refactor(TemplateParser): cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {RegExpWrapper, isPresent, StringWrapper, isBlank, isArray} from '../src/
import {BaseException} from '../src/facade/exceptions';
import {AST, Interpolation, ASTWithSource, TemplateBinding, RecursiveAstVisitor, BindingPipe, ParserError} from './expression_parser/ast';
import {Parser} from './expression_parser/parser';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata, CompileMetadataWithType,} from './compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata, CompileMetadataWithType, CompileTokenMetadata,} from './compile_metadata';
import {HtmlParser} from './html_parser';
import {splitNsName, mergeNsAndName} from './html_tags';
import {ParseSourceSpan, ParseError, ParseErrorLevel} from './parse_util';
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import {ProviderElementContext, ProviderViewContext} from './provider_parser';
// Group 9 = identifier inside [()]
// Group 10 = identifier inside []
// Group 11 = identifier inside ()
const TEMPLATE_ELEMENT = 'template';
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ const TEMPLATE_ATTR = 'template';
const CLASS_ATTR = 'class';
const ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = 'attr';
const CLASS_PREFIX = 'class';
const STYLE_PREFIX = 'style';
var TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR = CssSelector.parse('*')[0];
const TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR = CssSelector.parse('*')[0];
* Provides an array of {@link TemplateAstVisitor}s which will be used to transform
@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ export class TemplateParser {
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[], templateUrl: string): TemplateAst[] {
var result = this.tryParse(component, template, directives, pipes, templateUrl);
var warnings = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.WARNING);
var errors = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.FATAL);
const result = this.tryParse(component, template, directives, pipes, templateUrl);
const warnings = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.WARNING);
const errors = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.FATAL);
if (warnings.length > 0) {
this._console.warn(`Template parse warnings:\n${warnings.join('\n')}`);
if (errors.length > 0) {
var errorString = errors.join('\n');
const errorString = errors.join('\n');
throw new BaseException(`Template parse errors:\n${errorString}`);
return result.templateAst;
@ -107,19 +107,19 @@ export class TemplateParser {
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[], templateUrl: string): TemplateParseResult {
var htmlAstWithErrors = this._htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl);
var errors: ParseError[] = htmlAstWithErrors.errors;
var result: any /** TODO #???? */;
const htmlAstWithErrors = this._htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl);
const errors: ParseError[] = htmlAstWithErrors.errors;
let result: any[];
if (htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes.length > 0) {
var uniqDirectives = <CompileDirectiveMetadata[]>removeDuplicates(directives);
var uniqPipes = <CompilePipeMetadata[]>removeDuplicates(pipes);
var providerViewContext =
const uniqDirectives = <CompileDirectiveMetadata[]>removeDuplicates(directives);
const uniqPipes = <CompilePipeMetadata[]>removeDuplicates(pipes);
const providerViewContext =
new ProviderViewContext(component, htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes[0].sourceSpan);
var parseVisitor = new TemplateParseVisitor(
const parseVisitor = new TemplateParseVisitor(
providerViewContext, uniqDirectives, uniqPipes, this._exprParser, this._schemaRegistry);
result = htmlVisitAll(parseVisitor, htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes, EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT);
errors = errors.concat(parseVisitor.errors).concat(providerViewContext.errors);
errors.push(...parseVisitor.errors, ...providerViewContext.errors);
} else {
result = [];
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
directives, (directive: CompileDirectiveMetadata, index: number) => {
var selector = CssSelector.parse(directive.selector);
const selector = CssSelector.parse(directive.selector);
this.selectorMatcher.addSelectables(selector, directive);
this.directivesIndex.set(directive, index);
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _parseInterpolation(value: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): ASTWithSource {
var sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
try {
var ast = this._exprParser.parseInterpolation(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
const ast = this._exprParser.parseInterpolation(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
if (ast) this._reportParserErors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
if (isPresent(ast) &&
@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _parseAction(value: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): ASTWithSource {
var sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
try {
var ast = this._exprParser.parseAction(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
const ast = this._exprParser.parseAction(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
if (ast) this._reportParserErors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
return ast;
@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _parseBinding(value: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): ASTWithSource {
var sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
try {
var ast = this._exprParser.parseBinding(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
const ast = this._exprParser.parseBinding(value, sourceInfo, this._interpolationConfig);
if (ast) this._reportParserErors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
return ast;
@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _parseTemplateBindings(value: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): TemplateBinding[] {
var sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
try {
var bindingsResult = this._exprParser.parseTemplateBindings(value, sourceInfo);
const bindingsResult = this._exprParser.parseTemplateBindings(value, sourceInfo);
this._reportParserErors(bindingsResult.errors, sourceSpan);
bindingsResult.templateBindings.forEach((binding) => {
if (isPresent(binding.expression)) {
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _checkPipes(ast: ASTWithSource, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {
if (isPresent(ast)) {
var collector = new PipeCollector();
const collector = new PipeCollector();
collector.pipes.forEach((pipeName) => {
if (!this.pipesByName.has(pipeName)) {
@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
visitExpansionCase(ast: HtmlExpansionCaseAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitText(ast: HtmlTextAst, parent: ElementContext): any {
var ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR);
var expr = this._parseInterpolation(ast.value, ast.sourceSpan);
const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR);
const expr = this._parseInterpolation(ast.value, ast.sourceSpan);
if (isPresent(expr)) {
return new BoundTextAst(expr, ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan);
} else {
@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
visitComment(ast: HtmlCommentAst, context: any): any { return null; }
visitElement(element: HtmlElementAst, parent: ElementContext): any {
var nodeName =;
var preparsedElement = preparseElement(element);
const nodeName =;
const preparsedElement = preparseElement(element);
if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT ||
preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLE) {
// Skipping <script> for security reasons
@ -308,27 +308,27 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
return null;
var matchableAttrs: string[][] = [];
var elementOrDirectiveProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[] = [];
var elementOrDirectiveRefs: ElementOrDirectiveRef[] = [];
var elementVars: VariableAst[] = [];
var animationProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = [];
var events: BoundEventAst[] = [];
const matchableAttrs: string[][] = [];
const elementOrDirectiveProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[] = [];
const elementOrDirectiveRefs: ElementOrDirectiveRef[] = [];
const elementVars: VariableAst[] = [];
const animationProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = [];
const events: BoundEventAst[] = [];
var templateElementOrDirectiveProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[] = [];
var templateMatchableAttrs: string[][] = [];
var templateElementVars: VariableAst[] = [];
const templateElementOrDirectiveProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[] = [];
const templateMatchableAttrs: string[][] = [];
const templateElementVars: VariableAst[] = [];
var hasInlineTemplates = false;
var attrs: any[] /** TODO #???? */ = [];
var lcElName = splitNsName(nodeName.toLowerCase())[1];
var isTemplateElement = lcElName == TEMPLATE_ELEMENT;
let hasInlineTemplates = false;
const attrs: AttrAst[] = [];
const lcElName = splitNsName(nodeName.toLowerCase())[1];
const isTemplateElement = lcElName == TEMPLATE_ELEMENT;
element.attrs.forEach(attr => {
var hasBinding = this._parseAttr(
const hasBinding = this._parseAttr(
isTemplateElement, attr, matchableAttrs, elementOrDirectiveProps, animationProps, events,
elementOrDirectiveRefs, elementVars);
var hasTemplateBinding = this._parseInlineTemplateBinding(
const hasTemplateBinding = this._parseInlineTemplateBinding(
attr, templateMatchableAttrs, templateElementOrDirectiveProps, templateElementVars);
if (hasTemplateBinding && hasInlineTemplates) {
@ -347,31 +347,31 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
var elementCssSelector = createElementCssSelector(nodeName, matchableAttrs);
var directiveMetas = this._parseDirectives(this.selectorMatcher, elementCssSelector);
var references: ReferenceAst[] = [];
var directiveAsts = this._createDirectiveAsts(
const elementCssSelector = createElementCssSelector(nodeName, matchableAttrs);
const directiveMetas = this._parseDirectives(this.selectorMatcher, elementCssSelector);
const references: ReferenceAst[] = [];
const directiveAsts = this._createDirectiveAsts(
isTemplateElement,, directiveMetas, elementOrDirectiveProps,
elementOrDirectiveRefs, element.sourceSpan, references);
var elementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] =
const elementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] =
this._createElementPropertyAsts(, elementOrDirectiveProps, directiveAsts)
var isViewRoot = parent.isTemplateElement || hasInlineTemplates;
var providerContext = new ProviderElementContext(
const isViewRoot = parent.isTemplateElement || hasInlineTemplates;
const providerContext = new ProviderElementContext(
this.providerViewContext, parent.providerContext, isViewRoot, directiveAsts, attrs,
references, element.sourceSpan);
var children = htmlVisitAll(
const children = htmlVisitAll(
preparsedElement.nonBindable ? NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR : this, element.children,
isTemplateElement, directiveAsts,
isTemplateElement ? parent.providerContext : providerContext));
// Override the actual selector when the `ngProjectAs` attribute is provided
var projectionSelector = isPresent(preparsedElement.projectAs) ?
const projectionSelector = isPresent(preparsedElement.projectAs) ?
CssSelector.parse(preparsedElement.projectAs)[0] :
var ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(projectionSelector);
var parsedElement: any /** TODO #???? */;
const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(projectionSelector);
let parsedElement: TemplateAst;
if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.NG_CONTENT) {
if (isPresent(element.children) && element.children.length > 0) {
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
hasInlineTemplates ? null : ngContentIndex, element.sourceSpan);
} else {
this._assertOnlyOneComponent(directiveAsts, element.sourceSpan);
let ngContentIndex =
const ngContentIndex =
hasInlineTemplates ? null : parent.findNgContentIndex(projectionSelector);
parsedElement = new ElementAst(
nodeName, attrs, elementProps, events, references,
@ -402,16 +402,18 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
hasInlineTemplates ? null : ngContentIndex, element.sourceSpan);
if (hasInlineTemplates) {
var templateCssSelector = createElementCssSelector(TEMPLATE_ELEMENT, templateMatchableAttrs);
var templateDirectiveMetas = this._parseDirectives(this.selectorMatcher, templateCssSelector);
var templateDirectiveAsts = this._createDirectiveAsts(
const templateCssSelector =
createElementCssSelector(TEMPLATE_ELEMENT, templateMatchableAttrs);
const templateDirectiveMetas =
this._parseDirectives(this.selectorMatcher, templateCssSelector);
const templateDirectiveAsts = this._createDirectiveAsts(
true,, templateDirectiveMetas, templateElementOrDirectiveProps, [],
element.sourceSpan, []);
var templateElementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = this._createElementPropertyAsts(
const templateElementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = this._createElementPropertyAsts(
||||, templateElementOrDirectiveProps, templateDirectiveAsts);
templateDirectiveAsts, templateElementProps, element.sourceSpan);
var templateProviderContext = new ProviderElementContext(
const templateProviderContext = new ProviderElementContext(
this.providerViewContext, parent.providerContext, parent.isTemplateElement,
templateDirectiveAsts, [], [], element.sourceSpan);
@ -428,17 +430,17 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _parseInlineTemplateBinding(
attr: HtmlAttrAst, targetMatchableAttrs: string[][],
targetProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[], targetVars: VariableAst[]): boolean {
var templateBindingsSource: string = null;
let templateBindingsSource: string = null;
if ( == TEMPLATE_ATTR) {
templateBindingsSource = attr.value;
} else if ( {
var key =; // remove the star
const key =; // remove the star
templateBindingsSource = (attr.value.length == 0) ? key : key + ' ' + attr.value;
if (isPresent(templateBindingsSource)) {
var bindings = this._parseTemplateBindings(templateBindingsSource, attr.sourceSpan);
for (var i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
var binding = bindings[i];
const bindings = this._parseTemplateBindings(templateBindingsSource, attr.sourceSpan);
for (let i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
const binding = bindings[i];
if (binding.keyIsVar) {
targetVars.push(new VariableAst(binding.key,, attr.sourceSpan));
} else if (isPresent(binding.expression)) {
@ -459,10 +461,10 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
targetProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[],
targetAnimationProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[], targetEvents: BoundEventAst[],
targetRefs: ElementOrDirectiveRef[], targetVars: VariableAst[]): boolean {
var attrName = this._normalizeAttributeName(;
var attrValue = attr.value;
var bindParts = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(BIND_NAME_REGEXP, attrName);
var hasBinding = false;
const attrName = this._normalizeAttributeName(;
const attrValue = attr.value;
const bindParts = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(BIND_NAME_REGEXP, attrName);
let hasBinding = false;
if (isPresent(bindParts)) {
hasBinding = true;
if (isPresent(bindParts[1])) { // match: bind-prop
@ -471,7 +473,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
} else if (isPresent(bindParts[2])) { // match: var-name / var-name="iden"
var identifier = bindParts[8];
const identifier = bindParts[8];
if (isTemplateElement) {
`"var-" on <template> elements is deprecated. Use "let-" instead!`, attr.sourceSpan,
@ -486,14 +488,14 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
} else if (isPresent(bindParts[3])) { // match: let-name
if (isTemplateElement) {
var identifier = bindParts[8];
const identifier = bindParts[8];
this._parseVariable(identifier, attrValue, attr.sourceSpan, targetVars);
} else {
this._reportError(`"let-" is only supported on template elements.`, attr.sourceSpan);
} else if (isPresent(bindParts[4])) { // match: ref- / #iden
var identifier = bindParts[8];
const identifier = bindParts[8];
this._parseReference(identifier, attrValue, attr.sourceSpan, targetRefs);
} else if (isPresent(bindParts[5])) { // match: on-event
@ -587,7 +589,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
if (!isPresent(expression) || expression.length == 0) {
expression = 'null';
var ast = this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan);
const ast = this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan);
targetMatchableAttrs.push([name, ast.source]);
targetAnimationProps.push(new BoundElementPropertyAst(
name, PropertyBindingType.Animation, SecurityContext.NONE, ast, null, sourceSpan));
@ -596,7 +598,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _parsePropertyInterpolation(
name: string, value: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan, targetMatchableAttrs: string[][],
targetProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[]): boolean {
var expr = this._parseInterpolation(value, sourceSpan);
const expr = this._parseInterpolation(value, sourceSpan);
if (isPresent(expr)) {
this._parsePropertyAst(name, expr, sourceSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
return true;
@ -622,10 +624,10 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
name: string, expression: string, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan,
targetMatchableAttrs: string[][], targetEvents: BoundEventAst[]) {
// long format: 'target: eventName'
var parts = splitAtColon(name, [null, name]);
var target = parts[0];
var eventName = parts[1];
var ast = this._parseAction(expression, sourceSpan);
const parts = splitAtColon(name, [null, name]);
const target = parts[0];
const eventName = parts[1];
const ast = this._parseAction(expression, sourceSpan);
targetMatchableAttrs.push([name, ast.source]);
targetEvents.push(new BoundEventAst(eventName, target, ast, sourceSpan));
// Don't detect directives for event names for now,
@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
// Need to sort the directives so that we get consistent results throughout,
// as selectorMatcher uses Maps inside.
// Also dedupe directives as they might match more than one time!
var directives = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(this.directivesIndex.size);
const directives = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(this.directivesIndex.size);
selectorMatcher.match(elementCssSelector, (selector, directive) => {
directives[this.directivesIndex.get(directive)] = directive;
@ -655,15 +657,15 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
isTemplateElement: boolean, elementName: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
props: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[], elementOrDirectiveRefs: ElementOrDirectiveRef[],
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan, targetReferences: ReferenceAst[]): DirectiveAst[] {
var matchedReferences = new Set<string>();
var component: CompileDirectiveMetadata = null;
var directiveAsts = CompileDirectiveMetadata) => {
const matchedReferences = new Set<string>();
let component: CompileDirectiveMetadata = null;
const directiveAsts = CompileDirectiveMetadata) => {
if (directive.isComponent) {
component = directive;
var hostProperties: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = [];
var hostEvents: BoundEventAst[] = [];
var directiveProperties: BoundDirectivePropertyAst[] = [];
const hostProperties: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = [];
const hostEvents: BoundEventAst[] = [];
const directiveProperties: BoundDirectivePropertyAst[] = [];
elementName, directive.hostProperties, sourceSpan, hostProperties);
this._createDirectiveHostEventAsts(directive.hostListeners, sourceSpan, hostEvents);
@ -685,9 +687,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
`There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "${elOrDirRef.value}"`,
} else if (isBlank(component)) {
var refToken: any /** TODO #???? */ = null;
let refToken: CompileTokenMetadata = null;
if (isTemplateElement) {
refToken = identifierToken(Identifiers.TemplateRef);
@ -702,7 +704,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
targetPropertyAsts: BoundElementPropertyAst[]) {
if (isPresent(hostProps)) {
StringMapWrapper.forEach(hostProps, (expression: string, propName: string) => {
var exprAst = this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan);
const exprAst = this._parseBinding(expression, sourceSpan);
this._createElementPropertyAst(elementName, propName, exprAst, sourceSpan));
@ -723,9 +725,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
directiveProperties: {[key: string]: string}, boundProps: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[],
targetBoundDirectiveProps: BoundDirectivePropertyAst[]) {
if (isPresent(directiveProperties)) {
var boundPropsByName = new Map<string, BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty>();
const boundPropsByName = new Map<string, BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty>();
boundProps.forEach(boundProp => {
var prevValue = boundPropsByName.get(;
const prevValue = boundPropsByName.get(;
if (isBlank(prevValue) || prevValue.isLiteral) {
// give [a]="b" a higher precedence than a="b" on the same element
boundPropsByName.set(, boundProp);
@ -733,7 +735,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
StringMapWrapper.forEach(directiveProperties, (elProp: string, dirProp: string) => {
var boundProp = boundPropsByName.get(elProp);
const boundProp = boundPropsByName.get(elProp);
// Bindings are optional, so this binding only needs to be set up if an expression is given.
if (isPresent(boundProp)) {
@ -747,8 +749,8 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _createElementPropertyAsts(
elementName: string, props: BoundElementOrDirectiveProperty[],
directives: DirectiveAst[]): BoundElementPropertyAst[] {
var boundElementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = [];
var boundDirectivePropsIndex = new Map<string, BoundDirectivePropertyAst>();
const boundElementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[] = [];
const boundDirectivePropsIndex = new Map<string, BoundDirectivePropertyAst>();
directives.forEach((directive: DirectiveAst) => {
directive.inputs.forEach((prop: BoundDirectivePropertyAst) => {
boundDirectivePropsIndex.set(prop.templateName, prop);
@ -766,10 +768,10 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _createElementPropertyAst(
elementName: string, name: string, ast: AST,
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): BoundElementPropertyAst {
var unit: any /** TODO #???? */ = null;
var bindingType: any /** TODO #???? */;
var boundPropertyName: string;
var parts = name.split(PROPERTY_PARTS_SEPARATOR);
let unit: string = null;
let bindingType: PropertyBindingType;
let boundPropertyName: string;
const parts = name.split(PROPERTY_PARTS_SEPARATOR);
let securityContext: SecurityContext;
if (parts.length === 1) {
boundPropertyName = this._schemaRegistry.getMappedPropName(parts[0]);
@ -822,9 +824,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _findComponentDirectiveNames(directives: DirectiveAst[]): string[] {
var componentTypeNames: string[] = [];
const componentTypeNames: string[] = [];
directives.forEach(directive => {
var typeName =;
const typeName =;
if (directive.directive.isComponent) {
@ -833,7 +835,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _assertOnlyOneComponent(directives: DirectiveAst[], sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {
var componentTypeNames = this._findComponentDirectiveNames(directives);
const componentTypeNames = this._findComponentDirectiveNames(directives);
if (componentTypeNames.length > 1) {
this._reportError(`More than one component: ${componentTypeNames.join(',')}`, sourceSpan);
@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _assertNoComponentsNorElementBindingsOnTemplate(
directives: DirectiveAst[], elementProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[],
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {
var componentTypeNames: string[] = this._findComponentDirectiveNames(directives);
const componentTypeNames: string[] = this._findComponentDirectiveNames(directives);
if (componentTypeNames.length > 0) {
`Components on an embedded template: ${componentTypeNames.join(',')}`, sourceSpan);
@ -856,7 +858,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
private _assertAllEventsPublishedByDirectives(
directives: DirectiveAst[], events: BoundEventAst[]) {
var allDirectiveEvents = new Set<string>();
const allDirectiveEvents = new Set<string>();
directives.forEach(directive => {
StringMapWrapper.forEach(directive.directive.outputs, (eventName: string) => {
@ -874,7 +876,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
class NonBindableVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
visitElement(ast: HtmlElementAst, parent: ElementContext): ElementAst {
var preparsedElement = preparseElement(ast);
const preparsedElement = preparseElement(ast);
if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT ||
preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLE ||
preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET) {
@ -884,10 +886,10 @@ class NonBindableVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
return null;
var attrNameAndValues = => [, attrAst.value]);
var selector = createElementCssSelector(, attrNameAndValues);
var ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(selector);
var children = htmlVisitAll(this, ast.children, EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT);
const attrNameAndValues = => [, attrAst.value]);
const selector = createElementCssSelector(, attrNameAndValues);
const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(selector);
const children = htmlVisitAll(this, ast.children, EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT);
return new ElementAst(
||||, htmlVisitAll(this, ast.attrs), [], [], [], [], [], false, children,
ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan);
@ -897,7 +899,7 @@ class NonBindableVisitor implements HtmlAstVisitor {
return new AttrAst(, ast.value, ast.sourceSpan);
visitText(ast: HtmlTextAst, parent: ElementContext): TextAst {
var ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR);
const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR);
return new TextAst(ast.value, ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan);
visitExpansion(ast: HtmlExpansionAst, context: any): any { return ast; }
@ -922,13 +924,13 @@ class ElementContext {
static create(
isTemplateElement: boolean, directives: DirectiveAst[],
providerContext: ProviderElementContext): ElementContext {
var matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
var wildcardNgContentIndex: number = null;
var component = directives.find(directive => directive.directive.isComponent);
const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
let wildcardNgContentIndex: number = null;
const component = directives.find(directive => directive.directive.isComponent);
if (isPresent(component)) {
var ngContentSelectors = component.directive.template.ngContentSelectors;
for (var i = 0; i < ngContentSelectors.length; i++) {
var selector = ngContentSelectors[i];
const ngContentSelectors = component.directive.template.ngContentSelectors;
for (let i = 0; i < ngContentSelectors.length; i++) {
const selector = ngContentSelectors[i];
if (StringWrapper.equals(selector, '*')) {
wildcardNgContentIndex = i;
} else {
@ -943,7 +945,7 @@ class ElementContext {
private _wildcardNgContentIndex: number, public providerContext: ProviderElementContext) {}
findNgContentIndex(selector: CssSelector): number {
var ngContentIndices: any[] /** TODO #???? */ = [];
const ngContentIndices: number[] = [];
selector, (selector, ngContentIndex) => { ngContentIndices.push(ngContentIndex); });
@ -955,27 +957,27 @@ class ElementContext {
function createElementCssSelector(elementName: string, matchableAttrs: string[][]): CssSelector {
var cssSelector = new CssSelector();
const cssSelector = new CssSelector();
let elNameNoNs = splitNsName(elementName)[1];
for (var i = 0; i < matchableAttrs.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < matchableAttrs.length; i++) {
let attrName = matchableAttrs[i][0];
let attrNameNoNs = splitNsName(attrName)[1];
let attrValue = matchableAttrs[i][1];
cssSelector.addAttribute(attrNameNoNs, attrValue);
if (attrName.toLowerCase() == CLASS_ATTR) {
var classes = splitClasses(attrValue);
const classes = splitClasses(attrValue);
classes.forEach(className => cssSelector.addClassName(className));
return cssSelector;
var EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT = new ElementContext(true, new SelectorMatcher(), null, null);
var NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR = new NonBindableVisitor();
const EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT = new ElementContext(true, new SelectorMatcher(), null, null);
const NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR = new NonBindableVisitor();
export class PipeCollector extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
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