` for async checks and a `boolean` or `UrlTree` for sync checks.
-This one returns either `true` to allow the user to access the admin feature module or `UrlTree` to redirect the user to the login page instead:
-Add the same `AuthGuard` to the `component-less` admin route to protect all other child routes at one time
-instead of adding the `AuthGuard` to each route individually.
-{@a can-deactivate-guard}
-### `CanDeactivate`: handling unsaved changes
-Back in the "Heroes" workflow, the app accepts every change to a hero immediately without validation.
-In the real world, you might have to accumulate the users changes, validate across fields, validate on the server, or hold changes in a pending state until the user confirms them as a group or cancels and reverts all changes.
-When the user navigates away, you can let the user decide what to do with unsaved changes.
-If the user cancels, you'll stay put and allow more changes.
-If the user approves, the app can save.
-You still might delay navigation until the save succeeds.
-If you let the user move to the next screen immediately and saving were to fail (perhaps the data is ruled invalid), you would lose the context of the error.
-You need to stop the navigation while you wait, asynchronously, for the server to return with its answer.
-The `CanDeactivate` guard helps you decide what to do with unsaved changes and how to proceed.
-{@a cancel-save}
-#### Cancel and save
-Users update crisis information in the `CrisisDetailComponent`.
-Unlike the `HeroDetailComponent`, the user changes do not update the crisis entity immediately.
-Instead, the app updates the entity when the user presses the Save button and discards the changes when the user presses the Cancel button.
-Both buttons navigate back to the crisis list after save or cancel.
-In this scenario, the user could click the heroes link, cancel, push the browser back button, or navigate away without saving.
-This example app asks the user to be explicit with a confirmation dialog box that waits asynchronously for the user's
-You could wait for the user's answer with synchronous, blocking code, however, the app is more responsive—and can do other work—by waiting for the user's answer asynchronously.
-Generate a `Dialog` service to handle user confirmation.
- ng generate service dialog
-Add a `confirm()` method to the `DialogService` to prompt the user to confirm their intent.
-The `window.confirm` is a blocking action that displays a modal dialog and waits for user interaction.
-It returns an `Observable` that resolves when the user eventually decides what to do: either to discard changes and navigate away (`true`) or to preserve the pending changes and stay in the crisis editor (`false`).
-{@a CanDeactivate}
-Generate a guard that checks for the presence of a `canDeactivate()` method in a component—any component.
- ng generate guard can-deactivate
-Paste the following code into your guard.
-While the guard doesn't have to know which component has a deactivate method, it can detect that the `CrisisDetailComponent` component has the `canDeactivate()` method and call it.
-The guard not knowing the details of any component's deactivation method makes the guard reusable.
-Alternatively, you could make a component-specific `CanDeactivate` guard for the `CrisisDetailComponent`.
-The `canDeactivate()` method provides you with the current instance of the `component`, the current `ActivatedRoute`, and `RouterStateSnapshot` in case you needed to access some external information.
-This would be useful if you only wanted to use this guard for this component and needed to get the component's properties or confirm whether the router should allow navigation away from it.
-Looking back at the `CrisisDetailComponent`, it implements the confirmation workflow for unsaved changes.
-Notice that the `canDeactivate()` method can return synchronously; it returns `true` immediately if there is no crisis or there are no pending changes.
-But it can also return a `Promise` or an `Observable` and the router will wait for that to resolve to truthy (navigate) or falsy (stay on the current route).
-Add the `Guard` to the crisis detail route in `crisis-center-routing.module.ts` using the `canDeactivate` array property.
-Now you have given the user a safeguard against unsaved changes.
-{@a Resolve}
-{@a resolve-guard}
-### _Resolve_: pre-fetching component data
-In the `Hero Detail` and `Crisis Detail`, the app waited until the route was activated to fetch the respective hero or crisis.
-If you were using a real world API, there might be some delay before the data to display is returned from the server.
-You don't want to display a blank component while waiting for the data.
-To improve this behavior, you can pre-fetch data from the server using a resolver so it's ready the
-moment the route is activated.
-This also allows you to handle errors before routing to the component.
-There's no point in navigating to a crisis detail for an `id` that doesn't have a record.
-It'd be better to send the user back to the `Crisis List` that shows only valid crisis centers.
-In summary, you want to delay rendering the routed component until all necessary data has been fetched.
-{@a fetch-before-navigating}
-#### Fetch data before navigating
-At the moment, the `CrisisDetailComponent` retrieves the selected crisis.
-If the crisis is not found, the router navigates back to the crisis list view.
-The experience might be better if all of this were handled first, before the route is activated.
-A `CrisisDetailResolver` service could retrieve a `Crisis` or navigate away, if the `Crisis` did not exist, _before_ activating the route and creating the `CrisisDetailComponent`.
-Generate a `CrisisDetailResolver` service file within the `Crisis Center` feature area.
- ng generate service crisis-center/crisis-detail-resolver
-Move the relevant parts of the crisis retrieval logic in `CrisisDetailComponent.ngOnInit()` into the `CrisisDetailResolverService`.
-Import the `Crisis` model, `CrisisService`, and the `Router` so you can navigate elsewhere if you can't fetch the crisis.
-Be explicit and implement the `Resolve` interface with a type of `Crisis`.
-Inject the `CrisisService` and `Router` and implement the `resolve()` method.
-That method could return a `Promise`, an `Observable`, or a synchronous return value.
-The `CrisisService.getCrisis()` method returns an observable in order to prevent the route from loading until the data is fetched.
-The `Router` guards require an observable to `complete`, which means it has emitted all
-of its values.
-You use the `take` operator with an argument of `1` to ensure that the `Observable` completes after retrieving the first value from the Observable returned by the `getCrisis()` method.
-If it doesn't return a valid `Crisis`, then return an empty `Observable`, cancel the previous in-progress navigation to the `CrisisDetailComponent`, and navigate the user back to the `CrisisListComponent`.
-The updated resolver service looks like this:
-Import this resolver in the `crisis-center-routing.module.ts` and add a `resolve` object to the `CrisisDetailComponent` route configuration.
-The `CrisisDetailComponent` should no longer fetch the crisis.
-When you re-configured the route, you changed where the crisis is.
-Update the `CrisisDetailComponent` to get the crisis from the `ActivatedRoute.data.crisis` property instead;
-Note the following three important points:
-1. The router's `Resolve` interface is optional.
-The `CrisisDetailResolverService` doesn't inherit from a base class.
-The router looks for that method and calls it if found.
-1. The router calls the resolver in any case where the the user could navigate away so you don't have to code for each use case.
-1. Returning an empty `Observable` in at least one resolver will cancel navigation.
-The relevant Crisis Center code for this milestone follows.
-{@a query-parameters}
-{@a fragment}
-### Query parameters and fragments
-In the [route parameters](#optional-route-parameters) section, you only dealt with parameters specific to the route.
-However, you can use query parameters to get optional parameters available to all routes.
-[Fragments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier) refer to certain elements on the page
-identified with an `id` attribute.
-Update the `AuthGuard` to provide a `session_id` query that will remain after navigating to another route.
-Add an `anchor` element so you can jump to a certain point on the page.
-Add the `NavigationExtras` object to the `router.navigate()` method that navigates you to the `/login` route.
-You can also preserve query parameters and fragments across navigations without having to provide them again when navigating.
-In the `LoginComponent`, you'll add an *object* as the second argument in the `router.navigateUrl()` function and provide the `queryParamsHandling` and `preserveFragment` to pass along the current query parameters and fragment to the next route.
-The `queryParamsHandling` feature also provides a `merge` option, which preserves and combines the current query parameters with any provided query parameters when navigating.
-To navigate to the Admin Dashboard route after logging in, update `admin-dashboard.component.ts` to handle the
-query parameters and fragment.
-Query parameters and fragments are also available through the `ActivatedRoute` service.
-Just like route parameters, the query parameters and fragments are provided as an `Observable`.
-The updated Crisis Admin component feeds the `Observable` directly into the template using the `AsyncPipe`.
-Now, you can click on the Admin button, which takes you to the Login page with the provided `queryParamMap` and `fragment`.
-After you click the login button, notice that you have been redirected to the `Admin Dashboard` page with the query parameters and fragment still intact in the address bar.
-You can use these persistent bits of information for things that need to be provided across pages like authentication tokens or session ids.
-The `query params` and `fragment` can also be preserved using a `RouterLink` with
-the `queryParamsHandling` and `preserveFragment` bindings respectively.
-{@a asynchronous-routing}
-## Milestone 6: Asynchronous routing
-As you've worked through the milestones, the application has naturally gotten larger.
-At some point you'll reach a point where the application takes a long time to load.
-To remedy this issue, use asynchronous routing, which loads feature modules lazily, on request.
-Lazy loading has multiple benefits.
-* You can load feature areas only when requested by the user.
-* You can speed up load time for users that only visit certain areas of the application.
-* You can continue expanding lazy loaded feature areas without increasing the size of the initial load bundle.
-You're already part of the way there.
-By organizing the application into modules—`AppModule`,
-`HeroesModule`, `AdminModule` and `CrisisCenterModule`—you
-have natural candidates for lazy loading.
-Some modules, like `AppModule`, must be loaded from the start.
-But others can and should be lazy loaded.
-The `AdminModule`, for example, is needed by a few authorized users, so
-you should only load it when requested by the right people.
-{@a lazy-loading-route-config}
-### Lazy Loading route configuration
-Change the `admin` path in the `admin-routing.module.ts` from `'admin'` to an empty string, `''`, the empty path.
-Use empty path routes to group routes together without adding any additional path segments to the URL.
-Users will still visit `/admin` and the `AdminComponent` still serves as the Routing Component containing child routes.
-Open the `AppRoutingModule` and add a new `admin` route to its `appRoutes` array.
-Give it a `loadChildren` property instead of a `children` property.
-The `loadChildren` property takes a function that returns a promise using the browser's built-in syntax for lazy loading code using dynamic imports `import('...')`.
-The path is the location of the `AdminModule` (relative to the app root).
-After the code is requested and loaded, the `Promise` resolves an object that contains the `NgModule`, in this case the `AdminModule`.
-*Note*: When using absolute paths, the `NgModule` file location must begin with `src/app` in order to resolve correctly. For custom [path mapping with absolute paths](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/module-resolution.html#path-mapping), you must configure the `baseUrl` and `paths` properties in the project `tsconfig.json`.
-When the router navigates to this route, it uses the `loadChildren` string to dynamically load the `AdminModule`.
-Then it adds the `AdminModule` routes to its current route configuration.
-Finally, it loads the requested route to the destination admin component.
-The lazy loading and re-configuration happen just once, when the route is first requested; the module and routes are available immediately for subsequent requests.
-Angular provides a built-in module loader that supports SystemJS to load modules asynchronously. If you were
-using another bundling tool, such as Webpack, you would use the Webpack mechanism for asynchronously loading modules.
-Take the final step and detach the admin feature set from the main application.
-The root `AppModule` must neither load nor reference the `AdminModule` or its files.
-In `app.module.ts`, remove the `AdminModule` import statement from the top of the file
-and remove the `AdminModule` from the NgModule's `imports` array.
-{@a can-load-guard}
-### `CanLoad`: guarding unauthorized loading of feature modules
-You're already protecting the `AdminModule` with a `CanActivate` guard that prevents unauthorized users from accessing the admin feature area.
-It redirects to the login page if the user is not authorized.
-But the router is still loading the `AdminModule` even if the user can't visit any of its components.
-Ideally, you'd only load the `AdminModule` if the user is logged in.
-Add a `CanLoad` guard that only loads the `AdminModule` once the user is logged in _and_ attempts to access the admin feature area.
-The existing `AuthGuard` already has the essential logic in its `checkLogin()` method to support the `CanLoad` guard.
-Open `auth.guard.ts`.
-Import the `CanLoad` interface from `@angular/router`.
-Add it to the `AuthGuard` class's `implements` list.
-Then implement `canLoad()` as follows:
-The router sets the `canLoad()` method's `route` parameter to the intended destination URL.
-The `checkLogin()` method redirects to that URL once the user has logged in.
-Now import the `AuthGuard` into the `AppRoutingModule` and add the `AuthGuard` to the `canLoad`
-array property for the `admin` route.
-The completed admin route looks like this:
-{@a preloading}
-### Preloading: background loading of feature areas
-In addition to loading modules on-demand, you can load modules asynchronously with preloading.
-The `AppModule` is eagerly loaded when the application starts, meaning that it loads right away.
-Now the `AdminModule` loads only when the user clicks on a link, which is called lazy loading.
-Preloading allows you to load modules in the background so that the data is ready to render when the user activates a particular route.
-Consider the Crisis Center.
-It isn't the first view that a user sees.
-By default, the Heroes are the first view.
-For the smallest initial payload and fastest launch time, you should eagerly load the `AppModule` and the `HeroesModule`.
-You could lazy load the Crisis Center.
-But you're almost certain that the user will visit the Crisis Center within minutes of launching the app.
-Ideally, the app would launch with just the `AppModule` and the `HeroesModule` loaded and then, almost immediately, load the `CrisisCenterModule` in the background.
-By the time the user navigates to the Crisis Center, its module will have been loaded and ready.
-{@a how-preloading}
-#### How preloading works
-After each successful navigation, the router looks in its configuration for an unloaded module that it can preload.
-Whether it preloads a module, and which modules it preloads, depends upon the preload strategy.
-The `Router` offers two preloading strategies:
-* No preloading, which is the default. Lazy loaded feature areas are still loaded on-demand.
-* Preloading of all lazy loaded feature areas.
-The router either never preloads, or preloads every lazy loaded module.
-The `Router` also supports [custom preloading strategies](#custom-preloading) for fine control over which modules to preload and when.
-This section guides you through updating the `CrisisCenterModule` to load lazily by default and use the `PreloadAllModules` strategy to load all lazy loaded modules.
-{@a lazy-load-crisis-center}
-#### Lazy load the crisis center
-Update the route configuration to lazy load the `CrisisCenterModule`.
-Take the same steps you used to configure `AdminModule` for lazy loading.
-1. Change the `crisis-center` path in the `CrisisCenterRoutingModule` to an empty string.
-1. Add a `crisis-center` route to the `AppRoutingModule`.
-1. Set the `loadChildren` string to load the `CrisisCenterModule`.
-1. Remove all mention of the `CrisisCenterModule` from `app.module.ts`.
-Here are the updated modules _before enabling preload_:
-You could try this now and confirm that the `CrisisCenterModule` loads after you click the "Crisis Center" button.
-To enable preloading of all lazy loaded modules, import the `PreloadAllModules` token from the Angular router package.
-The second argument in the `RouterModule.forRoot()` method takes an object for additional configuration options.
-The `preloadingStrategy` is one of those options.
-Add the `PreloadAllModules` token to the `forRoot()` call:
-This configures the `Router` preloader to immediately load all lazy loaded routes (routes with a `loadChildren` property).
-When you visit `http://localhost:4200`, the `/heroes` route loads immediately upon launch and the router starts loading the `CrisisCenterModule` right after the `HeroesModule` loads.
-Currently, the `AdminModule` does not preload because `CanLoad` is blocking it.
-{@a preload-canload}
-#### `CanLoad` blocks preload
-The `PreloadAllModules` strategy does not load feature areas protected by a [CanLoad](#can-load-guard) guard.
-You added a `CanLoad` guard to the route in the `AdminModule` a few steps back to block loading of that module until the user is authorized.
-That `CanLoad` guard takes precedence over the preload strategy.
-If you want to preload a module as well as guard against unauthorized access, remove the `canLoad()` guard method and rely on the [canActivate()](#can-activate-guard) guard alone.
-{@a custom-preloading}
-### Custom Preloading Strategy
-Preloading every lazy loaded module works well in many situations.
-However, in consideration of things such as low bandwidth and user metrics, you can use a custom preloading strategy for specific feature modules.
-This section guides you through adding a custom strategy that only preloads routes whose `data.preload` flag is set to `true`.
-Recall that you can add anything to the `data` property of a route.
-Set the `data.preload` flag in the `crisis-center` route in the `AppRoutingModule`.
-Generate a new `SelectivePreloadingStrategy` service.
- ng generate service selective-preloading-strategy
-Replace the contents of `selective-preloading-strategy.service.ts` with the following:
-`SelectivePreloadingStrategyService` implements the `PreloadingStrategy`, which has one method, `preload()`.
-The router calls the `preload()` method with two arguments:
-1. The route to consider.
-1. A loader function that can load the routed module asynchronously.
-An implementation of `preload` must return an `Observable`.
-If the route does preload, it returns the observable returned by calling the loader function.
-If the route does not preload, it returns an `Observable` of `null`.
-In this sample, the `preload()` method loads the route if the route's `data.preload` flag is truthy.
-As a side-effect, `SelectivePreloadingStrategyService` logs the `path` of a selected route in its public `preloadedModules` array.
-Shortly, you'll extend the `AdminDashboardComponent` to inject this service and display its `preloadedModules` array.
-But first, make a few changes to the `AppRoutingModule`.
-1. Import `SelectivePreloadingStrategyService` into `AppRoutingModule`.
-1. Replace the `PreloadAllModules` strategy in the call to `forRoot()` with this `SelectivePreloadingStrategyService`.
-1. Add the `SelectivePreloadingStrategyService` strategy to the `AppRoutingModule` providers array so you can inject it elsewhere in the app.
-Now edit the `AdminDashboardComponent` to display the log of preloaded routes.
-1. Import the `SelectivePreloadingStrategyService`.
-1. Inject it into the dashboard's constructor.
-1. Update the template to display the strategy service's `preloadedModules` array.
-Now the file is as follows:
-Once the application loads the initial route, the `CrisisCenterModule` is preloaded.
-Verify this by logging in to the `Admin` feature area and noting that the `crisis-center` is listed in the `Preloaded Modules`.
-It also logs to the browser's console.
-{@a redirect-advanced}
-### Migrating URLs with redirects
-You've setup the routes for navigating around your application and used navigation imperatively and declaratively.
-But like any application, requirements change over time.
-You've setup links and navigation to `/heroes` and `/hero/:id` from the `HeroListComponent` and `HeroDetailComponent` components.
-If there were a requirement that links to `heroes` become `superheroes`, you would still want the previous URLs to navigate correctly.
-You also don't want to update every link in your application, so redirects makes refactoring routes trivial.
-{@a url-refactor}
-#### Changing `/heroes` to `/superheroes`
-This section guides you through migrating the `Hero` routes to new URLs.
-The `Router` checks for redirects in your configuration before navigating, so each redirect is triggered when needed. To support this change, add redirects from the old routes to the new routes in the `heroes-routing.module`.
-Notice two different types of redirects.
-The first change is from `/heroes` to `/superheroes` without any parameters.
-The second change is from `/hero/:id` to `/superhero/:id`, which includes the `:id` route parameter.
-Router redirects also use powerful pattern-matching, so the `Router` inspects the URL and replaces route parameters in the `path` with their appropriate destination.
-Previously, you navigated to a URL such as `/hero/15` with a route parameter `id` of `15`.
-The `Router` also supports [query parameters](#query-parameters) and the [fragment](#fragment) when using redirects.
-* When using absolute redirects, the `Router` will use the query parameters and the fragment from the `redirectTo` in the route config.
-* When using relative redirects, the `Router` use the query params and the fragment from the source URL.
-Currently, the empty path route redirects to `/heroes`, which redirects to `/superheroes`.
-This won't work because the `Router` handles redirects once at each level of routing configuration.
-This prevents chaining of redirects, which can lead to endless redirect loops.
-Instead, update the empty path route in `app-routing.module.ts` to redirect to `/superheroes`.
-A `routerLink` isn't tied to route configuration, so update the associated router links to remain active when the new route is active.
-Update the `app.component.ts` template for the `/heroes` `routerLink`.
-Update the `goToHeroes()` method in the `hero-detail.component.ts` to navigate back to `/superheroes` with the optional route parameters.
-With the redirects setup, all previous routes now point to their new destinations and both URLs still function as intended.
-{@a inspect-config}
-### Inspect the router's configuration
-To determine if your routes are actually evaluated [in the proper order](#routing-module-order), you can inspect the router's configuration.
-Do this by injecting the router and logging to the console its `config` property.
-For example, update the `AppModule` as follows and look in the browser console window
-to see the finished route configuration.
-{@a final-app}
-## Final app
-For the completed router app, see the for the final source code.
-{@a link-parameters-array}
+For more information with a working example, see the [routing tutorial section on route guards](guide/router-tutorial-toh#milestone-5-route-guards).
## Link parameters array
@@ -3318,7 +432,7 @@ You can provide optional route parameters in an object, as in `{ foo: 'foo' }`:
These three examples cover the needs of an app with one level of routing.
However, with a child router, such as in the crisis center, you create new link array possibilities.
-The following minimal `RouterLink` example builds upon a specified [default child route](guide/router#a-crisis-center-with-child-routes) for the crisis center.
+The following minimal `RouterLink` example builds upon a specified [default child route](guide/router-tutorial-toh#a-crisis-center-with-child-routes) for the crisis center.
@@ -3501,7 +615,7 @@ The corresponding `HeroDetailComponent` uses that value to find and present the
The `data` property in the third route is a place to store arbitrary data associated with
this specific route.
The data property is accessible within each activated route. Use it to store items such as page titles, breadcrumb text, and other read-only, static data.
-You can use the [resolve guard](#resolve-guard) to retrieve dynamic data.
+You can use the [resolve guard](guide/router-tutorial-toh#resolve-guard) to retrieve dynamic data.
The empty path in the fourth route represents the default path for the application—the place to go when the path in the URL is empty, as it typically is at the start.
This default route redirects to the route for the `/heroes` URL and, therefore, displays the `HeroesListComponent`.
@@ -3603,7 +717,7 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
An `Observable` that contains the `data` object provided for the route.
- Also contains any resolved values from the [resolve guard](#resolve-guard).
+ Also contains any resolved values from the [resolve guard](guide/router-tutorial-toh#resolve-guard).
@@ -3614,7 +728,7 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
- An `Observable` that contains a [map](api/router/ParamMap) of the required and [optional parameters](#optional-route-parameters) specific to the route.
+ An `Observable` that contains a [map](api/router/ParamMap) of the required and [optional parameters](guide/router-tutorial-toh#optional-route-parameters) specific to the route.
The map supports retrieving single and multiple values from the same parameter.
@@ -3626,7 +740,7 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
- An `Observable` that contains a [map](api/router/ParamMap) of the [query parameters](#query-parameters) available to all routes.
+ An `Observable` that contains a [map](api/router/ParamMap) of the [query parameters](guide/router-tutorial-toh#query-parameters) available to all routes.
The map supports retrieving single and multiple values from the query parameter.
@@ -3638,7 +752,7 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
- An `Observable` of the URL [fragment](#fragment) available to all routes.
+ An `Observable` of the URL [fragment](guide/router-tutorial-toh#fragment) available to all routes.
@@ -3672,7 +786,7 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
- The route's parent `ActivatedRoute` when this route is a [child route](#child-routing-component).
+ The route's parent `ActivatedRoute` when this route is a [child route](guide/router-tutorial-toh#child-routing-component).
@@ -3694,7 +808,7 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
- Contains all the [child routes](#child-routing-component) activated under the current route.
+ Contains all the [child routes](guide/router-tutorial-toh#child-routing-component) activated under the current route.
@@ -3704,9 +818,9 @@ It has a great deal of useful information including:
Two older properties are still available, however, their replacements are preferable as they may be deprecated in a future Angular version.
-* `params`: An `Observable` that contains the required and [optional parameters](#optional-route-parameters) specific to the route. Use `paramMap` instead.
+* `params`: An `Observable` that contains the required and [optional parameters](guide/router-tutorial-toh#optional-route-parameters) specific to the route. Use `paramMap` instead.
-* `queryParams`: An `Observable` that contains the [query parameters](#query-parameters) available to all routes.
+* `queryParams`: An `Observable` that contains the [query parameters](guide/router-tutorial-toh#query-parameters) available to all routes.
Use `queryParamMap` instead.
@@ -3745,7 +859,7 @@ These events range from when the navigation starts and ends to many points in be
An [event](api/router/RouteConfigLoadStart) triggered before the `Router`
- [lazy loads](#asynchronous-routing) a route configuration.
+ [lazy loads](guide/router-tutorial-toh#asynchronous-routing) a route configuration.
@@ -3878,7 +992,7 @@ These events range from when the navigation starts and ends to many points in be
An [event](api/router/NavigationCancel) triggered when navigation is canceled.
- This can happen when a [Route Guard](#guards) returns false during navigation,
+ This can happen when a [Route Guard](guide/router-tutorial-toh#guards) returns false during navigation,
or redirects by returning a `UrlTree`.
diff --git a/aio/content/guide/testing-components-scenarios.md b/aio/content/guide/testing-components-scenarios.md
index 5f94cdef45..f7f1f43ba7 100644
--- a/aio/content/guide/testing-components-scenarios.md
+++ b/aio/content/guide/testing-components-scenarios.md
@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ for the `id` to change during its lifetime.
-The [ActivatedRoute in action](guide/router#activated-route-in-action) section of the [Router](guide/router) guide covers `ActivatedRoute.paramMap` in more detail.
+The [ActivatedRoute in action](guide/router-tutorial-toh#activated-route-in-action) section of the [Router tutorial: tour of heroes](guide/router-tutorial-toh) guide covers `ActivatedRoute.paramMap` in more detail.
diff --git a/aio/content/navigation.json b/aio/content/navigation.json
index 7e883dc73a..f51ad75186 100644
--- a/aio/content/navigation.json
+++ b/aio/content/navigation.json
@@ -718,9 +718,20 @@
"tooltip": "End-to-end tutorials for learning Angular concepts and patterns.",
"children": [
- "url": "guide/router-tutorial",
- "title": "Using Angular Routes in a Single-page Application",
- "tooltip": "A tutorial that covers many patterns associated with Angular routing."
+ "title": "Routing",
+ "tooltip": "End-to-end tutorials for learning about Angular's router.",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "url": "guide/router-tutorial",
+ "title": "Using Angular Routes in a Single-page Application",
+ "tooltip": "A tutorial that covers many patterns associated with Angular routing."
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "guide/router-tutorial-toh",
+ "title": "Router tutorial: tour of heroes",
+ "tooltip": "Explore how to use Angular's router. Based on the Tour of Heroes example."
+ }
+ ]
"url": "guide/forms",
diff --git a/packages/router/src/events.ts b/packages/router/src/events.ts
index c21974af8f..72b5d4c066 100644
--- a/packages/router/src/events.ts
+++ b/packages/router/src/events.ts
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export class NavigationEnd extends RouterEvent {
* An event triggered when a navigation is canceled, directly or indirectly.
- * This can happen when a [route guard](guide/router#milestone-5-route-guards)
+ * This can happen when a [route guard](guide/router-tutorial-toh#milestone-5-route-guards)
* returns `false` or initiates a redirect by returning a `UrlTree`.
* @publicApi