feat(benchpress): add mean frame time metric
This is useful to measure the smoothness of animations and scrolling actions. part of #821 closes #2474
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ export class Options {
static get WRITE_FILE() { return _WRITE_FILE; }
// TODO(tbosch): use static values when our transpiler supports them
static get MICRO_METRICS() { return _MICRO_METRICS; }
// TODO(tbosch): use static values when our transpiler supports them
static get CAPTURE_FRAMES() { return _CAPTURE_FRAMES; }
var _SAMPLE_ID = new OpaqueToken('Options.sampleId');
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ var _USER_AGENT = new OpaqueToken('Options.userAgent');
var _MICRO_METRICS = new OpaqueToken('Options.microMetrics');
var _NOW = new OpaqueToken('Options.now');
var _WRITE_FILE = new OpaqueToken('Options.writeFile');
var _CAPTURE_FRAMES = new OpaqueToken('Options.frameCapture');
@ -46,5 +49,6 @@ var _DEFAULT_BINDINGS = [
bind(_NOW).toValue(() => DateWrapper.now())
bind(_NOW).toValue(() => DateWrapper.now()),
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
* @param microMetrics Name and description of metrics provided via console.time / console.timeEnd
constructor(private _driverExtension: WebDriverExtension, private _setTimeout: Function,
private _microMetrics: StringMap<string, any>, private _forceGc: boolean) {
private _microMetrics: StringMap<string, any>, private _forceGc: boolean,
private _captureFrames: boolean) {
this._remainingEvents = [];
@ -60,6 +61,11 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
res['forcedGcAmount'] = 'forced gc amount in kbytes';
if (this._captureFrames) {
res['meanFrameTime'] = this._perfLogFeatures.frameCapture ?
'mean frame time in ms (target: 16.6ms for 60fps)' :
'WARNING: Metric requested, but not supported by driver';
(desc, name) => { StringMapWrapper.set(res, name, desc); });
return res;
@ -83,9 +89,13 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
_endPlainMeasureAndMeasureForceGc(restartMeasure: boolean) {
return this._endMeasure(true).then((measureValues) => {
// disable frame capture for measurments during forced gc
var originalFrameCaptureValue = this._captureFrames;
this._captureFrames = false;
return this._driverExtension.gc()
.then((_) => this._endMeasure(restartMeasure))
.then((forceGcMeasureValues) => {
this._captureFrames = originalFrameCaptureValue;
StringMapWrapper.set(measureValues, 'forcedGcTime', forceGcMeasureValues['gcTime']);
StringMapWrapper.set(measureValues, 'forcedGcAmount', forceGcMeasureValues['gcAmount']);
return measureValues;
@ -161,6 +171,9 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
if (this._perfLogFeatures.render) {
result['renderTime'] = 0;
if (this._captureFrames) {
result['meanFrameTime'] = 0;
StringMapWrapper.forEach(this._microMetrics, (desc, name) => { result[name] = 0; });
var markStartEvent = null;
@ -168,6 +181,11 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
var gcTimeInScript = 0;
var renderTimeInScript = 0;
var frameTimestamps = [];
var frameTimes = [];
var frameCaptureStartEvent = null;
var frameCaptureEndEvent = null;
var intervalStarts: StringMap<string, any> = {};
var intervalStartCount: StringMap<string, number> = {};
events.forEach((event) => {
@ -185,8 +203,37 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'e') && StringWrapper.equals(name, markName)) {
markEndEvent = event;
if (isPresent(markStartEvent) && isBlank(markEndEvent) &&
event['pid'] === markStartEvent['pid']) {
if (StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'b') && StringWrapper.equals(name, _MARK_NAME_FRAME_CAPUTRE)) {
if (isPresent(frameCaptureStartEvent)) {
throw new BaseException('can capture frames only once per benchmark run');
if (!this._captureFrames) {
throw new BaseException(
'found start event for frame capture, but frame capture was not requested in benchpress')
frameCaptureStartEvent = event;
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'e') &&
StringWrapper.equals(name, _MARK_NAME_FRAME_CAPUTRE)) {
if (isBlank(frameCaptureStartEvent)) {
throw new BaseException('missing start event for frame capture');
frameCaptureEndEvent = event;
if (StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'I') || StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'i')) {
if (isPresent(frameCaptureStartEvent) && isBlank(frameCaptureEndEvent) &&
StringWrapper.equals(name, 'frame')) {
ListWrapper.push(frameTimestamps, event['ts']);
if (frameTimestamps.length >= 2) {
ListWrapper.push(frameTimes, frameTimestamps[frameTimestamps.length - 1] -
frameTimestamps[frameTimestamps.length - 2]);
if (StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'B') || StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'b')) {
if (isBlank(intervalStarts[name])) {
intervalStartCount[name] = 1;
@ -227,8 +274,25 @@ export class PerflogMetric extends Metric {
if (!isPresent(markStartEvent) || !isPresent(markEndEvent)) {
// not all events have been received, no further processing for now
return null;
if (isPresent(markEndEvent) && isPresent(frameCaptureStartEvent) &&
isBlank(frameCaptureEndEvent)) {
throw new BaseException('missing end event for frame capture');
if (this._captureFrames && isBlank(frameCaptureStartEvent)) {
throw new BaseException(
'frame capture requested in benchpress, but no start event was found');
if (frameTimes.length > 0) {
result['meanFrameTime'] =
ListWrapper.reduce(frameTimes, (a, b) => a + b, 0) / frameTimes.length;
result['pureScriptTime'] = result['scriptTime'] - gcTimeInScript - renderTimeInScript;
return isPresent(markStartEvent) && isPresent(markEndEvent) ? result : null;
return result;
_markName(index) { return `${_MARK_NAME_PREFIX}${index}`; }
@ -239,10 +303,19 @@ var _MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 20;
var _MARK_NAME_PREFIX = 'benchpress';
var _SET_TIMEOUT = new OpaqueToken('PerflogMetric.setTimeout');
var _MARK_NAME_FRAME_CAPUTRE = 'frameCapture';
var _BINDINGS = [
.toFactory((driverExtension, setTimeout, microMetrics, forceGc) =>
new PerflogMetric(driverExtension, setTimeout, microMetrics, forceGc),
[WebDriverExtension, _SET_TIMEOUT, Options.MICRO_METRICS, Options.FORCE_GC]),
(driverExtension, setTimeout, microMetrics, forceGc, captureFrames) =>
new PerflogMetric(driverExtension, setTimeout, microMetrics, forceGc, captureFrames),
bind(_SET_TIMEOUT).toValue((fn, millis) => TimerWrapper.setTimeout(fn, millis))
@ -66,10 +66,15 @@ export class WebDriverExtension {
export class PerfLogFeatures {
render: boolean;
gc: boolean;
frameCapture: boolean;
constructor({render = false, gc = false}: {render?: boolean, gc?: boolean} = {}) {
constructor({render = false, gc = false,
frameCapture = false}: {render?: boolean,
gc?: boolean,
frameCapture?: boolean} = {}) {
this.render = render;
this.gc = gc;
this.frameCapture = frameCapture;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ import {WebDriverExtension, PerfLogFeatures} from '../web_driver_extension';
import {WebDriverAdapter} from '../web_driver_adapter';
import {Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
* Set the following 'traceCategories' to collect metrics in Chrome:
* 'v8,blink.console,disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline'
* In order to collect the frame rate related metrics, add 'benchmark'
* to the list above.
export class ChromeDriverExtension extends WebDriverExtension {
// TODO(tbosch): use static values when our transpiler supports them
static get BINDINGS(): List<Binding> { return _BINDINGS; }
@ -73,12 +80,14 @@ export class ChromeDriverExtension extends WebDriverExtension {
(isBlank(args) || isBlank(args['data']) ||
!StringWrapper.equals(args['data']['scriptName'], 'InjectedScript'))) {
ListWrapper.push(normalizedEvents, normalizeEvent(event, {'name': 'script'}));
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(name, 'RecalculateStyles') ||
StringWrapper.equals(name, 'Layout') ||
StringWrapper.equals(name, 'UpdateLayerTree') ||
StringWrapper.equals(name, 'Paint') || StringWrapper.equals(name, 'Rasterize') ||
StringWrapper.equals(name, 'CompositeLayers')) {
ListWrapper.push(normalizedEvents, normalizeEvent(event, {'name': 'render'}));
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(name, 'GCEvent')) {
var normArgs = {
'usedHeapSize': isPresent(args['usedHeapSizeAfter']) ? args['usedHeapSizeAfter'] :
@ -91,20 +100,42 @@ export class ChromeDriverExtension extends WebDriverExtension {
normalizeEvent(event, {'name': 'gc', 'args': normArgs}));
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(cat, 'blink.console')) {
ListWrapper.push(normalizedEvents, normalizeEvent(event, {'name': name}));
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(cat, 'v8')) {
if (StringWrapper.equals(name, 'majorGC')) {
if (StringWrapper.equals(ph, 'B')) {
majorGCPids[pid] = true;
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(cat, 'benchmark')) {
if (StringWrapper.equals(name, 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats')) {
var frameCount = event['args']['data']['frame_count'];
if (frameCount > 1) {
throw new BaseException('multi-frame render stats not supported');
if (frameCount == 1) {
ListWrapper.push(normalizedEvents, normalizeEvent(event, {'name': 'frame'}));
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(name, 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::DisplayRenderingStats') ||
StringWrapper.equals(name, 'vsync_before')) {
// TODO(goderbauer): If present, these events should be used instead of
// BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats.
// However, they never seem to appear in practice. Maybe they appear on a different
// platform?
throw new BaseException('NYI');
return normalizedEvents;
perfLogFeatures(): PerfLogFeatures { return new PerfLogFeatures({render: true, gc: true}); }
perfLogFeatures(): PerfLogFeatures {
return new PerfLogFeatures({render: true, gc: true, frameCapture: true});
supports(capabilities: StringMap<string, any>): boolean {
return StringWrapper.equals(capabilities['browserName'].toLowerCase(), 'chrome');
@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ export function main() {
var commandLog;
var eventFactory = new TraceEventFactory('timeline', 'pid0');
function createMetric(perfLogs, microMetrics = null, perfLogFeatures = null, forceGc = null) {
function createMetric(perfLogs, microMetrics = null, perfLogFeatures = null, forceGc = null,
captureFrames = null) {
commandLog = [];
if (isBlank(perfLogFeatures)) {
perfLogFeatures = new PerfLogFeatures({render: true, gc: true});
perfLogFeatures = new PerfLogFeatures({render: true, gc: true, frameCapture: true});
if (isBlank(microMetrics)) {
microMetrics = StringMapWrapper.create();
@ -54,6 +55,9 @@ export function main() {
if (isPresent(forceGc)) {
ListWrapper.push(bindings, bind(Options.FORCE_GC).toValue(forceGc));
if (isPresent(captureFrames)) {
ListWrapper.push(bindings, bind(Options.CAPTURE_FRAMES).toValue(captureFrames));
return Injector.resolveAndCreate(bindings).get(PerflogMetric);
@ -98,6 +102,20 @@ export function main() {
it('should describe itself if frame capture is requested and available', () => {
var description =
createMetric([[]], null, new PerfLogFeatures({frameCapture: true}), null, true)
it('should describe itself if frame capture is requested and not available', () => {
var description =
createMetric([[]], null, new PerfLogFeatures({frameCapture: false}), null, true)
describe('beginMeasure', () => {
it('should not force gc and mark the timeline', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
@ -300,13 +318,88 @@ export function main() {
describe('aggregation', () => {
function aggregate(events, microMetrics = null) {
function aggregate(events, microMetrics = null, captureFrames = null) {
ListWrapper.insert(events, 0, eventFactory.markStart('benchpress0', 0));
ListWrapper.push(events, eventFactory.markEnd('benchpress0', 10));
var metric = createMetric([events], microMetrics);
var metric = createMetric([events], microMetrics, null, null, captureFrames);
return metric.beginMeasure().then((_) => metric.endMeasure(false));
describe('frame metrics', () => {
it('should calculate mean frame time', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
eventFactory.markStart('frameCapture', 0),
eventFactory.instant('frame', 1),
eventFactory.instant('frame', 3),
eventFactory.instant('frame', 4),
eventFactory.markEnd('frameCapture', 5)
null, true)
.then((data) => {
expect(data['meanFrameTime']).toBe(((3 - 1) + (4 - 3)) / 2);
it('should throw if no start event', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
[eventFactory.instant('frame', 4), eventFactory.markEnd('frameCapture', 5)],
null, true),
(err) => {
expect(() => { throw err; })
.toThrowError('missing start event for frame capture');
it('should throw if no end event', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
[eventFactory.markStart('frameCapture', 3), eventFactory.instant('frame', 4)],
null, true),
(err) => {
expect(() => { throw err; }).toThrowError('missing end event for frame capture');
it('should throw if trying to capture twice', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
eventFactory.markStart('frameCapture', 3),
eventFactory.markStart('frameCapture', 4)
null, true),
(err) => {
expect(() => { throw err; })
.toThrowError('can capture frames only once per benchmark run');
it('should throw if trying to capture when frame capture is disabled',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
PromiseWrapper.catchError(aggregate([eventFactory.markStart('frameCapture', 3)]), (err) => {
expect(() => { throw err; })
'found start event for frame capture, but frame capture was not requested in benchpress');
it('should throw if frame capture is enabled, but nothing is captured',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
PromiseWrapper.catchError(aggregate([], null, true), (err) => {
expect(() => { throw err; })
'frame capture requested in benchpress, but no start event was found');
it('should report a single interval', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
aggregate([eventFactory.start('script', 0), eventFactory.end('script', 5)])
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ export class TraceEventFactory {
end(name, time, args = null) { return this.create('E', name, time, args); }
instant(name, time, args = null) { return this.create('i', name, time, args); }
complete(name, time, duration, args = null) {
var res = this.create('X', name, time, args);
res['dur'] = duration;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export function main() {
var v8EventsOtherProcess = new TraceEventFactory('v8', 'pid1');
var chromeTimelineEvents =
new TraceEventFactory('disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline', 'pid0');
var benchmarkEvents = new TraceEventFactory('benchmark', 'pid0');
var normEvents = new TraceEventFactory('timeline', 'pid0');
function createExtension(perfRecords = null, messageMethod = 'Tracing.dataCollected') {
@ -111,6 +112,49 @@ export function main() {
describe('frame metrics', () => {
it('should report ImplThreadRenderingStats as frame event',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
benchmarkEvents.instant('BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats', 1100,
{'data': {'frame_count': 1}})
.then((events) => {
normEvents.create('i', 'frame', 1.1),
it('should not report ImplThreadRenderingStats with zero frames',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
benchmarkEvents.instant('BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats', 1100,
{'data': {'frame_count': 0}})
.then((events) => {
it('should throw when ImplThreadRenderingStats contains more than one frame',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
1100, {'data': {'frame_count': 2}})
(err) => {
expect(() => { throw err; })
.toThrowError('multi-frame render stats not supported');
it('should normalize "tdur" to "dur"', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
var event = chromeTimelineEvents.create('X', 'FunctionCall', 1100, null);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user