refactor(docs-infra): simplify code snippet indentation in the "Cheat sheet" guide (#41051)
Previously, the indentation of code snippets in the "Cheat sheet" guide was done using `<br>` elements (for line breaks) and ` ` HTML entities (for space). This was laborious and put the onus on the author to remember to use these symbols (instead of regular whitespace characters). (Discussed in This commit changes the way `<code>` elements are styles inside the "Cheat sheet" guide to allow using regular whitespace characters in code snippets. It also changes all `<br>`/` ` occurrences to `\n`/` ` respectively to make code snippets more readable in the source code. PR Close #41051
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,12 @@
<td><code>@<b>NgModule</b>({<br> declarations: ..., imports: ..., exports: ...,<br> providers: ..., bootstrap: ...<br>})<br>class MyModule {}</code></td>
declarations: ..., imports: ..., exports: ...,
providers: ..., bootstrap: ...
class MyModule {}
<td><p>Defines a module that contains components, directives, pipes, and providers.</p>
@ -93,7 +98,9 @@ is available to <code>declarations</code> of this module.</p>
<td><p>Sets up two-way data binding. Equivalent to: <code><my-cmp [title]="name" (titleChange)="name=$event"></code></p>
<td><code><video <b>#movieplayer</b> ...></video><br><button <b>(click)</b>="">Play</button></code></td>
<td><code><video <b>#movieplayer</b> ...></video>
<button <b>(click)</b>="">Play</button>
<td><p>Creates a local variable <code>movieplayer</code> that provides access to the <code>video</code> element instance in data-binding and event-binding expressions in the current template.</p>
@ -114,7 +121,10 @@ is available to <code>declarations</code> of this module.</p>
<td><p>An SVG snippet template needs an <code>svg:</code> prefix on its root element to disambiguate the SVG element from an HTML component.</p>
<td><code><<b>svg</b>><br> <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100"/><br></<b>svg</b>></code></td>
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100"/>
<td><p>An <code><svg></code> root element is detected as an SVG element automatically, without the prefix.</p>
@ -136,7 +146,12 @@ is available to <code>declarations</code> of this module.</p>
<td><p>Turns the li element and its contents into a template, and uses that to instantiate a view for each item in list.</p>
<td><code><div <b>[ngSwitch]</b>="conditionExpression"><br> <ng-template <b>[<b>ngSwitchCase</b>]</b>="case1Exp">...</ng-template><br> <ng-template <b>ngSwitchCase</b>="case2LiteralString">...</ng-template><br> <ng-template <b>ngSwitchDefault</b>>...</ng-template><br></div></code></td>
<td><code><div <b>[ngSwitch]</b>="conditionExpression">
<ng-template <b>[<b>ngSwitchCase</b>]</b>="case1Exp">...</ng-template>
<ng-template <b>ngSwitchCase</b>="case2LiteralString">...</ng-template>
<ng-template <b>ngSwitchDefault</b>>...</ng-template>
<td><p>Conditionally swaps the contents of the div by selecting one of the embedded templates based on the current value of <code>conditionExpression</code>.</p>
@ -145,7 +160,9 @@ is available to <code>declarations</code> of this module.</p>
<td><code><div <b>[ngStyle]</b>="{'property': 'value'}"></code><br><code><div <b>[ngStyle]</b>="dynamicStyles()"></code></td>
<td><code><div <b>[ngStyle]</b>="{'property': 'value'}">
<div <b>[ngStyle]</b>="dynamicStyles()">
<td><p>Allows you to assign styles to an HTML element using CSS. You can use CSS directly, as in the first example, or you can call a method from the component.</p>
@ -173,19 +190,27 @@ is available to <code>declarations</code> of this module.</p>
<td><code><b>@Component({...})</b><br>class MyComponent() {}</code></td>
class MyComponent() {}
<td><p>Declares that a class is a component and provides metadata about the component.</p>
<td><code><b>@Directive({...})</b><br>class MyDirective() {}</code></td>
class MyDirective() {}
<td><p>Declares that a class is a directive and provides metadata about the directive.</p>
<td><code><b>@Pipe({...})</b><br>class MyPipe() {}</code></td>
class MyPipe() {}
<td><p>Declares that a class is a pipe and provides metadata about the pipe.</p>
<td><code><b>@Injectable()</b><br>class MyService() {}</code></td>
class MyService() {}
<td><p>Declares that a class can be provided and injected by other classes. Without this decorator, the compiler won't generate enough metadata to allow the class to be created properly when it's injected somewhere.</p>
@ -228,11 +253,15 @@ so the <code>@Directive</code> configuration applies to components as well</p>
<td><p>List of dependency injection providers scoped to this component's view.</p>
<td><code><b>template:</b> 'Hello {{name}}'<br><b>templateUrl:</b> 'my-component.html'</code></td>
<td><code><b>template:</b> 'Hello {{name}}'
<b>templateUrl:</b> 'my-component.html'
<td><p>Inline template or external template URL of the component's view.</p>
<td><code><b>styles:</b> ['.primary {color: red}']<br><b>styleUrls:</b> ['my-component.css']</code></td>
<td><code><b>styles:</b> ['.primary {color: red}']
<b>styleUrls:</b> ['my-component.css']
<td><p>List of inline CSS styles or external stylesheet URLs for styling the component’s view.</p>
@ -355,15 +384,32 @@ so the <code>@Directive</code> configuration applies to components as well</p>
<td><code>const routes: <b>Routes</b> = [<br> { path: '', component: HomeComponent },<br> { path: 'path/:routeParam', component: MyComponent },<br> { path: 'staticPath', component: ... },<br> { path: '**', component: ... },<br> { path: 'oldPath', redirectTo: '/staticPath' },<br> { path: ..., component: ..., data: { message: 'Custom' } }<br>]);<br><br>const routing = RouterModule.forRoot(routes);</code></td>
<td><code>const routes: <b>Routes</b> = [
{ path: '', component: HomeComponent },
{ path: 'path/:routeParam', component: MyComponent },
{ path: 'staticPath', component: ... },
{ path: '**', component: ... },
{ path: 'oldPath', redirectTo: '/staticPath' },
{ path: ..., component: ..., data: { message: 'Custom' } }
const routing = RouterModule.forRoot(routes);
<td><p>Configures routes for the application. Supports static, parameterized, redirect, and wildcard routes. Also supports custom route data and resolve.</p>
<td><code><br><<b>router-outlet</b>></<b>router-outlet</b>><br><<b>router-outlet</b> name="aux"></<b>router-outlet</b>><br></code></td>
<<b>router-outlet</b> name="aux"></<b>router-outlet</b>>
<td><p>Marks the location to load the component of the active route.</p>
<td><code><br><a <b>routerLink</b>="/path"><br><a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path', routeParam ]"><br><a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path', { matrixParam: 'value' } ]"><br><a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path' ]" [queryParams]="{ page: 1 }"><br><a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path' ]" fragment="anchor"><br></code></td>
<td><code><a <b>routerLink</b>="/path">
<a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path', routeParam ]">
<a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path', { matrixParam: 'value' } ]">
<a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path' ]" [queryParams]="{ page: 1 }">
<a <b>[routerLink]</b>="[ '/path' ]" fragment="anchor">
<td><p>Creates a link to a different view based on a route instruction consisting of a route path, required and optional parameters, query parameters, and a fragment. To navigate to a root route, use the <code>/</code> prefix; for a child route, use the <code>./</code>prefix; for a sibling or parent, use the <code>../</code> prefix.</p>
@ -371,23 +417,64 @@ so the <code>@Directive</code> configuration applies to components as well</p>
<td><p>The provided classes are added to the element when the <code>routerLink</code> becomes the current active route.</p>
<td><code>class <b>CanActivate</b>Guard implements <b>CanActivate</b> {<br> canActivate(<br>  route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,<br>  state: RouterStateSnapshot<br> ): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }<br>}<br><br>{ path: ..., canActivate: [<b>CanActivate</b>Guard] }</code></td>
<td><code>class <b>CanActivate</b>Guard implements <b>CanActivate</b> {
route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot
): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }
{ path: ..., canActivate: [<b>CanActivate</b>Guard] }
<td><p>An interface for defining a class that the router should call first to determine if it should activate this component. Should return a boolean|UrlTree or an Observable/Promise that resolves to a boolean|UrlTree.</p>
<td><code>class <b>CanDeactivate</b>Guard implements <b>CanDeactivate</b><T> {<br> canDeactivate(<br>  component: T,<br>  route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,<br>  state: RouterStateSnapshot<br> ): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }<br>}<br><br>{ path: ..., canDeactivate: [<b>CanDeactivate</b>Guard] }</code></td>
<td><code>class <b>CanDeactivate</b>Guard implements <b>CanDeactivate</b><T> {
component: T,
route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot
): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }
{ path: ..., canDeactivate: [<b>CanDeactivate</b>Guard] }
<td><p>An interface for defining a class that the router should call first to determine if it should deactivate this component after a navigation. Should return a boolean|UrlTree or an Observable/Promise that resolves to a boolean|UrlTree.</p>
<td><code>class <b>CanActivateChild</b>Guard implements <b>CanActivateChild</b> {<br> canActivateChild(<br>  route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,<br>  state: RouterStateSnapshot<br> ): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }<br>}<br><br>{ path: ..., canActivateChild: [CanActivateGuard],<br> children: ... }</code></td>
<td><code>class <b>CanActivateChild</b>Guard implements <b>CanActivateChild</b> {
route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot
): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }
{ path: ..., canActivateChild: [CanActivateGuard],
children: ... }
<td><p>An interface for defining a class that the router should call first to determine if it should activate the child route. Should return a boolean|UrlTree or an Observable/Promise that resolves to a boolean|UrlTree.</p>
<td><code>class <b>Resolve</b>Guard implements <b>Resolve</b><T> {<br> resolve(<br>  route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,<br>  state: RouterStateSnapshot<br> ): Observable<any>|Promise<any>|any { ... }<br>}<br><br>{ path: ..., resolve: [<b>Resolve</b>Guard] }</code></td>
<td><code>class <b>Resolve</b>Guard implements <b>Resolve</b><T> {
route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot
): Observable<any>|Promise<any>|any { ... }
{ path: ..., resolve: [<b>Resolve</b>Guard] }
<td><p>An interface for defining a class that the router should call first to resolve route data before rendering the route. Should return a value or an Observable/Promise that resolves to a value.</p>
<td><code>class <b>CanLoad</b>Guard implements <b>CanLoad</b> {<br> canLoad(<br>  route: Route<br> ): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }<br>}<br><br>{ path: ..., canLoad: [<b>CanLoad</b>Guard], loadChildren: ... }</code></td>
<td><code>class <b>CanLoad</b>Guard implements <b>CanLoad</b> {
route: Route
): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>|Promise<boolean|UrlTree>|boolean|UrlTree { ... }
{ path: ..., canLoad: [<b>CanLoad</b>Guard], loadChildren: ... }
<td><p>An interface for defining a class that the router should call first to check if the lazy loaded module should be loaded. Should return a boolean|UrlTree or an Observable/Promise that resolves to a boolean|UrlTree.</p>
@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ aio-code {
code {
background-color: inherit;
padding: 0;
white-space: pre-wrap;
Reference in New Issue
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