refactor(language-service): Remove NgLSHost -> NgLS dependency (#31122)
``` NgLSHost: AngularLanguageServiceHost NgLS: AngularLanguageService ``` NgLSHost should not depend on NgLS, because it introduces circular dependency. Instead, the `getTemplateAst` and `getTemplatAstAtPosition` methods should be moved to NgLSHost and exposed as public methods. This removes the circular dependency, and also removes the need for the awkward 'setSite' method in NgLSHost. PR Close #31122
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,49 +7,13 @@
import {NgAnalyzedModules, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {DiagnosticTemplateInfo, getTemplateExpressionDiagnostics} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/language_services';
import {AstResult} from './common';
import {Declarations, Diagnostic, DiagnosticKind, DiagnosticMessageChain, Diagnostics, Span, TemplateSource} from './types';
import {offsetSpan, spanOf} from './utils';
export interface AstProvider {
getTemplateAst(template: TemplateSource, fileName: string): AstResult;
export function getTemplateDiagnostics(
fileName: string, astProvider: AstProvider, templates: TemplateSource[]): Diagnostics {
const results: Diagnostics = [];
for (const template of templates) {
const ast = astProvider.getTemplateAst(template, fileName);
if (ast) {
if (ast.parseErrors && ast.parseErrors.length) {
e => ({
kind: DiagnosticKind.Error,
span: offsetSpan(spanOf(e.span), template.span.start),
message: e.msg
} else if (ast.templateAst && ast.htmlAst) {
const info: DiagnosticTemplateInfo = {
templateAst: ast.templateAst,
htmlAst: ast.htmlAst,
offset: template.span.start,
query: template.query,
members: template.members
const expressionDiagnostics = getTemplateExpressionDiagnostics(info);
if (ast.errors) {
e => ({kind: e.kind, span: e.span || template.span, message: e.message})));
return results;
export function getDeclarationDiagnostics(
declarations: Declarations, modules: NgAnalyzedModules): Diagnostics {
const results: Diagnostics = [];
@ -6,14 +6,16 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CompileMetadataResolver, CompileNgModuleMetadata, CompilePipeSummary, CompilerConfig, DomElementSchemaRegistry, HtmlParser, I18NHtmlParser, Lexer, NgAnalyzedModules, Parser, TemplateParser} from '@angular/compiler';
import {CompileMetadataResolver, CompilePipeSummary} from '@angular/compiler';
import {DiagnosticTemplateInfo, getTemplateExpressionDiagnostics} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/language_services';
import {AstResult, TemplateInfo} from './common';
import {getTemplateCompletions} from './completions';
import {getDefinition} from './definitions';
import {getDeclarationDiagnostics, getTemplateDiagnostics} from './diagnostics';
import {getDeclarationDiagnostics} from './diagnostics';
import {getHover} from './hover';
import {Completions, Definition, Diagnostic, DiagnosticKind, Diagnostics, Hover, LanguageService, LanguageServiceHost, Span, TemplateSource} from './types';
import {offsetSpan, spanOf} from './utils';
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ class LanguageServiceImpl implements LanguageService {
let results: Diagnostics = [];
let templates =;
if (templates && templates.length) {
results.push(...getTemplateDiagnostics(fileName, this, templates));
results.push(...this.getTemplateDiagnostics(fileName, templates));
let declarations =;
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class LanguageServiceImpl implements LanguageService {
getPipesAt(fileName: string, position: number): CompilePipeSummary[] {
let templateInfo = this.getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName, position);
let templateInfo =, position);
if (templateInfo) {
return templateInfo.pipes;
@ -57,100 +59,59 @@ class LanguageServiceImpl implements LanguageService {
getCompletionsAt(fileName: string, position: number): Completions {
let templateInfo = this.getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName, position);
let templateInfo =, position);
if (templateInfo) {
return getTemplateCompletions(templateInfo);
getDefinitionAt(fileName: string, position: number): Definition {
let templateInfo = this.getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName, position);
let templateInfo =, position);
if (templateInfo) {
return getDefinition(templateInfo);
getHoverAt(fileName: string, position: number): Hover|undefined {
let templateInfo = this.getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName, position);
let templateInfo =, position);
if (templateInfo) {
return getHover(templateInfo);
private getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TemplateInfo|undefined {
let template =, position);
if (template) {
let astResult = this.getTemplateAst(template, fileName);
if (astResult && astResult.htmlAst && astResult.templateAst && astResult.directive &&
astResult.directives && astResult.pipes && astResult.expressionParser)
return {
htmlAst: astResult.htmlAst,
directive: astResult.directive,
directives: astResult.directives,
pipes: astResult.pipes,
templateAst: astResult.templateAst,
expressionParser: astResult.expressionParser
return undefined;
getTemplateAst(template: TemplateSource, contextFile: string): AstResult {
let result: AstResult|undefined = undefined;
try {
const resolvedMetadata =
this.metadataResolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(template.type as any);
const metadata = resolvedMetadata && resolvedMetadata.metadata;
if (metadata) {
const rawHtmlParser = new HtmlParser();
const htmlParser = new I18NHtmlParser(rawHtmlParser);
const expressionParser = new Parser(new Lexer());
const config = new CompilerConfig();
const parser = new TemplateParser(
config,, expressionParser,
new DomElementSchemaRegistry(), htmlParser, null !, []);
const htmlResult = htmlParser.parse(template.source, '', {tokenizeExpansionForms: true});
const analyzedModules =;
let errors: Diagnostic[]|undefined = undefined;
let ngModule = analyzedModules.ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.get(template.type);
if (!ngModule) {
// Reported by the the declaration diagnostics.
ngModule = findSuitableDefaultModule(analyzedModules);
if (ngModule) {
const resolvedDirectives =
d =>;
const directives = removeMissing(resolvedDirectives).map(d => d.metadata.toSummary());
const pipes =
p =>;
const schemas = ngModule.schemas;
const parseResult = parser.tryParseHtml(htmlResult, metadata, directives, pipes, schemas);
result = {
htmlAst: htmlResult.rootNodes,
templateAst: parseResult.templateAst,
directive: metadata, directives, pipes,
parseErrors: parseResult.errors, expressionParser, errors
private getTemplateDiagnostics(fileName: string, templates: TemplateSource[]): Diagnostics {
const results: Diagnostics = [];
for (const template of templates) {
const ast =, fileName);
if (ast) {
if (ast.parseErrors && ast.parseErrors.length) {
e => ({
kind: DiagnosticKind.Error,
span: offsetSpan(spanOf(e.span), template.span.start),
message: e.msg
} else if (ast.templateAst && ast.htmlAst) {
const info: DiagnosticTemplateInfo = {
templateAst: ast.templateAst,
htmlAst: ast.htmlAst,
offset: template.span.start,
query: template.query,
members: template.members
const expressionDiagnostics = getTemplateExpressionDiagnostics(info);
if (ast.errors) {
e => ({kind: e.kind, span: e.span || template.span, message: e.message})));
} catch (e) {
let span = template.span;
if (e.fileName == contextFile) {
span = template.query.getSpanAt(e.line, e.column) || span;
result = {errors: [{kind: DiagnosticKind.Error, message: e.message, span}]};
return result || {};
return results;
function removeMissing<T>(values: (T | null | undefined)[]): T[] {
return values.filter(e => !!e) as T[];
function uniqueBySpan < T extends {
span: Span;
@ -173,16 +134,3 @@ function uniqueBySpan < T extends {
return result;
function findSuitableDefaultModule(modules: NgAnalyzedModules): CompileNgModuleMetadata|undefined {
let result: CompileNgModuleMetadata|undefined = undefined;
let resultSize = 0;
for (const module of modules.ngModules) {
const moduleSize = module.transitiveModule.directives.length;
if (moduleSize > resultSize) {
result = module;
resultSize = moduleSize;
return result;
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ export function create(info: tss.server.PluginCreateInfo): ts.LanguageService {
const serviceHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(info.languageServiceHost, oldLS);
const ls = createLanguageService(serviceHost);
projectHostMap.set(info.project, serviceHost);
proxy.getCompletionsAtPosition = function(
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileMetadataResolver, CompilePipeSummary, NgAnalyzedModules, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {BuiltinType, DeclarationKind, Definition, PipeInfo, Pipes, Signature, Span, Symbol, SymbolDeclaration, SymbolQuery, SymbolTable} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/language_services';
import {AstResult, TemplateInfo} from './common';
export {
@ -203,6 +204,16 @@ export interface LanguageServiceHost {
* Return a list all the template files referenced by the project.
getTemplateReferences(): string[];
* Return the AST for both HTML and template for the contextFile.
getTemplateAst(template: TemplateSource, contextFile: string): AstResult;
* Return the template AST for the node that corresponds to the position.
getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TemplateInfo|undefined;
@ -6,16 +6,18 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AotSummaryResolver, CompileMetadataResolver, CompilerConfig, DirectiveNormalizer, DirectiveResolver, DomElementSchemaRegistry, FormattedError, FormattedMessageChain, HtmlParser, JitSummaryResolver, NgAnalyzedModules, NgModuleResolver, ParseTreeResult, PipeResolver, ResourceLoader, StaticReflector, StaticSymbol, StaticSymbolCache, StaticSymbolResolver, analyzeNgModules, createOfflineCompileUrlResolver, isFormattedError} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AotSummaryResolver, CompileMetadataResolver, CompileNgModuleMetadata, CompilePipeSummary, CompilerConfig, DirectiveNormalizer, DirectiveResolver, DomElementSchemaRegistry, FormattedError, FormattedMessageChain, HtmlParser, I18NHtmlParser, JitSummaryResolver, Lexer, NgAnalyzedModules, NgModuleResolver, ParseTreeResult, Parser, PipeResolver, ResourceLoader, StaticReflector, StaticSymbol, StaticSymbolCache, StaticSymbolResolver, TemplateParser, analyzeNgModules, createOfflineCompileUrlResolver, isFormattedError} from '@angular/compiler';
import {CompilerOptions, getClassMembersFromDeclaration, getPipesTable, getSymbolQuery} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/language_services';
import {ViewEncapsulation, ɵConsole as Console} from '@angular/core';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {AstResult, TemplateInfo} from './common';
import {createLanguageService} from './language_service';
import {ReflectorHost} from './reflector_host';
import {Declaration, DeclarationError, Declarations, DiagnosticMessageChain, LanguageService, LanguageServiceHost, Span, Symbol, SymbolQuery, TemplateSource, TemplateSources} from './types';
import {Declaration, DeclarationError, Declarations, Diagnostic, DiagnosticKind, DiagnosticMessageChain, LanguageService, LanguageServiceHost, Span, Symbol, SymbolQuery, TemplateSource, TemplateSources} from './types';
@ -25,7 +27,6 @@ export function createLanguageServiceFromTypescript(
host: ts.LanguageServiceHost, service: ts.LanguageService): LanguageService {
const ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(host, service);
const ngServer = createLanguageService(ngHost);
return ngServer;
@ -75,8 +76,6 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private analyzedModules !: NgAnalyzedModules | null;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private service !: LanguageService;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private fileToComponent !: Map<string, StaticSymbol>| null;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private templateReferences !: string[] | null;
@ -86,8 +85,6 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
constructor(private host: ts.LanguageServiceHost, private tsService: ts.LanguageService) {}
setSite(service: LanguageService) { this.service = service; }
* Angular LanguageServiceHost implementation
@ -323,7 +320,11 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
get query() {
if (!queryCache) {
const pipes = t.service.getPipesAt(fileName, node.getStart());
let pipes: CompilePipeSummary[] = [];
const templateInfo = t.getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName, node.getStart());
if (templateInfo) {
pipes = templateInfo.pipes;
queryCache = getSymbolQuery(
t.program !, t.checker, sourceFile,
() => getPipesTable(sourceFile, t.program !, t.checker, pipes));
@ -590,8 +591,91 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
return find(sourceFile);
getTemplateAstAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TemplateInfo|undefined {
let template = this.getTemplateAt(fileName, position);
if (template) {
let astResult = this.getTemplateAst(template, fileName);
if (astResult && astResult.htmlAst && astResult.templateAst && astResult.directive &&
astResult.directives && astResult.pipes && astResult.expressionParser)
return {
htmlAst: astResult.htmlAst,
directive: astResult.directive,
directives: astResult.directives,
pipes: astResult.pipes,
templateAst: astResult.templateAst,
expressionParser: astResult.expressionParser
return undefined;
getTemplateAst(template: TemplateSource, contextFile: string): AstResult {
let result: AstResult|undefined = undefined;
try {
const resolvedMetadata =
this.resolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(template.type as any);
const metadata = resolvedMetadata && resolvedMetadata.metadata;
if (metadata) {
const rawHtmlParser = new HtmlParser();
const htmlParser = new I18NHtmlParser(rawHtmlParser);
const expressionParser = new Parser(new Lexer());
const config = new CompilerConfig();
const parser = new TemplateParser(
config, this.resolver.getReflector(), expressionParser, new DomElementSchemaRegistry(),
htmlParser, null !, []);
const htmlResult = htmlParser.parse(template.source, '', {tokenizeExpansionForms: true});
const analyzedModules = this.getAnalyzedModules();
let errors: Diagnostic[]|undefined = undefined;
let ngModule = analyzedModules.ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.get(template.type);
if (!ngModule) {
// Reported by the the declaration diagnostics.
ngModule = findSuitableDefaultModule(analyzedModules);
if (ngModule) {
const directives =
.map(d => this.resolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(d.reference))
.filter(d => d)
.map(d => d !.metadata.toSummary());
const pipes =
p => this.resolver.getOrLoadPipeMetadata(p.reference).toSummary());
const schemas = ngModule.schemas;
const parseResult = parser.tryParseHtml(htmlResult, metadata, directives, pipes, schemas);
result = {
htmlAst: htmlResult.rootNodes,
templateAst: parseResult.templateAst,
directive: metadata, directives, pipes,
parseErrors: parseResult.errors, expressionParser, errors
} catch (e) {
let span = template.span;
if (e.fileName == contextFile) {
span = template.query.getSpanAt(e.line, e.column) || span;
result = {errors: [{kind: DiagnosticKind.Error, message: e.message, span}]};
return result || {};
function findSuitableDefaultModule(modules: NgAnalyzedModules): CompileNgModuleMetadata|undefined {
let result: CompileNgModuleMetadata|undefined = undefined;
let resultSize = 0;
for (const module of modules.ngModules) {
const moduleSize = module.transitiveModule.directives.length;
if (moduleSize > resultSize) {
result = module;
resultSize = moduleSize;
return result;
function findTsConfig(fileName: string): string|undefined {
let dir = path.dirname(fileName);
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ describe('completions', () => {
let service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost, documentRegistry);
let ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service);
let ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost);
it('should be able to get entity completions',
() => { contains('/app/', 'entity-amp', '&', '>', '<', 'ι'); });
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ describe('definitions', () => {
let service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost, documentRegistry);
let ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service);
let ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost);
it('should be able to find field in an interpolation', () => {
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ describe('diagnostics', () => {
const service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost, documentRegistry);
ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service);
ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost);
it('should be no diagnostics for',
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ describe('hover', () => {
let service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost, documentRegistry);
let ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service);
let ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost);
it('should be able to find field in an interpolation', () => {
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ describe('references', () => {
service = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost, documentRegistry);
ngHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, service);
ngService = createLanguageService(ngHost);
it('should be able to get template references',
@ -53,4 +52,4 @@ describe('references', () => {
expect(() => { ngService.getTemplateReferences(); }).not.toThrow();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user