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+# Angular Metadata and AOT
+The Angular **AOT compiler** turns your TypeScript source code into runnable JavaScript.
+As part of that process, the compiler extracts and interprets **metadata** about the parts of the application that Angular is supposed to manage.
+You write metadata in a _subset_ of TypeScript. This guide explains why a subset is necessary, describes the subset constraints, and what happens when you step outside of those constraints.
+## Angular metadata
+Angular metadata tells Angular how to construct instances of your application classes and interact with them at runtime.
+You specify the metadata with **decorators** such as `@Component()` and `@Input()`.
+You also specify metadata implicitly in the constructor declarations of these decorated classes.
+In the following example, the `@Component()` metadata object and the class constructor tell Angular how to create and display an instance of `TypicalComponent`.
+ selector: 'app-typical',
+ template: 'div>A typical component for {{data.name}}
+export class TypicalComponent {
+ @Input() data: TypicalData;
+ constructor(private someService: SomeService) { ... }
+The Angular compiler extracts the metadata _once_ and generates a _factory_ for `TypicalComponent`.
+When it needs to create a `TypicalComponent` instance, Angular calls the factory, which produces a new visual element, bound to a new instance of the component class with its injected dependency.
+## Compile ahead-of-time (AOT)
+You should use AOT to compile an application that must launch quickly.
+With AOT, there is no runtime compile step.
+The client doesn't need the compiler library at all and excluding it significantly reduces the total payload.
+The browser downloads a smaller set of safely-compiled, application module(s) and libraries that it can parse quickly and run almost immediately.
+The AOT compiler produces a number of files, including the application JavaScript that ultimately runs in the browser. It then statically analyzes your source code and interprets the Angular metadata without actually running the application.
+To compile the app, run the `ngc` stand-alone tool as part of your build process.
+When using the CLI, run the `ng build` command.
+For more information on AOT, see [Ahead-of-Time Compilation](guide/aot-compiler).
+## Metadata restrictions
+Angular metadata expressions must conform to the following general constraints:
+1. Limit [expression syntax](#expression-syntax) to the supported subset of JavaScript.
+2. Only reference exported symbols after [code folding](#folding).
+3. Only call [functions supported](#supported-functions) by the compiler.
+4. Decorated and data-bound class members must be public.
+The next sections elaborate on these points.
+## How AOT works
+It helps to think of the AOT compiler as having two phases: a code analysis phase in which it simply records a representation of the source; and a code generation phase in which the compiler's `StaticReflector` handles the interpretation as well as places restrictions on what it interprets.
+## Phase 1: analysis
+The TypeScript compiler does some of the analytic work of the first phase. It emits the `.d.ts` _type definition files_ with type information that the AOT compiler needs to generate application code.
+At the same time, the AOT **_collector_** analyzes the metadata recorded in the Angular decorators and outputs metadata information in **`.metadata.json`** files, one per `.d.ts` file.
+You can think of `.metadata.json` as a diagram of the overall structure of a decorator's metadata, represented as an [abstract syntax tree (AST)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree).
+Angular's [schema.ts](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/packages/tsc-wrapped/src/schema.ts)
+describes the JSON format as a collection of TypeScript interfaces.
+{@a expression-syntax}
+### Expression syntax
+The _collector_ only understands a subset of JavaScript.
+Define metadata objects with the following limited syntax:
+Syntax | Example
+Literal object | `{cherry: true, apple: true, mincemeat: false}`
+Literal array | `['cherries', 'flour', 'sugar']`
+Spread in literal array | `['apples', 'flour', ...the_rest]`
+Calls | `bake(ingredients)`
+New | `new Oven()`
+Property access | `pie.slice`
+Array index | `ingredients[0]`
+Identifier reference | `Component`
+A template string | `pie is ${multiplier} times better than cake`
+Literal string | `'pi'`
+Literal number | `3.14153265`
+Literal boolean | `true`
+Literal null | `null`
+Supported prefix operator | `!cake`
+Supported Binary operator | `a + b`
+Conditional operator | `a ? b : c`
+Parentheses | `(a + b)`
+If an expression uses unsupported syntax, the _collector_ writes an error node to the `.metadata.json` file. The compiler later reports the error if it needs that
+piece of metadata to generate the application code.
+ If you want `ngc` to report syntax errors immediately rather than produce a `.metadata.json` file with errors, set the `strictMetadataEmit` option in `tsconfig`.
+ "angularCompilerOptions": {
+ ...
+ "strictMetadataEmit" : true
+ }
+ ```
+Angular libraries have this option to ensure that all Angular `.metadata.json` files are clean and it is a best practice to do the same when building your own libraries.
+{@a function-expression}
+{@a arror-functions}
+### No arrow functions
+The AOT compiler does not support [function expressions](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/function)
+and [arrow functions](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions), also called _lambda_ functions.
+Consider the following component decorator:
+ ...
+ providers: [{provide: server, useFactory: () => new Server()}]
+The AOT _collector_ does not support the arrow function, `() => new Server()`, in a metadata expression.
+It generates an error node in place of the function.
+When the compiler later interprets this node, it reports an error that invites you to turn the arrow function into an _exported function_.
+You can fix the error by converting to this:
+export function serverFactory() {
+ return new Server();
+ ...
+ providers: [{provide: server, useFactory: serverFactory}]
+### Limited function calls
+The _collector_ can represent a function call or object creation with `new` as long as the syntax is valid. The _collector_ only cares about proper syntax.
+But beware. The compiler may later refuse to generate a call to a _particular_ function or creation of a _particular_ object.
+The compiler only supports calls to a small set of functions and will use `new` for only a few designated classes. These functions and classes are in a table of [below](#supported-functions).
+### Folding
+{@a exported-symbols}
+The compiler can only resolve references to **_exported_** symbols.
+Fortunately, the _collector_ enables limited use of non-exported symbols through _folding_.
+The _collector_ may be able to evaluate an expression during collection and record the result in the `.metadata.json` instead of the original expression.
+For example, the _collector_ can evaluate the expression `1 + 2 + 3 + 4` and replace it with the result, `10`.
+This process is called _folding_. An expression that can be reduced in this manner is _foldable_.
+{@a var-declaration}
+The collector can evaluate references to
+module-local `const` declarations and initialized `var` and `let` declarations, effectively removing them from the `.metadata.json` file.
+Consider the following component definition:
+const template = '{{hero.name}}
+ selector: 'app-hero',
+ template: template
+class HeroComponent {
+ @Input() hero: Hero;
+The compiler could not refer to the `template` constant because it isn't exported.
+But the _collector_ can _fold_ the `template` constant into the metadata definition by inlining its contents.
+The effect is the same as if you had written:
+ selector: 'app-hero',
+ template: '{{hero.name}}
+class HeroComponent {
+ @Input() hero: Hero;
+There is no longer a reference to `template` and, therefore, nothing to trouble the compiler when it later interprets the _collector's_ output in `.metadata.json`.
+You can take this example a step further by including the `template` constant in another expression:
+const template = '{{hero.name}}
+ selector: 'app-hero',
+ template: template + '{{hero.title}}
+class HeroComponent {
+ @Input() hero: Hero;
+The _collector_ reduces this expression to its equivalent _folded_ string:
+#### Foldable syntax
+The following table describes which expressions the _collector_ can and cannot fold:
+Syntax | Foldable
+Literal object | yes
+Literal array | yes
+Spread in literal array | no
+Calls | no
+New | no
+Property access | yes, if target is foldable
+Array index | yes, if target and index are foldable
+Identifier reference | yes, if it is a reference to a local
+A template with no substitutions | yes
+A template with substitutions | yes, if the substitutions are foldable
+Literal string | yes
+Literal number | yes
+Literal boolean | yes
+Literal null | yes
+Supported prefix operator | yes, if operand is foldable
+Supported binary operator | yes, if both left and right are foldable
+Conditional operator | yes, if condition is foldable
+Parentheses | yes, if the expression is foldable
+If an expression is not foldable, the collector writes it to `.metadata.json` as an [AST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree) for the compiler to resolve.
+## Phase 2: code generation
+The _collector_ makes no attempt to understand the metadata that it collects and outputs to `.metadata.json`. It represents the metadata as best it can and records errors when it detects a metadata syntax violation.
+It's the compiler's job to interpret the `.metadata.json` in the code generation phase.
+The compiler understands all syntax forms that the _collector_ supports, but it may reject _syntactically_ correct metadata if the _semantics_ violate compiler rules.
+The compiler can only reference _exported symbols_.
+Decorated component class members must be public. You cannot make an `@Input()` property private or internal.
+Data bound properties must also be public.
+// BAD CODE - title is private
+ selector: 'app-root',
+ template: '{{title}}
+class AppComponent {
+ private title = 'My App'; // Bad
+{@a supported-functions}
+Most importantly, the compiler only generates code to create instances of certain classes, support certain decorators, and call certain functions from the following lists.
+### New instances
+The compiler only allows metadata that create instances of these Angular classes.
+Class | Module
+`OpaqueToken` | `@angular/core`
+`InjectionToken` | `@angular/core`
+### Annotations/Decorators
+The compiler only supports metadata for these Angular decorators.
+Decorator | Module
+`Attribute` | `@angular/core`
+`Component` | `@angular/core`
+`ContentChild` | `@angular/core`
+`ContentChildren` | `@angular/core`
+`Directive` | `@angular/core`
+`Host` | `@angular/core`
+`HostBinding` | `@angular/core`
+`HostListener` | `@angular/core`
+`Inject` | `@angular/core`
+`Injectable` | `@angular/core`
+`Input` | `@angular/core`
+`NgModule` | `@angular/core`
+`Optional` | `@angular/core`
+`Output` | `@angular/core`
+`Pipe` | `@angular/core`
+`Self` | `@angular/core`
+`SkipSelf` | `@angular/core`
+`ViewChild` | `@angular/core`
+### Macro-functions and macro-static methods
+The compiler also supports _macros_ in the form of functions or static
+methods that return an expression.
+For example, consider the following function:
+export function wrapInArray(value: T): T[] {
+ return [value];
+You can call the `wrapInArray` in a metadata definition because it returns the value of an expression that conforms to the compiler's restrictive JavaScript subset.
+You might use `wrapInArray()` like this:
+ declarations: wrapInArray(TypicalComponent)
+class TypicalModule {}
+The compiler treats this usage as if you had written:
+ declarations: [TypicalComponent]
+class TypicalModule {}
+The collector is simplistic in its determination of what qualifies as a macro
+function; it can only contain a single `return` statement.
+The Angular [`RouterModule`](api/router/RouterModule) exports two macro static methods, `forRoot` and `forChild`, to help declare root and child routes.
+Review the [source code](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/packages/router/src/router_module.ts#L139 "RouterModule.forRoot source code")
+for these methods to see how macros can simplify configuration of complex Angular modules.
+## Metadata Errors
+The following are metadata errors you may encounter, with explanations and suggested corrections.
+[Expression form not supported](#expression-form-not-supported)
+[Reference to a local (non-exported) symbol](#reference-to-a-local-symbol)
+[Only initialized variables and constants](#only-initialized-variables)
+[Reference to a non-exported class](#reference-to-a-non-exported-class)
+[Reference to a non-exported function](#reference-to-a-non-exported-function)
+[Function calls are not supported](#function-calls-not-supported)
+[Destructured variable or constant not supported](#destructured-variable-not-supported)
+[Could not resolve type](#could-not-resolve-type)
+[Name expected](#name-expected)
+[Unsupported enum member name](#unsupported-enum-member-name)
+[Tagged template expressions are not supported](#tagged-template-expressions-not-supported)
+[Symbol reference expected](#symbol-reference-expected)
+Expression form not supported
+The compiler encountered an expression it didn't understand while evalutating Angular metadata.
+Language features outside of the compiler's [restricted expression syntax](#expression-syntax)
+can produce this error, as seen in the following example:
+export class Fooish { ... }
+const prop = typeof Fooish; // typeof is not valid in metadata
+ ...
+ // bracket notation is not valid in metadata
+ { provide: 'token', useValue: { [prop]: 'value' } };
+ ...
+You can use `typeof` and bracket notation in normal application code.
+You just can't use those features within expressions that define Angular metadata.
+Avoid this error by sticking to the compiler's [restricted expression syntax](#expression-syntax)
+when writing Angular metadata
+and be wary of new or unusual TypeScript features.
+{@a reference-to-a-local-symbol}
+Reference to a local (non-exported) symbol
+_Reference to a local (non-exported) symbol 'symbol name'. Consider exporting the symbol._
+The compiler encountered a referenced to a locally defined symbol that either wasn't exported or wasn't initialized.
+Here's a `provider` example of the problem.
+let foo: number; // neither exported nor initialized
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: ... ,
+ providers: [
+ { provide: Foo, useValue: foo }
+ ]
+export class MyComponent {}
+The compiler generates the component factory, which includes the `useValue` provider code, in a separate module. _That_ factory module can't reach back to _this_ source module to access the local (non-exported) `foo` variable.
+You could fix the problem by initializing `foo`.
+let foo = 42; // initialized
+The compiler will [fold](#folding) the expression into the provider as if you had written this.
+ providers: [
+ { provide: Foo, useValue: 42 }
+ ]
+Alternatively, you can fix it by exporting `foo` with the expectation that `foo` will be assigned at runtime when you actually know its value.
+export let foo: number; // exported
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: ... ,
+ providers: [
+ { provide: Foo, useValue: foo }
+ ]
+export class MyComponent {}
+Adding `export` often works for variables referenced in metadata such as `providers` and `animations` because the compiler can generate _references_ to the exported variables in these expressions. It doesn't need the _values_ of those variables.
+Adding `export` doesn't work when the compiler needs the _actual value_
+in order to generate code.
+For example, it doesn't work for the `template` property.
+export let someTemplate: string; // exported but not initialized
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: someTemplate
+export class MyComponent {}
+The compiler needs the value of the `template` property _right now_ to generate the component factory.
+The variable reference alone is insufficient.
+Prefixing the declaration with `export` merely produces a new error, "[`Only initialized variables and constants can be referenced`](#only-initialized-variables)".
+{@a only-initialized-variables}
+Only initialized variables and constants
+_Only initialized variables and constants can be referenced because the value of this variable is needed by the template compiler._
+The compiler found a reference to an exported variable or static field that wasn't initialized.
+It needs the value of that variable to generate code.
+The following example tries to set the component's `template` property to the value of
+the exported `someTemplate` variable which is declared but _unassigned_.
+export let someTemplate: string;
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: someTemplate
+export class MyComponent {}
+You'd also get this error if you imported `someTemplate` from some other module and neglected to initialize it there.
+// ERROR - not initialized there either
+import { someTemplate } from './config';
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: someTemplate
+export class MyComponent {}
+The compiler cannot wait until runtime to get the template information.
+It must statically derive the value of the `someTemplate` variable from the source code
+so that it can generate the component factory, which includes
+instructions for building the element based on the template.
+To correct this error, provide the initial value of the variable in an initializer clause _on the same line_.
+export let someTemplate = 'Greetings from Angular
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: someTemplate
+export class MyComponent {}
+Reference to a non-exported class
+_Reference to a non-exported class . Consider exporting the class._
+Metadata referenced a class that wasn't exported.
+For example, you may have defined a class and used it as an injection token in a providers array
+but neglected to export that class.
+abstract class MyStrategy { }
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: MyStrategy, useValue: ... }
+ ]
+ ...
+Angular generates a class factory in a separate module and that
+factory [can only access exported classes](#exported-symbols).
+To correct this error, export the referenced class.
+export abstract class MyStrategy { }
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: MyStrategy, useValue: ... }
+ ]
+ ...
+Reference to a non-exported function
+Metadata referenced a function that wasn't exported.
+For example, you may have set a providers `useFactory` property to a locally defined function that you neglected to export.
+function myStrategy() { ... }
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: MyStrategy, useFactory: myStrategy }
+ ]
+ ...
+Angular generates a class factory in a separate module and that
+factory [can only access exported functions](#exported-symbols).
+To correct this error, export the function.
+export function myStrategy() { ... }
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: MyStrategy, useFactory: myStrategy }
+ ]
+ ...
+{@a function-calls-not-supported}
+Function calls are not supported
+_Function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exported function._
+The compiler does not currently support [function expressions or lambda functions](#function-expression).
+For example, you cannot set a provider's `useFactory` to an anonymous function or arrow function like this.
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: MyStrategy, useFactory: function() { ... } },
+ { provide: OtherStrategy, useFactory: () => { ... } }
+ ]
+ ...
+You also get this error if you call a function or method in a provider's `useValue`.
+import { calculateValue } from './utilities';
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: SomeValue, useValue: calculateValue() }
+ ]
+ ...
+To correct this error, export a function from the module and refer to the function in a `useFactory` provider instead.
+import { calculateValue } from './utilities';
+export function myStrategy() { ... }
+export function otherStrategy() { ... }
+export function someValueFactory() {
+ return calculateValue();
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: MyStrategy, useFactory: myStrategy },
+ { provide: OtherStrategy, useFactory: otherStrategy },
+ { provide: SomeValue, useFactory: someValueFactory }
+ ]
+ ...
+{@a destructured-variable-not-supported}
+Destructured variable or constant not supported
+_Referencing an exported destructured variable or constant is not supported by the template compiler. Consider simplifying this to avoid destructuring._
+The compiler does not support references to variables assigned by [destructuring](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/variable-declarations.html#destructuring).
+For example, you cannot write something like this:
+import { configuration } from './configuration';
+// destructured assignment to foo and bar
+const {foo, bar} = configuration;
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ {provide: Foo, useValue: foo},
+ {provide: Bar, useValue: bar},
+ ]
+ ...
+To correct this error, refer to non-destructured values.
+import { configuration } from './configuration';
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ {provide: Foo, useValue: configuration.foo},
+ {provide: Bar, useValue: configuration.bar},
+ ]
+ ...
+Could not resolve type
+The compiler encountered a type and can't determine which module exports that type.
+This can happen if you refer to an ambient type.
+For example, the `Window` type is an ambiant type declared in the global `.d.ts` file.
+You'll get an error if you reference it in the component constructor,
+which the compiler must statically analyze.
+@Component({ })
+export class MyComponent {
+ constructor (private win: Window) { ... }
+TypeScript understands ambiant types so you don't import them.
+The Angular compiler does not understand a type that you neglect to export or import.
+In this case, the compiler doesn't understand how to inject something with the `Window` token.
+Do not refer to ambient types in metadata expressions.
+If you must inject an instance of an ambiant type,
+you can finesse the problem in four steps:
+1. Create an injection token for an instance of the ambiant type.
+1. Create a factory function that returns that instance.
+1. Add a `useFactory` provider with that factory function.
+1. Use `@Inject` to inject the instance.
+Here's an illustrative example.
+import { Inject } from '@angular/core';
+export const WINDOW = new InjectionToken('Window');
+export function _window() { return window; }
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: WINDOW, useFactory: _window }
+ ]
+export class MyComponent {
+ constructor (@Inject(WINDOW) private win: Window) { ... }
+The `Window` type in the constructor is no longer a problem for the compiler because it
+uses the `@Inject(WINDOW)` to generate the injection code.
+Angular does something similar with the `DOCUMENT` token so you can inject the browser's `document` object (or an abstraction of it, depending upon the platform in which the application runs).
+import { Inject } from '@angular/core';
+import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/platform-browser';
+@Component({ ... })
+export class MyComponent {
+ constructor (@Inject(DOCUMENT) private doc: Document) { ... }
+Name expected
+The compiler expected a name in an expression it was evaluating.
+This can happen if you use a number as a property name as in the following example.
+provider: [{ provide: Foo, useValue: { 0: 'test' } }]
+Change the name of the property to something non-numeric.
+provider: [{ provide: Foo, useValue: { '0': 'test' } }]
+Unsupported enum member name
+Angular couldn't determine the value of the [enum member](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/enums.html)
+that you referenced in metadata.
+The compiler can understand simple enum values but not complex values such as those derived from computed properties.
+enum Colors {
+ Red = 1,
+ White,
+ Blue = "Blue".length // computed
+ ...
+ providers: [
+ { provide: BaseColor, useValue: Colors.White } // ok
+ { provide: DangerColor, useValue: Colors.Red } // ok
+ { provide: StrongColor, useValue: Colors.Blue } // bad
+ ]
+ ...
+Avoid referring to enums with complicated initializers or computed properties.
+{@a tagged-template-expressions-not-supported}
+Tagged template expressions are not supported
+_Tagged template expressions are not supported in metadata._
+The compiler encountered a JavaScript ES2015 [tagged template expression](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#Tagged_template_literals) such as,
+const expression = 'funky';
+const raw = String.raw`A tagged template ${expression} string`;
+ ...
+ template: '' + raw + '
+ ...
+is a _tag function_ native to JavaScript ES2015.
+The AOT compiler does not support tagged template expressions; avoid them in metadata expressions.
+Symbol reference expected
+The compiler expected a reference to a symbol at the location specified in the error message.
+This error can occur if you use an expression in the `extends` clause of a class.
+## Conclusion
+This page covered:
+* What the AOT compiler does.
+* Why metadata must be written in a subset of JavaScript.
+* What that subset is.
+* Other restrictions on metadata definition.
+* Macro-functions and macro-static methods.
+* Compiler errors related to metadata.
diff --git a/aio/content/navigation.json b/aio/content/navigation.json
index fa127350b4..715d247467 100644
--- a/aio/content/navigation.json
+++ b/aio/content/navigation.json
@@ -338,6 +338,11 @@
"title": "Ahead-of-Time Compilation",
"tooltip": "Learn why and how to use the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler."
+ {
+ "url": "guide/metadata",
+ "title": "Metadata and AOT",
+ "tooltip": "How Angular handles metadata with AOT."
+ },
"url": "guide/deployment",
"title": "Deployment",