feat(ngcc): implement a program-based entry-point finder (#37075)
This finder is designed to only process entry-points that are reachable by the program defined by a tsconfig.json file. It is triggered by calling `mainNgcc()` with the `findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram` option set to true. It is ignored if a `targetEntryPointPath` has been provided as well. It is triggered from the command line by adding the `--use-program-dependencies` option, which is also ignored if the `--target` option has been provided. Using this option can speed up processing in cases where there is a large number of dependencies installed but only a small proportion of the entry-points are actually imported into the application. PR Close #37075
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,7 +36,14 @@ export function parseCommandLineOptions(args: string[]): NgccOptions {
alias: 'target',
'A relative path (from the `source` path) to a single entry-point to process (plus its dependencies).\n' +
'If this property is provided then `error-on-failed-entry-point` is forced to true',
'If this property is provided then `error-on-failed-entry-point` is forced to true.\n' +
'This option overrides the `--use-program-dependencies` option.',
.option('use-program-dependencies', {
type: 'boolean',
'If this property is provided then the entry-points to process are parsed from the program defined by the loaded tsconfig.json. See `--tsconfig`.\n' +
'This option is overridden by the `--target` option.',
.option('first-only', {
@ -116,6 +123,7 @@ export function parseCommandLineOptions(args: string[]): NgccOptions {
const enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = options['legacy-message-ids'];
const invalidateEntryPointManifest = options['invalidate-entry-point-manifest'];
const errorOnFailedEntryPoint = options['error-on-failed-entry-point'];
const findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram = options['use-program-dependencies'];
// yargs is not so great at mixed string+boolean types, so we have to test tsconfig against a
// string "false" to capture the `tsconfig=false` option.
// And we have to convert the option to a string to handle `no-tsconfig`, which will be `false`.
@ -134,6 +142,7 @@ export function parseCommandLineOptions(args: string[]): NgccOptions {
async: options['async'],
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {ParsedConfiguration} from '../../../src/perform_compile';
import {createDependencyInfo} from '../dependencies/dependency_host';
import {DependencyResolver} from '../dependencies/dependency_resolver';
import {EsmDependencyHost} from '../dependencies/esm_dependency_host';
import {ModuleResolver} from '../dependencies/module_resolver';
import {Logger} from '../logging/logger';
import {NgccConfiguration} from '../packages/configuration';
import {getPathMappingsFromTsConfig} from '../path_mappings';
import {TracingEntryPointFinder} from './tracing_entry_point_finder';
* An EntryPointFinder that starts from the files in the program defined by the given tsconfig.json
* and only returns entry-points that are dependencies of these files.
* This is faster than searching the entire file-system for all the entry-points,
* and is used primarily by the CLI integration.
export class ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder extends TracingEntryPointFinder {
fs: FileSystem, config: NgccConfiguration, logger: Logger, resolver: DependencyResolver,
basePath: AbsoluteFsPath, private tsConfig: ParsedConfiguration,
projectPath: AbsoluteFsPath) {
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, getPathMappingsFromTsConfig(tsConfig, projectPath));
protected getInitialEntryPointPaths(): AbsoluteFsPath[] {
const moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver(this.fs, this.pathMappings, ['', '.ts', '/index.ts']);
const host = new EsmDependencyHost(this.fs, moduleResolver);
const dependencies = createDependencyInfo();
`Using the program from ${this.tsConfig.project} to seed the entry-point finding.`);
`Collecting dependencies from the following files:` +
this.tsConfig.rootNames.map(file => `\n- ${file}`));
this.tsConfig.rootNames.forEach(rootName => {
host.collectDependencies(this.fs.resolve(rootName), dependencies);
return Array.from(dependencies.dependencies);
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {EntryPoint, EntryPointJsonProperty, getEntryPointInfo, INCOMPATIBLE_ENTR
import {PathMappings} from '../path_mappings';
import {EntryPointFinder} from './interface';
import {TracingEntryPointFinder} from './tracing_entry_point_finder';
import {getBasePaths} from './utils';
@ -24,30 +25,16 @@ import {getBasePaths} from './utils';
* This is faster than searching the entire file-system for all the entry-points,
* and is used primarily by the CLI integration.
export class TargetedEntryPointFinder implements EntryPointFinder {
private unprocessedPaths: AbsoluteFsPath[] = [];
private unsortedEntryPoints = new Map<AbsoluteFsPath, EntryPointWithDependencies>();
private basePaths: AbsoluteFsPath[]|null = null;
private getBasePaths() {
if (this.basePaths === null) {
this.basePaths = getBasePaths(this.logger, this.basePath, this.pathMappings);
return this.basePaths;
export class TargetedEntryPointFinder extends TracingEntryPointFinder {
fs: FileSystem, config: NgccConfiguration, logger: Logger, resolver: DependencyResolver,
basePath: AbsoluteFsPath, pathMappings: PathMappings|undefined,
private targetPath: AbsoluteFsPath) {
super(fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings);
private fs: FileSystem, private config: NgccConfiguration, private logger: Logger,
private resolver: DependencyResolver, private basePath: AbsoluteFsPath,
private targetPath: AbsoluteFsPath, private pathMappings: PathMappings|undefined) {}
findEntryPoints(): SortedEntryPointsInfo {
this.unprocessedPaths = [this.targetPath];
while (this.unprocessedPaths.length > 0) {
const targetEntryPoint = this.unsortedEntryPoints.get(this.targetPath);
const entryPoints = this.resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(
Array.from(this.unsortedEntryPoints.values()), targetEntryPoint?.entryPoint);
const entryPoints = super.findEntryPoints();
const invalidTarget =
entryPoints.invalidEntryPoints.find(i => i.entryPoint.path === this.targetPath);
@ -83,149 +70,7 @@ export class TargetedEntryPointFinder implements EntryPointFinder {
return false;
private processNextPath(): void {
const path = this.unprocessedPaths.shift()!;
const entryPoint = this.getEntryPoint(path);
if (entryPoint === null || !entryPoint.compiledByAngular) {
const entryPointWithDeps = this.resolver.getEntryPointWithDependencies(entryPoint);
this.unsortedEntryPoints.set(entryPoint.path, entryPointWithDeps);
entryPointWithDeps.depInfo.dependencies.forEach(dep => {
if (!this.unsortedEntryPoints.has(dep)) {
private getEntryPoint(entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath): EntryPoint|null {
const packagePath = this.computePackagePath(entryPointPath);
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(this.fs, this.config, this.logger, packagePath, entryPointPath);
if (entryPoint === NO_ENTRY_POINT || entryPoint === INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT) {
return null;
return entryPoint;
private computePackagePath(entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath): AbsoluteFsPath {
// First try the main basePath, to avoid having to compute the other basePaths from the paths
// mappings, which can be computationally intensive.
if (entryPointPath.startsWith(this.basePath)) {
const packagePath = this.computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, this.basePath);
if (packagePath !== null) {
return packagePath;
// The main `basePath` didn't work out so now we try the `basePaths` computed from the paths
// mappings in `tsconfig.json`.
for (const basePath of this.getBasePaths()) {
if (entryPointPath.startsWith(basePath)) {
const packagePath = this.computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, basePath);
if (packagePath !== null) {
return packagePath;
// If we got here then we couldn't find a `packagePath` for the current `basePath`.
// Since `basePath`s are guaranteed not to be a sub-directory of each other then no other
// `basePath` will match either.
// Finally, if we couldn't find a `packagePath` using `basePaths` then try to find the nearest
// `node_modules` that contains the `entryPointPath`, if there is one, and use it as a
// `basePath`.
return this.computePackagePathFromNearestNodeModules(entryPointPath);
* Search down to the `entryPointPath` from the `containingPath` for the first `package.json` that
* we come to. This is the path to the entry-point's containing package. For example if
* `containingPath` is `/a/b/c` and `entryPointPath` is `/a/b/c/d/e` and there exists
* `/a/b/c/d/package.json` and `/a/b/c/d/e/package.json`, then we will return `/a/b/c/d`.
* To account for nested `node_modules` we actually start the search at the last `node_modules` in
* the `entryPointPath` that is below the `containingPath`. E.g. if `containingPath` is `/a/b/c`
* and `entryPointPath` is `/a/b/c/d/node_modules/x/y/z`, we start the search at
* `/a/b/c/d/node_modules`.
private computePackagePathFromContainingPath(
entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath, containingPath: AbsoluteFsPath): AbsoluteFsPath|null {
let packagePath = containingPath;
const segments = this.splitPath(relative(containingPath, entryPointPath));
let nodeModulesIndex = segments.lastIndexOf(relativeFrom('node_modules'));
// If there are no `node_modules` in the relative path between the `basePath` and the
// `entryPointPath` then just try the `basePath` as the `packagePath`.
// (This can be the case with path-mapped entry-points.)
if (nodeModulesIndex === -1) {
if (this.fs.exists(join(packagePath, 'package.json'))) {
return packagePath;
// Start the search at the deepest nested `node_modules` folder that is below the `basePath`
// but above the `entryPointPath`, if there are any.
while (nodeModulesIndex >= 0) {
packagePath = join(packagePath, segments.shift()!);
// Note that we start at the folder below the current candidate `packagePath` because the
// initial candidate `packagePath` is either a `node_modules` folder or the `basePath` with
// no `package.json`.
for (const segment of segments) {
packagePath = join(packagePath, segment);
if (this.fs.exists(join(packagePath, 'package.json'))) {
return packagePath;
return null;
* Search up the directory tree from the `entryPointPath` looking for a `node_modules` directory
* that we can use as a potential starting point for computing the package path.
private computePackagePathFromNearestNodeModules(entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath): AbsoluteFsPath {
let packagePath = entryPointPath;
let scopedPackagePath = packagePath;
let containerPath = this.fs.dirname(packagePath);
while (!this.fs.isRoot(containerPath) && !containerPath.endsWith('node_modules')) {
scopedPackagePath = packagePath;
packagePath = containerPath;
containerPath = this.fs.dirname(containerPath);
if (this.fs.exists(join(packagePath, 'package.json'))) {
// The directory directly below `node_modules` is a package - use it
return packagePath;
} else if (
this.fs.basename(packagePath).startsWith('@') &&
this.fs.exists(join(scopedPackagePath, 'package.json'))) {
// The directory directly below the `node_modules` is a scope and the directory directly
// below that is a scoped package - use it
return scopedPackagePath;
} else {
// If we get here then none of the `basePaths` contained the `entryPointPath` and the
// `entryPointPath` contains no `node_modules` that contains a package or a scoped
// package. All we can do is assume that this entry-point is a primary entry-point to a
// package.
return entryPointPath;
* Split the given `path` into path segments using an FS independent algorithm.
* @param path The path to split.
private splitPath(path: PathSegment) {
const segments = [];
while (path !== '.') {
path = this.fs.dirname(path);
return segments;
protected getInitialEntryPointPaths(): AbsoluteFsPath[] {
return [this.targetPath];
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, join, PathSegment, relative, relativeFrom} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {EntryPointWithDependencies} from '../dependencies/dependency_host';
import {DependencyResolver, SortedEntryPointsInfo} from '../dependencies/dependency_resolver';
import {Logger} from '../logging/logger';
import {NgccConfiguration} from '../packages/configuration';
import {EntryPoint, getEntryPointInfo, INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT, NO_ENTRY_POINT} from '../packages/entry_point';
import {PathMappings} from '../path_mappings';
import {EntryPointFinder} from './interface';
import {getBasePaths} from './utils';
* An EntryPointFinder that starts from a set of initial files and only returns entry-points that
* are dependencies of these files.
* This is faster than searching the entire file-system for all the entry-points,
* and is used primarily by the CLI integration.
* There are two concrete implementation of this class.
* * `TargetEntryPointFinder` - is given a single entry-point as the initial entry-point
* * `ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder` - computes the initial entry-points from program files given by
* a `tsconfig.json` file.
export abstract class TracingEntryPointFinder implements EntryPointFinder {
protected unprocessedPaths: AbsoluteFsPath[] = [];
protected unsortedEntryPoints = new Map<AbsoluteFsPath, EntryPointWithDependencies>();
private basePaths: AbsoluteFsPath[]|null = null;
protected fs: FileSystem, protected config: NgccConfiguration, protected logger: Logger,
protected resolver: DependencyResolver, protected basePath: AbsoluteFsPath,
protected pathMappings: PathMappings|undefined) {}
protected getBasePaths() {
if (this.basePaths === null) {
this.basePaths = getBasePaths(this.logger, this.basePath, this.pathMappings);
return this.basePaths;
findEntryPoints(): SortedEntryPointsInfo {
this.unprocessedPaths = this.getInitialEntryPointPaths();
while (this.unprocessedPaths.length > 0) {
return this.resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(Array.from(this.unsortedEntryPoints.values()));
protected abstract getInitialEntryPointPaths(): AbsoluteFsPath[];
protected getEntryPoint(entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath): EntryPoint|null {
const packagePath = this.computePackagePath(entryPointPath);
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(this.fs, this.config, this.logger, packagePath, entryPointPath);
if (entryPoint === NO_ENTRY_POINT || entryPoint === INCOMPATIBLE_ENTRY_POINT) {
return null;
return entryPoint;
private processNextPath(): void {
const path = this.unprocessedPaths.shift()!;
const entryPoint = this.getEntryPoint(path);
if (entryPoint === null || !entryPoint.compiledByAngular) {
const entryPointWithDeps = this.resolver.getEntryPointWithDependencies(entryPoint);
this.unsortedEntryPoints.set(entryPoint.path, entryPointWithDeps);
entryPointWithDeps.depInfo.dependencies.forEach(dep => {
if (!this.unsortedEntryPoints.has(dep)) {
private computePackagePath(entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath): AbsoluteFsPath {
// First try the main basePath, to avoid having to compute the other basePaths from the paths
// mappings, which can be computationally intensive.
if (entryPointPath.startsWith(this.basePath)) {
const packagePath = this.computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, this.basePath);
if (packagePath !== null) {
return packagePath;
// The main `basePath` didn't work out so now we try the `basePaths` computed from the paths
// mappings in `tsconfig.json`.
for (const basePath of this.getBasePaths()) {
if (entryPointPath.startsWith(basePath)) {
const packagePath = this.computePackagePathFromContainingPath(entryPointPath, basePath);
if (packagePath !== null) {
return packagePath;
// If we got here then we couldn't find a `packagePath` for the current `basePath`.
// Since `basePath`s are guaranteed not to be a sub-directory of each other then no other
// `basePath` will match either.
// Finally, if we couldn't find a `packagePath` using `basePaths` then try to find the nearest
// `node_modules` that contains the `entryPointPath`, if there is one, and use it as a
// `basePath`.
return this.computePackagePathFromNearestNodeModules(entryPointPath);
* Search down to the `entryPointPath` from the `containingPath` for the first `package.json` that
* we come to. This is the path to the entry-point's containing package. For example if
* `containingPath` is `/a/b/c` and `entryPointPath` is `/a/b/c/d/e` and there exists
* `/a/b/c/d/package.json` and `/a/b/c/d/e/package.json`, then we will return `/a/b/c/d`.
* To account for nested `node_modules` we actually start the search at the last `node_modules` in
* the `entryPointPath` that is below the `containingPath`. E.g. if `containingPath` is `/a/b/c`
* and `entryPointPath` is `/a/b/c/d/node_modules/x/y/z`, we start the search at
* `/a/b/c/d/node_modules`.
private computePackagePathFromContainingPath(
entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath, containingPath: AbsoluteFsPath): AbsoluteFsPath|null {
let packagePath = containingPath;
const segments = this.splitPath(relative(containingPath, entryPointPath));
let nodeModulesIndex = segments.lastIndexOf(relativeFrom('node_modules'));
// If there are no `node_modules` in the relative path between the `basePath` and the
// `entryPointPath` then just try the `basePath` as the `packagePath`.
// (This can be the case with path-mapped entry-points.)
if (nodeModulesIndex === -1) {
if (this.fs.exists(join(packagePath, 'package.json'))) {
return packagePath;
// Start the search at the deepest nested `node_modules` folder that is below the `basePath`
// but above the `entryPointPath`, if there are any.
while (nodeModulesIndex >= 0) {
packagePath = join(packagePath, segments.shift()!);
// Note that we start at the folder below the current candidate `packagePath` because the
// initial candidate `packagePath` is either a `node_modules` folder or the `basePath` with
// no `package.json`.
for (const segment of segments) {
packagePath = join(packagePath, segment);
if (this.fs.exists(join(packagePath, 'package.json'))) {
return packagePath;
return null;
* Search up the directory tree from the `entryPointPath` looking for a `node_modules` directory
* that we can use as a potential starting point for computing the package path.
private computePackagePathFromNearestNodeModules(entryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath): AbsoluteFsPath {
let packagePath = entryPointPath;
let scopedPackagePath = packagePath;
let containerPath = this.fs.dirname(packagePath);
while (!this.fs.isRoot(containerPath) && !containerPath.endsWith('node_modules')) {
scopedPackagePath = packagePath;
packagePath = containerPath;
containerPath = this.fs.dirname(containerPath);
if (this.fs.exists(join(packagePath, 'package.json'))) {
// The directory directly below `node_modules` is a package - use it
return packagePath;
} else if (
this.fs.basename(packagePath).startsWith('@') &&
this.fs.exists(join(scopedPackagePath, 'package.json'))) {
// The directory directly below the `node_modules` is a scope and the directory directly
// below that is a scoped package - use it
return scopedPackagePath;
} else {
// If we get here then none of the `basePaths` contained the `entryPointPath` and the
// `entryPointPath` contains no `node_modules` that contains a package or a scoped
// package. All we can do is assume that this entry-point is a primary entry-point to a
// package.
return entryPointPath;
* Split the given `path` into path segments using an FS independent algorithm.
* @param path The path to split.
private splitPath(path: PathSegment) {
const segments = [];
while (path !== '.') {
path = this.fs.dirname(path);
return segments;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import * as os from 'os';
import {AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, resolve} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {ParsedConfiguration} from '../../src/perform_compile';
import {CommonJsDependencyHost} from './dependencies/commonjs_dependency_host';
import {DependencyResolver} from './dependencies/dependency_resolver';
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import {ModuleResolver} from './dependencies/module_resolver';
import {UmdDependencyHost} from './dependencies/umd_dependency_host';
import {DirectoryWalkerEntryPointFinder} from './entry_point_finder/directory_walker_entry_point_finder';
import {EntryPointFinder} from './entry_point_finder/interface';
import {ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder} from './entry_point_finder/program_based_entry_point_finder';
import {TargetedEntryPointFinder} from './entry_point_finder/targeted_entry_point_finder';
import {getAnalyzeEntryPointsFn} from './execution/analyze_entry_points';
import {Executor} from './execution/api';
@ -81,7 +83,8 @@ export function mainNgcc(options: AsyncNgccOptions|SyncNgccOptions): void|Promis
targetEntryPointPath !== undefined ? resolve(basePath, targetEntryPointPath) : null;
const finder = getEntryPointFinder(
fileSystem, logger, dependencyResolver, config, entryPointManifest, absBasePath,
absoluteTargetEntryPointPath, pathMappings);
absoluteTargetEntryPointPath, pathMappings,
options.findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram ? tsConfig : null, projectPath);
if (finder instanceof TargetedEntryPointFinder &&
!finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(supportedPropertiesToConsider, compileAllFormats)) {
logger.debug('The target entry-point has already been processed');
@ -195,13 +198,15 @@ function getDependencyResolver(
function getEntryPointFinder(
fs: FileSystem, logger: Logger, resolver: DependencyResolver, config: NgccConfiguration,
entryPointManifest: EntryPointManifest, basePath: AbsoluteFsPath,
absoluteTargetEntryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath|null,
pathMappings: PathMappings|undefined): EntryPointFinder {
absoluteTargetEntryPointPath: AbsoluteFsPath|null, pathMappings: PathMappings|undefined,
tsConfig: ParsedConfiguration|null, projectPath: AbsoluteFsPath): EntryPointFinder {
if (absoluteTargetEntryPointPath !== null) {
return new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, absoluteTargetEntryPointPath, pathMappings);
} else {
return new DirectoryWalkerEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, entryPointManifest, basePath, pathMappings);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, absoluteTargetEntryPointPath);
} else if (tsConfig !== null) {
return new ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, tsConfig, projectPath);
return new DirectoryWalkerEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, entryPointManifest, basePath, pathMappings);
@ -124,6 +124,14 @@ export interface SyncNgccOptions {
* If `null`, ngcc will not attempt to load any TS config file at all.
tsConfigPath?: string|null;
* Use the program defined in the loaded tsconfig.json (if available - see
* `tsConfigPath` option) to identify the entry-points that should be processed.
* If this is set to `true` then only the entry-points reachable from the given
* program (and their dependencies) will be processed.
findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram?: boolean;
@ -136,7 +144,8 @@ export type AsyncNgccOptions = Omit<SyncNgccOptions, 'async'>&{async: true};
export type NgccOptions = AsyncNgccOptions|SyncNgccOptions;
export type OptionalNgccOptionKeys = 'targetEntryPointPath'|'tsConfigPath'|'pathMappings';
export type OptionalNgccOptionKeys =
export type RequiredNgccOptions = Required<Omit<NgccOptions, OptionalNgccOptionKeys>>;
export type OptionalNgccOptions = Pick<NgccOptions, OptionalNgccOptionKeys>;
export type SharedSetup = {
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ ts_library(
deps = [
@ -257,6 +257,16 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
.toEqual(new ResolvedExternalModule(_('/dist/package-4/secondary-entry-point')));
describe('with mapped path relative paths', () => {
it('should resolve to a relative file if found via a paths mapping', () => {
const resolver = new ModuleResolver(
getFileSystem(), {baseUrl: '/', paths: {'mapped/*': ['libs/local-package/*']}});
expect(resolver.resolveModuleImport('mapped/x', _('/libs/local-package/index.js')))
.toEqual(new ResolvedRelativeModule(_('/libs/local-package/x.js')));
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {absoluteFrom, AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, getFileSystem, relative} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {runInEachFileSystem, TestFile} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing';
import {readConfiguration} from '../../../src/perform_compile';
import {loadTestFiles} from '../../../test/helpers';
import {DependencyResolver} from '../../src/dependencies/dependency_resolver';
import {DtsDependencyHost} from '../../src/dependencies/dts_dependency_host';
import {EsmDependencyHost} from '../../src/dependencies/esm_dependency_host';
import {ModuleResolver} from '../../src/dependencies/module_resolver';
import {ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder} from '../../src/entry_point_finder/program_based_entry_point_finder';
import {NgccConfiguration} from '../../src/packages/configuration';
import {EntryPoint} from '../../src/packages/entry_point';
import {EntryPointManifest} from '../../src/packages/entry_point_manifest';
import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger';
runInEachFileSystem(() => {
describe('ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder', () => {
let fs: FileSystem;
let _Abs: typeof absoluteFrom;
let projectPath: AbsoluteFsPath;
let basePath: AbsoluteFsPath;
let angularNamespacePath: AbsoluteFsPath;
beforeEach(() => {
fs = getFileSystem();
_Abs = absoluteFrom;
projectPath = _Abs('/sub_entry_points');
basePath = _Abs('/sub_entry_points/node_modules');
angularNamespacePath = fs.resolve(basePath, '@angular');
describe('findEntryPoints()', () => {
it('should find entry-points imported into the program', () => {
...createPackage(angularNamespacePath, 'core'),
...createPackage(angularNamespacePath, 'common'),
...createPackage(fs.resolve(angularNamespacePath, 'common'), 'http', ['@angular/common']),
fs.resolve(angularNamespacePath, 'common/http'), 'testing',
['common/http', 'common/testing']),
fs.resolve(angularNamespacePath, 'common'), 'testing', ['@angular/common']),
const finder = createFinder();
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['@angular/core', '@angular/core'],
['@angular/common', '@angular/common'],
['@angular/common', '@angular/common/http'],
function createFinder(): ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder {
const tsConfig = readConfiguration(`${projectPath}/tsconfig.json`);
const baseUrl = fs.resolve(projectPath, tsConfig.options.basePath!);
const paths = tsConfig.options.paths!;
const logger = new MockLogger();
const srcHost = new EsmDependencyHost(fs, new ModuleResolver(fs, {baseUrl, paths}));
const dtsHost = new DtsDependencyHost(fs);
const config = new NgccConfiguration(fs, projectPath);
const resolver = new DependencyResolver(fs, logger, config, {esm2015: srcHost}, dtsHost);
const manifest = new EntryPointManifest(fs, config, logger);
return new ProgramBasedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, tsConfig, projectPath);
function createProgram(projectPath: AbsoluteFsPath): TestFile[] {
return [
name: _Abs(`${projectPath}/package.json`),
contents: '',
name: _Abs(`${projectPath}/tsconfig.json`),
contents: `{
"files": [
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"lib/*": ["lib/*"]
name: _Abs(`${projectPath}/src/main.ts`),
contents: `
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import * from './app.module';
import * from 'lib/service';
name: _Abs(`${projectPath}/src/app.component.ts`),
contents: `
import * as core from '@angular/core';
export class AppComponent {}
name: _Abs(`${projectPath}/src/app.module.ts`),
contents: `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import * as common from '@angular/common';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
export class AppModule {}
name: _Abs(`${projectPath}/lib/service/index.ts`),
contents: `
import * as http from '@angular/common/http';
export class Service {}
function createPackage(
basePath: AbsoluteFsPath, packageName: string, deps: string[] = [],
isCompiledByAngular = true): TestFile[] {
const files: TestFile[] = [
name: _Abs(`${basePath}/${packageName}/package.json`),
contents: JSON.stringify({
typings: `./${packageName}.d.ts`,
fesm2015: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
name: _Abs(`${basePath}/${packageName}/${packageName}.d.ts`),
contents: deps.map((dep, i) => `import * as i${i} from '${dep}';`).join('\n'),
name: _Abs(`${basePath}/${packageName}/fesm2015/${packageName}.js`),
contents: deps.map((dep, i) => `import * as i${i} from '${dep}';`).join('\n'),
if (isCompiledByAngular) {
name: _Abs(`${basePath}/${packageName}/${packageName}.metadata.json`),
contents: 'metadata info'
return files;
function dumpEntryPointPaths(
basePath: AbsoluteFsPath, entryPoints: EntryPoint[]): [string, string][] {
return entryPoints.map(x => [relative(basePath, x.package), relative(basePath, x.path)]);
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
...createPackage(fs.resolve(basePath, 'common'), 'testing', ['@angular/common']),
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/sub_entry_points/node_modules'), targetPath,
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/sub_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['common', 'common'],
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
...createPackage(fs.resolve(basePath, 'common'), 'testing', ['common']),
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/sub_entry_points/node_modules'), targetPath,
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/sub_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['common', 'common'],
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
...createPackage(fs.resolve(basePath, '@angular/common'), 'testing', ['@angular/common']),
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/namespaced/node_modules'), targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/namespaced/node_modules'), undefined, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['@angular/common', '@angular/common'],
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const targetPath = _Abs('/no_packages/node_modules/should_not_be_found');
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_packages/node_modules'), targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_packages/node_modules'), undefined, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), targetPath,
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'),
targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
...createPackage(_Abs('/nested_node_modules/node_modules/outer/node_modules'), 'inner'),
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/nested_node_modules/node_modules'), targetPath,
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/nested_node_modules/node_modules'), undefined,
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(_Abs('/nested_node_modules/node_modules'), entryPoints))
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
...createPackage(_Abs('/nested_node_modules/node_modules/package'), 'entry-point'),
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(_Abs('/nested_node_modules'), entryPoints)).toEqual([
['node_modules/package', 'node_modules/package/entry-point'],
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
// entry-point info for the `lib3/entry-point` dependency.
const targetPath = _Abs('/project/node_modules/lib1/node_modules/lib2');
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(_Abs('/project/node_modules'), entryPoints)).toEqual([
['lib3', 'lib3/entry-point'],
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
// entry-point info for the `lib3/entry-point` dependency.
const targetPath = _Abs('/project/node_modules/lib1/node_modules/lib2');
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(_Abs('/project/node_modules'), entryPoints)).toEqual([
['@scope/lib3/node_modules/lib4', '@scope/lib3/node_modules/lib4/entry-point'],
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const dtsHost = new DtsDependencyHost(fs, pathMappings);
resolver = new DependencyResolver(fs, logger, config, {esm2015: srcHost}, dtsHost);
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, pathMappings);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['pkg1', 'pkg1'],
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const dtsHost = new DtsDependencyHost(fs, pathMappings);
resolver = new DependencyResolver(fs, logger, config, {esm2015: srcHost}, dtsHost);
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, pathMappings);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
const entryPoint = entryPoints[0];
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const dtsHost = new DtsDependencyHost(fs, pathMappings);
resolver = new DependencyResolver(fs, logger, config, {esm2015: srcHost}, dtsHost);
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, pathMappings);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['../dist/my-lib/a', '../dist/my-lib/a'],
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const dtsHost = new DtsDependencyHost(fs, pathMappings);
resolver = new DependencyResolver(fs, logger, config, {esm2015: srcHost}, dtsHost);
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, pathMappings);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, pathMappings, targetPath);
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints();
expect(dumpEntryPointPaths(basePath, entryPoints)).toEqual([
['test', 'test'],
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const targetPath = _Abs('/no_packages/node_modules/should_not_be_found');
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_packages/node_modules'), targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_packages/node_modules'), undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015'], true)).toBe(false);
@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), targetPath,
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015'], true)).toBe(false);
@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), targetPath,
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015'], true)).toBe(false);
@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'),
targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, _Abs('/no_valid_entry_points/node_modules'), undefined,
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015'], true)).toBe(false);
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
...createPackage(fs.resolve(basePath, 'common'), 'testing', ['common']),
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015', 'esm5'], true)).toBe(true);
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(packageJson));
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015', 'esm5'], true)).toBe(true);
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(packageJson));
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015', 'esm5'], true)).toBe(false);
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015', 'esm5'], false)).toBe(true);
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(packageJson));
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015', 'esm5'], false)).toBe(true);
@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(packageJson));
const finder = new TargetedEntryPointFinder(
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, targetPath, undefined);
fs, config, logger, resolver, basePath, undefined, targetPath);
expect(finder.targetNeedsProcessingOrCleaning(['fesm2015', 'esm5'], false))
@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
let _: typeof absoluteFrom;
let fs: FileSystem;
let pkgJsonUpdater: PackageJsonUpdater;
main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
esm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
beforeEach(() => {
_ = absoluteFrom;
@ -644,15 +652,6 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
describe('with targetEntryPointPath', () => {
it('should only compile the given package entry-point (and its dependencies).', () => {
main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
esm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing'});
@ -818,6 +817,27 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
pkgJsonUpdater, targetPackage, targetPackageJsonPath, ['typings', ...properties]);
describe('with findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram', () => {
it('should only compile the package entry-points (and their dependencies) reachable from the program in tsconfig.json.',
() => {
mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', findEntryPointsFromTsConfigProgram: true});
// * `common/testing` is a dependency of `./y`, so is compiled.
// * `common/http` is a dependency of `./x`, so is compiled.
// * `core` is a dependency of `common/http`, so is compiled.
// * `common` is a private (only in .js not .d.ts) dependency so is compiled.
// * `common/http/testing` is not a dependency of the program so is not compiled.
it('should clean up outdated artifacts', () => {
compileIntoFlatEs2015Package('test-package', {
'index.ts': `
@ -2113,6 +2133,17 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
{name: _('/node_modules/invalid-package/index.metadata.json'), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'},
// A sample application that imports entry-points
{name: _('/tsconfig.json'), contents: '{"files": ["src/index.ts"]}'},
{name: _('/src/index.ts'), contents: `import {X} from './x';\nimport {Y} from './y';`},
{name: _('/src/x.ts'), contents: `import '@angular/common/http';\nexport class X {}`},
name: _('/src/y.ts'),
contents: `import * as t from '@angular/common/testing';\n export class Y {}`
Reference in New Issue
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