Features Page & Icons

This commit is contained in:
Alex Wolfe 2015-02-28 12:06:30 -08:00
parent 8257e11ae3
commit 7f8899530c
14 changed files with 758 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"features": {
"title": "Features & Benefits",
"subtitle": "Production Grade Features"
"subtitle": "Powerful Features for Developing Apps"
"contribute": {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
link(rel="stylesheet" href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angular_material/0.7.1/angular-material.min.css")
link(href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500,400italic,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css')
link(rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/css/vendor/icomoon/icons.css")
link(rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/css/vendor/icomoon/style.css")
link(rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/css/main.css")

View File

@ -1,23 +1,92 @@
section(class="l-content-block" layout="row")
<!-- MOBILE -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-stay-current-portrait"></span>
h3.text-headline LIGHTWEIGHT &amp; MOBILE READY
p.text-body High Life mustache bitters flannel paleo, Vice chia mumblecore tousled Williamsburg. Scenester whatever farm-to-table Kickstarter hella, lo-fi lumbersexual street art lomo swag Echo Park. High Life leggings tofu Intelligentsia bespoke, American Apparel selfies ennui.
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Mobile First
p.text-body Modular library design and mobile-specific routing keep things lean so users on low-bandwidth networks don't need to wait. First-class support for touch event gestures. Responsive, cross-device, material design UI components. Tuned for performance and low-memory usage on mobile platforms.
section(class="l-content-block" layout="row")
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-filter-list"></span>
h3.text-headline ADVANCED FILTERING
p.text-body High Life mustache bitters flannel paleo, Vice chia mumblecore tousled Williamsburg. Scenester whatever farm-to-table Kickstarter hella, lo-fi lumbersexual street art lomo swag Echo Park. High Life leggings tofu Intelligentsia bespoke, American Apparel selfies ennui.
section(class="l-content-block" layout="row")
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-language"></span>
h3.text-headline INTERNATIONALIZATION (I18N &amp; L10)
p.text-body High Life mustache bitters flannel paleo, Vice chia mumblecore tousled Williamsburg. Scenester whatever farm-to-table Kickstarter hella, lo-fi lumbersexual street art lomo swag Echo Park. High Life leggings tofu Intelligentsia bespoke, American Apparel selfies ennui.
<!-- ES6 -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-fast-forward"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Future Ready
p.text-body Angular 2 is written in written in ECMAScript 6, with the addition of TypeScript types and annotations. ES6 allows us to benefit from the best of JavaScript, while writing clean and easy-to-read code.
<!-- Coffee, Dart, ES6 -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-subtitles"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Flexible Development
p.text-body In addition to full support for ES6 and TypeScript, Angular 2 works equally well with today's ES5, Dart, CoffeeScript, and other languages that compile to JavaScript. The choice of language is up to you.
<!-- Speed & Performance -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-av-timer"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Speed &amp; Performance
p.text-body Change detection is now 5x faster thanks to internal change detection tuned for top performance in modern JavaScript engines. If your application uses data structures that imply change guarantees (like immutables and observables), we will make use of them to help speed up your application.
<!-- Simplicity -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-favorite"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Simple &amp; Expressive
p.text-body Make your intention clear using natural, easy-to-write syntax. Reduce complexity for your team: new, structure-rich templates are readable and easy to understand at a glance.
<!-- Routing -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-call-split"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Comprehensive Routing
p.text-body Design sophisticated views: map URL paths to application components, use advanced features like nested and sibling routes. Support for card stack navigation, animated transitions, and lazy loading for mobile users. Easy migration from routing in prior versions of Angular.
<!-- Animations -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-flip"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Animations
p.text-body Directly tap into to low-level animation support on mobile and desktop environments with easy-to-use Angular events. Make use of CSS, JavaScript, and the Web Animations API to intelligently handle changes to animations in response to user events. Plan complex animation flows by sequencing the behavior of an entire website on a timeline.
<!-- Dependancy Injection -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-now-widgets"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Hierarchical Dependency Injection
p.text-body Angular 2 ships with powerful, yet simple-to-use dependency injection, allowing you to maintain modular applications without writing tedious glue code. Dependency injection aids you when writing tests, by making it easy to inject test doubles.
<!-- Web Components -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-polymer"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Support for Web Components
p.text-body Angular 2 plays nicely with web components built using other libraries (Polymer, X-Tag and others), allowing you to pass data into them as easily as into Angular-native components. Angular components use web standards (e.g. shadow DOM and the HTML5 template tag) in browsers that support them.
<!-- Internationalization & Accessibility -->
.sticker <span class="sticker-icon icon-accessibility"></span>
h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Internationalization (I18N) &amp; Accessibility
p.text-body Reach all your users. Use familiar ICU message format in Angular interpolation syntax ({{ }}), including pluralization and gender rules. Automate message extraction, pseudolocalization, and translation updates. Generate static applications for each locale. Easily promote accessibility via screen readers and assistive devices by automatically generating appropriate ARIA attributes.

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
h3.text-headline Build Incredible Applications
p.text-body Angular is a development platform for creating applications using modern web standards. Angular includes a wealth of essential features such as mobile gestures, animations, filtering, routing, data binding, security, internationalization, and beautiful UI components. It's extremely modular, lightweight, and easy to learn.
h3.text-headline Start Quick, Build Fast
p.text-body Express your ideas with clean, understandable code. Angular is simple to build on, easy to change, and friendly to the way UX designers work. Create a UI that is beautiful by default, with material design and support for web components.
p.text-body Express your ideas with clean, understandable code. Angular is simple to build on, easy to change, and friendly to the way UX designers work. Create a UI that is beautiful by default, with material design and support for web components. Angular takes <a href="#">just minutes to learn</a>.
p(data-height="224" data-theme-id="12714" data-slug-hash="pvKKQa" data-default-tab="html" data-user="alexwolfe" class='codepen')
script(async src="//assets.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js")
h3.text-headline Open Source &amp; MIT Licensed
p.text-body Angular is built by you, for you. Our community shapes Angular's direction: core contributions come from big companies and small ones, from students and independent experts. We do our work in the open so that you can help Angular improve, or extend and modify what we've built.
p.text-body Angular is built by you, for you. Our community shapes Angular's direction: core contributions come from big companies and small ones, from students and independent experts. We do our work in the open so that you can help Angular <a href="#">improve, or extend and modify</a> what we've built.
@ -26,7 +26,5 @@
h3.text-headline Loved by Millions of Developers
p.text-body But dont take our word for it. Ramp up in minutes, and build an app today.
!= partial("/_includes/_cta-bar")
p.text-body Join millions of devs who use Angular. Ramp up in minutes, and build an app today.
!= partial("/_includes/_cta-bar")

View File

@ -10,10 +10,19 @@ body {
color: $platinum;
a {
color: $blueberry;
.text-center {
text-align: center;
.text-uppercase {
text-transform: uppercase;
.text-display-4 {
margin: 0px 0px ($unit * 2) 0px;
font-size: 112px;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
.cp_embed {
border-radius: 4px;
.cp_embed_iframe {
overflow: hidden;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
.cta-bar {
text-align: center;
padding-top: ($unit * 8);
.button {
margin: 0px ($unit * 1);

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
border-radius: 1000px;
text-align: center;
background: $mist;
margin: ($unit * 2) auto;
.sticker-icon {
position: absolute;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,29 @@
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