fix(upgrade): ensure downgraded components are created in the Angular zone (#18209)

PR Close #18209
This commit is contained in:
Georgios Kalpakas 2017-07-18 20:16:04 +03:00 committed by Miško Hevery
parent 6d7799fce9
commit 43c33d5663
8 changed files with 409 additions and 179 deletions

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export interface ICloneAttachFunction {
(clonedElement?: IAugmentedJQuery, scope?: IScope): any;
export type IAugmentedJQuery = Node[] & {
bind?: (name: string, fn: () => void) => void;
on?: (name: string, fn: () => void) => void;
data?: (name: string, value?: any) => any;
text?: () => string;
inheritedData?: (name: string, value?: any) => any;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver, Injector, Type} from '@angular/core';
import {ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver, Injector, NgZone, Type} from '@angular/core';
import * as angular from './angular1';
@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ export function downgradeComponent(info: {
$compile: angular.ICompileService,
$injector: angular.IInjectorService,
$parse: angular.IParseService): angular.IDirective {
// When using `UpgradeModule`, we don't need to ensure callbacks to Angular APIs (e.g. change
// detection) are run inside the Angular zone, because `$digest()` will be run inside the zone
// (except if explicitly escaped, in which case we shouldn't force it back in).
// When using `downgradeModule()` though, we need to ensure such callbacks are run inside the
// Angular zone.
let needsNgZone = false;
let wrapCallback = <T>(cb: () => T) => cb;
let ngZone: NgZone;
return {
restrict: 'E',
@ -89,10 +97,11 @@ export function downgradeComponent(info: {
if (!parentInjector) {
const lazyModuleRef = $injector.get(LAZY_MODULE_REF) as LazyModuleRef;
parentInjector = lazyModuleRef.injector || lazyModuleRef.promise;
needsNgZone = lazyModuleRef.needsNgZone;
parentInjector = lazyModuleRef.injector || lazyModuleRef.promise as Promise<Injector>;
const downgradeFn = (injector: Injector) => {
const doDowngrade = (injector: Injector) => {
const componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver =
const componentFactory: ComponentFactory<any> =
@ -106,13 +115,13 @@ export function downgradeComponent(info: {
const injectorPromise = new ParentInjectorPromise(element);
const facade = new DowngradeComponentAdapter(
id, element, attrs, scope, ngModel, injector, $injector, $compile, $parse,
componentFactory, wrapCallback);
const projectableNodes = facade.compileContents();
facade.setupInputs(needsNgZone, info.propagateDigest);
@ -123,6 +132,16 @@ export function downgradeComponent(info: {
const downgradeFn = !needsNgZone ? doDowngrade : (injector: Injector) => {
if (!ngZone) {
ngZone = injector.get(NgZone);
wrapCallback = <T>(cb: () => T) => () =>
NgZone.isInAngularZone() ? cb() :;
wrapCallback(() => doDowngrade(injector))();
if (isThenable<Injector>(parentInjector)) {
} else {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ChangeDetectorRef, ComponentFactory, ComponentRef, EventEmitter, Injector, OnChanges, ReflectiveInjector, SimpleChange, SimpleChanges, Type} from '@angular/core';
import {ApplicationRef, ChangeDetectorRef, ComponentFactory, ComponentRef, EventEmitter, Injector, OnChanges, ReflectiveInjector, SimpleChange, SimpleChanges, Type} from '@angular/core';
import * as angular from './angular1';
import {PropertyBinding} from './component_info';
@ -22,18 +22,21 @@ export class DowngradeComponentAdapter {
private inputChangeCount: number = 0;
private inputChanges: SimpleChanges = {};
private componentScope: angular.IScope;
private componentRef: ComponentRef<any>|null = null;
private component: any = null;
private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef|null = null;
private componentRef: ComponentRef<any>;
private component: any;
private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef;
private appRef: ApplicationRef;
private id: string, private element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery,
private attrs: angular.IAttributes, private scope: angular.IScope,
private ngModel: angular.INgModelController, private parentInjector: Injector,
private $injector: angular.IInjectorService, private $compile: angular.ICompileService,
private $parse: angular.IParseService, private componentFactory: ComponentFactory<any>) {
private $parse: angular.IParseService, private componentFactory: ComponentFactory<any>,
private wrapCallback: <T>(cb: () => T) => () => T) {
(this.element[0] as any).id = id;
this.componentScope = scope.$new();
this.appRef = parentInjector.get(ApplicationRef);
compileContents(): Node[][] {
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ export class DowngradeComponentAdapter {
hookupNgModel(this.ngModel, this.component);
setupInputs(propagateDigest = true): void {
setupInputs(needsNgZone: boolean, propagateDigest = true): void {
const attrs = this.attrs;
const inputs = this.componentFactory.inputs || [];
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
@ -116,11 +119,11 @@ export class DowngradeComponentAdapter {
// Invoke `ngOnChanges()` and Change Detection (when necessary)
const detectChanges = () => this.changeDetector && this.changeDetector.detectChanges();
const detectChanges = () => this.changeDetector.detectChanges();
const prototype = this.componentFactory.componentType.prototype;
this.implementsOnChanges = !!(prototype && (<OnChanges>prototype).ngOnChanges);
this.componentScope.$watch(() => this.inputChangeCount, () => {
this.componentScope.$watch(() => this.inputChangeCount, this.wrapCallback(() => {
// Invoke `ngOnChanges()`
if (this.implementsOnChanges) {
const inputChanges = this.inputChanges;
@ -128,15 +131,21 @@ export class DowngradeComponentAdapter {
(<OnChanges>this.component).ngOnChanges(inputChanges !);
// If opted out of propagating digests, invoke change detection when inputs change
// If opted out of propagating digests, invoke change detection
// when inputs change
if (!propagateDigest) {
// If not opted out of propagating digests, invoke change detection on every digest
if (propagateDigest) {
// Attach the view so that it will be dirty-checked.
if (needsNgZone) {
@ -184,14 +193,17 @@ export class DowngradeComponentAdapter {
registerCleanup() {
this.element.bind !('$destroy', () => {
registerCleanup(needsNgZone: boolean) {
this.element.on !('$destroy', () => {
this.componentRef !.destroy();
if (needsNgZone) {
getInjector(): Injector { return this.componentRef ! && this.componentRef !.injector; }
getInjector(): Injector { return this.componentRef.injector; }
private updateInput(prop: string, prevValue: any, currValue: any) {
if (this.implementsOnChanges) {

View File

@ -68,8 +68,11 @@ export class Deferred<R> {
export interface LazyModuleRef {
// Whether the AngularJS app has been bootstrapped outside the Angular zone
// (in which case calls to Angular APIs need to be brought back in).
needsNgZone: boolean;
injector?: Injector;
promise: Promise<Injector>;
promise?: Promise<Injector>;

View File

@ -497,10 +497,7 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
ng1Module.factory(INJECTOR_KEY, () => this.moduleRef !.injector.get(Injector))
(injector: Injector) => ({injector, promise: Promise.resolve(injector)})
[INJECTOR_KEY, (injector: Injector) => ({injector, needsInNgZone: false})])
.constant(NG_ZONE_KEY, this.ngZone)
.factory(COMPILER_KEY, () => this.moduleRef !.injector.get(Compiler))

View File

@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ export function downgradeModule<T>(
() => {
if (!injector) {
throw new Error('The Angular module has not been bootstrapped yet.');
throw new Error(
'Trying to get the Angular injector before bootstrapping an Angular module.');
return injector;
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ export function downgradeModule<T>(
($injector: angular.IInjectorService) => {
const result: LazyModuleRef = {
needsNgZone: true,
promise: bootstrapFn(angular1Providers).then(ref => {
injector = result.injector = new NgAdapterInjector(ref.injector);

View File

@ -166,10 +166,7 @@ export class UpgradeModule {
(injector: Injector) => ({injector, promise: Promise.resolve(injector)})
[INJECTOR_KEY, (injector: Injector) => ({injector, needsNgZone: false})])

View File

@ -6,167 +6,367 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Component, Inject, Injector, Input, NgModule, Provider, destroyPlatform} from '@angular/core';
import {async} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {Component, Inject, Injector, Input, NgModule, NgZone, OnChanges, Provider, destroyPlatform} from '@angular/core';
import {async, fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import * as angular from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/angular1';
import {$ROOT_SCOPE, INJECTOR_KEY} from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/constants';
import {$ROOT_SCOPE, INJECTOR_KEY, LAZY_MODULE_REF} from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/constants';
import {LazyModuleRef} from '@angular/upgrade/src/common/util';
import {downgradeComponent, downgradeModule} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import {html} from '../test_helpers';
export function main() {
describe('lazy-load ng2 module', () => {
[true, false].forEach(propagateDigest => {
describe(`lazy-load ng2 module (propagateDigest: ${propagateDigest})`, () => {
beforeEach(() => destroyPlatform());
afterEach(() => destroyPlatform());
beforeEach(() => destroyPlatform());
it('should support downgrading a component and propagate inputs', async(() => {
@Component({selector: 'ng2A', template: 'a({{ value }}) | <ng2B [value]="value"></ng2B>'})
class Ng2AComponent {
@Input() value = -1;
@Component({selector: 'ng2B', template: 'b({{ value }})'})
class Ng2BComponent {
@Input() value = -2;
declarations: [Ng2AComponent, Ng2BComponent],
entryComponents: [Ng2AComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2AComponent, propagateDigest: false}))
.run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => $rootScope.value = 0);
const element = html('<div><ng2 [value]="value" ng-if="loadNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('value = 1');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('loadNg2 = true');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).not.toThrow();
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('a(1) | b(1)'));
it('should support using an upgraded service', async(() => {
class Ng2Service {
constructor(@Inject('ng1Value') private ng1Value: string) {}
getValue = () => `${this.ng1Value}-bar`;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: '{{ value }}'})
class Ng2Component {
value: string;
constructor(ng2Service: Ng2Service) { this.value = ng2Service.getValue(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
providers: [
provide: 'ng1Value',
useFactory: (i: angular.IInjectorService) => i.get('ng1Value'),
deps: ['$injector'],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest: false}))
.value('ng1Value', 'foo');
const element = html('<div><ng2 ng-if="loadNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('loadNg2 = true');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).not.toThrow();
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('foo-bar'));
it('should give access to both injectors in the Angular module\'s constructor', async(() => {
let $injectorFromNg2: angular.IInjectorService|null = null;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component {
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
constructor(injector: Injector) {
$injectorFromNg2 = injector.get<angular.IInjectorService>('$injector' as any);
it('should support downgrading a component and propagate inputs', async(() => {
{selector: 'ng2A', template: 'a({{ value }}) | <ng2B [value]="value"></ng2B>'})
class Ng2AComponent {
@Input() value = -1;
ngDoBootstrap() {}
@Component({selector: 'ng2B', template: 'b({{ value }})'})
class Ng2BComponent {
@Input() value = -2;
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest: false}))
.value('ng1Value', 'foo');
declarations: [Ng2AComponent, Ng2BComponent],
entryComponents: [Ng2AComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
const $injectorFromNg1 = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2AComponent, propagateDigest}))
.run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => $rootScope.value = 0);
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => expect($injectorFromNg2).toBe($injectorFromNg1));
const element = html('<div><ng2 [value]="value" ng-if="loadNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('value = 1');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('loadNg2 = true');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).not.toThrow();
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('a(1) | b(1)'));
it('should support using an upgraded service', async(() => {
class Ng2Service {
constructor(@Inject('ng1Value') private ng1Value: string) {}
getValue = () => `${this.ng1Value}-bar`;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: '{{ value }}'})
class Ng2Component {
value: string;
constructor(ng2Service: Ng2Service) { this.value = ng2Service.getValue(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
providers: [
provide: 'ng1Value',
useFactory: (i: angular.IInjectorService) => i.get('ng1Value'),
deps: ['$injector'],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
.directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}))
.value('ng1Value', 'foo');
const element = html('<div><ng2 ng-if="loadNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('loadNg2 = true');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).not.toThrow();
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('foo-bar'));
it('should create components inside the Angular zone', async(() => {
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: 'In the zone: {{ inTheZone }}'})
class Ng2Component {
private inTheZone = false;
constructor() { this.inTheZone = NgZone.isInAngularZone(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
angular.bootstrap(element, []);
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('In the zone: true'));
it('should propagate input changes inside the Angular zone', async(() => {
let ng2Component: Ng2Component;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component implements OnChanges {
@Input() attrInput = 'foo';
@Input() propInput = 'foo';
constructor() { ng2Component = this; }
ngOnChanges() {}
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
.directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}))
.run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => {
$rootScope.attrVal = 'bar';
$rootScope.propVal = 'bar';
const element = html('<ng2 attr-input="{{ attrVal }}" [prop-input]="propVal"></ng2>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
const expectToBeInNgZone = () => expect(NgZone.isInAngularZone()).toBe(true);
const changesSpy =
spyOn(ng2Component, 'ngOnChanges').and.callFake(expectToBeInNgZone);
$rootScope.$apply('attrVal = "baz"');
$rootScope.$apply('propVal = "qux"');
it('should wire up the component for change detection', async(() => {
{selector: 'ng2', template: '{{ count }}<button (click)="increment()"></button>'})
class Ng2Component {
private count = 0;
increment() { ++this.count; }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
angular.bootstrap(element, []);
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
const button = element.querySelector('button') !;
it('should only retrieve the Angular zone once (and cache it for later use)',
fakeAsync(() => {
let count = 0;
let getNgZoneCount = 0;
{selector: 'ng2', template: 'Count: {{ count }} | In the zone: {{ inTheZone }}'})
class Ng2Component {
private count = ++count;
private inTheZone = false;
constructor() { this.inTheZone = NgZone.isInAngularZone(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
constructor(injector: Injector) {
const originalGet = injector.get;
injector.get = function(token: any) {
if (token === NgZone) ++getNgZoneCount;
return originalGet.apply(injector, arguments);
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<div><ng2 ng-if="showNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
$rootScope.$apply('showNg2 = true');
tick(); // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped and `$evalAsync()` to propagate
// inputs.
const injector = ($injector.get(LAZY_MODULE_REF) as LazyModuleRef).injector !;
const injectorGet = injector.get;
spyOn(injector, 'get').and.callFake((...args: any[]) => {
return injectorGet.apply(injector, args);
expect(element.textContent).toBe('Count: 1 | In the zone: true');
$rootScope.$apply('showNg2 = false');
$rootScope.$apply('showNg2 = true');
tick(); // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
expect(element.textContent).toBe('Count: 2 | In the zone: true');
it('should give access to both injectors in the Angular module\'s constructor', async(() => {
let $injectorFromNg2: angular.IInjectorService|null = null;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component {
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
constructor(injector: Injector) {
$injectorFromNg2 = injector.get<angular.IInjectorService>('$injector' as any);
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: Provider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
const $injectorFromNg1 = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => expect($injectorFromNg2).toBe($injectorFromNg1));