more glossary translation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ include _util-fns
to a [View](#view) and handling most of the view’s display
and user-interaction logic.
组件是一个用来在[视图](#view)中显示数据,并处理几乎所有视图显示以及用户交互逻辑的Angular类(Angular Class)。
组件是一个用来展示数据到[视图](#view),并处理几乎所有视图显示以及用户交互逻辑的Angular类(Angular Class)。
The Component is one of the most important building blocks in the Angular system.
It is, in fact, an Angular [Directive](#directive) with a companion [Template](#template).
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ include _util-fns
Applications display data values to a user and respond to user
actions (clicks, touches, keystrokes).
We could push application data values into HTML, attach
event listeners, pull changed values from the screen, and
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ include _util-fns
Decorators are a JavaScript language [feature](, implemented in TypeScript and proposed for ES2016 (AKA ES7).
We apply a decorator by positioning it
immediately above or to the left of the thing it decorates.
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ include _util-fns
1. [Structural Directives](#structural-directive), a directive responsible for
shaping or re-shaping HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating
elements and their children.
// #enddocregion d2
// #docregion e1
@ -612,15 +612,22 @@ include _util-fns
[Directives](#directive) and [Components](#component) have a lifecycle
managed by Angular as it creates, updates and destroys them.
Developers can tap into key moments in that lifecycle by implementing
one or more of the "Lifecycle Hook" interfaces.
Each interface has a single hook method whose name is the interface name prefixed with `ng`.
For example, the `OnInit` interface has a hook method names `ngOnInit`.
每个接口有一个唯一的钩子函数方法方法,它的名字一般是接口的名字加前缀 `ng`。比如,`OnInit`接口的钩子函数方法方法名字为 `ngOnInit`。
Angular calls these hook methods in the following order:
* `ngOnChanges` - called when an [input](#input)/[output](#output) binding values change
* `ngOnInit` - after the first `ngOnChanges`
* `ngDoCheck` - developer's custom change detection
@ -629,8 +636,19 @@ include _util-fns
* `ngAfterViewInit` - after component's view(s) are initialized
* `ngAfterViewChecked` - after every check of a component's view(s)
* `ngOnDestroy` - just before the directive is destroyed.
* `ngOnChanges` - 在[输入input](#input)/[输出output](#output)绑定的值变化的时候调用。
* `ngOnInit` - 在第一个`ngOnChanges`后调用。
* `ngDoCheck` - 开发者自定义变化监测器。
* `ngAfterContentInit` - 在组件初始化以后调用。
* `ngAfterContentChecked` - 在检查每个组件内容后调用。
* `ngAfterViewInit` - 在组件试图初始化后调用。
* `ngAfterViewChecked` - 在检查每个组件试图后调用
* `ngOnDestroy` - 在指令销毁前调用。
Learn more in the [Lifecycle Hooks](guide/lifecycle-hooks.html) chapter.
请看[生命周期钩子Lifecycle Hooks](guide/lifecycle-hooks.html)章节。
// #enddocregion f-l
// #docregion m1
@ -640,38 +658,60 @@ include _util-fns
## Module
## 模块
Angular apps are modular.
In general, we assemble our application from many modules, both the ones we write ourselves
and the ones we acquire from others.
A typical module is a cohesive block of code dedicated to a single purpose.
A module **exports** something of value in that code, typically one thing such as a class.
A module that needs that thing, **imports** it.
The structure of Angular modules and the import/export syntax
is based on the [ES2015](#es2015) module standard
described [here](
An application that adheres to this standard requires a module loader to
load modules on request and resolve inter-module dependencies.
Angular does not ship with a module loader and does not have a preference
for any particular 3rd party library (although most samples use SystemJS).
Application developers may pick any module library that conforms to the standard
Modules are typically named after the file in which the exported thing is defined.
The Angular [DatePipe](
class belongs to a feature module named `date_pipe` in the file `date_pipe.ts`.
模块一般与他输出的东西的所在文件同名。比如, Angular的[日期管道DatePipe](类属于名叫`date_pipe`的特性模块,在文件`date_pipe.ts`里。
Developers rarely access Angular feature modules directly.
We usually import them from public-facing **library modules**
called [**barrels**](#barrel). Barrels are groups of logically related modules.
The `angular2/core` barrel is a good example.
Learn more in "[Modules, barrels and bundles](".
// #enddocregion m2
// #docregion n-s
@ -683,46 +723,67 @@ include _util-fns
## Output
## 输出
A directive property that can be the ***target*** of an
[Event Binding](guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding).
Events stream *out* of this property to the receiver identified
in the template expression to the right of the equal sign.
输出(Output)是一个指令属性,它可以一个[事件绑定Event Binding](guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding)的**标靶**。
See the [Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) chapter.
请看[模板语法Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs)章节。
<a id="P"></a>
## PascalCase
## 帕斯卡命名法
The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter.
Class names are typically spelled in PascalCase. Examples include: `Person` and `Customer`.
This form is also known as **upper camel case**, to distinguish it from **lower camel case** which we simply call [camelCase](#camelcase).
In this documentation, "PascalCase" means *upper camel case* and "camelCase" means *lower camel case*.
## Pipe
## 管道
An Angular pipe is a function that transforms input values to output values for
display in a [view](#view). We use the `#{atSym}Pipe` !{decorator}
to associate the pipe function with a name. We then can use that
name in our HTML to declaratively transform values on screen.
Angular的管道是一个函数,用来把输入值转变为输出值给视图 [view](#view)。我们使用 `#{atSym}Pipe` !{decorator}来把管道函数链接到它的名字上。
Here's an example that uses the built-in `currency` pipe to display
a numeric value in the local currency.
code-example(language="html" escape="html").
<label>Price: </label>{{product.price | currency}}
Learn more in the chapter on [pipes](guide/pipes.html) .
## Provider
## 提供者
A Provider creates a new instance of a dependency for the Dependency Injection system.
@ -739,6 +800,7 @@ include _util-fns
<a id="R"></a>
## Router
## 路由器
Most applications consist of many screens or [views](#view).
@ -751,6 +813,7 @@ include _util-fns
of views.
## Routing Component
## 路由组件
A [Component](#component) with an attached router.
@ -766,6 +829,7 @@ include _util-fns
## Structural Directive
## 结构型指令
A category of [Directive](#directive) that can
@ -781,6 +845,7 @@ include _util-fns
## Template
## 模板
A template is a chunk of HTML that Angular uses to render a [view](#view) with
@ -791,6 +856,7 @@ include _util-fns
## Template Expression
## 模板表达式
An expression in a JavaScript-like syntax that Angular evaluates within
@ -801,6 +867,7 @@ include _util-fns
// #docregion t2
## Transpile
## 编译
The process of transforming code written in one form of JavaScript
@ -833,6 +900,7 @@ include _util-fns
## View
## 视图
A view is a portion of the screen that displays information and responds
@ -853,7 +921,8 @@ include _util-fns
<a id="Y"></a>
<a id="Z"></a>
## Zone
## Zones
## 区域
Zones are a mechanism for encapsulating and intercepting
Reference in New Issue
Block a user