diff --git a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.dart b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.dart
index e2ff19ea65..8a2bfee74f 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.dart
+++ b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.dart
@@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ export 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker.dart'
show ReceivedMessage, ServiceMessageBroker, ServiceMessageBrokerFactory;
export 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer.dart' show PRIMITIVE;
export 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/shared/message_bus.dart';
+export 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/worker/router_providers.dart'
diff --git a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.ts b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.ts
index 7e6957be96..d3b255c430 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_app.ts
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ export {
-} from '../src/web_workers/shared/client_message_broker';
+} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/client_message_broker';
export {
-} from '../src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker';
-export {PRIMITIVE} from '../src/web_workers/shared/serializer';
-export * from '../src/web_workers/shared/message_bus';
+} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker';
+export {PRIMITIVE} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer';
+export * from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/message_bus';
export {AngularEntrypoint} from 'angular2/src/core/angular_entrypoint';
+export {WORKER_APP_ROUTER} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/worker/router_providers';
diff --git a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.dart b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.dart
index aafab6599d..f19e8e0a94 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.dart
+++ b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.dart
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ export '../src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker.dart'
export '../src/web_workers/shared/serializer.dart' show PRIMITIVE;
export '../src/web_workers/shared/message_bus.dart';
+export '../src/web_workers/ui/router_providers.dart' show WORKER_RENDER_ROUTER;
import 'package:angular2/src/platform/worker_render_common.dart';
diff --git a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.ts b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.ts
index a601dbf253..b6b7f3ffa5 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/platform/worker_render.ts
@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ import {WORKER_RENDER_APPLICATION} from 'angular2/src/platform/worker_render';
+export {WORKER_RENDER_ROUTER} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/ui/router_providers';
diff --git a/modules/angular2/router.ts b/modules/angular2/router.ts
index 4cea18950a..7d028817f5 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/router.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/router.ts
@@ -20,18 +20,12 @@ export {OnActivate, OnDeactivate, OnReuse, CanDeactivate, CanReuse} from './src/
export {CanActivate} from './src/router/lifecycle_annotations';
export {Instruction, ComponentInstruction} from './src/router/instruction';
export {OpaqueToken} from 'angular2/core';
+export {ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON} from 'angular2/src/router/router_providers_common';
+export {ROUTER_PROVIDERS, ROUTER_BINDINGS} from 'angular2/src/router/router_providers';
-import {PlatformLocation} from './src/router/platform_location';
-import {LocationStrategy} from './src/router/location_strategy';
-import {PathLocationStrategy} from './src/router/path_location_strategy';
-import {Router, RootRouter} from './src/router/router';
import {RouterOutlet} from './src/router/router_outlet';
import {RouterLink} from './src/router/router_link';
-import {RouteRegistry, ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT} from './src/router/route_registry';
-import {Location} from './src/router/location';
-import {ApplicationRef, provide, OpaqueToken, Provider} from 'angular2/core';
import {CONST_EXPR} from './src/facade/lang';
-import {BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/exceptions';
* A list of directives. To use the router directives like {@link RouterOutlet} and
@@ -56,63 +50,3 @@ import {BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/exceptions';
* ```
export const ROUTER_DIRECTIVES: any[] = CONST_EXPR([RouterOutlet, RouterLink]);
- * A list of {@link Provider}s. To use the router, you must add this to your application.
- *
- * ### Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm))
- *
- * ```
- * import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
- * import {
- * RouteConfig
- * } from 'angular2/router';
- *
- * @Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})
- * @RouteConfig([
- * {...},
- * ])
- * class AppCmp {
- * // ...
- * }
- *
- * bootstrap(AppCmp, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
- * ```
- */
-export const ROUTER_PROVIDERS: any[] = CONST_EXPR([
- RouteRegistry,
- CONST_EXPR(new Provider(LocationStrategy, {useClass: PathLocationStrategy})),
- PlatformLocation,
- Location,
- CONST_EXPR(new Provider(
- Router,
- {
- useFactory: routerFactory,
- deps: CONST_EXPR([RouteRegistry, Location, ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, ApplicationRef])
- })),
- CONST_EXPR(new Provider(
- {useFactory: routerPrimaryComponentFactory, deps: CONST_EXPR([ApplicationRef])}))
- * Use {@link ROUTER_PROVIDERS} instead.
- *
- * @deprecated
- */
-function routerFactory(registry, location, primaryComponent, appRef) {
- var rootRouter = new RootRouter(registry, location, primaryComponent);
- appRef.registerDisposeListener(() => rootRouter.dispose());
- return rootRouter;
-function routerPrimaryComponentFactory(app) {
- if (app.componentTypes.length == 0) {
- throw new BaseException("Bootstrap at least one component before injecting Router.");
- }
- return app.componentTypes[0];
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/platform/worker_render_common.ts b/modules/angular2/src/platform/worker_render_common.ts
index 635796638c..9298081d4f 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/platform/worker_render_common.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/platform/worker_render_common.ts
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import {BrowserDomAdapter} from './browser/browser_adapter';
import {wtfInit} from 'angular2/src/core/profile/wtf_init';
import {MessageBasedRenderer} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/ui/renderer';
import {MessageBasedXHRImpl} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/ui/xhr_impl';
+import {BrowserPlatformLocation} from 'angular2/src/router/browser_platform_location';
import {
@@ -59,6 +60,13 @@ export const WORKER_RENDER_PLATFORM: Array = CO
new Provider(PLATFORM_INITIALIZER, {useValue: initWebWorkerRenderPlatform, multi: true})
+ * A list of {@link Provider}s. To use the router in a Worker enabled application you must
+ * include these providers when setting up the render thread.
+ */
+export const WORKER_RENDER_ROUTER: Array =
+ CONST_EXPR([BrowserPlatformLocation]);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/browser_platform_location.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/browser_platform_location.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88917717fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/browser_platform_location.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
+import {History, Location} from 'angular2/src/facade/browser';
+import {UrlChangeListener} from './platform_location';
+import {PlatformLocation} from './platform_location';
+import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_adapter';
+ * `PlatformLocation` encapsulates all of the direct calls to platform APIs.
+ * This class should not be used directly by an application developer. Instead, use
+ * {@link Location}.
+ */
+export class BrowserPlatformLocation extends PlatformLocation {
+ private _location: Location;
+ private _history: History;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this._init();
+ }
+ // This is moved to its own method so that `MockPlatformLocationStrategy` can overwrite it
+ /** @internal */
+ _init() {
+ this._location = DOM.getLocation();
+ this._history = DOM.getHistory();
+ }
+ /** @internal */
+ get location(): Location { return this._location; }
+ getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string { return DOM.getBaseHref(); }
+ onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void {
+ DOM.getGlobalEventTarget('window').addEventListener('popstate', fn, false);
+ }
+ onHashChange(fn: UrlChangeListener): void {
+ DOM.getGlobalEventTarget('window').addEventListener('hashchange', fn, false);
+ }
+ get pathname(): string { return this._location.pathname; }
+ get search(): string { return this._location.search; }
+ get hash(): string { return this._location.hash; }
+ set pathname(newPath: string) { this._location.pathname = newPath; }
+ pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void {
+ this._history.pushState(state, title, url);
+ }
+ replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void {
+ this._history.replaceState(state, title, url);
+ }
+ forward(): void { this._history.forward(); }
+ back(): void { this._history.back(); }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/hash_location_strategy.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/hash_location_strategy.ts
index 68d01c4142..937d195d6c 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/router/hash_location_strategy.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/hash_location_strategy.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {
} from './location_strategy';
-import {EventListener} from 'angular2/src/facade/browser';
+import {UrlChangeListener} from './platform_location';
import {isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {PlatformLocation} from './platform_location';
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
- onPopState(fn: EventListener): void {
+ onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/location_strategy.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/location_strategy.ts
index 186dfa19bb..42724833a5 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/router/location_strategy.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/location_strategy.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import {CONST_EXPR} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {OpaqueToken} from 'angular2/core';
+import {UrlChangeListener} from './platform_location';
* `LocationStrategy` is responsible for representing and reading route state
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ export abstract class LocationStrategy {
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract back(): void;
- abstract onPopState(fn: (_: any) => any): void;
+ abstract onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
abstract getBaseHref(): string;
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/path_location_strategy.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/path_location_strategy.ts
index 7dc68b3820..7d114d1403 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/router/path_location_strategy.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/path_location_strategy.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import {Injectable, Inject, Optional} from 'angular2/core';
-import {EventListener, History, Location} from 'angular2/src/facade/browser';
import {isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/exceptions';
import {
@@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ import {
} from './location_strategy';
-import {PlatformLocation} from './platform_location';
+import {PlatformLocation, UrlChangeListener} from './platform_location';
* `PathLocationStrategy` is a {@link LocationStrategy} used to configure the
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ export class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
this._baseHref = href;
- onPopState(fn: EventListener): void {
+ onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/platform_location.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/platform_location.ts
index c58ffb4e6e..c6ed880024 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/router/platform_location.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/platform_location.ts
@@ -1,50 +1,48 @@
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
-import {EventListener, History, Location} from 'angular2/src/facade/browser';
- * `PlatformLocation` encapsulates all of the direct calls to platform APIs.
* This class should not be used directly by an application developer. Instead, use
* {@link Location}.
+ *
+ * `PlatformLocation` encapsulates all calls to DOM apis, which allows the Router to be platform
+ * agnostic.
+ * This means that we can have different implementation of `PlatformLocation` for the different
+ * platforms
+ * that angular supports. For example, the default `PlatformLocation` is {@link
+ * BrowserPlatformLocation},
+ * however when you run your app in a WebWorker you use {@link WebWorkerPlatformLocation}.
+ *
+ * The `PlatformLocation` class is used directly by all implementations of {@link LocationStrategy}
+ * when
+ * they need to interact with the DOM apis like pushState, popState, etc...
+ *
+ * {@link LocationStrategy} in turn is used by the {@link Location} service which is used directly
+ * by
+ * the {@link Router} in order to navigate between routes. Since all interactions between {@link
+ * Router} /
+ * {@link Location} / {@link LocationStrategy} and DOM apis flow through the `PlatformLocation`
+ * class
+ * they are all platform independent.
-export class PlatformLocation {
- private _location: Location;
- private _history: History;
+export abstract class PlatformLocation {
+ abstract getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string;
+ abstract onPopState(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
+ abstract onHashChange(fn: UrlChangeListener): void;
- constructor() { this._init(); }
+ pathname: string;
+ search: string;
+ hash: string;
- // This is moved to its own method so that `MockPlatformLocationStrategy` can overwrite it
- /** @internal */
- _init() {
- this._location = DOM.getLocation();
- this._history = DOM.getHistory();
- }
+ abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
- getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string { return DOM.getBaseHref(); }
+ abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
- onPopState(fn: EventListener): void {
- DOM.getGlobalEventTarget('window').addEventListener('popstate', fn, false);
- }
+ abstract forward(): void;
- onHashChange(fn: EventListener): void {
- DOM.getGlobalEventTarget('window').addEventListener('hashchange', fn, false);
- }
- get pathname(): string { return this._location.pathname; }
- get search(): string { return this._location.search; }
- get hash(): string { return this._location.hash; }
- set pathname(newPath: string) { this._location.pathname = newPath; }
- pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void {
- this._history.pushState(state, title, url);
- }
- replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void {
- this._history.replaceState(state, title, url);
- }
- forward(): void { this._history.forward(); }
- back(): void { this._history.back(); }
+ abstract back(): void;
+ * A serializable version of the event from onPopState or onHashChange
+ */
+export interface UrlChangeEvent { type: string; }
+export interface UrlChangeListener { (e: UrlChangeEvent): any; }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/router_providers.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/router_providers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b50f16079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/router_providers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON} from './router_providers_common';
+import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON} from 'angular2/router';
+import {Provider} from 'angular2/core';
+import {CONST_EXPR} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
+import {BrowserPlatformLocation} from './browser_platform_location';
+import {PlatformLocation} from './platform_location';
+ * A list of {@link Provider}s. To use the router, you must add this to your application.
+ *
+ * ### Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm))
+ *
+ * ```
+ * import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
+ * import {
+ * RouteConfig
+ * } from 'angular2/router';
+ *
+ * @Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})
+ * @RouteConfig([
+ * {...},
+ * ])
+ * class AppCmp {
+ * // ...
+ * }
+ *
+ * bootstrap(AppCmp, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
+ * ```
+ */
+export const ROUTER_PROVIDERS: any[] = CONST_EXPR([
+ CONST_EXPR(new Provider(PlatformLocation, {useClass: BrowserPlatformLocation})),
+ * Use {@link ROUTER_PROVIDERS} instead.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ */
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/router/router_providers_common.ts b/modules/angular2/src/router/router_providers_common.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..823634b133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/router/router_providers_common.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import {LocationStrategy} from 'angular2/src/router/location_strategy';
+import {PathLocationStrategy} from 'angular2/src/router/path_location_strategy';
+import {Router, RootRouter} from 'angular2/src/router/router';
+import {RouteRegistry, ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT} from 'angular2/src/router/route_registry';
+import {Location} from 'angular2/src/router/location';
+import {CONST_EXPR, Type} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
+import {ApplicationRef, OpaqueToken, Provider} from 'angular2/core';
+import {BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/exceptions';
+ * The Platform agnostic ROUTER PROVIDERS
+ */
+ RouteRegistry,
+ CONST_EXPR(new Provider(LocationStrategy, {useClass: PathLocationStrategy})),
+ Location,
+ CONST_EXPR(new Provider(
+ Router,
+ {
+ useFactory: routerFactory,
+ deps: CONST_EXPR([RouteRegistry, Location, ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, ApplicationRef])
+ })),
+ CONST_EXPR(new Provider(
+ {useFactory: routerPrimaryComponentFactory, deps: CONST_EXPR([ApplicationRef])}))
+function routerFactory(registry: RouteRegistry, location: Location, primaryComponent: Type,
+ appRef: ApplicationRef): RootRouter {
+ var rootRouter = new RootRouter(registry, location, primaryComponent);
+ appRef.registerDisposeListener(() => rootRouter.dispose());
+ return rootRouter;
+function routerPrimaryComponentFactory(app: ApplicationRef): Type {
+ if (app.componentTypes.length == 0) {
+ throw new BaseException("Bootstrap at least one component before injecting Router.");
+ }
+ return app.componentTypes[0];
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/messaging_api.ts b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/messaging_api.ts
index e84a6b03e1..b0207dddf0 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/messaging_api.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/messaging_api.ts
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
export const RENDERER_CHANNEL = "ng-Renderer";
export const XHR_CHANNEL = "ng-XHR";
-export const EVENT_CHANNEL = "ng-events";
+export const EVENT_CHANNEL = "ng-Events";
+export const ROUTER_CHANNEL = "ng-Router";
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serialized_types.ts b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serialized_types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..446537391f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serialized_types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// This file contains interface versions of browser types that can be serialized to Plain Old
+// JavaScript Objects
+export class LocationType {
+ constructor(public href: string, public protocol: string, public host: string,
+ public hostname: string, public port: string, public pathname: string,
+ public search: string, public hash: string, public origin: string) {}
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer.ts b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer.ts
index 7de8f39f9d..87c88c0c46 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer.ts
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import {RenderComponentType} from "angular2/src/core/render/api";
import {Injectable} from "angular2/src/core/di";
import {RenderStore} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/render_store';
import {ViewEncapsulation, VIEW_ENCAPSULATION_VALUES} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata/view';
+import {LocationType} from './serialized_types';
// PRIMITIVE is any type that does not need to be serialized (string, number, boolean)
// We set it to String so that it is considered a Type.
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ export class Serializer {
return this._serializeRenderComponentType(obj);
} else if (type === ViewEncapsulation) {
return serializeEnum(obj);
+ } else if (type === LocationType) {
+ return this._serializeLocation(obj);
} else {
throw new BaseException("No serializer for " + type.toString());
@@ -55,6 +58,8 @@ export class Serializer {
return this._deserializeRenderComponentType(map);
} else if (type === ViewEncapsulation) {
+ } else if (type === LocationType) {
+ return this._deserializeLocation(map);
} else {
throw new BaseException("No deserializer for " + type.toString());
@@ -90,6 +95,25 @@ export class Serializer {
+ private _serializeLocation(loc: LocationType): Object {
+ return {
+ 'href': loc.href,
+ 'protocol': loc.protocol,
+ 'host': loc.host,
+ 'hostname': loc.hostname,
+ 'port': loc.port,
+ 'pathname': loc.pathname,
+ 'search': loc.search,
+ 'hash': loc.hash,
+ 'origin': loc.origin
+ };
+ }
+ private _deserializeLocation(loc: {[key: string]: any}): LocationType {
+ return new LocationType(loc['href'], loc['protocol'], loc['host'], loc['hostname'], loc['port'],
+ loc['pathname'], loc['search'], loc['hash'], loc['origin']);
+ }
private _serializeRenderComponentType(obj: RenderComponentType): Object {
return {
'id': obj.id,
@@ -106,4 +130,4 @@ export class Serializer {
-export class RenderStoreObject {}
\ No newline at end of file
+export class RenderStoreObject {}
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker.ts b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker.ts
index 06976fb1b2..16b8501abc 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker.ts
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker.ts
@@ -50,11 +50,13 @@ export class ServiceMessageBroker_ extends ServiceMessageBroker {
ObservableWrapper.subscribe(source, (message) => this._handleMessage(message));
- registerMethod(methodName: string, signature: Type[], method: Function, returnType?: Type): void {
+ registerMethod(methodName: string, signature: Type[], method: (..._: any[]) => Promise| void,
+ returnType?: Type): void {
this._methods.set(methodName, (message: ReceivedMessage) => {
var serializedArgs = message.args;
- var deserializedArgs: any[] = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(signature.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < signature.length; i++) {
+ let numArgs = signature === null ? 0 : signature.length;
+ var deserializedArgs: any[] = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(numArgs);
+ for (var i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
var serializedArg = serializedArgs[i];
deserializedArgs[i] = this._serializer.deserialize(serializedArg, signature[i]);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/ui/platform_location.ts b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/ui/platform_location.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21ceccd112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/web_workers/ui/platform_location.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import {BrowserPlatformLocation} from 'angular2/src/router/browser_platform_location';
+import {Injectable} from 'angular2/src/core/di';
+import {ROUTER_CHANNEL} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/messaging_api';
+import {
+ ServiceMessageBrokerFactory,
+ ServiceMessageBroker
+} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/service_message_broker';
+import {PRIMITIVE, Serializer} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serializer';
+import {bind} from './bind';
+import {LocationType} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/serialized_types';
+import {MessageBus} from 'angular2/src/web_workers/shared/message_bus';
+import {Promise, EventEmitter, ObservableWrapper, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
+import {UrlChangeListener} from 'angular2/src/router/platform_location';
+export class MessageBasedPlatformLocation {
+ private _channelSink: EventEmitter