000000000 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/_data.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -{ - "index" : { - "title" : "API 2.0 Preview" - }, - - "annotations" : { - "title" : "Annotations" - }, - - "change_detection" : { - "title" : "Change Detection" - }, - - "core" : { - "title" : "Core" - }, - - "di" : { - "title" : "Di" - }, - - "di_annotations" : { - "title" : "Di Annotations" - }, - - "di_errors" : { - "title" : "Di Errors" - }, - - "directives" : { - "title" : "Directives" - }, - - "forms" : { - "title" : "Forms" - }, - - "pipes" : { - "title" : "Pipes" - }, - - "test" : { - "title" : "Test" - }, - - "view" : { - "title" : "View" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Component-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Component-class.jade index 45d7ff5492..c917f38a5a 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Component-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Component-class.jade @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ p.location-badge. When a component is instantiated, Angular - creates a shadow DOM for the component. - loads the selected template into the shadow DOM. - - creates a child Injector which is configured with the `injectables` for the Component. + - creates a child Injector which is configured with the `injectables` for the Component. All template expressions and statements are then evaluated against the component instance. - For details on the `@View` annotation, see View. + For details on the `@View` annotation, see View. ## Example @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ p.location-badge. are children in the component's light DOM. - The syntax for configuring the `injectables` injectable is identical to Injector injectable configuration. - See Injector for additional detail. + The syntax for configuring the `injectables` injectable is identical to Injector injectable configuration. + See Injector for additional detail. ## Simple Example diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Decorator-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Decorator-class.jade index 39bee5ed34..daa0783e70 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Decorator-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Decorator-class.jade @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ p.location-badge. (see: Decorators: - - are simplest form of Directives. + - are simplest form of Directives. - are best used as a composition pattern () - Decorators differ from Components in that they: + Decorators differ from Components in that they: - can have multiple decorators per element - do not create their own evaluation context - do not have a template (and therefor do not create Shadow DOM) diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Directive-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Directive-class.jade index 23ded95a76..e938e3f6f1 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Directive-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Directive-class.jade @@ -5,43 +5,43 @@ p.location-badge. :markdown Directives allow you to attach behavior to elements in the DOM. - - Directive is an abstract concept, instead use concrete directives: Component, DynamicComponent, Decorator - or Viewport. - + + Directive is an abstract concept, instead use concrete directives: Component, DynamicComponent, Decorator + or Viewport. + A directive consists of a single directive annotation and a controller class. When the directive's `selector` matches elements in the DOM, the following steps occur: - + 1. For each directive, the `ElementInjector` attempts to resolve the directive's constructor arguments. 2. Angular instantiates directives for each matched element using `ElementInjector` in a depth-first order, as declared in the HTML. - + ## Understanding How Injection Works - + There are three stages of injection resolution. - *Pre-existing Injectors*: - - The terminal Injector cannot resolve dependencies. It either throws an error or, if the dependency was + - The terminal Injector cannot resolve dependencies. It either throws an error or, if the dependency was specified as `@Optional`, returns `null`. - The platform injector resolves browser singleton resources, such as: cookies, title, location, and others. - - *Component Injectors*: Each `@Component` has its own Injector, and they follow the same parent-child hierarchy + - *Component Injectors*: Each `@Component` has its own Injector, and they follow the same parent-child hierarchy as the components in the DOM. - *Element Injectors*: Each component has a Shadow DOM. Within the Shadow DOM each element has an `ElementInjector` which follow the same parent-child hierarchy as the DOM elements themselves. - + When a template is instantiated, it also must instantiate the corresponding directives in a depth-first order. The current `ElementInjector` resolves the constructor dependencies for each directive. - - Angular then resolves dependencies as follows, according to the order in which they appear in the View: - + + Angular then resolves dependencies as follows, according to the order in which they appear in the View: + 1. Dependencies on the current element 2. Dependencies on element injectors and their parents until it encounters a Shadow DOM boundary 3. Dependencies on component injectors and their parents until it encounters the root component 4. Dependencies on pre-existing injectors - - + + The `ElementInjector` can inject other directives, element-specific special objects, or it can delegate to the parent injector. - + To inject other directives, declare the constructor parameter as: - `directive:DirectiveType`: a directive on the current element only - `@Ancestor() directive:DirectiveType`: any directive that matches the type between the current element and the @@ -50,19 +50,19 @@ p.location-badge. - `@Parent() directive:DirectiveType`: any directive that matches the type on a direct parent element only. - `@Children query:Query`: A live collection of direct child directives (will be implemented in later release). - `@Descendants query:Query`: A live collection of any child directives (will be implemented in later relaese). - + To inject element-specific special objects, declare the constructor parameter as: - `element: NgElement` to obtain a DOM element (DEPRECATED: replacement coming) - - `viewContainer: ViewContainer` to control child template instantiation, for Viewport directives only + - `viewContainer: ViewContainer` to control child template instantiation, for Viewport directives only - `bindingPropagation: BindingPropagation` to control change detection in a more granular way. - + ## Example - + The following example demonstrates how dependency injection resolves constructor arguments in practice. - - + + Assume this HTML template: - + ```
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ p.location-badge.
``` - + With the following `dependency` decorator and `SomeService` injectable class. - + ``` @Injectable() class SomeService { } - + @Decorator({ selector: '[dependency]', properties: { @@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ p.location-badge. id:string; } ``` - + Let's step through the different ways in which `MyDirective` could be declared... - - + + ### No injection - + Here the constructor is declared with no arguments, therefore nothing is injected into `MyDirective`. - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + This directive would be instantiated with no dependencies. - - + + ### Component-level injection - + Directives can inject any injectable instance from the closest component injector or any of its parents. - + Here, the constructor declares a parameter, `someService`, and injects the `SomeService` type from the parent component's injector. ``` @@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + This directive would be instantiated with a dependency on `SomeService`. - - + + ### Injecting a directive from the current element - + Directives can inject other directives declared on the current element. - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ p.location-badge. } ``` This directive would be instantiated with `Dependency` declared at the same element, in this case `dependency="3"`. - - + + ### Injecting a directive from a direct parent element - + Directives can inject other directives declared on a direct parent element. By definition, a directive with a `@Parent` annotation does not attempt to resolve dependencies for the current element, even if this would satisfy the dependency. - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ p.location-badge. } ``` This directive would be instantiated with `Dependency` declared at the parent element, in this case `dependency="2"`. - - + + ### Injecting a directive from any ancestor elements - + Directives can inject other directives declared on any ancestor element (in the current Shadow DOM), i.e. on the parent element and its parents. By definition, a directive with an `@Ancestor` annotation does not attempt to resolve dependencies for the current element, even if this would satisfy the dependency. - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -175,20 +175,20 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + Unlike the `@Parent` which only checks the parent, `@Ancestor` checks the parent, as well as its parents recursively. If `dependency="2"` didn't exist on the direct parent, this injection would have returned `dependency="1"`. - - + + ### Injecting a live collection of direct child directives - - + + A directive can also query for other child directives. Since parent directives are instantiated before child - directives, a directive can't simply inject the list of child directives. Instead, the directive - injects a QueryList, which updates its contents as children are added, removed, or moved by any - Viewport directive such as a `for`, an `if`, or a `switch`. - + directives, a directive can't simply inject the list of child directives. Instead, the directive + injects a QueryList, which updates its contents as children are added, removed, or moved by any + Viewport directive such as a `for`, an `if`, or a `switch`. + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -196,16 +196,16 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - - This directive would be instantiated with a QueryList which contains `Dependency` 4 and 6. Here, `Dependency` + + This directive would be instantiated with a QueryList which contains `Dependency` 4 and 6. Here, `Dependency` 5 would not be included, because it is not a direct child. - + ### Injecting a live collection of descendant directives - + Note: This is will be implemented in later release. () - + Similar to `@Children` above, but also includes the children of the child elements. - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -213,15 +213,15 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + This directive would be instantiated with a Query which would contain `Dependency` 4, 5 and 6. - + ### Optional injection - + The normal behavior of directives is to return an error when a specified dependency cannot be resolved. If you would like to inject `null` on unresolved dependency instead, you can annotate that dependency with `@Optional()`. This explicitly permits the author of a template to treat some of the surrounding directives as optional. - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[my-directive]' }) class MyDirective { @@ -229,16 +229,16 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + This directive would be instantiated with a `Dependency` directive found on the current element. If none can be found, the injector supplies `null` instead of throwing an error. - + .l-main-section h2 Members .l-sub-section h3 constructor - + pre.prettyprint code. constructor({ @@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ p.location-badge. hostListeners: any, lifecycle:List }={}) - + :markdown - + @@ -264,23 +264,23 @@ p.location-badge. .l-sub-section h3 events - + :markdown Enumerates the set of emitted events. - + ## Syntax - + ``` @Component({ events: ['statusChange'] }) class TaskComponent { statusChange:EventEmitter; - + constructor() { this.statusChange = new EventEmitter(); } - + onComplete() {'completed'); } @@ -294,15 +294,15 @@ p.location-badge. .l-sub-section h3 hasLifecycleHook - + pre.prettyprint code. hasLifecycleHook(hook:string) - + :markdown Returns true if a directive participates in a given `LifecycleEvent`. - - See onChange, onDestroy, onAllChangesDone for details. + + See onChange, onDestroy, onAllChangesDone for details. @@ -311,27 +311,27 @@ p.location-badge. .l-sub-section h3 hostListeners - + :markdown Specifies which DOM hostListeners a directive listens to. - + The `hostListeners` property defines a set of `event` to `method` key-value pairs: - + - `event1`: the DOM event that the directive listens to. - `statement`: the statement to execute when the event occurs. If the evalutation of the statement returns `false`, then `preventDefault`is applied on the DOM event. - + To listen to global events, a target must be added to the event name. The target can be `window`, `document` or `body`. - + When writing a directive event binding, you can also refer to the following local variables: - `$event`: Current event object which triggered the event. - `$target`: The source of the event. This will be either a DOM element or an Angular directive. (will be implemented in later release) - - + + ## Syntax - + ``` @Directive({ hostListeners: { @@ -341,12 +341,12 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + ## Basic Event Binding: - + Suppose you want to write a directive that triggers on `change` events in the DOM and on `resize` events in window. You would define the event binding as follows: - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: 'input', @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + Here the `onChange` method of `InputDecorator` is invoked whenever the DOM element fires the 'change' event. @@ -372,11 +372,11 @@ p.location-badge. .l-sub-section h3 lifecycle - + :markdown Specifies a set of lifecycle hostListeners in which the directive participates. - - See onChange, onDestroy, onAllChangesDone for details. + + See onChange, onDestroy, onAllChangesDone for details. @@ -385,22 +385,22 @@ p.location-badge. .l-sub-section h3 properties - + :markdown Enumerates the set of properties that accept data binding for a directive. - + The `properties` property defines a set of `directiveProperty` to `bindingProperty` key-value pairs: - + - `directiveProperty` specifies the component property where the value is written. - `bindingProperty` specifies the DOM property where the value is read from. - - You can include a Pipe when specifying a `bindingProperty` to allow for data transformation and structural + + You can include a Pipe when specifying a `bindingProperty` to allow for data transformation and structural change detection of the value. These pipes will be evaluated in the context of this component. - - + + ## Syntax - + ``` @Directive({ properties: { @@ -410,13 +410,13 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - - + + ## Basic Property Binding - + We can easily build a simple `Tooltip` directive that exposes a `tooltip` property, which can be used in templates with standard Angular syntax. For example: - + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[tooltip]', @@ -430,29 +430,29 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + We can then bind to the `tooltip' property as either an expression (`someExpression`) or as a string literal, as shown in the HTML template below: - + ```html
``` - + Whenever the `someExpression` expression changes, the `properties` declaration instructs Angular to update the `Tooltip`'s `text` property. - - - + + + ## Bindings With Pipes - + You can also use pipes when writing binding definitions for a directive. - + For example, we could write a binding that updates the directive on structural changes, rather than on reference changes, as normally occurs in change detection. - - See Pipe and keyValDiff documentation for more details. - + + See Pipe and keyValDiff documentation for more details. + ``` @Decorator({ selector: '[class-set]', @@ -466,13 +466,13 @@ p.location-badge. } } ``` - + The template that this directive is used in may also contain its own pipes. For example: - + ```html
``` - + In this case, the two pipes compose as if they were inlined: `someExpression | somePipe | keyValDiff`. @@ -482,35 +482,35 @@ p.location-badge. .l-sub-section h3 selector - + :markdown The CSS selector that triggers the instantiation of a directive. - + Angular only allows directives to trigger on CSS selectors that do not cross element boundaries. - + `selector` may be declared as one of the following: - + - `element-name`: select by element name. - `.class`: select by class name. - `[attribute]`: select by attribute name. - `[attribute=value]`: select by attribute name and value. - `:not(sub_selector)`: select only if the element does not match the `sub_selector`. - `selector1, selector2`: select if either `selector1` or `selector2` matches. - - - - + + + + Suppose we have a directive with an `input[type=text]` selector. - + And the following HTML: - + ```html
``` - + The directive would only be instantiated on the `` element. diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/DynamicComponent-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/DynamicComponent-class.jade index b597fa0ac0..6dae2a59da 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/DynamicComponent-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/DynamicComponent-class.jade @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ p.location-badge. :markdown - Same as `injectables` in the Component. + Same as `injectables` in the Component. diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Query-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Query-class.jade index cdb806a07e..1a7fd3457f 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Query-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Query-class.jade @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ p.location-badge. defined in angular2/src/core/annotations/di.js (line 77) :markdown - Specifies that a QueryList should be injected. + Specifies that a QueryList should be injected. - See QueryList for usage and example. + See QueryList for usage and example. .l-main-section h2 Members diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/View-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/View-class.jade index 92842a2ead..40032f41f6 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/View-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/View-class.jade @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ p.location-badge. When a component is instantiated, the template is loaded into the component's shadow root, and the expressions and statements in the template are evaluated against the component. - For details on the `@Component` annotation, see Component. + For details on the `@Component` annotation, see Component. ## Example diff --git a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Viewport-class.jade b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Viewport-class.jade index 3b1d690b3e..32f02bebed 100644 --- a/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Viewport-class.jade +++ b/public/docs/js/latest/api/annotations/Viewport-class.jade @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ p.location-badge. :markdown Directive that controls the instantiation, destruction, and positioning of inline template elements. - A viewport directive uses a ViewContainer to instantiate, insert, move, and destroy views at runtime. - The ViewContainer is created as a result of `