fix(compiler): don't access view local variables nor pipes in host expressions (#12396)
Fixes #12004 Closes #12071
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ export class Parser {
input: string, location: string,
interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG): ASTWithSource {
var ast = this._parseBindingAst(input, location, interpolationConfig);
if (!SimpleExpressionChecker.check(ast)) {
const ast = this._parseBindingAst(input, location, interpolationConfig);
const errors = SimpleExpressionChecker.check(ast);
if (errors.length > 0) {
'Host binding expression can only contain field access and constants', input, location);
`Host binding expression cannot contain ${errors.join(' ')}`, input, location);
return new ASTWithSource(ast, input, location, this.errors);
@ -751,51 +752,51 @@ export class _ParseAST {
class SimpleExpressionChecker implements AstVisitor {
static check(ast: AST): boolean {
static check(ast: AST): string[] {
var s = new SimpleExpressionChecker();
return s.simple;
return s.errors;
simple = true;
errors: string[] = [];
visitImplicitReceiver(ast: ImplicitReceiver, context: any) {}
visitInterpolation(ast: Interpolation, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitInterpolation(ast: Interpolation, context: any) {}
visitLiteralPrimitive(ast: LiteralPrimitive, context: any) {}
visitPropertyRead(ast: PropertyRead, context: any) {}
visitPropertyWrite(ast: PropertyWrite, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitPropertyWrite(ast: PropertyWrite, context: any) {}
visitSafePropertyRead(ast: SafePropertyRead, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitSafePropertyRead(ast: SafePropertyRead, context: any) {}
visitMethodCall(ast: MethodCall, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitMethodCall(ast: MethodCall, context: any) {}
visitSafeMethodCall(ast: SafeMethodCall, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitSafeMethodCall(ast: SafeMethodCall, context: any) {}
visitFunctionCall(ast: FunctionCall, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitFunctionCall(ast: FunctionCall, context: any) {}
visitLiteralArray(ast: LiteralArray, context: any) { this.visitAll(ast.expressions); }
visitLiteralMap(ast: LiteralMap, context: any) { this.visitAll(ast.values); }
visitBinary(ast: Binary, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitBinary(ast: Binary, context: any) {}
visitPrefixNot(ast: PrefixNot, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitPrefixNot(ast: PrefixNot, context: any) {}
visitConditional(ast: Conditional, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitConditional(ast: Conditional, context: any) {}
visitPipe(ast: BindingPipe, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitPipe(ast: BindingPipe, context: any) { this.errors.push('pipes'); }
visitKeyedRead(ast: KeyedRead, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitKeyedRead(ast: KeyedRead, context: any) {}
visitKeyedWrite(ast: KeyedWrite, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitKeyedWrite(ast: KeyedWrite, context: any) {}
visitAll(asts: any[]): any[] { return => node.visit(this)); }
visitChain(ast: Chain, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitChain(ast: Chain, context: any) {}
visitQuote(ast: Quote, context: any) { this.simple = false; }
visitQuote(ast: Quote, context: any) {}
@ -277,11 +277,14 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
private _parseBinding(value: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): ASTWithSource {
private _parseBinding(value: string, isHostBinding: boolean, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan):
ASTWithSource {
const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
try {
const ast = this._exprParser.parseBinding(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
const ast = isHostBinding ?
this._exprParser.parseSimpleBinding(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig) :
this._exprParser.parseBinding(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
if (ast) this._reportParserErrors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
return ast;
@ -668,7 +671,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
} else {
name, this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan), sourceSpan, targetMatchableAttrs,
name, this._parseBinding(expression, false, sourceSpan), sourceSpan, targetMatchableAttrs,
@ -683,7 +686,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
expression = 'null';
const ast = this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan);
const ast = this._parseBinding(expression, false, sourceSpan);
targetMatchableAttrs.push([name, ast.source]);
targetAnimationProps.push(new BoundElementPropertyAst(
name, PropertyBindingType.Animation, SecurityContext.NONE, ast, null, sourceSpan));
@ -846,7 +849,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
Object.keys(hostProps).forEach(propName => {
const expression = hostProps[propName];
if (typeof expression === 'string') {
const exprAst = this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan);
const exprAst = this._parseBinding(expression, true, sourceSpan);
this._createElementPropertyAst(elementName, propName, exprAst, sourceSpan));
} else {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import {CompileBinding} from './compile_binding';
import {CompileElement} from './compile_element';
import {CompileMethod} from './compile_method';
import {EventHandlerVars, ViewProperties} from './constants';
import {convertCdStatementToIr} from './expression_converter';
import {NoLocalsNameResolver, convertCdStatementToIr} from './expression_converter';
export class CompileEventListener {
private _method: CompileMethod;
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ export class CompileEventListener {
this._method.resetDebugInfo(this.compileElement.nodeIndex, hostEvent);
var context = directiveInstance || this.compileElement.view.componentContext;
var actionStmts = convertCdStatementToIr(
this.compileElement.view, context, hostEvent.handler, this.compileElement.nodeIndex);
directive ? new NoLocalsNameResolver(this.compileElement.view) : this.compileElement.view,
context, hostEvent.handler, this.compileElement.nodeIndex);
var lastIndex = actionStmts.length - 1;
if (lastIndex >= 0) {
var lastStatement = actionStmts[lastIndex];
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import * as cdAst from '../expression_parser/ast';
import {isBlank, isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {Identifiers, resolveIdentifier} from '../identifiers';
import * as o from '../output/output_ast';
import {EventHandlerVars} from './constants';
export interface NameResolver {
callPipe(name: string, input: o.Expression, args: o.Expression[]): o.Expression;
@ -19,6 +20,26 @@ export interface NameResolver {
createLiteralMap(values: Array<Array<string|o.Expression>>): o.Expression;
* A wrapper around another NameResolver that removes all locals and pipes.
export class NoLocalsNameResolver implements NameResolver {
constructor(private _delegate: NameResolver) {}
callPipe(name: string, input: o.Expression, args: o.Expression[]): o.Expression { return null; }
getLocal(name: string): o.Expression {
if (name == {
return EventHandlerVars.event;
return null;
createLiteralArray(values: o.Expression[]): o.Expression {
return this._delegate.createLiteralArray(values);
createLiteralMap(values: Array<Array<string|o.Expression>>): o.Expression {
return this._delegate.createLiteralMap(values);
export class ExpressionWithWrappedValueInfo {
public expression: o.Expression, public needsValueUnwrapper: boolean,
@ -170,6 +191,9 @@ class _AstToIrVisitor implements cdAst.AstVisitor {
const input = this.visit(ast.exp, _Mode.Expression);
const args = this.visitAll(ast.args, _Mode.Expression);
const value = this._nameResolver.callPipe(, input, args);
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Illegal state: Pipe ${} is not allowed here!`);
this.needsValueUnwrapper = true;
return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, this._valueUnwrapper.callMethod('unwrap', [value]));
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import {CompileMethod} from './compile_method';
import {CompileView} from './compile_view';
import {DetectChangesVars, ViewProperties} from './constants';
import {CompileEventListener} from './event_binder';
import {convertCdExpressionToIr, temporaryDeclaration} from './expression_converter';
import {NameResolver, NoLocalsNameResolver, convertCdExpressionToIr, temporaryDeclaration} from './expression_converter';
function createBindFieldExpr(exprIndex: number): o.ReadPropExpr {
return o.THIS_EXPR.prop(`_expr_${exprIndex}`);
@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ class EvalResult {
function evalCdAst(
view: CompileView, currValExpr: o.ReadVarExpr, parsedExpression: cdAst.AST,
context: o.Expression, method: CompileMethod, bindingIndex: number): EvalResult {
context: o.Expression, nameResolver: NameResolver, method: CompileMethod,
bindingIndex: number): EvalResult {
var checkExpression = convertCdExpressionToIr(
view, context, parsedExpression, DetectChangesVars.valUnwrapper, bindingIndex);
nameResolver, context, parsedExpression, DetectChangesVars.valUnwrapper, bindingIndex);
if (!checkExpression.expression) {
// e.g. an empty expression was given
return null;
@ -67,9 +68,10 @@ function evalCdAst(
function bind(
view: CompileView, currValExpr: o.ReadVarExpr, fieldExpr: o.ReadPropExpr,
parsedExpression: cdAst.AST, context: o.Expression, actions: o.Statement[],
method: CompileMethod, bindingIndex: number) {
const evalResult = evalCdAst(view, currValExpr, parsedExpression, context, method, bindingIndex);
parsedExpression: cdAst.AST, context: o.Expression, nameResolver: NameResolver,
actions: o.Statement[], method: CompileMethod, bindingIndex: number) {
const evalResult =
evalCdAst(view, currValExpr, parsedExpression, context, nameResolver, method, bindingIndex);
if (!evalResult) {
@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ export function bindRenderText(
view.detectChangesRenderPropertiesMethod.resetDebugInfo(compileNode.nodeIndex, boundText);
view, currValExpr, valueField, boundText.value, view.componentContext,
view, currValExpr, valueField, boundText.value, view.componentContext, view,
.callMethod('setText', [compileNode.renderNode, currValExpr])
@ -205,7 +207,8 @@ function bindAndWriteToRenderer(
view, currValExpr, fieldExpr, boundProp.value, context, updateStmts, compileMethod,
view, currValExpr, fieldExpr, boundProp.value, context,
isHostProp ? new NoLocalsNameResolver(view) : view, updateStmts, compileMethod,
@ -267,7 +270,7 @@ export function bindDirectiveInputs(
detectChangesInInputsMethod.resetDebugInfo(compileElement.nodeIndex, input);
var currValExpr = createCurrValueExpr(bindingIndex);
const evalResult = evalCdAst(
view, currValExpr, input.value, view.componentContext, detectChangesInInputsMethod,
view, currValExpr, input.value, view.componentContext, view, detectChangesInInputsMethod,
if (!evalResult) {
@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ export function main() {
throw Error(`Expected an error containing "${message}" to be reported`);
const errMsgs = => err.message).join('\n');
throw Error(
`Expected an error containing "${message}" to be reported, but got the errors:\n` +
function expectActionError(text: string, message: string) {
@ -504,16 +507,10 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse a constant', () => {
var p = parseSimpleBinding('[1, 2]');
expect(unparse(p)).toEqual('[1, 2]');
it('should report when the given expression is not just a field name', () => {
it('should report when encountering pipes', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBinding('name + 1')),
'Host binding expression can only contain field access and constants');
validate(parseSimpleBinding('a | somePipe')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
@ -521,6 +518,10 @@ export function main() {
'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
it('should report when encountering field write', () => {
expectError(validate(parseSimpleBinding('a = b')), 'Bindings cannot contain assignments');
describe('wrapLiteralPrimitive', () => {
@ -826,6 +826,73 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
it('should not use template variables for expressions in hostProperties', () => {
@Directive({selector: '[host-properties]', host: {'[id]': 'id', '[title]': 'unknownProp'}})
class DirectiveWithHostProps {
id = 'one';
const fixture =
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp, DirectiveWithHostProps]})
{set: {template: `<div *ngFor="let id of ['forId']" host-properties></div>`}})
var tc = fixture.debugElement.children[0];
it('should not allow pipes in hostProperties', () => {
@Directive({selector: '[host-properties]', host: {'[id]': 'id | uppercase'}})
class DirectiveWithHostProps {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp, DirectiveWithHostProps]});
const template = '<div host-properties></div>';
TestBed.overrideComponent(MyComp, {set: {template}});
expect(() => TestBed.createComponent(MyComp))
.toThrowError(/Host binding expression cannot contain pipes/);
it('should not use template variables for expressions in hostListeners', () => {
@Directive({selector: '[host-listener]', host: {'(click)': 'doIt(id, unknownProp)'}})
class DirectiveWithHostListener {
id = 'one';
receivedArgs: any[];
doIt(...args: any[]) { this.receivedArgs = args; }
const fixture =
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp, DirectiveWithHostListener]})
{set: {template: `<div *ngFor="let id of ['forId']" host-listener></div>`}})
var tc = fixture.debugElement.children[0];
tc.triggerEventHandler('click', {});
var dir: DirectiveWithHostListener = tc.injector.get(DirectiveWithHostListener);
expect(dir.receivedArgs).toEqual(['one', undefined]);
it('should not allow pipes in hostListeners', () => {
@Directive({selector: '[host-listener]', host: {'(click)': 'doIt() | somePipe'}})
class DirectiveWithHostListener {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp, DirectiveWithHostListener]});
const template = '<div host-listener></div>';
TestBed.overrideComponent(MyComp, {set: {template}});
expect(() => TestBed.createComponent(MyComp))
.toThrowError(/Cannot have a pipe in an action expression/);
if (getDOM().supportsDOMEvents()) {
it('should support preventing default on render events', () => {
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