perf(Compiler): do not resolve bindings for cached ProtoViews

This commit is contained in:
Jason Teplitz 2015-06-25 13:19:51 -07:00
parent 0949a4b045
commit 7a7b3a6cb9
2 changed files with 35 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import {Binding, resolveForwardRef, Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
import {
@ -103,16 +104,18 @@ export class Compiler {
// Create a hostView as if the compiler encountered <hostcmp></hostcmp>.
// Used for bootstrapping.
compileInHost(componentTypeOrBinding: Type | Binding): Promise<ProtoViewRef> {
var componentBinding = this._bindDirective(componentTypeOrBinding);
var componentType = isType(componentTypeOrBinding) ? componentTypeOrBinding :
var directiveMetadata = componentBinding.metadata;
var hostAppProtoView = this._compilerCache.getHost(componentType);
var hostPvPromise;
var component = <Type>componentBinding.key.token;
var hostAppProtoView = this._compilerCache.getHost(component);
if (isPresent(hostAppProtoView)) {
hostPvPromise = PromiseWrapper.resolve(hostAppProtoView);
} else {
var componentBinding = this._bindDirective(componentTypeOrBinding);
var directiveMetadata = componentBinding.metadata;
hostPvPromise = this._render.compileHost(directiveMetadata)
.then((hostRenderPv) => {
return this._compileNestedProtoViews(componentBinding, hostRenderPv,

View File

@ -373,6 +373,26 @@ export function main() {
it('should not bind directives for cached components', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
// set up the cache with the test proto view
var mainPv: AppProtoView = createProtoView();
var cache: CompilerCache = new CompilerCache();
cache.setHost(MainComponent, mainPv);
// create the spy resolver
var reader: any = new SpyDirectiveResolver();
// create the compiler
var compiler = new Compiler(reader, cache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, new UrlResolver(),
renderCompiler, protoViewFactory, new FakeAppRootUrl());
.then((protoViewRef) => {
// the test should have failed if the resolver was called, so we're good
it('should cache compiled nested components', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
tplResolver.setView(MainComponent, new viewAnn.View({template: '<div></div>'}));
tplResolver.setView(MainComponent2, new viewAnn.View({template: '<div></div>'}));
@ -563,6 +583,13 @@ class SpyRenderCompiler extends SpyObject {
noSuchMethod(m) { return super.noSuchMethod(m) }
class SpyDirectiveResolver extends SpyObject {
constructor() { super(DirectiveResolver); }
noSuchMethod(m) { return super.noSuchMethod(m) }
class FakeAppRootUrl extends AppRootUrl {
get value() { return ''; }