feat(benchpress): show more metrics and make the run mode configurable
Shows the metrics: script, render, gcAmount, gcAmountInScript, gcTime Run modes: - detect: auto detect whether to force gc - forceGc: forces a gc before every run and ignores no runs - noGcInScript: ignore runs that have gc while a script was executing - plain: does not force gc nor ignore runs Closes #368
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,14 +29,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -29,14 +29,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -45,14 +45,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -29,14 +29,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -29,14 +29,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -29,14 +29,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -21,14 +21,9 @@ function runClickBenchmark(config) {
var buttons = config.buttons.map(function(selector) {
return $(selector);
var timeParams = browser.params.benchmark;
sampleSize: timeParams.sampleSize,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: timeParams.targetCoefficientOfVariation,
timeout: timeParams.timeout,
metrics: timeParams.metrics,
logId: browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId
}, function() {
var params = Object.create(browser.params.benchmark);
params.logId = browser.params.lang+'.'+config.logId;
benchpress.runBenchmark(params, function() {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
@ -11,7 +11,13 @@ var config = exports.config = {
sampleSize: 10,
targetCoefficientOfVariation: 4,
timeout: 20000,
metrics: ['script', 'render']
metrics: ['script', 'render', 'gcAmount', 'gcAmountInScript', 'gcTime'],
// run mode of the benchmark:
// - detect: auto detect whether to force gc
// - forceGc: forces a gc before every run and ignores no runs
// - noGcInScript: ignore runs that have gc while a script was executing
// - plain: does not force nor ignore runs
mode: 'detect'
@ -6,16 +6,57 @@ var SUPPORTED_METRICS = {
script: true,
gcTime: true,
gcAmount: true,
gcTimeDuringScript: true,
gcAmountDuringScript: true,
gcTimeInScript: true,
gcAmountInScript: true,
gcAmountPerMs: true,
render: true
var MODE_FORCE_GC = 'forceGc';
var MODE_IGNORE_RUNS_WITH_GC = 'ignoreRunsWithGc';
var MODE_INDETERMINATE = 'indeterminate';
var RUN_MODE = {
detect: function(prevState, benchmarkData, iterationIndex) {
var gcInScriptCount = prevState.gcInScriptCount || 0;
if (benchmarkData.gcAmountInScript) {
var ignoreRun = !!benchmarkData.gcAmountInScript;
var nextMode = RUN_MODE.detect;
if (iterationIndex > 10) {
if (gcInScriptCount / iterationIndex > 0.7) {
nextMode = RUN_MODE.forceGc;
} else {
nextMode = RUN_MODE.noGcInScript;
return {
forceGc: false,
ignoreRun: ignoreRun,
gcInScriptCount: gcInScriptCount,
nextMode: nextMode
forceGc: function() {
return {
forceGc: true,
ignoreRun: false,
nextMode: RUN_MODE.forceGc
noGcInScript: function(prevState, benchmarkData) {
var ignoreRun = !!benchmarkData.gcAmountInScript;
return {
forceGc: false,
ignoreRun: ignoreRun,
nextMode: RUN_MODE.noGcInScript
plain: function() {
return {
forceGc: false,
ignoreRun: false,
nextMode: RUN_MODE.plain
var nextTimestampId = 0;
@ -30,25 +71,30 @@ function runBenchmark(config, workCallback) {
throw new Error('Metric '+metric+' is not suported by benchpress right now');
var ROW_FORMAT = ['%-40s'].concat(config.metrics.map(function() {
var ROW_FORMAT = ['%-40s', '%12s'].concat(config.metrics.map(function() {
return '%12s';
})).join(' | ');
var benchmarkStatsAggregator = stats.createObjectStatsAggregator(config.sampleSize);
var benchmarkStatsAggregator = stats.createObjectStatsAggregator(config.metrics, config.sampleSize);
var startTime = Date.now();
var gcDuringScriptCount = 0;
function startLoop(gcData) {
reporter.printHeading('SCRIPT DATA: sampling size '+config.sampleSize);
reporter.printTableHeader(ROW_FORMAT, ['name'].concat(config.metrics));
return loop(0, MODE_INDETERMINATE);
reporter.printTableHeader(ROW_FORMAT, ['name', 'action'].concat(config.metrics));
if (!(config.mode in RUN_MODE)) {
throw new Error('Unknown mode '+config.mode);
return loop(0, {
forceGc: false,
ignoreRun: false,
nextMode: RUN_MODE[config.mode]
function endLoop(stats) {
reporter.printTableFooter(ROW_FORMAT, [config.logId]
reporter.printTableFooter(ROW_FORMAT, [config.logId, '']
.concat(formatObjectStats(stats, config.metrics))
return config.metrics.map(function(metric) {
@ -56,40 +102,35 @@ function runBenchmark(config, workCallback) {
function loop(iterationIndex, mode) {
// For fast tests that don't create a lot of garbage,
// we don't want to force gc before every run as that
// can slow down the script execution time (even when we subtract
// the gc time)!
if (mode === MODE_FORCE_GC) {
return measureTime(workCallback).then(function(benchmarkData) {
var hasGcDuringScript = !!benchmarkData.gcTimeDuringScript;
var ignoreBenchmarkRun = false;
if (hasGcDuringScript) {
gcDuringScriptCount ++;
ignoreBenchmarkRun = (mode === MODE_INDETERMINATE || mode === MODE_IGNORE_RUNS_WITH_GC);
function loop(iterationIndex, modeState) {
return measureTime(function() {
if (modeState.forceGc) {
// For fast tests that don't create a lot of garbage,
// we don't want to force gc before every run as that
// can slow down the script execution time (even when we subtract
// the gc time)!
// Note: we need to call gc AFTER the actual test so the
// gc amount is added to the current test run!
mode = (gcDuringScriptCount / iterationIndex > 0.5) ? MODE_FORCE_GC : MODE_IGNORE_RUNS_WITH_GC;
}).then(function(benchmarkData) {
modeState = modeState.nextMode(modeState, benchmarkData, iterationIndex);
var action = '';
if (modeState.ignoreRun) {
action = 'ignore';
} else if (modeState.forceGc) {
action = 'forceGc';
var rowTitle;
if (ignoreBenchmarkRun) {
rowTitle = '(ignored: gc in script)';
} else {
rowTitle = config.logId + '#' + iterationIndex;
reporter.printRow(ROW_FORMAT, [rowTitle]
reporter.printRow(ROW_FORMAT, [config.logId + '#' + iterationIndex, action]
.concat(formatObjectData(benchmarkData, config.metrics))
var benchmarkStats;
if (!ignoreBenchmarkRun) {
benchmarkStats = benchmarkStatsAggregator(benchmarkData);
} else {
if (modeState.ignoreRun) {
benchmarkStats = benchmarkStatsAggregator.current;
} else {
benchmarkStats = benchmarkStatsAggregator(benchmarkData);
if (Date.now() - startTime > config.timeout) {
@ -102,22 +143,26 @@ function runBenchmark(config, workCallback) {
) {
return benchmarkStats
return loop(iterationIndex+1, mode);
return loop(iterationIndex+1, modeState);
function formatObjectData(data, props) {
return props.map(function(prop) {
return data[prop].toFixed(2);
var val = data[prop];
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val.toFixed(2);
} else {
return val;
function formatObjectStats(stats, props) {
return props.map(function(prop) {
var entry = stats[prop];
return entry.mean.toFixed(2) + '\u00B1' + entry.coefficientOfVariation.toFixed(2);
return entry.mean.toFixed(2) + '\u00B1' + entry.coefficientOfVariation.toFixed(0)+ '%';
@ -156,8 +201,8 @@ function sumTimelineRecords(records, startTimeStampId, endTimeStampId) {
script: 0,
gcTime: 0,
gcAmount: 0,
gcTimeDuringScript: 0,
gcAmountDuringScript: 0,
gcTimeInScript: 0,
gcAmountInScript: 0,
render: 0,
timeStamps: []
@ -205,8 +250,8 @@ function sumTimelineRecords(records, startTimeStampId, endTimeStampId) {
recordStats.gcTime += recordDuration;
recordStats.gcAmount += record.data.usedHeapSizeDelta;
if (parentIsFunctionCall) {
recordStats.gcTimeDuringScript += recordDuration;
recordStats.gcAmountDuringScript += record.data.usedHeapSizeDelta;
recordStats.gcTimeInScript += recordDuration;
recordStats.gcAmountInScript += record.data.usedHeapSizeDelta;
recordUsed = true;
} else if (record.type === 'RecalculateStyles' ||
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
var vsprintf = require("sprintf-js").vsprintf;
var HEADER_SEPARATORS = ['----', '----', '----', '----'];
var FOOTER_SEPARATORS = ['====', '====', '====', '===='];
var HEADER_SEPARATORS = ['----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '----', '----'];
var FOOTER_SEPARATORS = ['====', '====', '====', '====', '====', '====', '===='];
module.exports = {
printHeading: printHeading,
@ -5,14 +5,21 @@ module.exports = {
calculateStandardDeviation: calculateStandardDeviation
function createObjectStatsAggregator(sampleSize) {
function createObjectStatsAggregator(properties, sampleSize) {
var propSamples = {};
var lastResult;
addData.current = {};
properties.forEach(function(prop) {
addData.current[prop] = {
mean: 0,
coefficientOfVariation: 0,
count: 0
return addData;
function addData(data) {
lastResult = {};
for (var prop in data) {
var result = {};
properties.forEach(function(prop) {
var samples = propSamples[prop];
if (!samples) {
samples = propSamples[prop] = [];
@ -20,14 +27,14 @@ function createObjectStatsAggregator(sampleSize) {
samples.splice(0, samples.length - sampleSize);
var mean = calculateMean(samples);
lastResult[prop] = {
result[prop] = {
mean: mean,
coefficientOfVariation: calculateCoefficientOfVariation(samples, mean),
count: samples.length
addData.current = lastResult;
return lastResult;
addData.current = result;
return result;
Reference in New Issue
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