docs(query): edit and extend query and view query docs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,73 +3,7 @@ library angular2.src.core.compiler.query_list;
import 'dart:collection';
* An iterable and observable live list of components in the DOM.
* A QueryList contains a live list of child directives in the DOM of a directive.
* The directives are kept in depth-first pre-order traversal of the DOM.
* The `QueryList` is iterable, therefore it can be used in both javascript code with `for..of` loop
* as well as in template with `*ng-for="of"` directive.
* QueryList is updated as part of the change-detection cycle of a directive. Since change detection
* happens after construction of a directive, QueryList will always be empty when observed in the
* constructor.
* NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface. For now it uses a plain
* list of observable callbacks.
* # Example:
* Assume that `<tabs>` component would like to get a list its children which are `<pane>`
* components as shown in this example:
* ```html
* <tabs>
* <pane title="Overview">...</pane>
* <pane *ng-for="#o of objects" [title]="o.title">{{o.text}}</pane>
* </tabs>
* ```
* In the above example the list of `<tabs>` elements needs to get a list of `<pane>` elements so
* that it could render tabs with the correct titles and in the correct order.
* A possible solution would be for a `<pane>` to inject `<tabs>` component and then register itself
* with `<tabs>` component's on `hydrate` and deregister on `dehydrate` event. While a reasonable
* approach, this would only work partialy since `*ng-for` could rearrange the list of `<pane>`
* components which would not be reported to `<tabs>` component and thus the list of `<pane>`
* components would be out of sync with respect to the list of `<pane>` elements.
* A preferred solution is to inject a `QueryList` which is a live list of directives in the
* component`s light DOM.
* ```javascript
* @Component(
* selector: 'tabs'
* )
* @View(
* template: `
* <ul>
* <li *ng-for="#pane of panes">{{pane.title}}</li>
* </ul>
* <content></content>
* `
* )
* class Tabs {
* QueryList<Pane> panes;
* constructor(@Query(Pane) QueryList<Pane> this.panes) { }
* }
* @Component(
* selector: 'pane',
* properties: ['title']
* )
* @View(...)
* class Pane {
* String title;
* }
* ```
* See query_list.ts
class QueryList<T> extends Object
with IterableMixin<T> {
@ -79,6 +13,7 @@ class QueryList<T> extends Object
Iterator<T> get iterator => _results.iterator;
/** @private */
void reset(List<T> newList) {
_results = newList;
_dirty = true;
@ -89,7 +24,6 @@ class QueryList<T> extends Object
_dirty = true;
void onChange(callback) {
@ -114,7 +48,7 @@ class QueryList<T> extends Object
// Internal to the framework.
/** @private */
void fireCallbacks() {
if (_dirty) {
_callbacks.forEach((c) => c());
@ -3,74 +3,27 @@ import {getSymbolIterator} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang';
* An iterable and observable live list of components in the DOM.
* An unmodifiable list of items that Angular keeps up to date when the state
* of the application changes.
* A QueryList contains a live list of child directives in the DOM of a directive.
* The directives are kept in depth-first pre-order traversal of the DOM.
* The type of object that {@link QueryMetadata} and {@link ViewQueryMetadata} provide.
* The `QueryList` is iterable, therefore it can be used in both javascript code with `for..of` loop
* as well as in template with `*ng-for="of"` directive.
* Implements an iterable interface, therefore it can be used in both ES6
* javascript `for (var i of items)` loops as well as in Angular templates with
* `*ng-for="#i of myList"`.
* QueryList is updated as part of the change-detection cycle of a directive. Since change detection
* happens after construction of a directive, QueryList will always be empty when observed in the
* constructor.
* Changes can be observed by attaching callbacks.
* NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface.
* NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface. For now it uses a plain
* list of observable callbacks.
* # Example:
* Assume that `<tabs>` component would like to get a list its children which are `<pane>`
* components as shown in this example:
* ```html
* <tabs>
* <pane title="Overview">...</pane>
* <pane *ng-for="#o of objects" [title]="o.title">{{o.text}}</pane>
* </tabs>
* ```
* In the above example the list of `<tabs>` elements needs to get a list of `<pane>` elements so
* that it could render tabs with the correct titles and in the correct order.
* A possible solution would be for a `<pane>` to inject `<tabs>` component and then register itself
* with `<tabs>` component's on `hydrate` and deregister on `dehydrate` event. While a reasonable
* approach, this would only work partially since `*ng-for` could rearrange the list of `<pane>`
* components which would not be reported to `<tabs>` component and thus the list of `<pane>`
* components would be out of sync with respect to the list of `<pane>` elements.
* A preferred solution is to inject a `QueryList` which is a live list of directives in the
* component`s light DOM.
* ### Example ([live demo](
* ```javascript
* @Component({
* selector: 'tabs'
* })
* @View({
* template: `
* <ul>
* <li *ng-for="#pane of panes">{{pane.title}}</li>
* </ul>
* <content></content>
* `
* })
* class Tabs {
* panes: QueryList<Pane>
* constructor(@Query(Pane) panes:QueryList<Pane>) {
* this.panes = panes;
* @Component({...})
* class Container {
* constructor(@Query(Item) items: QueryList<Item>) {
* items.onChange(() => console.log(items.length));
* }
* }
* @Component({
* selector: 'pane',
* properties: ['title']
* })
* @View(...)
* class Pane {
* title:string;
* }
* ```
export class QueryList<T> {
@ -78,21 +31,31 @@ export class QueryList<T> {
protected _callbacks: Array < () => void >= [];
protected _dirty: boolean = false;
/** @private */
reset(newList: T[]): void {
this._results = newList;
this._dirty = true;
/** @private */
add(obj: T): void {
this._dirty = true;
* registers a callback that is called upon each change.
onChange(callback: () => void): void { this._callbacks.push(callback); }
* removes a given callback.
removeCallback(callback: () => void): void { ListWrapper.remove(this._callbacks, callback); }
* removes all callback that have been attached.
removeAllCallbacks(): void { this._callbacks = []; }
toString(): string { return this._results.toString(); }
@ -101,11 +64,14 @@ export class QueryList<T> {
get first(): T { return ListWrapper.first(this._results); }
get last(): T { return ListWrapper.last(this._results); }
* returns a new list with the passsed in function applied to each element.
map<U>(fn: (item: T) => U): U[] { return; }
[getSymbolIterator()](): any { return this._results[getSymbolIterator()](); }
// Internal to the framework.
/** @private */
fireCallbacks(): void {
if (this._dirty) {
ListWrapper.forEach(this._callbacks, (c) => c());
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ export interface AttributeFactory {
* {@link QueryMetadata} factory for creating annotations, decorators or DSL.
* ## Example as TypeScript Decorator
* ### Example as TypeScript Decorator
* ```
* import {Query, QueryList, Component, View} from "angular2/angular2";
@ -343,13 +343,13 @@ export interface AttributeFactory {
* @Component({...})
* @View({...})
* class MyComponent {
* constructor(@Query(SomeType) queryList: QueryList) {
* constructor(@Query(SomeType) queryList: QueryList<SomeType>) {
* ...
* }
* }
* ```
* ## Example as ES5 DSL
* ### Example as ES5 DSL
* ```
* var MyComponent = ng
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ export interface AttributeFactory {
* })
* ```
* ## Example as ES5 annotation
* ### Example as ES5 annotation
* ```
* var MyComponent = function(queryList) {
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ export var Query: QueryFactory = makeParamDecorator(QueryMetadata);
* {@link di/ViewQueryMetadata} factory function.
* {@link ViewQueryMetadata} factory function.
export var ViewQuery: QueryFactory = makeParamDecorator(ViewQueryMetadata);
@ -50,34 +50,191 @@ export class AttributeMetadata extends DependencyMetadata {
* Specifies that a {@link QueryList} should be injected.
* Declares an injectable parameter to be a live list of directives or variable
* bindings from the content children of a directive.
* See {@link QueryList} for usage and example.
* ### Example ([live demo](
* Assume that `<tabs>` component would like to get a list its children `<pane>`
* components as shown in this example:
* ```html
* <tabs>
* <pane title="Overview">...</pane>
* <pane *ng-for="#o of objects" [title]="o.title">{{o.text}}</pane>
* </tabs>
* ```
* The preferred solution is to query for `Pane` directives using this decorator.
* ```javascript
* @Component({
* selector: 'pane',
* properties: ['title']
* })
* @View(...)
* class Pane {
* title:string;
* }
* @Component({
* selector: 'tabs'
* })
* @View({
* template: `
* <ul>
* <li *ng-for="#pane of panes">{{pane.title}}</li>
* </ul>
* <content></content>
* `
* })
* class Tabs {
* panes: QueryList<Pane>;
* constructor(@Query(Pane) panes:QueryList<Pane>) {
* this.panes = panes;
* }
* }
* ```
* A query can look for variable bindinds by passing in a string with desired binding symbol.
* ### Example ([live demo](
* ```html
* <seeker>
* <div #findme>...</div>
* </seeker>
* @Component({
* selector: 'foo'
* })
* @View(...)
* class seeker {
* constructor(@Query('findme') elList: QueryList<ElementRef>) {...}
* }
* ```
* In this case the object that is injected depend on the type of the variable
* binding. It can be an ElementRef, a directive or a component.
* Passing in a comma separated list of variable bindings will query for all of them.
* ```html
* <seeker>
* <div #find-me>...</div>
* <div #find-me-too>...</div>
* </seeker>
* @Component({
* selector: 'foo'
* })
* @View(...)
* class Seeker {
* constructor(@Query('findMe, findMeToo') elList: QueryList<ElementRef>) {...}
* }
* ```
* Configure whether query looks for direct children or all descendants
* of the querying element, by using the `descendants` parameter.
* It is set to `false` by default.
* ### Example ([live demo](
* ```html
* <container #first>
* <item>a</item>
* <item>b</item>
* <container #second>
* <item>c</item>
* </container>
* </container>
* ```
* When querying for items, the first container will see only `a` and `b` by default,
* but with `Query(TextDirective, {descendants: true})` it will see `c` too.
* The queried directives are kept in a depth-first pre-order with respect to their
* positions in the DOM.
* Query does not look deep into any subcomponent views.
* Query is updated as part of the change-detection cycle. Since change detection
* happens after construction of a directive, QueryList will always be empty when observed in the
* constructor.
* The injected object is an unmodifiable live list.
* See {@link QueryList} for more details.
export class QueryMetadata extends DependencyMetadata {
* whether we want to query only direct children (false) or all
* children (true).
descendants: boolean;
constructor(private _selector: Type | string,
{descendants = false}: {descendants?: boolean} = {}) {
this.descendants = descendants;
get isViewQuery() { return false; }
* always `false` to differentiate it with {@link ViewQueryMetadata}.
get isViewQuery(): boolean { return false; }
* what this is querying for.
get selector() { return resolveForwardRef(this._selector); }
* whether this is querying for a variable binding or a directive.
get isVarBindingQuery(): boolean { return isString(this.selector); }
* returns a list of variable bindings this is querying for.
* Only applicable if this is a variable bindings query.
get varBindings(): string[] { return StringWrapper.split(this.selector, new RegExp(",")); }
toString(): string { return `@Query(${stringify(this.selector)})`; }
* Similar to {@link QueryMetadata}, but querying the component view, instead of
* the content children.
* ### Example ([live demo](
* ```javascript
* @Component({...})
* @View({
* template: `
* <item> a </item>
* <item> b </item>
* <item> c </item>
* `
* })
* class MyComponent {
* shown: boolean;
* constructor(private @Query(Item) items:QueryList<Item>) {
* items.onChange(() => console.log(items.length));
* }
* }
* ```
* Supports the same querying parameters as {@link QueryMetadata}, except
* `descendants`. This always queries the whole view.
* As `shown` is flipped between true and false, items will contain zero of one
* items.
* Specifies that a {@link QueryList} should be injected.
* See {@link QueryList} for usage and example.
* The injected object is an iterable and observable live list.
* See {@link QueryList} for more details.
export class ViewQueryMetadata extends QueryMetadata {
@ -85,6 +242,9 @@ export class ViewQueryMetadata extends QueryMetadata {
super(_selector, {descendants: descendants});
* always `true` to differentiate it with {@link QueryMetadata}.
get isViewQuery() { return true; }
toString(): string { return `@ViewQuery(${stringify(this.selector)})`; }
Reference in New Issue