diff --git a/aio/content/guide/universal.md b/aio/content/guide/universal.md index 067167de13..42e9dcff62 100644 --- a/aio/content/guide/universal.md +++ b/aio/content/guide/universal.md @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ The app server module class (conventionally named `AppServerModule`) is an Angul `AppServerModule` also tells Angular how to bootstrap your application when running as a Universal app. 服务端应用模块(习惯上叫作 `AppServerModule`)是一个 Angular 模块,它包装了应用的根模块 `AppModule`,以便 Universal 可以在你的应用和服务器之间进行协调。 -`AppServerModule` 还会告诉 Angular 再把你的应用以 Universal 方式运行时,该如何引导它。 +`AppServerModule` 还会告诉 Angular 在把你的应用以 Universal 方式运行时,该如何引导它。 Create an `app.server.module.ts` file in the `src/app/` directory with the following `AppServerModule` code: