fix(compiler): fix inheritance for AOT with summaries (#15583)
Allows to inherit ctor args, lifecycle hooks and statics from a class in another compilation unit. Will error if trying to inherit from a class in another compilation unit that has an `@Component` / `@Directive` / `@Pipe` / `@NgModule`.
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ export class NgTools_InternalApi_NG_2 {
const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
const summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(ngCompilerHost, symbolCache);
const symbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(ngCompilerHost, symbolCache, summaryResolver);
const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(symbolResolver);
const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, symbolResolver);
const routeMap = listLazyRoutesOfModule(options.entryModule, ngCompilerHost, staticReflector);
return Object.keys(routeMap).reduce(
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export function createAotCompiler(compilerHost: AotCompilerHost, options: AotCom
const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
const summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(compilerHost, symbolCache);
const symbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(compilerHost, symbolCache, summaryResolver);
const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(symbolResolver);
const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, symbolResolver);
const console = new Console();
const htmlParser = new I18NHtmlParser(
@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
import {Attribute, Component, ContentChild, ContentChildren, Directive, Host, HostBinding, HostListener, Inject, Injectable, Input, NgModule, Optional, Output, Pipe, Self, SkipSelf, ViewChild, ViewChildren, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, state, style, transition, trigger, ɵReflectorReader} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileSummaryKind} from '../compile_metadata';
import {SummaryResolver} from '../summary_resolver';
import {syntaxError} from '../util';
import {StaticSymbol} from './static_symbol';
import {StaticSymbolResolver} from './static_symbol_resolver';
@ -35,8 +39,11 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
private conversionMap = new Map<StaticSymbol, (context: StaticSymbol, args: any[]) => any>();
private injectionToken: StaticSymbol;
private opaqueToken: StaticSymbol;
private annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind = new Map<CompileSummaryKind, any[]>();
private annotationNames = new Map<any, string>();
private summaryResolver: SummaryResolver<StaticSymbol>,
private symbolResolver: StaticSymbolResolver,
knownMetadataClasses: {name: string, filePath: string, ctor: any}[] = [],
knownMetadataFunctions: {name: string, filePath: string, fn: any}[] = [],
@ -47,6 +54,17 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
this.getStaticSymbol(kc.filePath,, kc.ctor));
(kf) => this._registerFunction(this.getStaticSymbol(kf.filePath,, kf.fn));
CompileSummaryKind.Directive, [Directive, Component]);
this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.set(CompileSummaryKind.Pipe, [Pipe]);
this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.set(CompileSummaryKind.NgModule, [NgModule]);
CompileSummaryKind.Injectable, [Injectable, Pipe, Directive, Component, NgModule]);
this.annotationNames.set(Directive, 'Directive');
this.annotationNames.set(Component, 'Component');
this.annotationNames.set(Pipe, 'Pipe');
this.annotationNames.set(NgModule, 'NgModule');
this.annotationNames.set(Injectable, 'Injectable');
importUri(typeOrFunc: StaticSymbol): string {
@ -96,17 +114,33 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
if (!annotations) {
annotations = [];
const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
if (classMetadata['extends']) {
const parentType = this.trySimplify(type, classMetadata['extends']);
if (parentType && (parentType instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
const parentAnnotations = this.annotations(parentType);
const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
if (parentType) {
const parentAnnotations = this.annotations(parentType);
let ownAnnotations: any[] = [];
if (classMetadata['decorators']) {
const ownAnnotations: any[] = this.simplify(type, classMetadata['decorators']);
ownAnnotations = this.simplify(type, classMetadata['decorators']);
if (parentType && !this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(type.filePath) &&
this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(parentType.filePath)) {
const summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(parentType);
if (summary && summary.type) {
const requiredAnnotationTypes =
const typeHasRequiredAnnotation = requiredAnnotationTypes.some(
requiredType => ownAnnotations.some(ann => ann instanceof requiredType));
if (!typeHasRequiredAnnotation) {
`Class ${} in ${type.filePath} extends from a ${CompileSummaryKind[summary.type.summaryKind]} in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ` +
`Please add a ${ => this.annotationNames.get(type)).join(' or ')} decorator to the class.`),
this.annotationCache.set(type, annotations.filter(ann => !!ann));
return annotations;
@ -117,14 +151,12 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
if (!propMetadata) {
const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
propMetadata = {};
if (classMetadata['extends']) {
const parentType = this.trySimplify(type, classMetadata['extends']);
if (parentType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
const parentPropMetadata = this.propMetadata(parentType);
Object.keys(parentPropMetadata).forEach((parentProp) => {
propMetadata[parentProp] = parentPropMetadata[parentProp];
const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
if (parentType) {
const parentPropMetadata = this.propMetadata(parentType);
Object.keys(parentPropMetadata).forEach((parentProp) => {
propMetadata[parentProp] = parentPropMetadata[parentProp];
const members = classMetadata['members'] || {};
@ -157,6 +189,7 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
let parameters = this.parameterCache.get(type);
if (!parameters) {
const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
const members = classMetadata ? classMetadata['members'] : null;
const ctorData = members ? members['__ctor__'] : null;
if (ctorData) {
@ -175,11 +208,8 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
} else if (classMetadata['extends']) {
const parentType = this.trySimplify(type, classMetadata['extends']);
if (parentType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
parameters = this.parameters(parentType);
} else if (parentType) {
parameters = this.parameters(parentType);
if (!parameters) {
parameters = [];
@ -198,14 +228,12 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
if (!methodNames) {
const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
methodNames = {};
if (classMetadata['extends']) {
const parentType = this.trySimplify(type, classMetadata['extends']);
if (parentType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
const parentMethodNames = this._methodNames(parentType);
Object.keys(parentMethodNames).forEach((parentProp) => {
methodNames[parentProp] = parentMethodNames[parentProp];
const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
if (parentType) {
const parentMethodNames = this._methodNames(parentType);
Object.keys(parentMethodNames).forEach((parentProp) => {
methodNames[parentProp] = parentMethodNames[parentProp];
const members = classMetadata['members'] || {};
@ -219,6 +247,13 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ɵReflectorReader {
return methodNames;
private findParentType(type: StaticSymbol, classMetadata: any): StaticSymbol|null {
const parentType = this.trySimplify(type, classMetadata['extends']);
if (parentType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
return parentType;
hasLifecycleHook(type: any, lcProperty: string): boolean {
if (!(type instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
@ -307,6 +307,17 @@ export class StaticSymbolResolver {
private createResolvedSymbol(
sourceSymbol: StaticSymbol, topLevelPath: string, topLevelSymbolNames: Set<string>,
metadata: any): ResolvedStaticSymbol {
// For classes that don't have Angular summaries / metadata,
// we only keep their arity, but nothing else
// (e.g. their constructor parameters).
// We do this to prevent introducing deep imports
// as we didn't generate .ngfactory.ts files with proper reexports.
if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(sourceSymbol.filePath) && metadata &&
metadata['__symbolic'] === 'class') {
const transformedMeta = {__symbolic: 'class', arity: metadata.arity};
return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(sourceSymbol, transformedMeta);
const self = this;
class ReferenceTransformer extends ValueTransformer {
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export function serializeSummaries(
// (in a minimal way).
types.forEach((typeSummary) => {
{symbol: typeSummary.type.reference, metadata: {__symbolic: 'class'}, type: typeSummary});
{symbol: typeSummary.type.reference, metadata: null, type: typeSummary});
if (typeSummary.summaryKind === CompileSummaryKind.NgModule) {
const ngModuleSummary = <CompileNgModuleSummary>typeSummary;
ngModuleSummary.exportedDirectives.concat(ngModuleSummary.exportedPipes).forEach((id) => {
@ -94,10 +94,21 @@ class Serializer extends ValueTransformer {
addOrMergeSummary(summary: Summary<StaticSymbol>) {
let symbolMeta = summary.metadata;
if (symbolMeta && symbolMeta.__symbolic === 'class') {
// For classes, we only keep their statics and arity, but not the metadata
// of the class itself as that has been captured already via other summaries
// (e.g. DirectiveSummary, ...).
symbolMeta = {__symbolic: 'class', statics: symbolMeta.statics, arity: symbolMeta.arity};
// For classes, we keep everything except their class decorators.
// We need to keep e.g. the ctor args, method names, method decorators
// so that the class can be extended in another compilation unit.
// We don't keep the class decorators as
// 1) they refer to data
// that should not cause a rebuild of downstream compilation units
// (e.g. inline templates of @Component, or @NgModule.declarations)
// 2) their data is already captured in TypeSummaries, e.g. DirectiveSummary.
const clone: {[key: string]: any} = {};
Object.keys(symbolMeta).forEach((propName) => {
if (propName !== 'decorators') {
clone[propName] = symbolMeta[propName];
symbolMeta = clone;
let processedSummary = this.processedSummaryBySymbol.get(summary.symbol);
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ export class Extractor {
const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
const summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(host, symbolCache);
const staticSymbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(host, symbolCache, summaryResolver);
const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(staticSymbolResolver);
const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, staticSymbolResolver);
const config =
@ -933,14 +933,12 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
const dirMeta = this.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(dirType);
if (dirMeta && dirMeta.metadata.isComponent) {
return {componentType: dirType, componentFactory: dirMeta.metadata.componentFactory};
} else {
const dirSummary =
<cpl.CompileDirectiveSummary>this._loadSummary(dirType, cpl.CompileSummaryKind.Directive);
if (dirSummary && dirSummary.isComponent) {
return {componentType: dirType, componentFactory: dirSummary.componentFactory};
const dirSummary =
<cpl.CompileDirectiveSummary>this._loadSummary(dirType, cpl.CompileSummaryKind.Directive);
if (dirSummary && dirSummary.isComponent) {
return {componentType: dirType, componentFactory: dirSummary.componentFactory};
if (throwIfNotFound) {
throw syntaxError(`${} cannot be used as an entry component.`);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import {AotCompiler, AotCompilerHost, AotCompilerOptions, GeneratedFile, createAotCompiler} from '@angular/compiler';
import {RenderComponentType, ɵReflectionCapabilities as ReflectionCapabilities, ɵreflector as reflector} from '@angular/core';
import {NodeFlags} from '@angular/core/src/view/index';
import {async} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {MetadataBundler, MetadataCollector, ModuleMetadata, privateEntriesToIndex} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
@ -368,6 +369,293 @@ describe('compiler (unbundled Angular)', () => {
describe('inheritance with summaries', () => {
function compileWithSummaries(
libInput: MockData, appInput: MockData): Promise<GeneratedFile[]> {
const libHost = new MockCompilerHost(['/lib/base.ts'], libInput, angularFiles);
const libAotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(libHost);
const appHost = new MockCompilerHost(['/app/main.ts'], appInput, angularFiles);
const appAotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(appHost);
return compile(libHost, libAotHost, expectNoDiagnostics, expectNoDiagnosticsAndEmit)
.then(() => {
libHost.writtenFiles.forEach((value, key) => appHost.writeFile(key, value, false));
libHost.overrides.forEach((value, key) => appHost.override(key, value));
return compile(appHost, appAotHost, expectNoDiagnostics, expectNoDiagnosticsAndEmit);
function compileParentAndChild(
{parentClassDecorator, parentModuleDecorator, childClassDecorator, childModuleDecorator}: {
parentClassDecorator: string,
parentModuleDecorator: string,
childClassDecorator: string,
childModuleDecorator: string
}) {
const libInput: MockData = {
'lib': {
'base.ts': `
import {Injectable, Pipe, Directive, Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class Base {}
export class BaseModule {}
const appInput: MockData = {
'app': {
'main.ts': `
import {Injectable, Pipe, Directive, Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {Base} from '../lib/base';
export class Extends extends Base {}
export class MyModule {}
return compileWithSummaries(libInput, appInput)
.then((generatedFiles) => generatedFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts'));
it('should inherit ctor and lifecycle hooks from classes in other compilation units',
async(() => {
const libInput: MockData = {
'lib': {
'base.ts': `
export class AParam {}
export class Base {
constructor(a: AParam) {}
ngOnDestroy() {}
const appInput: MockData = {
'app': {
'main.ts': `
import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Base} from '../lib/base';
@Component({template: ''})
export class Extends extends Base {}
declarations: [Extends]
export class MyModule {}
compileWithSummaries(libInput, appInput).then((generatedFiles) => {
const mainNgFactory = generatedFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts');
const flags = NodeFlags.TypeDirective | NodeFlags.Component | NodeFlags.OnDestroy;
.toContain(`${flags},(null as any),0,import1.Extends,[import2.AParam]`);
it('should inherit ctor and lifecycle hooks from classes in other compilation units over 2 levels',
async(() => {
const lib1Input: MockData = {
'lib1': {
'base.ts': `
export class AParam {}
export class Base {
constructor(a: AParam) {}
ngOnDestroy() {}
const lib2Input: MockData = {
'lib2': {
'middle.ts': `
import {Base} from '../lib1/base';
export class Middle extends Base {}
const appInput: MockData = {
'app': {
'main.ts': `
import {NgModule, Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Middle} from '../lib2/middle';
@Component({template: ''})
export class Extends extends Middle {}
declarations: [Extends]
export class MyModule {}
const lib1Host = new MockCompilerHost(['/lib1/base.ts'], lib1Input, angularFiles);
const lib1AotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(lib1Host);
const lib2Host = new MockCompilerHost(['/lib2/middle.ts'], lib2Input, angularFiles);
const lib2AotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(lib2Host);
const appHost = new MockCompilerHost(['/app/main.ts'], appInput, angularFiles);
const appAotHost = new MockAotCompilerHost(appHost);
compile(lib1Host, lib1AotHost, expectNoDiagnostics, expectNoDiagnosticsAndEmit)
.then(() => {
lib1Host.writtenFiles.forEach((value, key) => lib2Host.writeFile(key, value, false));
lib1Host.overrides.forEach((value, key) => lib2Host.override(key, value));
return compile(
lib2Host, lib2AotHost, expectNoDiagnostics, expectNoDiagnosticsAndEmit);
.then(() => {
lib2Host.writtenFiles.forEach((value, key) => appHost.writeFile(key, value, false));
lib2Host.overrides.forEach((value, key) => appHost.override(key, value));
return compile(appHost, appAotHost, expectNoDiagnostics, expectNoDiagnosticsAndEmit);
.then((generatedFiles) => {
const mainNgFactory = generatedFiles.find(gf => gf.srcFileUrl === '/app/main.ts');
const flags = NodeFlags.TypeDirective | NodeFlags.Component | NodeFlags.OnDestroy;
.toContain(`${flags},(null as any),0,import1.Extends,[import2.AParam_2]`);
describe('Injectable', () => {
it('should allow to inherit', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: '@Injectable()',
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: '@Injectable()',
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Extends]})',
}).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); });
it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: '@Injectable()',
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: '',
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({providers: [Extends]})',
}).then(fail, (e) => {
'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Injectable in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' +
'Please add a Injectable or Pipe or Directive or Component or NgModule decorator to the class.');
describe('Component', () => {
it('should allow to inherit', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@Component({template: ''})`,
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: `@Component({template: ''})`,
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})',
}).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); });
it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@Component({template: ''})`,
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: '',
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})',
}).then(fail, (e) => {
'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Directive in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' +
'Please add a Directive or Component decorator to the class.');
describe('Directive', () => {
it('should allow to inherit', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@Directive({selector: '[someDir]'})`,
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: `@Directive({selector: '[someDir]'})`,
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})',
}).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); });
it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@Directive({selector: '[someDir]'})`,
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: '',
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})',
}).then(fail, (e) => {
'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Directive in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' +
'Please add a Directive or Component decorator to the class.');
describe('Pipe', () => {
it('should allow to inherit', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})`,
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: `@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})`,
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})',
}).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); });
it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})`,
parentModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Base]})',
childClassDecorator: '',
childModuleDecorator: '@NgModule({declarations: [Extends]})',
}).then(fail, (e) => {
'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a Pipe in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' +
'Please add a Pipe decorator to the class.');
describe('NgModule', () => {
it('should allow to inherit', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@NgModule()`,
parentModuleDecorator: '',
childClassDecorator: `@NgModule()`,
childModuleDecorator: '',
}).then((mainNgFactory) => { expect(mainNgFactory).toBeTruthy(); });
it('should error if the child class has no matching decorator', async(() => {
parentClassDecorator: `@NgModule()`,
parentModuleDecorator: '',
childClassDecorator: '',
childModuleDecorator: '',
}).then(fail, (e) => {
'Class Extends in /app/main.ts extends from a NgModule in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator. ' +
'Please add a NgModule decorator to the class.');
describe('compiler (bundled Angular)', () => {
@ -513,6 +801,11 @@ function expectNoDiagnostics(program: ts.Program) {
function expectNoDiagnosticsAndEmit(program: ts.Program) {
function isDTS(fileName: string): boolean {
return /\.d\.ts$/.test(fileName);
@ -544,7 +837,7 @@ function summaryCompile(
function compile(
host: MockCompilerHost, aotHost: AotCompilerHost, preCompile?: (program: ts.Program) => void,
postCompile: (program: ts.Program) => void = expectNoDiagnostics,
options: AotCompilerOptions = {}) {
options: AotCompilerOptions = {}): Promise<GeneratedFile[]> {
const scripts = host.scriptNames.slice(0);
const program = ts.createProgram(scripts, settings, host);
if (preCompile) preCompile(program);
@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
errorRecorder?: (error: any, fileName: string) => void, collectorOptions?: CollectorOptions) {
const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
host = new MockStaticSymbolResolverHost(testData, collectorOptions);
symbolResolver =
new StaticSymbolResolver(host, symbolCache, new MockSummaryResolver([]), errorRecorder);
reflector = new StaticReflector(symbolResolver, decorators, [], errorRecorder);
const summaryResolver = new MockSummaryResolver([]);
spyOn(summaryResolver, 'isLibraryFile').and.returnValue(false);
symbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(host, symbolCache, summaryResolver, errorRecorder);
reflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, symbolResolver, decorators, [], errorRecorder);
noContext = reflector.getStaticSymbol('', '');
@ -283,6 +283,31 @@ describe('StaticSymbolResolver', () => {
it('should only use the arity for classes from libraries without summaries', () => {
'/test.d.ts': [{
'__symbolic': 'module',
'version': 3,
'metadata': {
'AParam': {__symbolic: 'class'},
'AClass': {
__symbolic: 'class',
arity: 1,
members: {
__ctor__: [{
__symbolic: 'constructor',
parameters: [symbolCache.get('/test.d.ts', 'AParam')]
expect(symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbolCache.get('/test.d.ts', 'AClass')).metadata)
.toEqual({__symbolic: 'class', arity: 1});
it('should be able to trace a named export', () => {
const symbol = symbolResolver
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ export function main() {
metadata: {
__symbolic: 'class',
members: {'aMethod': {__symbolic: 'function'}},
statics: {aStatic: true}
statics: {aStatic: true},
decorators: ['aDecoratorData']
@ -88,8 +89,12 @@ export function main() {
expect(summaries[1].symbol).toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_service.d.ts', 'SomeService'));
// serialization should only keep the statics...
expect(summaries[1].metadata).toEqual({__symbolic: 'class', statics: {aStatic: true}});
// serialization should drop class decorators
__symbolic: 'class',
members: {aMethod: {__symbolic: 'function'}},
statics: {aStatic: true}
.toBe(symbolCache.get('/tmp/some_service.d.ts', 'SomeService'));
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ export class MockCompilerHost implements ts.CompilerHost {
private angularSourcePath: string|undefined;
private nodeModulesPath: string|undefined;
private overrides = new Map<string, string>();
private writtenFiles = new Map<string, string>();
public overrides = new Map<string, string>();
public writtenFiles = new Map<string, string>();
private sourceFiles = new Map<string, ts.SourceFile>();
private assumeExists = new Set<string>();
private traces: string[] = [];
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ export class DummyResourceLoader extends ResourceLoader {
export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
private _resolver: CompileMetadataResolver;
private _staticSymbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
private _summaryResolver: AotSummaryResolver;
private _staticSymbolResolver: StaticSymbolResolver;
private _reflector: StaticReflector;
private _reflectorHost: ReflectorHost;
@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
private get staticSymbolResolver(): StaticSymbolResolver {
let result = this._staticSymbolResolver;
if (!result) {
const summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(
this._summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(
loadSummary(filePath: string) { return null; },
isSourceFile(sourceFilePath: string) { return true; },
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
result = this._staticSymbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(
this.reflectorHost, this._staticSymbolCache, summaryResolver,
this.reflectorHost, this._staticSymbolCache, this._summaryResolver,
(e, filePath) => this.collectError(e, filePath));
return result;
@ -424,8 +425,9 @@ export class TypeScriptServiceHost implements LanguageServiceHost {
private get reflector(): StaticReflector {
let result = this._reflector;
if (!result) {
const ssr = this.staticSymbolResolver;
result = this._reflector = new StaticReflector(
this.staticSymbolResolver, [], [], (e, filePath) => this.collectError(e, filePath));
this._summaryResolver, ssr, [], [], (e, filePath) => this.collectError(e, filePath));
return result;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user