
This commit is contained in:
YuCheng Hu 2021-04-05 10:22:10 -04:00
commit 774a2e6f9c
9660 changed files with 1143869 additions and 33 deletions

.bazelignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Bazel does not yet support wildcards or other .gitignore semantics for
# .bazelignore. Two issues for this feature request are outstanding:
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7093
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8106
# All integration test node_modules folders
# All integration test .yarn_local_cache folders
# All integration test NPM_PACKAGE_MANIFEST.json folders

.bazelrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# Enable debugging tests with --config=debug
test:debug --test_arg=--node_options=--inspect-brk --test_output=streamed --test_strategy=exclusive --test_timeout=9999 --nocache_test_results
# Filesystem interactions #
# Create symlinks in the project:
# - dist/bin for outputs
# - dist/testlogs, dist/genfiles
# - bazel-out
# NB: bazel-out should be excluded from the editor configuration.
# The checked-in /.vscode/settings.json does this for VSCode.
# Other editors may require manual config to ignore this directory.
# In the past, we say a problem where VSCode traversed a massive tree, opening file handles and
# eventually a surprising failure with auto-discovery of the C++ toolchain in
# MacOS High Sierra.
# See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/4603
build --symlink_prefix=dist/
# Turn off legacy external runfiles
build --nolegacy_external_runfiles
run --nolegacy_external_runfiles
test --nolegacy_external_runfiles
# Turn on --incompatible_strict_action_env which was on by default
# in Bazel 0.21.0 but turned off again in 0.22.0. Follow
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7026 for more details.
# This flag is needed to so that the bazel cache is not invalidated
# when running bazel via `yarn bazel`.
# See https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/27514.
build --incompatible_strict_action_env
run --incompatible_strict_action_env
test --incompatible_strict_action_env
# Do not build runfile trees by default. If an execution strategy relies on runfile
# symlink teee, the tree is created on-demand. See: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6627
# and https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/03246077f948f2790a83520e7dccc2625650e6df
build --nobuild_runfile_links
# Release support #
# Turn on these settings with #
# --config=release #
# Releases should always be stamped with version control info
# This command assumes node on the path and is a workaround for
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/4802
build:release --workspace_status_command="yarn -s ng-dev release build-env-stamp --mode=release"
build:release --stamp
# Snapshots should also be stamped with version control information.
build:snapshot --workspace_status_command="yarn -s ng-dev release build-env-stamp --mode=snapshot"
build:snapshot --stamp
# Output #
# A more useful default output mode for bazel query
# Prints eg. "ng_module rule //foo:bar" rather than just "//foo:bar"
query --output=label_kind
# By default, failing tests don't print any output, it goes to the log file
test --test_output=errors
# Settings for CircleCI #
# Bazel flags for CircleCI are in /.circleci/bazel.linux.rc and /.circleci/bazel.windows.rc
# Settings for integration tests #
# Trick bazel into treating BUILD files under integration/bazel as being regular files
# This lets us glob() up all the files inside this integration test to make them inputs to tests
# (Note, we cannot use common --deleted_packages because the bazel version command doesn't support it)
build --deleted_packages=integration/bazel,integration/bazel/src,integration/bazel/src/hello-world,integration/bazel/test,integration/bazel/tools,integration/bazel/test/e2e
query --deleted_packages=integration/bazel,integration/bazel/src,integration/bazel/src/hello-world,integration/bazel/test,integration/bazel/tools,integration/bazel/test/e2e
# Temporary Settings for Ivy #
# To determine if the compiler used should be Ivy instead of ViewEngine, one can use `--config=ivy`
# on any bazel target. This is a temporary flag until codebase is permanently switched to Ivy.
build --define=angular_ivy_enabled=False
build:view-engine --define=angular_ivy_enabled=False
build:ivy --define=angular_ivy_enabled=True
# Remote Build Execution support #
# Turn on these settings with #
# --config=remote #
# The following --define=EXECUTOR=remote will be able to be removed
# once https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7254 is fixed
build:remote --define=EXECUTOR=remote
# Set a higher timeout value, just in case.
build:remote --remote_timeout=600
# Increase the default number of jobs by 50% because our build has lots of
# parallelism
build:remote --jobs=150
build:remote --google_default_credentials
# Force remote exeuctions to consider the entire run as linux
build:remote --cpu=k8
build:remote --host_cpu=k8
# Toolchain and platform related flags
build:remote --host_javabase=@rbe_ubuntu1604_angular//java:jdk
build:remote --javabase=@rbe_ubuntu1604_angular//java:jdk
build:remote --host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build:remote --java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8
build:remote --crosstool_top=@rbe_ubuntu1604_angular//cc:toolchain
build:remote --extra_toolchains=@rbe_ubuntu1604_angular//config:cc-toolchain
build:remote --extra_execution_platforms=//tools:rbe_ubuntu1604-angular
build:remote --host_platform=//tools:rbe_ubuntu1604-angular
build:remote --platforms=//tools:rbe_ubuntu1604-angular
# Remote instance and caching
build:remote --remote_instance_name=projects/internal-200822/instances/default_instance
build:remote --project_id=internal-200822
build:remote --remote_cache=remotebuildexecution.googleapis.com
build:remote --remote_executor=remotebuildexecution.googleapis.com
# Saucelabs tests settings #
# Turn on these settings with #
# --config=saucelabs #
# For saucelabs tests we don't want to enable flaky test attempts. Karma has its own integrated
# retry mechanism and we do not want to retry unnecessarily if Karma already tried multiple times.
test:saucelabs --flaky_test_attempts=1
# Flag Aliases #
# --ng_perf will ask the Ivy compiler to produce performance results for each build.
build --flag_alias=ng_perf=//packages/compiler-cli:ng_perf
# User bazel configuration
# NOTE: This needs to be the *last* entry in the config.
# Load any settings which are specific to the current user. Needs to be *last* statement
# in this config, as the user configuration should be able to overwrite flags from this file.
try-import .bazelrc.user

.bazelversion Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# [NB: this comment has to be after the first line, see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazelisk/issues/117]
# When updating the Bazel version you also need to update the RBE toolchains version in package.bzl

.circleci/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Encryption
Based on https://github.com/circleci/encrypted-files
In the CircleCI web UI, we have a secret variable called `KEY`
which is only exposed to non-fork builds
(see "Pass secrets to builds from forked pull requests" under
We use this as a symmetric AES encryption key to encrypt tokens like
a GitHub token that enables publishing snapshots.
To create the github_token file, we take this approach:
- Find the angular-builds:token in the internal pw database
- Go inside the CircleCI default docker image so you use the same version of openssl as we will at runtime: `docker run --rm -it circleci/node:10.12`
- echo "https://[token]:@github.com" > credentials
- openssl aes-256-cbc -e -in credentials -out .circleci/github_token -k $KEY
- If needed, base64-encode the result so you can copy-paste it out of docker: `base64 github_token`

.circleci/bazel.common.rc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Settings in this file should be OS agnostic. Use the bazel.<OS>.rc files for OS specific settings.
# Don't be spammy in the logs
build --noshow_progress
# Print all the options that apply to the build.
# This helps us diagnose which options override others
# (e.g. /etc/bazel.bazelrc vs. tools/bazel.rc)
build --announce_rc
# Retry in the event of flakes, eg. https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular/31309
test --flaky_test_attempts=2
# More details on failures
build --verbose_failures=true

.circleci/bazel.linux.rc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# These options are enabled when running on CI
# We do this by copying this file to /etc/bazel.bazelrc at the start of the build.
# See documentation in /docs/BAZEL.md
# Import config items common to both Linux and Windows setups.
# https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/guide.html#bazelrc-syntax-and-semantics
try-import %workspace%/.circleci/bazel.common.rc
# Save downloaded repositories in a location that can be cached by CircleCI. This helps us
# speeding up the analysis time significantly with Bazel managed node dependencies on the CI.
build --repository_cache=/home/circleci/bazel_repository_cache
# Workaround https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/3645
# Bazel doesn't calculate the memory ceiling correctly when running under Docker.
# Limit Bazel to consuming resources that fit in CircleCI "xlarge" class
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#resource_class
build --local_cpu_resources=20
build --local_ram_resources=32768
# All build executed remotely should be done using our RBE configuration.
build:remote --google_default_credentials
build --config=remote

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# These options are enabled when running on CI
# We do this by copying this file to $env:ProgramData\bazel.bazelrc at the start of the build.
# See documentation in /docs/BAZEL.md
# Import config items common to both Linux and Windows setups.
# https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/guide.html#bazelrc-syntax-and-semantics
try-import %workspace%/.circleci/bazel.common.rc
# Manually set the local resources used in windows CI runs
build --local_ram_resources=120000
build --local_cpu_resources=32
# All windows jobs run on master and should use http caching
build --remote_http_cache=https://storage.googleapis.com/angular-team-cache
build --remote_accept_cached=true
build --remote_upload_local_results=true
build --google_default_credentials

.circleci/config.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
# Configuration file for https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular
# Note: YAML anchors allow an object to be re-used, reducing duplication.
# The ampersand declares an alias for an object, then later the `<<: *name`
# syntax dereferences it.
# See https://blog.daemonl.com/2016/02/yaml.html
# To validate changes, use an online parser, eg.
# https://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/
# CircleCI configuration version
# Version 2.1 allows for extra config reuse features
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/reusing-config/#getting-started-with-config-reuse
version: 2.1
# We don't want to include the current branch name in the cache key because that would prevent
# PRs from being able to restore the cache since the branch names are always different for PRs.
# The cache key should only consist of dynamic values that change whenever something in the
# cache changes. For example:
# 1) yarn lock file changes --> cached "node_modules" are different.
# 2) bazel repository definitions change --> cached bazel repositories are different.
# Windows needs its own cache key because binaries in node_modules are different.
# **NOTE 1 **: If you change the cache key prefix, also sync the cache_key_fallback to match.
# **NOTE 2 **: Keep the static part of the cache key as prefix to enable correct fallbacks.
# See https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/caching/#restoring-cache for how prefixes work in CircleCI.
var_3: &cache_key v1-angular-node-12-{{ checksum ".bazelversion" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "WORKSPACE" }}-{{ checksum "packages/bazel/package.bzl" }}-{{ checksum "aio/yarn.lock" }}
# We invalidate the cache if the Bazel version changes because otherwise the `bazelisk` cache
# folder will contain all previously used versions and ultimately cause the cache restoring to
# be slower due to its growing size.
var_4: &cache_key_fallback v1-angular-node-12-{{ checksum ".bazelversion" }}
# Cache key for the `components-repo-unit-tests` job. **Note** when updating the SHA in the
# cache keys also update the SHA for the "COMPONENTS_REPO_COMMIT" environment variable.
var_5: &components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key v1-angular-components-09e68db8ed5b1253f2fe38ff954ef0df019fc25a
var_6: &components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key_fallback v1-angular-components-
# Workspace initially persisted by the `setup` job, and then enhanced by `build-npm-packages` and
# `build-ivy-npm-packages`.
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/workflows/#using-workspaces-to-share-data-among-jobs
# https://circleci.com/blog/deep-diving-into-circleci-workspaces/
var_7: &workspace_location ~/
# Filter to run a job on builds for pull requests only.
var_8: &only_on_pull_requests
- /pull\/\d+/
# Filter to skip a job on builds for pull requests.
var_9: &skip_on_pull_requests
- /pull\/\d+/
# Filter to run a job on builds for the master branch only.
var_10: &only_on_master
- master
# Executor Definitions
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/reusing-config/#authoring-reusable-executors
# **NOTE 1**: Pin to exact images using an ID (SHA). See https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/circleci-images/#using-a-docker-image-id-to-pin-an-image-to-a-fixed-version.
# (Using the tag in not necessary when pinning by ID, but include it anyway for documentation purposes.)
# **NOTE 2**: If you change the version of the docker images, also change the `cache_key` suffix.
type: string
default: medium
- image: circleci/node:12.14.1@sha256:f9de24fc0017059cc42ef7d07db060008af65a98b1f0cdd1ef3339213226bf6d
resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >>
working_directory: ~/ng
working_directory: ~/ng
resource_class: windows.2xlarge
# CircleCI windows VMs do have the GitBash shell available:
# https://github.com/CircleCI-Public/windows-preview-docs#shells
# But in this specific case we really should not use it because Bazel must not be ran from
# GitBash. These issues discuss why:
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5751
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5724#issuecomment-410194038
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/6339#issuecomment-441600879
shell: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
# Windows preview image that includes the following:
# - Visual Studio 2019 build tools
# - Node 12
# - yarn 1.17
# - Python 3 3.7.4
image: windows-server-2019-vs2019:201908-02
# Command Definitions
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/reusing-config/#authoring-reusable-commands
description: Attach workspace at a predefined location
- attach_workspace:
at: *workspace_location
# Install shared libs used by Chrome that is either provisioned by
# rules_webtesting or by puppeteer.
description: Install shared Chrome libs
- run:
name: Install shared Chrome libs
command: |
sudo apt-get update
# Install GTK+ graphical user interface (libgtk-3-0), advanced linux sound architecture (libasound2)
# and network security service libraries (libnss3) & X11 Screen Saver extension library (libssx1)
# which are dependencies of chrome & needed for karma & protractor headless chrome tests.
# This is a very small install which takes around 7s in comparing to using the full
# circleci/node:x.x.x-browsers image.
sudo apt-get -y install libgtk-3-0 libasound2 libnss3 libxss1
# Install java runtime which is required by some integration tests such as
# //integration:hello_world__closure_test, //integration:i18n_test and
# //integration:ng_elements_test to run the closure compiler
description: Install java
- run:
name: Install java
command: |
sudo apt-get update
# Install java runtime
sudo apt-get install default-jre
# Initializes the CI environment by setting up common environment variables.
description: Initializing environment (setting up variables)
- run:
name: Set up environment
CIRCLE_GIT_BASE_REVISION: << pipeline.git.base_revision >>
CIRCLE_GIT_REVISION: << pipeline.git.revision >>
command: ./.circleci/env.sh
- run:
# Configure git as the CircleCI `checkout` command does.
# This is needed because we only checkout on the setup job.
# Add GitHub to known hosts
name: Configure git
command: |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo 'github.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ==' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
git config --global url."ssh://git@github.com".insteadOf "https://github.com" || true
git config --global gc.auto 0 || true
description: Sets up a domain that resolves to the local host.
- run:
name: Preparing environment for running tests on Sauce Labs.
command: |
# For SauceLabs jobs, we set up a domain which resolves to the machine which launched
# the tunnel. We do this because devices are sometimes not able to properly resolve
# `localhost` or `` through the SauceLabs tunnel. Using a domain that does not
# resolve to anything on SauceLabs VMs ensures that such requests are always resolved
# through the tunnel, and resolve to the actual tunnel host machine (i.e. the CircleCI VM).
# More context can be found in: https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/35171.
setPublicVar SAUCE_LOCALHOST_ALIAS_DOMAIN "angular-ci.local"
setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev)
- run:
# Sets up a local domain in the machine's host file that resolves to the local
# host. This domain is helpful in Sauce Labs tests where devices are not able to
# properly resolve `localhost` or `` through the sauce-connect tunnel.
name: Setting up alias domain for local host.
command: echo " $SAUCE_LOCALHOST_ALIAS_DOMAIN" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
# Normally this would be an individual job instead of a command.
# But startup and setup time for each individual windows job are high enough to discourage
# many small jobs, so instead we use a command for setup unless the gain becomes significant.
description: Setup windows node environment
- checkout
# Install Bazel pre-requisites that aren't in the preconfigured CircleCI Windows VM.
- run: ./.circleci/windows-env.ps1
- run: node --version
- run: yarn --version
- run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
description: Notify a webhook about failure
# `webhook_url_env_var` are secret env vars defined in CircleCI project settings.
# The URLs come from https://angular-team.slack.com/apps/A0F7VRE7N-circleci.
type: env_var_name
- run:
when: on_fail
command: |
notificationJson="{\"text\":\":x: \`$CIRCLE_JOB\` job for $CIRCLE_BRANCH branch failed on build $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM: $CIRCLE_BUILD_URL :scream:\"}"
curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$notificationJson" ${<< parameters.webhook_url_env_var >>}
# Job definitions
# Jobs can include parameters that are passed in the workflow job invocation.
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/reusing-config/#authoring-parameterized-jobs
executor: default-executor
- checkout
- init_environment
- run:
name: Rebase PR on target branch
# After checkout, rebase on top of target branch.
command: >
if [[ -n "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}" ]]; then
# User is required for rebase.
git config user.name "angular-ci"
git config user.email "angular-ci"
# Rebase PR on top of target branch.
node .circleci/rebase-pr.js
echo "This build is not over a PR, nothing to do."
# This cache is saved in the build-npm-packages so that Bazel cache is also included.
- restore_cache:
- *cache_key
- *cache_key_fallback
- run:
name: Running Yarn install
command: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Yarn's requests sometimes take more than 10mins to complete.
no_output_timeout: 45m
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Make the bazel directories and add a file to them if they don't exist already so that
# persist_to_workspace does not fail.
- run: |
if [ ! -d ~/bazel_repository_cache ]; then
mkdir ~/bazel_repository_cache
touch ~/bazel_repository_cache/MARKER
# Persist any changes at this point to be reused by further jobs.
# **NOTE**: To add new content to the workspace, always persist on the same root.
- persist_to_workspace:
root: *workspace_location
- ./ng
- ./bazel_repository_cache
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- run: yarn -s tslint
- run: yarn -s ng-dev format changed $CI_GIT_BASE_REVISION --check
- run: yarn -s ts-circular-deps:check
- run: yarn -s ng-dev pullapprove verify
- run: yarn -s ng-dev ngbot verify
- run: yarn -s ng-dev commit-message validate-range $CI_GIT_BASE_REVISION $CI_GIT_REVISION
name: default-executor
# Now that large integration tests are running locally in parallel (they can't run on RBE yet
# as they require network access for yarn install), this test is running out of memory
# consistently with the xlarge machine.
# TODO: switch back to xlarge once integration tests are running on remote-exec
resource_class: 2xlarge+
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
- install_java
- run:
command: yarn bazel test //... --build_tag_filters=-ivy-only --test_tag_filters=-ivy-only
no_output_timeout: 20m
# Temporary job to test what will happen when we flip the Ivy flag to true
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
# We need to explicitly specify the --symlink_prefix option because otherwise we would
# not be able to easily find the output bin directory when uploading artifacts for size
# measurements.
- run:
command: yarn test-ivy-aot //... --symlink_prefix=dist/
no_output_timeout: 20m
# Publish bundle artifacts which will be used to calculate the size change. **Note**: Make
# sure that the size plugin from the Angular robot fetches the artifacts from this CircleCI
# job (see .github/angular-robot.yml). Additionally any artifacts need to be stored with the
# following path format: "{projectName}/{context}/{fileName}". This format is necessary
# because otherwise the bot is not able to pick up the artifacts from CircleCI. See:
# https://github.com/angular/github-robot/blob/master/functions/src/plugins/size.ts#L392-L394
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/hello_world/bundle.min.js
destination: core/hello_world/bundle
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/todo/bundle.min.js
destination: core/todo/bundle
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/hello_world/bundle.min.js.br
destination: core/hello_world/bundle.br
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/todo/bundle.min.js.br
destination: core/todo/bundle.br
# NOTE: This is currently limited to master builds only. See the `monitoring` configuration.
name: default-executor
# In order to avoid the bottleneck of having a slow host machine, we acquire a better
# container for this job. This is necessary because we launch a lot of browsers concurrently
# and therefore the tunnel and Karma need to process a lot of file requests and tests.
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- init_saucelabs_environment
- run:
name: Run Bazel tests on Saucelabs with ViewEngine
# See /tools/saucelabs/README.md for more info
command: |
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
TESTS=$(./node_modules/.bin/bazelisk query --output label '(kind(karma_web_test, ...) intersect attr("tags", "saucelabs", ...)) except attr("tags", "ivy-only", ...) except attr("tags", "fixme-saucelabs-ve", ...)')
yarn bazel test --config=saucelabs ${TESTS}
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_stop
no_output_timeout: 40m
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
# NOTE: This is currently limited to master builds only. See the `monitoring` configuration.
name: default-executor
# In order to avoid the bottleneck of having a slow host machine, we acquire a better
# container for this job. This is necessary because we launch a lot of browsers concurrently
# and therefore the tunnel and Karma need to process a lot of file requests and tests.
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- init_saucelabs_environment
- run:
name: Run Bazel tests on Saucelabs with Ivy
# See /tools/saucelabs/README.md for more info
command: |
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
TESTS=$(./node_modules/.bin/bazelisk query --output label '(kind(karma_web_test, ...) intersect attr("tags", "saucelabs", ...)) except attr("tags", "no-ivy-aot", ...) except attr("tags", "fixme-saucelabs-ivy", ...)')
yarn bazel test --config=saucelabs --config=ivy ${TESTS}
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_stop
no_output_timeout: 40m
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
# Build aio
- run: yarn --cwd aio build --progress=false
# Lint the code
- run: yarn --cwd aio lint
# Run unit tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test --progress=false --watch=false
# Run e2e tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio e2e --configuration=ci
# Run PWA-score tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-pwa-score-localhost $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# Run accessibility tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-a11y-score-localhost
# Check the bundle sizes.
- run: yarn --cwd aio payload-size
# Run unit tests for Firebase redirects
- run: yarn --cwd aio redirects-test
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
# Deploy angular.io to production (if necessary)
- run: setPublicVar_CI_STABLE_BRANCH
- run: yarn --cwd aio deploy-production
type: boolean
default: false
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
# Build aio (with local Angular packages)
- run: yarn --cwd aio build-local<<# parameters.viewengine >>-with-viewengine<</ parameters.viewengine >>-ci
# Run unit tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test --progress=false --watch=false
# Run e2e tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio e2e --configuration=ci
# Run PWA-score tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-pwa-score-localhost $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# Check the bundle sizes.
- run: yarn --cwd aio payload-size aio-local<<# parameters.viewengine >>-viewengine<</ parameters.viewengine >>
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
# Install
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- run: yarn --cwd aio extract-cli-command-docs
# Run tools tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio tools-test
- run: ./aio/aio-builds-setup/scripts/test.sh
type: boolean
default: false
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
parallelism: 5
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
# Install aio
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Run examples tests. The "CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX" will be set if "parallelism" is enabled.
# Since the parallelism is set to "5", there will be five parallel CircleCI containers.
# with either "0", "1", etc as node index. This can be passed to the "--shard" argument.
- run: yarn --cwd aio example-e2e --setup --local <<# parameters.viewengine >>--viewengine<</ parameters.viewengine >> --cliSpecsConcurrency=5 --shard=${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}/${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL}
# This job should only be run on PR builds, where `CI_PULL_REQUEST` is not `false`.
executor: default-executor
AIO_SNAPSHOT_ARTIFACT_PATH: &aio_preview_artifact_path 'aio/tmp/snapshot.tgz'
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- run: ./aio/scripts/build-artifacts.sh $AIO_SNAPSHOT_ARTIFACT_PATH $CI_PULL_REQUEST $CI_COMMIT
- store_artifacts:
path: *aio_preview_artifact_path
# The `destination` needs to be kept in synch with the value of
# `AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH` in `aio/aio-builds-setup/Dockerfile`
destination: aio/dist/aio-snapshot.tgz
- run: node ./aio/scripts/create-preview $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM
# This job should only be run on PR builds, where `CI_PULL_REQUEST` is not `false`.
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- run:
name: Wait for preview and run tests
command: node aio/scripts/test-preview.js $CI_PULL_REQUEST $CI_COMMIT $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# The `build-npm-packages` tasks exist for backwards-compatibility with old scripts and
# tests that rely on the pre-Bazel `dist/packages-dist` output structure (build.sh).
# Having multiple jobs that independently build in this manner duplicates some work; we build
# the bazel packages more than once. Even though we have a remote cache, these jobs will
# typically run in parallel so up-to-date outputs will not be available at the time the build
# starts.
# Build the view engine npm packages. No new jobs should depend on this.
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- run: node scripts/build/build-packages-dist.js
# Save the npm packages from //packages/... for other workflow jobs to read
- persist_to_workspace:
root: *workspace_location
- ng/dist/packages-dist
- ng/dist/zone.js-dist
# Save dependencies and bazel repository cache to use on subsequent runs.
- save_cache:
key: *cache_key
- "node_modules"
- "aio/node_modules"
- "~/bazel_repository_cache"
- "~/.cache/bazelisk"
# Build the ivy npm packages.
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- run: node scripts/build/build-ivy-npm-packages.js
# Save the npm packages from //packages/... for other workflow jobs to read
- persist_to_workspace:
root: *workspace_location
- ng/dist/packages-dist-ivy-aot
- ng/dist/zone.js-dist-ivy-aot
# This job creates compressed tarballs (`.tgz` files) for all Angular packages and stores them as
# build artifacts. This makes it easy to try out changes from a PR build for testing purposes.
# More info CircleCI build artifacts: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/artifacts
# NOTE: Currently, this job only runs for PR builds. See `publish_snapshot` for non-PR builds.
executor: default-executor
NG_PACKAGES_DIR: &ng_packages_dir 'dist/packages-dist'
NG_PACKAGES_ARCHIVES_DIR: &ng_packages_archives_dir 'dist/packages-dist-archives'
ZONEJS_PACKAGES_DIR: &zonejs_packages_dir 'dist/zone.js-dist'
ZONEJS_PACKAGES_ARCHIVES_DIR: &zonejs_packages_archives_dir 'dist/zone.js-dist-archives'
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
# Publish `@angular/*` packages.
- run:
name: Create artifacts for @angular/* packages
command: ./scripts/ci/create-package-archives.sh $CI_BRANCH $CI_COMMIT $NG_PACKAGES_DIR $NG_PACKAGES_ARCHIVES_DIR
- store_artifacts:
path: *ng_packages_archives_dir
destination: angular
# Publish `zone.js` package.
- run:
name: Create artifacts for zone.js package
# Need to remove the zone.js.tgz before archive
command: rm -rf $ZONEJS_PACKAGES_DIR/archive && ./scripts/ci/create-package-archives.sh $CI_BRANCH $CI_COMMIT $ZONEJS_PACKAGES_DIR $ZONEJS_PACKAGES_ARCHIVES_DIR
- store_artifacts:
path: *zonejs_packages_archives_dir
destination: zone.js
# This job updates the content of repos like github.com/angular/core-builds
# for every green build on angular/angular.
executor: default-executor
# See below - ideally this job should not trigger for non-upstream builds.
# But since it does, we have to check this condition.
- run:
name: Skip this job for Pull Requests and Fork builds
# Note: Using `CIRCLE_*` env variables (instead of those defined in `env.sh` so that this
# step can be run before `init_environment`.
command: >
if [[ -n "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}" ]] ||
[[ "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME" != "angular" ]] ||
[[ "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME" != "angular" ]]; then
circleci step halt
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
# CircleCI has a config setting to force SSH for all github connections
# This is not compatible with our mechanism of using a Personal Access Token
# Clear the global setting
- run: git config --global --unset "url.ssh://git@github.com.insteadof"
- run:
name: Decrypt github credentials
# We need ensure that the same default digest is used for encoding and decoding with
# OpenSSL. OpenSSL versions might have different default digests which can cause
# decryption failures based on the installed OpenSSL version. https://stackoverflow.com/a/39641378/4317734
command: 'openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci/github_token -md md5 -k "${KEY}" -out ~/.git_credentials'
- run: ./scripts/ci/publish-build-artifacts.sh
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
- run: setPublicVar_CI_STABLE_BRANCH
- run:
name: Check out `aio/` and yarn from the stable branch
command: |
git fetch origin $CI_STABLE_BRANCH
git checkout --force origin/$CI_STABLE_BRANCH -- aio/ .yarn/ .yarnrc
# Ignore yarn's engines check, because we checked out `aio/package.json` from the stable
# branch and there could be a node version skew, which is acceptable in this monitoring job.
- run: yarn config set ignore-engines true
- run:
name: Run tests against https://angular.io/
command: ./aio/scripts/test-production.sh https://angular.io/ $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
webhook_url_env_var: SLACK_CARETAKER_WEBHOOK_URL
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_chrome_libs
- run:
name: Run tests against https://next.angular.io/
command: ./aio/scripts/test-production.sh https://next.angular.io/ $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
webhook_url_env_var: SLACK_CARETAKER_WEBHOOK_URL
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
name: default-executor
# In order to avoid the bottleneck of having a slow host machine, we acquire a better
# container for this job. This is necessary because we launch a lot of browsers concurrently
# and therefore the tunnel and Karma need to process a lot of file requests and tests.
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- init_saucelabs_environment
- run:
name: Starting Saucelabs tunnel service
command: ./tools/saucelabs/sauce-service.sh run
background: true
# add module umd tsc compile option so the test can work
# properly in the legacy browsers
- run: yarn tsc -p packages --module UMD
- run: yarn tsc -p modules --module UMD
- run: yarn bazel build //packages/zone.js:npm_package
# Build test fixtures for a test that rely on Bazel-generated fixtures. Note that disabling
# specific tests which are reliant on such generated fixtures is not an option as SystemJS
# in the Saucelabs legacy job always fetches referenced files, even if the imports would be
# guarded by an check to skip in the Saucelabs legacy job. We should be good running such
# test in all supported browsers on Saucelabs anyway until this job can be removed.
- run:
name: Preparing Bazel-generated fixtures required in legacy tests
command: |
yarn bazel build //packages/core/test:downleveled_es5_fixture
# Needed for the ES5 downlevel reflector test in `packages/core/test/reflection`.
cp dist/bin/packages/core/test/reflection/es5_downleveled_inheritance_fixture.js \
- run:
# Waiting on ready ensures that we don't run tests too early without Saucelabs not being ready.
name: Waiting for Saucelabs tunnel to connect
command: ./tools/saucelabs/sauce-service.sh ready-wait
- run:
name: Running tests on Saucelabs.
command: |
browsers=$(node -e 'console.log(require("./browser-providers.conf").sauceAliases.CI_REQUIRED.join(","))')
yarn karma start ./karma-js.conf.js --single-run --browsers=${browsers}
- run:
name: Stop Saucelabs tunnel service
command: ./tools/saucelabs/sauce-service.sh stop
# Job that runs all unit tests of the `angular/components` repository.
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
# Restore the cache before cloning the repository because the clone script re-uses
# the restored repository if present. This reduces the amount of times the components
# repository needs to be cloned (this is slow and increases based on commits in the repo).
- restore_cache:
- *components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key
# Whenever the `angular/components` SHA is updated, the cache key will no longer
# match. The fallback cache will still match, and CircleCI will restore the most
# recently cached repository folder. Without the fallback cache, we'd need to download
# the repository from scratch and it would slow down the job. This is because we can't
# clone the repository with reduced `--depth`, but rather need to clone the whole
# repository to be able to support arbitrary SHAs.
- *components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key_fallback
- run:
name: "Fetching angular/components repository"
command: ./scripts/ci/clone_angular_components_repo.sh
- run:
# Run yarn install to fetch the Bazel binaries as used in the components repo.
name: Installing dependencies.
# TODO: remove this once the repo has been updated to use NodeJS v12 and Yarn 1.19.1.
# We temporarily ignore the "engines" because the Angular components repository has
# minimum dependency on NodeJS v12 and Yarn 1.19.1, but the framework repository uses
# older versions.
command: yarn --ignore-engines --cwd ${COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR} install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- save_cache:
key: *components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key
# Temporary directory must be kept in sync with the `$COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR` env
# variable. It needs to be hardcoded here, because env variables interpolation is
# not supported.
- "/tmp/angular-components-repo"
- run:
# Updates the `angular/components` `package.json` file to refer to the release output
# inside the `packages-dist` directory. Note that it's not necessary to perform a yarn
# install as Bazel runs Yarn automatically when needed.
name: Setting up release packages.
command: node scripts/ci/update-deps-to-dist-packages.js ${COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR}/package.json dist/packages-dist/
- run:
name: "Running `angular/components` unit tests"
command: ./scripts/ci/run_angular_components_unit_tests.sh
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- install_java
# Install
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Run zone.js tools tests
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js promisetest
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js promisefinallytest
- run: yarn bazel build //packages/zone.js:npm_package &&
cp dist/bin/packages/zone.js/npm_package/bundles/zone-mix.umd.js ./packages/zone.js/test/extra/ &&
cp dist/bin/packages/zone.js/npm_package/bundles/zone-patch-electron.umd.js ./packages/zone.js/test/extra/ &&
cp dist/bin/packages/zone.js/npm_package/bundles/zone.umd.js ./packages/zone.js/build/test/closure/zone.js
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js jest:test
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js jest:nodetest
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js electrontest
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js closuretest
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js/test/typings install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js/test/typings test
# Windows jobs
# Docs: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/hello-world-windows/
executor: windows-executor
- setup_win
- run:
name: Build all windows CI targets
command: yarn bazel build --build_tag_filters=-ivy-only,-no-windows //packages/compiler-cli/... //tools/ts-api-guardian/...
no_output_timeout: 15m
- run:
name: Test all windows CI targets
command: yarn bazel test --build_tag_filters=-no-windows --test_tag_filters="-ivy-only,-no-windows,-browser:chromium-local" //packages/compiler-cli/... //tools/ts-api-guardian/...
no_output_timeout: 15m
executor: windows-executor
- setup_win
- run:
name: Build all windows CI targets
command: yarn bazel build --config=ivy --build_tag_filters=-no-ivy-aot,-no-windows,-fixme-ivy-aot //packages/compiler-cli/... //tools/ts-api-guardian/...
no_output_timeout: 15m
- run:
name: Test all windows CI targets
command: yarn bazel test --config=ivy --build_tag_filters=-no-windows --test_tag_filters="-no-ivy-aot,-no-windows,-fixme-ivy-aot,-browser:chromium-local" //packages/compiler-cli/... //tools/ts-api-guardian/... //packages/localize/...
no_output_timeout: 15m
version: 2
- setup:
ignore: g3
- lint:
- setup
- test:
- setup
- test_ivy_aot:
- setup
- build-npm-packages:
- setup
- build-ivy-npm-packages:
- setup
- legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs:
- setup
- test_aio:
- setup
- deploy_aio:
- test_aio
- test_aio_local:
- build-npm-packages
- test_aio_local:
name: test_aio_local_viewengine
viewengine: true
- build-npm-packages
- test_aio_tools:
- build-npm-packages
- test_docs_examples:
- build-npm-packages
- test_docs_examples:
name: test_docs_examples_viewengine
viewengine: true
- build-npm-packages
- aio_preview:
# Only run on PR builds. (There can be no previews for non-PR builds.)
<<: *only_on_pull_requests
- setup
- test_aio_preview:
- aio_preview
- publish_packages_as_artifacts:
- build-npm-packages
- publish_snapshot:
# Note: no filters on this job because we want it to run for all upstream branches
# We'd really like to filter out pull requests here, but not yet available:
# https://discuss.circleci.com/t/workflows-pull-request-filter/14396/4
# Instead, the job just exits immediately at the first step.
# Only publish if tests and integration tests pass
- test
- test_ivy_aot
# Only publish if `aio`/`docs` tests using the locally built Angular packages pass
- test_aio_local
- test_aio_local_viewengine
- test_docs_examples
- test_docs_examples_viewengine
# Get the artifacts to publish from the build-packages-dist job
# since the publishing script expects the legacy outputs layout.
- build-npm-packages
- build-ivy-npm-packages
- legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs
# Temporarily disabled components-repo-unit-tests to update rules_nodejs to 2.0.0. Breaking changes in
# rules_nodejs create a dependency sandwich between angular/angular & angular/components that are very
# difficult and time consuming to resolve and involve patching @angular/bazel in components repo such
# as https://github.com/angular/components/commit/9e7ba251207df77164d73d66620e619bcbc4d2ad. It is simpler to
# 1) land angular/angular upgrade to rule_nodejs 2.0.0 which has breaking changes
# 2) land angular/components upgrade to rules_nodejs 2.0.0 using the @angular/bazel builds snapshot
# 3) update angular/angular to the landed components commit and re-enable these tests
# - components-repo-unit-tests:
# requires:
# - build-npm-packages
- test_zonejs:
- setup
- test_win:
- setup
- test_ivy_aot_win:
- setup
- setup
- aio_monitoring_stable:
- setup
- aio_monitoring_next:
- setup
- saucelabs_ivy:
# Testing saucelabs via Bazel currently taking longer than the legacy saucelabs job as it
# each karma_web_test target is provisioning and tearing down browsers which is adding
# a lot of overhead. Running once daily on master only to avoid wasting resources and
# slowing down CI for PRs.
# TODO: Run this job on all branches (including PRs) once karma_web_test targets can
# share provisioned browsers and we can remove the legacy saucelabs job.
- setup
- saucelabs_view_engine:
# Testing saucelabs via Bazel currently taking longer than the legacy saucelabs job as it
# each karma_web_test target is provisioning and tearing down browsers which is adding
# a lot of overhead. Running once daily on master only to avoid wasting resources and
# slowing down CI for PRs.
# TODO: Run this job on all branches (including PRs) once karma_web_test targets can
# share provisioned browsers and we can remove the legacy saucelabs job.
- setup
- schedule:
<<: *only_on_master
# Runs monitoring jobs at 10:00AM every day.
cron: "0 10 * * *"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Helpers for defining environment variables for CircleCI.
# In CircleCI, each step runs in a new shell. The way to share ENV variables across steps is to
# export them from `$BASH_ENV`, which is automatically sourced at the beginning of every step (for
# the default `bash` shell).
# See also https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/#using-bash_env-to-set-environment-variables.
# Set and print an environment variable.
# Use this function for setting environment variables that are public, i.e. it is OK for them to be
# visible to anyone through the CI logs.
# Usage: `setPublicVar <name> <value>`
function setPublicVar() {
setSecretVar $1 "$2";
echo "$1=$2";
# Set (without printing) an environment variable.
# Use this function for setting environment variables that are secret, i.e. should not be visible to
# everyone through the CI logs.
# Usage: `setSecretVar <name> <value>`
function setSecretVar() {
# WARNING: Secrets (e.g. passwords, access tokens) should NOT be printed.
# (Keep original shell options to restore at the end.)
local -r originalShellOptions=$(set +o);
set +x -eu -o pipefail;
echo "export $1=\"${2:-}\";" >> $BASH_ENV;
# Restore original shell options.
eval "$originalShellOptions";
# Create a function to set an environment variable, when called.
# Use this function for creating setter for public environment variables that require expensive or
# time-consuming computaions and may not be needed. When needed, you can call this function to set
# the environment variable (which will be available through `$BASH_ENV` from that point onwards).
# Arguments:
# - `<name>`: The name of the environment variable. The generated setter function will be
# `setPublicVar_<name>`.
# - `<code>`: The code to run to compute the value for the variable. Since this code should be
# executed lazily, it must be properly escaped. For example:
# ```sh
# # DO NOT do this:
# createPublicVarSetter MY_VAR "$(whoami)"; # `whoami` will be evaluated eagerly
# # DO this isntead:
# createPublicVarSetter MY_VAR "\$(whoami)"; # `whoami` will NOT be evaluated eagerly
# ```
# Usage: `createPublicVarSetter <name> <code>`
# Example:
# ```sh
# createPublicVarSetter MY_VAR 'echo "FOO"';
# echo $MY_VAR; # Not defined
# setPublicVar_MY_VAR;
# source $BASH_ENV;
# echo $MY_VAR; # FOO
# ```
function createPublicVarSetter() {
echo "setPublicVar_$1() { setPublicVar $1 \"$2\"; }" >> $BASH_ENV;

.circleci/env.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Variables
readonly projectDir=$(realpath "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/..")
readonly envHelpersPath="$projectDir/.circleci/env-helpers.inc.sh";
readonly bashEnvCachePath="$projectDir/.circleci/bash_env_cache";
# Load helpers and make them available everywhere (through `$BASH_ENV`).
source $envHelpersPath;
echo "source $envHelpersPath;" >> $BASH_ENV;
# Define PUBLIC environment variables for CircleCI.
# See https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/#built-in-environment-variables for more info.
setPublicVar CI "$CI"
setPublicVar PROJECT_ROOT "$projectDir";
setPublicVar CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE "95";
# This is the branch being built; e.g. `pull/12345` for PR builds.
setPublicVar CI_COMMIT "$CIRCLE_SHA1";
# `CI_COMMIT_RANGE` is only used on push builds (a.k.a. non-PR, non-scheduled builds and rerun
# workflows of such builds).
setPublicVar CI_PULL_REQUEST "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER:-false}";
# Define "lazy" PUBLIC environment variables for CircleCI.
# (I.e. functions to set an environment variable when called.)
createPublicVarSetter CI_STABLE_BRANCH "\$(npm info @angular/core dist-tags.latest | sed -r 's/^\\s*([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+.*$/\\1.x/')";
# Define SECRET environment variables for CircleCI.
# Define SauceLabs environment variables for CircleCI.
setPublicVar SAUCE_USERNAME "angular-framework";
setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY "0c731274ed5f-cbc9-16f4-021a-9835e39f";
# TODO(josephperrott): Remove environment variables once all saucelabs tests are via bazel method.
setPublicVar SAUCE_LOG_FILE /tmp/angular/sauce-connect.log
setPublicVar SAUCE_READY_FILE /tmp/angular/sauce-connect-ready-file.lock
setPublicVar SAUCE_PID_FILE /tmp/angular/sauce-connect-pid-file.lock
# Amount of seconds we wait for sauceconnect to establish a tunnel instance. In order to not
# acquire CircleCI instances for too long if sauceconnect failed, we need a connect timeout.
# Define environment variables for the `angular/components` repo unit tests job.
# We specifically use a directory within "/tmp" here because we want the cloned repo to be
# completely isolated from angular/angular in order to avoid any bad interactions between
# their separate build setups. **NOTE**: When updating the temporary directory, also update
# the `save_cache` path configuration in `config.yml`
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR "/tmp/angular-components-repo"
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_URL "https://github.com/angular/components.git"
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_BRANCH "master"
# **NOTE**: When updating the commit SHA, also update the cache key in the CircleCI `config.yml`.
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_COMMIT "09e68db8ed5b1253f2fe38ff954ef0df019fc25a"
# Decrypt GCP Credentials and store them as the Google default credentials.
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/gcloud";
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in "${projectDir}/.circleci/gcp_token" \
-md md5 -k "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME" -out "$HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json"
# Set bazel configuration for CircleCI runs.
cp "${projectDir}/.circleci/bazel.linux.rc" "$HOME/.bazelrc";
# Create shell script in /tmp for Bazel actions to access CI envs without
# busting the cache. Used by payload-size.sh script in integration tests.
readonly bazelVarEnv="/tmp/bazel-ci-env.sh"
echo "# Setup by /.circle/env.sh" > $bazelVarEnv
echo "export PROJECT_ROOT=\"${PROJECT_ROOT}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_BRANCH=\"${CI_BRANCH}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_BUILD_URL=\"${CI_BUILD_URL}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_COMMIT=\"${CI_COMMIT}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_COMMIT_RANGE=\"${CI_COMMIT_RANGE}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_PULL_REQUEST=\"${CI_PULL_REQUEST}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_REPO_NAME=\"${CI_REPO_NAME}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
echo "export CI_REPO_OWNER=\"${CI_REPO_OWNER}\";" >> $bazelVarEnv
## Source `$BASH_ENV` to make the variables available immediately. ##
## ***NOTE: This must remain the last action in this script*** ##
source $BASH_ENV;

.circleci/gcp_token Normal file

Binary file not shown.

.circleci/github_token Normal file

Binary file not shown.

.circleci/rebase-pr.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
* Rebases the current branch on top of the GitHub PR target branch.
* **Context:**
* Since a GitHub PR is not necessarily up to date with its target branch, it is useful to rebase
* prior to testing it on CI to ensure more up to date test results.
* **NOTE:**
* This script cannot use external dependencies or be compiled because it needs to run before the
* environment is setup.
* Use only features supported by the NodeJS versions used in the environment.
// tslint:disable:no-console
const {execSync} = require('child_process');
/** A regex to select a ref that matches our semver refs. */
const semverRegex = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.x$/;
// Run
_main().catch(err => {
console.log('Failed to rebase on top of target branch.\n');
process.exitCode = 1;
// Helpers
async function _main() {
const refs = await getRefsAndShasForChange();
// Log known refs and shas
console.log(` Target Branch: ${refs.base.ref}`);
console.log(` Latest Commit for Target Branch: ${refs.target.latestSha}`);
console.log(` Latest Commit for PR: ${refs.base.latestSha}`);
console.log(` First Common Ancestor SHA: ${refs.commonAncestorSha}`);
// Get the count of commits between the latest commit from origin and the common ancestor SHA.
const commitCount =
exec(`git rev-list --count origin/${refs.base.ref}...${refs.commonAncestorSha}`);
console.log(`Checking ${commitCount} commits for changes in the CircleCI config file.`);
// Check if the files changed between the latest commit from origin and the common ancestor SHA
// includes the CircleCI config.
const circleCIConfigChanged = exec(`git diff --name-only origin/${refs.base.ref} ${
refs.commonAncestorSha} -- .circleci/config.yml`);
if (!!circleCIConfigChanged) {
throw Error(`
CircleCI config on ${refs.base.ref} has been modified since commit
${refs.commonAncestorSha.slice(0, 7)}, which this PR is based on.
Please rebase the PR on ${refs.base.ref} after fetching from upstream.
Rebase instructions for PR Author, please run the following commands:
git fetch upstream ${refs.base.ref};
git checkout ${refs.target.ref};
git rebase upstream/${refs.base.ref};
git push --force-with-lease;
} else {
console.log('No change found in the CircleCI config file, continuing.');
// Rebase the PR.
exec(`git rebase origin/${refs.base.ref}`);
console.log(`Rebased current branch onto ${refs.base.ref}.`);
* Sort a list of fullpath refs into a list and then provide the first entry.
* The sort order will first find master ref, and then any semver ref, followed
* by the rest of the refs in the order provided.
* Branches are sorted in this order as work is primarily done on master, and
* otherwise on a semver branch. If neither of those were to match, the most
* likely correct branch will be the first one encountered in the list.
function getRefFromBranchList(gitOutput) {
const branches = gitOutput.split('\n').map(b => b.split('/').slice(1).join('/').trim());
return branches.sort((a, b) => {
if (a === 'master') {
return -1;
if (b === 'master') {
return 1;
const aIsSemver = semverRegex.test(a);
const bIsSemver = semverRegex.test(b);
if (aIsSemver && bIsSemver) {
const [, aMajor, aMinor] = a.match(semverRegex);
const [, bMajor, bMinor] = b.match(semverRegex);
return parseInt(bMajor, 10) - parseInt(aMajor, 10) ||
parseInt(aMinor, 10) - parseInt(bMinor, 10) || 0;
if (aIsSemver) {
return -1;
if (bIsSemver) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Get the full sha of the ref provided.
* example: 1bc0c1a6c01ede7168f22fa9b3508ba51f1f464e
function getShaFromRef(ref) {
return exec(`git rev-parse ${ref}`);
* Get the list of branches which contain the provided sha, sorted in descending order
* by committerdate.
* example:
* upstream/master
* upstream/9.0.x
* upstream/test
* upstream/1.1.x
function getBranchListForSha(sha, remote) {
return exec(`git branch -r '${remote}/*' --sort=-committerdate --contains ${sha}`);
/** Get the common ancestor sha of the two provided shas. */
function getCommonAncestorSha(sha1, sha2) {
return exec(`git merge-base ${sha1} ${sha2}`);
* Adds the remote to git, if it doesn't already exist. Returns a boolean indicating
* whether the remote was added by the command.
function addAndFetchRemote(owner, name) {
const remoteName = `${owner}_${name}`;
exec(`git remote add ${remoteName} https://github.com/${owner}/${name}.git`, true);
exec(`git fetch ${remoteName}`);
return remoteName;
/** Get the ref and latest shas for the provided sha on a specific remote. */
function getRefAndShas(sha, owner, name) {
const remoteName = addAndFetchRemote(owner, name);
// Get the ref on the remote for the sha provided.
const branches = getBranchListForSha(sha, remoteName);
const ref = getRefFromBranchList(branches);
// Get the latest sha on the discovered remote ref.
const latestSha = getShaFromRef(`${remoteName}/${ref}`);
return {remote: remoteName, ref, latestSha, sha};
/** Gets the refs and shas for the base and target of the current environment. */
function getRefsAndShasForChange() {
const base = getRefAndShas(
process.env['CI_GIT_BASE_REVISION'], process.env['CI_REPO_OWNER'],
const target = getRefAndShas(
process.env['CI_GIT_REVISION'], process.env['CI_PR_USERNAME'], process.env['CI_PR_REPONAME']);
const commonAncestorSha = getCommonAncestorSha(base.sha, target.sha);
return {
* Synchronously executes the command.
* Return the trimmed stdout as a string, with an added attribute of the exit code.
function exec(command, ignoreError = false) {
try {
return execSync(command, {stdio: 'pipe'}).toString().trim();
} catch (err) {
if (ignoreError) {
return '';
throw err;

.circleci/setup_cache.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Install bazel remote cache proxy
# This is temporary until the feature is no longer experimental on CircleCI.
# See remote cache documentation in /docs/BAZEL.md
set -u -e
readonly DOWNLOAD_URL="https://5-116431813-gh.circle-artifacts.com/0/pkg/bazel-remote-proxy-$(uname -s)_$(uname -m)"
curl --fail -o ~/bazel-remote-proxy "$DOWNLOAD_URL"
chmod +x ~/bazel-remote-proxy

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Usage (cli):
* ```
* node create-preview <build-number> <job-name> <webhook-url>
* ```
* Usage (JS):
* ```js
* require('./trigger-webhook').
* triggerWebhook(buildNumber, jobName, webhookUrl).
* then(...);
* ```
* Triggers a notification webhook with CircleCI specific info.
* It can be used for notifying external servers and trigger operations based on CircleCI job status
* (e.g. triggering the creation of a preview based on previously stored build atrifacts).
* The body of the sent payload is of the form:
* ```json
* {
* "payload": {
* "build_num": ${buildNumber}
* "build_parameters": {
* "CIRCLE_JOB": "${jobName}"
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* When used from JS, it returns a promise which resolves to an object of the form:
* ```json
* {
* "statucCode": ${statusCode},
* "responseText": "${responseText}"
* }
* ```
* - When used from the cli, the command will exit with an error code if the response's status code
* is outside the [200, 400) range.
* - When used from JS, the returned promise will be resolved, even if the response's status code is
* outside the [200, 400) range. It is up to the caller to decide how this should be handled.
// Imports
const {request} = require('https');
// Exports
module.exports = {
// Run
if (require.resolve === module) {
// Helpers
function _main(args) {
({statusCode, responseText}) => (200 <= statusCode && statusCode < 400) ?
console.log(`Status: ${statusCode}\n${responseText}`) :
Promise.reject(new Error(`Request failed (status: ${statusCode}): ${responseText}`)))
.catch(err => {
function postJson(url, data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const opts = {method: 'post', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}};
const onResponse = res => {
const statusCode = res.statusCode || -1;
let responseText = '';
res.on('error', reject)
.on('data', d => responseText += d)
.on('end', () => resolve({statusCode, responseText}));
request(url, opts, onResponse).on('error', reject).end(JSON.stringify(data));
async function triggerWebhook(buildNumber, jobName, webhookUrl) {
if (!buildNumber || !jobName || !webhookUrl || isNaN(buildNumber)) {
throw new Error(
'Missing or invalid arguments.\n' +
'Expected: buildNumber (number), jobName (string), webhookUrl (string)');
const data = {
payload: {
build_num: +buildNumber,
build_parameters: {CIRCLE_JOB: jobName},
return postJson(webhookUrl, data);

.circleci/windows-env.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Install Bazel pre-reqs on Windows
# https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/install-windows.html
# https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/windows.html
# Install MSYS2 and packages
choco install msys2 --version 20200903.0.0 --no-progress --package-parameters "/NoUpdate"
C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -l -c "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S zip unzip patch diffutils"
# Add PATH modifications to the Powershell profile. This is the win equivalent of .bash_profile.
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//bb613488(v=vs.85)
new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force
# Paths for nodejs, npm, yarn, and msys2. Use single quotes to prevent interpolation.
# Add before the original path to use msys2 instead of the installed gitbash.
Add-Content $profile '$Env:path = "${Env:ProgramFiles}\nodejs\;C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Roaming\npm\;${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Yarn\bin\;C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Yarn\bin\;C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\;" + $Env:path'
# Environment variables for Bazel
Add-Content $profile '$Env:BAZEL_SH = "C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe"'
# Get the bazelisk version devdep and store it in a global var for use in the circleci job.
$bazeliskVersion = & ${Env:ProgramFiles}\nodejs\node.exe -e "console.log(require('./package.json').devDependencies['@bazel/bazelisk'])"
# This is a tricky situation: we want $bazeliskVersion to be evaluated but not $Env:BAZELISK_VERSION.
# Formatting works https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32127583/expand-variable-inside-single-quotes
$bazeliskVersionGlobalVar = '$Env:BAZELISK_VERSION = "{0}"' -f $bazeliskVersion
Add-Content $profile $bazeliskVersionGlobalVar
# Remove the CircleCI checkout SSH override, because it breaks cloning repositories through Bazel.
# See https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular/401454 for an example.
# TODO: is this really needed? Maybe there's a better way. It doesn't happen on Linux or on Codefresh.
git config --global --unset url.ssh://git@github.com.insteadOf
# Decrypt GCP Credentials and store them as the Google default credentials.
mkdir ${env:APPDATA}\gcloud
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci\gcp_token -md md5 -out "$env:APPDATA\gcloud\application_default_credentials.json" -k "$env:CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME"
# Set bazel configuration for CircleCI runs.
copy .circleci\bazel.windows.rc ${Env:USERPROFILE}\.bazelrc
# Install specific version of node.
nvm install 12.14.1
nvm use 12.14.1
# These Bazel prereqs aren't needed because the CircleCI image already includes them.
# choco install yarn --version 1.16.0 --no-progress
# choco install vcredist2015 --version 14.0.24215.20170201
# We don't need VS Build Tools for the tested bazel targets.
# If it's needed again, uncomment these lines.
# VS Build Tools are needed for Bazel C++ targets (like com_google_protobuf)
# choco install visualstudio2019buildtools --version --no-progress --package-parameters "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 --add Microsoft.Component.VC.Runtime.UCRTSDK --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.17763"
# Add-Content $profile '$Env:BAZEL_VC = "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\"'
# Python is needed for Bazel Python targets
# choco install python --version 3.5.1 --no-progress

.clang-format Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Language: JavaScript
BasedOnStyle: Google
ColumnLimit: 100

.devcontainer/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# VSCode Remote Development - Developing inside a Container
This folder contains configuration files that can be used to opt into working on this repository in a [Docker container](https://www.docker.com/resources/what-container) via [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/)'s Remote Development feature (see below).
Info on remote development and developing inside a container with VSCode:
- [VSCode: Remote Development](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview)
- [VSCode: Developing inside a Container](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers)
- [VSCode: Remote Development FAQ](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/faq)
## Usage
_Prerequisite: [Install Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install) on your local environment._
To get started, read and follow the instuctions in [Developing inside a Container](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers). The [.devcontainer/](.) directory contains pre-configured `devcontainer.json` and `Dockerfile` files, which you can use to set up remote development with a docker container.
In a nutshell, you need to:
- Install the [Remote - Containers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) extension.
- Copy [recommended-Dockerfile](./recommended-Dockerfile) to `Dockerfile` (and optionally tweak to suit your needs).
- Copy [recommended-devcontainer.json](./recommended-devcontainer.json) to `devcontainer.json` (and optionally tweak to suit your needs).
- Open VSCode and bring up the [Command Palette](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/userinterface#_command-palette).
- Type `Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container` and choose your local clone of [angular/angular](https://github.com/angular/angular).
The `.devcontainer/devcontainer.json` and `.devcontainer/Dockerfile` files are ignored by git, so you can have your own local versions. We may occasionally update the template files ([recommended-devcontainer.json](./recommended-devcontainer.json), [recommended-Dockerfile](./recommended-Dockerfile)), in which case you will need to manually update your local copies (if desired).
## Updating `recommended-devcontainer.json` and `recommended-Dockerfile`
You can update and commit the recommended config files (which people use as basis for their local configs), if you find that something is broken, out-of-date or can be improved.
Please, keep in mind that any changes you make will potentially be used by many people on different environments. Try to keep these config files cross-platform compatible and free of personal preferences.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Image metadata and config.
# Ideally, the image version should be what we use on CI.
# See `executors > browsers-executor` in `.circleci/config.yml`.
FROM circleci/node:10-browsers
LABEL name="Angular dev environment" \
description="This image can be used to create a dev environment for building Angular." \
vendor="angular" \
EXPOSE 4000 4200 4433 5000 8080 9876
# Switch to `root` (CircleCI images use `circleci` as the user).
USER root
# Configure `Node.js`/`npm` and install utilities.
RUN npm config --global set user root
# Ideally, the version should be what we use on CI.
# See `commands > overwrite_yarn` in `.circleci/config.yml`.
RUN npm install --global yarn@latest
# Go! (And keep going.)
CMD ["tail", "--follow", "/dev/null"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Reference: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers#_devcontainerjson-reference
"name": "Angular dev container",
"dockerFile": "Dockerfile",
"appPort": [4000, 4200, 4433, 5000, 8080, 9876],
"postCreateCommand": "yarn install",
"extensions": [
// The following extensions are useful when working on angular.io (i.e. inside the `aio/` directory).

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto
# JS and TS files must always use LF for tools to work
*.js eol=lf
*.ts eol=lf
# API guardian patch must always use LF for tests to work
*.patch eol=lf
# Must keep Windows line ending to be parsed correctly
scripts/windows/packages.txt eol=crlf

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1-bug-report.md vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
name: "\U0001F41E Bug report"
about: Report a bug in the Angular Framework
Oh hi there! 😄
To expedite issue processing please search open and closed issues before submitting a new one.
Existing issues often contain information about workarounds, resolution, or progress updates.
# 🐞 bug report
### Affected Package
<!-- Can you pin-point one or more @angular/* packages as the source of the bug? -->
<!-- ✍edit: --> The issue is caused by package @angular/....
### Is this a regression?
<!-- Did this behavior use to work in the previous version? -->
<!-- ✍️--> Yes, the previous version in which this bug was not present was: ....
### Description
<!-- ✍️--> A clear and concise description of the problem...
## 🔬 Minimal Reproduction
Please create and share minimal reproduction of the issue starting with this template: https://stackblitz.com/fork/angular-ivy
<!-- ✍️--> https://stackblitz.com/...
If StackBlitz is not suitable for reproduction of your issue, please create a minimal GitHub repository with the reproduction of the issue.
A good way to make a minimal reproduction is to create a new app via `ng new repro-app` and add the minimum possible code to show the problem.
Share the link to the repo below along with step-by-step instructions to reproduce the problem, as well as expected and actual behavior.
Issues that don't have enough info and can't be reproduced will be closed.
You can read more about issue submission guidelines here: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#submit-issue
## 🔥 Exception or Error
<!-- If the issue is accompanied by an exception or an error, please share it below: -->
<!-- ✍️-->
## 🌍 Your Environment
**Angular Version:**
<!-- run `ng version` and paste output below -->
<!-- ✍️-->
**Anything else relevant?**
<!--Is this a browser specific issue? If so, please specify the browser and version. -->
<!--Do any of these matter: operating system, IDE, package manager, HTTP server, ...? If so, please mention it below. -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
name: "\U0001F680 Feature request"
about: Suggest a feature for Angular Framework
Oh hi there! 😄
To expedite issue processing please search open and closed issues before submitting a new one.
Existing issues often contain information about workarounds, resolution, or progress updates.
# 🚀 feature request
### Relevant Package
<!-- Can you pin-point one or more @angular/* packages the are relevant for this feature request? -->
<!-- ✍edit: --> This feature request is for @angular/....
### Description
<!-- ✍️--> A clear and concise description of the problem or missing capability...
### Describe the solution you'd like
<!-- ✍️--> If you have a solution in mind, please describe it.
### Describe alternatives you've considered
<!-- ✍️--> Have you considered any alternative solutions or workarounds?

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/3-docs-bug.md vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
name: "📚 Docs or angular.io issue report"
about: Report an issue in Angular's documentation or angular.io application
Oh hi there! 😄
To expedite issue processing please search open and closed issues before submitting a new one.
Existing issues often contain information about workarounds, resolution, or progress updates.
# 📚 Docs or angular.io bug report
### Description
<!--edit:--> A clear and concise description of the problem...
## 🔬 Minimal Reproduction
### What's the affected URL?**
<!--edit:--> https://angular.io/...
### Reproduction Steps**
<!-- If applicable please list the steps to take to reproduce the issue -->
### Expected vs Actual Behavior**
<!-- If applicable please describe the difference between the expected and actual behavior after following the repro steps. -->
## 📷Screenshot
<!-- Often a screenshot can help to capture the issue better than a long description. -->
<!--upload a screenshot:-->
## 🔥 Exception or Error
<!-- If the issue is accompanied by an exception or an error, please share it below: -->
<!-- ✍️-->
## 🌍 Your Environment
### Browser info
<!--Is this a browser specific issue? If so, please specify the device, browser, and version. -->
### Anything else relevant?
<!--Please provide additional info if necessary. -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
name: ⚠️ Security issue disclosure
about: Report a security issue in Angular Framework, Material, or CLI
Please read https://angular.io/guide/security#report-issues on how to disclose security related issues.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: "❓ Support request"
about: Questions and requests for support
Please do not file questions or support requests on the GitHub issues tracker.
You can get your questions answered using other communication channels. Please see:
Thank you!

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/6-angular-cli.md vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name: "\U0001F6E0 Angular CLI"
about: Issues and feature requests for Angular CLI
Please file any Angular CLI issues at: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/new
For the time being, we keep Angular CLI issues in a separate repository.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name: "\U0001F48E Angular Components"
about: Issues and feature requests for Angular Components
Please file any Angular Components issues at: https://github.com/angular/components/issues/new
For the time being, we keep Angular Components issues in a separate repository.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,43 @@
## PR Checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
1. 新版本的文档位于aio分支下master分支下是老版本的文档。
2. 原则上不再接受对老版本的PR。
- [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit
- [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
## PR Type
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
<!-- Please check the one that applies to this PR using "x". -->
- [ ] Bugfix
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
- [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
- [ ] Build related changes
- [ ] CI related changes
- [ ] Documentation content changes
- [ ] angular.io application / infrastructure changes
- [ ] Other... Please describe:
## What is the current behavior?
<!-- Please describe the current behavior that you are modifying, or link to a relevant issue. -->
Issue Number: N/A
## What is the new behavior?
## Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
<!-- If this PR contains a breaking change, please describe the impact and migration path for existing applications below. -->
## Other information

.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
## PR Checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit
- [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
## PR Type
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
<!-- Please check the one that applies to this PR using "x". -->
- [ ] Bugfix
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
- [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
- [ ] Build related changes
- [ ] CI related changes
- [ ] Documentation content changes
- [ ] angular.io application / infrastructure changes
- [ ] Other... Please describe:
## What is the current behavior?
<!-- Please describe the current behavior that you are modifying, or link to a relevant issue. -->
Issue Number: N/A
## What is the new behavior?
## Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
<!-- If this PR contains a breaking change, please describe the impact and migration path for existing applications below. -->
## Other information

.github/angular-robot.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
# Configuration for angular-robot
#options for the size plugin
disabled: false
maxSizeIncrease: 2000
circleCiStatusName: "ci/circleci: test_ivy_aot"
# options for the merge plugin
# the status will be added to your pull requests
# set to true to disable
disabled: false
# the name of the status
context: "ci/angular: merge status"
# text to show when all checks pass
successText: "All checks passed!"
# text to show when some checks are failing
failureText: "The following checks are failing:"
# the g3 status will be added to your pull requests if they include files that match the patterns
# set to true to disable
disabled: false
# the name of the status
context: "google3"
# text to show when the status is pending, {{PRNumber}} will be replaced by the PR number
pendingDesc: "Googler: run g3sync presubmit {{PRNumber}}"
# text to show when the status is success
successDesc: "Does not affect google3"
# link to use for the details
url: "http://go/angular/g3sync"
# list of patterns to check for the files changed by the PR
# this list must be manually kept in sync with google3/third_party/javascript/angular2/copy.bara.sky
- "modules/benchmarks/**"
- "modules/system.d.ts"
- "packages/**"
- "dev-infra/benchmark/driver-utilities/**"
# list of patterns to ignore for the files changed by the PR
- "packages/*"
- "packages/bazel/*"
- "packages/bazel/src/api-extractor/**"
- "packages/bazel/src/builders/**"
- "packages/bazel/src/ng_package/**"
- "packages/bazel/src/protractor/**"
- "packages/bazel/src/schematics/**"
- "packages/compiler-cli/src/ngcc/**"
- "packages/compiler-cli/linker/**"
- "packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/**"
- "packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/sourcemaps/**"
- "packages/docs/**"
- "packages/elements/schematics/**"
- "packages/examples/**"
- "packages/language-service/**"
- "packages/localize/**"
- "packages/private/**"
- "packages/service-worker/**"
- "packages/common/locales/**"
- "packages/http/**"
- "**/.gitignore"
- "**/.gitkeep"
- "**/yarn.lock"
- "**/package.json"
- "**/third_party/**"
- "**/tsconfig-build.json"
- "**/tsconfig.json"
- "**/rollup.config.js"
- "**/BUILD.bazel"
- "**/*.md"
- "packages/**/integrationtest/**"
- "packages/**/test/**"
- "packages/zone.js/*"
- "packages/zone.js/dist/**"
- "packages/zone.js/doc/**"
- "packages/zone.js/example/**"
- "packages/zone.js/scripts/**"
# comment that will be added to a PR when there is a conflict, leave empty or set to false to disable
mergeConflictComment: "Hi @{{PRAuthor}}! This PR has merge conflicts due to recent upstream merges.\nPlease help to unblock it by resolving these conflicts. Thanks!"
# label to monitor
mergeLabel: "action: merge"
# adding any of these labels will also add the merge label
- "action: merge-assistance"
# list of checks that will determine if the merge label can be added
# require that the PR has reviews from all requested reviewers
# This enables us to request reviews from both eng and tech writers, or multiple eng folks, and prevents accidental merges.
# Rather than merging PRs with pending reviews, if all approvals are obtained and additional reviews are not needed, any pending reviewers should be removed via GitHub UI (this also leaves an audit trail behind these decisions).
requireReviews: true,
# whether the PR shouldn't have a conflict with the base branch
noConflict: true
# list of labels that a PR needs to have, checked with a regexp (e.g. "target:" will work for the label "target: master")
- "target: *"
- "cla: yes"
# list of labels that a PR shouldn't have, checked after the required labels with a regexp
- "target: TBD"
- "action: cleanup"
- "action: review"
- "state: blocked"
- "cla: no"
# list of PR statuses that need to be successful
- "ci/circleci: build"
- "ci/circleci: lint"
- "ci/circleci: publish_snapshot"
- "ci/angular: size"
- "cla/google"
- "google3"
- "pullapprove"
# the comment that will be added when the merge label is added despite failing checks, leave empty or set to false to disable
# {{MERGE_LABEL}} will be replaced by the value of the mergeLabel option
# {{PLACEHOLDER}} will be replaced by the list of failing checks
mergeRemovedComment: "I see that you just added the `{{MERGE_LABEL}}` label, but the following checks are still failing:\n{{PLACEHOLDER}}\n\n**If you want your PR to be merged, it has to pass all the CI checks.**\n\nIf you can't get the PR to a green state due to flakes or broken master, please try rebasing to master and/or restarting the CI job. If that fails and you believe that the issue is not due to your change, please contact the caretaker and ask for help."
# options for the triage plugin
# number of the milestone to apply when the issue has not been triaged yet
needsTriageMilestone: 83,
# number of the milestone to apply when the issue is triaged
defaultMilestone: 82,
# arrays of labels that determine if an issue has been triaged by the caretaker
- "comp: *"
# arrays of labels that determine if an issue has been fully triaged
- "P0"
- "comp: *"
- "P1"
- "comp: *"
- "P2"
- "comp: *"
- "P3"
- "comp: *"
- "P4"
- "comp: *"
- "P5"
- "comp: *"
- "feature"
- "comp: *"
- "discussion"
- "comp: *"
- "needs clarification"
- "comp: *"
- "needs reproduction"
- "comp: *"
# options for the triage PR plugin
# set to true to disable
disabled: false
# number of the milestone to apply when the PR has not been triaged yet
needsTriageMilestone: 83,
# number of the milestone to apply when the PR is triaged
defaultMilestone: 82,
# arrays of labels that determine if a PR has been triaged by the caretaker
- "comp: *"
# arrays of labels that determine if a PR has been fully triaged
- "comp: *"
# options for rerunning CI
# set to true to disable
disabled: false
# the label which when added triggers a rerun of the default CircleCI workflow
triggerRerunLabel: "action: rerun CI at HEAD"

.github/workflows/lock-closed.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name: Lock closed inactive issues
# Run at 16:00 every day
- cron: '0 16 * * *'
if: github.repository == 'angular/angular'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: angular/dev-infra/github-actions/lock-closed@7679cff885633cd33bf5ac7922a5304e8971a5a6
lock-bot-key: ${{ secrets.LOCK_BOT_PRIVATE_KEY }}

.gitmessage Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
<type>(<scope>): <summary>
<Describe the motivation behind this change - explain WHY you are making this change. Wrap all lines
at 100 characters.>
Fixes #<issue number>
# ────────────────────────────────────────── 100 chars ────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# Example Commit Messages
# =======================
# ─── Example: Simple refactor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# refactor(core): rename refreshDynamicEmbeddedViews to refreshEmbeddedViews
# Improve code readability. The original name no longer matches how the function is used.
# ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# ─── Example: Simple docs change ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# docs: clarify the service limitation in providers.md guide
# Fixes #36332
# ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# ─── Example: A bug fix ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# fix(ngcc): ensure lockfile is removed when `analyzeFn` fails
# Previously an error thrown in the `analyzeFn` would cause the ngcc process to exit immediately
# without removing the lockfile, and potentially before the unlocker process had been successfully
# spawned resulting in the lockfile being orphaned and left behind.
# Now we catch these errors and remove the lockfile as needed.
# ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# ─── Example: Breaking change ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# feat(bazel): simplify ng_package by dropping esm5 and fesm5
# esm5 and fesm5 distributions are no longer needed and have been deprecated in the past.
# https://v9.angular.io/guide/deprecations#esm5-and-fesm5-code-formats-in-angular-npm-packages
# This commit modifies ng_package to no longer distribute these two formats in npm packages built by
# ng_package (e.g. @angular/core).
# This commit intentionally doesn't fully clean up the ng_package rule to remove all traces of esm5
# and fems5 build artifacts as that is a bigger cleanup and currently we are narrowing down the
# scope of this change to the MVP needed for v10, which in this case is 'do not put esm5 and fesm5'
# into the npm packages.
# More cleanup to follow: https://angular-team.atlassian.net/browse/FW-2143
# BREAKING CHANGE: esm5 and fesm5 format is no longer distributed in Angular's npm packages e.g.
# @angular/core
# Angular CLI will automatically downlevel the code to es5 if differential loading is enabled in the
# Angular project, so no action is required from Angular CLI users.
# If you are not using Angular CLI to build your application or library, and you need to be able to
# build es5 artifacts, then you will need to downlevel the distributed Angular code to es5 on your
# own.
# Fixes #1234
# ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
# Angular Commit Message Format
# =============================
# The full specification of the Angular Commit Message Format can be found at
# https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit
# The following is an excerpt of the specification with the most commonly needed info.
# Each commit message consists of a *header*, a *body*, and a *footer*.
# <header>
# <body>
# <footer>
# The header is mandatory.
# The body is mandatory for all commits except for those of scope "docs". When the body is required
# it must be at least 20 characters long.
# The footer is optional.
# Any line of the commit message cannot be longer than 100 characters.
# Commit Message Header
# ---------------------
# <type>(<scope>): <short summary>
# │ │ │
# │ │ └─⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
# │ │
# │ └─⫸ Commit Scope: animations|bazel|benchpress|common|compiler|compiler-cli|core|
# │ elements|forms|http|language-service|localize|platform-browser|
# │ platform-browser-dynamic|platform-server|router|service-worker|
# │ upgrade|zone.js|packaging|changelog|dev-infra|docs-infra|migrations|
# │ ngcc|ve
# │ https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#scope
# │
# └─⫸ Commit Type: build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|style|test
# https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#type
# Commit Message Body
# ---------------------
# Just as in the summary, use the imperative, present tense: "fix" not "fixed" nor "fixes".
# Explain the motivation for the change in the commit message body. This commit message should
# explain WHY you are making the change. You can include a comparison of the previous behavior with
# the new behavior in order to illustrate the impact of the change.
# Commit Message Footer
# ---------------------
# The footer can contain information about breaking changes and is also the place to reference
# GitHub issues, Jira tickets, and other PRs that this commit closes or is related to.
# ```
# BREAKING CHANGE: <breaking change summary>
# <breaking change description + migration instructions>
# Fixes #<issue number>
# ```
# Breaking Change section should start with the phrase "BREAKING CHANGE: " followed by a summary of
# the breaking change, a blank line, and a detailed description of the breaking change that also
# includes migration instructions.

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
if [ -z "$husky_skip_init" ]; then
debug () {
[ "$HUSKY_DEBUG" = "1" ] && echo "husky (debug) - $1"
readonly hook_name="$(basename "$0")"
debug "starting $hook_name..."
if [ "$HUSKY" = "0" ]; then
debug "HUSKY env variable is set to 0, skipping hook"
exit 0
if [ -f ~/.huskyrc ]; then
debug "sourcing ~/.huskyrc"
. ~/.huskyrc
export readonly husky_skip_init=1
sh -e "$0" "$@"
if [ $exitCode != 0 ]; then
echo "husky - $hook_name hook exited with code $exitCode (error)"
exit $exitCode
exit 0

.mailmap Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek <m.goleb@gmail.com>

.ng-dev/caretaker.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import {CaretakerConfig} from '../dev-infra/caretaker/config';
/** The configuration for `ng-dev caretaker` commands. */
export const caretaker: CaretakerConfig = {
githubQueries: [
name: 'Merge Queue',
query: `is:pr is:open status:success label:"action: merge"`,
name: 'Merge Assistance Queue',
query: `is:pr is:open label:"action: merge-assistance"`,
name: 'Initial Triage Queue',
query: `is:open no:milestone`,

.ng-dev/commit-message.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import {CommitMessageConfig} from '../dev-infra/commit-message/config';
* The configuration for `ng-dev commit-message` commands.
export const commitMessage: CommitMessageConfig = {
maxLineLength: Infinity,
minBodyLength: 20,
minBodyLengthTypeExcludes: ['docs'],
scopes: [

.ng-dev/config.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import {caretaker} from './caretaker';
import {commitMessage} from './commit-message';
import {format} from './format';
import {github} from './github';
import {merge} from './merge';
import {release} from './release';
module.exports = {

.ng-dev/format.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import {FormatConfig} from '../dev-infra/format/config';
* Configuration for the `ng-dev format` command.
export const format: FormatConfig = {
'clang-format': {
'matchers': [
// TODO: burn down format failures and remove aio and integration exceptions.
// Both third_party and .yarn are directories containing copied code which should
// not be modified.
// Do not format d.ts files as they are generated
// Do not format generated ng-dev script
// Do not format compliance test-cases since they must match generated code
'buildifier': true

.ng-dev/gitconfig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# The file is inert unless it's explicitly included into the local git config via:
# ```
# git config --add include.path '../.ng-dev/gitconfig'
# ```
# Calling that command will append the following into `.git/config` of the current git workspace
# (i.e. $GIT_DIR, typically `angular/.git/config`):
# ```
# [include]
# path = ../.ng-dev/gitconfig
# ```
template = .gitmessage

.ng-dev/github.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import {GithubConfig} from '../dev-infra/utils/config';
* Github configuration for the `ng-dev` command. This repository is used as
* remote for the merge script and other utilities like `ng-dev pr rebase`.
export const github: GithubConfig = {
owner: 'angular',
name: 'angular'

.ng-dev/merge.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import {DevInfraMergeConfig} from '../dev-infra/pr/merge/config';
import {getDefaultTargetLabelConfiguration} from '../dev-infra/pr/merge/defaults';
import {github} from './github';
import {release} from './release';
* Configuration for the merge tool in `ng-dev`. This sets up the labels which
* are respected by the merge script (e.g. the target labels).
export const merge: DevInfraMergeConfig['merge'] = async api => {
return {
githubApiMerge: false,
claSignedLabel: 'cla: yes',
mergeReadyLabel: /^action: merge(-assistance)?/,
caretakerNoteLabel: /^(action: merge-assistance)|(PullApprove: disable)/,
commitMessageFixupLabel: 'commit message fixup',
// We can pick any of the NPM packages as we are in a monorepo where all packages are
// published together with the same version and branching.
labels: await getDefaultTargetLabelConfiguration(api, github, release),
requiredBaseCommits: {
// PRs that target either `master` or the patch branch, need to be rebased
// on top of the latest commit message validation fix.
// These SHAs are the commits that update the required license text in the header.
'master': '5aeb9a4124922d8ac08eb73b8f322905a32b0b3a',
'10.0.x': '27b95ba64a5d99757f4042073fd1860e20e3ed24',

.ng-dev/release.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import {join} from 'path';
import {exec} from 'shelljs';
import {ReleaseConfig} from '../dev-infra/release/config';
/** Configuration for the `ng-dev release` command. */
export const release: ReleaseConfig = {
publishRegistry: 'https://wombat-dressing-room.appspot.com',
npmPackages: [
buildPackages: async () => {
// The buildTargetPackages function is loaded at runtime as the loading the script causes an
// invocation of bazel.
const {buildTargetPackages} = require(join(__dirname, '../scripts/build/package-builder'));
return buildTargetPackages('dist/release-output', false, 'Release', true);
// TODO: This can be removed once there is an org-wide tool for changelog generation.
generateReleaseNotesForHead: async () => {
exec('yarn -s gulp changelog', {cwd: join(__dirname, '../')});
releasePrLabels: ['comp: build & ci', 'action: merge', 'PullApprove: disable'],

.pullapprove.yml Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

.vscode/README.md vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# VSCode Configuration
This folder contains opt-in [Workspace Settings](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings), [Tasks](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks), [Launch Configurations](https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/editor/debugging#_launch-configurations) and [Extension Recommendations](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-gallery#_workspace-recommended-extensions) that the Angular team recommends using when working on this repository.
## Usage
To use the recommended configurations follow the steps below:
- install the recommneded extensions in `.vscode/extensions.json`
- copy (or link) `.vscode/recommended-settings.json` to `.vscode/settings.json`
- copy (or link) `.vscode/recommended-launch.json` to `.vscode/launch.json`
- copy (or link) `.vscode/recommended-tasks.json` to `.vscode/tasks.json`
- restart the editor
If you already have your custom workspace settings you should instead manually merge the file contents.
This isn't an automatic process so you will need to repeat it when settings are updated.
To see the recommended extensions select "Extensions: Show Recommended Extensions" in the [Command Palette](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/userinterface#_command-palette).
## Editing `.vscode/recommended-*.json` files
If you wish to add extra configuration items please keep in mind any modifications you make here will be used by many users.
Try to keep these settings/configuations to things that help facilitate the development process and avoid altering the user workflow whenever possible.

.vscode/extensions.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=827846 to learn about workspace recommendations.
// Extension identifier format: ${publisher}.${name}. Example: vscode.csharp
// List of extensions which should be recommended for users of this workspace.
"recommendations": [
// The following extensions are useful when working on angular.io (i.e. inside the `aio/` directory).

.vscode/recommended-launch.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Attach to bazel test ... --config=debug",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"port": 9229,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": false,
"sourceMaps": true,
"localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
"remoteRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
"stopOnEntry": false,
"timeout": 600000,
"outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/bazel-out/**/angular/**/*.js"],
"name": "Attach to bazel test ... --config=debug (no source maps)",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"port": 9229,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": false,
"sourceMaps": false,
"localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
"remoteRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
"stopOnEntry": false,
"timeout": 600000,
"outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/bazel-out/**/angular/**/*.js"],
"name": "IVY:packages/core/test/acceptance",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"port": 9229,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": true,
"sourceMaps": true,
"timeout": 600000,
"outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/bazel-out/**/angular/**/*.js"],
"name": "IVY:packages/core/test/render3",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"port": 9229,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": true,
"sourceMaps": true,
"timeout": 600000,
"outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/bazel-out/**/angular/**/*.js"],
"name": "IVY:packages/core/test",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"port": 9229,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": true,
"sourceMaps": true,
"timeout": 600000,
"outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/bazel-out/**/angular/**/*.js"],

.vscode/recommended-settings.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Format js and ts files on save with `clang-format.executable`
// If `clang-format.executable` is not being used, these two settings should be removed otherwise it will break existing formatting.
// You can instead run `yarn gulp format` to manually format your code.
"[javascript]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[typescript]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
// Please install https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=xaver.clang-format to take advantage of `clang-format` in VSCode.
// (See https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html for more info `clang-format`.)
"clang-format.executable": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/clang-format",
// Exclude third party modules and build artifacts from the editor watchers/searches.
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/.git/objects/**": true,
"**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
"**/node_modules/**": true,
"**/bazel-out/**": true,
"**/dist/**": true,
"**/aio/src/generated/**": true,
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/bower_components": true,
"**/bazel-out": true,
"**/dist": true,
"**/aio/src/generated": true,
".history": true,
"git.ignoreLimitWarning": true,

.vscode/recommended-tasks.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
// See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "IVY:packages/core/test/...",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",
"label": "VE:packages/core/test/...",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",
"label": "IVY:packages/core/test/acceptance",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",
"label": "VE:packages/core/test/acceptance",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",
"label": "IVY:packages/core/test",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",
"label": "VE:packages/core/test",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",
"label": "IVY:packages/core/test/render3",
"type": "shell",
"command": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/bazelisk",
"args": [
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "dedicated",

.yarn/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Yarn Vendoring
We utilize Yarn's `yarn-path` configuration in a shared `.yarnrc` file to enforce
everyone using the same version of Yarn. Yarn checks the `.yarnrc` file to
determine if yarn should delegate the command to a vendored version at the
provided path.
## How to update
To update to the latest version of Yarn as our vendored version:
- Run this command
yarn policies set-version latest
- Remove the previous version

.yarnrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# yarn lockfile v1
yarn-path ".yarn/releases/yarn-1.22.10.cjs"

BUILD.bazel Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "tsconfig.json",
actual = "//packages:tsconfig-build.json",
name = "web_test_bootstrap_scripts",
# do not sort
srcs = [
# Including systemjs because it defines `__eval`, which produces correct stack traces.
name = "angularjs_scripts",
srcs = [
# We also declare the unminified AngularJS files since these can be used for
# local debugging (e.g. see: packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts)
# Detect if the build is running under --stamp
name = "stamp",
values = {"stamp": "true"},

CHANGELOG.md Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct
## Version 0.3b-angular
As contributors and maintainers of the Angular project, we pledge to respect everyone who contributes by posting issues, updating documentation, submitting pull requests, providing feedback in comments, and any other activities.
Communication through any of Angular's channels (GitHub, Discord, Gitter, IRC, mailing lists, Twitter, etc.) must be constructive and never resort to personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment, insults, or other unprofessional conduct.
We promise to extend courtesy and respect to everyone involved in this project regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or level of experience. We expect anyone contributing to the Angular project to do the same.
If any member of the community violates this code of conduct, the maintainers of the Angular project may take action, removing issues, comments, and PRs or blocking accounts as deemed appropriate.
If you are subject to or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please email us at [conduct@angular.io](mailto:conduct@angular.io).

CONTRIBUTING.md Normal file
View File

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# Contributing to Angular
We would love for you to contribute to Angular and help make it even better than it is today!
As a contributor, here are the guidelines we would like you to follow:
- [Code of Conduct](#coc)
- [Question or Problem?](#question)
- [Issues and Bugs](#issue)
- [Feature Requests](#feature)
- [Submission Guidelines](#submit)
- [Coding Rules](#rules)
- [Commit Message Guidelines](#commit)
- [Signing the CLA](#cla)
## <a name="coc"></a> Code of Conduct
Help us keep Angular open and inclusive.
Please read and follow our [Code of Conduct][coc].
## <a name="question"></a> Got a Question or Problem?
Do not open issues for general support questions as we want to keep GitHub issues for bug reports and feature requests.
Instead, we recommend using [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/angular) to ask support-related questions. When creating a new question on Stack Overflow, make sure to add the `angular` tag.
Stack Overflow is a much better place to ask questions since:
- there are thousands of people willing to help on Stack Overflow
- questions and answers stay available for public viewing so your question/answer might help someone else
- Stack Overflow's voting system assures that the best answers are prominently visible.
To save your and our time, we will systematically close all issues that are requests for general support and redirect people to Stack Overflow.
If you would like to chat about the question in real-time, you can reach out via [our Discord server][discord].
## <a name="issue"></a> Found a Bug?
If you find a bug in the source code, you can help us by [submitting an issue](#submit-issue) to our [GitHub Repository][github].
Even better, you can [submit a Pull Request](#submit-pr) with a fix.
## <a name="feature"></a> Missing a Feature?
You can *request* a new feature by [submitting an issue](#submit-issue) to our GitHub Repository.
If you would like to *implement* a new feature, please consider the size of the change in order to determine the right steps to proceed:
* For a **Major Feature**, first open an issue and outline your proposal so that it can be discussed.
This process allows us to better coordinate our efforts, prevent duplication of work, and help you to craft the change so that it is successfully accepted into the project.
**Note**: Adding a new topic to the documentation, or significantly re-writing a topic, counts as a major feature.
* **Small Features** can be crafted and directly [submitted as a Pull Request](#submit-pr).
## <a name="submit"></a> Submission Guidelines
### <a name="submit-issue"></a> Submitting an Issue
Before you submit an issue, please search the issue tracker, maybe an issue for your problem already exists and the discussion might inform you of workarounds readily available.
We want to fix all the issues as soon as possible, but before fixing a bug we need to reproduce and confirm it.
In order to reproduce bugs, we require that you provide a minimal reproduction.
Having a minimal reproducible scenario gives us a wealth of important information without going back and forth to you with additional questions.
A minimal reproduction allows us to quickly confirm a bug (or point out a coding problem) as well as confirm that we are fixing the right problem.
We require a minimal reproduction to save maintainers' time and ultimately be able to fix more bugs.
Often, developers find coding problems themselves while preparing a minimal reproduction.
We understand that sometimes it might be hard to extract essential bits of code from a larger codebase but we really need to isolate the problem before we can fix it.
Unfortunately, we are not able to investigate / fix bugs without a minimal reproduction, so if we don't hear back from you, we are going to close an issue that doesn't have enough info to be reproduced.
You can file new issues by selecting from our [new issue templates](https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/new/choose) and filling out the issue template.
### <a name="submit-pr"></a> Submitting a Pull Request (PR)
Before you submit your Pull Request (PR) consider the following guidelines:
1. Search [GitHub](https://github.com/angular/angular/pulls) for an open or closed PR that relates to your submission.
You don't want to duplicate existing efforts.
2. Be sure that an issue describes the problem you're fixing, or documents the design for the feature you'd like to add.
Discussing the design upfront helps to ensure that we're ready to accept your work.
3. Please sign our [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)](#cla) before sending PRs.
We cannot accept code without a signed CLA.
Make sure you author all contributed Git commits with email address associated with your CLA signature.
4. [Fork](https://docs.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/fork-a-repo) the angular/angular repo.
5. In your forked repository, make your changes in a new git branch:
git checkout -b my-fix-branch master
6. Create your patch, **including appropriate test cases**.
7. Follow our [Coding Rules](#rules).
8. Run the full Angular test suite, as described in the [developer documentation][dev-doc], and ensure that all tests pass.
9. Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message that follows our [commit message conventions](#commit).
Adherence to these conventions is necessary because release notes are automatically generated from these messages.
git commit --all
Note: the optional commit `-a` command line option will automatically "add" and "rm" edited files.
10. Push your branch to GitHub:
git push origin my-fix-branch
11. In GitHub, send a pull request to `angular:master`.
### Reviewing a Pull Request
The Angular team reserves the right not to accept pull requests from community members who haven't been good citizens of the community. Such behavior includes not following the [Angular code of conduct](https://github.com/angular/code-of-conduct) and applies within or outside of Angular managed channels.
#### Addressing review feedback
If we ask for changes via code reviews then:
1. Make the required updates to the code.
2. Re-run the Angular test suites to ensure tests are still passing.
3. Create a fixup commit and push to your GitHub repository (this will update your Pull Request):
git commit --all --fixup HEAD
git push
For more info on working with fixup commits see [here](docs/FIXUP_COMMITS.md).
That's it! Thank you for your contribution!
##### Updating the commit message
A reviewer might often suggest changes to a commit message (for example, to add more context for a change or adhere to our [commit message guidelines](#commit)).
In order to update the commit message of the last commit on your branch:
1. Check out your branch:
git checkout my-fix-branch
2. Amend the last commit and modify the commit message:
git commit --amend
3. Push to your GitHub repository:
git push --force-with-lease
> NOTE:<br />
> If you need to update the commit message of an earlier commit, you can use `git rebase` in interactive mode.
> See the [git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase#_interactive_mode) for more details.
#### After your pull request is merged
After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch and pull the changes from the main (upstream) repository:
* Delete the remote branch on GitHub either through the GitHub web UI or your local shell as follows:
git push origin --delete my-fix-branch
* Check out the master branch:
git checkout master -f
* Delete the local branch:
git branch -D my-fix-branch
* Update your master with the latest upstream version:
git pull --ff upstream master
## <a name="rules"></a> Coding Rules
To ensure consistency throughout the source code, keep these rules in mind as you are working:
* All features or bug fixes **must be tested** by one or more specs (unit-tests).
* All public API methods **must be documented**.
* We follow [Google's JavaScript Style Guide][js-style-guide], but wrap all code at **100 characters**.
An automated formatter is available, see [DEVELOPER.md](docs/DEVELOPER.md#clang-format).
## <a name="commit"></a> Commit Message Format
*This specification is inspired by and supersedes the [AngularJS commit message format][commit-message-format].*
We have very precise rules over how our Git commit messages must be formatted.
This format leads to **easier to read commit history**.
Each commit message consists of a **header**, a **body**, and a **footer**.
The `header` is mandatory and must conform to the [Commit Message Header](#commit-header) format.
The `body` is mandatory for all commits except for those of type "docs".
When the body is present it must be at least 20 characters long and must conform to the [Commit Message Body](#commit-body) format.
The `footer` is optional. The [Commit Message Footer](#commit-footer) format describes what the footer is used for and the structure it must have.
Any line of the commit message cannot be longer than 100 characters.
#### <a name="commit-header"></a>Commit Message Header
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
│ │ │
│ │ └─⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
│ │
│ └─⫸ Commit Scope: animations|bazel|benchpress|common|compiler|compiler-cli|core|
│ elements|forms|http|language-service|localize|platform-browser|
│ platform-browser-dynamic|platform-server|router|service-worker|
│ upgrade|zone.js|packaging|changelog|dev-infra|docs-infra|migrations|
│ ngcc|ve
└─⫸ Commit Type: build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|test
The `<type>` and `<summary>` fields are mandatory, the `(<scope>)` field is optional.
##### Type
Must be one of the following:
* **build**: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
* **ci**: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
* **docs**: Documentation only changes
* **feat**: A new feature
* **fix**: A bug fix
* **perf**: A code change that improves performance
* **refactor**: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
* **test**: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
##### Scope
The scope should be the name of the npm package affected (as perceived by the person reading the changelog generated from commit messages).
The following is the list of supported scopes:
* `animations`
* `bazel`
* `benchpress`
* `common`
* `compiler`
* `compiler-cli`
* `core`
* `elements`
* `forms`
* `http`
* `language-service`
* `localize`
* `platform-browser`
* `platform-browser-dynamic`
* `platform-server`
* `router`
* `service-worker`
* `upgrade`
* `zone.js`
There are currently a few exceptions to the "use package name" rule:
* `packaging`: used for changes that change the npm package layout in all of our packages, e.g. public path changes, package.json changes done to all packages, d.ts file/format changes, changes to bundles, etc.
* `changelog`: used for updating the release notes in CHANGELOG.md
* `dev-infra`: used for dev-infra related changes within the directories /scripts, /tools and /dev-infra
* `docs-infra`: used for docs-app (angular.io) related changes within the /aio directory of the repo
* `migrations`: used for changes to the `ng update` migrations.
* `ngcc`: used for changes to the [Angular Compatibility Compiler](./packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/README.md)
* `ve`: used for changes specific to ViewEngine (legacy compiler/renderer).
* none/empty string: useful for `test` and `refactor` changes that are done across all packages (e.g. `test: add missing unit tests`) and for docs changes that are not related to a specific package (e.g. `docs: fix typo in tutorial`).
##### Summary
Use the summary field to provide a succinct description of the change:
* use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
* don't capitalize the first letter
* no dot (.) at the end
#### <a name="commit-body"></a>Commit Message Body
Just as in the summary, use the imperative, present tense: "fix" not "fixed" nor "fixes".
Explain the motivation for the change in the commit message body. This commit message should explain _why_ you are making the change.
You can include a comparison of the previous behavior with the new behavior in order to illustrate the impact of the change.
#### <a name="commit-footer"></a>Commit Message Footer
The footer can contain information about breaking changes and is also the place to reference GitHub issues, Jira tickets, and other PRs that this commit closes or is related to.
BREAKING CHANGE: <breaking change summary>
<breaking change description + migration instructions>
Fixes #<issue number>
Breaking Change section should start with the phrase "BREAKING CHANGE: " followed by a summary of the breaking change, a blank line, and a detailed description of the breaking change that also includes migration instructions.
### Revert commits
If the commit reverts a previous commit, it should begin with `revert: `, followed by the header of the reverted commit.
The content of the commit message body should contain:
- information about the SHA of the commit being reverted in the following format: `This reverts commit <SHA>`,
- a clear description of the reason for reverting the commit message.
## <a name="cla"></a> Signing the CLA
Please sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before sending pull requests. For any code
changes to be accepted, the CLA must be signed. It's a quick process, we promise!
* For individuals, we have a [simple click-through form][individual-cla].
* For corporations, we'll need you to
[print, sign and one of scan+email, fax or mail the form][corporate-cla].
If you have more than one GitHub accounts, or multiple email addresses associated with a single GitHub account, you must sign the CLA using the primary email address of the GitHub account used to author Git commits and send pull requests.
The following documents can help you sort out issues with GitHub accounts and multiple email addresses:
* https://help.github.com/articles/setting-your-commit-email-address-in-git/
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37245303/what-does-usera-committed-with-userb-13-days-ago-on-github-mean
* https://help.github.com/articles/about-commit-email-addresses/
* https://help.github.com/articles/blocking-command-line-pushes-that-expose-your-personal-email-address/
[angular-group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/angular
[coc]: https://github.com/angular/code-of-conduct/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[commit-message-format]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrDFcIiPjSLDn3EL15IJygNPiHORgU1_OOAqWjiDU5Y/edit#
[corporate-cla]: https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-corporate
[dev-doc]: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/docs/DEVELOPER.md
[github]: https://github.com/angular/angular
[discord]: https://discord.gg/angular
[individual-cla]: https://cla.developers.google.com/about/google-individual
[js-style-guide]: https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html
[jsfiddle]: https://jsfiddle.net/
[plunker]: https://plnkr.co/edit
[runnable]: https://runnable.com/
[stackoverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/angular

WORKSPACE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
name = "angular",
managed_directories = {"@npm": ["node_modules"]},
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# Fetch rules_nodejs so we can install our npm dependencies
name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
sha256 = "bfacf15161d96a6a39510e7b3d3b522cf61cb8b82a31e79400a84c5abcab5347",
urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/download/3.2.1/rules_nodejs-3.2.1.tar.gz"],
# Check the rules_nodejs version and download npm dependencies
# Note: bazel (version 2 and after) will check the .bazelversion file so we don't need to
# assert on that.
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "check_rules_nodejs_version", "node_repositories", "yarn_install")
check_rules_nodejs_version(minimum_version_string = "2.2.0")
# Setup the Node.js toolchain
node_version = "12.14.1",
package_json = ["//:package.json"],
load("//integration:angular_integration_test.bzl", "npm_package_archives")
name = "npm",
manual_build_file_contents = npm_package_archives(),
package_json = "//:package.json",
yarn_lock = "//:yarn.lock",
# Load angular dependencies
load("//packages/bazel:package.bzl", "rules_angular_dev_dependencies")
# Load protractor dependencies
load("@npm//@bazel/protractor:package.bzl", "npm_bazel_protractor_dependencies")
# Setup the rules_webtesting toolchain
load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "web_test_repositories")
load("//dev-infra/browsers:browser_repositories.bzl", "browser_repositories")
# Setup the rules_sass toolchain
load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_repositories")
# Setup the skydoc toolchain
load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skydoc_repositories")
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:environments.bzl", "clang_env")
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:rbe_repo.bzl", "rbe_autoconfig")
name = "rbe_ubuntu1604_angular",
# Need to specify a base container digest in order to ensure that we can use the checked-in
# platform configurations for the "ubuntu16_04" image. Otherwise the autoconfig rule would
# need to pull the image and run it in order determine the toolchain configuration. See:
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-toolchains/blob/4.0.0/configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/versions.bzl
base_container_digest = "sha256:f6568d8168b14aafd1b707019927a63c2d37113a03bcee188218f99bd0327ea1",
# Note that if you change the `digest`, you might also need to update the
# `base_container_digest` to make sure marketplace.gcr.io/google/rbe-ubuntu16-04-webtest:<digest>
# and marketplace.gcr.io/google/rbe-ubuntu16-04:<base_container_digest> have
# the same Clang and JDK installed. Clang is needed because of the dependency on
# @com_google_protobuf. Java is needed for the Bazel's test executor Java tool.
digest = "sha256:dddaaddbe07a61c2517f9b08c4977fc23c4968fcb6c0b8b5971e955d2de7a961",
env = clang_env(),
registry = "marketplace.gcr.io",
# We can't use the default "ubuntu16_04" RBE image provided by the autoconfig because we need
# a specific Linux kernel that comes with "libx11" in order to run headless browser tests.
repository = "google/rbe-ubuntu16-04-webtest",
use_checked_in_confs = "Force",

aio/.browserslistrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# This file is used by the build system to adjust CSS and JS output to support the specified browsers below.
# For additional information regarding the format and rule options, please see:
# https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#queries
# Googlebot uses an older version of Chrome
# For additional information see: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/rendering
> 0.5%
last 2 major versions
Firefox ESR
not dead
IE 11

aio/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# See https://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files.
# compiled output
# dependencies
# IDEs and editors
# IDE - VSCode
# misc
# e2e
# System Files

aio/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# Angular documentation project (https://angular.io)
Everything in this folder is part of the documentation project. This includes
* the web site for displaying the documentation
* the dgeni configuration for converting source files to rendered files that can be viewed in the web site.
* the tooling for setting up examples for development; and generating live-example and zip files from the examples.
<a name="developer-tasks"></a>
## Developer tasks
We use [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) to manage the dependencies and to run build tasks.
You should run all these tasks from the `angular/aio` folder.
Here are the most important tasks you might need to use:
* `yarn` - install all the dependencies.
* `yarn setup` - install all the dependencies, boilerplate, stackblitz, zips and run dgeni on the docs.
* `yarn setup-local` - same as `setup`, but build the Angular packages from the source code and use these locally built versions (instead of the ones fetched from npm) for aio and docs examples boilerplate.
* `yarn build` - create a production build of the application (after installing dependencies, boilerplate, etc).
* `yarn build-local` - same as `build`, but use `setup-local` instead of `setup`.
* `yarn build-local-with-viewengine` - same as `build-local`, but in addition also turns on `ViewEngine` (pre-Ivy) mode in aio.
(Note: To turn on `ViewEngine` mode in docs examples, see `yarn boilerplate:add:viewengine` below.)
* `yarn start` - run a development web server that watches the files; then builds the doc-viewer and reloads the page, as necessary.
* `yarn serve-and-sync` - run both the `docs-watch` and `start` in the same console.
* `yarn lint` - check that the doc-viewer code follows our style rules.
* `yarn test` - watch all the source files, for the doc-viewer, and run all the unit tests when any change.
* `yarn test --watch=false` - run all the unit tests once.
* `yarn e2e` - run all the e2e tests for the doc-viewer.
* `yarn docs` - generate all the docs from the source files.
* `yarn docs-watch` - watch the Angular source and the docs files and run a short-circuited doc-gen for the docs that changed.
* `yarn docs-lint` - check that the doc gen code follows our style rules.
* `yarn docs-test` - run the unit tests for the doc generation code.
* `yarn boilerplate:add` - generate all the boilerplate code for the examples, so that they can be run locally.
* `yarn boilerplate:add:viewengine` - same as `boilerplate:add` but also turns on `ViewEngine` (pre-Ivy) mode.
* `yarn boilerplate:remove` - remove all the boilerplate code that was added via `yarn boilerplate:add`.
* `yarn create-example` - create a new example directory containing initial source files.
* `yarn generate-stackblitz` - generate the stackblitz files that are used by the `live-example` tags in the docs.
* `yarn generate-zips` - generate the zip files from the examples. Zip available via the `live-example` tags in the docs.
* `yarn example-e2e` - run all e2e tests for examples. Available options:
- `--setup`: generate boilerplate, force webdriver update & other setup, then run tests.
- `--local`: run e2e tests with the local version of Angular contained in the "dist" folder.
_Requires `--setup` in order to take effect._
- `--viewengine`: run e2e tests in `ViewEngine` (pre-Ivy) mode.
- `--filter=foo`: limit e2e tests to those containing the word "foo".
> **Note for Windows users**
> Setting up the examples involves creating some [symbolic links](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link) (see [here](./tools/examples/README.md#symlinked-node_modules) for details). On Windows, this requires to either have [Developer Mode enabled](https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2016/12/02/symlinks-windows-10) (supported on Windows 10 or newer) or run the setup commands as administrator.
> The affected commands are:
> - `yarn setup` / `yarn setup-*`
> - `yarn build` / `yarn build-*`
> - `yarn boilerplate:add`
> - `yarn example-e2e --setup`
## Using ServiceWorker locally
Running `yarn start` (even when explicitly targeting production mode) does not set up the
ServiceWorker. If you want to test the ServiceWorker locally, you can use `yarn build` and then
serve the files in `dist/` with `yarn http-server dist -p 4200`.
## Guide to authoring
There are two types of content in the documentation:
* **API docs**: descriptions of the modules, classes, interfaces, decorators, etc that make up the Angular platform.
API docs are generated directly from the source code.
The source code is contained in TypeScript files, located in the `angular/packages` folder.
Each API item may have a preceding comment, which contains JSDoc style tags and content.
The content is written in markdown.
* **Other content**: guides, tutorials, and other marketing material.
All other content is written using markdown in text files, located in the `angular/aio/content` folder.
More specifically, there are sub-folders that contain particular types of content: guides, tutorial and marketing.
* **Code examples**: code examples need to be testable to ensure their accuracy.
Also, our examples have a specific look and feel and allow the user to copy the source code. For larger
examples they are rendered in a tabbed interface (e.g. template, HTML, and TypeScript on separate
tabs). Additionally, some are live examples, which provide links where the code can be edited, executed, and/or downloaded. For details on working with code examples, please read the [Code snippets](https://angular.io/guide/docs-style-guide#code-snippets), [Source code markup](https://angular.io/guide/docs-style-guide#source-code-markup), and [Live examples](https://angular.io/guide/docs-style-guide#live-examples) pages of the [Authors Style Guide](https://angular.io/guide/docs-style-guide).
We use the [dgeni](https://github.com/angular/dgeni) tool to convert these files into docs that can be viewed in the doc-viewer.
The [Authors Style Guide](https://angular.io/guide/docs-style-guide) prescribes guidelines for
writing guide pages, explains how to use the documentation classes and components, and how to markup sample source code to produce code snippets.
### Generating the complete docs
The main task for generating the docs is `yarn docs`. This will process all the source files (API and other),
extracting the documentation and generating JSON files that can be consumed by the doc-viewer.
### Partial doc generation for editors
Full doc generation can take up to one minute. That's too slow for efficient document creation and editing.
You can make small changes in a smart editor that displays formatted markdown:
>In VS Code, _Cmd-K, V_ opens markdown preview in side pane; _Cmd-B_ toggles left sidebar
You also want to see those changes displayed properly in the doc viewer
with a quick, edit/view cycle time.
For this purpose, use the `yarn docs-watch` task, which watches for changes to source files and only
re-processes the files necessary to generate the docs that are related to the file that has changed.
Since this task takes shortcuts, it is much faster (often less than 1 second) but it won't produce full
fidelity content. For example, links to other docs and code examples may not render correctly. This is
most particularly noticed in links to other docs and in the embedded examples, which may not always render
The general setup is as follows:
* Open a terminal, ensure the dependencies are installed; run an initial doc generation; then start the doc-viewer:
yarn setup
yarn start
* Open a second terminal and start watching the docs
yarn docs-watch
>Alternatively, try the consolidated `serve-and-sync` command that builds, watches and serves in the same terminal window
yarn serve-and-sync
* Open a browser at https://localhost:4200/ and navigate to the document on which you want to work.
You can automatically open the browser by using `yarn start -o` in the first terminal.
* Make changes to the page's associated doc or example files. Every time a file is saved, the doc will
be regenerated, the app will rebuild and the page will reload.
* If you get a build error complaining about examples or any other odd behavior, be sure to consult
the [Authors Style Guide](https://angular.io/guide/docs-style-guide).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# Image metadata and config
FROM debian:buster
LABEL name="angular.io PR preview" \
description="This image implements the PR preview functionality for angular.io." \
vendor="Angular" \
VOLUME /aio-secrets
VOLUME /var/www/aio-builds
VOLUME /dockerbuild
EXPOSE 80 443
# Build-time args and env vars
# The AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH path needs to be kept in synch with the value of
# `aio_preview->steps->store_artifacts->destination` property in `.circleci/config.yml`
ARG AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH=aio/dist/aio-snapshot.tgz
ARG AIO_BUILDS_DIR=/var/www/aio-builds
ARG TEST_AIO_BUILDS_DIR=/tmp/aio-builds
ARG AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS=aio-auto-previews,aio-contributors
ARG TEST_AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS=test-team-1,test-team-2
ARG AIO_SIGNIFICANT_FILES_PATTERN='^(?:aio|packages)/(?!.*[._]spec\\.[jt]s$)'
AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR=/etc/ssl/localcerts TEST_AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR=/etc/ssl/localcerts-test \
AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/aio/nginx TEST_AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/aio/nginx-test \
AIO_SCRIPTS_JS_DIR=/usr/share/aio-scripts-js \
AIO_SCRIPTS_SH_DIR=/usr/share/aio-scripts-sh \
AIO_WWW_USER=www-data \
# Create directory for logs
RUN mkdir /var/log/aio
# Add extra package sources
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y curl=7.64.0-4+deb10u1
RUN curl --silent --show-error --location https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash -
RUN curl --silent --show-error https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add -
RUN echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
# Install packages
# NOTE: Some packages (such as `nginx`, `nodejs`, `openssl`) make older versions unavailable on the
# repositories, so we cannot pin to specific versions for these packages :(
# See for example:
# - https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/issues/33
# - https://askubuntu.com/questions/715104/how-can-i-downgrade-openssl-via-apt-get
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y \
cron=3.0pl1-134+deb10u1 \
dnsmasq=2.80-1 \
nano=3.2-3 \
nginx \
nodejs \
openssl \
rsyslog=8.1901.0-1 \
vim=2:8.1.0875-5 \
RUN yarn global add pm2@4.4.0
# Set up log rotation
COPY logrotate/* /etc/logrotate.d/
RUN chmod 0644 /etc/logrotate.d/*
# Set up cronjobs
COPY cronjobs/aio-builds-cleanup /etc/cron.d/
RUN chmod 0744 /etc/cron.d/aio-builds-cleanup
RUN crontab /etc/cron.d/aio-builds-cleanup
RUN printenv | grep AIO_ >> /etc/environment
# Set up dnsmasq
COPY dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf /etc/
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME}}|$AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME|g" /etc/dnsmasq.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$TEST_AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME}}|$TEST_AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME|g" /etc/dnsmasq.conf
# Set up SSL/TLS certificates
COPY nginx/create-selfsigned-cert.sh /tmp/
RUN chmod a+x /tmp/create-selfsigned-cert.sh
RUN /tmp/create-selfsigned-cert.sh "selfcert-prod" "$AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME" "$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR"
RUN /tmp/create-selfsigned-cert.sh "selfcert-test" "$TEST_AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME" "$TEST_AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR"
RUN rm /tmp/create-selfsigned-cert.sh
RUN update-ca-certificates
# Set up nginx (for production and testing)
RUN sed -i -E "s|^user\s+\S+;|user $AIO_WWW_USER;|" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
RUN rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/*
RUN rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*
COPY nginx/aio-builds.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_BUILDS_DIR}}|$AIO_BUILDS_DIR|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME}}|$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR}}|$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}|$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP}}|$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}}|$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME}}|$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_ARTIFACT_MAX_SIZE}}|$AIO_ARTIFACT_MAX_SIZE|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT}}|$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-prod.conf
COPY nginx/aio-builds.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_BUILDS_DIR}}|$TEST_AIO_BUILDS_DIR|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME}}|$TEST_AIO_DOMAIN_NAME|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR}}|$TEST_AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}|$TEST_AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP}}|$TEST_AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}}|$TEST_AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME}}|$TEST_AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_ARTIFACT_MAX_SIZE}}|$TEST_AIO_ARTIFACT_MAX_SIZE|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
RUN sed -i "s|{{\$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT}}|$TEST_AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT|g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/aio-builds-test.conf
# Set up pm2
RUN pm2 startup --user root > /dev/null
# Set up the shell scripts
RUN find $AIO_SCRIPTS_SH_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%P\n" \
| while read file; do ln -s $AIO_SCRIPTS_SH_DIR/$file /usr/local/bin/aio-${file%.*}; done
# Set up the Node.js scripts
RUN yarn --cwd="$AIO_SCRIPTS_JS_DIR/" install --production --frozen-lockfile
# Set up health check
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m CMD /usr/local/bin/aio-health-check
# Go!
CMD aio-init && tail -f /dev/null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Periodically clean up builds that do not correspond to currently open PRs
0 12 * * * /usr/local/bin/aio-clean-up >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Do not read /etc/resolv.conf. Get servers from this file instead.
# Listen for DHCP and DNS requests only on this address.
# Force an IP address for these domains.
# Run as root (required from inside docker container).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/var/log/aio/clean-up.log /var/log/aio/init.log /var/log/aio/verify-setup.log {
rotate 6

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/var/log/aio/nginx/*.log /var/log/aio/nginx-test/*.log {
rotate 6
service nginx rotate >/dev/null 2>&1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/var/log/aio/preview-server-*.log {
rotate 6

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS
server {
server_name _;
listen {{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP}} default_server;
listen [::]:{{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP}};
access_log {{$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}/access.log;
error_log {{$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}/error.log;
# Ideally we want 308 (permanent + keep original method),
# but it is relatively new and not supported by some clients (e.g. cURL).
return 307 https://$host:{{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}}$request_uri;
# Serve PR-preview requests
server {
server_name "~^pr(?<pr>[1-9][0-9]*)-(?<sha>[0-9a-f]{7,40})\.";
listen {{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}} ssl http2;
listen [::]:{{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}} ssl http2;
ssl_certificate {{$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR}}/{{$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME}}.crt;
ssl_certificate_key {{$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR}}/{{$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME}}.key;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
root {{$AIO_BUILDS_DIR}}/$pr/$sha;
disable_symlinks on from=$document_root;
index index.html;
gzip on;
gzip_comp_level 7;
gzip_types *;
access_log {{$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}/access.log;
error_log {{$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}/error.log;
error_page 404 /404.html;
location "=/404.html" {
location "~/[^/]+\.[^/]+$" {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
# Handle all other requests
server {
server_name _;
listen {{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}} ssl http2 default_server;
listen [::]:{{$AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS}} ssl http2;
ssl_certificate {{$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR}}/{{$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME}}.crt;
ssl_certificate_key {{$AIO_LOCALCERTS_DIR}}/{{$AIO_DOMAIN_NAME}}.key;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
access_log {{$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}/access.log;
error_log {{$AIO_NGINX_LOGS_DIR}}/error.log;
# Health check
location "~^/health-check/?$" {
add_header Content-Type text/plain;
return 200 '';
# Check PRs previewability
location "~^/can-have-public-preview/\d+/?$" {
if ($request_method != "GET") {
add_header Allow "GET";
return 405;
proxy_pass_request_headers on;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_method GET;
proxy_pass http://{{$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME}}:{{$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT}}$request_uri;
# Notify about CircleCI builds
location "~^/circle-build/?$" {
if ($request_method != "POST") {
add_header Allow "POST";
return 405;
proxy_pass_request_headers on;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_method POST;
proxy_pass http://{{$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME}}:{{$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT}}$request_uri;
# Notify about PR changes
location "~^/pr-updated/?$" {
if ($request_method != "POST") {
add_header Allow "POST";
return 405;
proxy_pass_request_headers on;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_method POST;
proxy_pass http://{{$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME}}:{{$AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT}}$request_uri;
# Everything else
location / {
return 404;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
set -eu -o pipefail
# Variables
# Create certificate
cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf "$confFile"
echo "[subjectAltName]" >> "$confFile"
echo "subjectAltName = DNS:$domainName, DNS:*.$domainName" >> "$confFile"
mkdir -p $outDir
openssl req -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -x509 \
-config "$confFile" -extensions subjectAltName -subj "/CN=$domainName" \
-out "$outDir/$domainName.crt" -keyout "$outDir/$domainName.key"
chmod -R 400 "$outDir"
cp "$outDir/$domainName.crt" /usr/local/share/ca-certificates

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
// Imports
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as shell from 'shelljs';
import {HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX} from '../common/constants';
import {GithubApi} from '../common/github-api';
import {GithubPullRequests} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty, getPrInfoFromDownloadPath, Logger} from '../common/utils';
// Classes
export class BuildCleaner {
private logger = new Logger('BuildCleaner');
// Constructor
constructor(protected buildsDir: string, protected githubOrg: string, protected githubRepo: string,
protected githubToken: string, protected downloadsDir: string, protected artifactPath: string) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('buildsDir', buildsDir);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubOrg', githubOrg);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubRepo', githubRepo);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubToken', githubToken);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('downloadsDir', downloadsDir);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('artifactPath', artifactPath);
// Methods - Public
public async cleanUp(): Promise<void> {
try {
this.logger.log('Cleaning up builds and downloads');
const openPrs = await this.getOpenPrNumbers();
this.logger.log(`Open pull requests: ${openPrs.length}`);
await Promise.all([
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error('ERROR:', error);
throw error;
public async cleanBuilds(openPrs: number[]): Promise<void> {
const existingBuilds = await this.getExistingBuildNumbers();
await this.removeUnnecessaryBuilds(existingBuilds, openPrs);
public async cleanDownloads(openPrs: number[]): Promise<void> {
const existingDownloads = await this.getExistingDownloads();
await this.removeUnnecessaryDownloads(existingDownloads, openPrs);
public getExistingBuildNumbers(): Promise<number[]> {
return new Promise<number[]>((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(this.buildsDir, (err, files) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
const buildNumbers = files.
map(name => name.replace(HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX, '')). // Remove the "hidden dir" prefix
map(Number). // Convert string to number
filter(Boolean); // Ignore NaN (or 0), because they are not builds
public async getOpenPrNumbers(): Promise<number[]> {
const api = new GithubApi(this.githubToken);
const githubPullRequests = new GithubPullRequests(api, this.githubOrg, this.githubRepo);
const prs = await githubPullRequests.fetchAll('open');
return prs.map(pr => pr.number);
public removeDir(dir: string): void {
try {
if (shell.test('-d', dir)) {
shell.chmod('-R', 'a+w', dir);
shell.rm('-rf', dir);
} catch (err) {
this.logger.error(`ERROR: Unable to remove '${dir}' due to:`, err);
public removeUnnecessaryBuilds(existingBuildNumbers: number[], openPrNumbers: number[]): void {
const toRemove = existingBuildNumbers.filter(num => !openPrNumbers.includes(num));
this.logger.log(`Existing builds: ${existingBuildNumbers.length}`);
this.logger.log(`Removing ${toRemove.length} build(s): ${toRemove.join(', ')}`);
// Try removing public dirs.
map(num => path.join(this.buildsDir, String(num))).
forEach(dir => this.removeDir(dir));
// Try removing hidden dirs.
map(num => path.join(this.buildsDir, HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX + String(num))).
forEach(dir => this.removeDir(dir));
public getExistingDownloads(): Promise<string[]> {
const artifactFile = path.basename(this.artifactPath);
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(this.downloadsDir, (err, files) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
files = files.filter(file => file.endsWith(artifactFile));
public removeUnnecessaryDownloads(existingDownloads: string[], openPrNumbers: number[]): void {
const toRemove = existingDownloads.filter(filePath => {
const {pr} = getPrInfoFromDownloadPath(filePath);
return !openPrNumbers.includes(pr);
this.logger.log(`Existing downloads: ${existingDownloads.length}`);
this.logger.log(`Removing ${toRemove.length} download(s): ${toRemove.join(', ')}`);
toRemove.forEach(filePath => shell.rm(path.join(this.downloadsDir, filePath)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// Imports
import {AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR} from '../common/constants';
import {
} from '../common/env-variables';
import {BuildCleaner} from './build-cleaner';
// Run
// Functions
function _main(): void {
const buildCleaner = new BuildCleaner(
buildCleaner.cleanUp().catch(() => process.exit(1));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Imports
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from './utils';
// Constants
const CIRCLE_CI_API_URL = 'https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github';
// Interfaces - Types
export interface ArtifactInfo {
path: string;
pretty_path: string;
node_index: number;
url: string;
export type ArtifactResponse = ArtifactInfo[];
export interface BuildInfo {
reponame: string;
failed: boolean;
branch: string;
username: string;
build_num: number;
has_artifacts: boolean;
outcome: string; // e.g. 'success'
vcs_revision: string; // HEAD SHA
// there are other fields but they are not used in this code
* A Helper that can interact with the CircleCI API.
export class CircleCiApi {
private tokenParam = `circle-token=${this.circleCiToken}`;
* Construct a helper that can interact with the CircleCI REST API.
* @param githubOrg The Github organisation whose repos we want to access in CircleCI (e.g. angular).
* @param githubRepo The Github repo whose builds we want to access in CircleCI (e.g. angular).
* @param circleCiToken The CircleCI API access token (secret).
private githubOrg: string,
private githubRepo: string,
private circleCiToken: string,
) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubOrg', githubOrg);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubRepo', githubRepo);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('circleCiToken', circleCiToken);
* Get the info for a build from the CircleCI API
* @param buildNumber The CircleCI build number that generated the artifact.
* @returns A promise to the info about the build
public async getBuildInfo(buildNumber: number): Promise<BuildInfo> {
try {
const baseUrl = `${CIRCLE_CI_API_URL}/${this.githubOrg}/${this.githubRepo}/${buildNumber}`;
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}?${this.tokenParam}`);
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(`${baseUrl}: ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`);
return response.json();
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`CircleCI build info request failed (${error.message})`);
* Query the CircleCI API to get a URL for a specified artifact from a specified build.
* @param artifactPath The path, within the build to the artifact.
* @returns A promise to the URL that can be requested to download the actual build artifact file.
public async getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNumber: number, artifactPath: string): Promise<string> {
const baseUrl = `${CIRCLE_CI_API_URL}/${this.githubOrg}/${this.githubRepo}/${buildNumber}`;
try {
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/artifacts?${this.tokenParam}`);
const artifacts = await response.json() as ArtifactResponse;
const artifact = artifacts.find(item => item.path === artifactPath);
if (!artifact) {
throw new Error(`Missing artifact (${artifactPath}) for CircleCI build: ${buildNumber}`);
return artifact.url;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`CircleCI artifact URL request failed (${error.message})`);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// Constants
export const AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR = '/tmp/aio-downloads';
export const HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX = 'hidden--';
export const SHORT_SHA_LEN = 7;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import {getEnvVar} from './utils';
export const AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH = getEnvVar('AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH');
export const AIO_BUILDS_DIR = getEnvVar('AIO_BUILDS_DIR');
export const AIO_GITHUB_TOKEN = getEnvVar('AIO_GITHUB_TOKEN');
export const AIO_CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN = getEnvVar('AIO_CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN');
export const AIO_DOMAIN_NAME = getEnvVar('AIO_DOMAIN_NAME');
export const AIO_GITHUB_REPO = getEnvVar('AIO_GITHUB_REPO');
export const AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP = +getEnvVar('AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP');
export const AIO_WWW_USER = getEnvVar('AIO_WWW_USER');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// Imports
import {IncomingMessage} from 'http';
import * as https from 'https';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from './utils';
// Constants
const GITHUB_HOSTNAME = 'api.github.com';
// Interfaces - Types
interface RequestParams {
[key: string]: string | number;
type RequestParamsOrNull = RequestParams | null;
// Classes
export class GithubApi {
protected requestHeaders: {[key: string]: string};
// Constructor
constructor(githubToken: string) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubToken', githubToken);
this.requestHeaders = {
'Authorization': `token ${githubToken}`,
'User-Agent': `Node/${process.versions.node}`,
// Methods - Public
public get<T = any>(pathname: string, params?: RequestParamsOrNull): Promise<T> {
const path = this.buildPath(pathname, params);
return this.request<T>('get', path);
public post<T = any>(pathname: string, params?: RequestParamsOrNull, data?: any): Promise<T> {
const path = this.buildPath(pathname, params);
return this.request<T>('post', path, data);
// In GitHub API paginated requests, page numbering is 1-based. (https://developer.github.com/v3/#pagination)
public getPaginated<T>(pathname: string, baseParams: RequestParams = {}, currentPage: number = 1): Promise<T[]> {
const perPage = 100;
const params = {
page: currentPage,
per_page: perPage,
return this.get<T[]>(pathname, params).then(items => {
if (items.length < perPage) {
return items;
return this.getPaginated<T>(pathname, baseParams, currentPage + 1).then(moreItems => [...items, ...moreItems]);
// Methods - Protected
protected buildPath(pathname: string, params?: RequestParamsOrNull): string {
if (params == null) {
return pathname;
const search = (params === null) ? '' : this.serializeSearchParams(params);
const joiner = search && '?';
return `${pathname}${joiner}${search}`;
protected request<T>(method: string, path: string, data: any = null): Promise<T> {
return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
const options = {
headers: {...this.requestHeaders},
const onError = (statusCode: number, responseText: string) => {
const url = `https://${GITHUB_HOSTNAME}${path}`;
reject(`Request to '${url}' failed (status: ${statusCode}): ${responseText}`);
const onSuccess = (responseText: string) => {
try { resolve(responseText && JSON.parse(responseText)); } catch (err) { reject(err); }
const onResponse = (res: IncomingMessage) => {
const statusCode = res.statusCode || -1;
const isSuccess = (200 <= statusCode) && (statusCode < 400);
let responseText = '';
on('data', d => responseText += d).
on('end', () => isSuccess ? onSuccess(responseText) : onError(statusCode, responseText)).
on('error', reject);
request(options, onResponse).
on('error', reject).
end(data && JSON.stringify(data));
protected serializeSearchParams(params: RequestParams): string {
return Object.keys(params).
filter(key => params[key] != null).
map(key => `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(String(params[key]))}`).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import {GithubApi} from './github-api';
import {assert, assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from './utils';
export interface PullRequest {
number: number;
user: {login: string};
labels: {name: string}[];
export interface FileInfo {
sha: string;
filename: string;
export type PullRequestState = 'all' | 'closed' | 'open';
* Access pull requests on GitHub.
export class GithubPullRequests {
public repoSlug: string;
* Create an instance of this helper
* @param api An instance of the Github API helper.
* @param githubOrg The organisation on GitHub whose repo we will interrogate.
* @param githubRepo The repository on Github with whose PRs we will interact.
constructor(private api: GithubApi, githubOrg: string, githubRepo: string) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubOrg', githubOrg);
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubRepo', githubRepo);
this.repoSlug = `${githubOrg}/${githubRepo}`;
* Post a comment on a PR.
* @param pr The number of the PR on which to comment.
* @param body The body of the comment to post.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the comment has been posted.
public addComment(pr: number, body: string): Promise<any> {
assert(pr > 0, `Invalid PR number: ${pr}`);
assert(!!body, `Invalid or empty comment body: ${body}`);
return this.api.post<any>(`/repos/${this.repoSlug}/issues/${pr}/comments`, null, {body});
* Request information about a PR.
* @param pr The number of the PR for which to request info.
* @returns A promise that is resolves with information about the specified PR.
public fetch(pr: number): Promise<PullRequest> {
assert(pr > 0, `Invalid PR number: ${pr}`);
// Using the `/issues/` URL, because the `/pulls/` one does not provide labels.
return this.api.get<PullRequest>(`/repos/${this.repoSlug}/issues/${pr}`);
* Request information about all PRs that match the given state.
* @param state Only retrieve PRs that have this state.
* @returns A promise that is resolved with information about the requested PRs.
public fetchAll(state: PullRequestState = 'all'): Promise<PullRequest[]> {
const pathname = `/repos/${this.repoSlug}/pulls`;
const params = {state};
return this.api.getPaginated<PullRequest>(pathname, params);
* Request a list of files for the given PR.
* @param pr The number of the PR for which to request files.
* @returns A promise that resolves to an array of file information
public fetchFiles(pr: number): Promise<FileInfo[]> {
assert(pr > 0, `Invalid PR number: ${pr}`);
return this.api.getPaginated<FileInfo>(`/repos/${this.repoSlug}/pulls/${pr}/files`);

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import {GithubApi} from './github-api';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from './utils';
export interface Team {
id: number;
slug: string;
export interface TeamMembership {
state: string;
export class GithubTeams {
* Create an instance of this helper
* @param api An instance of the Github API helper.
* @param githubOrg The organisation on GitHub whose repo we will interrogate.
constructor(private api: GithubApi, protected githubOrg: string) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubOrg', githubOrg);
* Request information about all the organisation's teams in GitHub.
* @returns A promise that is resolved with information about the teams.
public fetchAll(): Promise<Team[]> {
return this.api.getPaginated<Team>(`/orgs/${this.githubOrg}/teams`);
* Check whether the specified username is a member of the specified team.
* @param username The usernane to check for in the team.
* @param teamIds The team to check for the username.
* @returns a Promise that resolves to `true` if the username is a member of the team.
public async isMemberById(username: string, teamIds: number[]): Promise<boolean> {
const getMembership = async (teamId: number) => {
try {
const {state} = await this.api.get<TeamMembership>(`/teams/${teamId}/memberships/${username}`);
return state === 'active';
} catch (error) {
return false;
for (const teamId of teamIds) {
if (await getMembership(teamId)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check whether the given username is a member of the teams specified by the team slugs.
* @param username The username to check for in the teams.
* @param teamSlugs A collection of slugs that represent the teams to check for the username.
* @returns a Promise that resolves to `true` if the usernane is a member of at least one of the specified teams.
public async isMemberBySlug(username: string, teamSlugs: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const teams = await this.fetchAll();
const teamIds = teams.filter(team => teamSlugs.includes(team.slug)).map(team => team.id);
return await this.isMemberById(username, teamIds);
} catch (error) {
return false;

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// We can't use `import...from` here, because of the following mess:
// - GitHub project `jasmine/jasmine` is `jasmine-core` on npm and its typings `@types/jasmine`.
// - GitHub project `jasmine/jasmine-npm` is `jasmine` on npm and has no typings.
// Using `import...from 'jasmine'` here, would import from `@types/jasmine` (which refers to the
// `jasmine-core` module and the `jasmine` module).
import Jasmine = require('jasmine');
import 'source-map-support/register';
export const runTests = (specFiles: string[]) => {
const config = {
random: true,
spec_files: specFiles,
stopSpecOnExpectationFailure: true,
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason: any) => console.log('Unhandled rejection:', reason));
const runner = new Jasmine({});
runner.onComplete((passed: boolean) => process.exit(passed ? 0 : 1));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import {basename, resolve as resolvePath} from 'path';
import {SHORT_SHA_LEN} from './constants';
* Shorten a SHA to make it more readable
* @param sha The SHA to shorten.
export function computeShortSha(sha: string) {
return sha.substr(0, SHORT_SHA_LEN);
* Compute the path for a downloaded artifact file.
* @param downloadsDir The directory where artifacts are downloaded
* @param pr The PR associated with this artifact.
* @param sha The SHA associated with the build for this artifact.
* @param artifactPath The path to the artifact on CircleCI.
* @returns The fully resolved location for the specified downloaded artifact.
export function computeArtifactDownloadPath(downloadsDir: string, pr: number, sha: string, artifactPath: string) {
return resolvePath(downloadsDir, `${pr}-${computeShortSha(sha)}-${basename(artifactPath)}`);
* Extract the PR number and latest commit SHA from a downloaded file path.
* @param downloadPath the path to the downloaded file.
* @returns An object whose keys are the PR and SHA extracted from the file path.
export function getPrInfoFromDownloadPath(downloadPath: string) {
const file = basename(downloadPath);
const [pr, sha] = file.split('-');
return {pr: +pr, sha};
* Assert that a value is true.
* @param value The value to assert.
* @param message The message if the value is not true.
export function assert(value: boolean, message: string) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error(message);
* Assert that a parameter is not equal to "".
* @param name The name of the parameter.
* @param value The value of the parameter.
export const assertNotMissingOrEmpty = (name: string, value: string | null | undefined) => {
assert(!!value, `Missing or empty required parameter '${name}'!`);
* Get an environment variable.
* @param name The name of the environment variable.
* @param isOptional True if the variable is optional.
* @returns The value of the variable or "" if it is optional and falsy.
* @throws `Error` if the variable is falsy and not optional.
export const getEnvVar = (name: string, isOptional = false): string => {
const value = process.env[name];
if (!isOptional && !value) {
try {
throw new Error(`ERROR: Missing required environment variable '${name}'!`);
} catch (error) {
return value || '';
* A basic logger implementation.
* Delegates to `console`, but prepends each message with the current date and specified scope (i.e caller).
export class Logger {
private padding = ' '.repeat(20 - this.scope.length);
* Create a new `Logger` instance for the specified `scope`.
* @param scope The logger's scope (added to all messages).
constructor(private scope: string) {}
public error(...args: any[]) { this.callMethod('error', args); }
public info(...args: any[]) { this.callMethod('info', args); }
public log(...args: any[]) { this.callMethod('log', args); }
public warn(...args: any[]) { this.callMethod('warn', args); }
private callMethod(method: 'error' | 'info' | 'log' | 'warn', args: any[]) {
console[method](`[${new Date()}]`, `${this.scope}:${this.padding}`, ...args);

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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
// Imports
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as shell from 'shelljs';
import {HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX} from '../common/constants';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty, computeShortSha, Logger} from '../common/utils';
import {ChangedPrVisibilityEvent, CreatedBuildEvent} from './build-events';
import {PreviewServerError} from './preview-error';
// Classes
export class BuildCreator extends EventEmitter {
private logger = new Logger('BuildCreator');
// Constructor
constructor(protected buildsDir: string) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('buildsDir', buildsDir);
// Methods - Public
public create(pr: number, sha: string, archivePath: string, isPublic: boolean): Promise<void> {
// Use only part of the SHA for more readable URLs.
sha = computeShortSha(sha);
const {newPrDir: prDir} = this.getCandidatePrDirs(pr, isPublic);
const shaDir = path.join(prDir, sha);
let dirToRemoveOnError: string;
return Promise.resolve().
// If the same PR exists with different visibility, update the visibility first.
then(() => this.updatePrVisibility(pr, isPublic)).
then(() => Promise.all([this.exists(prDir), this.exists(shaDir)])).
then(([prDirExisted, shaDirExisted]) => {
if (shaDirExisted) {
const publicOrNot = isPublic ? 'public' : 'non-public';
throw new PreviewServerError(409, `Request to overwrite existing ${publicOrNot} directory: ${shaDir}`);
dirToRemoveOnError = prDirExisted ? shaDir : prDir;
return Promise.resolve().
then(() => shell.mkdir('-p', shaDir)).
then(() => this.extractArchive(archivePath, shaDir)).
then(() => this.emit(CreatedBuildEvent.type, new CreatedBuildEvent(+pr, sha, isPublic))).
then(() => undefined);
catch(err => {
if (dirToRemoveOnError) {
shell.rm('-rf', dirToRemoveOnError);
if (!(err instanceof PreviewServerError)) {
err = new PreviewServerError(500, `Error while creating preview at: ${shaDir}\n${err}`);
throw err;
public updatePrVisibility(pr: number, makePublic: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
const {oldPrDir: otherVisPrDir, newPrDir: targetVisPrDir} = this.getCandidatePrDirs(pr, makePublic);
return Promise.
all([this.exists(otherVisPrDir), this.exists(targetVisPrDir)]).
then(([otherVisPrDirExisted, targetVisPrDirExisted]) => {
if (!otherVisPrDirExisted) {
// No visibility change: Either the visibility is up-to-date or the PR does not exist.
return false;
} else if (targetVisPrDirExisted) {
// Error: Directories for both visibilities exist.
throw new PreviewServerError(409,
`Request to move '${otherVisPrDir}' to existing directory '${targetVisPrDir}'.`);
// Visibility change: Moving `otherVisPrDir` to `targetVisPrDir`.
return Promise.resolve().
then(() => shell.mv(otherVisPrDir, targetVisPrDir)).
then(() => this.listShasByDate(targetVisPrDir)).
then(shas => this.emit(ChangedPrVisibilityEvent.type, new ChangedPrVisibilityEvent(+pr, shas, makePublic))).
then(() => true);
catch(err => {
if (!(err instanceof PreviewServerError)) {
err = new PreviewServerError(500, `Error while making PR ${pr} ${makePublic ? 'public' : 'hidden'}.\n${err}`);
throw err;
// Methods - Protected
protected exists(fileOrDir: string): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise(resolve => fs.access(fileOrDir, err => resolve(!err)));
protected extractArchive(inputFile: string, outputDir: string): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const cmd = `tar --extract --gzip --directory "${outputDir}" --file "${inputFile}"`;
cp.exec(cmd, (err, _stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
if (stderr) {
try {
shell.chmod('-R', 'a-w', outputDir);
shell.rm('-f', inputFile);
} catch (err) {
protected getCandidatePrDirs(pr: number, isPublic: boolean): {oldPrDir: string, newPrDir: string} {
const hiddenPrDir = path.join(this.buildsDir, HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX + pr);
const publicPrDir = path.join(this.buildsDir, `${pr}`);
const oldPrDir = isPublic ? hiddenPrDir : publicPrDir;
const newPrDir = isPublic ? publicPrDir : hiddenPrDir;
return {oldPrDir, newPrDir};
protected listShasByDate(inputDir: string): Promise<string[]> {
return Promise.resolve().
then(() => shell.ls('-l', inputDir) as any as Promise<(fs.Stats & {name: string})[]>).
// Keep directories only.
// (Also, convert to standard Array - ShellJS provides custom `sort()` method for sorting file contents.)
then(items => items.filter(item => item.isDirectory())).
// Sort by modification date.
then(items => items.sort((a, b) => a.mtime.getTime() - b.mtime.getTime())).
// Return directory names.
then(items => items.map(item => item.name));

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Classes
export class ChangedPrVisibilityEvent {
// Properties - Public, Static
public static type = 'pr.changedVisibility';
// Constructor
constructor(public pr: number, public shas: string[], public isPublic: boolean) {}
export class CreatedBuildEvent {
// Properties - Public, Static
public static type = 'build.created';
// Constructor
constructor(public pr: number, public sha: string, public isPublic: boolean) {}

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import * as fs from 'fs';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {dirname} from 'path';
import {mkdir} from 'shelljs';
import {promisify} from 'util';
import {CircleCiApi} from '../common/circle-ci-api';
import {assert, assertNotMissingOrEmpty, computeArtifactDownloadPath, Logger} from '../common/utils';
import {PreviewServerError} from './preview-error';
export interface GithubInfo {
org: string;
pr: number;
repo: string;
sha: string;
success: boolean;
* A helper that can get information about builds and download build artifacts.
export class BuildRetriever {
private logger = new Logger('BuildRetriever');
constructor(private api: CircleCiApi, private downloadSizeLimit: number, private downloadDir: string) {
assert(downloadSizeLimit > 0, 'Invalid parameter "downloadSizeLimit" should be a number greater than 0.');
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('downloadDir', downloadDir);
* Get GitHub information about a build
* @param buildNum The number of the build for which to retrieve the info.
* @returns The Github org, repo, PR and latest SHA for the specified build.
public async getGithubInfo(buildNum: number): Promise<GithubInfo> {
const buildInfo = await this.api.getBuildInfo(buildNum);
const githubInfo: GithubInfo = {
org: buildInfo.username,
pr: getPrFromBranch(buildInfo.branch),
repo: buildInfo.reponame,
sha: buildInfo.vcs_revision,
success: !buildInfo.failed,
return githubInfo;
* Make a request to the given URL for a build artifact and store it locally.
* @param buildNum the number of the CircleCI build whose artifact we want to download.
* @param pr the number of the PR that triggered the CircleCI build.
* @param sha the commit in the PR that triggered the CircleCI build.
* @param artifactPath the path on CircleCI where the artifact was stored.
* @returns A promise to the file path where the downloaded file was stored.
public async downloadBuildArtifact(buildNum: number, pr: number, sha: string, artifactPath: string): Promise<string> {
try {
const outPath = computeArtifactDownloadPath(this.downloadDir, pr, sha, artifactPath);
const downloadExists = await new Promise(resolve => fs.exists(outPath, exists => resolve(exists)));
if (!downloadExists) {
const url = await this.api.getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNum, artifactPath);
const response = await fetch(url, {size: this.downloadSizeLimit});
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new PreviewServerError(response.status, `Error ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`);
const buffer = await response.buffer();
mkdir('-p', dirname(outPath));
await promisify(fs.writeFile)(outPath, buffer);
return outPath;
} catch (error) {
const status = (error.type === 'max-size') ? 413 : 500;
throw new PreviewServerError(status, `CircleCI artifact download failed (${error.message || error})`);
function getPrFromBranch(branch: string): number {
// CircleCI only exposes PR numbers via the `branch` field :-(
const match = /^pull\/(\d+)$/.exec(branch);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`No PR found in branch field: ${branch}`);
return +match[1];

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import {GithubPullRequests, PullRequest} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
import {GithubTeams} from '../common/github-teams';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from '../common/utils';
* A helper to verify whether builds are trusted.
export class BuildVerifier {
* Construct a new BuildVerifier instance.
* @param prs A helper to access PR information.
* @param teams A helper to access Github team information.
* @param allowedTeamSlugs The teams that are trusted.
* @param trustedPrLabel The github label that indicates that a PR is trusted.
constructor(protected prs: GithubPullRequests, protected teams: GithubTeams,
protected allowedTeamSlugs: string[], protected trustedPrLabel: string) {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('allowedTeamSlugs', allowedTeamSlugs && allowedTeamSlugs.join(''));
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('trustedPrLabel', trustedPrLabel);
* Check whether a PR contains files that are significant to the build.
* @param pr The number of the PR to check
* @param significantFilePattern A regex that selects files that are significant.
public async getSignificantFilesChanged(pr: number, significantFilePattern: RegExp): Promise<boolean> {
const files = await this.prs.fetchFiles(pr);
return files.some(file => significantFilePattern.test(file.filename));
* Check whether a PR is trusted.
* @param pr The number of the PR to check.
* @returns true if the PR is trusted.
public async getPrIsTrusted(pr: number): Promise<boolean> {
const prInfo = await this.prs.fetch(pr);
return this.hasLabel(prInfo, this.trustedPrLabel) ||
(await this.teams.isMemberBySlug(prInfo.user.login, this.allowedTeamSlugs));
protected hasLabel(prInfo: PullRequest, label: string): boolean {
return prInfo.labels.some(labelObj => labelObj.name === label);

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Imports
import {AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR} from '../common/constants';
import {
} from '../common/env-variables';
import {PreviewServerFactory} from './preview-server-factory';
// Run
// Functions
function _main(): void {
buildArtifactPath: AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH,
buildsDir: AIO_BUILDS_DIR,
domainName: AIO_DOMAIN_NAME,
downloadSizeLimit: AIO_ARTIFACT_MAX_SIZE,
downloadsDir: AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR,
githubRepo: AIO_GITHUB_REPO,
githubTeamSlugs: AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS.split(','),
githubToken: AIO_GITHUB_TOKEN,

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// Classes
export class PreviewServerError extends Error {
// Constructor
constructor(public status: number = 500, message?: string) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, PreviewServerError.prototype);

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@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// Imports
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as http from 'http';
import {AddressInfo} from 'net';
import {CircleCiApi} from '../common/circle-ci-api';
import {GithubApi} from '../common/github-api';
import {GithubPullRequests} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
import {GithubTeams} from '../common/github-teams';
import {assert, assertNotMissingOrEmpty, computeShortSha, Logger} from '../common/utils';
import {BuildCreator} from './build-creator';
import {ChangedPrVisibilityEvent, CreatedBuildEvent} from './build-events';
import {BuildRetriever} from './build-retriever';
import {BuildVerifier} from './build-verifier';
import {respondWithError, throwRequestError} from './utils';
const AIO_PREVIEW_JOB = 'aio_preview';
// Interfaces - Types
export interface PreviewServerConfig {
downloadsDir: string;
downloadSizeLimit: number;
buildArtifactPath: string;
buildsDir: string;
domainName: string;
githubOrg: string;
githubRepo: string;
githubTeamSlugs: string[];
circleCiToken: string;
githubToken: string;
significantFilesPattern: string;
trustedPrLabel: string;
const logger = new Logger('PreviewServer');
// Classes
export class PreviewServerFactory {
// Methods - Public
public static create(cfg: PreviewServerConfig): http.Server {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('domainName', cfg.domainName);
const circleCiApi = new CircleCiApi(cfg.githubOrg, cfg.githubRepo, cfg.circleCiToken);
const githubApi = new GithubApi(cfg.githubToken);
const prs = new GithubPullRequests(githubApi, cfg.githubOrg, cfg.githubRepo);
const teams = new GithubTeams(githubApi, cfg.githubOrg);
const buildRetriever = new BuildRetriever(circleCiApi, cfg.downloadSizeLimit, cfg.downloadsDir);
const buildVerifier = new BuildVerifier(prs, teams, cfg.githubTeamSlugs, cfg.trustedPrLabel);
const buildCreator = PreviewServerFactory.createBuildCreator(prs, cfg.buildsDir, cfg.domainName);
const middleware = PreviewServerFactory.createMiddleware(buildRetriever, buildVerifier, buildCreator, cfg);
const httpServer = http.createServer(middleware as any);
httpServer.on('listening', () => {
const info = httpServer.address() as AddressInfo;
logger.info(`Up and running (and listening on ${info.address}:${info.port})...`);
return httpServer;
public static createMiddleware(buildRetriever: BuildRetriever, buildVerifier: BuildVerifier,
buildCreator: BuildCreator, cfg: PreviewServerConfig): express.Express {
const middleware = express();
const jsonParser = bodyParser.json();
const significantFilesRe = new RegExp(cfg.significantFilesPattern);
middleware.get(/^\/health-check\/?$/, (_req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
const canHavePublicPreviewRe = /^\/can-have-public-preview\/(\d+)\/?$/;
middleware.get(canHavePublicPreviewRe, async (req, res) => {
try {
const pr = +canHavePublicPreviewRe.exec(req.url)![1];
if (!await buildVerifier.getSignificantFilesChanged(pr, significantFilesRe)) {
// Cannot have preview: PR did not touch relevant files: `aio/` or `packages/` (except for spec files).
res.send({canHavePublicPreview: false, reason: 'No significant files touched.'});
logger.log(`PR:${pr} - Cannot have a public preview, because it did not touch any significant files.`);
} else if (!await buildVerifier.getPrIsTrusted(pr)) {
// Cannot have preview: PR not automatically verifiable as "trusted".
res.send({canHavePublicPreview: false, reason: 'Not automatically verifiable as "trusted".'});
logger.log(`PR:${pr} - Cannot have a public preview, because not automatically verifiable as "trusted".`);
} else {
// Can have preview.
res.send({canHavePublicPreview: true, reason: null});
logger.log(`PR:${pr} - Can have a public preview.`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Previewability check error', err);
respondWithError(res, err);
middleware.post(/^\/circle-build\/?$/, jsonParser, async (req, res) => {
try {
if (!(
req.is('json') &&
req.body &&
req.body.payload &&
req.body.payload.build_num > 0 &&
req.body.payload.build_parameters &&
)) {
throwRequestError(400, `Incorrect body content. Expected JSON`, req);
const job = req.body.payload.build_parameters.CIRCLE_JOB;
const buildNum = req.body.payload.build_num;
logger.log(`Build:${buildNum}, Job:${job} - processing web-hook trigger`);
if (job !== AIO_PREVIEW_JOB) {
logger.log(`Build:${buildNum}, Job:${job} -`,
`Skipping preview processing because this is not the "${AIO_PREVIEW_JOB}" job.`);
const { pr, sha, org, repo, success } = await buildRetriever.getGithubInfo(buildNum);
if (!success) {
logger.log(`PR:${pr}, Build:${buildNum} - Skipping preview processing because this build did not succeed.`);
assert(cfg.githubOrg === org,
`Invalid webhook: expected "githubOrg" property to equal "${cfg.githubOrg}" but got "${org}".`);
assert(cfg.githubRepo === repo,
`Invalid webhook: expected "githubRepo" property to equal "${cfg.githubRepo}" but got "${repo}".`);
// Do not deploy unless this PR has touched relevant files: `aio/` or `packages/` (except for spec files)
if (!await buildVerifier.getSignificantFilesChanged(pr, significantFilesRe)) {
logger.log(`PR:${pr}, Build:${buildNum} - ` +
`Skipping preview processing because this PR did not touch any significant files.`);
const artifactPath = await buildRetriever.downloadBuildArtifact(buildNum, pr, sha, cfg.buildArtifactPath);
const isPublic = await buildVerifier.getPrIsTrusted(pr);
await buildCreator.create(pr, sha, artifactPath, isPublic);
res.sendStatus(isPublic ? 201 : 202);
logger.log(`PR:${pr}, SHA:${computeShortSha(sha)}, Build:${buildNum} - ` +
`Successfully created ${isPublic ? 'public' : 'non-public'} preview.`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error('CircleCI webhook error', err);
respondWithError(res, err);
middleware.post(/^\/pr-updated\/?$/, jsonParser, async (req, res) => {
const { action, number: prNo }: { action?: string, number?: number } = req.body;
const visMayHaveChanged = !action || (action === 'labeled') || (action === 'unlabeled');
try {
if (!visMayHaveChanged) {
} else if (!prNo) {
throwRequestError(400, `Missing or empty 'number' field`, req);
} else {
const isPublic = await buildVerifier.getPrIsTrusted(prNo);
await buildCreator.updatePrVisibility(prNo, isPublic);
} catch (err) {
logger.error('PR update hook error', err);
respondWithError(res, err);
middleware.all('*', req => throwRequestError(404, 'Unknown resource', req));
middleware.use((err: any, _req: any, res: express.Response, _next: any) => {
const statusText = http.STATUS_CODES[err.status] || '???';
logger.error(`Preview server error: ${err.status} - ${statusText}:`, err.message);
respondWithError(res, err);
return middleware;
public static createBuildCreator(prs: GithubPullRequests, buildsDir: string, domainName: string): BuildCreator {
const buildCreator = new BuildCreator(buildsDir);
const postPreviewsComment = (pr: number, shas: string[]) => {
const body = shas.
map(sha => `You can preview ${sha} at https://pr${pr}-${sha}.${domainName}/.`).
return prs.addComment(pr, body);
buildCreator.on(CreatedBuildEvent.type, ({pr, sha, isPublic}: CreatedBuildEvent) => {
if (isPublic) {
postPreviewsComment(pr, [sha]);
buildCreator.on(ChangedPrVisibilityEvent.type, ({pr, shas, isPublic}: ChangedPrVisibilityEvent) => {
if (isPublic && shas.length) {
postPreviewsComment(pr, shas);
return buildCreator;

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import * as express from 'express';
import {PreviewServerError} from './preview-error';
* Update the response to report that an error has occurred.
* @param res The response to configure as an error.
* @param err The error that needs to be reported.
export async function respondWithError(res: express.Response, err: any): Promise<void> {
if (!(err instanceof PreviewServerError)) {
err = new PreviewServerError(500, String((err && err.message) || err));
return new Promise(resolve => res.end(err.message, resolve));
* Throw an exception that describes the given error information.
* @param status The HTTP status code include in the error.
* @param error The error message to include in the error.
* @param req The request that triggered this error.
export function throwRequestError(status: number, error: string, req: express.Request): never {
const message = `${error} in request: ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}` +
(!req.body ? '' : ` ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`);
throw new PreviewServerError(status, message);

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
export const enum BuildNums {
export const enum PrNums {
export const SHA = '1234567890'.repeat(4);
export const ALT_SHA = 'abcde'.repeat(8);
export const SIMILAR_SHA = SHA.slice(0, -1) + 'A';

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
declare module 'delete-empty' {
interface Options {
dryRun: boolean;
verbose: boolean;
filter: (filePath: string) => boolean;
export default function deleteEmpty(cwd: string, options?: Options): Promise<string[]>;
export default function deleteEmpty(cwd: string, options?: Options, callback?: (err: any, deleted: string[]) => void): void;
export function sync(cwd: string, options?: Options): string[];

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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
// Imports
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as shell from 'shelljs';
import {AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR, HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX} from '../common/constants';
import {
} from '../common/env-variables';
import {computeShortSha, Logger} from '../common/utils';
// Interfaces - Types
export interface CmdResult { success: boolean; err: Error | null; stdout: string; stderr: string; }
export interface FileSpecs { content?: string; size?: number; }
export type CleanUpFn = () => void;
export type TestSuiteFactory = (scheme: string, port: number) => void;
export type VerifyCmdResultFn = (result: CmdResult) => void;
// Classes
class Helper {
// Properties - Protected
protected cleanUpFns: CleanUpFn[] = [];
protected portPerScheme: {[scheme: string]: number} = {
private logger = new Logger('TestHelper');
// Constructor
constructor() {
shell.mkdir('-p', AIO_BUILDS_DIR);
shell.exec(`chown -R ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${AIO_BUILDS_DIR}`);
shell.mkdir('-p', AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR);
shell.exec(`chown -R ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}`);
// Methods - Public
public cleanUp(): void {
while (this.cleanUpFns.length) {
// Clean-up fns remove themselves from the list.
const leftoverDownloads = fs.readdirSync(AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR);
const leftoverBuilds = fs.readdirSync(AIO_BUILDS_DIR);
if (leftoverDownloads.length) {
this.logger.log(`Downloads directory '${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}' is not empty after clean-up.`, leftoverDownloads);
shell.rm('-rf', `${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}/*`);
if (leftoverBuilds.length) {
this.logger.log(`Builds directory '${AIO_BUILDS_DIR}' is not empty after clean-up.`, leftoverBuilds);
shell.rm('-rf', `${AIO_BUILDS_DIR}/*`);
if (leftoverBuilds.length || leftoverDownloads.length) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected test files not cleaned up.`);
public createDummyBuild(pr: number, sha: string, isPublic = true, force = false, legacy = false): CleanUpFn {
const prDir = this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic);
const shaDir = this.getShaDir(prDir, sha, legacy);
const idxPath = path.join(shaDir, 'index.html');
const barPath = path.join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js');
this.writeFile(idxPath, {content: `PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha} | File: /index.html`}, force);
this.writeFile(barPath, {content: `PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha} | File: /foo/bar.js`}, force);
shell.exec(`chown -R ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${prDir}`);
return this.createCleanUpFn(() => shell.rm('-rf', prDir));
public getPrDir(pr: number, isPublic: boolean): string {
const prDirName = isPublic ? '' + pr : HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX + pr;
return path.join(AIO_BUILDS_DIR, prDirName);
public getShaDir(prDir: string, sha: string, legacy = false): string {
return path.join(prDir, legacy ? sha : computeShortSha(sha));
public readBuildFile(pr: number, sha: string, relFilePath: string, isPublic = true, legacy = false): string {
const shaDir = this.getShaDir(this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic), sha, legacy);
const absFilePath = path.join(shaDir, relFilePath);
return fs.readFileSync(absFilePath, 'utf8');
public runCmd(cmd: string, opts: cp.ExecOptions = {}): Promise<CmdResult> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const proc = cp.exec(cmd, opts, (err, stdout, stderr) => resolve({success: !err, err, stdout, stderr}));
this.createCleanUpFn(() => proc.kill());
public runForAllSupportedSchemes(suiteFactory: TestSuiteFactory): void {
Object.entries(this.portPerScheme).forEach(([scheme, port]) => suiteFactory(scheme, port));
public verifyResponse(status: number, regex: string | RegExp = /^/): VerifyCmdResultFn {
return (result: CmdResult) => {
const [headers, body] = result.stdout.
map(s => s.trim()).
slice(-2); // In case of redirect, discard the previous headers.
// Only keep the last to sections (final headers and body).
if (!result.success) {
this.logger.log('Stdout:', result.stdout);
this.logger.error('Stderr:', result.stderr);
this.logger.error('Error:', result.err);
expect(headers).toMatch(new RegExp(`HTTP/(?:1\\.1|2) ${status} `));
public writeBuildFile(pr: number, sha: string, relFilePath: string, content: string, isPublic = true,
legacy = false): void {
const shaDir = this.getShaDir(this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic), sha, legacy);
const absFilePath = path.join(shaDir, relFilePath);
this.writeFile(absFilePath, {content}, true);
public writeFile(filePath: string, {content, size}: FileSpecs, force = false): void {
if (!force && fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
throw new Error(`Refusing to overwrite existing file '${filePath}'.`);
let cleanUpTarget = filePath;
while (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(cleanUpTarget))) {
cleanUpTarget = path.dirname(cleanUpTarget);
shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(filePath));
if (size) {
// Create a file of the specified size.
cp.execSync(`fallocate -l ${size} ${filePath}`);
} else {
// Create a file with the specified content.
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content || '');
shell.exec(`chown ${AIO_WWW_USER} ${filePath}`);
// Methods - Protected
protected createCleanUpFn(fn: () => void): CleanUpFn {
const cleanUpFn = () => {
const idx = this.cleanUpFns.indexOf(cleanUpFn);
if (idx !== -1) {
this.cleanUpFns.splice(idx, 1);
return cleanUpFn;
interface DefaultCurlOptions {
defaultMethod?: CurlOptions['method'];
defaultOptions?: CurlOptions['options'];
defaultHeaders?: CurlOptions['headers'];
defaultData?: CurlOptions['data'];
defaultExtraPath?: CurlOptions['extraPath'];
interface CurlOptions {
method?: string;
options?: string;
headers?: string[];
data?: any;
url?: string;
extraPath?: string;
export function makeCurl(baseUrl: string, {
defaultMethod = 'POST',
defaultOptions = '',
defaultHeaders = ['Content-Type: application/json'],
defaultData = {},
defaultExtraPath = '',
}: DefaultCurlOptions = {}) {
return function curl({
method = defaultMethod,
options = defaultOptions,
headers = defaultHeaders,
data = defaultData,
url = baseUrl,
extraPath = defaultExtraPath,
}: CurlOptions) {
const dataString = data ? JSON.stringify(data) : '';
const cmd = `curl -iLX ${method} ` +
`${options} ` +
headers.map(header => `--header "${header}" `).join('') +
`--data '${dataString}' ` +
return helper.runCmd(cmd);
export interface PayloadData {
data: {
payload: {
build_num: number,
build_parameters: {
CIRCLE_JOB: string;
export function payload(buildNum: number): PayloadData {
return {
data: {
payload: {
build_num: buildNum,
build_parameters: { CIRCLE_JOB: 'aio_preview' },
// Exports
export const helper = new Helper();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// Imports
import {runTests} from '../common/run-tests';
// Run
const specFiles = [`${__dirname}/**/*.e2e.js`];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
declare module jasmine {
interface Matchers {
toExistAsAFile(remove = true): boolean;
toExistAsABuild(remove = true): boolean;
toExistAsAnArtifact(remove = true): boolean;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import {sync as deleteEmpty} from 'delete-empty';
import {existsSync, unlinkSync} from 'fs';
import {join} from 'path';
import {AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR} from '../common/constants';
import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils';
import {SHA} from './constants';
import {helper} from './helper';
function checkFile(filePath: string, remove: boolean): boolean {
const exists = existsSync(filePath);
if (exists && remove) {
// if we expected the file to exist then we remove it to prevent leftover file errors
return exists;
function getArtifactPath(prNum: number, sha: string = SHA): string {
return `${AIO_DOWNLOADS_DIR}/${prNum}-${computeShortSha(sha)}-aio-snapshot.tgz`;
function checkFiles(prNum: number, isPublic: boolean, sha: string, isLegacy: boolean, remove: boolean) {
const files = ['/index.html', '/foo/bar.js'];
const prPath = helper.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic);
const shaPath = helper.getShaDir(prPath, sha, isLegacy);
const existingFiles: string[] = [];
const missingFiles: string[] = [];
.map(file => join(shaPath, file))
.forEach(file => (checkFile(file, remove) ? existingFiles : missingFiles).push(file));
return { existingFiles, missingFiles };
class ToExistAsAFile implements jasmine.CustomMatcher {
public compare(actual: string, remove = true): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult {
const pass = checkFile(actual, remove);
return {
message: `Expected file at "${actual}" ${pass ? 'not' : ''} to exist`,
class ToExistAsAnArtifact implements jasmine.CustomMatcher {
public compare(actual: {prNum: number, sha?: string}, remove = true): jasmine.CustomMatcherResult {
const { prNum, sha = SHA } = actual;
const filePath = getArtifactPath(prNum, sha);
const pass = checkFile(filePath, remove);
return {
message: `Expected artifact "PR:${prNum}, SHA:${sha}, FILE:${filePath}" ${pass ? 'not' : '\b'} to exist`,
class ToExistAsABuild implements jasmine.CustomMatcher {
public compare(actual: {prNum: number, isPublic?: boolean, sha?: string, isLegacy?: boolean}, remove = true):
jasmine.CustomMatcherResult {
const {prNum, isPublic = true, sha = SHA, isLegacy = false} = actual;
const {missingFiles} = checkFiles(prNum, isPublic, sha, isLegacy, remove);
return {
message: `Expected files for build "PR:${prNum}, SHA:${sha}" to exist:\n` +
missingFiles.map(file => ` - ${file}`).join('\n'),
pass: missingFiles.length === 0,
public negativeCompare(actual: {prNum: number, isPublic?: boolean, sha?: string, isLegacy?: boolean}):
jasmine.CustomMatcherResult {
const {prNum, isPublic = true, sha = SHA, isLegacy = false} = actual;
const { existingFiles } = checkFiles(prNum, isPublic, sha, isLegacy, false);
return {
message: `Expected files for build "PR:${prNum}, SHA:${sha}" not to exist:\n` +
existingFiles.map(file => ` - ${file}`).join('\n'),
pass: existingFiles.length === 0,
export const customMatchers = {
toExistAsABuild: () => new ToExistAsABuild(),
toExistAsAFile: () => new ToExistAsAFile(),
toExistAsAnArtifact: () => new ToExistAsAnArtifact(),

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
/* tslint:disable:max-line-length */
import * as nock from 'nock';
import * as tar from 'tar-stream';
import {gzipSync} from 'zlib';
import {getEnvVar, Logger} from '../common/utils';
import {BuildNums, PrNums, SHA} from './constants';
// We are using the `nock` library to fake responses from REST requests, when testing.
// This is necessary, because the test preview-server runs as a separate node process to
// the test harness, so we do not have direct access to the code (e.g. for mocking).
// (See also 'lib/verify-setup/start-test-preview-server.ts'.)
// Each of the potential requests to an external API (e.g. Github or CircleCI) are mocked
// below and return a suitable response. This is quite complicated to setup since the
// response from, say, CircleCI will affect what request is made to, say, Github.
const logger = new Logger('mock-external-apis');
const AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS = getEnvVar('AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS').split(',');
const ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER = 'active-trusted-user';
const INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER = 'inactive-trusted-user';
const UNTRUSTED_USER = 'untrusted-user';
failed: false,
reponame: AIO_GITHUB_REPO,
vcs_revision: SHA,
const ISSUE_INFO_TRUSTED_LABEL = { labels: [{ name: AIO_TRUSTED_PR_LABEL }], user: { login: UNTRUSTED_USER } };
const ISSUE_INFO_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER = { labels: [], user: { login: ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER } };
const ISSUE_INFO_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER = { labels: [], user: { login: INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER } };
const ISSUE_INFO_UNTRUSTED = { labels: [], user: { login: UNTRUSTED_USER } };
const ACTIVE_STATE = { state: 'active' };
const INACTIVE_STATE = { state: 'inactive' };
const TEST_TEAM_INFO = AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS.map((slug, index) => ({ slug, id: index }));
const CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST = 'https://circleci.com';
const CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN_PARAM = `circle-token=${AIO_CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN}`;
const ARTIFACT_1 = { path: 'artifact-1', url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/artifact-1`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/artifact-1' };
const ARTIFACT_2 = { path: 'artifact-2', url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/artifact-2`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/artifact-2' };
const ARTIFACT_3 = { path: 'artifact-3', url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/artifact-3`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/artifact-3' };
const ARTIFACT_ERROR = { path: AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH, url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/error`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/error' };
const ARTIFACT_404 = { path: AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH, url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/404`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/404' };
const ARTIFACT_VALID_TRUSTED_USER = { path: AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH, url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/valid/user`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/valid/user' };
const ARTIFACT_VALID_TRUSTED_LABEL = { path: AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH, url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/valid/label`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/valid/label' };
const ARTIFACT_VALID_UNTRUSTED = { path: AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH, url: `${CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST}/artifacts/valid/untrusted`, _urlPath: '/artifacts/valid/untrusted' };
const buildInfoUrl = (buildNum: number) => `${CIRCLE_CI_BUILD_INFO_URL}/${buildNum}?${CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN_PARAM}`;
const buildArtifactsUrl = (buildNum: number) => `${CIRCLE_CI_BUILD_INFO_URL}/${buildNum}/artifacts?${CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN_PARAM}`;
const buildInfo = (prNum: number) => ({ ...BASIC_BUILD_INFO, branch: `pull/${prNum}` });
const GITHUB_API_HOST = 'https://api.github.com';
const getIssueUrl = (prNum: number) => `${GITHUB_ISSUES_URL}/${prNum}`;
const getFilesUrl = (prNum: number, pageNum = 1) => `${GITHUB_PULLS_URL}/${prNum}/files?page=${pageNum}&per_page=100`;
const getCommentUrl = (prNum: number) => `${getIssueUrl(prNum)}/comments`;
const getTeamMembershipUrl = (teamId: number, username: string) => `/teams/${teamId}/memberships/${username}`;
const createArchive = (buildNum: number, prNum: number, sha: string) => {
logger.log('createArchive', buildNum, prNum, sha);
const pack = tar.pack();
pack.entry({name: 'index.html'}, `BUILD: ${buildNum} | PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${sha} | File: /index.html`);
pack.entry({name: 'foo/bar.js'}, `BUILD: ${buildNum} | PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${sha} | File: /foo/bar.js`);
const zip = gzipSync(pack.read());
return zip;
// Create request scopes
const circleCiApi = nock(CIRCLE_CI_API_HOST).persist();
const githubApi = nock(GITHUB_API_HOST).persist().matchHeader('Authorization', `token ${AIO_GITHUB_TOKEN}`);
// GENERAL responses
githubApi.get(GITHUB_TEAMS_URL + '?page=1&per_page=100').reply(200, TEST_TEAM_INFO);
// BUILD_INFO errors
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_404)).reply(404, 'BUILD_INFO_404');
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_BUILD_FAILED)).reply(200, { ...BASIC_BUILD_INFO, failed: true });
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_ORG)).reply(200, { ...BASIC_BUILD_INFO, username: 'bad' });
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_REPO)).reply(200, { ...BASIC_BUILD_INFO, reponame: 'bad' });
// CHANGED FILE errors
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR));
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_404)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_404));
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_404)).reply(404, 'CHANGED_FILES_404');
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE));
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE)).reply(200, []);
// ARTIFACT URL errors
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_ERROR)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER));
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_404)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER));
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_404)).reply(404, 'BUILD_ARTIFACTS_ERROR');
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_EMPTY)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER));
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_EMPTY)).reply(200, []);
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_MISSING)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER));
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_MISSING)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_1, ARTIFACT_2, ARTIFACT_3]);
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_ERROR)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER));
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_ERROR)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_ERROR]);
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_404)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER));
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_404)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_404]);
circleCiApi.get(ARTIFACT_ERROR._urlPath).reply(404, ARTIFACT_ERROR._urlPath);
// TRUST CHECK errors
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR));
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).reply(200, [{ filename: 'aio/a' }]);
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_VALID_TRUSTED_USER]);
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, BASIC_BUILD_INFO);
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, [{ filename: 'aio/a' }]);
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_VALID_TRUSTED_USER]);
githubApi.get(getTeamMembershipUrl(0, ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, ACTIVE_STATE);
// TRUSTED LABEL response
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL)).reply(200, BASIC_BUILD_INFO);
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL)).reply(200, [{ filename: 'aio/a' }]);
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_VALID_TRUSTED_LABEL]);
githubApi.get(getIssueUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL)).reply(200, ISSUE_INFO_TRUSTED_LABEL);
githubApi.get(getTeamMembershipUrl(0, ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, ACTIVE_STATE);
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, BASIC_BUILD_INFO);
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, [{ filename: 'aio/a' }]);
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_VALID_TRUSTED_USER]);
githubApi.get(getTeamMembershipUrl(0, INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).reply(200, INACTIVE_STATE);
// UNTRUSTED reponse
circleCiApi.get(buildInfoUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).reply(200, buildInfo(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED));
githubApi.get(getFilesUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).reply(200, [{ filename: 'aio/a' }]);
circleCiApi.get(buildArtifactsUrl(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).reply(200, [ARTIFACT_VALID_UNTRUSTED]);
circleCiApi.get(ARTIFACT_VALID_UNTRUSTED._urlPath).reply(200, createArchive(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED, PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED, SHA));
githubApi.get(getIssueUrl(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).reply(200, ISSUE_INFO_UNTRUSTED);
githubApi.get(getTeamMembershipUrl(0, UNTRUSTED_USER)).reply(404);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
// Imports
import * as path from 'path';
import {rm} from 'shelljs';
import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils';
import {PrNums} from './constants';
import {helper as h} from './helper';
import {customMatchers} from './jasmine-custom-matchers';
// Tests
describe(`nginx`, () => {
beforeEach(() => jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000);
beforeEach(() => jasmine.addMatchers(customMatchers));
afterEach(() => h.cleanUp());
it('should redirect HTTP to HTTPS', async () => {
const urlMap = {
[`http://${httpHost}/`]: `https://${httpsHost}/`,
[`http://${httpHost}/foo`]: `https://${httpsHost}/foo`,
[`http://foo.${httpHost}/`]: `https://foo.${httpsHost}/`,
const verifyRedirection = async (fromUrl: string, toUrl: string) => {
const result = await h.runCmd(`curl -i ${fromUrl}`);
const headers = result.stdout.split(/(?:\r?\n){2,}/)[0];
expect(headers).toContain(`Location: ${toUrl}`);
await Promise.all(Object.entries(urlMap).map(urls => verifyRedirection(...urls)));
h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`(on ${scheme.toUpperCase()})`, () => {
const hostname = AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME;
const host = `${hostname}:${port}`;
const pr = 9;
const sha9 = '9'.repeat(40);
const sha0 = '0'.repeat(40);
const shortSha9 = computeShortSha(sha9);
const shortSha0 = computeShortSha(sha0);
describe(`pr<pr>-<sha>.${host}/*`, () => {
describe('(for public builds)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha0);
afterEach(() => {
expect({ prNum: pr, sha: sha9 }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: pr, sha: sha0 }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should return /index.html', async () => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`;
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha9} | File: /index\\.html$`);
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
it('should return /index.html (for legacy builds)', async () => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${sha9}.${host}`;
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha9} | File: /index\\.html$`);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9, true, false, true);
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
expect({ prNum: pr, sha: sha9, isLegacy: true }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should return /foo/bar.js', async () => {
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha9} | File: /foo/bar\\.js$`);
await h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}/foo/bar.js`).
then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex));
it('should return /foo/bar.js (for legacy builds)', async () => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${sha9}.${host}`;
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha9} | File: /foo/bar\\.js$`);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9, true, false, true);
await h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/bar.js`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex));
expect({ prNum: pr, sha: sha9, isLegacy: true }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should respond with 403 for directories', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}/foo/`).then(h.verifyResponse(403)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}/foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(403)),
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths to files', async () => {
await h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}/foo/baz.css`).
it('should rewrite to \'index.html\' for unknown paths that don\'t look like files', async () => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`;
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha9} | File: /index\\.html$`);
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/baz`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/baz/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 404 for unknown PRs/SHAs', async () => {
const otherPr = 54321;
const otherShortSha = computeShortSha('8'.repeat(40));
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}9-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${otherPr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}9.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${otherShortSha}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
it('should respond with 404 if the subdomain format is wrong', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://xpr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://prx${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://xx${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://p${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://r${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}_${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
it('should reject PRs with leading zeros', async () => {
await h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr0${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).
it('should accept SHAs with leading zeros (but not trim the zeros)', async () => {
const bodyRegex9 = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha9} | File: /index\\.html$`);
const bodyRegex0 = new RegExp(`^PR: ${pr} | SHA: ${sha0} | File: /index\\.html$`);
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-0${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex9)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha0}.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(200, bodyRegex0)),
describe('(for hidden builds)', () => {
it('should respond with 404 for any file or directory', async () => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${shortSha9}.${host}`;
const assert404 = h.verifyResponse(404);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9, false);
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/index.html`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/bar.js`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo`).then(assert404),
expect({ prNum: pr, sha: sha9, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should respond with 404 for any file or directory (for legacy builds)', async () => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${sha9}.${host}`;
const assert404 = h.verifyResponse(404);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9, false, false, true);
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/index.html`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/bar.js`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo`).then(assert404),
expect({ prNum: pr, sha: sha9, isPublic: false, isLegacy: true }).toExistAsABuild();
describe(`${host}/health-check`, () => {
it('should respond with 200', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/health-check/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should respond with 404 if the path does not match exactly', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/health-check/foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/health-check-foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/health-checknfoo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/foo/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/foo-health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/foonhealth-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
describe(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, () => {
const baseUrl = `${scheme}://${host}/can-have-public-preview`;
it('should disallow non-GET requests', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX POST ${baseUrl}/42`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PUT ${baseUrl}/42`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PATCH ${baseUrl}/42`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX DELETE ${baseUrl}/42`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
it('should pass requests through to the preview server', async () => {
await h.runCmd(`curl -iLX GET ${baseUrl}/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR}`).
then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_ERROR/));
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const cmdPrefix = `curl -iLX GET ${baseUrl}`;
await Promise.all([
describe(`${host}/circle-build`, () => {
it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => {
const url = `${scheme}://${host}/circle-build`;
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX GET ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PUT ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PATCH ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX DELETE ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
it('should pass requests through to the preview server', async () => {
await h.runCmd(`curl -iLX POST ${scheme}://${host}/circle-build`).
then(h.verifyResponse(400, /Incorrect body content. Expected JSON/));
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const cmdPrefix = `curl -iLX POST ${scheme}://${host}`;
await Promise.all([
describe(`${host}/pr-updated`, () => {
const url = `${scheme}://${host}/pr-updated`;
it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX GET ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PUT ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PATCH ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX DELETE ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(405)),
it('should pass requests through to the preview server', async () => {
await h.runCmd(`curl -iLX POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" ${url}`).
then(h.verifyResponse(400, /Missing or empty 'number' field/));
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const cmdPrefix = `curl -iLX POST ${scheme}://${host}`;
await Promise.all([
describe(`${host}/*`, () => {
beforeEach(() => {
['index.html', 'foo.js', 'foo/index.html'].forEach(relFilePath => {
const absFilePath = path.join(AIO_BUILDS_DIR, relFilePath);
h.writeFile(absFilePath, {content: `File: /${relFilePath}`});
it('should respond with 404 for unknown URLs (even if the resource exists)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://foo.${host}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://foo.${host}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://foo.${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/foo.js`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://${host}/foo/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
afterEach(() => {
['index.html', 'foo.js', 'foo/index.html', 'foo'].forEach(relFilePath => {
const absFilePath = path.join(AIO_BUILDS_DIR, relFilePath);
rm('-r', absFilePath);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
// Imports
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {join} from 'path';
import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils';
import {ALT_SHA, BuildNums, PrNums, SHA, SIMILAR_SHA} from './constants';
import {helper as h, makeCurl, payload} from './helper';
import {customMatchers} from './jasmine-custom-matchers';
// Tests
describe('preview-server', () => {
const host = `http://${hostname}:${port}`;
beforeEach(() => jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000);
beforeEach(() => jasmine.addMatchers(customMatchers));
afterEach(() => h.cleanUp());
describe(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, () => {
const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, {
defaultData: null,
defaultExtraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`,
defaultHeaders: [],
defaultMethod: 'GET',
it('should disallow non-GET requests', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({method: 'POST'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/foo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: `-foo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: `nfoo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}/foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: '/f00'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({extraPath: '/'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 500 if checking for significant file changes fails', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_404}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_404/)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_ERROR/)),
it('should respond with 200 (false) if no significant files were touched', async () => {
const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({
canHavePublicPreview: false,
reason: 'No significant files touched.',
await curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse));
it('should respond with 500 if checking "trusted" status fails', async () => {
await curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, 'TRUST_CHECK_ERROR'));
it('should respond with 200 (false) if the PR is not automatically verifiable as "trusted"', async () => {
const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({
canHavePublicPreview: false,
reason: 'Not automatically verifiable as \\"trusted\\".',
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
it('should respond with 200 (true) if the PR can have a public preview', async () => {
const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({
canHavePublicPreview: true,
reason: null,
await Promise.all([
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)),
describe(`${host}/circle-build`, () => {
const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/circle-build`);
it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource/;
await Promise.all([
curl({method: 'GET'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({url: `${host}/foo/circle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/foo-circle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/fooncircle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build/foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build-foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-buildnfoo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build/pr`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
curl({url: `${host}/circle-build42`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
it('should respond with 400 if the body is not valid', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: '' }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: { payload: {} } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: { payload: { build_num: 1 } } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
curl({ data: { payload: { build_num: 1, build_parameters: {} } } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)),
it('should respond with 500 if the CircleCI API request errors', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 204 if the build on CircleCI failed', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_BUILD_FAILED)).then(h.verifyResponse(204));
it('should respond with 500 if the github org from CircleCI does not match what is configured', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_ORG)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if the github repo from CircleCI does not match what is configured', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_REPO)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if the github files API errors', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 204 if no significant files are changed by the PR', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE)).then(h.verifyResponse(204));
it('should respond with 500 if the CircleCI artifact API fails', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_EMPTY)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_MISSING)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if fetching the artifact errors', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
await curl(payload(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
it('should respond with 500 if the GH trusted API fails', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it('should respond with 201 if a new public build is created', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)).then(h.verifyResponse(201));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should respond with 202 if a new private build is created', async () => {
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).then(h.verifyResponse(202));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
[true, false].forEach(isPublic => {
const label = isPublic ? 'public' : 'non-public';
const overwriteRe = RegExp(`^Request to overwrite existing ${label} directory`);
const statusCode = isPublic ? 201 : 202;
describe(`for ${label} builds`, () => {
it('should extract the contents of the build artifact', async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic))
.toContain(`PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${SHA} | File: /index.html`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'foo/bar.js', isPublic))
.toContain(`PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${SHA} | File: /foo/bar.js`);
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it(`should create files/directories owned by '${AIO_WWW_USER}'`, async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
const shaDir = h.getShaDir(h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic), SHA);
const { stdout: allFiles } = await h.runCmd(`find ${shaDir}`);
const { stdout: userFiles } = await h.runCmd(`find ${shaDir} -user ${AIO_WWW_USER}`);
expect(userFiles).toContain(join(shaDir, 'index.html'));
expect(userFiles).toContain(join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js'));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should delete the build artifact file', async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
expect({ prNum, SHA }).not.toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should make the build directory non-writable', async () => {
await curl(payload(build))
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/3045#issuecomment-4862588.
const isNotWritable = (fileOrDir: string) => {
const mode = fs.statSync(fileOrDir).mode;
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-bitwise
return !(mode & parseInt('222', 8));
const shaDir = h.getShaDir(h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic), SHA);
expect(isNotWritable(join(shaDir, 'index.html'))).toBe(true);
expect(isNotWritable(join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js'))).toBe(true);
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should ignore a legacy 40-chars long build directory (even if it starts with the same chars)',
async () => {
// It is possible that 40-chars long build directories exist, if they had been deployed
// before implementing the shorter build directory names. In that case, we don't want the
// second (shorter) name to be considered the same as the old one (even if they originate
// from the same SHA).
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, isPublic, false, true);
h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic, true);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, true)).toBe('My content');
await curl(payload(build))
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, false)).toContain('index.html');
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, true)).toBe('My content');
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA, isLegacy: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA, isLegacy: true }).toExistAsABuild();
it(`should not overwrite existing builds`, async () => {
// setup a build already in place
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, isPublic);
// distinguish this build from the downloaded one
h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, overwriteRe));
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it(`should not overwrite existing builds (even if the SHA is different)`, async () => {
// Since only the first few characters of the SHA are used, it is possible for two different
// SHAs to correspond to the same directory. In that case, we don't want the second SHA to
// overwrite the first.
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, isPublic);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain('index.html');
h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic);
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, overwriteRe));
expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SIMILAR_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, sha: SIMILAR_SHA }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it('should only delete the SHA directory on error (for existing PR)', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, isPublic);
await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
describe('when the PR\'s visibility has changed', () => {
it('should update the PR\'s visibility', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, !isPublic);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should not overwrite existing builds (but keep the updated visibility)', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, !isPublic);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, isPublic: !isPublic }).not.toExistAsABuild();
// since it errored we didn't clear up the downloaded artifact - perhaps we should?
expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
it('should reject the request if it fails to update the PR\'s visibility', async () => {
// One way to cause an error is to have both a public and a hidden directory for the same PR.
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, isPublic);
h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, !isPublic);
const errorRegex = new RegExp(`^Request to move '${h.getPrDir(prNum, !isPublic)}' ` +
`to existing directory '${h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic)}'.`);
await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, errorRegex));
expect({ prNum, isPublic }).not.toExistAsABuild();
// The bad folders should have been deleted
expect({ prNum, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic: !isPublic }).toExistAsABuild();
// since it errored we didn't clear up the downloaded artifact - perhaps we should?
expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
describe(`${host}/health-check`, () => {
it('should respond with 200', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should respond with 404 if the path does not match exactly', async () => {
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check/foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check-foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-checknfoo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foo/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foo-health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foonhealth-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
describe(`${host}/pr-updated`, () => {
const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/pr-updated`);
it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({method: 'GET'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 400 for requests without a payload', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'number' field in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: '' }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
it('should respond with 400 for requests without a \'number\' field', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'number' field in request/;
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
curl({ data: { number: null} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
it('should reject requests for which checking the PR visibility fails', async () => {
await curl({ data: { number: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR } }).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /TRUST_CHECK_ERROR/));
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => {
const mockPayload = JSON.stringify({number: 1}); // MockExternalApiFlags.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER });
const cmdPrefix = `curl -iLX POST --data "${mockPayload}" ${host}`;
await Promise.all([
it('should do nothing if PR\'s visibility is already up-to-date', async () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
const checkVisibilities = (remove: boolean) => {
// Public build is already public.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
// Hidden build is already hidden.
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, true);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, false);
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
// Visibilities should not have changed, because the specified action could not have triggered a change.
it('should do nothing if \'action\' implies no visibility change', async () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
const checkVisibilities = (remove: boolean) => {
// Public build is hidden atm.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
// Hidden build is public atm.
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(remove);
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true);
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
// Visibilities should not have changed, because the specified action could not have triggered a change.
describe('when the visiblity has changed', () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
beforeEach(() => {
// Create initial PR builds with opposite visibilities as the ones that will be reported:
// - The now public PR was previously hidden.
// - The now hidden PR was previously public.
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false);
afterEach(() => {
// Expect PRs' visibility to have been updated:
// - The public PR should be actually public (previously it was hidden).
// - The hidden PR should be actually hidden (previously it was public).
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild();
it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: undefined)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: labeled)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'labeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'labeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: unlabeled)', async () => {
await Promise.all([
curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'unlabeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'unlabeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)),
describe(`${host}/*`, () => {
it('should respond with 404 for requests to unknown URLs', async () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource/;
await Promise.all([
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PUT ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX POST ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PATCH ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iLX DELETE ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
// Imports
import {AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME} from '../common/env-variables';
import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils';
import {ALT_SHA, BuildNums, PrNums, SHA} from './constants';
import {helper as h, makeCurl, payload} from './helper';
import {customMatchers} from './jasmine-custom-matchers';
// Tests
h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`integration (on ${scheme.toUpperCase()})`, () => {
const hostname = AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME;
const host = `${hostname}:${port}`;
const curlPrUpdated = makeCurl(`${scheme}://${host}/pr-updated`);
const getFile = (pr: number, sha: string, file: string) =>
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${computeShortSha(sha)}.${host}/${file}`);
const prUpdated = (prNum: number, action?: string) => curlPrUpdated({ data: { number: prNum, action } });
const circleBuild = makeCurl(`${scheme}://${host}/circle-build`);
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => h.cleanUp());
describe('for a new/non-existing PR', () => {
it('should be able to create and serve a public preview', async () => {
const regexPrefix = `^BUILD: ${BUILD} \\| PR: ${PR} \\| SHA: ${SHA} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(201));
await Promise.all([
getFile(PR, SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(200, idxContentRegex)),
getFile(PR, SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(200, barContentRegex)),
expect({ prNum: PR }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
it('should be able to create but not serve a hidden preview', async () => {
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(202));
await Promise.all([
getFile(PR, SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(PR, SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
expect({ prNum: PR }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should reject if verification fails', async () => {
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
expect({ prNum: PR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum: PR }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
it('should be able to notify that a PR has been updated (and do nothing)', async () => {
await prUpdated(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER).then(h.verifyResponse(200));
// The PR should still not exist.
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild();
describe('for an existing PR', () => {
it('should be able to create and serve a public preview', async () => {
const regexPrefix1 = `^PR: ${PR} \\| SHA: ${ALT_SHA} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex1 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix1} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex1 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix1} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
const regexPrefix2 = `^BUILD: ${BUILD} \\| PR: ${PR} \\| SHA: ${SHA} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex2 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix2} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex2 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix2} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
h.createDummyBuild(PR, ALT_SHA);
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(201));
await Promise.all([
getFile(PR, ALT_SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(200, idxContentRegex1)),
getFile(PR, ALT_SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(200, barContentRegex1)),
getFile(PR, SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(200, idxContentRegex2)),
getFile(PR, SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(200, barContentRegex2)),
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should be able to create but not serve a hidden preview', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(PR, ALT_SHA, false);
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(202));
await Promise.all([
getFile(PR, ALT_SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(PR, ALT_SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(PR, SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(PR, SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: SHA }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: SHA, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: ALT_SHA }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should reject if verification fails', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(PR, ALT_SHA, false);
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(500));
expect({ prNum: PR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum: PR }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PR, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should not be able to overwrite an existing public preview', async () => {
const regexPrefix = `^PR: ${PR} \\| SHA: ${SHA} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
h.createDummyBuild(PR, SHA);
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(409));
await Promise.all([
getFile(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, SHA, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(200, idxContentRegex)),
getFile(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, SHA, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(200, barContentRegex)),
expect({ prNum: PR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum: PR }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should not be able to overwrite an existing hidden preview', async () => {
h.createDummyBuild(PR, SHA, false);
await circleBuild(payload(BUILD)).then(h.verifyResponse(409));
expect({ prNum: PR }).toExistAsAnArtifact();
expect({ prNum: PR, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should be able to request re-checking visibility (if outdated)', async () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true);
// PR visibilities are outdated (i.e. the opposte of what the should).
expect({ prNum: publicPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false);
await Promise.all([
// PR visibilities should have been updated.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild();
it('should be able to request re-checking visibility (if up-to-date)', async () => {
const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED;
h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, true);
h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, false);
// PR visibilities are already up-to-date.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: publicPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, sha: SHA, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
await Promise.all([
// PR visibilities are still up-to-date.
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should reject a request if re-checking visibility fails', async () => {
const errorPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR;
h.createDummyBuild(errorPr, SHA, true);
expect({ prNum: errorPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: errorPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false);
await prUpdated(errorPr).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /TRUST_CHECK_ERROR/));
// PR visibility should not have been updated.
expect({ prNum: errorPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: errorPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild();
it('should reject a request if updating visibility fails', async () => {
// One way to cause an error is to have both a public and a hidden directory for the same PR.
h.createDummyBuild(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, SHA, false);
h.createDummyBuild(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, SHA, true);
const hiddenPrDir = h.getPrDir(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, false);
const publicPrDir = h.getPrDir(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, true);
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`Request to move '${hiddenPrDir}' to existing directory '${publicPrDir}'`);
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(false);
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false);
await prUpdated(PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER).then(h.verifyResponse(409, bodyRegex));
// PR visibility should not have been updated.
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild();
expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import '../preview-server';
import './mock-external-apis';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
declare module 'tar-stream' {
import {Readable, Writable} from 'stream';
export interface Pack extends Readable {
entry(header: Header, callback?: (err?: any) => {}): Writable;
entry(header: Header, contents: string, callback?: (err?: any) => {}): Writable;
entry(header: Header, buffer: Buffer, callback?: (err?: any) => {}): Writable;
entry(header: Header, buffer: string|Buffer, callback?: (err?: any) => {}): Writable;
destroy(err: any);
export interface Header {
name: string;
mode?: number;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
size?: number;
mtime?: Date;
type?: type;
linkname?: string;
uname?: string;
gname?: string;
devmajor?: number;
devminor?: number;
export function pack(): Pack;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"name": "aio-scripts-js",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Performing various tasks on PR build artifacts for angular.io.",
"repository": "https://github.com/angular/angular.git",
"author": "Angular",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"prebuild": "yarn clean-dist",
"build": "yarn ~~build",
"prebuild-watch": "yarn prebuild",
"build-watch": "yarn ~~build-watch",
"clean-dist": "node --eval \"require('shelljs').rm('-rf', 'dist')\"",
"predev": "yarn build || true",
"dev": "run-p ~~build-watch ~~test-watch",
"lint": "tslint --project tsconfig.json",
"pretest": "run-s build lint",
"test": "yarn ~~test-only",
"pretest-watch": "yarn pretest",
"test-watch": "yarn ~~test-watch",
"~~build": "tsc",
"~~build-watch": "yarn ~~build --watch",
"~~test-only": "node dist/test",
"~~test-watch": "nodemon --delay 1 --exec \"yarn ~~test-only\" --watch dist"
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"delete-empty": "^3.0.0",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"jasmine": "^3.6.1",
"nock": "^13.0.4",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
"shelljs": "^0.8.4",
"source-map-support": "^0.5.19",
"tar-stream": "^2.1.3",
"tslib": "^2.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"@types/express": "^4.17.8",
"@types/jasmine": "^3.5.14",
"@types/nock": "^11.1.0",
"@types/node": "^14.6.4",
"@types/node-fetch": "^2.5.7",
"@types/shelljs": "^0.8.8",
"@types/supertest": "^2.0.10",
"nodemon": "^2.0.4",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
"supertest": "^4.0.2",
"tslint": "^6.1.3",
"tslint-jasmine-noSkipOrFocus": "^1.0.9",
"typescript": "^4.2.3"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More