translate: i18n done.

This commit is contained in:
Zhimin YE 2016-10-20 10:59:05 +01:00
parent 63bac4eba5
commit 7808603489

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
By default the tool generates a translation file named **`messages.xlf`** in the
<a href="" target="_blank">XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF, version 1.2)</a>.
工具默认生成一个名为**`messages.xlf`**的翻译文件,格式为<a href="" target="_blank">XML本化互换文件格式(XLIFF, version 1.2)</a>。
工具默认生成一个名为**`messages.xlf`**的翻译文件,格式为<a href="" target="_blank">XML本化互换文件格式(XLIFF, version 1.2)</a>。
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n --i18nFormat=xmb
@ -246,64 +246,110 @@ a#translate
## Translate _le message textuel_
## 翻译
The `ng-xi18n` command generated a translation source file in the project root folder named `messages.xlf`.
The next step is to translate the English language template text into the specific language translation
files. The cookbook sample creates a French translation file.
### Create a localization folder
### 新建一个本土化目录
You will probably translate into more than one other language so it's a good idea
for the project structure to reflect your entire internationalization effort.
One approach is to dedicate a folder to localization and store related assets
(e.g. internationalization files) there.
Localization and internationalization are
<a href="" target="_blank">different but closely related terms</a>.
本土化和国际化是<a href="" target="_blank">不同但是很相近的概念</a>。
This sample follows that suggestion. It has `locale` folder immediately under the project root.
Assets within the folder carry a filename extension that matches a language-culture code from a
<a href="" target="_blank">well-known codeset</a>.
目录的资源的文件名都匹配有一个语言代码后缀,参见<a href="" target="_blank">语言代码对照表</a>.
Move `messages.xlf` into the `locale` folder where it will become the source for all language-specific translations.
Then make a copy for the French language named `` .
Follow the same convention for each target language.
### Translate
### 翻译
In the real world, you send the `` file to a French translator who would fill in the translations
using one of the
<a href="" target="_blank">many XLIFF file editors</a>.
在现实世界中,``文件会被发给法语翻译,他们使用<a href="" target="_blank">这些XLIFF文件编辑器</a>中的一种来翻译它。
This sample file is easy to translate without a special editor or knowledge of French.
Open `` and find the `<trans-unit>` section:
+makeExample('cb-i18n/ts/locale/trans-unit.html', '', 'locale/ (<trans-unit>)')(format=".")
This XML element represents the translation of the `<h1>` greeting tag you marked with the `i18n` attribute.
Using the _source_, _description_, and _meaning_ elements to guide your translation,
replace the `<target/>` tag with the French greeting:
+makeExample('cb-i18n/ts/locale/', 'trans-unit', 'locale/ (<trans-unit>, after translation)')(format=".")
Note that the `id` is generated by the tool. Don't touch it.
Its value depends on the content of the message and its assigned meaning.
Change either factor and the `id` changes as well.
Repeat the extraction process whenever you add new app messages or edit existing ones.
Be careful not to lose the previous translations.
Specialized software can help manage the change process.
### The app before translation
### 翻译前的应用程序
After the previous steps, the sample app _and_ its translation file are as follows:
@ -323,136 +369,264 @@ a#merge
## Merge the completed translation file
## 合并已经翻译的文件
To merge the translated text into component templates,
you compile the application with the completed translation file.
The process is the same whether the file is in `.xlf` format or
in one of the other formats (`.xlif` and `.xtb`) that Angular understands.
You provide the Angular compiler with three new pieces of information:
* the translation file
* the translation file format
* 翻译文件
* the translation file format
* 翻译文件的格式
* the <a href="" target="_blank">_Locale ID_</a>
(`fr` or `en-US` for instance)
* 目标<a href="" target="_blank">_语言环境ID_</a>
_How_ you provide this information depends upon whether you compile with
the JiT (_Just-in-Time_) compiler or the AoT (_Ahead-of-Time_) compiler.
* with [JiT](#jit), you provide the information at bootstrap time.
* with [AoT](#aot), you pass the information as `ngc` options.
* 使用[JiT](#jit)时,在引导时提供
* with [AoT](#aot), you pass the information as `ngc` options.
* 使用[AoT](#aot)时,在`ngc`命令的选项里提供
### Merge with the JiT compiler
### 用JiT编译器合并
The JiT (_Just-in-Time_) compiler compiles the application in the browser as the application loads.
Translation with the JiT compiler is a dynamic process of ...
1. determining the language version for the current user,
1. 决定当前用户的语言,
2. importing the appropriate language translation file as a string constant,
2. 导入合适的语言翻译文件到一个字符串常量,
3. creating corresponding translation providers to guide the JiT compiler,
3. 新建对应的翻译提供商来指导JiT编译器
4. bootstrapping the application with those providers.
4. 使用这些提供商来启动应用。
Open `index.html` and revise the launch script as shown here:
+makeExample('cb-i18n/ts/index.html', 'i18n', 'index.html (launch script)')(format='.')
In this sample, the user's language is hardcoded as a global `document.locale` variable
in the `index.html`.
### SystemJS Text plugin
### SystemJS文本插件
Notice the SystemJS mapping of `text` to a `systemjs-text-plugin.js`.
With the help of a text pluglin, SystemJS can read any file as raw text and
return the contents as a string.
You'll need it to import the language translation file.
SystemJS doesn't ship with a raw text plugin but it's easy to add.
Create the following `systemjs-text-plugin.js` in the root folder:
+makeExample('cb-i18n/ts/systemjs-text-plugin.js', null, 'systemjs-text-plugin.js')(format='.')
### Create translation providers
### 新建翻译提供商
Three providers tell the JiT compiler how to translate the template texts for a particular language
while compiling the application:
* `TRANSLATIONS` is a string containing the content of the translation file.
* `TRANSLATIONS`是含有翻译文件内容的字符串。
* `TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT` is the format of the file: `xlf`, `xlif` or `xtb`
* `TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT`是文件的格式: `xlf`、`xlif`或`xtb`。
* `LOCALE_ID` is the locale of the target language.
* `LOCALE_ID`是目标语言的语言环境。
The `getTranslationProviders` function in the following `app/i18n-providers.ts`
creates those providers based on the user's _locale_
and the corresponding translation file:
+makeExample('cb-i18n/ts/app/i18n-providers.ts', null, 'app/i18n-providers.ts')
* It gets the locale from the global `document.locale` variable that was set in `index.html`.
* 它从在`index.html`中设置的全局`document.locale`变量中获取语言环境。
* If there is no locale or the language is U.S. English (`en-US`), there is no need to translate.
The function returns an empty `noProviders` array as a `Promise`.
It must return a `Promise` because this function could read a translation file asynchronously from the server.
* 如果没有语言环境或者语言是美国英语(`en-US`),则就无需翻译。
* It creates a transaction filename from the locale according to the name and location convention
[described earlier](#localization-folder).
* 根据[上面描述](#localization-folder)的名字和本土化的约定,它根据语言环境创建一个合约文件名。
* The `getTranslationsWithSystemJs` method reads the translation and returns the contents as a string.
Notice that it appends `!text` to the filename, telling SystemJS to use the [text plugin](#text-plugin).
* `getTranslationsWithSystemJs`方法读取翻译并以字符串的形式返回其内容。
* The callback composes a providers array with the three translation providers.
* 回调函数使用这三种翻译提供商创建一个提供商数组。
* Finally, `getTranslationProviders` returns the entire effort as a promise.
* 最后,`getTranslationProviders`返回以承诺的形式返回全部流程的结果。
### Bootstrap the app with translation providers
### 使用翻译提供商引导应用
The Angular `bootstrapModule` method has a second, _options_ parameter
that can influence the behavior of the compiler.
You'll create an _options_ object with the translation providers from `getTranslationProviders`
and pass it to `bootstrapModule`.
Open the `app/main.ts` and modify the bootstrap code as follows:
+makeExample('cb-i18n/ts/app/main.ts', null, 'app/main.ts')(format=".")
Notice that it waits for the `getTranslationProviders` promise to resolve before
bootstrapping the app.
The app is now _internationalized_ for English and French and there is a clear path for adding
more languages.
### _Internationalize_ with the AoT compiler
### 使用AoT编译器时的国际化
The JiT compiler translates the application into the target language while compiling dynamically in the browser.
That's flexible but may not be fast enough for your users.
That's flexible but may not be fast enough for your users.
The AoT (_Ahead-of-Time_) compiler is part of a build process that produces a small, fast, ready-to-run application package.
When you internationalize with the AoT compiler, you pre-build a separate application package for each
language. Then in the host web page (`index.html`), you determine which language the user needs
and serve the appropriate application package.
This cookbook doesn't cover how to build multiple application packages and
serve them according to the user's language preference.
It does explain the few steps necessary to tell the AoT to apply a translations file.
Internationalization with the AoT compiler requires some setup specifically for AoT.
Start with application project as shown [just before merging the translation file](#app-pre-translationStart)
and refer to the [AoT cookbook](aot-compiler.html) to make it _AoT-ready_.
Next, issue an `ngc` compile command for each supported language (including English).
The result is a separate version of the application for each language.
Tell AoT how to translate by adding three options to the `ngc` command:
* `--i18nFile`: the path to the translation file
* `--i18nFile`: 翻译文件的路径
* `--locale`: the name of the locale
* `--locale`: 语言环境的名字
* `--i18nFormat`: the format of the localization file
* `--i18nFormat`: 翻译文件的格式
For this sample, the French language command would be
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
./node_modules/.bin/ngc --i18nFile=./locale/ --locale=fr --i18nFormat=xlf
Windows users may have to quote the command:
code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell").
"./node_modules/.bin/ngc" --i18nFile=./locale/ --locale=fr --i18nFormat=xlf