This commit is contained in:
@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
block includes
include ../_util-fns
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/intro/people.png" width="200px" height="152px" alt="Us" align="left" style="margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Everyone learns differently.
You don't have to read the documentation straight through. Most pages stand on their own.
Those new to Angular may wish to follow this popular learning path.
<br class="l-clear-left">
1. [Setup](setup.html "Setup locally withe Quickstart seed") for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.
1. Take the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes").
The *Tour of Heroes* takes you step-by-step from [setup](setup.html)
to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application:
a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.
1. <a id="architecture"></a>Read the [Architecture](architecture.html) overview for the big picture.
<li if-docs="ts"><p>
[The Root Module](appmodule.html) introduces the `NgModule` class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.
1. [Displaying Data](displaying-data.html) shows how data binding puts component property values on screen.
1. [User Input](user-input.html) explains how to respond to user-initiated DOM events.
1. [Forms](forms.html) covers data entry and validation within the UI.
1. [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) is the way to build large, maintainable applications
from small, single-purpose parts.
1. [Template Syntax](template-syntax.html) is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML.
After reading the above sections, feel free to skip around among the other pages on this site.
### Next Step
Try the [tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes") if you're ready to start coding or
visit the [Architecture](architecture.html "Basic Concepts") guide if you prefer to learn the basic concepts first.
block includes
include ../_util-fns
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/intro/people.png" width="200px" height="152px" alt="Us" align="left" style="margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Everyone learns differently.
You don't have to read the documentation straight through. Most pages stand on their own.
Those new to Angular may wish to follow this popular learning path.
<br class="l-clear-left">
1. [Setup](setup.html "Setup locally withe Quickstart seed") for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.
1. Take the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes").
The *Tour of Heroes* takes you step-by-step from [setup](setup.html)
to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application:
a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.
1. <a id="architecture"></a>Read the [Architecture](architecture.html) overview for the big picture.
<li if-docs="ts"><p>
[The Root Module](appmodule.html) introduces the `NgModule` class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.
1. [Displaying Data](displaying-data.html) shows how data binding puts component property values on screen.
1. [User Input](user-input.html) explains how to respond to user-initiated DOM events.
1. [Forms](forms.html) covers data entry and validation within the UI.
1. [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) is the way to build large, maintainable applications
from small, single-purpose parts.
1. [Template Syntax](template-syntax.html) is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML.
After reading the above sections, feel free to skip around among the other pages on this site.
### Next Step
Try the [tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes") if you're ready to start coding or
visit the [Architecture](architecture.html "Basic Concepts") guide if you prefer to learn the basic concepts first.
@ -1,180 +1,180 @@
block includes
include ../_util-fns
- var _prereq = 'node and npm';
- var _playground = 'playground';
- var _Install = 'Install';
//- npm commands
- var _install = 'install';
- var _start = 'start';
## Setup a local development environment
<span if-docs="ts">
The <live-example name=quickstart>QuickStart live-coding</live-example> example is an Angular _playground_.
It's not where you'd develop a real application.
You [should develop locally](#why-locally "Why develop locally") on your own machine ... and that's also how we think you should learn Angular.
Setting up a new project on your machine is quick and easy with the **QuickStart seed**,
maintained [on github](!{_qsRepo} "Install the github QuickStart repo").
Make sure you have [!{_prereq} installed](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?").
Then ...
1. Create a project folder (you can call it `quickstart` and rename it later).
1. [Clone](#clone "Clone it from github") or [download](#download "download it from github") the **QuickStart seed** into your project folder.
1. !{_Install} [!{_npm}](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?") packages.
1. Run `!{_npm} !{_start}` to launch the sample application.
### Clone
Perform the _clone-to-launch_ steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
git clone !{_qsRepo}.git quickstart
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
### Download
<a href="!{_qsRepoZip}" title="Download the QuickStart seed repository">Download the QuickStart seed</a>
and unzip it into your project folder. Then perform the remaining steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
## What's in the QuickStart seed?
block qs-seed
The **QuickStart seed** contains the same application as the QuickStart playground
and even has <live-example>its own _playground_</live-example>
that accomodates development of richer examples in a live coding environment.
But it's true purpose is to provide a solid foundation for _local_ development.
Consequently, there are _many more files_ in the project folder on your machine,
most of which you can [learn about later](setup-systemjs-anatomy.html "Setup Anatomy").
block core-files
Focus on the following three TypeScript (`.ts`) files in the **`/app`** folder.
.file app
.file app.component.ts
.file app.module.ts
.file main.ts
`, '', `
All guides and cookbooks have _at least these core files_. Each file has a distinct purpose and evolves independently as the application grows.
style td, th {vertical-align: top}
th File
th Purpose
td <ngio-ex>app.component.ts</ngio-ex>
Defines the same `AppComponent` as the one in the QuickStart !{_playground}.
It is the **root** component of what will become a tree of nested components
as the application evolves.
td <code>app.module.ts</code>
Defines `AppModule`, the [root module](appmodule.html "AppModule: the root module") that tells Angular how to assemble the application.
Right now it declares only the `AppComponent`.
Soon there will be more components to declare.
td <ngio-ex>main.ts</ngio-ex>
Compiles the application with the [JiT compiler](../glossary.html#jit)
and [bootstraps](appmodule.html#main "bootstrap the application") the application to run in the browser.
That's a reasonable choice for the development of most projects and
it's the only viable choice for a sample running in a _live-coding_ environment like Plunker.
You'll learn about alternative compiling and deployment options later in the documentation.
### Next Step
If you're new to Angular, we recommend staying on the [learning path](learning-angular.html).
## Appendix: !{_prereq}
block install-tooling
Node.js and npm are essential to modern web development with Angular and other platforms.
Node powers client development and build tools.
The _npm_ package manager, itself a _node_ application, installs JavaScript libraries.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Installing Node.js and updating npm">
Get them now</a> if they're not already installed on your machine.
**Verify that you are running node `v4.x.x` or higher and npm `3.x.x` or higher**
by running the commands `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window.
Older versions produce errors.
We recommend [nvm]( for managing multiple versions of node and npm.
You may need [nvm]( if you already have projects running on your machine that
use other versions of node and npm.
## Appendix: Why develop locally
<live-example>Live coding</live-example> in the browser is a great way to explore Angular.
Links on almost every documentation page open completed samples in the browser.
You can play with the sample code, share your changes with friends, and download and run the code on your own machine.
The [QuickStart](../quickstart.html "Angular QuickStart Playground") shows just the `AppComponent` file.
It creates the equivalent of `app.module.ts` and `main.ts` internally _for the playground only_.
so the reader can discover Angular without distraction.
The other samples are based on the QuickStart seed.
As much fun as this is ...
* you can't ship your app in plunker
* you aren't always online when writing code
* transpiling TypeScript in the browser is slow
* the type support, refactoring, and code completion only work in your local IDE
Use the <live-example><i>live coding</i></live-example> environment as a _playground_,
a place to try the documentation samples and experiment on your own.
It's the perfect place to reproduce a bug when you want to
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File a documentation issue">file a documentation issue</a> or
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File an Angular issue">file an issue with Angular itself</a>.
For real development, we strongly recommend [developing locally](#develop-locally).
block includes
include ../_util-fns
- var _prereq = 'node and npm';
- var _playground = 'playground';
- var _Install = 'Install';
//- npm commands
- var _install = 'install';
- var _start = 'start';
## Setup a local development environment
<span if-docs="ts">
The <live-example name=quickstart>QuickStart live-coding</live-example> example is an Angular _playground_.
It's not where you'd develop a real application.
You [should develop locally](#why-locally "Why develop locally") on your own machine ... and that's also how we think you should learn Angular.
Setting up a new project on your machine is quick and easy with the **QuickStart seed**,
maintained [on github](!{_qsRepo} "Install the github QuickStart repo").
Make sure you have [!{_prereq} installed](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?").
Then ...
1. Create a project folder (you can call it `quickstart` and rename it later).
1. [Clone](#clone "Clone it from github") or [download](#download "download it from github") the **QuickStart seed** into your project folder.
1. !{_Install} [!{_npm}](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?") packages.
1. Run `!{_npm} !{_start}` to launch the sample application.
### Clone
Perform the _clone-to-launch_ steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
git clone !{_qsRepo}.git quickstart
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
### Download
<a href="!{_qsRepoZip}" title="Download the QuickStart seed repository">Download the QuickStart seed</a>
and unzip it into your project folder. Then perform the remaining steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
## What's in the QuickStart seed?
block qs-seed
The **QuickStart seed** contains the same application as the QuickStart playground
and even has <live-example>its own _playground_</live-example>
that accomodates development of richer examples in a live coding environment.
But it's true purpose is to provide a solid foundation for _local_ development.
Consequently, there are _many more files_ in the project folder on your machine,
most of which you can [learn about later](setup-systemjs-anatomy.html "Setup Anatomy").
block core-files
Focus on the following three TypeScript (`.ts`) files in the **`/app`** folder.
.file app
.file app.component.ts
.file app.module.ts
.file main.ts
`, '', `
All guides and cookbooks have _at least these core files_. Each file has a distinct purpose and evolves independently as the application grows.
style td, th {vertical-align: top}
th File
th Purpose
td <ngio-ex>app.component.ts</ngio-ex>
Defines the same `AppComponent` as the one in the QuickStart !{_playground}.
It is the **root** component of what will become a tree of nested components
as the application evolves.
td <code>app.module.ts</code>
Defines `AppModule`, the [root module](appmodule.html "AppModule: the root module") that tells Angular how to assemble the application.
Right now it declares only the `AppComponent`.
Soon there will be more components to declare.
td <ngio-ex>main.ts</ngio-ex>
Compiles the application with the [JiT compiler](../glossary.html#jit)
and [bootstraps](appmodule.html#main "bootstrap the application") the application to run in the browser.
That's a reasonable choice for the development of most projects and
it's the only viable choice for a sample running in a _live-coding_ environment like Plunker.
You'll learn about alternative compiling and deployment options later in the documentation.
### Next Step
If you're new to Angular, we recommend staying on the [learning path](learning-angular.html).
## Appendix: !{_prereq}
block install-tooling
Node.js and npm are essential to modern web development with Angular and other platforms.
Node powers client development and build tools.
The _npm_ package manager, itself a _node_ application, installs JavaScript libraries.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Installing Node.js and updating npm">
Get them now</a> if they're not already installed on your machine.
**Verify that you are running node `v4.x.x` or higher and npm `3.x.x` or higher**
by running the commands `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window.
Older versions produce errors.
We recommend [nvm]( for managing multiple versions of node and npm.
You may need [nvm]( if you already have projects running on your machine that
use other versions of node and npm.
## Appendix: Why develop locally
<live-example>Live coding</live-example> in the browser is a great way to explore Angular.
Links on almost every documentation page open completed samples in the browser.
You can play with the sample code, share your changes with friends, and download and run the code on your own machine.
The [QuickStart](../quickstart.html "Angular QuickStart Playground") shows just the `AppComponent` file.
It creates the equivalent of `app.module.ts` and `main.ts` internally _for the playground only_.
so the reader can discover Angular without distraction.
The other samples are based on the QuickStart seed.
As much fun as this is ...
* you can't ship your app in plunker
* you aren't always online when writing code
* transpiling TypeScript in the browser is slow
* the type support, refactoring, and code completion only work in your local IDE
Use the <live-example><i>live coding</i></live-example> environment as a _playground_,
a place to try the documentation samples and experiment on your own.
It's the perfect place to reproduce a bug when you want to
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File a documentation issue">file a documentation issue</a> or
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File an Angular issue">file an issue with Angular itself</a>.
For real development, we strongly recommend [developing locally](#develop-locally).
@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
include ../_util-fns
An Angular module class describes how the application parts fit together.
Every application has at least one Angular module, the _root_ module
that you [bootstrap](#main) to launch the application.
You can call it anything you want. The conventional name is `AppModule`.
The [setup](setup.html) instructions produce a new project with the following minimal `AppModule`.
You'll evolve this module as your application grows.
+makeExample('setup/ts/app/app.module.ts','', 'app/app.module.ts')(format='.')
After the `import` statements, you come to a class adorned with the
**`@NgModule`** [_decorator_](glossary.html#decorator '"Decorator" explained').
The `@NgModule` decorator identifies `AppModule` as an Angular module class (also called an `NgModule` class).
`@NgModule` takes a _metadata_ object that tells Angular how to compile and launch the application.
* **_imports_** — the `BrowserModule` that this and every application needs to run in a browser.
* **_declarations_** — the application's lone component, which is also ...
* **_bootstrap_** — the _root_ component that Angular creates and inserts into the `index.html` host web page.
The [Angular Modules (NgModules)](ngmodule.html) guide dives deeply into the details of Angular modules.
All you need to know at the moment is a few basics about these three properties.
### The _imports_ array
Angular modules are a way to consolidate features that belong together into discrete units.
Many features of Angular itself are organized as Angular modules.
HTTP services are in the `HttpModule`. The router is in the `RouterModule`.
Eventually you may create a feature module.
Add a module to the `imports` array when the application requires its features.
_This_ application, like most applications, executes in a browser.
Every application that executes in a browser needs the `BrowserModule` from `@angular/platform-browser`.
So every such application includes the `BrowserModule` in its _root_ `AppModule`'s `imports` array.
Other guide and cookbook pages will tell you when you need to add additional modules to this array.
**Only `NgModule` classes** go in the `imports` array. Don't put any other kind of class in `imports`.
Don't confuse the `import` statements at the top of the file with the Angular module's `imports` array.
They have different jobs.
The _JavaScript_ `import` statements give you access to symbols _exported_ by other files
so you can reference them within _this_ file.
They have nothing to do with Angular and Angular knows nothing about them.
The _module's_ `imports` array tells Angular about specific Angular modules — classes decorated with `@NgModule` —
that the application needs to function properly.
### The _declarations_ array
You must declare _every_ component in one (and _only one_) `NgModule` class.
You tell Angular which components belong to the `AppModule` by listing it in the module's `declarations` array.
As you create more components, you'll add them to `declarations`.
You'll learn to create two other kinds of classes —
[directives](attribute-directives.html) and [pipes](pipes.html) —
that you must also add to the `declarations` array.
**Only _declarables_** — _components_, _directives_ and _pipes_ — belong in the `declarations` array.
Don't put any other kind of class in `declarations`; _not_ `NgModule` classes, _not_ service classes, _not_ model classes.
### The _bootstrap_ array
You launch the application by [_bootstrapping_](#main) the root `AppModule`.
Among other things, the _bootstrapping_ process creates the component(s) listed in the `bootstrap` array
and inserts each one into the browser DOM.
Each bootstrapped component is the base of its own tree of components.
Inserting a bootstrapped component usually triggers a cascade of component creations that fill out that tree.
While you can put more than one component tree on a host web page, that's not typical.
Most applications have only one component tree and they bootstrap a single _root_ component.
You can call the one _root_ component anything you want but most developers call it `AppComponent`.
Which brings us to the _bootstrapping_ process itself.
## Bootstrap in _main.ts_
There are many ways to bootstrap an application.
The variations depend upon how you want to compile the application and where you want to run it.
In the beginning, you will compile the application dynamically with the _Just-in-Time (JiT)_ compiler
and you'll run it in a browser. You can learn about other options later.
The recommended place to bootstrap a JiT-compiled browser application is in a separate file
in the `app` folder named `app/main.ts`
This code creates a browser platform for dynamic (JiT) compilation and
bootstrap's the `AppModule` described above.
The _bootstrapping_ process sets up the execution environment,
digs the _root_ `AppComponent` out of the module's `bootstrap` array,
creates an instance of the component and inserts it within the element tag identified by the component's `selector`.
The `AppComponent` selector — here and in most documentation samples — is `my-app`
so Angular looks for a `<my-app>` tag in the `index.html` like this one ...
... and displays the `AppComponent` there.
This file is very stable. Once you've set it up, you may never change it again.
## QuickStart's _AppModule_
Every Angular application must have a root `NgModule`, even the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html).
You didn't see it but it was there.
A script in the `index.html` generated a hidden `AppModule` and bootstrapped it for you
so you could focus on the `AppComponent` and discover the _essential Angular_ more quickly.
If you're feeling adventurous, add your own `AppModule` and `main.ts` to the
live code in the _QuickStart_ plunker.
Remove the following `<script>` tag from the `index.html` and see _your_ work in action.
+makeExample('quickstart/ts/index.html','autobootstrap','Remove this script tag from "index.html"')(format='.')
include ../_util-fns
An Angular module class describes how the application parts fit together.
Every application has at least one Angular module, the _root_ module
that you [bootstrap](#main) to launch the application.
You can call it anything you want. The conventional name is `AppModule`.
The [setup](setup.html) instructions produce a new project with the following minimal `AppModule`.
You'll evolve this module as your application grows.
+makeExample('setup/ts/app/app.module.ts','', 'app/app.module.ts')(format='.')
After the `import` statements, you come to a class adorned with the
**`@NgModule`** [_decorator_](glossary.html#decorator '"Decorator" explained').
The `@NgModule` decorator identifies `AppModule` as an Angular module class (also called an `NgModule` class).
`@NgModule` takes a _metadata_ object that tells Angular how to compile and launch the application.
* **_imports_** — the `BrowserModule` that this and every application needs to run in a browser.
* **_declarations_** — the application's lone component, which is also ...
* **_bootstrap_** — the _root_ component that Angular creates and inserts into the `index.html` host web page.
The [Angular Modules (NgModules)](ngmodule.html) guide dives deeply into the details of Angular modules.
All you need to know at the moment is a few basics about these three properties.
### The _imports_ array
Angular modules are a way to consolidate features that belong together into discrete units.
Many features of Angular itself are organized as Angular modules.
HTTP services are in the `HttpModule`. The router is in the `RouterModule`.
Eventually you may create a feature module.
Add a module to the `imports` array when the application requires its features.
_This_ application, like most applications, executes in a browser.
Every application that executes in a browser needs the `BrowserModule` from `@angular/platform-browser`.
So every such application includes the `BrowserModule` in its _root_ `AppModule`'s `imports` array.
Other guide and cookbook pages will tell you when you need to add additional modules to this array.
**Only `NgModule` classes** go in the `imports` array. Don't put any other kind of class in `imports`.
Don't confuse the `import` statements at the top of the file with the Angular module's `imports` array.
They have different jobs.
The _JavaScript_ `import` statements give you access to symbols _exported_ by other files
so you can reference them within _this_ file.
They have nothing to do with Angular and Angular knows nothing about them.
The _module's_ `imports` array tells Angular about specific Angular modules — classes decorated with `@NgModule` —
that the application needs to function properly.
### The _declarations_ array
You must declare _every_ component in one (and _only one_) `NgModule` class.
You tell Angular which components belong to the `AppModule` by listing it in the module's `declarations` array.
As you create more components, you'll add them to `declarations`.
You'll learn to create two other kinds of classes —
[directives](attribute-directives.html) and [pipes](pipes.html) —
that you must also add to the `declarations` array.
**Only _declarables_** — _components_, _directives_ and _pipes_ — belong in the `declarations` array.
Don't put any other kind of class in `declarations`; _not_ `NgModule` classes, _not_ service classes, _not_ model classes.
### The _bootstrap_ array
You launch the application by [_bootstrapping_](#main) the root `AppModule`.
Among other things, the _bootstrapping_ process creates the component(s) listed in the `bootstrap` array
and inserts each one into the browser DOM.
Each bootstrapped component is the base of its own tree of components.
Inserting a bootstrapped component usually triggers a cascade of component creations that fill out that tree.
While you can put more than one component tree on a host web page, that's not typical.
Most applications have only one component tree and they bootstrap a single _root_ component.
You can call the one _root_ component anything you want but most developers call it `AppComponent`.
Which brings us to the _bootstrapping_ process itself.
## Bootstrap in _main.ts_
There are many ways to bootstrap an application.
The variations depend upon how you want to compile the application and where you want to run it.
In the beginning, you will compile the application dynamically with the _Just-in-Time (JiT)_ compiler
and you'll run it in a browser. You can learn about other options later.
The recommended place to bootstrap a JiT-compiled browser application is in a separate file
in the `app` folder named `app/main.ts`
This code creates a browser platform for dynamic (JiT) compilation and
bootstrap's the `AppModule` described above.
The _bootstrapping_ process sets up the execution environment,
digs the _root_ `AppComponent` out of the module's `bootstrap` array,
creates an instance of the component and inserts it within the element tag identified by the component's `selector`.
The `AppComponent` selector — here and in most documentation samples — is `my-app`
so Angular looks for a `<my-app>` tag in the `index.html` like this one ...
... and displays the `AppComponent` there.
This file is very stable. Once you've set it up, you may never change it again.
## QuickStart's _AppModule_
Every Angular application must have a root `NgModule`, even the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html).
You didn't see it but it was there.
A script in the `index.html` generated a hidden `AppModule` and bootstrapped it for you
so you could focus on the `AppComponent` and discover the _essential Angular_ more quickly.
If you're feeling adventurous, add your own `AppModule` and `main.ts` to the
live code in the _QuickStart_ plunker.
Remove the following `<script>` tag from the `index.html` and see _your_ work in action.
+makeExample('quickstart/ts/index.html','autobootstrap','Remove this script tag from "index.html"')(format='.')
@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
block includes
include ../_util-fns
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/intro/people.png" width="200px" height="152px" alt="Us" align="left" style="margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Everyone learns differently.
You don't have to read the documentation straight through. Most pages stand on their own.
Those new to Angular may wish to follow this popular learning path.
<br class="l-clear-left">
1. [Setup](setup.html "Setup locally withe Quickstart seed") for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.
1. Take the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes").
The *Tour of Heroes* takes you step-by-step from [setup](setup.html)
to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application:
a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.
1. <a id="architecture"></a>Read the [Architecture](architecture.html) overview for the big picture.
<li if-docs="ts"><p>
[The Root Module](appmodule.html) introduces the `NgModule` class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.
1. [Displaying Data](displaying-data.html) shows how data binding puts component property values on screen.
1. [User Input](user-input.html) explains how to respond to user-initiated DOM events.
1. [Forms](forms.html) covers data entry and validation within the UI.
1. [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) is the way to build large, maintainable applications
from small, single-purpose parts.
1. [Template Syntax](template-syntax.html) is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML.
After reading the above sections, feel free to skip around among the other pages on this site.
### Next Step
Try the [tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes") if you're ready to start coding or
visit the [Architecture](architecture.html "Basic Concepts") page if you prefer to learn the basic concepts first.
block includes
include ../_util-fns
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/intro/people.png" width="200px" height="152px" alt="Us" align="left" style="margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Everyone learns differently.
You don't have to read the documentation straight through. Most pages stand on their own.
Those new to Angular may wish to follow this popular learning path.
<br class="l-clear-left">
1. [Setup](setup.html "Setup locally withe Quickstart seed") for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.
1. Take the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes").
The *Tour of Heroes* takes you step-by-step from [setup](setup.html)
to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application:
a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.
1. <a id="architecture"></a>Read the [Architecture](architecture.html) overview for the big picture.
<li if-docs="ts"><p>
[The Root Module](appmodule.html) introduces the `NgModule` class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.
1. [Displaying Data](displaying-data.html) shows how data binding puts component property values on screen.
1. [User Input](user-input.html) explains how to respond to user-initiated DOM events.
1. [Forms](forms.html) covers data entry and validation within the UI.
1. [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) is the way to build large, maintainable applications
from small, single-purpose parts.
1. [Template Syntax](template-syntax.html) is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML.
After reading the above sections, feel free to skip around among the other pages on this site.
### Next Step
Try the [tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes") if you're ready to start coding or
visit the [Architecture](architecture.html "Basic Concepts") page if you prefer to learn the basic concepts first.
@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
block includes
include ../_util-fns
The documentation [setup](setup.html) procedures install a _lot_ of files,
Most of them can be safely ignored.
Application files _inside the_ **`app/`** and **`e2e/`** folders matter most to developers.
Files _outside_ those folders condition the development environment.
They rarely change and you may never view or modify them.
If you do, this page can help you understand their purpose.
style td, th {vertical-align: top}
th File
th Purpose
td <code>app/...</code>
Your Angular application files.
Ships with the "Hello Angular" sample's
`AppComponent`, `AppModule`, a component unit test (`app.component.spec.ts`), and
the bootstrap file, `main.ts`.
td <code>e2e/...</code>
_End-to-end_ (e2e) tests of your application,
written in Jasmine and run by the
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Protractor: end-to-end testing for Angular">protractor</a>
e2e test runner.
Initialized with an e2e test for the "Hello Angular" sample.
td <code>node_modules/...</code>
The _npm_ packages installed with the `npm install` command.
Tooling configuration files and folders.
Ignore them until you have a compelling reason to do otherwise.
td <code></code>
The history of changes to the _QuickStart_ repository.
Delete or ignore.
td <code>favicon.ico</code>
The application icon that appears in the browser tab.
td <code>index.html</code>
The application host page.
It loads a few essential scripts in a prescribed order.
Then it boots the application, placing the root `AppComponent`
in the custom `<my-app>` body tag.
The same `index.html` satisfies all documentation application samples.
td <code>karma.conf.js</code>
Configuration for the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Karma unit test runner">karma</a>
test runner described in the [Testing](testing.html) guide.
td <code>karma-test-shim.js</code>
Script to run <a href="" target="_blank" title="Karma unit test runner">karma</a>
with SystemJS as described in the [Testing](testing.html) guide.
td <code>LICENSE</code>
The open source MIT license to use this setup code in your application.
td <code>package.json</code>
Identifies `npm `package dependencies for the project.
Contains command scripts for running the application,
running tests, and more. Enter `npm run` for a listing.
<a href=""
target="_blank" title="npm scripts for Angular documentation samples">Read more</a> about them.
td <code>protractor.config.js</code>
Configuration for the
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Protractor: end-to-end testing for Angular">protractor</a>
_end-to-end_ (e2e) test runner.
td <code></code>
Instruction for using this git repository in your project.
Worth reading before deleting.
td <code>styles.css</code>
Global styles for the application. Initialized with an `<h1>` style for the QuickStart demo.
td <code>systemjs<br>.config.js</code>
Tells the **SystemJS** module loader where to find modules
referenced in JavaScript `import` statements such as
import { Component } from '@angular/core;
Don't touch this file unless you are fully versed in SystemJS configuration.
td <code>systemjs<br>.config.extras.js</code>
Optional extra SystemJS configuration.
A way to add SystemJS mappings, such as for appliation _barrels_,
without changing the original `system.config.js`.
td <code>tsconfig.json</code>
Tells the TypeScript compiler how to transpile TypeScript source files
into JavaScript files that run in all modern browsers.
td <code>tslint.json</code>
The `npm` installed TypeScript linter inspects your TypeScript code
and complains when you violate one of its rules.
This file defines linting rules favored by the
[Angular style guide](style-guide.html) and by the authors of the documentation.
block includes
include ../_util-fns
The documentation [setup](setup.html) procedures install a _lot_ of files,
Most of them can be safely ignored.
Application files _inside the_ **`app/`** and **`e2e/`** folders matter most to developers.
Files _outside_ those folders condition the development environment.
They rarely change and you may never view or modify them.
If you do, this page can help you understand their purpose.
style td, th {vertical-align: top}
th File
th Purpose
td <code>app/...</code>
Your Angular application files.
Ships with the "Hello Angular" sample's
`AppComponent`, `AppModule`, a component unit test (`app.component.spec.ts`), and
the bootstrap file, `main.ts`.
td <code>e2e/...</code>
_End-to-end_ (e2e) tests of your application,
written in Jasmine and run by the
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Protractor: end-to-end testing for Angular">protractor</a>
e2e test runner.
Initialized with an e2e test for the "Hello Angular" sample.
td <code>node_modules/...</code>
The _npm_ packages installed with the `npm install` command.
Tooling configuration files and folders.
Ignore them until you have a compelling reason to do otherwise.
td <code></code>
The history of changes to the _QuickStart_ repository.
Delete or ignore.
td <code>favicon.ico</code>
The application icon that appears in the browser tab.
td <code>index.html</code>
The application host page.
It loads a few essential scripts in a prescribed order.
Then it boots the application, placing the root `AppComponent`
in the custom `<my-app>` body tag.
The same `index.html` satisfies all documentation application samples.
td <code>karma.conf.js</code>
Configuration for the <a href="" target="_blank" title="Karma unit test runner">karma</a>
test runner described in the [Testing](testing.html) guide.
td <code>karma-test-shim.js</code>
Script to run <a href="" target="_blank" title="Karma unit test runner">karma</a>
with SystemJS as described in the [Testing](testing.html) guide.
td <code>LICENSE</code>
The open source MIT license to use this setup code in your application.
td <code>package.json</code>
Identifies `npm `package dependencies for the project.
Contains command scripts for running the application,
running tests, and more. Enter `npm run` for a listing.
<a href=""
target="_blank" title="npm scripts for Angular documentation samples">Read more</a> about them.
td <code>protractor.config.js</code>
Configuration for the
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Protractor: end-to-end testing for Angular">protractor</a>
_end-to-end_ (e2e) test runner.
td <code></code>
Instruction for using this git repository in your project.
Worth reading before deleting.
td <code>styles.css</code>
Global styles for the application. Initialized with an `<h1>` style for the QuickStart demo.
td <code>systemjs<br>.config.js</code>
Tells the **SystemJS** module loader where to find modules
referenced in JavaScript `import` statements such as
import { Component } from '@angular/core;
Don't touch this file unless you are fully versed in SystemJS configuration.
td <code>systemjs<br>.config.extras.js</code>
Optional extra SystemJS configuration.
A way to add SystemJS mappings, such as for appliation _barrels_,
without changing the original `system.config.js`.
td <code>tsconfig.json</code>
Tells the TypeScript compiler how to transpile TypeScript source files
into JavaScript files that run in all modern browsers.
td <code>tslint.json</code>
The `npm` installed TypeScript linter inspects your TypeScript code
and complains when you violate one of its rules.
This file defines linting rules favored by the
[Angular style guide](style-guide.html) and by the authors of the documentation.
@ -1,180 +1,180 @@
block includes
include ../_util-fns
- var _prereq = 'node and npm';
- var _playground = 'playground';
- var _Install = 'Install';
//- npm commands
- var _install = 'install';
- var _start = 'start';
## Setup a local development environment
<span if-docs="ts">
The <live-example name=quickstart>QuickStart live-coding</live-example> example is an Angular _playground_.
It's not where you'd develop a real application.
You [should develop locally](#why-locally "Why develop locally") on your own machine ... and that's also how we think you should learn Angular.
Setting up a new project on your machine is quick and easy with the **QuickStart seed**,
maintained [on github](!{_qsRepo} "Install the github QuickStart repo").
Make sure you have [!{_prereq} installed](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?").
Then ...
1. Create a project folder (you can call it `quickstart` and rename it later).
1. [Clone](#clone "Clone it from github") or [download](#download "download it from github") the **QuickStart seed** into your project folder.
1. !{_Install} [!{_npm}](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?") packages.
1. Run `!{_npm} !{_start}` to launch the sample application.
### Clone
Perform the _clone-to-launch_ steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
git clone !{_qsRepo}.git quickstart
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
### Download
<a href="!{_qsRepoZip}" title="Download the QuickStart seed repository">Download the QuickStart seed</a>
and unzip it into your project folder. Then perform the remaining steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
## What's in the QuickStart seed?
block qs-seed
The **QuickStart seed** contains the same application as the QuickStart playground
and even has <live-example>its own _playground_</live-example>
that accomodates development of richer examples in a live coding environment.
But it's true purpose is to provide a solid foundation for _local_ development.
Consequently, there are _many more files_ in the project folder on your machine,
most of which you can [learn about later](setup-systemjs-anatomy.html "Setup Anatomy").
block core-files
Focus on the following three TypeScript (`.ts`) files in the **`/app`** folder.
.file app
.file app.component.ts
.file app.module.ts
.file main.ts
`, '', `
All guides and cookbooks have _at least these core files_. Each file has a distinct purpose and evolves independently as the application grows.
style td, th {vertical-align: top}
th File
th Purpose
td <ngio-ex>app.component.ts</ngio-ex>
Defines the same `AppComponent` as the one in the QuickStart !{_playground}.
It is the **root** component of what will become a tree of nested components
as the application evolves.
td <code>app.module.ts</code>
Defines `AppModule`, the [root module](appmodule.html "AppModule: the root module") that tells Angular how to assemble the application.
Right now it declares only the `AppComponent`.
Soon there will be more components to declare.
td <ngio-ex>main.ts</ngio-ex>
Compiles the application with the [JiT compiler](../glossary.html#jit)
and [bootstraps](appmodule.html#main "bootstrap the application") the application to run in the browser.
That's a reasonable choice for the development of most projects and
it's the only viable choice for a sample running in a _live-coding_ environment like Plunker.
You'll learn about alternative compiling and deployment options later in the documentation.
### Next Step
If you're new to Angular, we recommend staying on the [learning path](learning-angular.html).
## Appendix: !{_prereq}
block install-tooling
Node.js and npm are essential to modern web development with Angular and other platforms.
Node powers client development and build tools.
The _npm_ package manager, itself a _node_ application, installs JavaScript libraries.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Installing Node.js and updating npm">
Get them now</a> if they're not already installed on your machine.
**Verify that you are running node `v4.x.x` or higher and npm `3.x.x` or higher**
by running the commands `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window.
Older versions produce errors.
We recommend [nvm]( for managing multiple versions of node and npm.
You may need [nvm]( if you already have projects running on your machine that
use other versions of node and npm.
## Appendix: Why develop locally
<live-example>Live coding</live-example> in the browser is a great way to explore Angular.
Links on almost every documentation page open completed samples in the browser.
You can play with the sample code, share your changes with friends, and download and run the code on your own machine.
The [QuickStart](../quickstart.html "Angular QuickStart Playground") shows just the `AppComponent` file.
It creates the equivalent of `app.module.ts` and `main.ts` internally _for the playground only_.
so the reader can discover Angular without distraction.
The other samples are based on the QuickStart seed.
As much fun as this is ...
* you can't ship your app in plunker
* you aren't always online when writing code
* transpiling TypeScript in the browser is slow
* the type support, refactoring, and code completion only work in your local IDE
Use the <live-example><i>live coding</i></live-example> environment as a _playground_,
a place to try the documentation samples and experiment on your own.
It's the perfect place to reproduce a bug when you want to
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File a documentation issue">file a documentation issue</a> or
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File an Angular issue">file an issue with Angular itself</a>.
For real development, we strongly recommend [developing locally](#develop-locally).
block includes
include ../_util-fns
- var _prereq = 'node and npm';
- var _playground = 'playground';
- var _Install = 'Install';
//- npm commands
- var _install = 'install';
- var _start = 'start';
## Setup a local development environment
<span if-docs="ts">
The <live-example name=quickstart>QuickStart live-coding</live-example> example is an Angular _playground_.
It's not where you'd develop a real application.
You [should develop locally](#why-locally "Why develop locally") on your own machine ... and that's also how we think you should learn Angular.
Setting up a new project on your machine is quick and easy with the **QuickStart seed**,
maintained [on github](!{_qsRepo} "Install the github QuickStart repo").
Make sure you have [!{_prereq} installed](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?").
Then ...
1. Create a project folder (you can call it `quickstart` and rename it later).
1. [Clone](#clone "Clone it from github") or [download](#download "download it from github") the **QuickStart seed** into your project folder.
1. !{_Install} [!{_npm}](#install-prerequisites "What if you don't have !{_prereq}?") packages.
1. Run `!{_npm} !{_start}` to launch the sample application.
### Clone
Perform the _clone-to-launch_ steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
git clone !{_qsRepo}.git quickstart
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
### Download
<a href="!{_qsRepoZip}" title="Download the QuickStart seed repository">Download the QuickStart seed</a>
and unzip it into your project folder. Then perform the remaining steps with these terminal commands.
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
cd quickstart
!{_npm} !{_install}
!{_npm} !{_start}
## What's in the QuickStart seed?
block qs-seed
The **QuickStart seed** contains the same application as the QuickStart playground
and even has <live-example>its own _playground_</live-example>
that accomodates development of richer examples in a live coding environment.
But it's true purpose is to provide a solid foundation for _local_ development.
Consequently, there are _many more files_ in the project folder on your machine,
most of which you can [learn about later](setup-systemjs-anatomy.html "Setup Anatomy").
block core-files
Focus on the following three TypeScript (`.ts`) files in the **`/app`** folder.
.file app
.file app.component.ts
.file app.module.ts
.file main.ts
`, '', `
All guides and cookbooks have _at least these core files_. Each file has a distinct purpose and evolves independently as the application grows.
style td, th {vertical-align: top}
th File
th Purpose
td <ngio-ex>app.component.ts</ngio-ex>
Defines the same `AppComponent` as the one in the QuickStart !{_playground}.
It is the **root** component of what will become a tree of nested components
as the application evolves.
td <code>app.module.ts</code>
Defines `AppModule`, the [root module](appmodule.html "AppModule: the root module") that tells Angular how to assemble the application.
Right now it declares only the `AppComponent`.
Soon there will be more components to declare.
td <ngio-ex>main.ts</ngio-ex>
Compiles the application with the [JiT compiler](../glossary.html#jit)
and [bootstraps](appmodule.html#main "bootstrap the application") the application to run in the browser.
That's a reasonable choice for the development of most projects and
it's the only viable choice for a sample running in a _live-coding_ environment like Plunker.
You'll learn about alternative compiling and deployment options later in the documentation.
### Next Step
If you're new to Angular, we recommend staying on the [learning path](learning-angular.html).
## Appendix: !{_prereq}
block install-tooling
Node.js and npm are essential to modern web development with Angular and other platforms.
Node powers client development and build tools.
The _npm_ package manager, itself a _node_ application, installs JavaScript libraries.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Installing Node.js and updating npm">
Get them now</a> if they're not already installed on your machine.
**Verify that you are running node `v4.x.x` or higher and npm `3.x.x` or higher**
by running the commands `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window.
Older versions produce errors.
We recommend [nvm]( for managing multiple versions of node and npm.
You may need [nvm]( if you already have projects running on your machine that
use other versions of node and npm.
## Appendix: Why develop locally
<live-example>Live coding</live-example> in the browser is a great way to explore Angular.
Links on almost every documentation page open completed samples in the browser.
You can play with the sample code, share your changes with friends, and download and run the code on your own machine.
The [QuickStart](../quickstart.html "Angular QuickStart Playground") shows just the `AppComponent` file.
It creates the equivalent of `app.module.ts` and `main.ts` internally _for the playground only_.
so the reader can discover Angular without distraction.
The other samples are based on the QuickStart seed.
As much fun as this is ...
* you can't ship your app in plunker
* you aren't always online when writing code
* transpiling TypeScript in the browser is slow
* the type support, refactoring, and code completion only work in your local IDE
Use the <live-example><i>live coding</i></live-example> environment as a _playground_,
a place to try the documentation samples and experiment on your own.
It's the perfect place to reproduce a bug when you want to
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File a documentation issue">file a documentation issue</a> or
<a href="" target="_blank" title="File an Angular issue">file an issue with Angular itself</a>.
For real development, we strongly recommend [developing locally](#develop-locally).
Reference in New Issue
Block a user