provider to Gongyingshang.

This commit is contained in:
Zhimin(Rex) YE 2016-05-14 14:20:27 +01:00
parent c1b0bcdae4
commit 654589b972

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ include ../_util-fns
Dependency Injection is a powerful pattern for managing code dependencies.
In this cookbook we will explore many of the features of Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular.
<a id="toc"></a>
## Table of contents
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ include ../_util-fns
[External module configuration](#external-module-configuration)
[*@Injectable* and nested service dependencies](#nested-dependencies)
@ -39,29 +41,67 @@ include ../_util-fns
[Define dependencies with providers](#providers)
* [The *provide* function](#provide)
* [*provide*功能](#provide)
* [useValue - the *value provider*](#usevalue)
* [useValue - *值供应商*](#usevalue)
* [useClass - the *class provider*](#useclass)
* [useClass - *类供应商*](#useclass)
* [useExisting - the *alias provider*](#useexisting)
* [useExisting - *别名供应商*](#useexisting)
* [useFactory - the *factory provider*](#usefactory)
* [useFactory - *工厂供应商*](#usefactory)
[Provider token alternatives](#tokens)
* [class-interface](#class-interface)
* [类-接口](#class-interface)
* [OpaqueToken](#opaque-token)
* [OpaqueToken](#opaque-token)
[Inject into a derived class](#di-inheritance)
[Find a parent component by injection](#find-parent)
* [Find parent with a known component type](#known-parent)
* [通过已知组件类型锁定父级组件](#known-parent)
* [Cannot find a parent by its base class](#base-parent)
* [通过自己的基础类无法锁定父级组件](#base-parent)
* [Find a parent by its class-interface](#class-interface-parent)
* [通过父级的类-接口锁定父级组件](#class-interface-parent)
* [Find a parent in a tree of parents (*@SkipSelf*)](#parent-tree)
* [使用(*@SkipSelf*)在父级树里锁定一个父级组件](#parent-tree)
* [A *provideParent* helper function](#provideparent)
* [*provideParent*助手函数](#provideparent)
[Break circularities with a forward class reference (*forwardRef*)](#forwardref)
@ -70,21 +110,25 @@ include ../_util-fns
**See the [live example](/resources/live-examples/cb-dependency-injection/ts/plnkr.html)**
of the code supporting this cookbook.
<a id="app-wide-dependencies"></a>
## Application-wide dependencies
## 应用程序全局依赖
Register providers for dependencies used throughout the application in the root application component, `AppComponent`.
In the following example, we import and register several services
(the `LoggerService`, `UserContext`, and the `UserService`)
in the `@Component` metadata `providers` array.
在下面的例子中,我们在`@Component`元数据的`providers`数组中,导入和注册了几个服务(`LoggerService`, `UserContext`和`UserService`)。
在下面的例子中,我们在`@Component`元数据的`供应商`数组中,导入和注册了几个服务(`LoggerService`, `UserContext`和`UserService`)。
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/app.component.ts','import-services','app/app.component.ts (excerpt)')(format='.')
@ -92,13 +136,13 @@ include ../_util-fns
Service classes can act as their own providers which is why listing them in the `providers` array
is all the registration we need.
A *provider* is something that can create or deliver a service.
Angular creates a service instance from a class provider by "new-ing" it.
Learn more about providers [below](#providers).
Learn more about 供应商 [below](#providers).
Now that we've registered these services,
Angular can inject them into the constructor of *any* component or service, *anywhere* in the application.
@ -115,7 +159,7 @@ include ../_util-fns
## 外部模块设置
We can register _certain_ module providers when bootstrapping rather than in the root application component.
We'd do this when we expect to select or configure external modules that support our application
but (a) aren't conceptually part of the application and (b) that we could change later without
@ -141,7 +185,7 @@ include ../_util-fns
See both examples in the following `main.ts`
where we list their service providers in an array in the second parameter of the `bootstrap` method.
在下面`main.ts`的两个例子中,我们在`bootstrap`类方法的第二个参数的数组中我们列出了它们的service providers(服务提供者)。
在下面`main.ts`的两个例子中,我们在`bootstrap`类方法的第二个参数的数组中我们列出了它们的service 供应商(服务提供者)。
@ -269,7 +313,7 @@ figure.image-display
Here we provide the `HeroService` to the `HeroesBaseComponent` by listing it in the `providers` array:
通过*在该分支的子级根部组件*中提供该服务, 我们能把一个注入服务的作用范围局限到一个应用程序结构的该*分支*中。
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/sorted-heroes.component.ts','injection','app/sorted-heroes.component.ts (HeroesBaseComponent excerpt)')
When Angular creates the `HeroesBaseComponent`, it also creates a new instance of `HeroService`
@ -337,7 +381,7 @@ figure.image-display
Each `HeroBioComponent` gets its *own* `HeroCacheService` instance
by listing the `HeroCacheService` in its metadata `providers` array.
通过在自己的元数据metadata)提供者(providers)数组里面列出`HeroCacheService`, 每个`HeroBioComponent`有自己*拥有*的`HeroCacheService`实例。
通过在自己的元数据metadata)提供者(供应商)数组里面列出`HeroCacheService`, 每个`HeroBioComponent`有自己*拥有*的`HeroCacheService`实例。
The parent `HeroBiosComponent` binds a value to the `heroId`.
@ -368,7 +412,7 @@ a(id="qualify-dependency-lookup")
When a component requests a dependency, Angular starts with that component's injector and walks up the injector tree
until it finds the first suitable provider. Angular throws an error if it can't find the dependency during that walk.
We *want* this behavior most of the time.
But sometimes we need to limit the search and/or accommodate a missing dependency.
@ -437,7 +481,7 @@ figure.image-display
We know the only `LoggerService` instance in the app is provided at the `AppComponent` level.
The host `HeroBioComponent` doesn't have its own `LoggerService` provider.
Angular would throw an error if we hadn't also decorated the property with the `@Optional()` function.
Thanks to `@Optional()`, Angular sets the `loggerService` to null and the rest of the component adapts.
@ -516,10 +560,10 @@ figure.image-display
## Define dependencies with providers
## 使用providers来定义依赖
## 使用供应商来定义依赖
In this section we learn to write providers that deliver dependent services.
### Background
### 背景知识
@ -547,45 +591,45 @@ figure.image-display
If the injector doesn't have a provider for the requested *token*, it delegates the request
to its parent injector, where the process repeats until there are no more injectors.
If the search is futile, the injector throws an error ... unless the request was [optional](#optional).
Let's return our attention to providers themselves.
A new injector has no providers.
Angular initializes the injectors it creates with some providers it cares about.
We have to register our _own_ application providers manually,
usually in the `providers` array of the `Component` or `Directive` metadata:
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/app.component.ts','providers','app/app.component.ts (providers)')
### Defining providers
### 定义providers
### 定义供应商
The simple class provider is the most typical by far.
We mention the class in the `providers` array and we're done.
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/hero-bios.component.ts','class-provider','app/hero-bios.component.ts (class provider)')(format='.')
It's that simple because the most common injected service is an instance of a class.
But not every dependency can be satisfied by creating a new instance of a class.
We need other ways to deliver dependency values and that means we need other ways to specify a provider.
The `HeroOfTheMonthComponent` example demonstrates many of the alternatives and why we need them.
@ -607,7 +651,7 @@ a(id='provide')
The imported Angular `provide` function creates an instance of
the Angular [Provider](../api/core/Provider-class.html) class.
被导入的Angular `provide`函数新建一个Angular [Provider](../api/core/Provider-class.html)类的实例。
被导入的Angular `provide`函数新建一个Angular [供应商](../api/core/Provider-class.html)类的实例。
The `provide` function takes a *token* and a *definition object*.
The *token* is usually a class but [it doesn't have to be](#tokens).
@ -617,63 +661,63 @@ a(id='provide')
The *definition* object has one main property, (e.g. `useValue`) that indicates how the provider
should create or return the provided value.
#### useValue - the *value provider*
#### useValue - *值provider*
#### useValue - *值供应商*
Set the `useValue` property to a ***fixed value*** that the provider can return as the dependency object.
Use this technique to provide *runtime configuration constants* such as web-site base addresses and feature flags.
We often use a *value provider* in a unit test to replace a production service with a fake or mock.
使用该技巧来提供*运行时间设置常量*,比如网站的基础地址和功能标志等。我们通常在单元测试中使用一个*value provider*,用一个假的或模仿的(服务)来取代一个成品服务。
使用该技巧来提供*运行时间设置常量*,比如网站的基础地址和功能标志等。我们通常在单元测试中使用一个*value 供应商*,用一个假的或模仿的(服务)来取代一个成品服务。
The `HeroOfTheMonthComponent` example has two *value providers*.
The first provides an instance of the `Hero` class;
the second specifies a literal string resource:
`HeroOfTheMonthComponent`例子有两个*value providers*。
`HeroOfTheMonthComponent`例子有两个*value 供应商*。
The `Hero` provider token is a class which makes sense because the value is a `Hero`
and the consumer of the injected hero would want the type information.
The `TITLE` provider token is *not a class*.
It's a special kind of provider lookup key called an [OpaqueToken](#opaquetoken).
We often use an `OpaqueToken` when the dependency is a simple value like a string, a number, or a function.
`TITLE` provider令牌*不是一个类*。它是一个特别类型的provider查询键,名叫[OpaqueToken](#opaquetoken).
`TITLE` 供应商令牌*不是一个类*。它是一个特别类型的供应商查询键,名叫[OpaqueToken](#opaquetoken).
The value of a *value provider* must be defined *now*. We can't create the value later.
Obviously the title string literal is immediately available.
The `someHero` variable in this example was set earlier in the file:
一个*value provider*的值必须要*立刻*定义。我们不能过后定义它的值。很显然,该标题字符串立刻可用。
一个*value 供应商*的值必须要*立刻*定义。我们不能过后定义它的值。很显然,该标题字符串立刻可用。
The other providers create their values *lazily* when they're needed for injection.
其它providers只在注入需要它们的时候才创建它们值 - *延迟加载*
其它供应商只在注入需要它们的时候才创建它们值 - *延迟加载*
#### useClass - the *class provider*
#### useClass - *类provider*
#### useClass - *类供应商*
The `useClass` provider creates and returns new instance of the specified class.
`userClass` provider创建并返回一个特定类的新实例。
`userClass` 供应商创建并返回一个特定类的新实例。
Use this technique to ***substitute an alternative implementation*** for a common or default class.
The alternative could implement a different strategy, extend the default class,
@ -690,14 +734,14 @@ a(id='useclass')
class to be created (`HeroService`) is also the provider's injection token.
We wrote it in this long form to de-mystify the preferred short form.
The second provider substitutes the `DateLoggerService` for the `LoggerService`.
The `LoggerService` is already registered at the `AppComponent` level.
When _this component_ requests the `LoggerService`, it receives the `DateLoggerService` instead.
This component and its tree of child components receive the `DateLoggerService` instance.
@ -714,13 +758,13 @@ a(id='useclass')
#### useExisting - the *alias provider*
#### useExisting - *别名provider*
#### useExisting - *别名供应商*
The `useExisting` provider maps one token to another.
In effect, the first token is an ***alias*** for the service associated with second token,
creating ***two ways to access the same service object***.
使用`useExisting` provider来把一个令牌映射到另一个。实际上,第一个令牌是第二个令牌所对应的服务的一个***别名***,构成***对一个服务对象的两种访问方法***。
使用`useExisting` 供应商来把一个令牌映射到另一个。实际上,第一个令牌是第二个令牌所对应的服务的一个***别名***,构成***对一个服务对象的两种访问方法***。
Narrowing an API through an aliasing interface is _one_ important use case for this technique.
@ -752,12 +796,12 @@ figure.image-display
#### useFactory - the *factory provider*
#### useFactory - *factory provider*
#### useFactory - *factory 供应商*
The `useFactory` provider creates a dependency object by calling a factory function
as seen in this example.
`useFactory` provider通过调用一个在下例看到的factory函数来新建一个依赖对象。
`useFactory` 供应商通过调用一个在下例看到的factory函数来新建一个依赖对象。
Use this technique to ***create a dependency object***
@ -779,7 +823,7 @@ a(id='usefactory')
The `runnersUpFactory` itself isn't the provider factory function.
The true provider factory function is the function that `runnersUpFactory` returns.
`runnersUpFactory`自己provider factory函数。真正的provider factory函数是一个`runnersUpFactory`返回的函数。
`runnersUpFactory`自己供应商 factory函数。真正的供应商 factory函数是一个`runnersUpFactory`返回的函数。
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/runners-up.ts','factory-synopsis','runners-up.ts (excerpt)')(format='.')
@ -813,7 +857,7 @@ a(id="tokens")
## Provider token alternatives: the *class-interface* and *OpaqueToken*
## 可选Provider令牌:**类-接口*和*OpaqueToken*
## 可选供应商令牌:**类-接口*和*OpaqueToken*
Angular dependency injection is easiest when the provider *token* is a class
that is also the type of the returned dependency object (what we usually call the *service*).
@ -832,7 +876,7 @@ a(id="tokens")
In the previous *Hero of the Month* example, we used the `MinimalLogger` class
as the token for a provider of a `LoggerService`.
在前面的*每月英雄*的例子中,我们用`MinimalLogger`类当做`LoggerService` provider的令牌。
在前面的*每月英雄*的例子中,我们用`MinimalLogger`类当做`LoggerService` 供应商的令牌。
@ -861,7 +905,7 @@ a(id="tokens")
The key benefit of a *class-interface* is that we can get the strong-typing of an interface
and we can ***use it as a provider token*** in the same manner as a normal class.
A ***class-interface*** should define *only* the members that its consumers are allowed to call.
Such a narrowing interface helps decouple the concrete class from its consumers.
@ -878,13 +922,13 @@ a(id="tokens")
They exist only in the TypeScript design space.
They disappear after the code is transpiled to JavaScript.
### 为什么*MinimalLogger*是一个类而不是一个接口?因为我们不能把一个接口当做一个provider的令牌因为接口不是JavaScript对象。
### 为什么*MinimalLogger*是一个类而不是一个接口?因为我们不能把一个接口当做一个供应商的令牌因为接口不是JavaScript对象。
A provider token must be a real JavaScript object of some kind:
a function, an object, a string ... a class.
一个provider令牌必须是一个真实的JavaScript对象比如一个函数一个对象一个字符串 ...一个类。
一个供应商令牌必须是一个真实的JavaScript对象比如一个函数一个对象一个字符串 ...一个类。
Using a class as an interface gives us the characteristics of an interface in a JavaScript object.
@ -921,7 +965,7 @@ a(id='opaque-token')
We encountered them twice in the *Hero of the Month* example,
in the *title* value provider and in the *runnersUp* factory provider.
`OpaqueToken`具有这些特征。我们在*Hero of the Month*例子中遇见它们两次,一个是*title*的值,一个是*runnersUp* factory provider
`OpaqueToken`具有这些特征。我们在*Hero of the Month*例子中遇见它们两次,一个是*title*的值,一个是*runnersUp* factory 供应商
We created the `TITLE` token like this:
@ -1141,15 +1185,15 @@ a(id='alex')
that creates an *alternative* way to inject the same component instance
and add that provider to the `providers` array of the `@Component` metadata for the `AlexComponent`:
我们编写一个[*别名provider*](#useexisting) &mdash一个拥有`useExisting`定义的`provide`函数 &mdash;
我们编写一个[*别名供应商*](#useexisting) &mdash一个拥有`useExisting`定义的`provide`函数 &mdash;
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/parent-finder.component.ts','alex-providers','parent-finder.component.ts (AlexComponent providers)')(format='.')
[Parent](#parent-token) is the provider's *class-interface* token.
The [*forwardRef*](#forwardref) breaks the circular reference we just created by having the `AlexComponent` refer to itself.
[父级](#parent-token)是该provider的*类-接口*令牌。我们刚通过在`AlexComponent`引用了自己的建立了一个引用循环, 这个[*forwardRef*](#forwardRef)打破了该循环。
[父级](#parent-token)是该供应商的*类-接口*令牌。我们刚通过在`AlexComponent`引用了自己的建立了一个引用循环, 这个[*forwardRef*](#forwardRef)打破了该循环。
*Carol*, the third of *Alex*'s child components, injects the parent into its `parent` parameter, the same way we've done it before:
@ -1185,8 +1229,8 @@ a(id="parent-tree")
*Barry*'s `providers` array looks just like [*Alex*'s](#alex-providers).
If we're going to keep writing [*alias providers*](#useexisting) like this we should create a [helper function](#provideparent).
For now, focus on *Barry*'s constructor:
@ -1270,7 +1314,7 @@ a(id="provideparent")
Writing variations of the same parent *alias provider* gets old quickly,
especially this awful mouthful with a [*forwardRef*](#forwardref):
We can extract that logic into a helper function like this:
@ -1280,7 +1324,7 @@ a(id="provideparent")
Now we can add a simpler, more meaningful parent provider to our components:
We can do better. The current version of the helper function can only alias the `Parent` *class-interface*.
@ -1367,7 +1411,7 @@ a(id="forwardref")
appear *above* the class definition.
Again we break the circularity with `forwardRef`: