
This commit is contained in:
Zhicheng Wang 2016-04-20 23:20:58 +08:00
parent b007e835db
commit 3d2e51fd9b
1 changed files with 163 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -3,232 +3,386 @@ include ../_util-fns
Angular 2 is a framework to help us build client applications in HTML and JavaScript.
Angular 2是一个使用HTML和JavaScript构建客户端应用的框架。
The framework consists of several cooperating libraries, some of them core and some optional.
We write applications by composing HTML *templates* with Angularized-markup,
writing *component* classes to manage those templates, adding application logic in *services*,
and handing the top root component to Angular's *bootstrapper*.
我们用带有Angular标记的HTML写 *模板* ,用 *组件* 类来管理这些模板,用 *服务* 添加应用逻辑用根组件来完成Angular *启动* 。
Angular takes over, presenting our application content in a browser and responding to user interactions
according to the instructions we provided.
<!-- figure img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/airplane.png" alt="Us" align="left" style="width:200px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" ) -->
Of course there is more to it than this. We'll learn the details when we dive into the guide chapters.
Let's get the big picture first.
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/overview2.png" alt="overview" style="margin-left:-40px;" width="700")
The architecture diagram identifies the eight main building blocks of an Angular 2 application:
1. [Module](#module)
1. [模块(Module)](#module)
1. [Component](#component)
1. [组件(Component)](#component)
1. [Template](#template)
1. [模板(Template)](#template)
1. [Metadata](#metadata)
1. [元数据(Metadata)](#metadata)
1. [Data Binding](#data-binding)
1. [数据绑定(Data Binding)](#data-binding)
1. [Service](#service)
1. [服务(Service)](#service)
1. [Directive](#directive)
1. [指令(Directive)](#directive)
1. [Dependency Injection](#dependency-injection)
1. [依赖注入(Dependency Injection)](#dependency-injection)
Learn these eight and we're on our way.
The code referenced in this chapter is available as a [live example](/resources/live-examples/architecture/ts/plnkr.html).
<a id="module"></a>
## The Module
## 模块
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/module.png" alt="Component" align="left" style="width:240px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/module.png" alt="模块" align="left" style="width:240px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Angular apps are modular.
In general we assemble our application from many **modules**.
我们的程序通常都是由很多 *模块* 组装成的。
A typical module is a cohesive block of code dedicated to a single purpose.
A module **exports** something of value in that code, typically one thing such as a class.
<br clear="all"><br>
### Modules are optional
### 组件是可选的
We highly recommend modular design. TypeScript has great support for ES2015 module syntax and our chapters assume we're taking a modular
approach using that syntax. That's why we list *Module* among the basic building blocks.
我们强烈推荐遵循模块化设计。TypeScript对ES2015的模块语法支持很好本章假定我们使用那些语法作为模块化方案。这就是为什么我们要把 *模块* 列为一种基本构造块。
Angular itself doesn't require a modular approach nor this particular syntax. Don't use it if you don't want it.
Each chapter has plenty to offer after you steer clear of the `import` and `export` statements.
Find setup and organization clues in the JavaScript track (select it from the combo-box at the top of this page)
which demonstrates Angular 2 development with plain old JavaScript and no module system.
它示范了如何用老版本的JavaScript语言在没有模块化系统的情况下进行Angular 2开发。
Perhaps the first module we meet is a module that exports a *component* class.
The component is one of the basic Angular blocks, we write a lot of them,
and we'll talk about components in the next segment. For the moment it is enough to know that a
component class is the kind of thing we'd export from a module.
也许我们遇到的第一个模块,就是用于导出 *组件* 类的那个。
Most applications have an `AppComponent`. By convention, we'll find it in a file named `app.component.ts`.
Look inside such a file and we'll see an `export` statement like this one.
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'export', 'app/app.component.ts (excerpt)')(format=".")
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'export', 'app/app.component.ts (节选)')(format=".")
The `export` statement tells TypeScript that this is a module whose
`AppComponent` class is public and accessible to other modules of the application.
When we need a reference to the `AppComponent`, we **import** it like this:
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/main.ts', 'import', 'app/main.ts (excerpt)')(format=".")
当我们需要引用`AppComponent`时,我们 **导入** 它,就像这样:
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/main.ts', 'import', 'app/main.ts (节选)')(format=".")
The `import` statement tells the system it can get an `AppComponent` from a module named `app.component`
located in a neighboring file.
The **module name** (AKA module id) is often the same as the filename without its extension.
**模块名** 又叫模块ID通常和去掉扩展名后的文件名相同。
### Library Modules
### 库模块
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/library-module.png" alt="Component" align="left" style="width:240px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/library-module.png" alt="组件" align="left" style="width:240px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Some modules are libraries of other modules.
Angular itself ships as a collection of library modules called "barrels".
Each Angular library is actually a public façade over several logically related private modules.
The `angular2/core` library is the primary Angular library module from which we get most of what we need.
<br clear="all">
There are other important Angular library modules too such as `angular2/common`, `angular2/router`, and `angular2/http`.
还有其它重要的Angular库比如`angular2/common`, `angular2/router` 和 `angular2/http`。
Learn more about how Angular organizes and distributes modules
in "[Modules, barrels and bundles](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/modules/angular2/docs/bundles/overview.md)".
We import what we need from an Angular library module in much the same way.
For example, we import the Angular **`Component` *function*** from the *angular2/core* module like this:
比如,我们从 *angular2/core* 中导入Angular **`Component` *函数* ** 的代码是这样的:
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'import')(format=".")
Compare that syntax to our previous import of `AppComponent`.
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/main.ts', 'import')(format=".")
Notice the difference?
In the first case, when importing from an Angular library module,
the import statement refers to the bare module name, `angular2/core`, *without a path prefix*.
前面的方式中当从Angular库模块中导入时import语句引用的是一个裸模块名 —— `angular2/core` —— *没有路径前缀* 。
When we import from one of *our* own files, we prefix the module name with the file path.
In this example we specify a relative file path (./). That means the
source module is in the same folder (./) as the module importing it.
We could path up and around the application folder structure if the source module were somewhere else.
当我们从 *自己的* 文件中导入时,模块名中带有前缀,在这个例子中,是一个相对路径(./)。这表示源模块位于与导入它的模块相同的目录中(./)。
We import and export in the ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015) module syntax.
Learn more about that syntax [here](http://www.2ality.com/2014/09/es6-modules-final.html)
and many other places on the web.
我们导入和导出使用的是ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015)的语法。
The infrastructure *behind* module loading and importing is an important subject.
But it's a subject outside the scope of this introduction to Angular.
While we're focused on our application, *import* and *export*
is about all we need to know.
但是这个话题在介绍Angular的范围之外。在我们聚焦于讲解应用的时候知道 *import* 和 *export* 就足够了。
The key take-aways are:
* Angular apps are composed of modules.
* Angular应用是由模块组成的。
* Modules export things &mdash; classes, function, values &mdash; that other modules import.
* 模块导出一些东西 —— 类,函数,值,供其它模块导入。
* We prefer to write our application as a collection of modules, each module exporting one thing.
* 我们喜欢把应用写成一组模块,每个模块只导出一个东西。
The first module we write will most likely export a component.
<a id="component"></a>
## The Component
## 组件
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/hero-component.png" alt="Component" align="left" style="width:200px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/hero-component.png" alt="组件" align="left" style="width:200px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
A **Component** controls a patch of screen real estate that we could call a *view*.
The shell at the application root with navigation links, that list of heroes, the hero editor ...
they're all views controlled by Components.
**组件** 控制屏幕中的补丁大的一小块儿地方,我们称之为 *视图* 。
应用的“外壳”包括一些导航链接、一个英雄列表、英雄编辑器…… 它们都是被组件控制的视图。
We define a Component's application logic - what it does to support the view - inside a class.
The class interacts with the view through an API of properties and methods.
我们定义了一个组件的应用逻辑 —— 它被用来为视图提供支持 —— 放在类中。
<a id="component-code"></a>
A `HeroListComponent`, for example, might have a `heroes` property that returns an array of heroes
that it acquired from a service.
It might have a `selectHero()` method that sets a `selectedHero` property when the user clicks on a hero from that list.
It might be a class like this:
<a id="component-code"></a>
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/hero-list.component.ts', 'class', 'app/hero-list.component.ts')
Angular creates, updates, and destroys components as the user moves through the application.
The developer can take action at each moment in this lifecycle through optional [Lifecycle Hooks](lifecycle-hooks.html).
We're not showing those hooks in this example
but we are making a mental note to find out about them later.
We may wonder who is calling that constructor? Who provides the service parameter?
For the moment, have faith that Angular will call the constructor and deliver an
appropriate `HeroService` when we need it.
<a id="template"></a>
## The Template
## 模板
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/template.png" alt="Template" align="left" style="width:200px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/template.png" alt="模板" align="left" style="width:200px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
We define a Component's view with its companion **template**. A template is a form of HTML
that tells Angular how to render the Component.
我们通过伴随它的 **模板** 来定义组件的视图。模板是HTML的一种形式用来告诉Angular如何渲染组件。
A template looks like regular HTML much of the time ... and then it gets a bit strange. Here is a
template for our `HeroList` component.
We recognize `<h2>` and `<div>`.
But there's other markup that no one told us about in school.
What are `*ngFor`, `{{hero.name}}`, `(click)`, `[hero]`, and `<hero-detail>`?
These are examples of Angular's [template syntax](template-syntax.html).
We will grow accustomed to that syntax and may even learn to love it.
We'll begin to explain it in a moment.
这些是Angular [模板语法](template-syntax.html) 的例子。
Before we do, focus attention on the last line.
The `<hero-detail>` tag is a custom element representing the `HeroDetailComponent`.
The `HeroDetailComponent` is a *different* component than the `HeroListComponent` we've been reviewing.
The `HeroDetailComponent` (code not shown) presents facts about a particular hero, the
hero that the user selects from the list presented by the `HeroListComponent`.
The `HeroDetailComponent` is a **child** of the `HeroListComponent`.
`HeroDetailComponent`是和我们审视过的`HeroListComponent` *不同* 的组件。
`HeroDetailComponent`是`HeroListComponent`的 *子组件* 。
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/component-tree.png" alt="Metadata" align="left" style="width:300px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/component-tree.png" alt="组件树" align="left" style="width:300px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Notice how `<hero-detail>` rests comfortably among the HTML elements we already know.
We can mix ... and will mix ... our custom components with native HTML in the same layouts.
And in this manner we can and will compose complex component trees to build out our richly featured application.
<br clear="all">
<a id="metadata"></a>
## Angular Metadata
## Angular元数据
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/metadata.png" alt="Metadata" align="left" style="width:150px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/architecture/metadata.png" alt="元数据" align="left" style="width:150px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
<p style="padding-top:10px">Metadata tells Angular how to process a class.</p>
<p style="padding-top:10px">元数据告诉Angular如何处理一个类。</p>
<br clear="all">
[Looking back](#component-code) at the `HeroListComponent`, we see that it's just a class.
There is no evidence of a framework, no "Angular" in it at all.
In fact, it really is *just a class*. It's not a component until we *tell Angular about it*.
实际上,它真的只是一个类。直到我们 *告诉Angular这一点* ,否则就没有组件。
We tell Angular that `HeroListComponent` is a component by attaching **metadata** to the class.
通过把 **元数据** 附加到类我们告诉Angular`HeroListComponent`是个组件。
The easy way to attach metadata in TypeScript is with a **decorator**.
Here's some metadata for `HeroListComponent`:
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/hero-list.component.ts', 'metadata', 'app/hero-list.component.ts (metadata)')
TypeScript中附加元数据的简单方式是 **装饰器(decorator)** 。
+makeExample('architecture/ts/app/hero-list.component.ts', 'metadata', 'app/hero-list.component.ts (元数据)')
Here we see the `@Component` decorator which (no surprise) identifies the class
immediately below it as a Component class.
A decorator is a function. Decorators often have a configuration parameter.
The `@Component` decorator takes a required configuration object with the
information Angular needs to create and present the component and its view.
Here we see a few of the possible `@Component` configuration options:
* `selector` - a css selector that tells Angular to create and insert an instance of this component