feat(ivy): introduce the type check block compiler (#26203)
This commit introduces the main functionality of the type-check compiler: generation of type check blocks. Type check blocks are blocks of TypeScript code which can be inlined into source files, and when processed by the TypeChecker will give information about any typing errors in template expressions. PR Close #26203
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ts_library(
@ -6,9 +6,38 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {BoundTarget, DirectiveMeta} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {Reference} from '../../metadata';
* Metadata to generate a type constructor for a particular directive.
* Extension of `DirectiveMeta` that includes additional information required to type-check the
* usage of a particular directive.
export interface TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta extends DirectiveMeta {
ref: Reference<ts.ClassDeclaration>;
queries: string[];
ngTemplateGuards: string[];
hasNgTemplateContextGuard: boolean;
* Metadata required in addition to a component class in order to generate a type check block (TCB)
* for that component.
export interface TypeCheckBlockMetadata {
* Semantic information about the template of the component.
boundTarget: BoundTarget<TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta>;
* The name of the requested type check block function.
fnName: string;
export interface TypeCtorMetadata {
* The name of the requested type constructor function.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {AST, ASTWithSource, Binary, Conditional, Interpolation, LiteralPrimitive, MethodCall, PropertyRead} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
const BINARY_OPS = new Map<string, ts.SyntaxKind>([
['+', ts.SyntaxKind.PlusToken],
['-', ts.SyntaxKind.MinusToken],
['<', ts.SyntaxKind.LessThanToken],
['>', ts.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken],
['<=', ts.SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken],
['>=', ts.SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken],
['==', ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken],
['===', ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken],
['*', ts.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken],
['/', ts.SyntaxKind.SlashToken],
['%', ts.SyntaxKind.PercentToken],
['!=', ts.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken],
['!==', ts.SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken],
['||', ts.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken],
['&&', ts.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken],
['&', ts.SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken],
['|', ts.SyntaxKind.BarToken],
* Convert an `AST` to TypeScript code directly, without going through an intermediate `Expression`
* AST.
export function astToTypescript(
ast: AST, maybeResolve: (ast: AST) => ts.Expression | null): ts.Expression {
const resolved = maybeResolve(ast);
if (resolved !== null) {
return resolved;
// Branch based on the type of expression being processed.
if (ast instanceof ASTWithSource) {
// Fall through to the underlying AST.
return astToTypescript(ast.ast, maybeResolve);
} else if (ast instanceof PropertyRead) {
// This is a normal property read - convert the receiver to an expression and emit the correct
// TypeScript expression to read the property.
const receiver = astToTypescript(ast.receiver, maybeResolve);
return ts.createPropertyAccess(receiver, ast.name);
} else if (ast instanceof Interpolation) {
return astArrayToExpression(ast.expressions, maybeResolve);
} else if (ast instanceof Binary) {
const lhs = astToTypescript(ast.left, maybeResolve);
const rhs = astToTypescript(ast.right, maybeResolve);
const op = BINARY_OPS.get(ast.operation);
if (op === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported Binary.operation: ${ast.operation}`);
return ts.createBinary(lhs, op as any, rhs);
} else if (ast instanceof LiteralPrimitive) {
if (ast.value === undefined) {
return ts.createIdentifier('undefined');
} else if (ast.value === null) {
return ts.createNull();
} else {
return ts.createLiteral(ast.value);
} else if (ast instanceof MethodCall) {
const receiver = astToTypescript(ast.receiver, maybeResolve);
const method = ts.createPropertyAccess(receiver, ast.name);
const args = ast.args.map(expr => astToTypescript(expr, maybeResolve));
return ts.createCall(method, undefined, args);
} else if (ast instanceof Conditional) {
const condExpr = astToTypescript(ast.condition, maybeResolve);
const trueExpr = astToTypescript(ast.trueExp, maybeResolve);
const falseExpr = astToTypescript(ast.falseExp, maybeResolve);
return ts.createParen(ts.createConditional(condExpr, trueExpr, falseExpr));
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${Object.getPrototypeOf(ast).constructor}`);
* Convert an array of `AST` expressions into a single `ts.Expression`, by converting them all
* and separating them with commas.
function astArrayToExpression(
astArray: AST[], maybeResolve: (ast: AST) => ts.Expression | null): ts.Expression {
// Reduce the `asts` array into a `ts.Expression`. Multiple expressions are combined into a
// `ts.BinaryExpression` with a comma separator. First make a copy of the input array, as
// it will be modified during the reduction.
const asts = astArray.slice();
return asts.reduce(
(lhs, ast) =>
ts.createBinary(lhs, ts.SyntaxKind.CommaToken, astToTypescript(ast, maybeResolve)),
astToTypescript(asts.pop() !, maybeResolve));
@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {AST, BindingType, BoundTarget, ImplicitReceiver, PropertyRead, TmplAstBoundText, TmplAstElement, TmplAstNode, TmplAstTemplate, TmplAstVariable} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {Reference} from '../../metadata';
import {ImportManager, translateExpression} from '../../translator';
import {TypeCheckBlockMetadata, TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta} from './api';
import {astToTypescript} from './expression';
* Given a `ts.ClassDeclaration` for a component, and metadata regarding that component, compose a
* "type check block" function.
* When passed through TypeScript's TypeChecker, type errors that arise within the type check block
* function indicate issues in the template itself.
* @param node the TypeScript node for the component class.
* @param meta metadata about the component's template and the function being generated.
* @param importManager an `ImportManager` for the file into which the TCB will be written.
export function generateTypeCheckBlock(
node: ts.ClassDeclaration, meta: TypeCheckBlockMetadata,
importManager: ImportManager): ts.FunctionDeclaration {
const tcb = new Context(meta.boundTarget, node.getSourceFile(), importManager);
const scope = new Scope(tcb);
tcbProcessNodes(meta.boundTarget.target.template !, tcb, scope);
const body = ts.createBlock([ts.createIf(ts.createTrue(), scope.getBlock())]);
return ts.createFunctionDeclaration(
/* decorators */ undefined,
/* modifiers */ undefined,
/* asteriskToken */ undefined,
/* name */ meta.fnName,
/* typeParameters */ node.typeParameters,
/* parameters */[tcbCtxParam(node)],
/* type */ undefined,
/* body */ body);
* Overall generation context for the type check block.
* `Context` handles operations during code generation which are global with respect to the whole
* block. It's responsible for variable name allocation and management of any imports needed. It
* also contains the template metadata itself.
class Context {
private nextId = 1;
readonly boundTarget: BoundTarget<TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta>,
private sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, private importManager: ImportManager) {}
* Allocate a new variable name for use within the `Context`.
* Currently this uses a monotonically increasing counter, but in the future the variable name
* might change depending on the type of data being stored.
allocateId(): ts.Identifier { return ts.createIdentifier(`_t${this.nextId++}`); }
* Write a `ts.Expression` that references the given node.
* This may involve importing the node into the file if it's not declared there already.
reference(ref: Reference<ts.Node>): ts.Expression {
const ngExpr = ref.toExpression(this.sourceFile);
if (ngExpr === null) {
throw new Error(`Unreachable reference: ${ref.node}`);
// Use `translateExpression` to convert the `Expression` into a `ts.Expression`.
return translateExpression(ngExpr, this.importManager);
* Local scope within the type check block for a particular template.
* The top-level template and each nested `<ng-template>` have their own `Scope`, which exist in a
* hierarchy. The structure of this hierarchy mirrors the syntactic scopes in the generated type
* check block, where each nested template is encased in an `if` structure.
* As a template is processed in a given `Scope`, statements are added via `addStatement()`. When
* this processing is complete, the `Scope` can be turned into a `ts.Block` via `getBlock()`.
class Scope {
* Map of nodes to information about that node within the TCB.
* For example, this stores the `ts.Identifier` within the TCB for an element or <ng-template>.
private elementData = new Map<TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate, TcbNodeData>();
* Map of immediately nested <ng-template>s (within this `Scope`) to the `ts.Identifier` of their
* rendering contexts.
private templateCtx = new Map<TmplAstTemplate, ts.Identifier>();
* Map of variables declared on the template that created this `Scope` to their `ts.Identifier`s
* within the TCB.
private varMap = new Map<TmplAstVariable, ts.Identifier>();
* Statements for this template.
private statements: ts.Statement[] = [];
constructor(private tcb: Context, private parent: Scope|null = null) {}
* Get the identifier within the TCB for a given `TmplAstElement`.
getElementId(el: TmplAstElement): ts.Identifier|null {
const data = this.getElementData(el, false);
if (data !== null && data.htmlNode !== null) {
return data.htmlNode;
return this.parent !== null ? this.parent.getElementId(el) : null;
* Get the identifier of a directive instance on a given template node.
getDirectiveId(el: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate, dir: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta): ts.Identifier
|null {
const data = this.getElementData(el, false);
if (data !== null && data.directives !== null && data.directives.has(dir)) {
return data.directives.get(dir) !;
return this.parent !== null ? this.parent.getDirectiveId(el, dir) : null;
* Get the identifier of a template's rendering context.
getTemplateCtx(tmpl: TmplAstTemplate): ts.Identifier|null {
return this.templateCtx.get(tmpl) ||
(this.parent !== null ? this.parent.getTemplateCtx(tmpl) : null);
* Get the identifier of a template variable.
getVariableId(v: TmplAstVariable): ts.Identifier|null {
return this.varMap.get(v) || (this.parent !== null ? this.parent.getVariableId(v) : null);
* Allocate an identifier for the given template element.
allocateElementId(el: TmplAstElement): ts.Identifier {
const data = this.getElementData(el, true);
if (data.htmlNode === null) {
data.htmlNode = this.tcb.allocateId();
return data.htmlNode;
* Allocate an identifier for the given template variable.
allocateVariableId(v: TmplAstVariable): ts.Identifier {
if (!this.varMap.has(v)) {
this.varMap.set(v, this.tcb.allocateId());
return this.varMap.get(v) !;
* Allocate an identifier for an instance of the given directive on the given template node.
allocateDirectiveId(el: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate, dir: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta):
ts.Identifier {
// Look up the data for this template node.
const data = this.getElementData(el, true);
// Lazily populate the directives map, if it exists.
if (data.directives === null) {
data.directives = new Map<TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta, ts.Identifier>();
if (!data.directives.has(dir)) {
data.directives.set(dir, this.tcb.allocateId());
return data.directives.get(dir) !;
* Allocate an identifier for the rendering context of a given template.
allocateTemplateCtx(tmpl: TmplAstTemplate): ts.Identifier {
if (!this.templateCtx.has(tmpl)) {
this.templateCtx.set(tmpl, this.tcb.allocateId());
return this.templateCtx.get(tmpl) !;
* Add a statement to this scope.
addStatement(stmt: ts.Statement): void { this.statements.push(stmt); }
* Get a `ts.Block` containing the statements in this scope.
getBlock(): ts.Block { return ts.createBlock(this.statements); }
* Internal helper to get the data associated with a particular element.
* This can either return `null` if the data is not present (when the `alloc` flag is set to
* `false`), or it can initialize the data for the element (when `alloc` is `true`).
private getElementData(el: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate, alloc: true): TcbNodeData;
private getElementData(el: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate, alloc: false): TcbNodeData|null;
private getElementData(el: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate, alloc: boolean): TcbNodeData|null {
if (alloc && !this.elementData.has(el)) {
this.elementData.set(el, {htmlNode: null, directives: null});
return this.elementData.get(el) || null;
* Data stored for a template node in a TCB.
interface TcbNodeData {
* The identifier of the node element instance, if any.
htmlNode: ts.Identifier|null;
directives: Map<TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta, ts.Identifier>|null;
* Create the `ctx` parameter to the top-level TCB function.
* This is a parameter with a type equivalent to the component type, with all generic type
* parameters listed (without their generic bounds).
function tcbCtxParam(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): ts.ParameterDeclaration {
let typeArguments: ts.TypeNode[]|undefined = undefined;
// Check if the component is generic, and pass generic type parameters if so.
if (node.typeParameters !== undefined) {
typeArguments =
node.typeParameters.map(param => ts.createTypeReferenceNode(param.name, undefined));
const type = ts.createTypeReferenceNode(node.name !, typeArguments);
return ts.createParameter(
/* decorators */ undefined,
/* modifiers */ undefined,
/* dotDotDotToken */ undefined,
/* name */ 'ctx',
/* questionToken */ undefined,
/* type */ type,
/* initializer */ undefined);
* Process an array of template nodes and generate type checking code for them within the given
* `Scope`.
* @param nodes template node array over which to iterate.
* @param tcb context of the overall type check block.
* @param scope
function tcbProcessNodes(nodes: TmplAstNode[], tcb: Context, scope: Scope): void {
nodes.forEach(node => {
// Process elements, templates, and bindings.
if (node instanceof TmplAstElement) {
tcbProcessElement(node, tcb, scope);
} else if (node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
tcbProcessTemplateDeclaration(node, tcb, scope);
} else if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundText) {
const expr = tcbExpression(node.value, tcb, scope);
* Process an element, generating type checking code for it, its directives, and its children.
function tcbProcessElement(el: TmplAstElement, tcb: Context, scope: Scope): ts.Identifier {
let id = scope.getElementId(el);
if (id !== null) {
// This element has been processed before. No need to run through it again.
return id;
id = scope.allocateElementId(el);
// Add the declaration of the element using document.createElement.
scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, tsCreateElement(el.name)));
// Construct a set of all the input bindings. Anything matched by directives will be removed from
// this set. The rest are bindings being made on the element itself.
const inputs = new Set(
el.inputs.filter(input => input.type === BindingType.Property).map(input => input.name));
// Process directives of the node.
tcbProcessDirectives(el, inputs, tcb, scope);
// At this point, `inputs` now contains only those bindings not matched by any directive. These
// bindings go to the element itself.
inputs.forEach(name => {
const binding = el.inputs.find(input => input.name === name) !;
const expr = tcbExpression(binding.value, tcb, scope);
const prop = ts.createPropertyAccess(id !, name);
const assign = ts.createBinary(prop, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, expr);
// Recurse into children.
tcbProcessNodes(el.children, tcb, scope);
return id;
* Process all the directives associated with a given template node.
function tcbProcessDirectives(
el: TmplAstElement | TmplAstTemplate, unclaimed: Set<string>, tcb: Context,
scope: Scope): void {
const directives = tcb.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(el);
if (directives === null) {
// No directives, nothing to do.
directives.forEach(dir => tcbProcessDirective(el, dir, unclaimed, tcb, scope));
* Process a directive, generating type checking code for it.
function tcbProcessDirective(
el: TmplAstElement | TmplAstTemplate, dir: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta, unclaimed: Set<string>,
tcb: Context, scope: Scope): ts.Identifier {
let id = scope.getDirectiveId(el, dir);
if (id !== null) {
// This directive has been processed before. No need to run through it again.
return id;
id = scope.allocateDirectiveId(el, dir);
const bindings = tcbGetInputBindingExpressions(el, dir, tcb, scope);
// Call the type constructor of the directive to infer a type, and assign the directive instance.
scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, tcbCallTypeCtor(el, dir, tcb, scope, bindings)));
tcbProcessBindings(id, bindings, unclaimed, tcb, scope);
return id;
function tcbProcessBindings(
recv: ts.Expression, bindings: TcbBinding[], unclaimed: Set<string>, tcb: Context,
scope: Scope): void {
// Iterate through all the bindings this directive is consuming.
bindings.forEach(binding => {
// Generate an assignment statement for this binding.
const prop = ts.createPropertyAccess(recv, binding.field);
const assign = ts.createBinary(prop, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, binding.expression);
// Remove the binding from the set of unclaimed inputs, as this directive has 'claimed' it.
* Process a nested <ng-template>, generating type-checking code for it and its children.
* The nested <ng-template> is represented with an `if` structure, which creates a new syntactical
* scope for the type checking code for the template. If the <ng-template> has any directives, they
* can influence type inference within the `if` block through defined guard functions.
function tcbProcessTemplateDeclaration(tmpl: TmplAstTemplate, tcb: Context, scope: Scope) {
// Create a new Scope to represent bindings captured in the template.
const tmplScope = new Scope(tcb, scope);
// Allocate a template ctx variable and declare it with an 'any' type.
const ctx = tmplScope.allocateTemplateCtx(tmpl);
const type = ts.createKeywordTypeNode(ts.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword);
scope.addStatement(tsDeclareVariable(ctx, type));
// Process directives on the template.
tcbProcessDirectives(tmpl, new Set(), tcb, scope);
// Process the template itself (inside the inner Scope).
tcbProcessNodes(tmpl.children, tcb, tmplScope);
// An `if` will be constructed, within which the template's children will be type checked. The
// `if` is used for two reasons: it creates a new syntactic scope, isolating variables declared in
// the template's TCB from the outer context, and it allows any directives on the templates to
// perform type narrowing of either expressions or the template's context.
// The guard is the `if` block's condition. It's usually set to `true` but directives that exist
// on the template can trigger extra guard expressions that serve to narrow types within the
// `if`. `guard` is calculated by starting with `true` and adding other conditions as needed.
// Collect these into `guards` by processing the directives.
const directiveGuards: ts.Expression[] = [];
const directives = tcb.boundTarget.getDirectivesOfNode(tmpl);
if (directives !== null) {
directives.forEach(dir => {
const dirInstId = scope.getDirectiveId(tmpl, dir) !;
const dirId = tcb.reference(dir.ref);
// There are two kinds of guards. Template guards (ngTemplateGuards) allow type narrowing of
// the expression passed to an @Input of the directive. Scan the directive to see if it has
// any template guards, and generate them if needed.
dir.ngTemplateGuards.forEach(inputName => {
// For each template guard function on the directive, look for a binding to that input.
const boundInput = tmpl.inputs.find(i => i.name === inputName);
if (boundInput !== undefined) {
// If there is such a binding, generate an expression for it.
const expr = tcbExpression(boundInput.value, tcb, scope);
// Call the guard function on the directive with the directive instance and that
// expression.
const guardInvoke = tsCallMethod(dirId, `ngTemplateGuard_${inputName}`, [
// The second kind of guard is a template context guard. This guard narrows the template
// rendering context variable `ctx`.
if (dir.hasNgTemplateContextGuard) {
const guardInvoke = tsCallMethod(dirId, 'ngTemplateContextGuard', [dirInstId, ctx]);
// By default the guard is simply `true`.
let guard: ts.Expression = ts.createTrue();
// If there are any guards from directives, use them instead.
if (directiveGuards.length > 0) {
// Pop the first value and use it as the initializer to reduce(). This way, a single guard
// will be used on its own, but two or more will be combined into binary expressions.
guard = directiveGuards.reduce(
(expr, dirGuard) => ts.createBinary(expr, ts.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken, dirGuard),
directiveGuards.pop() !);
// Construct the `if` block for the template with the generated guard expression.
const tmplIf = ts.createIf(
/* expression */ guard,
/* thenStatement */ tmplScope.getBlock());
* Process an `AST` expression and convert it into a `ts.Expression`, generating references to the
* correct identifiers in the current scope.
function tcbExpression(ast: AST, tcb: Context, scope: Scope): ts.Expression {
// `astToTypescript` actually does the conversion. A special resolver `tcbResolve` is passed which
// interprets specific expression nodes that interact with the `ImplicitReceiver`. These nodes
// actually refer to identifiers within the current scope.
return astToTypescript(ast, (ast) => tcbResolve(ast, tcb, scope));
* Call the type constructor of a directive instance on a given template node, inferring a type for
* the directive instance from any bound inputs.
function tcbCallTypeCtor(
el: TmplAstElement | TmplAstTemplate, dir: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta, tcb: Context,
scope: Scope, bindings: TcbBinding[]): ts.Expression {
const dirClass = tcb.reference(dir.ref);
// Construct an array of `ts.PropertyAssignment`s for each input of the directive that has a
// matching binding.
const members = bindings.map(b => ts.createPropertyAssignment(b.field, b.expression));
// Call the `ngTypeCtor` method on the directive class, with an object literal argument created
// from the matched inputs.
return tsCallMethod(
/* receiver */ dirClass,
/* methodName */ 'ngTypeCtor',
/* args */[ts.createObjectLiteral(members)]);
interface TcbBinding {
field: string;
property: string;
expression: ts.Expression;
function tcbGetInputBindingExpressions(
el: TmplAstElement | TmplAstTemplate, dir: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta, tcb: Context,
scope: Scope): TcbBinding[] {
const bindings: TcbBinding[] = [];
// `dir.inputs` is an object map of field names on the directive class to property names.
// This is backwards from what's needed to match bindings - a map of properties to field names
// is desired. Invert `dir.inputs` into `propMatch` to create this map.
const propMatch = new Map<string, string>();
const inputs = dir.inputs;
Object.keys(inputs).forEach(key => propMatch.set(inputs[key], key));
// Add a binding expression to the map for each input of the directive that has a
// matching binding.
el.inputs.filter(input => propMatch.has(input.name)).forEach(input => {
// Produce an expression representing the value of the binding.
const expr = tcbExpression(input.value, tcb, scope);
// Call the callback.
property: input.name,
field: propMatch.get(input.name) !,
expression: expr,
return bindings;
* Create an expression which instantiates an element by its HTML tagName.
* Thanks to narrowing of `document.createElement()`, this expression will have its type inferred
* based on the tag name, including for custom elements that have appropriate .d.ts definitions.
function tsCreateElement(tagName: string): ts.Expression {
const createElement = ts.createPropertyAccess(
/* expression */ ts.createIdentifier('document'), 'createElement');
return ts.createCall(
/* expression */ createElement,
/* typeArguments */ undefined,
/* argumentsArray */[ts.createLiteral(tagName)]);
* Create a `ts.VariableStatement` which declares a variable without explicit initialization.
* The initializer `null!` is used to bypass strict variable initialization checks.
* Unlike with `tsCreateVariable`, the type of the variable is explicitly specified.
function tsDeclareVariable(id: ts.Identifier, type: ts.TypeNode): ts.VariableStatement {
const decl = ts.createVariableDeclaration(
/* name */ id,
/* type */ type,
/* initializer */ ts.createNonNullExpression(ts.createNull()));
return ts.createVariableStatement(
/* modifiers */ undefined,
/* declarationList */[decl]);
* Create a `ts.VariableStatement` that initializes a variable with a given expression.
* Unlike with `tsDeclareVariable`, the type of the variable is inferred from the initializer
* expression.
function tsCreateVariable(id: ts.Identifier, initializer: ts.Expression): ts.VariableStatement {
const decl = ts.createVariableDeclaration(
/* name */ id,
/* type */ undefined,
/* initializer */ initializer);
return ts.createVariableStatement(
/* modifiers */ undefined,
/* declarationList */[decl]);
* Construct a `ts.CallExpression` that calls a method on a receiver.
function tsCallMethod(
receiver: ts.Expression, methodName: string, args: ts.Expression[] = []): ts.CallExpression {
const methodAccess = ts.createPropertyAccess(receiver, methodName);
return ts.createCall(
/* expression */ methodAccess,
/* typeArguments */ undefined,
/* argumentsArray */ args);
* Resolve an `AST` expression within the given scope.
* Some `AST` expressions refer to top-level concepts (references, variables, the component
* context). This method assists in resolving those.
function tcbResolve(ast: AST, tcb: Context, scope: Scope): ts.Expression|null {
// Short circuit for AST types that won't have mappings.
if (!(ast instanceof ImplicitReceiver || ast instanceof PropertyRead)) {
return null;
if (ast instanceof PropertyRead && ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
// Check whether the template metadata has bound a target for this expression. If so, then
// resolve that target. If not, then the expression is referencing the top-level component
// context.
const binding = tcb.boundTarget.getExpressionTarget(ast);
if (binding !== null) {
// This expression has a binding to some variable or reference in the template. Resolve it.
if (binding instanceof TmplAstVariable) {
return tcbResolveVariable(binding, tcb, scope);
} else {
throw new Error(`Not handled: ${binding}`);
} else {
// This is a PropertyRead(ImplicitReceiver) and probably refers to a property access on the
// component context. Let it fall through resolution here so it will be caught when the
// ImplicitReceiver is resolved in the branch below.
return null;
} else if (ast instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
// AST instances representing variables and references look very similar to property reads from
// the component context: both have the shape PropertyRead(ImplicitReceiver, 'propertyName').
// `tcbExpression` will first try to `tcbResolve` the outer PropertyRead. If this works, it's
// because the `BoundTarget` found an expression target for the whole expression, and therefore
// `tcbExpression` will never attempt to `tcbResolve` the ImplicitReceiver of that PropertyRead.
// Therefore if `tcbResolve` is called on an `ImplicitReceiver`, it's because no outer
// PropertyRead resolved to a variable or reference, and therefore this is a property read on
// the component context itself.
return ts.createIdentifier('ctx');
} else {
// This AST isn't special after all.
return null;
* Resolve a variable to an identifier that represents its value.
function tcbResolveVariable(binding: TmplAstVariable, tcb: Context, scope: Scope): ts.Identifier {
// Look to see whether the variable was already initialized. If so, just reuse it.
let id = scope.getVariableId(binding);
if (id !== null) {
return id;
// Look for the template which declares this variable.
const tmpl = tcb.boundTarget.getTemplateOfSymbol(binding);
if (tmpl === null) {
throw new Error(`Expected TmplAstVariable to be mapped to a TmplAstTemplate`);
// Look for a context variable for the template. This should've been declared before anything
// that could reference the template's variables.
const ctx = scope.getTemplateCtx(tmpl);
if (ctx === null) {
throw new Error('Expected template context to exist.');
// Allocate an identifier for the TmplAstVariable, and initialize it to a read of the variable on
// the template context.
id = scope.allocateVariableId(binding);
const initializer = ts.createPropertyAccess(
/* expression */ ctx,
/* name */ binding.value);
// Declare the variable, and return its identifier.
scope.addStatement(tsCreateVariable(id, initializer));
return id;
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