docs(template-syntax): delete button crosses out hero name

closes #765
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Ward Bell 2016-01-27 18:54:33 -08:00
parent ba972b67ad
commit 7c2cd81949
1 changed files with 18 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -14,28 +14,38 @@ let nextHeroDetailId = 1;
outputs: ['deleted'],
// #enddocregion input-output-2
template: `
<div id="lh{{id}}">
<span [style.text-decoration]="lineThrough" >{{hero?.fullName}}</span>
<img src="{{heroImageUrl}}" style="height:24px">
<a href="#lh{{id}}" (click)="onDelete()">delete</a>
<a (click)="onDelete()">delete</a>
styles:['a { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; }']
// #docregion input-output-2
// #enddocregion input-output-2
export class HeroDetailComponent {
hero: Hero;
constructor() {
// Toggle the line-through style so we see something happen
// even if no one attaches to the `deleted` event.
// Subscribing in ctor rather than the more obvious thing of doing it in
// OnDelete because don't want this mess to distract the chapter reader.
this.deleted.subscribe(() => {
this.lineThrough = this.lineThrough ? '' : 'line-through';
// #docregion deleted
deleted = new EventEmitter<Hero>();
onDelete() {
// #enddocregion
hero: Hero = new Hero('','Zzzzzzzz'); // default sleeping hero
// heroImageUrl = '';
// Public Domain terms of use:
heroImageUrl = 'images/hero.png';
id = nextHeroDetailId++;
lineThrough = '';