visual-studio-2015.jade localized.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,138 +4,288 @@ include ../_util-fns
Some developers prefer Visual Studio as their Interactive Development Environment (IDE).
一些开发者喜欢使用Visual Studio。
This cookbook describes the steps required to set up and use the
Angular 2 QuickStart files in Visual Studio 2015 within an ASP.NET 4.x project.
本烹饪书介绍了在Visual Studio 2015的一个ASP.NET 4.x项目中,使用Angular 2快速开始文件的方法和步骤。
There is no *live example* for this cookbook because it describes Visual Studio, not the application.
本烹饪书没有*在线例子*,因为它介绍的是Visual Studio,不是关于应用程序的。
<a id="asp-net-4"></a>
## ASP.NET 4.x Project
## ASP.NET 4.x 项目
The steps for setting up the QuickStart files with an ASP.NET 4.x project in
Visual Studio 2015 are as follows:
在Visual Studio里的一个ASP.NET 4.x项目中设置快速开始文件的步骤如下:
- [Prerequisite](#prereq): Install Node.js
- [前提条件](#prereq): 安装Node.js
- [Step 1](#download): Download the QuickStart files
- [第一步](#download): 下载快速开始文件
- [Step 2](#setup-vs): Set up Visual Studio for TypeScript
- [第二步](#setup-vs): 为TypeScript设置Visual Studio
- [Step 3](#create-project): Create the Visual Studio ASP.NET project
- [第三步](#create-project): 新建Visual Studio ASP.NET项目
- [Step 4](#copy): Copy the QuickStart files into the ASP.NET project folder
- [第四步](#copy): 拷贝快速开始文件到ASP.NET项目所在的目录中
- [Step 5](#restore): Restore required packages
- [第五步](#restore): 恢复需要的包
- [Step 6](#edit-config): Edit the TypeScript configuration file
- [第六步](#edit-config): 编辑TypeScript配置文件
- [Step 7](#build-and-run): Build and run the app
- [第七步](#build-and-run): 编译和运行应用程序
h2#prereq Prerequisite: Node.js
h2#prereq 前提条件: Node.js
Install **[Node.js® and npm](**
if they are not already on your machine.
**Verify that you are running node version `4.4.x` - `5.x.x`, and npm `3.x.x`**
by running `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window.
Older versions produce errors.
在终端或者控制台运行`node -v`和`npm -v`,**确认你的Node版本为`4.4.x` - `5.x.x`,npm的版本为`3.x.x`**。老版本会引起错误。
h2#download Step 1: Download the QuickStart files
h2#download 第一步: 现在快速开始文件
[Download the QuickStart source](
from github. If you downloaded as a zip file, extract the files.
h2#setup-vs Step 2: Set up Visual Studio for TypeScript
h2#setup-vs 第二步:为TypeScript设置Visual Studio
Ensure you have the latest version of Visual Studio 2015 installed.
Then open Visual Studio and install the latest set of TypeScript tools as follows:
确认你的Visual Studio 2015是最新版本。然后打开Visual Studio病安装最新的TypeScript工具:
* Open `Tools` | `Extensions and Updates`.
* 打开`Tools` | `Extensions and Updates`。
* Select `Online` in the tree on the left.
* 选择在左侧目录树中选择`Online`。
* Search for `TypeScript` using the search box in the upper right.
* 使用右上角的搜索框搜索`TypeScript`。
* Select the most current available TypeScript version.
* 选择最新版本的TypeScript。
* Download and install the package.
* 下载和安装TypeScript。
h2#create-project Step 3: Create the Visual Studio ASP.NET project
h2#create-project 第三步: 新建Visual Studio ASP.NET项目
Create the ASP.NET 4.x project as follows:
按照下面的步骤新建ASP.NET 4.x项目:
* In Visual Studio, select `File` | `New` | `Project` from the menu.
* 在Visual Studio的目录中,选择`File` | `New` | `Project`。
* In the template tree, select `Templates` | `Visual C#` (or `Visual Basic`) | `Web`.
* 在模板树中,选择`Templates` | `Visual C#` (or `Visual Basic`) | `Web`。
* Select the `ASP.NET Web Application` template, give the project a name, and click OK.
* 选择`ASP.NET Web Application`模板,输入一个项目名字,点击OK。
* Select the desired ASP.NET 4.5.2 template and click OK.
* 选择自己喜欢的ASP.NET 4.5.2模板,点击OK。
In this cookbook we'll select the `Empty` template with no added folders,
no authentication and no hosting. Pick the template and options appropriate for your project.
h2#copy Step 4: Copy the QuickStart files into the ASP.NET project folder
h2#copy 第四步: 拷贝快速开始的文件到ASP.NET项目所在的目录
Copy the QuickStart files we downloaded from github into the folder containing the `.csproj` file.
Include the files in the Visual Studio project as follows:
拷贝从github下载的快速开始文件到那个包含`.csproj`文件的目录中。按照下面的步骤在Visual Studio里添加这些文件:
* Click the `Show All Files` button in Solution Explorer to reveal all of the hidden files in the project.
* 在Solution Explorer中点击`Show All Files`按钮,显示项目目录中所有隐藏文件。
* Right-click on each folder/file to be included in the project and select `Include in Project`.
Minimally, include the following folder/files:
* app folder (answer *No* if asked to search for TypeScript Typings)
* 右键点击每个目录和文件,选择`Include in Project`。
* app folder (answer *No* if asked to search for TypeScript Typings)
* app目录(如果询问是否搜索TypeScript类型,回答*No*)
* styles.css
* styles.css
* index.html
* index.html
* package.json
* package.json
* tsconfig.json
* tsconfig.json
* typings.json
* typings.json
h2#restore Step 5: Restore the required packages
h2#restore 第五步: 恢复需要的包
Restore the packages required for an Angular application as follows:
* Right-click on the `package.json` file in Solution Explorer and select `Restore Packages`.
<br>This uses `npm` to install all of the packages defined in the `package.json` file.
It may take some time.
* 在Solution Explorer里面右键点击`package.json`,选择`Restore Packages`。
<br>这样,Visual Studio会使用`npm`那安装所有在`package.json`文件中定义的包.
* If desired, open the Output window (`View` | `Output`) to watch the npm commands execute.
* 如果愿意,打开Output window (`View` | `Output`)来查看npm命令的执行情况。
* Ignore the warnings.
* 忽略所有警告。
* When the restore is finished, a message should say: `npm command completed with exit code 0`.
* 当恢复完成后,应该会出现一条信息:`npm command completed with exit code 0`.
* Click the `Refresh` icon in Solution Explorer.
* 在Solution Explorer里,点击`Refresh`图标。
* **Do not** include the `node_modules` folder in the project. Let it be a hidden project project folder.
* **不要**将`node_modules`目录添加到项目,让它隐藏。
An error such as "*@angular/compiler is not in the npm registry*" suggests that Visual Studio 2015
is using an older version of npm. Update to the latest installed version of npm:
"*@angular/compiler is not in the npm registry*"错误表明Visual Studio 2015使用了老版本的npm。安装下面的步骤安装最新版本的npm:
* `Tools` | `Options` to open the Options dialog.
* `Tools` | `Options`来打开选项对话框。
* In the tree on the left, select `Projects and Solutions` | `External Web Tools`.
* 在左侧的树状目录中,选择`Projects and Solutions` | `External Web Tools`.
* On the right, move the `$(PATH)` entry above the `$(DevEnvDir`) entries. This tells Visual Studio to
use the external tools (such as npm) found in your path before using its own version of the external tools.
* 在右侧,把`$(PATH)`项移动到`$(DevEnvDir`)上面,这样告诉Visual Studio优先使用在你的路径中找到的外来工具(比如npm)。
* Click OK to close the dialog.
* 点击OK,关闭对话框。
* Restart Visual Studio for this change to take effect.
* 重新启动Visual Studio来让上面的变化生效。
h2#edit-config Step 6: Edit the TypeScript configuration file
h2#edit-config 第六步:编辑TypeScript配置文件
For Visual Studio 2015 we must add `"compileOnSave": true` to the TypeScript configuration (`tsconfig.json`) file
as shown here.
在Visual Studio 2015里,我们必须在TypeScript配置文件(`tsconfig.json`)中添加`"compileOnSave": true`:
+makeJson('cb-visual-studio-2015/ts/tsconfig.json', null, 'tsconfig.json (scripts)')
After making this change, **exit** Visual Studio and reopen it to reload the project.
修改上面的设置后,**退出**Visual Studio,再打开它并加载项目。
h2#build-and-run Step 7: Build and run the app
h2#build-and-run 第七步:编译和运行应用程序
Click the Run button or press F5 to build and run the application.
This launches the default browser and runs the QuickStart sample application.
Try editing any of the project files. *Save* and refresh the browser to
see the changes.
@ -143,18 +293,30 @@ h2#build-and-run Step 7: Build and run the app
"*Observable cannot be found*" indicate an old release of Visual Studio.
Exit Visual Studio and follow the [instructions here](
像“*Property ‘map’ does not exist on type ‘Observable<Response>’*”和“*Observable cannot be found*”这样的编译错误
说明Visual Studio是老版本。退出Visual Studio,按照[这里的指南](升级Visual Studio。
You'll be asked to replace the file
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TypeScript.typescriptServices.js
This operation requires admin privileges.
h2#routing Note on Routing Applications
h2#routing 应用程序的路由
If this application used the Angular router, a browser refresh could return a *404 - Page Not Found*.
Look at the address bar. Does it contain a navigation url (a "deep link")?
We'll have to configure the server to return `index.html` for these requests.
Until we do, remove the navigation path and refresh again.
Until we do, remove the navigation path and refresh again.
如果这个应用程序使用Angular路由器,浏览器刷新可能会返回一个*404 - Page Not Found*。查看一下地址栏,它是否包含一个导航url(一个“深度链接”)?
Reference in New Issue
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