build(docs-infra): display github links in CLI API docs (#26515)

This commit includes the following changes:

* CLI version information is read from the CLI package from which
  we read the help files.
* CLI API pages now contain GH links
* line numbers are not shown in GH links, if the doc does not
  have a truthy `startingLine` value. This allows us to remove
  hard coded checks for `guide` pages
* content pages and CLI api docs no longer have a `startingLine`
* the hard-coded `packages` path segment has been removed from
  the templates; instead we now only use the `realProjectRelativePath`.
* the `realProjectRelativePath` has been updated accordingly for API
  and CLI API docs.

PR Close #26515
This commit is contained in:
Pete Bacon Darwin 2018-10-17 15:45:47 +01:00 committed by Alex Rickabaugh
parent 9e8903ada1
commit 4c0ad5238e
11 changed files with 88 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module.exports = new Package('angular-api', [basePackage, typeScriptPackage])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module.exports = function fixupRealProjectRelativePath(API_DOC_TYPES) {
return {
$runAfter: ['readTypeScriptModules'],
$runBefore: ['processing-docs'],
$process(docs) {
docs.forEach(doc => {
if (API_DOC_TYPES.indexOf(doc.docType) !== -1 && doc.fileInfo && doc.fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath) {
// this is an API doc - so fix up its real path
doc.fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath = 'packages/' + doc.fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package');
const processorFactory = require('./fixupRealProjectRelativePath');
const Dgeni = require('dgeni');
describe('fixupRealProjectRelativePath processor', () => {
it('should be available on the injector', () => {
const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-api-package')]);
const injector = dgeni.configureInjector();
const processor = injector.get('fixupRealProjectRelativePath');
it('should add `packages` segment to the start of `realProjectRelativePath` for API docs', () => {
const processor = processorFactory(['class', 'member']);
const docs = [
{ docType: 'class', fileInfo: { realProjectRelativePath: 'a/b/c' } },
{ docType: 'member', fileInfo: { realProjectRelativePath: 'a/b/c/d' } },
{ docType: 'cli-command', fileInfo: { realProjectRelativePath: 'a/b/c' } },
{ docType: 'class', fileInfo: { } },
{ docType: 'class' },
{ docType: 'class', fileInfo: { realProjectRelativePath: 'packages/a/b/c' } },
{ docType: 'member', fileInfo: { realProjectRelativePath: 'packages/a/b/c/d' } },
{ docType: 'cli-command', fileInfo: { realProjectRelativePath: 'a/b/c' } },
{ docType: 'class', fileInfo: { } },
{ docType: 'class' },

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ const Package = require('dgeni').Package;
const basePackage = require('../angular-base-package');
const contentPackage = require('../content-package');
const {CONTENTS_PATH, TEMPLATES_PATH, requireFolder} = require('../config');
const CLI_SOURCE_ROOT = resolve(CONTENTS_PATH, 'cli-src');
const CLI_SOURCE_PATH = resolve(CLI_SOURCE_ROOT, 'node_modules/@angular/cli');
const CLI_SOURCE_HELP_PATH = resolve(CLI_SOURCE_PATH, 'help');
// Define the dgeni package for generating the docs
module.exports = new Package('cli-docs', [basePackage, contentPackage])
@ -18,12 +20,11 @@ module.exports = new Package('cli-docs', [basePackage, contentPackage])
// Configure file reading
.config(function(readFilesProcessor, cliCommandFileReader) {
const CLI_SOURCE_PATH = resolve(CONTENTS_PATH, 'cli-src/node_modules/@angular/cli/help');
readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles = readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles.concat([
include: resolve(CLI_SOURCE_PATH, '*.json'),
include: resolve(CLI_SOURCE_HELP_PATH, '*.json'),
fileReader: 'cliCommandFileReader'
@ -42,6 +43,23 @@ module.exports = new Package('cli-docs', [basePackage, contentPackage])
.config(function(renderDocsProcessor) {
const cliPackage = require(resolve(CLI_SOURCE_PATH, 'package.json'));
const repoUrlParts = cliPackage.repository.url.replace(/\.git$/, '').split('/');
const version = `v${cliPackage.version}`;
const repo = repoUrlParts.pop();
const owner = repoUrlParts.pop();
const cliVersionInfo = {
gitRepoInfo: { owner, repo },
currentVersion: { raw: version }
// Add the cli version data to the renderer, for use in things like github links
renderDocsProcessor.extraData.cliVersionInfo = cliVersionInfo;
.config(function(convertToJsonProcessor, postProcessHtml) {
convertToJsonProcessor.docTypes = convertToJsonProcessor.docTypes.concat(['cli-command', 'cli-overview']);
postProcessHtml.docTypes = postProcessHtml.docTypes.concat(['cli-command', 'cli-overview']);

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module.exports = function cliCommandFileReader(log) {
name: 'cliCommandFileReader',
defaultPattern: /\.json$/,
getDocs(fileInfo) {
fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath = 'packages/angular/cli/commands/' + fileInfo.relativePath;
try {
const doc = json5.parse(fileInfo.content);
const name = fileInfo.baseName;
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ module.exports = function cliCommandFileReader(log) {
const result = Object.assign(doc, {
content: doc.description,
docType: 'cli-command',
startingLine: 1,
id: `cli-${}`,
commandAliases: doc.aliases || [],
aliases: computeAliases(doc),

View File

@ -82,11 +82,6 @@ describe('cli-command reader', () => {
it('should start at line 1', () => {
const docs = reader.getDocs(fileInfo);
it('should extract the short description into the content', () => {
const docs = reader.getDocs(fileInfo);
expect(docs[0].content).toEqual('Add support for a library to your project.');

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module.exports = function contentFileReader() {
getDocs: function(fileInfo) {
// We return a single element array because content files only contain one document
return [{docType: 'content', content: fileInfo.content, startingLine: 1}];
return [{docType: 'content', content: fileInfo.content}];

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe('contentFileReader', function() {
'project/path/modules/someModule/foo/docs/subfolder/bar.ngdoc', 'A load of content',
{docType: 'content', content: 'A load of content', startingLine: 1}
{docType: 'content', content: 'A load of content'}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{% import 'lib/cli.html' as cli %}
{% import "../lib/githubLinks.html" as github -%}
{$ github.githubLinks(doc, cliVersionInfo) $}
{% include 'include/cli-breadcrumb.html' %}
{% include 'include/cli-header.html' %}

View File

@ -3,16 +3,21 @@
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro githubViewHref(doc, versionInfo) -%}{$ versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.owner $}/{$ versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.repo $}/tree/{$ versionInfo.currentVersion.isSnapshot and versionInfo.currentVersion.SHA or versionInfo.currentVersion.raw $}/packages/{$ doc.fileInfo.realProjectRelativePath $}#L{$ doc.startingLine + 1 $}-L{$ doc.endingLine + 1 $}
{% set githubUrl = '' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.owner + '/' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.repo -%}
{% set version = versionInfo.currentVersion.isSnapshot and versionInfo.currentVersion.SHA or versionInfo.currentVersion.raw -%}
{% set lineInfo = doc.startingLine and ('#L' + (doc.startingLine + 1) + '-L' + (doc.endingLine + 1)) or '' -%}
{$ githubUrl $}/tree/{$ version $}/{$ projectRelativePath(doc.fileInfo) $}{$ lineInfo $}
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro githubEditHref(doc, versionInfo) -%}{$ versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.owner $}/{$ versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.repo $}/edit/master{$ '/packages' if doc.docType !== 'content' $}/{$ projectRelativePath(doc.fileInfo) $}?message=docs
{% macro githubEditHref(doc, versionInfo, pathPrefix) -%}
{% set githubUrl = '' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.owner + '/' + versionInfo.gitRepoInfo.repo -%}
{% set lineInfo = doc.startingLine and ('#L' + (doc.startingLine + 1) + '-L' + (doc.endingLine + 1)) or '' -%}
{$ githubUrl $}/edit/master/{$ projectRelativePath(doc.fileInfo) $}?message=docs
{%- if doc.moduleDoc %}({$'/')[0] $})
{%- elseif doc.docType === 'module' %}({$'/')[0] $})
{%- elseif doc.docType === 'content' %}
{%- else %}(...){%- endif -%}
%3A%20describe%20your%20change...{% if doc.docType !== 'content' %}#L{$ doc.startingLine + 1 $}-L{$ doc.endingLine + 1 $}{% endif %}
%3A%20describe%20your%20change...{$ lineInfo $}
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro githubEditLink(doc, versionInfo) -%}

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ source ${thisDir}/
travisFoldStart ""
cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/aio
yarn setup
yarn tools-test
travisFoldEnd ""