fix(compiler): don’t reexport types in .ngfactory
files (#18788)
This is needed as the typescript no longer elides type reexports in the generated code when using transformers. A nice side effect is that this make summaries shorter and produces less reexports as we rollup reexports. PR Close #18788
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,54 +28,21 @@ export function serializeSummaries(
// (we keep the statics though), as the class metadata is contained in the
// CompileTypeSummary.
(resolvedSymbol) => toJsonSerializer.addOrMergeSummary(
(resolvedSymbol) => toJsonSerializer.addSummary(
{symbol: resolvedSymbol.symbol, metadata: resolvedSymbol.metadata}));
// Add summaries that are referenced by the given symbols (transitively)
// Note: the serializer.symbols array might be growing while
// we execute the loop!
for (let processedIndex = 0; processedIndex < toJsonSerializer.symbols.length; processedIndex++) {
const symbol = toJsonSerializer.symbols[processedIndex];
if (summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(symbol.filePath)) {
let summary = summaryResolver.resolveSummary(symbol);
if (!summary) {
// some symbols might originate from a plain typescript library
// that just exported .d.ts and .metadata.json files, i.e. where no summary
// files were created.
const resolvedSymbol = symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol);
if (resolvedSymbol) {
summary = {symbol: resolvedSymbol.symbol, metadata: resolvedSymbol.metadata};
if (summary) {
if (summary.type) {
// Add type summaries.
// Note: We don't add the summaries of all referenced symbols as for the ResolvedSymbols,
// as the type summaries already contain the transitive data that they require
// (in a minimal way).
types.forEach(({summary, metadata}) => {
forJitSerializer.addSourceType(summary, metadata);
{symbol: summary.type.reference, metadata: null, type: summary});
if (summary.summaryKind === CompileSummaryKind.NgModule) {
const ngModuleSummary = <CompileNgModuleSummary>summary;
ngModuleSummary.exportedDirectives.concat(ngModuleSummary.exportedPipes).forEach((id) => {
const symbol: StaticSymbol = id.reference;
if (summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(symbol.filePath)) {
const summary = summaryResolver.resolveSummary(symbol);
if (summary) {
{symbol: summary.type.reference, metadata: undefined, type: summary});
toJsonSerializer.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.forEach((summary) => {
if (summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(summary.symbol.filePath) && summary.type) {
const {json, exportAs} = toJsonSerializer.serialize(srcFileName);
return {json, exportAs};
@ -102,54 +69,81 @@ function createSummaryForJitFunction(
const enum SerializationFlags {
None = 0,
ResolveValue = 1,
class ToJsonSerializer extends ValueTransformer {
// Note: This only contains symbols without members.
symbols: StaticSymbol[] = [];
private symbols: StaticSymbol[] = [];
private indexBySymbol = new Map<StaticSymbol, number>();
// This now contains a `__symbol: number` in the place of
// StaticSymbols, but otherwise has the same shape as the original objects.
private processedSummaryBySymbol = new Map<StaticSymbol, any>();
private processedSummaries: any[] = [];
unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol = new Map<StaticSymbol, Summary<StaticSymbol>>();
private symbolResolver: StaticSymbolResolver,
private summaryResolver: SummaryResolver<StaticSymbol>) {
addOrMergeSummary(summary: Summary<StaticSymbol>) {
let symbolMeta = summary.metadata;
if (symbolMeta && symbolMeta.__symbolic === 'class') {
// For classes, we keep everything except their class decorators.
// We need to keep e.g. the ctor args, method names, method decorators
// so that the class can be extended in another compilation unit.
// We don't keep the class decorators as
// 1) they refer to data
// that should not cause a rebuild of downstream compilation units
// (e.g. inline templates of @Component, or @NgModule.declarations)
// 2) their data is already captured in TypeSummaries, e.g. DirectiveSummary.
const clone: {[key: string]: any} = {};
Object.keys(symbolMeta).forEach((propName) => {
if (propName !== 'decorators') {
clone[propName] = symbolMeta[propName];
symbolMeta = clone;
addSummary(summary: Summary<StaticSymbol>) {
let unprocessedSummary = this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.get(summary.symbol);
let processedSummary = this.processedSummaryBySymbol.get(summary.symbol);
if (!processedSummary) {
processedSummary = this.processValue({symbol: summary.symbol});
if (!unprocessedSummary) {
unprocessedSummary = {symbol: summary.symbol, metadata: undefined};
this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.set(summary.symbol, unprocessedSummary);
processedSummary = {symbol: this.processValue(summary.symbol, SerializationFlags.None)};
this.processedSummaryBySymbol.set(summary.symbol, processedSummary);
// Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
if (processedSummary.metadata == null && symbolMeta != null) {
processedSummary.metadata = this.processValue(symbolMeta);
if (!unprocessedSummary.metadata && summary.metadata) {
let metadata = summary.metadata || {};
if (metadata.__symbolic === 'class') {
// For classes, we keep everything except their class decorators.
// We need to keep e.g. the ctor args, method names, method decorators
// so that the class can be extended in another compilation unit.
// We don't keep the class decorators as
// 1) they refer to data
// that should not cause a rebuild of downstream compilation units
// (e.g. inline templates of @Component, or @NgModule.declarations)
// 2) their data is already captured in TypeSummaries, e.g. DirectiveSummary.
const clone: {[key: string]: any} = {};
Object.keys(metadata).forEach((propName) => {
if (propName !== 'decorators') {
clone[propName] = metadata[propName];
metadata = clone;
unprocessedSummary.metadata = metadata;
processedSummary.metadata = this.processValue(metadata, SerializationFlags.ResolveValue);
// Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
if (processedSummary.type == null && summary.type != null) {
processedSummary.type = this.processValue(summary.type);
if (!unprocessedSummary.type && summary.type) {
unprocessedSummary.type = summary.type;
// Note: We don't add the summaries of all referenced symbols as for the ResolvedSymbols,
// as the type summaries already contain the transitive data that they require
// (in a minimal way).
processedSummary.type = this.processValue(summary.type, SerializationFlags.None);
// except for reexported directives / pipes, so we need to store
// their summaries explicitly.
if (summary.type.summaryKind === CompileSummaryKind.NgModule) {
const ngModuleSummary = <CompileNgModuleSummary>summary.type;
ngModuleSummary.exportedDirectives.concat(ngModuleSummary.exportedPipes).forEach((id) => {
const symbol: StaticSymbol = id.reference;
if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(symbol.filePath) &&
!this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.has(symbol)) {
const summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(symbol);
if (summary) {
@ -162,8 +156,11 @@ class ToJsonSerializer extends ValueTransformer {
let importAs: string = undefined !;
if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(symbol.filePath)) {
importAs = `${}_${index}`;
exportAs.push({symbol, exportAs: importAs});
const summary = this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.get(symbol);
if (!summary || !summary.metadata || summary.metadata.__symbolic !== 'interface') {
importAs = `${}_${index}`;
exportAs.push({symbol, exportAs: importAs});
return {
__symbol: index,
@ -176,21 +173,69 @@ class ToJsonSerializer extends ValueTransformer {
return {json, exportAs};
private processValue(value: any): any { return visitValue(value, this, null); }
private processValue(value: any, flags: SerializationFlags): any {
return visitValue(value, this, flags);
visitOther(value: any, context: any): any {
if (value instanceof StaticSymbol) {
const baseSymbol = this.symbolResolver.getStaticSymbol(value.filePath,;
let index = this.indexBySymbol.get(baseSymbol);
// Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
if (index == null) {
index = this.indexBySymbol.size;
this.indexBySymbol.set(baseSymbol, index);
let baseSymbol = this.symbolResolver.getStaticSymbol(value.filePath,;
const index = this.visitStaticSymbol(baseSymbol, context);
return {__symbol: index, members: value.members};
* Returns null if the options.resolveValue is true, and the summary for the symbol
* resolved to a type or could not be resolved.
private visitStaticSymbol(baseSymbol: StaticSymbol, flags: SerializationFlags): number {
let index: number|undefined|null = this.indexBySymbol.get(baseSymbol);
let summary: Summary<StaticSymbol>|null = null;
if (flags & SerializationFlags.ResolveValue &&
this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(baseSymbol.filePath)) {
if (this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.has(baseSymbol)) {
// the summary for this symbol was already added
// -> nothing to do.
return index !;
summary = this.loadSummary(baseSymbol);
if (summary && summary.metadata instanceof StaticSymbol) {
// The summary is a reexport
index = this.visitStaticSymbol(summary.metadata, flags);
// reset the summary as it is just a reexport, so we don't want to store it.
summary = null;
} else if (index != null) {
// Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
// No summary and the symbol is already added -> nothing to do.
return index;
// Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
if (index == null) {
index = this.symbols.length;
this.indexBySymbol.set(baseSymbol, index);
if (summary) {
return index;
private loadSummary(symbol: StaticSymbol): Summary<StaticSymbol>|null {
let summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(symbol);
if (!summary) {
// some symbols might originate from a plain typescript library
// that just exported .d.ts and .metadata.json files, i.e. where no summary
// files were created.
const resolvedSymbol = this.symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol);
if (resolvedSymbol) {
summary = {symbol: resolvedSymbol.symbol, metadata: resolvedSymbol.metadata};
return summary;
class ForJitSerializer {
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {GeneratedFile, toTypeScript} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AotSummaryResolver, GeneratedFile, StaticSymbolCache, StaticSymbolResolver, toTypeScript} from '@angular/compiler';
import {NodeFlags} from '@angular/core/src/view/index';
import {MetadataBundler, privateEntriesToIndex} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {extractSourceMap, originalPositionFor} from '../output/source_map_util';
import {EmittingCompilerHost, MockDirectory, MockMetadataBundlerHost, arrayToMockDir, compile, expectNoDiagnostics, settings, setup, toMockFileArray} from './test_util';
import {EmittingCompilerHost, MockAotCompilerHost, MockCompilerHost, MockDirectory, MockMetadataBundlerHost, arrayToMockDir, compile, expectNoDiagnostics, settings, setup, toMockFileArray} from './test_util';
describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
let angularFiles = setup();
@ -458,12 +458,43 @@ describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
describe('inheritance with summaries', () => {
describe('summaries', () => {
let angularSummaryFiles: MockDirectory;
beforeEach(() => {
beforeAll(() => {
angularSummaryFiles = compile(angularFiles, {useSummaries: false, emit: true}).outDir;
inheritanceWithSummariesSpecs(() => angularSummaryFiles);
it('should not reexport type symbols mentioned in constructors', () => {
const libInput: MockDirectory = {
'lib': {
'base.ts': `
export type AType = {};
export class AClass {
constructor(a: AType) {}
const appInput: MockDirectory = {
'app': {
'main.ts': `
export * from '../lib/base';
const {outDir: libOutDir} = compile([libInput, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
const {genFiles: appGenFiles} =
compile([appInput, libOutDir, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
const appNgFactory = appGenFiles.find((f) => f.genFileUrl === '/app/main.ngfactory.ts');
function inheritanceWithSummariesSpecs(getAngularSummaryFiles: () => MockDirectory) {
function compileParentAndChild(
{parentClassDecorator, parentModuleDecorator, childClassDecorator, childModuleDecorator}: {
parentClassDecorator: string,
@ -499,8 +530,10 @@ describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
const {outDir: libOutDir} = compile([libInput, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
const {genFiles} = compile([libOutDir, appInput, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
const {outDir: libOutDir} =
compile([libInput, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
const {genFiles} =
compile([libOutDir, appInput, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
return genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts');
@ -534,8 +567,10 @@ describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
const {outDir: libOutDir} = compile([libInput, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
const {genFiles} = compile([libOutDir, appInput, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
const {outDir: libOutDir} =
compile([libInput, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
const {genFiles} =
compile([libOutDir, appInput, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
const mainNgFactory = genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts');
const flags = NodeFlags.TypeDirective | NodeFlags.Component | NodeFlags.OnDestroy;
@ -584,11 +619,11 @@ describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
const {outDir: lib1OutDir} =
compile([lib1Input, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
compile([lib1Input, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
const {outDir: lib2OutDir} =
compile([lib1OutDir, lib2Input, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
compile([lib1OutDir, lib2Input, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
const {genFiles} =
compile([lib2OutDir, appInput, angularSummaryFiles], {useSummaries: true});
compile([lib2OutDir, appInput, getAngularSummaryFiles()], {useSummaries: true});
const mainNgFactory = genFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts');
const flags = NodeFlags.TypeDirective | NodeFlags.Component | NodeFlags.OnDestroy;
@ -714,7 +749,7 @@ describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
'Please add a NgModule decorator to the class.');
describe('compiler (bundled Angular)', () => {
@ -108,7 +108,12 @@ export function main() {
() => {
const externalSerialized = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver, [], [
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver,
{symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'SomeExternalPipe'), metadata: null},
{symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'SomeExternalDir'), metadata: null},
summary: {
summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.Pipe,
@ -135,7 +140,11 @@ export function main() {
const serialized = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver, [], [{
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver,
{symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_module.ts', 'SomeModule'), metadata: null},
summary: <any>{
summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.NgModule,
type: {reference: symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_module.ts', 'SomeModule')},
@ -152,15 +161,42 @@ export function main() {
metadata: null as any
const summaries =
deserializeSummaries(symbolCache, summaryResolver, 'someFile.d.ts', serialized.json)
'/tmp/some_module.ngsummary.json': serialized.json,
const serializedReexport = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver,
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_reexport.ts', 'ReexportModule'),
metadata: symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_module.d.ts', 'SomeModule')
expect(summaries[0].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_module.d.ts', 'SomeModule'));
expect(summaries[1].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'SomeExternalDir'));
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'SomeExternalPipe'));
const reexportSummaries =
symbolCache, summaryResolver, 'someFile.d.ts', serializedReexport.json)
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_reexport.d.ts', 'ReexportModule'));
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_module.d.ts', 'SomeModule'));
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'SomeExternalDir'));
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'SomeExternalPipe'));
it('should automatically add the metadata of referenced symbols that are not in the source files',
@ -176,6 +212,16 @@ export function main() {
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external_svc.ts', 'SomeService'),
metadata: {__symbolic: 'class'}
// Note: This is an important usecase when using ng1 and ng2 together via
// goog.module.
// In these cases, users write the following to get a referrable symbol in metadata
// collection:
// import UsernameService from 'goog:somePackage.UsernameService';
// export {UsernameService};
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'ReexportNonExistent'),
metadata: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'NonExistent'),
@ -204,7 +250,8 @@ export function main() {
metadata: {
local: symbolCache.get('/tmp/local.ts', 'local'),
external: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'PROVIDERS'),
externalNonSummary: symbolCache.get('/tmp/non_summary.d.ts', 'external')
externalNonSummary: symbolCache.get('/tmp/non_summary.d.ts', 'external'),
reexportNonExistent: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'ReexportNonExistent'),
@ -218,21 +265,87 @@ export function main() {
local: symbolCache.get('/tmp/local.d.ts', 'local'),
external: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'PROVIDERS'),
externalNonSummary: symbolCache.get('/tmp/non_summary.d.ts', 'external')
externalNonSummary: symbolCache.get('/tmp/non_summary.d.ts', 'external'),
reexportNonExistent: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'ReexportNonExistent'),
expect(summaries[1].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'PROVIDERS'));
'/tmp/external_svc.d.ts', 'SomeService')]);
// SomService is a transitive dep, but should have been serialized as well.
expect(summaries[2].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external_svc.d.ts', 'SomeService'));
expect(summaries[2].type !.type.reference)
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external_svc.d.ts', 'SomeService'));
// there was no summary for non_summary, but it should have
// been serialized as well.
expect(summaries[2].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/non_summary.d.ts', 'external'));
// SomService is a transitive dep, but should have been serialized as well.
expect(summaries[3].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external_svc.d.ts', 'SomeService'));
expect(summaries[3].type !.type.reference)
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external_svc.d.ts', 'SomeService'));
expect(summaries[3].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/non_summary.d.ts', 'external'));
it('should resolve reexported values in libraries', () => {
const externalSerialized = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver,
{symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'value'), metadata: 'someString'},
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'reexportValue'),
metadata: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'value')
'/tmp/external.ngsummary.json': externalSerialized.json,
const serialized = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver,
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/test.ts', 'mainValue'),
metadata: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'reexportValue'),
const summaries =
deserializeSummaries(symbolCache, summaryResolver, 'someFile.d.ts', serialized.json)
expect(summaries[0].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/test.d.ts', 'mainValue'));
expect(summaries[0].metadata).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'value'));
expect(summaries[1].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'value'));
it('should not create "importAs" names for reexported types in libraries', () => {
const externalSerialized = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver,
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'type'),
metadata: {__symbolic: 'interface'}
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'reexportType'),
metadata: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.ts', 'type')
'/tmp/external.ngsummary.json': externalSerialized.json,
const serialized = serializeSummaries(
'someFile.ts', createMockOutputContext(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver, [{
symbol: symbolCache.get('/tmp/test.ts', 'mainType'),
metadata: symbolCache.get('/tmp/external.d.ts', 'reexportType'),
const importAs =
deserializeSummaries(symbolCache, summaryResolver, 'someFile.d.ts', serialized.json)
it('should create "importAs" names for non source symbols', () => {
const serialized = serializeSummaries(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user