perf(compiler): speed up watch mode (#19275)
- don’t regenerate code for .d.ts files when an oldProgram is passed to `createProgram` - cache `fileExists` / `getSourceFile` / `readFile` in watch mode - refactor tests to share common code in `test_support` - support `—diagnostic` command line to print total time used per watch mode compilation. PR Close #19275
This commit is contained in:
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ export class CompilerHost extends BaseAotCompilerHost<CompilerHostContext> {
this.urlResolver = createOfflineCompileUrlResolver();
getMetadataForSourceFile(filePath: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined {
protected getSourceFile(filePath: string): ts.SourceFile {
let sf = this.program.getSourceFile(filePath);
if (!sf) {
if (this.context.fileExists(filePath)) {
@ -270,7 +270,11 @@ export class CompilerHost extends BaseAotCompilerHost<CompilerHostContext> {
throw new Error(`Source file ${filePath} not present in program.`);
return this.metadataProvider.getMetadata(sf);
return sf;
getMetadataForSourceFile(filePath: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined {
return this.metadataProvider.getMetadata(this.getSourceFile(filePath));
toSummaryFileName(fileName: string, referringSrcFileName: string): string {
@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ export interface CompilerHost extends ts.CompilerHost {
export enum EmitFlags {
DTS = 1 << 0,
JS = 1 << 1,
Codegen = 1 << 4,
Default = DTS | JS
Default = DTS | JS | Codegen
export interface CustomTransformers {
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ export interface Program {
customTransformers?: CustomTransformers,
emitCallback?: TsEmitCallback
}): ts.EmitResult;
getLibrarySummaries(): {fileName: string, content: string}[];
// Wrapper for createProgram.
@ -35,9 +35,25 @@ const ChangeDiagnostics = {
function totalCompilationTimeDiagnostic(timeInMillis: number): api.Diagnostic {
let duration: string;
if (timeInMillis > 1000) {
duration = `${(timeInMillis / 1000).toPrecision(2)}s`;
} else {
duration = `${timeInMillis}ms`;
return {
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message,
messageText: `Total time: ${duration}`,
source: api.SOURCE,
export enum FileChangeEvent {
export interface PerformWatchHost {
@ -45,8 +61,9 @@ export interface PerformWatchHost {
readConfiguration(): ParsedConfiguration;
createCompilerHost(options: api.CompilerOptions): api.CompilerHost;
createEmitCallback(options: api.CompilerOptions): api.TsEmitCallback|undefined;
onFileChange(listener: (event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) => void):
{close: () => void, ready: (cb: () => void) => void};
options: api.CompilerOptions, listener: (event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) => void,
ready: () => void): {close: () => void};
setTimeout(callback: () => void, ms: number): any;
clearTimeout(timeoutId: any): void;
@ -60,23 +77,17 @@ export function createPerformWatchHost(
createCompilerHost: options => createCompilerHost({options}),
readConfiguration: () => readConfiguration(configFileName, existingOptions),
createEmitCallback: options => createEmitCallback ? createEmitCallback(options) : undefined,
onFileChange: (listeners) => {
const parsed = readConfiguration(configFileName, existingOptions);
function stubReady(cb: () => void) { process.nextTick(cb); }
if (parsed.errors && parsed.errors.length) {
return {close: () => {}, ready: stubReady};
if (!parsed.options.basePath) {
onFileChange: (options, listener, ready: () => void) => {
if (!options.basePath) {
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
messageText: 'Invalid configuration option. baseDir not specified',
source: api.SOURCE,
return {close: () => {}, ready: stubReady};
return {close: () => {}};
const watcher =, {
const watcher =, {
// ignore .dotfiles, .js and .map files.
// can't ignore other files as we e.g. want to recompile if an `.html` file changes as well.
ignored: /((^[\/\\])\..)|(\.js$)|(\.map$)|(\.metadata\.json)/,
@ -86,15 +97,19 @@ export function createPerformWatchHost(
watcher.on('all', (event: string, path: string) => {
switch (event) {
case 'change':
listeners(FileChangeEvent.Change, path);
listener(FileChangeEvent.Change, path);
case 'unlink':
case 'add':
listeners(FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete, path);
listener(FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete, path);
case 'unlinkDir':
case 'addDir':
listener(FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir, path);
function ready(cb: () => void) { watcher.on('ready', cb); }
watcher.on('ready', ready);
return {close: () => watcher.close(), ready};
setTimeout: (ts.sys.clearTimeout && ts.sys.setTimeout) || setTimeout,
@ -102,6 +117,12 @@ export function createPerformWatchHost(
interface CacheEntry {
exists?: boolean;
sf?: ts.SourceFile;
content?: string;
* The logic in this function is adapted from `tsc.ts` from TypeScript.
@ -112,16 +133,30 @@ export function performWatchCompilation(host: PerformWatchHost):
let cachedOptions: ParsedConfiguration|undefined; // CompilerOptions cached from last compilation
let timerHandleForRecompilation: any; // Handle for 0.25s wait timer to trigger recompilation
// Watch basePath, ignoring .dotfiles
const fileWatcher = host.onFileChange(watchedFileChanged);
const ingoreFilesForWatch = new Set<string>();
const fileCache = new Map<string, CacheEntry>();
const firstCompileResult = doCompilation();
const readyPromise = new Promise(resolve => fileWatcher.ready(resolve));
// Watch basePath, ignoring .dotfiles
let resolveReadyPromise: () => void;
const readyPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolveReadyPromise = resolve);
// Note: ! is ok as options are filled after the first compilation
// Note: ! is ok as resolvedReadyPromise is filled by the previous call
const fileWatcher =
host.onFileChange(cachedOptions !.options, watchedFileChanged, resolveReadyPromise !);
return {close, ready: cb => readyPromise.then(cb), firstCompileResult};
function cacheEntry(fileName: string): CacheEntry {
let entry = fileCache.get(fileName);
if (!entry) {
entry = {};
fileCache.set(fileName, entry);
return entry;
function close() {
if (timerHandleForRecompilation) {
@ -139,11 +174,8 @@ export function performWatchCompilation(host: PerformWatchHost):
return cachedOptions.errors;
const startTime =;
if (!cachedCompilerHost) {
// TODO(chuckj): consider avoiding re-generating factories for libraries.
// Consider modifying the AotCompilerHost to be able to remember the summary files
// generated from previous compiliations and return false from isSourceFile for
// .d.ts files for which a summary file was already generated.å
cachedCompilerHost = host.createCompilerHost(cachedOptions.options);
const originalWriteFileCallback = cachedCompilerHost.writeFile;
cachedCompilerHost.writeFile = function(
@ -152,6 +184,31 @@ export function performWatchCompilation(host: PerformWatchHost):
return originalWriteFileCallback(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
const originalFileExists = cachedCompilerHost.fileExists;
cachedCompilerHost.fileExists = function(fileName: string) {
const ce = cacheEntry(fileName);
if (ce.exists == null) {
ce.exists =, fileName);
return ce.exists !;
const originalGetSourceFile = cachedCompilerHost.getSourceFile;
cachedCompilerHost.getSourceFile = function(
fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) {
const ce = cacheEntry(fileName);
if (!ce.sf) {
ce.sf =, fileName, languageVersion);
return ce.sf !;
const originalReadFile = cachedCompilerHost.readFile;
cachedCompilerHost.readFile = function(fileName: string) {
const ce = cacheEntry(fileName);
if (ce.content == null) {
ce.content =, fileName);
return ce.content !;
const compileResult = performCompilation({
@ -166,6 +223,11 @@ export function performWatchCompilation(host: PerformWatchHost):
const endTime =;
if (cachedOptions.options.diagnostics) {
const totalTime = (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
host.reportDiagnostics([totalCompilationTimeDiagnostic(endTime - startTime)]);
const exitCode = exitCodeFromResult(compileResult.diagnostics);
if (exitCode == 0) {
cachedProgram = compileResult.program;
@ -191,11 +253,19 @@ export function performWatchCompilation(host: PerformWatchHost):
path.normalize(fileName) === path.normalize(cachedOptions.project)) {
// If the configuration file changes, forget everything and start the recompilation timer
} else if (event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete) {
} else if (
event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDelete || event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir) {
// If a file was added or removed, reread the configuration
// to determine the new list of root files.
cachedOptions = undefined;
if (event === FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir) {
} else {
if (!ingoreFilesForWatch.has(path.normalize(fileName))) {
// Ignore the file if the file is one that was written by the compiler.
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ export function isNgDiagnostic(diagnostic: any): diagnostic is Diagnostic {
export interface CompilerOptions extends ts.CompilerOptions {
// Write statistics about compilation (e.g. total time, ...)
// Note: this is the --diagnostics command line option from TS (which is @internal
// on ts.CompilerOptions interface).
diagnostics?: boolean;
// Absolute path to a directory where generated file structure is written.
// If unspecified, generated files will be written alongside sources.
// @deprecated - no effect
@ -273,4 +278,10 @@ export interface Program {
customTransformers?: CustomTransformers,
emitCallback?: TsEmitCallback
}): ts.EmitResult;
* Returns the .ngsummary.json files of libraries that have been compiled
* in this program or previous programs.
getLibrarySummaries(): {fileName: string, content: string}[];
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ export class TsCompilerAotCompilerTypeCheckHostAdapter extends
private rootFiles: string[], options: CompilerOptions, context: CompilerHost,
private metadataProvider: MetadataProvider,
private codeGenerator: (fileName: string) => GeneratedFile[]) {
private codeGenerator: (fileName: string) => GeneratedFile[],
private summariesFromPreviousCompilations: Map<string, string>) {
super(options, context);
this.moduleResolutionCache = ts.createModuleResolutionCache(
this.context.getCurrentDirectory !(), this.context.getCanonicalFileName.bind(this.context));
@ -292,7 +293,8 @@ export class TsCompilerAotCompilerTypeCheckHostAdapter extends
const baseNameFromGeneratedFile = this._getBaseNameForGeneratedFile(fileName);
const baseNameFromGeneratedFile = this._getBaseNamesForGeneratedFile(fileName).find(
fileName => this.isSourceFile(fileName) && this.fileExists(fileName));
if (baseNameFromGeneratedFile) {
return this.ensureCodeGeneratedFor(baseNameFromGeneratedFile);
@ -336,29 +338,58 @@ export class TsCompilerAotCompilerTypeCheckHostAdapter extends
fileName = stripNgResourceSuffix(fileName);
// Note: Don't rely on this.generatedSourceFiles here,
// as it might not have been filled yet.
if (this._getBaseNameForGeneratedFile(fileName)) {
if (this._getBaseNamesForGeneratedFile(fileName).find(baseFileName => {
if (this.isSourceFile(baseFileName)) {
return this.fileExists(baseFileName);
} else {
// Note: the factories of a previous program
// are not reachable via the regular fileExists
// as they might be in the outDir. So we derive their
// fileExist information based on the .ngsummary.json file.
return this.fileExists(summaryFileName(baseFileName));
})) {
return true;
return this.originalSourceFiles.has(fileName) || this.context.fileExists(fileName);
return this.summariesFromPreviousCompilations.has(fileName) ||
this.originalSourceFiles.has(fileName) || this.context.fileExists(fileName);
private _getBaseNameForGeneratedFile(genFileName: string): string|null {
private _getBaseNamesForGeneratedFile(genFileName: string): string[] {
const genMatch = GENERATED_FILES.exec(genFileName);
if (genMatch) {
const [, base, genSuffix, suffix] = genMatch;
// Note: on-the-fly generated files always have a `.ts` suffix,
// but the file from which we generated it can be a `.ts`/ `.d.ts`
// (see options.generateCodeForLibraries).
// It can also be a `.css` file in case of a `.css.ngstyle.ts` file
if (suffix === 'ts') {
const baseNames =
genSuffix.indexOf('ngstyle') >= 0 ? [base] : [`${base}.ts`, `${base}.d.ts`];
return baseNames.find(
baseName => this.isSourceFile(baseName) && this.fileExists(baseName)) ||
let baseNames: string[] = [];
if (genSuffix.indexOf('ngstyle') >= 0) {
// Note: ngstlye files have names like `afile.css.ngstyle.ts`
baseNames = [base];
} else if (suffix === 'd.ts') {
baseNames = [base + '.d.ts'];
} else if (suffix === 'ts') {
// Note: on-the-fly generated files always have a `.ts` suffix,
// but the file from which we generated it can be a `.ts`/ `.d.ts`
// (see options.generateCodeForLibraries).
baseNames = [`${base}.ts`, `${base}.d.ts`];
return baseNames;
return null;
return [];
loadSummary(filePath: string): string|null {
if (this.summariesFromPreviousCompilations.has(filePath)) {
return this.summariesFromPreviousCompilations.get(filePath) !;
return super.loadSummary(filePath);
isSourceFile(filePath: string): boolean {
// If we have a summary from a previous compilation,
// treat the file never as a source file.
if (this.summariesFromPreviousCompilations.has(summaryFileName(filePath))) {
return false;
return super.isSourceFile(filePath);
readFile = (fileName: string) => this.context.readFile(fileName);
@ -431,3 +462,7 @@ function stripNgResourceSuffix(fileName: string): string {
function addNgResourceSuffix(fileName: string): string {
return `${fileName}.$ngresource$`;
function summaryFileName(fileName: string): string {
return fileName.replace(EXT, '') + '.ngsummary.json';
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ const defaultEmitCallback: TsEmitCallback =
class AngularCompilerProgram implements Program {
private metadataCache: LowerMetadataCache;
private summariesFromPreviousCompilations = new Map<string, string>();
// Note: This will be cleared out as soon as we create the _tsProgram
private oldTsProgram: ts.Program|undefined;
private _emittedGenFiles: GeneratedFile[]|undefined;
// Lazily initialized fields
@ -54,6 +57,11 @@ class AngularCompilerProgram implements Program {
if (Number(major) < 2 || (Number(major) === 2 && Number(minor) < 4)) {
throw new Error('The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >= 2.4.');
this.oldTsProgram = oldProgram ? oldProgram.getTsProgram() : undefined;
if (oldProgram) {
({content, fileName}) => this.summariesFromPreviousCompilations.set(fileName, content));
this.rootNames = rootNames = rootNames.filter(r => !GENERATED_FILES.test(r));
if (options.flatModuleOutFile) {
@ -75,6 +83,23 @@ class AngularCompilerProgram implements Program {
this.metadataCache = new LowerMetadataCache({quotedNames: true}, !!options.strictMetadataEmit);
getLibrarySummaries(): {fileName: string, content: string}[] {
const emittedLibSummaries: {fileName: string, content: string}[] = [];
(content, fileName) => emittedLibSummaries.push({fileName, content}));
if (this._emittedGenFiles) {
this._emittedGenFiles.forEach(genFile => {
if (genFile.srcFileUrl.endsWith('.d.ts') &&
genFile.genFileUrl.endsWith('.ngsummary.json')) {
// Note: ! is ok here as ngsummary.json files are always plain text, so genFile.source
// is filled.
emittedLibSummaries.push({fileName: genFile.genFileUrl, content: genFile.source !});
return emittedLibSummaries;
getTsProgram(): ts.Program { return this.tsProgram; }
getTsOptionDiagnostics(cancellationToken?: ts.CancellationToken) {
@ -284,6 +309,9 @@ class AngularCompilerProgram implements Program {
if (this._analyzedModules) {
throw new Error(`Internal Error: already initalized!`);
// Note: This is important to not produce a memory leak!
const oldTsProgram = this.oldTsProgram;
this.oldTsProgram = undefined;
const analyzedFiles: NgAnalyzedFile[] = [];
const codegen = (fileName: string) => {
if (this._analyzedModules) {
@ -295,15 +323,13 @@ class AngularCompilerProgram implements Program {
return this._compiler.emitBasicStubs(analyzedFile);
const hostAdapter = new TsCompilerAotCompilerTypeCheckHostAdapter(
this.rootNames, this.options,, this.metadataCache, codegen);
this.rootNames, this.options,, this.metadataCache, codegen,
const aotOptions = getAotCompilerOptions(this.options);
this._compiler = createAotCompiler(hostAdapter, aotOptions).compiler;
this._typeCheckHost = hostAdapter;
this._structuralDiagnostics = [];
const oldTsProgram = this.oldProgram ? this.oldProgram.getTsProgram() : undefined;
// Note: This is important to not produce a memory leak!
this.oldProgram = undefined;
const tmpProgram = ts.createProgram(this.rootNames, this.options, hostAdapter, oldTsProgram);
return {tmpProgram, analyzedFiles, hostAdapter};
@ -7,84 +7,41 @@
import * as ng from '@angular/compiler-cli';
import {makeTempDir} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped/test/test_support';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
function getNgRootDir() {
const moduleFilename = module.filename.replace(/\\/g, '/');
const distIndex = moduleFilename.indexOf('/dist/all');
return moduleFilename.substr(0, distIndex);
import {TestSupport, expectNoDiagnostics, setup} from '../test_support';
describe('ng type checker', () => {
let basePath: string;
let write: (fileName: string, content: string) => void;
let errorSpy: jasmine.Spy&((s: string) => void);
let testSupport: TestSupport;
function compileAndCheck(
mockDirs: {[fileName: string]: string}[],
overrideOptions: ng.CompilerOptions = {}): ng.Diagnostics {
const fileNames: string[] = [];
mockDirs.forEach((dir) => {
Object.keys(dir).forEach((fileName) => {
if (fileName.endsWith('.ts')) {
fileNames.push(path.resolve(basePath, fileName));
fileNames.push(path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, fileName));
write(fileName, dir[fileName]);
const options: ng.CompilerOptions = {
'experimentalDecorators': true,
'skipLibCheck': true,
'strict': true,
'types': [],
'outDir': path.resolve(basePath, 'built'),
'rootDir': basePath,
'baseUrl': basePath,
'declaration': true,
'target': ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
'module': ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
'moduleResolution': ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
'lib': [
path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es6.d.ts'),
path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts')
'typeRoots': [path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/@types')], ...overrideOptions
const options = testSupport.createCompilerOptions(overrideOptions);
const {diagnostics} = ng.performCompilation({rootNames: fileNames, options});
return diagnostics;
beforeEach(() => {
errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('consoleError').and.callFake(console.error);
basePath = makeTempDir();
write = (fileName: string, content: string) => {
const dir = path.dirname(fileName);
if (dir != '.') {
const newDir = path.join(basePath, dir);
if (!fs.existsSync(newDir)) fs.mkdirSync(newDir);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(basePath, fileName), content, {encoding: 'utf-8'});
const ngRootDir = getNgRootDir();
const nodeModulesPath = path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules');
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'dist', 'all', '@angular'),
path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, '@angular'));
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'node_modules', 'rxjs'), path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'rxjs'));
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'node_modules', 'typescript'),
path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'typescript'));
testSupport = setup();
function accept(
files: {[fileName: string]: string} = {}, overrideOptions: ng.CompilerOptions = {}) {
expectNoDiagnostics(compileAndCheck([QUICKSTART, files], overrideOptions));
expectNoDiagnostics({}, compileAndCheck([QUICKSTART, files], overrideOptions));
function reject(
@ -193,7 +150,7 @@ describe('ng type checker', () => {
describe('with lowered expressions', () => {
it('should not report lowered expressions as errors',
() => { expectNoDiagnostics(compileAndCheck([LOWERING_QUICKSTART])); });
() => { expectNoDiagnostics({}, compileAndCheck([LOWERING_QUICKSTART])); });
@ -284,9 +241,3 @@ const LOWERING_QUICKSTART = {
export class AppModule { }
function expectNoDiagnostics(diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics) {
if (diagnostics && diagnostics.length) {
throw new Error(ng.formatDiagnostics({}, diagnostics));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as ng from '../index';
import {FileChangeEvent, performWatchCompilation} from '../src/perform_watch';
import {TestSupport, expectNoDiagnostics, setup} from './test_support';
describe('perform watch', () => {
let testSupport: TestSupport;
let outDir: string;
beforeEach(() => {
testSupport = setup();
outDir = path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'outDir');
function createConfig(): ng.ParsedConfiguration {
const options = testSupport.createCompilerOptions({outDir});
return {
rootNames: [path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src/index.ts')],
project: path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src/tsconfig.json'),
emitFlags: ng.EmitFlags.Default,
errors: []
it('should compile files during the initial run', () => {
const config = createConfig();
const host = new MockWatchHost(config);
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main'),
'src/index.ts': `export * from './main'; `,
const watchResult = performWatchCompilation(host);
expectNoDiagnostics(config.options, watchResult.firstCompileResult);
expect(fs.existsSync(path.resolve(outDir, 'src', 'main.ngfactory.js'))).toBe(true);
it('should cache files on subsequent runs', () => {
const config = createConfig();
const host = new MockWatchHost(config);
let fileExistsSpy: jasmine.Spy;
let getSourceFileSpy: jasmine.Spy;
host.createCompilerHost = (options: ng.CompilerOptions) => {
const ngHost = ng.createCompilerHost({options});
fileExistsSpy = spyOn(ngHost, 'fileExists').and.callThrough();
getSourceFileSpy = spyOn(ngHost, 'getSourceFile').and.callThrough();
return ngHost;
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main'),
'src/util.ts': `export const x = 1;`,
'src/index.ts': `
export * from './main';
export * from './util';
const mainTsPath = path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src', 'main.ts');
const utilTsPath = path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src', 'util.ts');
const mainNgFactory = path.resolve(outDir, 'src', 'main.ngfactory.js');
expect(fileExistsSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mainTsPath);
expect(fileExistsSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(utilTsPath);
expect(getSourceFileSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mainTsPath, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
expect(getSourceFileSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(utilTsPath, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
fileExistsSpy !.calls.reset();
getSourceFileSpy !.calls.reset();
// trigger a single file change
// -> all other files should be cached
host.triggerFileChange(FileChangeEvent.Change, utilTsPath);
expect(fileExistsSpy !).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(mainTsPath);
expect(fileExistsSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(utilTsPath);
expect(getSourceFileSpy !).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(mainTsPath, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
expect(getSourceFileSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(utilTsPath, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
// trigger a folder change
// -> nothing should be cached
FileChangeEvent.CreateDeleteDir, path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src'));
expect(fileExistsSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mainTsPath);
expect(fileExistsSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(utilTsPath);
expect(getSourceFileSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mainTsPath, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
expect(getSourceFileSpy !).toHaveBeenCalledWith(utilTsPath, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
function createModuleAndCompSource(prefix: string, template: string = prefix + 'template') {
const templateEntry =
template.endsWith('.html') ? `templateUrl: '${template}'` : `template: \`${template}\``;
return `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: '${prefix}', ${templateEntry}})
export class ${prefix}Comp {}
@NgModule({declarations: [${prefix}Comp]})
export class ${prefix}Module {}
class MockWatchHost {
timeoutListeners: Array<(() => void)|null> = [];
fileChangeListeners: Array<((event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) => void)|null> = [];
diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics = [];
constructor(public config: ng.ParsedConfiguration) {}
reportDiagnostics(diags: ng.Diagnostics) { this.diagnostics.push(...diags); }
readConfiguration() { return this.config; }
createCompilerHost(options: ng.CompilerOptions) { return ng.createCompilerHost({options}); };
createEmitCallback() { return undefined; }
options: ng.CompilerOptions, listener: (event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) => void,
ready: () => void) {
const id = this.fileChangeListeners.length;
return {
close: () => this.fileChangeListeners[id] = null,
setTimeout(callback: () => void, ms: number): any {
const id = this.timeoutListeners.length;
return id;
clearTimeout(timeoutId: any): void { this.timeoutListeners[timeoutId] = null; }
flushTimeouts() {
this.timeoutListeners.forEach(cb => {
if (cb) cb();
triggerFileChange(event: FileChangeEvent, fileName: string) {
this.fileChangeListeners.forEach(listener => {
if (listener) {
listener(event, fileName);
@ -9,9 +9,17 @@
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as ng from '../index';
const tmpdir = process.env.TEST_TMPDIR || os.tmpdir();
function getNgRootDir() {
const moduleFilename = module.filename.replace(/\\/g, '/');
const distIndex = moduleFilename.indexOf('/dist/all');
return moduleFilename.substr(0, distIndex);
export function writeTempFile(name: string, contents: string): string {
// TEST_TMPDIR is set by bazel.
const id = (Math.random() * 1000000).toFixed(0);
@ -25,4 +33,91 @@ export function makeTempDir(): string {
const dir = path.join(tmpdir, `tmp.${id}`);
return dir;
export interface TestSupport {
basePath: string;
write(fileName: string, content: string): void;
writeFiles(...mockDirs: {[fileName: string]: string}[]): void;
createCompilerOptions(overrideOptions?: ng.CompilerOptions): ng.CompilerOptions;
shouldExist(fileName: string): void;
shouldNotExist(fileName: string): void;
export function setup(): TestSupport {
const basePath = makeTempDir();
const ngRootDir = getNgRootDir();
const nodeModulesPath = path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules');
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'dist', 'all', '@angular'),
path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, '@angular'));
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'node_modules', 'rxjs'), path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'rxjs'));
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'node_modules', 'typescript'),
path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'typescript'));
return {basePath, write, writeFiles, createCompilerOptions, shouldExist, shouldNotExist};
function write(fileName: string, content: string) {
const dir = path.dirname(fileName);
if (dir != '.') {
const newDir = path.join(basePath, dir);
if (!fs.existsSync(newDir)) fs.mkdirSync(newDir);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(basePath, fileName), content, {encoding: 'utf-8'});
function writeFiles(...mockDirs: {[fileName: string]: string}[]) {
(dir) => { Object.keys(dir).forEach((fileName) => { write(fileName, dir[fileName]); }); });
function createCompilerOptions(overrideOptions: ng.CompilerOptions = {}): ng.CompilerOptions {
return {
'experimentalDecorators': true,
'skipLibCheck': true,
'strict': true,
'types': [],
'outDir': path.resolve(basePath, 'built'),
'rootDir': basePath,
'baseUrl': basePath,
'declaration': true,
'target': ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
'module': ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
'moduleResolution': ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
'lib': [
path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es6.d.ts'),
function shouldExist(fileName: string) {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(basePath, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Expected ${fileName} to be emitted (basePath: ${basePath})`);
function shouldNotExist(fileName: string) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(basePath, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Did not expect ${fileName} to be emitted (basePath: ${basePath})`);
export function expectNoDiagnostics(options: ng.CompilerOptions, diags: ng.Diagnostics) {
if (diags.length) {
throw new Error(`Expected no diagnostics: ${ng.formatDiagnostics(options, diags)}`);
export function expectNoDiagnosticsInProgram(options: ng.CompilerOptions, p: ng.Program) {
expectNoDiagnostics(options, [
...p.getNgStructuralDiagnostics(), ...p.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(),
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ describe('NgCompilerHost', () => {
ngHost = createNgHost({files}),
}: {files?: Directory, options?: CompilerOptions, ngHost?: CompilerHost} = {}) {
return new TsCompilerAotCompilerTypeCheckHostAdapter(
['/tmp/index.ts'], options, ngHost, new MetadataCollector(), codeGenerator);
['/tmp/index.ts'], options, ngHost, new MetadataCollector(), codeGenerator, new Map());
describe('fileNameToModuleName', () => {
@ -7,288 +7,205 @@
import * as ng from '@angular/compiler-cli';
import {makeTempDir} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped/test/test_support';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {StructureIsReused, tsStructureIsReused} from '../../src/transformers/util';
function getNgRootDir() {
const moduleFilename = module.filename.replace(/\\/g, '/');
const distIndex = moduleFilename.indexOf('/dist/all');
return moduleFilename.substr(0, distIndex);
import {CompilerHost} from '../../src/transformers/api';
import {GENERATED_FILES, StructureIsReused, tsStructureIsReused} from '../../src/transformers/util';
import {TestSupport, expectNoDiagnosticsInProgram, setup} from '../test_support';
describe('ng program', () => {
let basePath: string;
let write: (fileName: string, content: string) => void;
let testSupport: TestSupport;
let errorSpy: jasmine.Spy&((s: string) => void);
function writeFiles(...mockDirs: {[fileName: string]: string}[]) {
(dir) => { Object.keys(dir).forEach((fileName) => { write(fileName, dir[fileName]); }); });
function createCompilerOptions(overrideOptions: ng.CompilerOptions = {}): ng.CompilerOptions {
return {
'experimentalDecorators': true,
'skipLibCheck': true,
'strict': true,
'types': [],
'outDir': path.resolve(basePath, 'built'),
'rootDir': basePath,
'baseUrl': basePath,
'declaration': true,
'target': ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
'module': ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
'moduleResolution': ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
'lib': [
path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es6.d.ts'),
path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts')
'typeRoots': [path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules/@types')], ...overrideOptions,
function expectNoDiagnostics(options: ng.CompilerOptions, p: ng.Program) {
const diags: ng.Diagnostics =
[...p.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(), ...p.getNgSemanticDiagnostics()];
if (diags.length > 0) {
console.error('Diagnostics: ' + ng.formatDiagnostics(options, diags));
throw new Error('Expected no diagnostics.');
beforeEach(() => {
errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('consoleError').and.callFake(console.error);
basePath = makeTempDir();
write = (fileName: string, content: string) => {
const dir = path.dirname(fileName);
if (dir != '.') {
const newDir = path.join(basePath, dir);
if (!fs.existsSync(newDir)) fs.mkdirSync(newDir);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(basePath, fileName), content, {encoding: 'utf-8'});
const ngRootDir = getNgRootDir();
const nodeModulesPath = path.resolve(basePath, 'node_modules');
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'dist', 'all', '@angular'),
path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, '@angular'));
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'node_modules', 'rxjs'), path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'rxjs'));
path.resolve(ngRootDir, 'node_modules', 'typescript'),
path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'typescript'));
testSupport = setup();
describe('reuse of old ts program', () => {
const files = {
'src/util.ts': `export const x = 1;`,
'src/main.ts': `
import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core';
import {x} from './util';
function createModuleAndCompSource(prefix: string, template: string = prefix + 'template') {
const templateEntry =
template.endsWith('.html') ? `templateUrl: '${template}'` : `template: \`${template}\``;
return `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'comp', templateUrl: './main.html'})
export class MyComp {}
@Component({selector: '${prefix}', ${templateEntry}})
export class ${prefix}Comp {}
export class MyModule {}
'src/main.html': `Hello world`,
@NgModule({declarations: [${prefix}Comp]})
export class ${prefix}Module {}
function expectResuse(newFiles: {[fileName: string]: string}, reuseLevel: StructureIsReused) {
describe('reuse of old program', () => {
const options1 = createCompilerOptions();
const host1 = ng.createCompilerHost({options: options1});
const rootNames1 = [path.resolve(basePath, 'src/main.ts')];
const p1 = ng.createProgram({rootNames: rootNames1, options: options1, host: host1});
expectNoDiagnostics(options1, p1);
// Note: we recreate the options, rootNames and the host
// to check that TS checks against values, and not references!
const options2 = {...options1};
const host2 = ng.createCompilerHost({options: options2});
const rootNames2 = [...rootNames1];
const p2 =
ng.createProgram({rootNames: rootNames2, options: options2, host: host2, oldProgram: p1});
expectNoDiagnostics(options1, p2);
function compileLib(libName: string) {
[`${libName}_src/index.ts`]: createModuleAndCompSource(libName),
const options = testSupport.createCompilerOptions({
skipTemplateCodegen: true,
const program = ng.createProgram({
rootNames: [path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, `${libName}_src/index.ts`)],
host: ng.createCompilerHost({options}),
expectNoDiagnosticsInProgram(options, program);
path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'built', `${libName}_src`),
path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'node_modules', libName));
program.emit({emitFlags: ng.EmitFlags.DTS | ng.EmitFlags.JS | ng.EmitFlags.Metadata});
it('should reuse completely if nothing changed',
() => { expectResuse({}, StructureIsReused.Completely); });
function compile(oldProgram?: ng.Program): ng.Program {
const options = testSupport.createCompilerOptions();
const rootNames = [path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src/index.ts')];
it('should resuse if a template or a ts file changed', () => {
'src/main.html': `Some other text`,
'src/util.ts': `export const x = 2;`,
const program = ng.createProgram({
rootNames: rootNames,
options: testSupport.createCompilerOptions(),
host: ng.createCompilerHost({options}), oldProgram,
expectNoDiagnosticsInProgram(options, program);
return program;
it('should reuse generated code for libraries from old programs', () => {
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main'),
'src/index.ts': `
export * from './main';
export * from 'lib/index';
const p1 = compile();
sf => /node_modules\/lib\/.*\.ngfactory\.ts$/.test(sf.fileName)))
sf => /node_modules\/lib2\/.*\.ngfactory.*$/.test(sf.fileName)))
const p2 = compile(p1);
sf => /node_modules\/lib\/.*\.ngfactory.*$/.test(sf.fileName)))
sf => /node_modules\/lib2\/.*\.ngfactory.*$/.test(sf.fileName)))
// import a library for which we didn't generate code before
'src/index.ts': `
export * from './main';
export * from 'lib/index';
export * from 'lib2/index';
const p3 = compile(p2);
sf => /node_modules\/lib\/.*\.ngfactory.*$/.test(sf.fileName)))
sf => /node_modules\/lib2\/.*\.ngfactory\.ts$/.test(sf.fileName)))
const p4 = compile(p3);
sf => /node_modules\/lib\/.*\.ngfactory.*$/.test(sf.fileName)))
sf => /node_modules\/lib2\/.*\.ngfactory.*$/.test(sf.fileName)))
it('should not reuse if an import changed', () => {
'src/util.ts': `
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export const x = 2;
it('should reuse the old ts program completely if nothing changed', () => {
testSupport.writeFiles({'src/index.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main')});
// Note: the second compile drops factories for library files,
// and therefore changes the structure again
const p1 = compile();
const p2 = compile(p1);
const p3 = compile(p2);
it('should reuse the old ts program completely if a template or a ts file changed', () => {
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main', 'main.html'),
'src/main.html': `Some template`,
'src/util.ts': `export const x = 1`,
'src/index.ts': `
export * from './main';
export * from './util';
// Note: the second compile drops factories for library files,
// and therefore changes the structure again
const p1 = compile();
const p2 = compile(p1);
'src/main.html': `Another template`,
'src/util.ts': `export const x = 2`,
const p3 = compile(p2);
it('should not reuse the old ts program if an import changed', () => {
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main'),
'src/util.ts': `export const x = 1`,
'src/index.ts': `
export * from './main';
export * from './util';
// Note: the second compile drops factories for library files,
// and therefore changes the structure again
const p1 = compile();
const p2 = compile(p1);
{'src/util.ts': `import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; export const x = 1;`});
const p3 = compile(p2);
it('should typecheck templates even if skipTemplateCodegen is set', () => {
'src/main.ts': `
import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'mycomp', template: '{{nonExistent}}'})
export class MyComp {}
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComp]})
export class MyModule {}
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main', `{{nonExistent}}`),
const options = createCompilerOptions({skipTemplateCodegen: true});
const options = testSupport.createCompilerOptions({skipTemplateCodegen: true});
const host = ng.createCompilerHost({options});
const program =
ng.createProgram({rootNames: [path.resolve(basePath, 'src/main.ts')], options, host});
const program = ng.createProgram(
{rootNames: [path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src/main.ts')], options, host});
const diags = program.getNgSemanticDiagnostics();
expect(diags[0].messageText).toBe(`Property 'nonExistent' does not exist on type 'MyComp'.`);
expect(diags[0].messageText).toBe(`Property 'nonExistent' does not exist on type 'mainComp'.`);
it('should be able to use asynchronously loaded resources', (done) => {
'src/main.ts': `
import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'mycomp', templateUrl: './main.html'})
export class MyComp {}
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComp]})
export class MyModule {}
'src/main.ts': createModuleAndCompSource('main', 'main.html'),
// Note: we need to be able to resolve the template synchronously,
// only the content is delivered asynchronously.
'src/main.html': '',
const options = createCompilerOptions();
const options = testSupport.createCompilerOptions();
const host = ng.createCompilerHost({options});
host.readResource = () => Promise.resolve('Hello world!');
const program =
ng.createProgram({rootNames: [path.resolve(basePath, 'src/main.ts')], options, host});
const program = ng.createProgram(
{rootNames: [path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'src/main.ts')], options, host});
program.loadNgStructureAsync().then(() => {
const factory = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(basePath, 'built/src/main.ngfactory.js'));
const factory =
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(testSupport.basePath, 'built/src/main.ngfactory.js'));
expect(factory).toContain('Hello world!');
function appComponentSource(): string {
return `
import {Component, Pipe, Directive} from '@angular/core';
export interface Person {
name: string;
address: Address;
export interface Address {
street: string;
city: string;
state: string;
zip: string;
templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
name = 'Angular';
person: Person;
people: Person[];
maybePerson?: Person;
getName(): string { return; }
getPerson(): Person { return this.person; }
getMaybePerson(): Person | undefined { return this.maybePerson; }
name: 'aPipe',
export class APipe {
transform(n: number): number { return n + 1; }
selector: '[aDir]',
exportAs: 'aDir'
export class ADirective {
name = 'ADirective';
const QUICKSTART = {
'src/app.component.ts': appComponentSource(),
'src/app.component.html': '<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>',
'src/app.module.ts': `
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent, APipe, ADirective } from './app.component';
declarations: [ AppComponent, APipe, ADirective ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
'src/app.component.ts': appComponentSource(),
'src/app.component.html': '<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>',
'src/app.module.ts': `
import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent, APipe, ADirective } from './app.component';
class Foo {}
template: '',
providers: [
{provide: 'someToken', useFactory: () => new Foo()}
export class Bar {}
declarations: [ AppComponent, APipe, ADirective, Bar ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
function expectNoDiagnostics(diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics) {
if (diagnostics && diagnostics.length) {
throw new Error(ng.formatDiagnostics({}, diagnostics));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user