+ `,
+ styles: [
+ `
+ :host {
+ position: relative;
+ bottom: 10%;
+ }
+ `
+ ],
+ animations: [
+ trigger('routeAnimation', [
+ state('*',
+ style({
+ opacity: 1,
+ transform: 'translateX(0)'
+ })
+ ),
+ transition(':enter', [
+ style({
+ opacity: 0,
+ transform: 'translateY(100%)'
+ }),
+ animate('0.2s ease-in')
+ ]),
+ transition(':leave', [
+ animate('0.5s ease-out', style({
+ opacity: 0,
+ transform: 'translateY(100%)'
+ }))
+ ])
+ ])
+ ]
+export class ComposeMessageComponent {
+ @HostBinding('@routeAnimation') get routeAnimation() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @HostBinding('style.display') get display() {
+ return 'block';
+ }
+ @HostBinding('style.position') get position() {
+ return 'absolute';
+ }
+ details: string;
+ sending: boolean = false;
+ constructor(private router: Router) {}
+ send() {
+ this.sending = true;
+ this.details = 'Sending Message...';
+ Observable.of(true)
+ .delay(1000)
+ .do(() => {
+ this.sending = false;
+ // Close the modal
+ this.closeModal();
+ }).subscribe();
+ }
+ closeModal() {
+ // Providing a `null` value to the named outlet
+ // clears the contents of the named outlet
+ this.router.navigate([{ outlets: { modal: null }}]);
+ }
+ cancel() {
+ // Close the modal
+ this.closeModal();
+ }
diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade
index f2495494d5..a97bafb510 100644
--- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade
+++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ include ../../../_includes/_see-addr-bar
* refactoring routing into a [routing module](#routing-module)
* add [child routes](#child-routing-component) under a feature section
* [grouping child routes](#component-less-route) without a component
+ * displaying [multiple routes](#named-outlets) in separate outlets
* [redirecting](#redirect) from one route to another
* confirming or canceling navigation with [guards](#guards)
* [CanActivate](#can-activate-guard) to prevent navigation to a route
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ a#router-outlet
A template may hold exactly one ***unnamed*** ``.
- The router supports multiple *named* outlets, a feature we'll cover in future.
+ The router supports multiple [named outlets](#named-outlets), covered later in the chapter.
@@ -1313,7 +1314,7 @@ h3#merge-hero-routes Import hero module into AppModule
- null,
+ 'null,null,v3,null,null,null,null,null',
@@ -1353,6 +1354,8 @@ h3#merge-hero-routes Import hero module into AppModule
* The router should block access to certain features until the user logs-in.
+ * The application should display multiple routes indepdently of each other.
* Changes to a feature module such as *Crisis Center* shouldn't provoke changes to the `AppModule` or
any other feature's component.
We need to [*separate our concerns*](https://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2014/05/08/SingleReponsibilityPrinciple.html).
@@ -1478,7 +1481,7 @@ h3#import-crisis-module Import crisis center module into the AppModule routes
are now being provided by our `HeroesModule` and our `CrisisCenter` feature modules. We'll keep our `app-routing.module.ts` file
for general routes which we'll cover later in the chapter.
-+makeExcerpt('app/app-routing.module.3.ts (v3)', '')
++makeExcerpt('app/app-routing.module.3.ts (v3)', 'v3')
@@ -1603,6 +1606,103 @@ h2#relative-navigation Relative Navigation
+makeExcerpt('app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.1.ts (relative routerLink)', 'relative-navigation-router-link')
+h3#named-outlets Displaying Multiple Routes: Named Outlets and Secondary Routes
+ Up until now, we've used a single outlet and we've nested child routes under that outlet to group routes together.
+ The `Router` supports one primary `unnamed` outlet, but we can display multiple routes together, each displaying their own component
+ using one or more **named outlets**.
+ These named outlets are used to display **secondary routes**, which are configured the same way as a primary route, but
+ are independent of each other and can work in combination with each other routes. By using named outlets with secondary routes,
+ we can display multiple route components simultaneously. Secondary routes can also have their own child routes. This allows us to reflect the state of multiple
+ views in our application using the browser URL.
+ In our application, we want to give our users a way to contact the `Crisis Center` displayed through a modal. We also want this modal
+ to be displayed even when switching between pages in our application. We'll use a named outlet to display the modal and control its lifecycle
+ alongside our currently displayed route.
+ We'll create a new route component named `ComposeMessageComponent` in `app/compose-message.component.ts` to display our modal view the users will
+ use to contact the `Crisis Center`. We'll display a simple form to enter a message and a use an `Observable` to simulate a delay to handle the modal after
+ sending the message.
++makeExcerpt('app/compose-message.component.1.ts (compose message component)', 'v1')
+ We'll add a `compose` route to our `AppRoutingModule`, using a route `path` and `component`. In order to use a named outlet, we add an additional property
+ to our route configuration called **outlet**. This outlet matches the name given to our `RouterOutlet` where we are going to to display the component. The `Router`
+ will place each route next to its intended `RouterOutlet` during the navigation process.
++makeExcerpt('app/app-routing.module.3.ts (compose route)', '')
+ As with our other components, the `ComposeMessageComponent` is imported and added to our `AppModule`'s declarations.
++makeExcerpt('app/app.module.5.ts (compose component)', '')
+ As we did in our initial template, we'll add a `RouterOutlet` with an additional **name** attribute and provide our named **modal** outlet. This matches the
+ name of the `outlet` we used in our `AppRoutingModule`.
++makeExcerpt('app/app.component.4.ts (named outlet)', '')
+ Now we have two independent `RouterOutlet`s to display our routes. Routes without a specified `outlet` will use our primary `unnamed` outlet. Our `compose` outlet
+ will display our `ComposeMessageComponent`. Secondary routes are also reflected in our URL surrounded by parenthesis but are are seamlessly
+ handled by the `Router` across browsers the same way it handles [route parameters with matrix notation](#optional-route-parameters). We can visit any primary route in our application
+ and have our `compose` route displayed in combination with the primary route. An example URL displaying the `Crisis Center` list and `Compose` modal is displayed below.
+ :marked
+ http://localhost:3000/crisis-center(modal:compose)
+ If we break down the URL, we see the following parts.
+ * The primary route with the `crisis-center` path
+ * The parenthesis where our secondary route grouping starts and ends
+ * The name of the outlet (`modal`) split by a `colon` and followed with the secondary route path `compose`
+ Secondary routes are not limited to top level routes. Each level in our route configuration can contain a primary route in an unnamed outlet,
+ followed by any number of secondary routes displayed in named outlets. Secondary routes have all the same features of a primary route, including
+ access to their own [activated route](#activated-route).
+h3#secondary-route-navigation Secondary Route Navigation: merging routes during navigation
+ We learned how the `Router` handles incoming URLs for secondary routes, but we can also navigate declaratively and imperatively using secondary routes
+ in the [link parameters array](#link-parameters-array). Let's update our application to display our `compose` route using `RouterLink` and navigating
+ away from a secondary route using the `Router` service.
+ The `Link Parameters Array` supports secondary routes with an object as the last index in our array. This object uses an **outlets** that lets us build
+ our links including secondary outlets in the same way we build more dynamic router links. We'll add a `Contact` link to our `Crisis Center` menu to display our
+ secondary route.
++makeExcerpt('app/app.component.ts (contact)', '')
+ The `outlets` property within our object contains the named outlets that will be updated during the navigation process. We'll add a key for the `modal` outlet
+ and the value for the outlet is the same link parameters array we use with primary routes. When using a `RouterLink` or navigating imperatively, the `Router`
+ will **merge** the current URL with our provided secondary route. As we navigate around our application, the `Contact` link will be updated with the current URL
+ and the secondary `(modal:compose)` route, so that we can open our `compose` route independently of our currently displayed route. Once we visit the secondary route,
+ it will be merged with the current URL across each navigation as long as they're under the same parent path.
+ :marked
+ When using router's `navigateByUrl` method, secondary routes will **not** be merged into the current URL and will need to be explicitly
+ provided.
+ #### Clearing Secondary Routes
+ Secondary outlets persist across navigation under the same parent route. We can also remove secondary outlets using a `RouterLink` or imperatively
+ with the `Router` service using the [link parameters array](#link-parameters-array). We'll update our `ComposeMessageComponent` to remove the
+ secondary `compose` route when our user cancels the message or its sent successfully.
+ We'll add a `closeModal` method to our `ComposeMessageComponent` that navigates imperatively using the `router.navigate` method. Since we only want to modify the
+ secondary route, we only need to provide the secondary route object and `null` out the `modal` outlet. This will remove the secondary route from named `modal` `RouterOutlet`
+ and update the current URL.
++makeExcerpt('app/compose-message.component.ts (remove secondary route)', '')
h2#guards Route Guards